OCR Interpretation

Monroe City Democrat. (Monroe City, Mo.) 1888-1919, January 18, 1918, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061309/1918-01-18/ed-1/seq-5/

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Railroad and the Goal Pile.
Whatever is to be the destiny of
the railroads of this country, it will
be bound up with the subject of
coal. It was the rising coal bill of
the carrieis that brought them be
fore the Intertate Commerce Com
mission with a plea for higher rates
It was the fact that coal was not
being moved to the satisfaction of
the Fuel Administration in Wash
ington that precipitated the agita
tion for government authority over
the railroads and sent a chill over
the business and banking worlds
where government ownership spell
ed losses of great size on invest
ments and brought up the picture
of the inefficiency of state-oper9ted
roads in France and Italy.
The railroads had twice umbled
over the coal pile when the Inter
state Commerce Commission did an
-astonishing thing. It leaned down
-and tried to pick them up. For
years it had been trying to see just
how little it could give, how far it
could take away, and still preserve
1 '
-1 i '
4 -!A
i it
At Private Sale!
Q I have for private sale a lot of
household goods, consisting of
Bedroom Set, complete
Dressers, Wash Stands
Beds, Chairs, Etc.
If you need anything in this line
call early and investigate.
Monroe City, Mo.
The time will come, young man, for you to
march up the aisle with the dearest girl in
the whole world beside you.
When You Marry
You will want to have on hand a substan
tial bank account, for there is no affinity
between iove and poverty.
Monroe City Bank
the credit of the carriers. Like
the railroads and the employees of
the railroads the commission did
not relish the idea of govermnt
ownership Bi-fore it was an appli
cation for a 15 per cent increase to
the Eastern carriers on those com
modities not included in the June
rate advance. Asked for bread
the Commission on December 5.
gave the railro ids some yeast. It
recommended that Congress remove
the anti trust laws against pooling,
allow the unification of the rail
roads for the period of the war, and
possibly guarantee to them their
pre-war average of net earnings, so
that interest and dividends might
be maintained, whatever the for
tune of the particular road whose
traffic was disjointed in the com
mon cause. Eight members of the
commision said these things, but
the ninth plainly told the railroads
that they were incompetent and
had not lived up to their oppor
tunities. The blame of the one
had a greater reaction on Congress
than the side-stepping of the others
The popular star in the
"Iron Claw" serial, Jan.
28th in the new and pop
ular Pathe serial
The Seven Pearls"
at the Gem the opening
of this serial is the night
the "Fatal Ring" closes.
. ... 1 1 o...
She Soon Got
Her Strength
New Castle. Ind. "The measles
left me run down, no appetite, could
not rest at night, and I took a severe
cold which settled on my lungs, so I
was unable to keep about my house
work. My doctor advised me to take
Vinol, and six bottles restored my
health so I do all my housework, in
cluding washing. Vinol is the best
medicine I ever used." Alice Record.
437 So. nth St, New Castle, Ind.
We guarantee una wondertui cod
liver and iron tonic, Vinol, for all
weak, run-down, nervous conditions.
One Dozen Eggs Will Buy Two Thrift
8tampa or 12 Cartridge In
' America's Fight for De
mocracy of World.
The Missouri hen, already famous,
has the opportunity of her life to add
to her renown.
Every dozen of Missouri hen eggs
will now buy 10 cartridges for the Amer
ican army. If the Missouri hens get
busy on the Job during the next year
they can lay enough eggs to supply the
United States soldiers with enough
ammunition to win the war.
Eggs are now bringing 60 cents per
dozen to the poultryman and the farm
er in the rural districts of Missouri;
100 cartridges cost $5. At the present
prices practically every egg laid by a
Missouri hen is equivalent to a car
tridge for Uncle Sam's army.
The "Ozark Queen," single-comb
white leghorn, champion egg layer In
the state of Missouri for 1915 and 1916,
owned by S. S. Hlnnerman, Marshfield,
Mo., has to her record 273 eggs out of
365 days.
The poultry Industry of Missouri,
according to the United States Census
report, the year of 1910 has a greater
value than the wheat and oats crops
combined. Missouri's greatest cereal
crop is corn, the Value of which Is ex
ceeded by the crop of only two other
states in the Union. The value of a
single year's crop Is $100,00,008. Vast
as this sum is, the little Missouri hen
and her product for two years would
buy the great corn crop produced in
any one year. Missouri has more than
25.000 acres of coal area, and also
great fields of iron, zinc, lead and oth
er minerals, supplying manufacturers
with more than $30,000,f00 in these
materials, but Missouri's hen brings
more wealth to the state by $16,000,000
than all the mineral products com
The farmers wife and the poultry
man have a rare opportunity of aiding
the government in equipping the great
new anr.y. One dozen eggs per week
will Luy two Thrift Stamps, and in
wo months a War Savings Certificate
an be secured for the 16 Thrift
J'.amps and the additional amount
's or 14 cents. This will mean 100
bullets for some soldier at the front
righting for the cause of liberty.
That same amount. Just a little per
sonal sacrifice, would mean a comfort
:ible pair of shoes; would about pa
for two woolen shirts; would buy I
wooi -n blanket; would buy four win
tcr u-dershlrts; would more than pa?
for a shelter :en'. and would go a long
way toward buying him an overcoat,
wool service coat, wool breeches for
his comfort, and would buy a steel
helmet and leave a balance of $1.12,
for his protection, for soma other
needed article.
The equipment of a United States
infantryman is $156.71. Then ht must
have food and plenty of it
A new railroad bridge a mile and
a quarter in length, spanuing the
Ohio at Paduchah, Ky . has just
been completed, built by the Burl
ington and the N. C &. St L It
contains the longest simple span
720 feet ever constructed. It is
supported by seven piers, the larg
est of which is 60 by 110 feet at the
bottom and 187 feet high. It is
designed to carry a load fifty per
cent greater than the present day
maximum train load. All told,
17.000 tons of steel, 150.000 barrels
of cement and 100.000 cubic yards
of gravel were used in the construc
tion, the cost of which was $3,100,
000 This structive is the final link
in a new low grade line from Puget
Sound to Florida.
Official Intention la to Have The
Evidences of Loyalty Scattered
Widely Among People
Redeemable In Qold.
Director for Missouri War Savings
Explanatory statement relative to
War Savings Thrift Stamp and War
Savings Certificates:
A campaign for the sale of $2,000,-
000,000 of War Savings Stamps and
War Savings Certificates was Inaugu
rated in the early part of December.
The primary purpose of this new is
sue of government securities is to cre
ate thrift among the people of the na
tion and place within the means of
every man, woman and child ef the
country an opportunity to buy a gov
ernment security in units as low as 25
cents. Therefore, arrangements are
rapidly being made to place on sale at
all postofflces, all banks and trust
companies, all railroad offices and all
business houses, wholesale and retail,
two kinds of securities:
(a) The Thrift Stamps are sold for
26 cents each, and when the purchaser
has accumulated 16 of these stamps
he may go to his bank or trust com
pany, or to a postofflce, and by paying
12 cents and turning in $4 in stamps
be can secure a $6 Government War
Savings Certificate Stamp, due five
years after Jan. 1, 1918. The differ
ence between the purchase price of
the Certificate Stamp, i. e., $1.12, and
$5, the face of the Certificate Stamp,
is Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per
annum compounded quarterly.
(b) Those who wish to purchase the
Certificate Stamps ..p to $1,000 may
purchase same by paying $4.12 ' for
each of the Certificate Stamps pur
chased. The difference between the
purchase price, $4.12, and $5, the face
value of the Certificate Stamps, repre
sents Interest at the rate of 4 per
cent per annum for a period of five
years and compounded quarterly.
The purchase price of Thrift Stamps
remains the same at all times, namely
25 cents. The purchase price of War
Savings Certificate Stamps, being $4.12
in the months of December, 1917, and
January, 1918, increases at the rate of
1 cent per month thereafter.
In order to absolutely secure the
widest distribution of these Certifi
cate Stamps, it is against the law for
any one person to own more than
$1,000 of them.
In order to avoid inflation in the
currency of the country, these stamps
are made non-negotiable, payable to
the purchaser and not to the bearer,
and, therefore, are not transferable.
Should a purchaser wish to cash them
in before they mature, they will be
redeemed at any postofflce, and inter
est will be returned at the rate of ap
proximately 3 per cent per annum,
but they cannot be sold from hand to
It is the hope and expectation of the
government that these notes will be
distributed among at least 25,000,000
Inhabitants of the United States of
The underlying principle behind this
whole issue is that $2,000,000,OOC of
the war loan will be held by at least
26,000,000 people of the nation who
have really saved that amount within
the war period, as it is distinctly a
thrift and saving issue and is known
as the Thrift Stamps and War Sav
ings Certificate Stamps. It has for its
additional object the inducement of
those who carry pennies, nickels,
dimes, quarters and dollars in cup
boards, safe deposit boxes or other
places to turn in the ready currency
or coin to the government in order
that it might be circulated throughout
the nation and thus strengthen to that
extent the financial power of the na
tion. It will be seen, therefore, that, aside
from the raising of a war fund, each
(5 cents or $4.12 contributed to this
distinctly thrift war saving plan will
leave with the people of the nation
these stamps, which will be redeemed
at the end of five years, thus avoiding
to that extent any Inflation and also
putting the people of the nation, irre
spective of their station in life, in a
position of owning $1,000,000,000 of the
war loan.
A better security was never issued,
nor can be issued. It Is the mortgage
of all the United 8tates and its pos
sessions. It Is guaranteed by the loy
alty, fealty and confidence of 100,000.'
000 people of the nation, and, there
fore, it Is expected that it will receive
the unanimous endorsement of the
men, women and children of the na
These War Savings Certificate
Stamps are better than gold, silver or
paper money, tor the simple reason
that $4.11 In gold, sliver or paper at
the end of five yean is worth only
$4.12, whereas If jroa Invest each $4.1$
yon own in these war Savings Certifi
cate Stamps they will be worth $( la
gold at the end of tlvs years.
Are You
To the Land of Winter Sun
shine, where cold is forgotten
and summer pleasures mock the
calendar? Golfing, bathing, mo
toring all the exercises and rec
reation you crave, all the rest
you 6eek. The next best thing
to getting there is the pleasure
of going there if you take a
Burlington-planned trip. Wheth
er Florida every winter is a year
ly custom, or you're experiencing
it as a new joy Burlington Serv
ice will add to the pleasure of
the trip.
To keep well is your first and
most important duty. The best
way to do this is to get awav
from zero temperature, blizzards
and slush.
Let's talk over your Winter
health, rest and pleasure plans.
Low round trip Winter Excursion
Tickets now on sale to Florida
West Indies, Gulf Coasts points,
Central and South America, and
Let me help you plan a perfect
Winter tour.
Tkt. Agent the Pleasant Way to Travel.
Bailey T, Turner
Will Practice in all Courts.
Monroe City, Missouri
Railroad Efficiency.
The efficiency of the railroads
since the war began is subject to
proof through easily available sta
tistics This is relative to their
past performances. These may not
have been as good as they should
have been, but we have always had
the word of unprejudiced European
railway managers that the Ameri
can lines were conducted with
greater skill than all others The
trouble was that each manager
looked upon his road as a complete
entity and was absorbed in it as an
individual problem, failing to see its
relationship to the transportation
of the country as a whole He has
fought and crippled all intiative in
water transportation when be
should have nursed it. He has
jealously guarded bis own termi
nals when he should have made
them a common operating ground
in the interest of a national devel
opment From the extreme of
pooling he weut to the extreme of
overcom petition. But, so far as he
worked for one proper t and for one
set of stockholders he v orked well
and conscientiously, but not with
overmuch vision.
It does not appear probable at
tbis writing that the Government
is to interfere greatly with the man
ner ia which the railroads are now
being operated. It will undoubted
ly demand a closer supervision of
of management and satisfy a pub
lic craving for centralzrd authori
ty by placing a government officer
in charge of the question of priority
of shipments identified gov
ernment work. Priority has been
much abused and is responsible for
a great deal of the coi.fision and
congestion. Whatever hoppers now
government owoersbp after the war
seems to be one of the inevit
able developments.
Tts Democrat (or Job Work.

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