Newspaper Page Text
eci Duluth News Mrs. Sarah Waters was a charming hostess to the Interstate Literary club af the residence of Mrs. Charles Colby. The senior choir of St. Mark's A. M. E. church is preparing to go to Biwabik to appear In a concert. Miss Ann Elisabeth Colby has been quite ill but Is much improved at this writing. The trustees of Calvary Baptist church are giving a concert dinner at the church March 6. All stars will appear on the program. Rev. D. E. Beasley, pastor of Cal vary Baptist church, was appointed delegate to the national convention of the Lincoln League of America, to be held in Chicago, 111., February 12-13, 1924. The mid-winter picnic held in the parlors of St. Mark’s A. M. E. church was a great success. All were young, and an enjoyable day was spent. Mr. I. T. Nichols and G. Clinton have opened an auto repair shop at 111 East First street. The newly organized Gun club has made rates for the admission of wom en and children. For further in formation Bee W. F. Maupins, sec’y. The Conference club plan to give a hard time dinner and a wood-saw ing contest for the benefit of the con ference fund. Watch for the date. Mrs. Mina Rickman is conducting a large nutrition class, which meets every Friday. All mothers should be interested. The Mammoth Lodge, I. B. P. O. E. W., had a large class for initiation last Thursday. The duly elected officers of the Northern Light Court No. 1 was in stalled last Friday night at their hall. Marie Glenn, Most Ancient Matron; Susan Evans, Sr. Matron; Zillah Wa ters, Secretary; Louise Straws, As sistant Secretary; Ella Baker, Treas urer; Sarah Waters, Outer Gatekeep er; Lula Vanderberg, Inner Gate keeper; Luther Dawson, Court Direc tor; Eugene Waters, Court Director; Mr. Shewsbery, Acting Court Direc tor, and R. J. Simmons, Worthy Joshua. The Duluth Branch, N. A. A. C. P., started its open forum with a large crowd. After a program by the chairman on entertainment, brief re marks were made by the president, Mrs. Marie T. Coles. A playlet writ ten especially for the forum by Prof. H. Williams was presented and well taken. The principals were Mrs. Louise Straws, L. Newsome, Richey Adams and Frances Watts. HURT WHILE OFF DUTY; HELD ENTITLED TO SALARY A patrolman laid up from Injuries while preserving order when ofT duty is entitled to pay. This is the opinion given today by C. F. McNally, city attorney, who ruled that W. H. Caston, member of the police force, is entitled to $144.67 salary. Gaston, while off duty, attempted to stop a shooting affray. Roughs set upon him. He was seriously In jured and confined to his home for six weeks and was docked after the department had allowed him two weeks’ sick leave. One authority claims that there are 50,000 Negroes engaged in business es having a volume of $1,500,000,- 000. CLASSIFIED All classified ads must be paid for in advance. 8c per word, with a min imum of 80c per insertion. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 607 Rondo St. Call Elk. 2957. FOR RENT—Rooms with steam heat and bath, $3, $4 and $5 per week. Call Dale 0107, Hotel Howell. WANTED—Colored men to qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary. Transpor tation furnished. Write T. McCaf frey, Supt., St. Louis, Mo. FOR RENT—Kitchenette apartment, all modern, $30.00 per month. Call Elk. 5088. FOR RENT—Furnished front room; steam heat Call Hyland 1066. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Terms to Salt Buyer 703 St. Anthony Ave., 7 rooms, hard wood floors, large garage (6 cars). 7.... St. Anthony Ave., 10-room du plex, double garage. 650 Fuller St., 7 rooms, all modern. 12-room duplex, all modern, garage. A car at your service. R. F. WILSON 607 St. Anthony Ave. Elk. 1806; PROFESSIONAL planlste will fur nish music for Card Parties, • Dances, etc. Call Garfield 6898, aak for Mrs. Naomi Titus. FOR RENT —Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also rooms with or without board. 607 Rondo St Elk. 2957. ** JW* % Community Chest Tells the\Position Of Organization February 28, 1924. Mrs. Carolina Monjoy Jones, 779 Carroll Ave. Dear Mrs. Jones: Each organization in the Commu nity Chest agrees not to solicit con tributions from subscribers to the Community Chest for current operat ing expenses, and the spirit of this restriction is that organizations in the Chest shall not allow their names to be used by other organizations de siring to put on benefit performances to raise money for the same purpose, namely, current operating expenses. Each organization, however, where it is in need of raising money for capital expenses such as new build ings, paying off the mortgage on an existing building, etc., must raise Its own funds and there is no prohibition against so doing excepting that the Chest should be consulted. This is for the purpose of regulating all such appeals so that they will not come close to the time of the Chest cam paign and in this way confuse con tributions. If your organization wishes to put on a benefit performance, the net profits of which will be used to help retire the mortgage of the Crispus Attucks Home, and if the manage ment of the Crispus Attucks Home approves of this benefit for such pur pose, the Community Chest will raise no objection. Or if you desire to put on a benefit performance and donate the profits to the Community Chest with the under standing that this money will be add ed to the budget of the Crispus At tucks Home to help make up a short age in the Community Chest cam paign, it is my opinion that there will be no objection to this either. Sincerely yours, C. WHIT PFEIFFER, Executive Secretary. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Hamscy, s». In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Tschida. Formerly Mary Rothbauer, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to Whom it May Concern The petition of Joseph J. Tschida, Sr., having been duly filed in this Court, representing among other things that Mary Tschida, formerly Mary Roth bauer, who resided last prior to her death at St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, died on the 26th day of October, 1916, seized of an estate of inheritance in certain lands In the County of Ramsey, State of Minne sota, described in said petition, and that more than five years have elapsed since the death of said Deceased, and that administration has not been granted or had of said estate in this State, and praying that the descent of said lands be by this Court determined and said lands assigned to such persons as may be entitled thereto by law. It Is ordered. That said petition be heard and that all persona interested in said matter be cited and required to ap pear before this Court, on Monday, the 25th day of March, 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in said County, and then and there, or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be granted and thac this citation be served by pub lication thereof In The Northwestern IJulletin Appeal, according to law. Witness the Judge of said Court this 26th day of February. A. D. 1924. (Seal of Probate Court.) HOWARD WHEELER. Judge of Probate. Attest: F. W. GOSEWISCH. Clerk of Probate. W. T. Francis, Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey, a*. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Marion Shouse, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to All Whom it May Concern: On reading and filing the petition of said estate, praying that the Court fix a time and place for examining, adjust ing and allowing his FINAL. ACCOUNT, and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons thereto entitled: It is ordered. That said petition be heard and that all persons Interested In said matter be cited and required to ap pear before this Court, on Tuesday, the 25th day of March, 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as said mat ter can be heard, at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in said County, and show cause, if any they have, why said peti tion should not be granted and that this citation be served by publication thereof in the Northwestern Bulletin- Appeal according to law, and by mail ing a copy of this citation at least 14 days before said day of hearing, to each of the heirs, devisees and legates of said decedent whose names and addresses appear from the files of this Court Witness the Judge of said Court this 25th day of February, A. D. 1924. (Seal of Probate Court.) HOWARD WHEEI.ER. Judge of Probate. Attest: F. W. GOSEWISCH, Clerk of Probate. T. A. Alexander, Atty. Director of Branches of N. A. A. C. P. Will Be Guest of Local Branch Mr. Robert W. Bagnall. di rector of branches for the N. A. A. C. P., will be in the city on the following dates, and has sent this schedule of meetings to be held during his stay: Wednesday, April 2—Execu tive committee meeting. Thursday, April 3—Dinner conference. Friday, April 4—lnterview#. Return Trip. Sunday, April 6—Mass meet ing at St. James’ A. M. E. church. Monday, April 7—Women’s conference at Y. W. C. A., 2:80 P. M. The dinner mentioned above will be held at Hotel Howell at 6P. M. Covers will be laid for fifty, at 91.00 each. ANNOUNCEMENT SA TURD A Y, March Ist, Mark son’s—St. Paul’s Loading Credit l l Jewelers” offer to the public ■▼'.3 their greatest parcel sale ever held, r Many articles of $25.00 value wilt be included. Every parcel will con- m tain some article of SI.OO at least, N DIAMOND RINGS— ’rlfUm MEN’S WATCHES— WRIST WATCHES— PEARL BEADS— And Other Valuable Jewelry Prizes. COME EARLY—AVOID THE RUSH Marksons 420 Wabasha Street Open Sat. Till 9 P. M. COL. SAMPLE AND MAYOR NELSON DECRY IB RULE Washington Addresses Score All Enemies of I-aw and Order in United States. If a George Washington lived to day, he would condemn with all his might the usurping of government as evidenced a few weeks ago at Herrin, 111., by a gang which, styling itself American, held itself superior to the Constitution and to the laws passed by the majority of the people. And, if Washington lived today, he would lament the tendency on the part of some associations and individuals, vaunting their Americanism, to deter mine guilt and to mete out punish ment without regard to the orderly processes of law. More than 2,000 persons cheered loudly at this pronouncement of Mayor Arthur E. Nelson at the Audi torium Friday night, when he ad dressed the municipal patriotic George Washington celebration audi ence on “George Washington: His Americanism and His Government.” Applaud Americanism Talk. And less than five minutes after Mayor Nelson had concluded his ad dress, the audience made similar ac claim for Colonel W. R. Sample, com mandant at Fort Snelling, a hen he gave his definition of an American. “To be an American,” he said, “as I use it here, is to be a citizen of the United States. No racial qualification is necessary, and the Constitution of the United States makes no distinc tion because of race, color or creed.” “Am I not justified in saying that this present tendency by some or organizations and associations to sub stitute mob rule for law is the direct fruit of the doctrine of hate so freely broadcast in the world today?” May or Nelson asked. “There are those among us who would stir up class strife, who would engender hatred among men and women who profess different creeds of religion. Sees Attempt to Split Nation. “There are those who in this nation would set up Catholic agaiust Protes tant, white against black, Jew against Gentile. There are those who would deny to some equal opportuni ties before the law; there are those who, in preaching their doctrine of hate, would tear down the very foundation on which this, the great est free nation in the world, has been constructed. “Our nation was founded on the theory that life, liberty and the pur suit of happiness would be found here, that each of us would have the right to worship our God as we will. But if George Washington were liv ing today, what might he say about STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey. District Court. Second Ju dicial District. Isabel Gurin, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel Gur in, Defen lant. SUMMONS State of Minnesota to the Above Named Defendant: You, said defendant, are hertby sum moned and required to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, now on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for Ramsey County, and to serve your answer on the subscriber at his offices, 409 Court Block, St. Paul, Minnesota, within thir ty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer within the time aforesaid, plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief In her compatnt demanded, together with her coats and disbursements: herein. * I THE NORTHWESTERN BULLETIN-APPEAL GEO. H. GERLICH. JR., Attorney for Plaintiff, 409 Court Block, St Paul, Minn. Ladies! Have You Seen Our Smart Models in Spring Millinery? Visit (ftp (Quality fat 411 University Ave. the tendencies which we see on every hand toward government not under the Constitution or by the majority, but ‘super-government’ by the indi vidual and associations of men arro gating unto themselves the power to determine what is right and wrong and who should or should not be pun ished. If Washington were living to day, he would condemn with all his might, the usurping of government as evidenced a few weeks ago at Herrin, 111., by a gang that, Btyling itself American, held itself superior to the Constitution and to the laws passed by the majority of the people,” May or Nelson declared. Colonel Sample in his address on Americanism, pointed out that “the strongest tie and most intense patri otism is found where there is a race brotherhood.” Mrs. Francis Thanks Public To the friends of Mr. Dett and The Everywoman Progressive Coun cil: We desire to express the appre ciation of our membership to those who, either by personal attendance at the recital or through other assist ance, made possible the appearance of Mr. Dett in>our city; also to Mr. O. Howell, president of the Negro Business League and publisher of the Bulletin-Appeal, and Mr. Cbas. Sum ner Smith, editor of the Minnesota Messenger, for the various generous and largely gratuitous publicity; also for the helpful notices of Editor T. R. Morgan (The Helper). The splendid spirit of unity of pur pose, evidenced on the part of both white and colored citizens in this ef fort to honor Mr. Dett, the leading composer of our race, is greatly to be commended and for the results both artistic and financial, we are very happy and deeply grateful. MRS. W. T. FRANCIS, President. Everywoman Progressive Council. Prominent Young Mill Citian Dies Reuben Holt, youngest son of Mrs. A. E. Roberts, 3323 Cedar avenue, departed this life early Friday morn ing, February 22, sleeping quietly away. He was a prominent figure in the business world on the North Side dis trict, having the only shoe repair shop of our group and enjoyed a prosperous business. A young man 32 years old, coming to Minneapolis three years ago from Galesburg, 111., and opened his brief career with Mil ler’s Pantorium, growing rapidly by his splendid work and congenial manners, he sought larger quarters at 603 Lyndale avenue north, which place he occupied at the time of his death. He made many friends by the masses of people whom he contacted dally. Funeral services were held at St. Peter's A. M, E. church Tuesday at 2 P. M. Rev. H. C. Boyd officiated. W. Squire Neal, funeral director. “Many men in my course,” says Professor Kaye of Northwestern Uni versity, “have an idea that Bernard Shaw was a star fullback.” “Fullback to Methuselah?” —Springfield Evening Sun THE KEYSTONE HOTEL dale asst *7* cahkoll ave. Tbe Best Hotel la the City—Room. and Up Soft Drink., Clan ret tea and Clean Up-to-date Harber Shop. I.adira’ Hair Bobbing. t'onrteny Extended to All Lears the Oeatlenna’a tiame. Oar Bil liard and Fool Tableo Are Kqnipped With Monarch Brand Cnahloaa. Satl.factlon Guaranteed J. W. BRIDGES. Prop, and M*r. MOVED - TO - 12 E. ST. FRANK A. ÜBEL Jt.VELER £QPJ/CtAN st®p IfJr Stomach Iww Distress Send for Sto-li-gal We want to prove to you how quick ly Sto-li-gal puts a stop to stomach suffering. If you are distressed by f'assy, sour stomach, indigestion, pains n stomach and back, shortage of breath, stomach ulcers, heartburn, diz ziness, torpid liver, yellow Jaundice, chronic appendicitis, gall stones and chronic constipation, don't fail to in vest a little dime in this trial treatment. Just send 10 cents in silver or stamps to Sansby Eros. Drug Co., 800 Universi ty ave., St. Paul, Minn. Demand the full combination treatment of Sto-li gal from your druggist and if he can't supply, send SI.OO to the above address and same will be sent direct. Sold by Ryan Hotel Drug, St. Paul Drug Co.’s 3 stores, Owl Drug and druggists ev erywhere. Write or ask J. A. Hanly at 556 St. Anthony ave. and Geo. A. Miller at 936 L&fond St. as to the results they obtained from Sto-li-gal. g—mmmmmmhmmmmw—mmmmmmmmi The Place To Eat CLEAN, RESPECTABLE, PROMPT SERVICE YOUR MONEY’S WORTH JOHN DAVIS (Formerly Ragland’s Cafe) 291 Robert St., St. Paul Office Garfield 0393 Res. Garfield 6925 0. W. BARRETT PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR 397 Rice St. St. Paul, Minn. “FOR t PEACE OF MIND” flSl HLEKJRE ISA £Ba TIKES AM> TUBES “Factory Prices FRED BAKER, Salesman 655 West Central Ave. Elk. 0441 Nestor 1815 ■■■■■■■■■l Res. Tel. Dale 7030 Shop Elk. 2328 My Motto: “What I do, I do Well” PAUL F. MANTEUFFEL PLUMBING JMmk |HBK Bathroom in a Space Only Five Feet Square 436 N. Dale St. near University Ave. St. Paul CAMPBELL COAL CO. 24 East Fourth St. Acme $8.75 Once Tried, Always Used Garfield 1172 Ga.fleld 7506 9 AMERICAN STAMP WORKS 820 Robert Btreet Between Third and Fourth Notary and Corporation Seals Stencils, Badges, Etc. Tel. Cedar 1948 EAT MORE EGGS CHEAPER THAN BUTTER GUARANTEED STRICTLY FRESH 4 Doz. for SI.OO TAKE THEM ALONG F N R Fresh Lean Pork Shoulders (Butts on) * 0 g c=> « Fresh Spareribs 90 « St Fsh Pork Butts( Boston Style).* * - „ ® Fsh Lean Pork Loin Roast lift a e» * Fsh Fey Leg of Mutton 4 0 P J | Fsh Milk-fed Leg of Veal :....■ 00 R 0 _4 p Fresh Fancy Leg of Lamb. 19c A R «le Guaranteed Strictly Q K £% 5 Fresh Eggs in Cartons...m E ALL DAY SPECIALS ALL DAY SPECIALS „ _ Fsh Pork Chops, cncuap Fresh Boiling 8eef..... - Fsh fjains niopa lfcft Fresh Beef Pot Roast— 0C Fsh Link Sausage gSj Si-TtST -IOC g Fresh Nut Margarine — STSCmISz. .1 p "* h ■— ■* «■*- 1 *« Fsh Reg. Round Rst I H Pgh Veft , (llopßi 2 lbs QC A Fresh Sirloin Roast as g Fsh V eal Shlder, 3 l /jll Fresh Sirloin Steak I*v " ww Fsh Porterhouse Roast., a a b Wlenners, 2 lbs fir. Fsh Porterhouse Steak... I ® Franks, 2 lbs /111, Fsh Sliced Bid Ham uuu f^ = *12c—Fsh. Smoked Skinned Ham, H or Whole—l2c c^J PVTpi Morrell’s Breakfast Bacon, whole strip, lb . LA IHR Fancy Picnic Hams 10c, Fsh Smoked Reg Hams 14C tnrAlll Creamery Butter 44c LvIAL Fancy Dressed Chix 25c Pure Rendered Lard 12 ■■■■■■ OPEN TILL t P. M. SATURDAY SSSSBSU^SUSUM •‘Your Health First" C. P. ODEN, Manager McCarty V Cafe 436 Rondo Street Meale at All Hoars Phone Elkhurot 0642 Home Made Pastry our specialty. Service under the personal direction of Mrs. H. McCarty. See Our display of VANTINE’S INCENSE BURNERS EGBERT’S PHARMACY Phone: Elk, 4229 Dale and University Ave. ' CaU'The * wet Wash Laundry For Better Service at Lower Prices 25 LBS. for SI.OO 16 LBS. for 75c Ask for Our FREE Offer Phone Dale 8090 Get Your Fruit and Vegetables From The California Fruit and Vegetable Garden Shipments Daily 303 Wabasha St. Phone Cedar 7483 GENERAL HEATING COMPANY OH Heating Equipment Hot Water and Steam Heating Get Our Figure 779 University Ave. Dale 1603 THE BLUE GOOSE CHICKEN & CHILI PARLOR \ 322 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minn, j Open Day and Night Sunday Dinners a Specialty, 50c 1 BARBER SHOP I. GOLPHIN, Prop. 443 Rondo Street First-Class Service Hair Bobbing Phone Dale 6111 Painting and Decorating I am in a position to give you quick service and you pay for quality only. FRANK SCHROEDER Dale 3268 St. Paul, Mirni. 704 Hague Avenue Read the Bulletin-Appeal for real live news. M. Klumstein, Prop. Dale 8807. Susy Corner Cash Store “We Satisfy” Quality Groceries, Cigars, Ice Cream and Candies Fresh Fruits Comer Western and Rondo. F. B. Simpson Geo. W. Wills TeL Dale 1914 Tel. Dale 2541 Office Phone—Cedar 1024 SIMPSON & WILLS Undertakers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night. Lady Assistant When Desired Office and Chapel 234 West Fourth St., St. Paul If Jess Can’t Fix It No One Can Fix It Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing at Reduced Prices MARKSONS JEWELRY CO. 420 Wabasha St. St. Paul Try the Drug Store First ELMER MORRIS DranUt Rondo and Macknbin Sts. Phone Dale 8339 In Denver a new wholesale and re tail staple and fancy grocery store and fish market has been opened by C. E. Smith, a trained business man. V i /i