Newspaper Page Text
8 THE SEP AT J A "WEEKLY BAZOO. TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1 885. SUITS Worth $40 HADE TO ORDER FOR $2S 00. MPANTS Worth $10 MiDE XO ORDER TOR $600, -At- SPBINGr CLOTHES. Dashed In and Out by One Who Don't Slop Over. GOING TO A SUMMER RESORT. The proprietor of the Goat House walked along the platform of the union depot last night under the electric light, in his red socks and low-necked shoes. The train from the south rolled in and our hero took his station, handing his card to p:S3ers-by which read as follows : I GOAT HOUSE. i Accommodation for Man or Beast. : : Sedalia, Mo. : One old ladj with three grown daughters stepped up to the landlord and to. -k his card. The old lady handed the card to one of the daughters, who red: "Goat House. Accommodation for man or beast" "Well, mister." said the old lady, fmy darters and I are on our road to a northern summer resort from Austin, Texas, and we can't stp at your house, because we're neither man or beaat we are thres ladies." Landlord "Waal, I'll try and give you THE BEAUTIE WHAT WOULD LOOK WBLL. Children's Slippers A.T Bet'er streets. Ice grow on bush s. Secretary Bayard visit Sedalh. The cjpital removed to Sedalia. Some of the holes on Ohio Etreet filkd. The people all get rich and be hippy. rnt. o x iueoi. .Louis race mis weex a suc cess. policemen with FOOTUGHT FLASHES. Items of Interest to Play Goera from Everywhere. MOORE'S OPERA HOUSE Nevada, Mo., Harry C. Moore, Proprietor and Manager. Population 5,00 . Seating Capacity 900. university get a fresh ton Ideals text seaacn, af er all. WM. COURTNEY & CO., 206 OHIO ST. P. More Fifer. The SedaTa boom for 1885-86. The water works please eerjbody. The Fourth of July c'labration at the lair grounds a gr-md success. 1 he admirers of Deacon Simeon Din- Mary Ander.on has gone to Paris. the "sand" of Myron Whitney will go with the Bos- S. We have the best selected stock of hriddieaIlinonemeetIo81'ouse- m-a -i rwi tt j ii mM me railroads nave more business and uiiiiareii s straw nats m tne city. 227 Ohio Street. tor eipt-nces when it comes to enterta;ning gnteei folks like you." lorn (Jox walKiu up and Bug- fi--AVkTrnfi ft- "Dlii Dwao gested mat nis nonor cou'Q iurnisn DiepiieilS ? XillCIlie JSrOS.j them shelter, and they walkedja way, follow- mg Tom, who was loided down to the guards wi'Ja grips and bundles. The landlord was disconsolate, lie found Officer Mason and asked him if there was any wav to keep Tom Cox from inter fering with his custom. "Yes, said Mason, a smile playing aroun 1 h's mouth well stained with to bacco juice. 'How will I do it " asked the landlord The Water Works. Elsewhere the Bazoo publishes the pro position of the National Water Works the best in town, sb strawberries are sellintr company made to the board of aldermen three boxes for a quarter, and I don't care Sedalia, and which has been the Miujct "WHOLES AXiE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Coffin?, Caskets, Robes, etc.: also a full and complete Jock of Parlor Sets, Cham ber Suits and Furniture of all kinds. 106 and 108 Fifth street, south of new court house, Hillis block. 3-ld&wly -J - WEEKLY BAZOO. SEDALIA MO. TUESDAY, JUNE 9,1885. anxiously. "Move away," said the officer, aud he walked away thumping his cine on the plank walk. AT THE MOBERLY RACES. Deacon Simeon Dinwiddie vi-ited Moberly last week on Ecme church busine-s and took in the races Pit Carmody told him that the boss would be on the ground ana that he must look out for the slick fel- of so much consideration and discussion during the past three weeks. Every citi zen of Sedalia fchould real it carefully at d thoughtfully in order to know exactly what rus been offered. That thee are some objectionable features connected with it which should and would have to be corrected before it could be accepted, al i most any one can readily set, out au is only a tiist draft submitted n 1 exp c eJ to be modiueJ, there is no reason way u should be whollv rei cted, provided t: e people f el that they would be benefitteJ bv unloading the water works frcin the city'h shoulders. App n-leu to i lie proposition is U12 re port cf the committee on water worke showing the piesen? condition anil pur ported needs of the water works to render thtni c flu ient. In regard to that there can be but one question to answer, as to its efficiency. If Sedalia actually has a water works which has a sum i nt rapacity for the need of the city. If the prvssnt niiins as they are now lid art ample and sufficient for the pressnt de maads of consumers, and to resist ih-s out break of fire throughout the ciU, tl.ea THE COURTS. the employes more remunerative pay. Congressman Heard succeed in recom mencing lirdt-class men for pjstmasters in ine eixm uisintt. Wm. J. Kcanlan arrived in X(r Vrrb so managed as to Ctv t MVm.v hen Mrt.oJ k;c soo. Fay Tern pie ton U still singing at tha Spanish Fort, New Orleans, before large audeuces. Frederick Warde's engagement at Portland, O e., was a great success. He begins a fiv nighis' enaement at Helena, Mont., to nijrroff Dight. The dramat'zation of "Tom Sawyer," which w s recently pie e. tad for the" first time with Mollie Kevel in the title role.. began The County and the Courtesans j Hereford's Acid Phosphate-Hun- hES been Pronounced a failure. o uuuwok. i I i .u : a TP " i Dr. C.R. Dake, Belleville, III., says: "I S" B?ft - i w j iau); have prescribed hundreds of bottles of it u! ? Fi?' ' ?ade gK&l t. ? -t . i -., t " w hu and received a perfect ovation. Monte Vaughn, the frail fair one men- y. " Ul K, . , VUUC 1U au nervous tioned veste-dav. anneired before Jnstiee UI3ease..wmca re accompaniea Dy lo.s ct A " jWiB lows who knew which horse was coming ont first. "I know Curg Marvin," said the deacon, clearly accerding to tnis report all tint is "find he will hln me to strike winners " he neeaen is me expenanure oi a lew inou asserted in a positive manner. "He's from our town," continued the deacon. Descon Dinwiddie walked to the fair ground to save his nioDey so tint he could have more to bet. At the gate he dropped fifty cents for admission, and then found President McLean of the Fair associaiion, and told him that fairs were all right, but races were an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, "but, said the deacon, "I am here to-day, and I dont mind buying a pool or two, if I can strike a three-time winner. "All of our horses at Moberly are three time winners," said Geo. L. Hassett, who had overheard the deacon talking to the president of the fair. Jenning'8 h irse won one of the races and another one of the horses won a seven fur long race. The deicon was on top in both and got thirty for one in each. sand dollars for repairs, and the city ough to be able to accomplish it and worry I nx in the ol 1 groove. But if the facts a leered and to which the report in ikes no allusioj, are tru-, viz., that the water works are in adequate bs to supply ; that the p:p"8 in the city cover but one-third or lts of the area within the city limits, and taat oue- balf of the one-third having mains of some kind is without fiie protection, then it is plain that if every part of the recommenda tion of the commiiiee was ca rled out, the city could boast that it had an tffi ient water service for just one-sixth of the city corpora ion, a&d that it would not cost over about $1 ,000 pt annum exc usive of income to run it until further ou lay for repairs were needed. These are tne plaiu bare facts to be considered, and in consider ing them it is an easy umtter to figure he result can ba obtained by continuing in O'Brien vest-rday and said she did not ex actly fancy his way of d-aling with femi nines of her class, and she wou'd therefore like a change of Vf nu to a more suscepti ble judge. Her petition was trrsnted and her case transferred t Halstead's cour.'. John Westbroak was the next culprit to answer to roll call. He is a farm hand in the employ of Dauthertv, who occupies the ixrt r it i - M oo;er? larm. aoou' me premises ana in power. FLBA BITE 3. Miss Florence Marry at in a recent lec ture advises the girs to "dt down on the mt n." Exchange. To niO't of the girls that wou'd prove a soft "sit " perfect As the amusement season in this citv at the opera house has closed a list of the attractions which appeared together with the da e and at mdance noted w ill be of interes. In the Ut heme tntertainments. t-re iBduded. Sept. 1 Young Lndits orchs ra goocL 6 Lillian Browa'd Jollit es f.ti-, 10 Calen der's minstre's good, 23 Loui-.e Sylvesier five n ghts ( a r week) large, October 1 Josefiy fair, 3 and 4 Littles World largej 13 Frederick Warde Ltree. 17 and IS Ab- Bob Inpersnll ?avR T..w Wnllp. the wcois pastures of the farm are numer- not know wht he is Hiking about when he bie Carnngton opera company light, 23 l"lV.ll.Vt ?:fA Yl'Ch, ,alks of - fair G"d-"-Ex. jeie w5ta Cole OprrcoipaL three vi.r,tn TlZw LT, r r. Bob does njt koow what he is talkint; nights light, 27 and 28 Lillian Brown's- ;S'1T J' V' ;tlM: .bout either when he t.lks about JoHitieslight, 31 Eob.rt MeWadegood, Ii:" , , r il' . ( nnfr,,r. r. , JNovember 3 and 4 Buvr Oaks large, 7 ' " i? -,r . LKatzeaber Comedy company light, WEATHER REPORT. Corrected daily for the Bazoo by 0. G. Taylor. Horolocrist and Ontician. No. 108 Ohio street, for the twenty-four hours end- the end of his noe and was setted by Car The boys flocked around the deacon to the old groove, making the present result congratulate him. Prominent among these the basis and mul lplymg the quotient by was Kewt Douglas, his 8dalia neighbor, six is all that is required. "You are a trump card, said .Newt en- nence n me present worKS cosi iu,uuo, thusiastically. lT want you to go to St. to supply the entire city would requite Louis with me next week. I think you are $8U0O0 or a further outlay ol tooU.UUO. my lucky star" continued Newt as he It one-sixtn cost i.wu over m- ilapped the deacon on the Ehoulder. come to maintain them $o,000 more or The deacon rode bick to the city that $6,000 per annum in round figures evening m a uses ana was a sort ot lion win oe me requirea uuukt u b-eep among the boys. up an emcient water supply ior tsie At the supper table he put his elates on entire city, lhis is about me only tie uc- t e t - .P. i i. L. J-r U I.. lion io oi miue irom sucu rccuoiuieiiua Ing at 9 o'clock p. m., June 6, 1885. TIKE, j THER. BAB. WIND. WEATH'B 7 am. 2 pm. 9 pm. 78 90 78 28:92 j SE 28;90 i S W 28:92 SW Hazy. Clear. Clear. Extremes 69 st and 90. mody al the head of the table to do the honors. The next dav the following appeared in the Moni'or : "Personal. Deacon Simeon D.'nwid- die, of Sela'ia, a prominent worker in 1 1 . - . x . 1 cnurcn mailers, was in tne city ytsterdiy ti ns, and while there mny be the usual allowance madj in favor of who e a!e as over a reUil business, yet it il. be found with the masni sude of the undertaking there is always a corresponding increa-e ii t'ie ex rararnt waste and needless ixieiid'- BAZOO BUZZ. Yesterday was warm and clear, the thermometer registerfng 90hin the shade. Mr. Charle3 H. Collins, the new man ager of Wood's opera house, is now at his home in Detroit. Chas Sandford, a section laborer from Savanna, I. T., was the only admission to the hospital yesterday, Sanford is suffer ing with rheumatism. Cortina's Wild West show which per formed at the park here a few weeks go, is said to have closed its season at Gales burg, 111., recently. Cause, financial em barassments. Miss Louise Hutchison, Kansas Citv's favorite elocutionist, after a three months' absence, during which time she visited Washington, D. C, Pit'sburg, Chicago and points in Ohio, has returned home; Amancrf.zed from hard dink Ins "been terror among the feminine portion of the population of the north side lor the past two days. Officer Kahn brought him over and put him to bed, yes terday, and if he is wise he will not re Tisit the north side soon. inauirinsr af er the spiritual welfare of the lure which invariably accompanies all p ih r 2ople of Moberly. He appioves of the lie or political management of strici b ji high license, but thinks it teods to cheapen ness matters. The L'os Tweed ring, 'lit j whiskey, and therebv does not give our St Louis swindles, the U. S. navy expen i- matters as heartv an endowment as could tures are fair illustrations of the priori pj-ls ba desired. He goes to Sedalia to nieht." Then red, ponder, consider, and raliz iig Thed?acon arrived in St-d tlia yesterday, that, S dnlia mu?t h.ive an efficiei.t wier and will pas the planter a church to- system at whatever co t Act as your best day, collecting nickels for thf heathens. judgment dictates. 8 19 raiiL'Ui xerrvl Kantmt miwnnjriM hf-ft hfofiL-foafoil I r a f v, , trr t: t. " ?j , , , 4 i " x w , v.uniujiuu juuuis rviuiiun in Hi y x onuei Liuuu, xt k i ul i r ii i . ill ill unii n T. . r ... w . u.w., ii .y ....J . tub ?SU 11 Lull Ut I OIBUICT. u.. 4 i .v. i luc iPfl ine prem&S, ana Thpv nrnUU7 i nt kl.Vf,e; Trm.hnHnnra Irc 9R nH 9Q Vfottm V? home prcducioas. Urs fair, December 4 Mes:aver's We, Us 6l -Whales are nnnsnnliv nnmomn inn, Co. large, 6 Grau s opera company good, the New EnHml .! tl.w TTr 18 K. L. McCumno k elocutionist g od, 20 rpk t u i v t .. i . 1 wo Johns fair, 22 Madame Stanley's min- ""-" -uo rvuuisu ui4 ib str.js rf. Jannarv 1 ISSn Lizz a Tv TT1. io:a oy blames friends during the last mergo d, 2 3 hnd 4 Fay Templeton large campaign. 5 Adamless Edeu good. 9 and 10 Komanv Kose (Joghlan has sold herhore.s. Ex. ivjegood, lb snd 17 Jolly iratbhnders fair, RhPTirobsbltr fnnnd hr Pnafnn wr, William Pa srs lecturer good, 21 I UanL'ap'e TV. fn . OQ nnW OA T . ,, t Inn PTnPT'Cl V(i tni tha en rT ft rf nnnlhinn l. 0 1 - r- -ui.wiuujmiuj KT -K .r f ft .2fi -nd 07 rfahta I - J - f,--.-w aauilional. Q' London, lfirire. SO Miw Allen'o Dignified buiine?s!men are lookincr for Pinafore cooiprnv tod, Feb. 5 Belva a word to take the place of "hallo" in ad Lockwood, light 7 Laura . Daiatv in dressing the conventional hole of a tele- M Mountain Pink fair, 10 Col. J. P. phone. Ex. Sanford Jectunr gocd, 17 Flora Moore's They should go to the new revision for a word. give him a terrible beat:ng. Keimtr, as soon as released, weut home and reported the ma'ter, and jesterday Reimer's father swore out a warrant against Weitbrook, who pleaded guilty to the assault, and was fined $1 and cos's, $13 in all. Maggie Williams was the next victim on deck. ine bishtullv" acknowledged to hr courtesan propensities, and wa3 fine! $5 and costs. halstead's court. The case of Monte Vaughn, the cyprlan referred to in O'Brien's court, was before his honor all day, the case baing bitterly contested by both sides, wilhout reaching a conclusion until alter seven o'clock. The batle of the lawyers and the evidence was not only of a decidedly p2rson il character, but of a nature unfit for publication. The verdict of the jury, howevar, was "Guilty," Dmcsthene? was not born an orato-. ?ndil,h?"-'lltJ?s fixed at SlOandcosts, Hett usgled hard and failed many tim iu au coi.o, wuicn was paiu. ne WtS homely, ard he stammered in his police court. speech. There was one plain" drunk and a tres- Yes, but before his death they cime to pinetore nis honor bnyder yesterday, him for hundreds of miles to get him to J B Lvnch was fined $5 for the p. d. and f - , . , 4, , Vic Collins SI f -p the vag. The only other f 0 , f he ldeF8 f cases were dt-linquent licenses. John llbrty bald headed on the glorious Fourth Green and John Stark paid up and were of July. disnrsed. E C. Ott's case was continued to the 9th inst. A JOHN MITCHELL, Sedalia Printer Advertised Fort Scott. m The following from the Ft. Scott Moni tor of June 5th will be recognized as de scribing the ameara-ee and habits nf nne John Mitchell, who figured conspicuously pinnies on the hearse. June bugs will be on hand as usual, at the proper time. Xew Orleans Pica yuae. Ham bugs are m hand all the year around. -Suab BernharJt has asked p3rmission to join the Victor Hugo iuneral pro;es sion. Ex. Sarah might be utilized as one of the Police Pickups. "Please don't publ:sh my name for my parents sake,' hedged an iomafe of the tir box last night as the reporter entered. ''That is a very curious but common re qest of those who get here," replied the reporter. 'But do you know what you are af-km 3 Officer Fifer. The condition of the old hero last night -was cheerful and 'the prospects of an early recovery are quite flattering. When a re porter called on him last night he was sit tiDg up and able to talk. He is experi encing confciderable difficulty in talking and eating, owing to the soreness which must necessarily exist for some' daya. The wound is inflamed and the patient had a high fever, but the most dangerous symp toms are passing by. The ball is still em bedded in the flesh. Some Figure3. It is asserted that tha expenditure of -about $50 will place the waier works in good condition eo far as it at pi e-en t ex tends. This means simply $G0 over rev enue this year. It is fur.her recommended to supply an efficient su pei in!endent for not less than a iour years' term at a good salary, which will pay him and cause him to devote his entire time to the work. Placing this sal sry at 4,000 will increase the annual expenditure to $10,000 without anyex ieosion of the works, "Yes, of coursj I do. But why do you ask that?" "Because I do not think you do. It makes me tired ail over to fee a man make a beast of himself and by his own deliber ate act bring disgrace and sor row to those who love him and then ask a newspaper reporter to spare him iir his parent's sake, and show them a tender e?s and regard that he shows by his own act, he does njt himself ftel for them." But the plea is often effective, and it is in this cae, dear reader. "What has he been doin?" asked the scribe of an officer. "Oh, he got drunk, went home ami whipped his mother, and h's father iays he will prosecute any man who goes on his bond," was the reply. Another individual who shall f Iso be nameless because he is frieadle:s, forlorn and fosaken, and who, doubtless, on his hard couch last night may have seen vis ions of loved ones fir away and shed un conscious tears over the remembrance was locked up for trespass. He did not ak that his name be suppressed. He may have given a bgus name, or he miy have so often seen Ins real name figure in the po lice report that he cars nothing for it, arid expects no mercy at the hands of his fel lows, but surely, if he, who sur rounded bv home, friends, relat.ves and the comfor s they afford is entitled to mercy after such deeds as those above, then this poor waf ought to fiirl gome paliition for bs unknown crimes, fct 'he tame hand, aud as to which deserves he greater commendation let the public and the good God say. Though it is prob able his honor, Kecorder Snyder will be the first one heard from on the point, Housed Up. For the last three months a grea. manv people have betn housed up, because th- v have not felt ab'e to withstand the stormy wintry weather that has prevailed. Hut unfortunately the confinement and cl st: air of modern houses during the winter season, is very enervaing, and the ty?tiu netds help to enable all the org-.ns to do their prpr work. If theEe organs lmve been inactive , the consequences are si'ow ing themselves in ihe bilious onditnn of the system, or in constipation of the bowels, or in disorders of the kidneys, w th a.l the achs and pains that accompany ihe e complaints If you are in this conditi n from any cause yci should make, a faithful Hal of thtt well known remedy, Kidney Wort. It acts Ht the same time on the ki 1- neys, uver ana uoweis, aua is tneieior- v pecidlly fitted to correct this torpid condi tion of the system. in Sedalia recently : ' PASS HIM AROUND. "Tl e brotherhood of printers is hereby jrntd against a tramp priutar, by the name of John Mitchell, who has proven to be unworthy'.! cjr.fidence, rp; ct or as t r i i .. .i . sisitu'-e. iiucji ii came io me Aionit r newsroom, hungry and ou: of money. He w."s given work, and the foreman stool g od for his board for one vr ek. Mitchell dr w Irs pty and sneak-d out of the ctv wiih'.-ut drilling for his boarl, leaving that for the man who bef riended him to do. He ! Odium jumped from the Brooklyn bridge for glory. Ex. It may have been a glorious jump, but to have attained bis object, he should have j imped up, instead of down. "Heaven Iks ab:ut us in our infancy," sajs the poet. Er Aud our enemy lies about us when we crow old. A Nevada woman took a foil of 385 feel off a ledge, the other dav. landed in a is aiMiit 11 years ot ae, with a ireshlv trte t p, helped herself out, went home and sprouted mus. ache, and blck hair, which cooked dinner, js if nothing but a circus , ... . ... . 1 . -I- 'C l 1 T. I i . 1 1 -, ms i-jw uurtii ou ins iorenuau. xi wouia I pracession imu pa-sea oy. And vet soie ue simply a ma'ler ot lusuci and protec 'it-n lor .-.11 papers in this section to pub lish this John Miichc laa a firrt-class dead b.-at a: d bum." PERSONAL. home Dime Novel Work. Officer Mason yesterday received a te!e gram from Ibdianflpo'is reques'ini him to amst and hold thrt-e boys, two of them aged IS years and the o'hr 13 years, who were expected to arrive in S'dalia eoon. The boys are luuaways from their homes in Indianapo:ii and were led to their esca pade through the reiding of dime novels and other trashy literature. Investigation proved they had reached Sedalia Friday evening bat up to a late hour last evening thy had not been found. Died. "Wesley McClure, a well known resident of Petiis county and for two years the ciy marshal of Hugh sville, died yesterday at the residence ot Jno. 8. Banks The funeral will take place thi3 aft rnoon at 3 o'clock from the residence The smokers of the Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes will be interested to know that they are now also packed loose in neat card-board boxes containing fifty. Eodmaster Rockwell returned last night from the west. C. G. Taylor left this morning for El Dorado springs for a several d?y's visit. J. R. Hoff came down from Kansas City ya-terday on a vi it to his brothers and friends. Mrs. John D. Russsll re'urned yfster day from Jeflerson City where she wmt to attend the luneral of her mother, Chris. Keisl ng. Mr and Mrs. Berry srrlv d in the city 3eter(1ay from Mitch-11, Indiana, oi a vw:t to ihi'i: ?tn, Agent Hardy Be-ry, of tae ussoun jrciuc rjaa. .h.. A. Holrae3, whose deceased wife was formerly ihe well known Miss Julia Castle, is reported as drivings street car in ct. Louis on the union depot line. P. B. Perkins, of Springfield, Mo., who has been here looking into our water works system, left for home last night. He will return early this week to talk water works to Sedalin. -Dr. J. J. Littlefield and family, of Au burn, Indiam, who are on their way to Kansas to locate, stopp-d off in Sedalia yesterday and are the guests of Collector Pilkington. Rev. D. R. McAnally, editor ef tha St. Louis Christian Advocate, president of the Carondolet academy, and one of the oldest and mo-t prominent divines in the sUte, arrived in the city yesterday and will fill the Southern M. E. pulpit to-day, morning and evening. pople saj women are frail and tender. kiii-as Citv News. m She whs probably ' tender" just where she struck the tree top. There is n .thing thai so tikes the starch out of a youug man who has been married about a jeir, as to have to go to a store where there is a girl clerk with whom he u el to keep company, and inquire for 8 packet of thes-j largd safety pins. Puck. Unless it is for the girl to meet him wheeling a bnby Cfrriae, and hive bis wife ca ling h?m :paw" iq her hearing. Bunch of Keys Urge, 24 Mrs. Livers more lecturer good. 27 Alvm Joslin laige, March 6 and 7 Hoop of Gold fair, 12 James O'Neil in Monte Cristo large, 14 Biker and Farroa light, lf Thos. W. Ktene large, 28 Lizzie Evans fair, April 7 and 8 Charlotte Thomp son fair, 10 and 11 Smith and Mc Faddtn's U. T. C. good, 17 and 18 Br.dges Twins fair, 21 Ollopadrida Episco pal church entertainment good, 18 Boston. Quintette club lirjje, May 4 Wm. J. Scan l.n, largest of the sea. on, 9 Dickson's. Skeich club fair, 23 and 24 Zoe Gayton in Mazeppa light, 25 Mrs Donohoe's concert good, 26 High School Commencement ex ercises large, June 1, 2 and 4. University closing exerciie good. The above list of attractions have neirly all appeared in the larger cities in first class iheatres and r fleet much credit upon Dr. Wtod's man?gement. The amusement public are b.comiug hard to please be causa of tbegret number of really good attractions, and many that are received favorably in some ci'-ies ara received ad versely in other, so does the public taste differ. Dr. Wbcd f-els that his rapidly incras ng patent medicine busi ness and other interests require his dvidu d attention, ard. as the mamaement mi his op r.i houe required no sma 1 psrt ot his tim. He hs leiPfd it to Mr. Ui rles H. Collins, who the Bazoo predicts will carefully at tend to i s interests. OSOEOLA. a -Decorative Act. Explicit direc tions for every use are giTen with the Dia- jnond Df es. For dyeing Mosses, Grassts, Usrgs, lvoi, Hair, Ac 10 cents, druggis's keep them. Wells, Richardson & Co. Bur lington, Vt, The Huckleberry Cordial. For a Ion time it was thought that the huckleberrv was only for table use, but it was known during the late war in the sh-ipe of a cord al it was superior to th bl-ckbsrrv. Dr. Biggers' Huckleberrv Cor dial is the GREAT SOUTHERN REM EDY for restoring the little one from the effects of teething; and cures Diarrhtea, D.vtentery and all bowel afTc'ions. For sale by all druggists at 50 cents a bottle. Is He a Orank ? McLiughlin Brother, undertakers of this city, yesterdiy reci?ed the following telegram from St. Louis : St. Louis, June 6, 1S85. McLaughlin Bro.'s, Sedalia, Mo Please give full description of man that was shot on the fourth by to-night's post. The telegraph folks at St. Louis were in terrogated as to the party who sent the t Iegram, and they replied that he was a ta'l, slim man and ?aid he did not want to be known. Of course the gentlemen ad dressed can make no reply to the telegram as they do not know to whom to send their leter. Horrid, yes, it is, that we must suffer from diseise, but from heart disease, ner- vousaess and sieepiestness, Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator will give you immediate rel'ef ; thousands say so. 1. per bottle at druggists. The young bloods are making arrange ments to f-tart a brass b ind. Speedwell township of our county, has organizd an anti-bond association. Our real estate friend. Vaa B. Wisker, is going to try his hand raising silk worm. Z. T. Lee was fiued by his honor, Mayor Gardner, $25 and crsts for selling liquor without license. Mrs. Clar.i Hoffman, president of the W. C. T. U , is wiih us, ftivirg us a series of tempera.c lectures. Mrs. Lillie Thoma?, accompanied by her husband, of Warsaw, is visiting her childhood's home, in Osjeola. C. H. Iucs has eit)rial charge of the Sun during the absence of Dr Whaley, who is att niing the editorial convention. The Higiinsvi'Ie and Springfield branch of ths Ch cag & Alton raihoad is at racting he auction of oar business men. John C. WhaTey and wit-, of the Sun, and Ihoi. M. Johnson, of the Plstsonist, were in attendance at the editorial con vention. A. P. Spencer, special agent of the Queen insurance company, was in the city 'lhursd y to place lib company in Oscar McNeil's agency. Pat Malone wss struck in the head by a derrick pole Thursday, while at work at the Gulf bridge. The wound is serious but not necetsariiy dangerous. The city authorities are hiving a live ly time among themselves and with the balance of mankind, arising from the le gality of a city ordinance passed by the board of aldermen. "Work will commence next week on the rebuilding of the First Presbyterian church. The walls will be taken down and the building, when rebuilt will be much larger, with frontage on Second street. Comes now at this time Charl s H. Lucas, and proposes to inflict upon a long suffering, but patient people a history of St. Clair county. If it has to be done, we know of no one who can do the history business more justice than Charley. He will do it in a manner justifying its jjjx-portance.