OCR Interpretation

The Jasper news. [volume] (Jasper, Missouri) 1898-1924, July 08, 1915, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061052/1915-07-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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kRTHUIt F DRAKE Publisher
SOUNDS like a boast Stop and think
Why shouldnt we Means more
bread and butter More expensive des
serts Its the hkst that builds ihsiniss
brings repents Thats our business pol
icy one of this stores assets No matter
what you buy Jiciv wo guarantee its the
best in its line
Wo are carrying standardized reoog
nixed advertised lines The publio wants
them you believe in them we are satis
fied with them
he Best In
J K Dress Shoes
For ftulies
Crossett Dress Shoes
For Men
Biliken Shoes
For Children
Peters Shoes
Heavy line for entire family
Warners Corsets
Rust Proof
LionSpeciai Hats CurfeeClothing
For Men and Boys
Black Cat Hosiery
For the Family
flunsing Underwear
For Everydody
AH1 lending brends in
WrlraTWPWWtHlt ml
Advantages of a Checking Account
Jf you have a checking account the bank does your book keeping
free of charge and renders you a statement of your receipts
and expenditures whenever you ask for it
Your cancelled vouchers are receipts for the hills you have paid
You need never pay a bill twice if you pay by cheek The
cheek is positive proof you paid the money
You cnnnot be robbed if you carry a check book instead of actual
money You cannot lose your money by carelessness or lire
if you keep it in the haul and pay by check
If you have a checkbook you always have the right change for
you can always make out a check for the odd amounts
If you pay by check people will sec that you have a bank ac
count and your credit will be greatly improved
Your money In the bank keeps the mills running employs labor
feeds livestock helps finance the community and makes bet
ter and more prosperous times
It you have a checking account at the bank you will be given
special consideration should you wish to borrow money
If you have a checkingaecount you need not send money through
the mails You can send your check If the check is lost
your money is still safe
All check books and bank books are free it costs you absolutely
nothing to have a bank account
Nine tenths of the business of the world is done by cheek
be out of date and old fashioned
The officers of this bank are at your service
make this bank your business home
We pay interest on savings
Compounded at 8 per cent
Jasper Pettis
They invite you to
First National Bank 1
Missouri I
Jasper - -
S WKeeley Dead
Hnmucl W Neeley u civil war veter
an iintl almost jlfe long resident of Ins
par County dled nt his home in Jasper
Tiiesiluy night nflcr m illness or sev er
nl montliH Mr Neeley was just past
70 years of ago iuwl his death was the
result of complications and disease of
long standing
Deceased was a letired farmer and
had not heen active in reeent years on
account or failing health Ileleaes
a widow and three daughter anl one
son The children are Mrs Krank
Arner of ltcthel neighborhood Mrs
Louis Urotisof Pittsburg Knns Mis
A Cline of Jasper and Mi 1 I
Necley of Jasper
The funciul WoU jilaee today Thurs
day nl the hnihe the sen ires being
conducted Iiy Ilev I iieen In
terment made ill Hie lieddick Ceme
tery southwest if Jasper in the tieigh
borliood in which tin family lived for
many years a
A mine exleniled obituary is expect
ed next week
A Lociuic on Commercial
Miss ICIla lliuihiun o Cut huge will
pise a fiee lecture 01 commercial geog
raphy at the opera hoiise Wednesday
evening July 11 Miss Harrison wants
tofeaeh coinmereia geography in the
Jasper schools arid the purpose of the
lecture is to givethe public an idea of
the plans she has in mind She puts
special emphasis on our coinmeicial
lelations with South America and ic
sults commcrvinfivVuf the present
European struggle t
Brum Cline GoingInto Buiiess
It is reported here that J 15 Cline
who leecntly went to Kiirckn Springs
for a visit has decided to engage in
nusincss mere i lie souice or our m
foiination stales that J I has pur
chased a hillside ranch a jennet of the
mountain uurro type and will raise
burros for the use fit visitors to the Ar
kansas hill comitrv
Alpha Club Picnic
The members of the Alpha Club
Willi their families and friends enjoy
ed a picnic on Will Woods farm Mon
day The weather was ideal and the lish
ing line It isneedless tosnyanything
about the dinner for the Alphas have
established an cM cJlent reputation in
that respect All report a most enjoy
able time
Delegates to Mail Catriers Meet
1 I Mowers and daughter Miss Kel
va attended the slate meeting of the
rural mail earrieis at Marshlield the
past week While away they visited
Jtcv W O Thompson and family at
Malta ileud
Bank Statements
We call attention to the statements
of both Jasper banks which appear in
this issue The healthy and glowing
condition of laspeis banks indicste
the prospeious condition of the com
Dr Knott Away
Mr W II Knoll is taking a little
vacation in Iowa Illinois and Kansas
City visiting relatives at various
points He is expected In return Sun
day or Monday
Lawn Fete Saturday
The Ladies Aid society of the M K
Church will give a lawn fete at the
City larlc next Saturday afternoon
The pubhc invited
W cKMwayato
L tzvmm
Dont Overlook the Free Daily
Program for Children
The advci Using campaign for Jas
pers big chauatiiiu isoi tickets are
for sale at the banks and oilier business
houses Souvenir piogruns in booklet
form maybe had at The News ollice
Season tickets arc 4 Jio for adults and
111 for cliidien frmn i to i years
Opening day Tiied iv July 27 con
tinuing i days and i nights
Thin is the biggest thing or the kind
that has ever come to Jasper May
tickets early and j ec and hear these
famous entertainers Many or the fea
tures of Ihis event aie lop liiieis in the
large cilic and draw big houses theie
There will be a free daily program for
children at iji in charge of laleitfcil
young ladies engaged by the ehaulau
iiia managers for that purpose
The following is the older of the
daily program
Chiliheiiscliaiilaiupia n in
Uree locinicircn ol all ages
Vfleiiioon sessions ilODn in
Chiidiens hour S 15n m
Kindeigarlcii age
ICvcningsessions VOUpm
The lloyal Hungarian Orchestra
Urand Conceit
The Koyul Ilungaiian Orchestra
Dr H 1 Siason Community Interests
Theresa Sheehan Concert Company
Dr Tapper liaveleraud lecturer
Theresa hcehan Concert Company
An evening of song and story
The Detroit Male Martel
An afternoon of popular music
The Detroit Male Uuurtet
Hon iranville Jones lecturer
rnntni day Aft iiMon
Josef Konecny Concert Company
Hon and Mis Harry Phillips
A symposium forlwo
Josef Konecnv Concert Company
Hon Harry Phillips
The New York City Marine Maud
Grand Popular Concert
New York City Marine Hand
An evening of melody
The Ccciliau Choir
Harris Dickson
The Ccciliau Choir in sacred operatic
and popular piograin
All Sunday programs are arranged
willi due regard for the spirit and
dilions of the day
Surprise Dinner
A dinner was given last Sunday at
the home of David I Teeter in honor
of Mr and Mrs Teeters biilhdays
At the noon hour a bountiful dinner
was served In the afternoon pielines
were taken and icecream was served
Those picsent weie Mis 1 W Teet
er and daughter Miss trace Mrs A
W Teeter C K Teeter and family
Walter Wimer and family Kmory
Teeter and family W It Cavenee and
family V A Cavenee and wife some
being absent on account of sickness
and being called away to other plaees
The day was enjoyed by both hosts
and guests A Guest
TjiriCTnTtBa yjwKiranOTawgTirrrraTOriTrg
int ki w
Vol 17 No 45
A few days ago in com elation with
a gentleman who was spending a week
here tills gentleman said to The News
You have a splendid town here and
it is due to I he enterprising character
of the people of both town and country
Its almost impossible for business
men and citiens to make a good town
without the surioiiiiding people being
of the right caliber anil neither can
the farming element about a town
boost it much wilh a lot of dead ones
running the business of the town
This man went on lopointoiita town
located very much as Jasper is ami in
side of -1 1 miles of Jasper and with all
our natural advantages lie said
This town I speak of has a line class
of farmeis aiound il but the merchants
and biisincs men have no enterprise
no ambition to teach out and will not
take a chance on anything that calls
foi an outlay of money
Sometimes il is good for us in hiar
what the other fellow thinks of us it
helps to keep us out of the rut It pe
however does not scni inclined in jei
into a rut Just now the littsiiuss nun
are backing a thousand dollar bau
tauiua and for yeais we have In en
pulling on wiutei lyceiim cotttses and
summer Clmutiitiijuas paxiii a
detlcil eveiy year bill feeling tliit tv
ciy dollar spent trj ing to make a bit
town is a dollar well spent It may
be that the Chaiitauipta backirs will
have to go into their pockets this ycai
to pay the bill and if we do a fi w fel
lows will laugh in their slcives and
while rattling the dollars in then own
pockets will thank their slain tlicv me
not as othei men are Such people
have a nairow mentality and then cap
acity foi enjoying life is icstiielul ac
Jaspers boosters will reap their re
ward some day and indeed aie doing
so now in the knowledge that their
time and money is spent for the
Engagement Announced
The girls fioin Center Point neigh
borhood spent last Wednesday June
0 with Miss IOIoise Martin The af
ternoon was spent with fancy work and
Shortly heroic leaving they each re
ceived a small silk bag of rice which
contained cards bearing the annoace
inciitof Miss Mai tins engagement to
Mi Itirl Uilchluit
Those piesent were Misses Kdith
itilchliarl Yerna Maxwell Messie
Mradbury Agnes Crow Klhel Kitch
harl Mlanche Maxwell I tut li Diutsi
iniiii Nina liiulbury Malic Crow
Iearl Dintainan and Martha Curtis
Misses Gladys Italian and Julia
Strecker came for the aliernonn
Services at Presbytetian Church
lev Mr Mrovvn will till his leuiilur
appointment at the Presbvicnan
chinch next Sundily Ireaching ser
vices both morning and evening
The carriers not going out Mondav
made mo st of the country conespond
ence a day late getting in and the foice
was unable to get it into type anil get
the paper out on time hence we aie a
day late
J X Marsh assignee advertises the
public sale of the I Uoss Dodd slock of
merchandise to take place Satuidaj
July 17
Those long evenings next winter will be a great
deal more pleasant if you have a Kodak record of
your trips this summer
Dr J K Schooler Propr

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