Something of Interest to Xmas Buyers at LEVY'S CASH STORE Our Big Sale begin. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904 Wc place on sale useful CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR ALL; the young, the old, the mifdle.asei. During this BIG SALE we want to close out every Ladies' Cloak in our store. Also our line of overcoats will be closed. CLOAKS. I $16 50 Cloaks, Sale Price, $12 00 IS 00 11 50 14 00 10 00 10 00 7 65 8 00 - 5 75 0 50 4 75 5 00 Come in and sec us ia the next few das, We can interest you, X X OVERCOATS, $25 0J Overcoats, Sale Price 20 00 18 00 10 50 15 CO 12 50 120 00 " - 15 00 " " 14 00 " 12 50 " 11 50 " fl 7R $10 00 Overcoats for $7 05. 7 50 Overcoats for 5 00 LEVY'S CASH STORE. Special induce ments in TABLE LINEN, NAP, KINS and TOW, LS and Fancy NOTIONS SPECIAL prices on Dress Goods: FURS Muffs Shawls and Fascinators. SPECIAL Handkerchief Sale MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS MEN'S and Boy's Suits at Big Reduction 1 Z V I Iff Farmers & Merchant's 1 ml I Bank- i Mil o... M SC8? I OFFICERS I fcCl0 mcl I w R Vates- President; II W Ely. I 'W 9 v-Pres: W R P Jackson. Cashier. I i. Vr DIRECTORS 1 2$) w R Ya,M 11 w Ely, w r p X&k I Jacn. w I: Jones. John Shearman, 8 p : R A Jackson W W Lotigmire. A Boul- I Wl Best Pelt Boots and Over-stioe-i. Boul ware's Shoe Store. Rumor has it that J. C. Reid and Mrs. Mattie Richards both formerly of this city were mar 1 ried i . Ilmnibil th is week. Some girls would make hand some boys, tor instance those masquerading in male attire Monday nit.' lit. Hemstitch Handkerchiefs 35c per doz at Williamson, Hawk in s & Yates. Get our prices on Overshoes We will save you money. BjuI ware's Shoe Store. Furs at cut prices at William i son, Hawkins & Yates. The Swellest of the Swell Is the X Fancy Tonsorial Parlor Under the Monroe Hotel. There you will find Porcelain BATHTUBS, HOT and COLD WAT ER BATHS. And there you will tiod also ARTISTIC MEN who wield the latber brush and follow it with RAZORS THAT NEVER PULL. TRY ME JOHN W. STREAN. The Stork Is a wee bit e . i . v i-r a Christ mas round, but. lie bus leen over to William Mudd's and left a pretty little girl to bis tender mercies. And he for the first time visit ed Oscar C:ichlin and left a i lovely little girl for bim to codd !e. And for a chanire be left a ' bouncing boy at J. O Lawrence home. i I The price of hogs is down so is the price of our goods to correspond. Clothing, Shoes, Blankets, and a few of our prices: I Calico 4c. Ladies' capes $1.00 to $5 I Men s pants 60c to $2 Boys pants 10c to 25c Men's suits $5 00 to $7 50 Un j derwear all kinds Men s capes 25 to 75c. Boys' and Girls caps 25c- Men's and boy's overcoats fully half price. Mittens, and gloves of all kinds. Furs Sweaters 1 Boys' Suits $1 to $2,00 Lots of pretty dolls big stock of pocket knives, war ranted, money returned if not good. Lots of goods suitable for Christmas presents "Come and see 'em " They MUST be sold Note location next to Evans' grocery store, north end of town. J. B. BUkGES. List of Letters. T?.pm:i ininir unrla i mpri in unci , 1 . ... office, Monroe City, Mo., on Dec. 13, 1904. Prances Caruthes. Mr. Ed. Green Mr. A Jay Manzke. Jno. Rockenfield. To obtain any of these letters persons must say advertised. J. P. Patton, Postmaster. Scbouten's bread at Griffith's. Miss Anna Frances Rouse is visiting relatives in St. Louis. The Mercantile Club will give a dance at tbe opera house Dec. 80tb. Tbe Zeiler Orchestra of Kansas City, will furnish tbe music First floor invitations only, 25 cents admittance to gallery to bear tbe music. 12-22. Get your pork sausage at IT T U Go to W. B. Paints and Oils. Spaldings for Holly, for Christmas Decora tions at Williamson, Hawkins & Yates. Mrs. J. W. Robertson, of Mo berly, bas been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Todd. Miss Jennie Boone, of Ely. was in tbe city yesterday en route to Sbelbina where she was called by tbe illness of a sister. Miss Kate R-.ld. of St. Louis, arrived last evening to visit her sisters, Mestlames Jaynes and Earhart. Yates Bros. & Sullivan have Mrs. Thornton Marshall, of sold C. E. Gillam's residence on ! Quincy, came over vesterdav tr Cleveland St. to Mrs. Lutie visit the homefo! ks. Kendrick and the John Cleary : property ou Third St. to C E. ! Good Pelt Eoois Overshoes Gillam. j cheap. Boulware's Shoe Store. ;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; - IS) :: Summer Is Gone! And Winter Is Here That Means That it will take Wood to keep your family warm. I also handle Flour and Feed. X X m a Buffum Phone 180 F. & M. Phone 88 MICHAEL LANDERS O ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!C H a Children Cloaks at William son, Hawkins & Yates. Gone Wrong John B. Jeffries, postmaster at Oakwood, is said to be $350 short in bis accounts with Uncle Sam. Mr. Jeffries is well known in tbis city as he at one time was superintendent of tbe schools bere. Candy, nuts and oranges at Williamson, Hawkins A Yates. Many Odd Fellows from tbis city and vicinity will attend tbe Odd Fellows meeting at Hanni bal to day. Bond bas been refused Dr. Watson of New London, wbo is charged with being responsible for tbe death of his wife. ! First Class ! and Up-To-Date Workman ship has always been the Motto of -:- -:- -:- -:- Frank Westhoff Who Keeps The Best Mechanics and Horse Shoers X X AT HIS X X Blacksmith and Wagon Shop