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The Jasper news. [volume] (Jasper, Missouri) 1898-1924, November 21, 1912, Image 2

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A. P. DIIAKE, Editor
jAsrnit. missouiu
This li the open season for Welsh
Garllo la suggested a a euro for
tuberculosis. A strenuous care, alt
Radium Is said to add fertility to
tho soil. Hut there are lots of cheap
er fertilizers. .
A hunter was killed In the Maine
woods tho other day. That ceased
long ago to be heroic
A Chicago woman advertises herself
as a "hat doctor" Must glvo her
patrons dope on the latest styles.
President Eliot of Harvard advises
freshmen to marry early, They'll have
to If they marry wbllo they're fresh
men. A Fond du I.ac Judge holds that a
woman may slap her mother-in-law.
Buro sho can. If sho wants to run tho
A New York prisoner explained that
he gets thirsty every time tho moon
changes, which Is as good an excuse
as most men give.
A noted German editor Is coming
over hero to learn all nbout Amorlcan
newspapers. Ho'll have a long time
to spend In studying.
Official returns show that 40,000 Co
rots have bten shipped from London
to Now York. That Corot must hao
worked day and night.
An Englishman has developed a
stlnglcss honcjbeo that ts n better
worker than the beo that stings Hur
ry with tho klckloss mulo.
Ono may openly confess an unholy
curiosity ns to whnt tho woman con
ductors of Philadelphia will say when
tho trolley slips oft tho wire
A designer says that $3 4S Is enough
for a dress for a young girl It may
be enough for the dress, but it
wouldn't convince tho wearer
A Philadelphia woman has been
declared Insane because she "talks
incessantly " Hut how does this dls-
tlngulsh her from the normal? ,
A Chicago waiter has been arrested
charged with hanging about ceme
teries and attempting to flirt with tho
women and girls A grave offense.
A woman has sued her husband for
divorce because ho Insisted on play
ing checkers nil tho time Couldn't
stand his checkered career, evidently
"A spade Ib not an implement of
wealth." remarks a Pennsylvania la
bor leader Still, money, the root of
evil, can only be obtained by digging
A Washington cow ate a bunch of
dynamlto nnd then laid down and
died Had eho survived her meal,
she'd probably havo given nitro
glycerin Have you ever noticed how nice
looking nnd Intelligent tho women
nro who have taken to wearing sen
sible heels on their shoes? Of course
you have'
A Oothamlto frightened his wife so
badly with toy pistol that sho beat
him up and had him arrested Per
haps she was afraid he didn't know It
was loaded
, , . i
Medicine Is now placed In candy
for tho benefit of tho little ones. In
days gone by the youngster had a
choice of standing for bis castor oil
or a thrashing
An Kngtlsh duko who Is In his
ninety second year hurt himself lately
by falling from his car These sporty
old boys are still giving tho laugh to
the Oslerlan theory.
After all. It would seem that thoso
guns for tho destruction of war aero
planes are a waste of tlmo Just glvo
tho aviators enough space, and results
will bo accomplished
The new typo of baggage check
omits, I'owever. any meanB of telling
the condition of the baggage when de
livered All tho punches and holes are
In that enso in tho trunk
Tho air and tho water continue to
claim sacrifices nnd death wiflks
abroad on tho land Clearly there Is
no place where a man can go and
bo cafe, but tho man with a clear con
sclencn need not bo troubled
Paris has prohibited duelling In th
streets nnd those who wish to engage
In this merry pastime must retire to
secluded places Denying combatants
a gallery Is ono of the most offcctlva
methods of breaking up tho practice.
The Inventor of circus lemonade
died recently, showing that all moo
eventually get what 1b coming to them
"Intensive housowork" Is a phrase
recently uttered and brings up a pic
ture ot much toll on the hands and
Wireless will next be used to regu
late clocks on shipboard, When It hat
been successfully applied to the run
nlng of aeroplanes. It may do away
with that Inconvenient stopping of
Itb motor.
1 wl I
Infallible Rule Is for Farmer to Mar
ket Product as Soon as Possible
After Laid.
Tho cold storngo egg Industry Is a
development of tho last twonty-flvo
years. Undoubtedly tho Industry aa
a whole hiiB been of great benefit to
both egg producer and egg consumer,
and has tended toward the leveling of
tho price of eggs throughout tho year
and has resulted In a large Increase In
tho fall and winter consumption. This
means a larger total demand and a
consequent lncreaso In price.
Owing to tho fact that eggs aro
spoiled by hard fnezlng, they niUBt bo
kept at a higher temperature than
meat1 and butter. Temperatures of
from 29 to 32 degreos Fntironholt are
used In cold Etorago of eggs. At such
temperatures the eggs. If Kept In moUt
air, become moldy or muBty To pro
vent this, tho air In a flrst-cln3s star
ngo room Is kept moderately dry.
which shrinks tho eggs, though much
more slowly than would occur with
out Btorago. The gionth of bacteria i
In cold storage Is practically prevent
ed. If bacteria aro In the eggs when
Egg Room In a Large Eastern Cold
Storage Plant.
stored, tho growth will bo checked,
but activity will begin again when the
eggs aro warmed up.
Speaking generally, tho cold slorago
egg, while not unwholesome, la In.
ferlor flavor and Eirength 0f KUlto
to a fresh egg. Tho cold-storag egg
can be very nearly duplicated In gross
appearance nnd quality by allowing
egsg to stand for three or fourwueki
in a dry room Cold storage eggs,
when In case lots, can be told by the
candlcr because of the uniform sh. Ink
age, tho presence of mold on cracker!
eggs, nnd perhaps, the occasional
presenco of certain kinds of spot rots
peculiar to Btorago stock; but the ab
solute detection of a single cold-
storage egg by candling ts, so far as
tho writer knows, impossible.
With tho present prevailing custom
of holding fall eggs without Btorago
facilities, it Is frequently true that
eggs placed in cold storage In April
aro superior to current fall and early
winter receipts. Cold storage eggs are
Usually sold wholesale as cold storage
goodB, but are retailed simply as
Tho fall eggs offered to tho con
sumer cover every imaginable varia
tion in quality, and tho poorest ones
sold may or may not be cold Btorago
Occasional articles have been print
ed calling attention to the fact that
tho cold storago men were reaping
vast profits which rightfully belonged
to the farmer, and advising tho farmer
to send his own eggs to the storage
bouso or to preservo them by other
meang Ag a maUer of fact th(J co)d
Btorage 0, e(;g8 hftB not of ,at0
,,entl.rl ic,,,iv nrnntAhle. thernhav.
lng been severe losses during Bcveral
seasons, Cve n wore the profits of egg
storing many times greater than they
aro, tho abovo advice would still bo i
unwise, for tho storing, removing and
celling of tho farmer's Individual caso
ot eggs would eat up all possible
When eggs in the hands ot large
operators aro properly preserved In
cold storage, the best and most effi
cient methods known aro In reality at
tho farmer's service Because of tho
severe competition that prevails In
egg storing, tho farmer Is paid all tho
lncreaso In prlco wblch tho business
will stand. A comparison of the sum
mer prices of eggs now with summer
prices beforo days ot cold storage will
substantlato the truth ot this state
ment. Use Charcoal Freely,
Charcoal should be freely used In
the poultry yard. I'ounded fine and
mixed with the soft feed fed to the
fowls. It cleanses the sstem ot Im
purities. As It acts upon the blood It
acts upon the llfo of tho fowl. When
the blood is thick and clotty, a dull,
sick chicken will soon follow. Thin
blood means vigorous circulation, nnd
on a good circulation of blood, health
largely depends. It your tow-Is lack
activity, they need something to stir
tho blood out ot Its sluggishness. It
Is best to keep the charcoal In a dry
place, and when needed, grind or
pound eomo lino and mix with soft
Turkey Growing.
Turkey growers in mlddlo Tennes
see report a very poor crop this sea
son. Not 20 per cent, ot the poultry
hatched wero raised, owing to the
long-continued, cold whllo tho poults
were very young. All told, there will
be scarcely halt an average crop.
Start the Colt Correctly
All Young Stock Need Muscle-Forming Food and
Exercise Sunlight and Fresh Air Necessary
DyCE. Drithesr, Collrfe of
Without careful attention nfter
weaning, the colt can never develop
to the size or value it was meant to
attain. This Is true with nil the stock
on the farm. They need good feed In
tho right amounts, they need exercise
and they need sunlight and fresh nlr.
The colts should not be confined to a
dark stablo where they cannot run
and play. They are worth too much
money to be deprived of the things
necessary for their development I.et
them live In a pastuie and have tho
run of an open shed
And In feeding, what tho colts usu
ally suffer from most is not the quan-
Feed to Produce Muscle
tlty of feed they get, but the kind of
feed. Too often the colts .ire expect
ed to thrive on rorn anil-tlinothj hay
These are good feeds for some ani
mals, but they lack the muscle build
ing power which all joimg stock
Thero aro two classes of feeds,
those which form fat and tlfoso which
build muscle. All feeds servo both
purposis to some extent, but some are
so dee'dedly fat-forming and some are
so decidedly muscle building that the
following classification is made
Fat-Forming Feeds (Carbohydrates).
1. Timothy hay
2. Corn stove
3: Millet
4. Straw
5. Corn
Dy F. D. Mumford, Dean of College of
Agriculture, University of i
Mlcsourl. I
What tho farmer wants Is a scheme
of soil conservation that Is profitable. I
It lle stock farming conserves fer-
tlllty, but Ib not prolltHble, then it
need not be further considered.
I3ut lUe stock farming is profitable,
and is more profitable than any other
8 stem of permanent agrlcultu.e that
has been used Tne average annual '
net income from stock and dniry
farms In tho UnlUd States fur the
ten-jcar period ending with tho year
1899 was 11 42, while tho Income from
hay and grain farms was only $7.72
per acre In Missouri the income
from stock farms was 9 55 and from
grain farms J7 CD. Tho most prosper
ous and best managed farms through
out tho corn belt today aro tho farms
where llvo stock is a large, it nut a
chief factor of production.
Kxclushe grain farming as prac
ticed from New England west to tho
Dakotns has loft behind n trail ot
depleted soils, and wbero carried on
for too long a time, ruined farms and
abandoned homes have marked the
wa When we remember that at a
vei conservative oitlmato the stover
or stalkB, leaves and stems of the
corn plant contain not less than 25
per cent of the total feeding aluu of
tho entire plant, and that under s)s
terns ot exclusive grain farming all
this material is so utilized that onl)
its Humus vuluo 's saved, we must
conclude that there Is another method
wherebj this valuablo feedstuff may
be flrtit converted Into animal prod
ucts. Such a method Is ccrtslnly to
be recommended.
What Is needed to maintain and
Imprnvo tho fortllitv of the soil? Tho
Investigations on this matter are clear.
Theiu are four things needed under
existing conditions to supply, directly
or Indirectly, to the land These, aro
vegetable matter or humuB phos
phosiiB, nitrogen and potash. It Is
correct for us to say that in any well
planned s) stem ot llvo stock farming,
the huuiust supply can be ally sus
tained. Tho nitrogen can be rapidly
increased, and thu phosphorus and
potash supplied eituer through tho ap
plication of fertillter dlrectlly. or by
the purchase ot foods to be first fed
to animals and tho manure later ap
plied to the land.
Live stock farming carried on for
the purpose of farm Improvement is
not an untried experiment. Not only
Apiculture, Unnrruty of Mimoum
Muscle-Formlna (Nitrogenous) Feeds.
1 Clover hay
2. Alfalfa hay
.1 Cow pen ha)
4. Soy bean llaj
5 OatB
6. llrnn and shorts
7. Oil meal
8 Cottonseed menl.
Now. It Is a very common practice
to give the colt only ends from the
first gioup It gets fat and looks well,
but it doesn't grow the bono and
muscle that a. colt of that age should
grow Oats Is 1 1 . e of the best feeds
for colls we have, as It contains the
and Bone and Not Fat.
fat nnd muscle forming constituents
In about the right proportion. Man
1 orseo.en feed their colts giound oats,
no matter what the price.
Wlille oats Is probably the best
giatn tied we have, corn can bo made
to serve well If it is supplemented
with oil menl Oil meal Is vers high
in protein and furnishes what the
corn lacks. Six parts of corn and one
of oil meal makes a good ration for
the colt.
The colt does best when It gets Just
i what it will eat hi clean, so that It is
lalvvajs hungry nnd so that it alwas
relishes its food Clover and alfalfa
are among the best haja for colts
However, good, bright timothy fed
with oats or with corn and oil meal
is not bad.
individual farms, but whole communi
ties havo been brought up from a con
dition of pioductlvlty bj animal bus '
bandrj. I
Tarm nature Is now and alwas has 1
been tho greatest resourco for main
talnlng soli fertility on tho middle I
west farm The production of fan i
jard manure now repiesents a vnlui
greater than tho t-tal valuo of the
rorn crop. The estimated annual
value of farm manure prod' ced In
America Is two and n third millions
of dollars. All authorities agree that
morn than n third of this material is
absolutely wasted b farmers If J Ins
manure now wasted could be Intelll
gently applied to the corn lands of
America, there would bo added $800
000,000 annually to tho agricultural
wealth of this country.
In planning s stems of llvo stock
farming for pcrranr.cnt agriculture. It
Is necessary to apply the amount of
phosphorus removed in the animal
products sold, either as commercial
fertilizer, or by tho purchase of sup
pllmontary foods This amount will
bo comparatively sinnll, and It added
by the purchase of supplementary
foodB may be supplied at little or no
additional cost, as the products from
feeding will pay for tho phosphorus
The two reasons vvhy farmers should
cure their own pork are theso KlrBt,
when they buy polk from tho store
keeper they are paying commissions to
several men, which is unnecessary
Second, the meat that comes fiom llu
store lacks tho llavor of the home
cured product.
Of the different methods of curing.
what is known as rugar-curing is the
simplest and best for most farmers
The meat Is put In a barrel, and tho
preservatives used are salt nnd brown
sugar These and a small amount of
saltpetor to preserve the color are the
only uecessisnrtlclei
ine meet .-irainnva in this manner
When thoroughly cool and beforo
frozen, for sale doe not act properly
on warm or frozen meat, rub each
piece with nalt and allow to drain over
night. Then pack It in the barrel,
with tho hams and shoulders In the
bottom, using the strips of bacon to
fill In the spaces or to put on top.
For oach 100 poundr of meat use the
following amounts of preservatives.
Salt 8 lbs or 1 gat.
Hrown sugar 2 lbs. or 1 quart.
Saltpeter. .2 ozs. or 2 tablespoon fulls.
Dissolve all In four gallons of water
and cover the meat with the brine.
Bacon strips should remain In the
brine four to six weeks; hams six to
eight weeks. This Is a standard re
cipe and has given the oust of satisfaction.
Fable for Borrowers.
An Arab went to his neighbor and
said: "Lend mo your rope."
"I can't," said tho neighbor.
"Why can't you?"
"Becauso I want to use tho rope
"For what purposo?" tho other per
sisted. "I want to tie up flvo cubic foot of
water with It."
"How on earth," sneered the would
bo borrower, "can you tto up water
with a rope?"
"My friend," sold tho nolghbor, "Al
lah Is great and ho permits us to do
strango things with a ropo when wo
don't wnnt to lend it" Boston Kvo
nlng Transcript.
Tho Itov. Edmund IIcslop of Wig
ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a
year. His limbs and feet wero swol
len and puffed. Ho had heart flutter
ing, was dizzy
and exhausted at
tho least exer
tion. Hands and
feet wero cold
nnd ho had such
n dragging sensa
tion across tho
loins that it was
dtfllcult to mora.
Rev. R Heslop, Dodds"
Kldnoy Pills tho swelling disappear
ed and ho felt himself again. Ho says
ho has been benefited and blessed by
the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sov
cral months later ho wroto: I havo
not changed my faith In your remedy
since tho abovo statement was author
ized. Correspond with Rev. K Hes
lop about this wonderful remedy
Dodds Kldnoy Pills. COc per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co..
Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
(English and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free.
"You give up too easily Why don't
you got a grip:
"It's the other way. Tim grip's got I
Hables are Binart. You seldom hear
ono repeating the nonsensical thlugs
women say to them.
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Rootklnff Bjrup lor ChUJron
tttthlnp, AOftrDS the gumi, reriut-t1 liittamm.v
Uon,fcllayNpainlcurewlnlculi-,JEealolUe Afc
Rather Mixed.
"What Is jour walk in life""
"I'm nn aviator "
Dr. Pierce' Pellets, ftnall, Fiviir-eoated,
e&cy to lake, as candy, regulate nod mTtorato i
stomach, llrerandbiiweln. Do nut tfripa Adv
Occasionally a couplo marries In
haste and llvo happily ever after '
they secure a divorce t
IMIHrMI"1 ' II i i ' 'I I'll ' I
AYecetablc Preparation IbrAs
similoting ihcFooaandHegula
ting the Stomachs and Ikiwvls of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful
ness and Rest Contains neither
Opiuni.MoTphinc nor Mineral
Not XatsC otic
Vrjw tfou DrSMiaimrat
J tin St J
tfifitrmtni -
Wiv-nt JV
A perftel Remedy forConslipa
linn . snnr Stnmach. Diarrhoea
ncss and LOSS OF bLEEP
Tac Simile Signature f
The Centaur Company.
MWHgTiTlTrr MaitTTi
uaranteed under the Foodaw
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
S "St l5s
"7r. n iwi i -
& (jMIiSB)
frg .lj-.",i,:' :', ;:r;:i;v:,TTn
$3.00 3.50 $4.00 4.50 AND $5.00 1-x E
Bay mw W. L. Douolam S2.DO,
smm, Dmoaua-M ana pair will pomlllrcly oulwmar two
pmlra of ordinary ahoaa, manto am tho mon'm ahoma.
W.LDouglu nulces and tells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 hoet I
than any other manufacturer in the world. f
The workmanship which has made W. L. Dougla shoes famous the world
over is maintained in every pair.
Ak your dealer to ihovr you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter
wear, notice the thort oampt which make the foot look smaller, points in a
shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the conservative styles which
have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere.
If you could visit W. U Douglas large factories at Brockton, M"., and "e
for yourself bow carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un
derstand why they are. warranted to fit better, look better, bold their shape ana
wear longer than any other make for the price. fttt C'' f '"
CAUTION. To proUct ou .t.U.I In.rtof Ims, W. I- DoutUs stamps hit urns on lb
torn. Look lor tne stamp. Unm of .ululitiites. W. U DmiiU. ho aro told la 78
tons and shoo doal.rt OTorrwkoro. No m.ll.r wk.ro you lit, tti.f aro wilUa louiros"
11 Tourd.tarcanotsuppirTou,rrllod!r.ct to factory lot t.Uloe hoio( tw,afi
faxataU. Saoassaat evr?lro.d.UTry tbarso prepaid. WXJewlas,ltrocktoa,wa-
One Wamm. ,..
mm . . "" rum,
Tho Interviewers-And uu bell...
your husband innocent?" '
Tho Wlfo of tho Accused OlTlcltl
tfK. ' know he " &
Then sho put on her hat and hurried
downtown and drew from the hill
tho 117,000 her honest husband hid
saved during the past bIx mouth, out
of a salary of J 150 a month
At the Prison,
"What aro you In for. my poor fa
low?'" '
"I'm afraid It's for keeps"
Thero aro a lot of cheap skates out.
sldo tho skating rinks
? ? ? ? ?
suffering from
Poor Appctilo
Sick Hcadacho
uhen forGOycirs
j---.,-.., I
nostener s
Stomach Bitters
has been proving its abllltv t
overcome such ills very qu.k
A Trial Today Will Convince Ion
(tuwrnuunt iiunilotlrd IikIIhiI I mm !
h p toon or tuo 000 Hcrci t t
lah nu Tcrmi on quarter ( t
in two )tnra If Sou arc in " r
ihaptnt writ .! I; (utmcli. Ict k.
Ffii Snip tp"b V
1 wl Uulw iiM4ari (.;!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
$2.60 & $3.00 Softool t
a rlt farrf.rMMS J Jp'&J
liiuSm'i.tr"'!' H! HOCy
U ilml,,n,IIHM, fit H BM '
V l, lmw,MIH, r RJI B W. fii
'lGE"W lrinoti ft Icicurt ft
GfcExT.I JE Nr ril to Sent r rt
tuJpMs.tl-.'ClVn Hair to It loathful C x
kTiijM r"S 'T"Trrita blr f i f
Bears the X-A,
Signature y$
nsX Use
W For Over
a - Ik!

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