OCR Interpretation

The Jasper news. [volume] (Jasper, Missouri) 1898-1924, January 15, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061052/1920-01-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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k ivp yflvWWWg5w
der crossexamlhntloii You see we l
havent a thing but hlib word
And the dlninoail Billy Inter
rupted Im tnklng jiour word for
those you didnt see at to show em
to tne - -
Ills tone was a trifle sarcastic Indi
cating that there might still be some
legitimate doubt as totho existence of
the stones In question In spite of all
the ndventure over them but 1 Ignored
tt and went on He made one Blip
I saw It at the time and now 1 cant
remember what It was It went slap
out of my head and It was Important
something about No I cant re
member It was a sort of key to some
thing else
Cant you think urged Billy
Every little details Important now
And lordy lord what a story and my
scoop I
The reporter was romping around In
Billys Inside determined to push the
story to a finish while romping
around In my Insldes was my natural
caution Why should we do anything
to warn the Emperor William lie
might deny everything and Bay he
never even heard of the diamonds
Yes one false step would make Dllly
and me the laughing stock of diplo
matic circles throughout the world
We must get nil our proof before we
divulged the secret on which the fate
of our nation depended
The net result of our hurried col
iloquy was that we returned to the din
ing room and silently relieved the still
sorrowing monsieur of his handcuffs
Which done Billy presented him with
leave of absence from our society In
the words
Monsieur you are fice to go and
added a courtly bow
I bowed also Thus we signified with
all the manners we possessed that the
interview pleasing as tt had been
was at an end
Our action simple enough to us and
In line with the plan wed Just mapped
oat for getting at the truth left mon
sieur as dazed is anything wed done
Inexplicably we had abruptly set him
edrlft without threats or explanations
nnd without the diamonds I smiled
and said quite as though hed been
drinking tea with me Ill sor good
nlgbt to you monsieur With that I
held out my hand
Monsieur did not rise lie did not
lake my offered hand He stared a
really frightened chlldfoh stare first
at me then at Billy lie had been dis
missed every second he longer re
mained marked him a trespasser Yet
lie remained glued to his chair and
dumb Speech seemed to have desert
ed him Twice be essayed It but the
words stuck In his throat and be
looked to us to help him out
The clock chimed the four quarters
to nine and then the hour Monsieur
I have place myself In your posi
tion as American and I appreciate
your feeling he began and he went
on to tell us as a man he grieved tor
us how as a would be friend he
grieved for us how as the emperors
messenger he grieved for us and bow
I In the Innocent carrying off of a
slipper from the customs house ono
of a pair In which his daughter bad at
his command secreted a box of dia
monds belonging to the emperor had
brought myself within the circle of
all seeing ull avenging and
never ending wrnth whether the dia
monds were lost strayed stolen frdra
me or drowned in the sea wrath that
would follow mo and my nnme for
ever world without end amen
All right let It I replied curtly
But would It uot be better to con
sider urged monsieur Ze wrasn of
te emperor Is terrible Consider
madame I beg you to consider Zozo
diamonds int you have found In tat
slipper you bavezc misfortune to carry
off Consider to give zem back
T hey were not in the slipper 1 car
ried off
Monsieur positively Jumped Zey
were not in zot slipper
No on my word of honor as a Gen
tlewoman monsieur 1 tell you those
diamonds were not In tbe slipper I car
rled off
Mon Dleul ha said under his
4reatb Madams Delarlo must fcsjt
zem In spite of her denial tn spite ol
zat I search ze entire house and her
selfand And also ze slipper to her
wardrobe as she woutd not leave It If
she find zoze diamonds
But sho may not have found them
they may have fallen out and got
Impossible Impossible he Inter
rupted I have examine bose zozo
slippers you see tt is zls way My
daughter have glue ze box in one safe
and on an evening you tell Madame
Delnrlo to wear zozo slippers and
Claire have but Just time to remove ze
box and sho returns It to ze uzzer
slipper It Is zat little accident and
some words from yourself zat con
vince me it Is yourself who has found
zoze diamonds
No monsieur When you accused
me of robbing Claire of Jewelry 1
hndnt the least idea what you meant
1 suppose you accused Mrs Delarlo
of the same thing Didnt you accuse
heof taking Jewels from Claire Just
as you did me without specifying
what kind of Jewels
Oulr yes Naturally I do not
specify for ze reason If she find ze
diamonds she know to what I refer
but If you have find zem I do not tell
for what -I Reek
Well thats y I do believe I I ex
claimed tn tbe tone of having discov
ered the key to tbe whole difficulty
You said Jewels and she thought you
meant what we should mean by It as
we use the word we think of pins
bracelets pendants made up articles
you understand
Ah so zat Is ze way of Itl he
cried popping off his chair in a hurry
I see it Is some error of Idiom of ze
language zat cause nil ze trouble I
go immediately to ze estimable Ma
dame Delarlo and explain all to her
picked up off the floor after the scrim-
mage and laid on the dining room J
Ob monsieur you a diplomat I I
flipped off And you think you can go
to nn American citizen after such ac
cusations as youve made and say It
was all a mistake and settle every
But 1 apologize for ze mistake he
urged as though his sweet apology
paid for everything hed done and
brought forth a box of diamonds on a
I laughed Suppose she wont ac
cept your apology I asked nnd be
fore be got n reply I added She
probably wont even see you not after
the way you treated her
I bet sho doesnt even see you
Billy supported seeing my drive
What are you going to do He was
anxious to make monsieur commit
Monsieur twisted his hands nervous
ly nnd I kept the ball rolling by ob
serving slyly You have Just told us
that the most profound secrecy must
be maintained so you cannot catl lu
the police But there Is one thing you
can do I paused
lie asked breathlessly And zat
Go straight to the president and lay
tho whole rase before him
Ze president mon Dleul fie used
bis handkerchief over his face Ma
dame In pity out of ze kindness of
your so kind heart I srow myself on
your mercy I De Itavenol and I ask
you to help me In ze recovery of zoze
diamonds tn secret I ask It for ze
sake of Claire I ask on my knee
And the man was actually preparing
to do It tool But I not being used to
that sort of demonstration nnd seeing
tt as anything but a compliment that
he felt lie had to go such lengths to
propitiate me for I like to think my
self at least decently approachablo on
common humane gapunds responded
to his near kneel with a peremptory
Dont do Itl and a look and gesture
that showed him be could save the
histrionics How can I help you I
It is n case for diplomacy In
dealing wlz ze lady and I ask as a
so great favor zat you see Madame
Delnrlo and discover ze truse from
her If she have find ze little box and
persuade her to her duty to return It
The net result of the remainder of
the Interview was that monsieur prom
ised to relieve both Mrs Delarlo and
me of alt espionage Immediately dis
miss bis solitary detective who was
shadowing me bring Claire to the
house the next evening for a full con
fession of her part of the smuggling
white I promised to see Mrs Delarlo
the find thing to tbe morales and use
all my Influence with her
I think that to all tbfe TeJfH
said I sweetly giving him the hint to
go i
I at once got Billys coat and lint
from my wardrobe where they were
hidden and Coming through tho hall I
managed to signal him to go along
with monsieur
Tomorrow HI decide about going td
tbe president thought 1 turning out
the lights Ive got everything ll my
own way -now and nothing Is going to
happen tonight thats one thing to be
thankful for And with theso and
similar fatuous maunderlngs and self
congratulations I tumbled Into bed
without even bothering- to lock tbe
kitchen door
The Jewels Are Mine
To this day ivo never quite recov
ered from the astonishment and cha
grin when on waking up in tbe morn
ing I reviewed the case with a re
freshed mind and renllzed with what
ease De Itavenol had Imprisoned both
Mrs Delarlo and me In our own homes
and had us quaking In our boots In
fear of our very lives 1
Monsieur had managed Mrs Delnrlo
even better than be had me he had
merely left a detective tn her house
to watch her by day and lock ber up
by night In fact shed actually In
vited the detective In proof of her In
nocence for when monsieur bad ac
cused her of stealing Jewels she saw
In ber minds eye Just as 1 did trin
kets Jewelry and tho Idea that he
was referring to seven unset dlnmpnds
caged In her slipper never entered ber
You have accused me of a shocking
crime a crlmo that offends every
VclDle of decencv as well as morals
she told him with spirit and 1 now
lie took up his hat which Billy hnit Insist that you convince yourself of
They Left Together
my Innocence before you leave tbe
house Oere Is tbe key to my bed
roomhere Is the passkey to all tbe
other rooms Have your man watch me
while you examine everything every
thing and then you must get a wom
an to search me -
This unsolicited action her flat de
nial nnd his finding the slipper where
shed carelessly dropped It In her ward
robe threw tbe scent on me In two
hours monsieur convinced himself that
she did not have the diamonds and
knew nothing about them and he then
requested her aa the proof of her
noncompllctty to let blm lock her In
her room and send for met And she
didnt dare to refuse
And there you have simple as
simple could be the whole of It I
had her side of tbe story when I saw
her Sunday morning as monsieurs
messenger But I had enough of tbe
story before I went to ber to feel
pretty well chagrined yet sad too as
I thought of tbe disappointment I bad
tn store for her when I told her that
Emperor William owned ber find
and how the diamonds came to he tn
her slipper
I confess I didnt like very much the
way shed lied to me about tbe uncle
abroad who bad left them to her
Still It was an understandable He
since shed fotfnd the diamonds and
didnt know who owned them she felt
they belonged t fear as much aa If
theyd been itft ttff la will
Diamond Cut Diamond
Copyright by the BobbsMerrlll Company
CH APT Eft X 1 1 Continued
Bllly dear do listen to reason for
ilialf a second What nre we going to
tcjl the president We havent pot
the whole itory even yet out of him
1 pointed In the direction of the dining
room nnd theronttistnt be any gap
in It Weve gtfSpeo Mrs Delnrlo
a lid -get her evldenctf gflt to see
Hell mnke her sag anything
Vou and I ennbrerik hor down un
Mrs Delarlo herself admitted me
feave a gasp whcn she saw who It was
and whirled me Into the seance room
and locked tbe door on us before we
exchanged a syllable
We sank into chairs I felt as If a
tidal wave had swept from under lite
and left me not oven hanging up In a
coconut tree but Bitting still In peace
ful security It was she who got Us
down from the high peaks to tho levels
where conversation can go afoot with
out falling off by nsklng And how
are you after It all to which I re
plied But how are yon after It all
and we both laughed
Her laugh died nwajr Into an Indig
nant frown You never heard any
thing tlko It sho crlcd He came
here with a detective and it wasnt
five minutes after you got out of the
house Monday and accused me
sne I of stealing Claires bracelets 1
Bracelets I echoed s
Yes me
I said Oh slowly I hadnt ex
pected shed grind the word jewels
quite so One
Did you ever hear anything quite
so outrageous she rushed on To
como here and say I robbed his child
of Jewelry I I dont believe she bad
any Jewelry anyway It was all a
trumped up story to get something out
of me but 1 wns so indignant and
she poured out the wboje tatti
Well Its all over she concluded
I didnt care how much monsieur
searched I knew 1 hadnt robbed
Claire and I knew that so long as
you had my diamonds they were sate
I didnt worry after the first day
or so
She said my diamonds and now
I had to tell her I
Mrs Delarlo there seems to be
a misunderstanding about those dia
monds I began suavely
She gave n start and asked How
misunderstanding You mean theyre
not worth all you sold Well you
didnt tell m positively tbey were
worth thot She seemed to hesitate
at a million dollars which Is what
I said
Oh yes I still stick to that that
the worst of It tbey are worth It
thats what madeihem shining turgets
for that thief
Thief 1 she cried You say
thief tool Then he was after all
She was very much excited and re
peated tbe word several times with a
kind of Joy and ran on rapidly 1
wouldnt tell you what I thought about
blm but I knew be wns a tblef I
knew It In Paris I knew it In Ant
werp It was tn Antwerp after Id
made all the arrangements to bring
Claire over that I heard It clalroudl
ently De Itavenol is a thief I knew
It here In this very room the first
time ho came And then she smiled
at me benlgnantly And thanks to
you be didnt get my diamonds so
were safe Claires safe shell never
know the truth about ber father from
Claire never had any Jewelry tbe
whole accusation was trumped up to
get the chance to rob me But how
under the sun did he know I bad those
He says he put them there or at
least Claire did In your slipper I
ncr bands flow to ber heart
Never I she cried Never In the
world P s
And he says theyre bis I persist
ed feeling Id got my opening at last
I put It that way partly to disabuse
her mind of the Idea that monsieur
was a thief partly to save ber from
the too sudden shack of the Emperor
William I saw Id have to let her
down gradually
Theyre mine she returned vehe
mently I swore to you they were
mine 1 swear to you again now
hereIn the sight of God they are
mine Consider ber tone was all
appeal now If they had not been
mine If I had stolen them from
Claire would I have shown them to
you Would I have asked you to help
me dispose of them
I was forced to admit No of
course not I bad already taken that
Into consideration
Yes I grant you that yon honestly
believe theyre yours I admitted
But what Ive got to know is how
they came to be yours
She told me then hesitating no
longer the unbelievable story unbe
lievable by every modern standard and
from every scientific point of view
explaining why shed prevaricated la
the first Instance about her uncle It
wasnt after all quite what youd call
by to harsh a muss as lying
Removal by Lydia E Pink
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pives the Old Gentleman Away
Innsy Iyctln objects strongly to tho
way father uses the English language
His grammar Is so uniformly correct
as to show that he doesnt go to thea
ters or cabarets or any place
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The more we boast of knowing the
less wo really know the truly wise
mon seldom speaks of himself
The young man who sits down nnd
tvnlts for fortune to come would bet
ter prepare for n long session
Was Going Down Hill
Mr Bergnas Friends Were
Worried but Deists
Remarkable Recovery Frsa
Kidney Cenphist
I couldnt tit down without putting
a pillow behind my back says Mrs
Ole Bergman 830 Pennsylvania St
Gary lad When I bent over it felt
aa though somebody htd stuck a knife
rteht into my back and I would often
tail to tne aoor The
kidney secretions made
me get up four and five
times a night There
would be only a small
mount which Vould
Dura to tnat x wema
almost scream Before
long my body bloated
and my feet were to
swollen that I couldnt
wear mv shoes Uv sVin
looked shiny and when I pressed it
down it left a dent I had chills and
fever Sometimes I would sweat to
that I could fairly wring tbe water oat
of my clothes Everybody said I was
going down hill fast In two months I
lost fifteen pounds and was
agea y me tune l had untitled tares
boxes of Doant Kidney Pills I was en
tirely cured and I have enjoyed the
best of health ever since
C DWi at Aa Stsrt m
SMsy fee ghffcH a6d soort eflo cwndlUo
tt tt ttuoat oUta wUI U STtidvd kw
ssroajrtly glvta tbe uld a dot of sees

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