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’ROUND THE “2” TOWNS The George and Washington Card Party, which was given last Friday evening at Pioneer Hall by the Daughters of Isis, was well attended. Prizes were awarded to Mr. Bob Brown, first prize, a leather shopping bag; Mr. Hardy, second prize, alumi num roaster; Mrs. Lionel Allen, first booby, 15c admission fee; Mr. Miles, a George Washington paper cap, third booby. The B. B. S. club gave SIO.OO to St. James’ A. M. E. church as their contribution for the rally held Sun day. Mrs. Henry Webb, 531 Rondo street, received informally Wednes day afternoon from 2 to 4 o’clock at her home in compliment to her moth er, Mrs. G. H. King of Charleston, S. C., who is her guest. Mesdames Paul Jackson and M. E. Ford assisted during the afternoon. The Naborhood Club will present, In recital, Clarence Cameron White, Monday, March 3,1924, at 8:30 P. M. at the Church Club, corner Dale and Portland avenue, for the benefit of the Crtspus Attacks home. Admis sion 50c.—Adv. On Monday, March 3, the Harriet Tubman Civic club will go through the Telephone Company building and also the Tunnel, which runs from Fifth and Cedar to Wabasha, thence over to Third street. All club women who will take part are requested to be at the Telephone Co. at Fifth and Cedar streets at 1:30 P. M. Go in the Fifth street entrance, take the elevator to the fifth floor. Mr. R. H. Anderson, 912 Gaultier street, and mother, Mrs. Dover, en tertained at dinner Friday, February 22, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hilyard, Jr. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. E. E. Perkins of Winnipeg, Canada, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Rhodes, 665 University avenue. Mrs. Clarence Thompson, 697 St. Anthony avenue, was hostess on Wed nesday afternoon to the Modern Pris cilla club. Twin Cities music lovers will have the pleasure of hearing another race artist Monday evening, March 3, when Mr. Clarence Cameron White, noted violinist, will appear in recital at The Church Club under the auspL ces of the Naborhood Club. The choir of St. Phillip's church was delightfully entertained at the rectory on Thursday evening by Miss Grace Lealtad and Father Lealtad. Mrs. Ardelia Allen, 658 W. Central avenue, left Sunday evening for Tuc son, Ariz., to be with her brother, James Cason, who is quite ill. Come out to the Jitney Party given by the Wednesday Study Club Friday evening, March 7, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Neal, 581 St. Anthony Ave. Admission 5 cents.—Adv. The executive board of the Urban League dined at the Hotel Howell Friday evening. The Everywoman Progressive Council will be guests of the presi dent, Mrs. W. T. Francis, at a Mah Jongg tea at the Howell Saturday afternoon, March 8, from 2 to 5 P. M. Mah Jongg and musical numbers will be features of the tea. Miss Queen Johnson, 652 St. An thony avenue, was hostess to the D. Y. W. Y. K. club on Wednesday eve ning. The Matrons of the Round Table club met at the residence of Mrs. Ed. Hat ton Tuesday, February 26. Mrs. Georgia Charleston of Alberta, Can ada, gave a most interesting talk on Homesteading. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. The Kings Daughters Charity Cir cle will meet Tuesday evening, March 4, with Mrs. Laura Claibourne, 411 Charles street. The annuel election of officers will take place. The play given at St. James’ A. M. E. church by the Indiana confer ence, "Always In Trouble,” was quite successful. It was presented by Mrs. Cora Bell Grissom, assisted by Mrs. Harriet Smith. The Wednesday Study club was entertained last week by Mrs. Grant Twiddle, 574 Fuller avenue. Mrs. Fenton Hareh, nee Edythella Adams, is expected in the city soon and will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Q. Adams. An elaborate banquet was given by Frederick Douglas Lodge, G. U. O. O. F., at Pioneer hall Friday evening. Full details will be given later. The regular meeting of the Wed nesday Study club was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Roland. Any one desiring to have their photo made in their fancy dress cos tume can make an appointment with Arthur Rhodes, photographer, at his home, 665 University avenue. Phone Elkhurst 2056.—Adv. The Leslie Lawrence Post of the American Legion gave one of the most delightful card parties of the season Friday evening at their hall, 355 Robert street. \ SAINT PAUL Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, 3432 Oak land avenue, left last Sunday for a month's visit In Seattle, Wash. She will visit her cousin, Mrs. Sylvester Bellesene, In Everette, Wash. Mrs. Alice Chaney, wife of Rev. Chaney, 622 Lyndale avenue north, burned by mistake a nice S2O bill Monday morning. Mrs. Chaney has our sympathy. Mrs. H. A. Minneweathers has moved to 617 Jewett place. The Pullman Porters are not doing much smiling about their announced raise. There will be a Concert given un der the auspices of the Busy Bee Club at Wayman Mission, 612 Lyn dale .Ave. No., March 4, at 8 P. M. Lunch will be served. Mrs. B. Reed, president; Rev. H. C. Claybrook, pastor.—Adv. Mr. Harry Palmer is back in his place of business a 3 smiling and cour teous as ever. If you want the Bulletin-Appeal service in any capacity call Hyland 1066. Mrs. S. J. Onque, 3604 Elliott ave nue south, is lightly indisposed. The Willing Workers’ club held their regular meeting on the 25th. Mrs. Marguerite Wilson, 3641 4th avenue south, entertained the Mary B. Talbert Study club at whist Fri day evening. A dainty lunch was served. Mrs. R. B. Moulden, first prize; Mrs. Nellie McCullough, second prize, and the booby to Mr. Walter Smith, Sr. Mr. John Green, Le Sueur, Minn., spent a few days in the city. Mr. Geo. Bryant has accepted a position with the Bulletin-Appeal, Minneapolis office. ‘‘Bill” Moore returned from Chica go Sunday, where he spent the week investigating musical circles. Mrs. Mayme Mitchell-Waldon, 1313 Washington avenue south, who was confined to her bed for several days with ptomaine poisoning, is able to be up and around again. A party of young folk had an aft er-theater party at the Hotel Howell in St. Paul Saturday evening. Mrs. Harvey Moss won second prize at the masquerade dance given by the Ames Lodge Monday evening. Mrs. Marguerite Simms of the for mer Williams and Walker company is seriously ill in New York. Mrs. Simms is the mother of Miss Madeline Belt, who, as a member of the Plan tation Days Company, became quite popular here. Miss Lillian Blackburn Btopped over en route from Chicago to visit her brothers for a few days. W. M. FRENCH ORDAINED IN EPISCOPAL COUNCIL At the recent Episcopalian Council held In Denver, Colo., William French of Colorado Springs, Colo., a former resident of St. Paul and son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen French, 574 Fuller avenue, was ordained as a lay reader and will serve in that city. For a number of years Mr. French has made his home In the Western city, where he holds a responsible position with the Gas Company. He and his family visited here a little over two years ago as the guests of his parents and were highly entertained during their stay. Mr. and Mrs. French are very popular socially and their pretty bungalow is the scene of many novel affairs. Mrs. Blanche Lee and Miss Beneree Pettlcord left Sunday evening for a brief visit in Chicago. The fancy dress party given by the Sterling club at Union hall Monday was one of the most unique parties in the history of the club. The story will appear in our next issue. DEPOSITS Made on or before March sth Receive one month interest April 1,1924 THB STATE SAVINGS GAIN 03 B. FOURTH ST. 4% Interest on Savings Compounded Quarterly THE NORTHWESTERN BULLETIN-APPEAL STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramaey. In District Court, Second Judicial District. Vergilee Winston. Plaintiff, vs. Lewis B. Winston, Defendant. SUMMONS The State of Minnesota to the Above Named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which complaint has been died and is now on die with the clerk of said court at his office in the Court House of said County of Ramsey In the City of Saint Paul, and t 6 serve a copy of your an swer to said complaint on the subscrib er hereto, plaintiff’s attorney, at his of fice. 514 Court Block, in the City of Saint Paul. Ramsey County. Minnesqta. within thirty (SO) days after the serv ice of this summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service: and If you fail to answer the said complaint with in the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the said court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. Dated November 29, 1923. T. A. ALEXANDER, Plaintiff’s Attorney, 514 Court Block, St. Paul. Minnesota. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey, sa. Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Madge Fontenet, Deceased. Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Madge Fontenet, deceased, late of the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota being granted to Mabel Anderson. It appearing on proper proof by affi davit made and filed herein, as provided by law, that there are no debts against the estate of said deceased: It is ordered. That three months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this Order, in which all persona having claims or de mands against the Bald deceased, if any there be, are required to file the same in Probate Court of said County, for ex amination and allowance, or be forever barred. It is further ordered. That the first Monday In June. 1924, at 10 o’clock A M.. at a General Term of said Pro bate Court, to be held at the Court House in the City of Pt. Paul, in said County, be and the same hereby is ap pointed as the time and the place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and adjust said claims and de mands. And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all cred itors and persons Interested in said Es tate, by forthwith publishing this Or der once in each week for three succes sive weeks in the Northwestern Bulle tin-Appeal, a legal newspaper printed and published in said County. Dated at St. Paul this 19th day of February, 1924. By the Court: (Seal of Probate Court.) HOWARD WHEELER, Judge of Probate. Evan H. Anderson. 602 Court Block. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey, ss. Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth V. Smith, Deceased. Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Elizabeth V. Smith, Deceased, late of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota being granted to James W. Milton. It is ordered. That six months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this Order. In which all persons having claims or demands against the said deceased, are required to file the same in the Probate Court of said County, for examination and al lowance, or be forever barred. It Is further ordered. That the sec ond Monday in September. 1924. at 10 o'clock A. M., at a General Term of said Probate Court, to be held at the Court House, in the City of St. Paul, In said County, be and the same hereby is ap pointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will ex amine and adjust claims and demands. And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons interested In said Estate, by forthwith publishing this Order once in each week for three successive weeks in the Northwestern Bulletin- Appeal. a legal newspaper printed and published in said County. Dated at St. Paul this 14th day of February, 1924. By the Court: (Seal of Probate Court.) HOWARD WHEELER, Judge of Probate. W. T. Francis, Atty. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey, ss. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William Rothbauer, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to All Whom It May Concern: The petition of Katherin B. Hill (Formerly Katherin B. Rothbauer) having been filed in this Court, repre senting that William Rothbauer, then a resident of the County of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, died Intestate on the twenty-first day of March, 1922, and praying that letters of administration of said estate be granted to Katherin B. Hill. It is Ordered. That said petition be heard and that all persons interested in said matter be and hereby are cited and required to appear before this Court on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1924, at ten o’clock In the fore noon or as soon thereafter as said mat ter can be heard, at the Probate Court Room, In the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in said County, and show cause. If any they have, why said peti tion should not be granted and that this citation be served by the publica tion thereof In the Northwestern Bulle tin-Appeal, according to law, and by mailing a copy of this citation at least 14 days before said day of hearing to each of the heirs of said decedent whose names and addresses are known and appear from the files of this Court, Witness the Judge of said Court, this 20th day of February, A. D. 1924. (Seal of Probate Court.) HOWARD WHEELER. Judge of Probate. Attest: F. W. GOSEWISCH, • Clerk of Probate. W. T. Francis, Attorney. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Ramsey, ss. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Lizzie Rothbauer, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to Whom It May Conc3rn: The petition of Frank Rothbauer, Jr., having been duly filed in this Court, representing among other things that Lizzie Rothbauer. who resided last prior to her death at St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, died on the 7th day of December, 1918, seized of an estate of Inheritance in certain lands in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described in said petition, and that more than five years have elapsed since the death of said Deceased, and that administration has not been granted or had of said estate In this State, and praying that the descent of said lands be by this Court determined and said lands assigned to such persons as may be entitled thereto by law. It is ordered. That said petition be heard and that all persons Interested in said matter be cited and required to ap pear before this Court, on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 19L4, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in said County, and then and there, or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted and that this citation be served by publication thereof in The Northwest ern Bulletin-Appeal, according to law. Witness the Judge of said Court this 20th day of February, A. D. 1924. (Seal of Probate Court) HOWARD WHEELER Judge of Probate. Attest: F. W. GOSEWISCH, Clerk of Probate. W. T. Frauds, Attorney. MINNEAPOLIS ADVERTISERS Minneapolis Clef Club WILL SIVE A LEAP YEAR BALL MOIMY, MARCH 3 AT THE 80UTH BIDE AUDITORIUM Gentleman accompanied by ladiee will be admitted free \ . 'I . MUSIC BY MOORFS TOWN TALK BARS ADMISSION CC. DANCING UNTIL INCUOINfI TAX wwv late COMMITTEE: Ben Berry, President; Al McDonald, Treasurer; Chas. Williams, Secretary; Ed Johnson, Floor Manager; Eugene Pratt, Assistant Floor Mgr.; J. W. Moore, Advertising Mgr.; Len Walker, Box Office. Be Sure and See This We want yon to come to the moat Grotesque and Laughable enter tainment of the season. Featuring some of the moat prominent men of Minneapolis in a Male Wedding FOR THE BENEFIT OF The RatioMl Defease Feed OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE The Bridal Party Arthur Spence Bride Louis C. Valle Groom Roy Johnson (..Officiating Clergyman Charles Brady ..Ring Bearer Dr. W. Ellis Burton J > Flower Girls Talmage B. Carey ) Boyd Crawford ) I- - Train Rearers Charles E. Boswell ) Bride’* Maide Tela Burt Ed. Brown Archie James B. Maxey Me Dew Harold Combs James Combs Spondy Ratliff Carl Wade Clarence McCullough Owen Ratliff Doting father, who will give the Bride away.... Atty. Geo. G. DeVauglin Song, “Oh Promise Me” Mrs. lone E. Poore Mrs. Nellie McCullough Will Play the Wedding March Friday Evaaing, March 7,1924, at 8:30 p. m. Masonic Hall, 24th Street and sth Avenue South COMMITTEE: Me*dames—ll. S. Smith, B. M. McDew, Chas. M. Foree, James Jones, J. M. Allison, William D. Cratic, Andrew Quinn, J. Willis, Madison Jackson, L. Britton, Emma Helm, Thomas Carroll, H. C. Richard son, R. B. Moulden, Milton Shanks, Miss Eva Walker. This Entertainment Is Not Under Auspices of the Local Branch, but for the Direct Benefit of the National Defense Fund of the Association DANCING ADMISSION 50c New Wheary Wardrobe 8539. 50 Rigid Tested Round Edgea— Blue Washable Keratol Wheary Cushioned Top anil Regulation Size The workmanship and materials used in this trunk is equal to trunks selling at a much higher price. See this and other new Wheary Wardrobes here. Mail Orders Prepaid f»ARLAND V LUGGAGE kSHOP Sixth at Cedar . Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits Formal Affairo Require Formal Attire We Have Your Size at a Favorable Rental Fee It Will Pay Yon to Visit Us Valet Tailoring Company Cedar 4362 391 Vi Robert St. R. G. Tuner In tho Imperial Valley. California, the Supreme Court’s crop-sharing de- Iclsion took Japanese from 50,000 acres of cotton land. MINNEAPOLIS ADVERTISERS Tel. South 7964 Established 1905 W. SQUIRE NEAL FUNERAL DIRECTOR Shmum kO.IL LAWRENCE Ml Ext !4tk «t, MINNEAPOLIS PERFECT CLEANSER TOOTHPASTE CO. DON McADAMS 100 25th St. So. 8158 Agents Wanted JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 20% to 25% Discount On All Purchases WARNER Sl CO. 507 Hennepin Ave. Mpls. Under New Management SAVOY CAFE 704-6th Ave No., Minneapolis HOME COOKING Mrs. R. D. Henry, Prop. Hy. 1066 W. B. WILLIAMS BARBER SHOP AND BATH PARLOR A Real First Class Barber Bhop 606 LyudalsAra. M. I Regular Meals Special Lunches j Chili Hot Dogs j j EAT AT FERDYETS & JETTIE'S LUNCH ROOM 440 Rondo St. Phone Dale 1187 j • K»tnbllahrd INSH Capital Own naalaraa la Kvrry State Over Oar Hundred and Kart y Twa Million Dollar, at l.lfe laaaraare In Korrr NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Waaira Par ittr a Week ter sick IleaeSt ef SS.OO a Week Mra Pay ASc a Week fer Sick UcacSt at 110.00 a Week PHILIP FLUKE, Supt. Weekly Premium Dept. Cedar 2080 St. Panl, Minn. 233 Hamm Bldg. DEN’S WORK SHOES && $1 .98 j *' n> $2.48 k MIGHTY GOOD PUCE TO DOT SHOES M. & K. SHOE STORE OPEN FOR BUBINEBB BAKE SHOP At 313 Rondo Street, Near Farrington OUR PRICES: t-lb. Loaf of Bread, 8c or 2 for— - -15 c 1 H-lb. Loaf of Bread, 12c or 2 for -22 c Parker House Rolls, per dozen ......15c Cake Doughnuts, per dozen 20c We Carry a Full Line of Pastries Special Prices on Birthday and Wedding Cakes Visit Our Sanitary Shop Day Old Baking Sold at One-half I*rlce [ " KREISLER j 8 RECORDS I (0 For one night only, Monday, March 3rd, the great IPJ Kreisler may be heard at the Saint Paul Auditorium. (ij (;] Every night in the year the beauty and charm of his music—his masterful technique and power of in- ||J' terpretation may be yours in your own home through X fil the marvelous power of the Victrola and Victor P (Jj Kreisler plays exclusively for the Victor Company * I 1 (if 21-27 West Fifth St. |V Phone Dale 6245 Phone Cedar 0088 When In the Twin Cities—Don’t Fail to Visit THANN*S 40 East Third Street St. Paul, Minn. Headquarters for Railroad Men and Theatrical Bulk R. N. TRAVIS, Prop. CHARLES HALL Paperhaager and Decorator Tinting and Calsomlning Wall Paper Cleaning a Specialty 600 St. Anthony Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Phone Dale 9648. LA SALLE DRUB CO. rhree Stores: No. I—Marquette at Seventh No. 2—Sixth at Bryant Kenwood Branch, Penn Ave. So. and 21st St. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA KST MEAL IN CITY LAW'S fttSTAHRANT •I! Sib Ass. Ns. Wa Paafara Oar HOME MADE PIES Main 2259 Mrs. M. L. Mitchell. Pro* Punished Woo— “THE KEYSTONE" POCKET BILMABP PABLOS ISIS Washington Am So. SOFT DRENKB AND rmnimm Ladies Invited rf-Vr Hot Dog—Chile CAMPBELL’S Pool and Billiards Soft Drinks, Gandies, Cigars 617 N. sth St. Minneapolis Phone Main 8878 DRINK RICE COUNTY MILK Rich and Pure Delivered Fresh Dally by Clifford Marlty RICE COUNTY MILK CO. Minneapolis 85 So. oth St., Geneva 8216 033 University Avenue Gar. 8845 Bat. firm ARTHUR STONE Patatlsfi Parerhaa*la* aa«l Deecratlas Oae-tklr* 06 Darlas March ITT B. Acker St. St. Paal, Mlaa. rap 8