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The County paper. (Oregon, Mo.) 1881-1883, January 28, 1881, Image 6

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Cteaerml News sjaasaastry,
An earthquake shock wh felt at Bath,
Maine, oa the night otJcn, 20u.
California has lea than 30,000 Chi
MM, aad thlt number le rapidly dlmlalahlng.
The Legislature .cf Indiana has
elected Ben Harriton Belted States Sene
Coal ia twenty 4oilars a ton In
Houston, Texas, and woe! fifteen dollar a
A prsyasltion Is on fact at Montreal,
for makhag a tunnel under the falls ot Kl
A bill introduced inline New York
IcUlktnre (provide that twenty lMhee he
laid on the back of wife beaters.
The Anglo-American eat! direct Uni
ted States Cable Company & ratified an
arrangement with the French opany.
The Republican caucus the Indl
ana IaislaUe unanimously cosrlnated Uen,
Ben Harrison tar United States eVaator.
A firo attended by sortaa loss of
roperty visited Deadwood, lac. ISth. Bo
far as given the losses amount toM,000,
Tho Iberville South estimates that
the lots to the -augar crop of atSO-81, by
the free, will te between SO and 25 per
Tbcro wero 1,783 fires In Kcsr York
city lut year, Involving a Ices of CjWS.itt,
only f 119,307 of which was not corereC by In
surance. A railway accldeetoccurrcd at Wake
field, Tnrktblrc, England, Jan. ICth. Seven
persons are reported a befog killed and from
thirty to forty Injured.
Tho brick maker's union of Chicago,
numbering about 6,000 men, have decided to
advance wages no cents per day, and to make I
A day's work nine hours.
Tho report that a railway accident
had occurred near Wakefield, England, In
which seven persons were killed and many In
jured, proves to be untrue.
A conflagration occurred at Michigan
City, In J., Jan. 19th, Involving heavy losses.
The losses to two lumber firms arc, respec
tively, $70,000 and 115,000.
Both houses of tho Michigan Stato
legislature have passed a resolution unani
mously requesting President-elect Garfield to
appoint ex-Qov. Bagley to a seat In htt cab
inet Martin's morocco manufactory, Lynn,
Mass., burned on the morning ot Jan., 19th.
Three hundred bands are thrown out of em
ployment. Loss, fSO.OOO. Other property,
amounting to (30,000, was also destroyed.
Tho following United States Senators
were elected Jan. 18th: Thomas C. Piatt,
New York; Thomas F. Bayard, Delaware;
Joseph P. Hawley, Conn.; Eugene Hale,
Maine; 8cnator Baldwin, to fill the unexpired
term of Senator Chandler, Mlchlgsu; 8, J. It.
McMillan, Minnesota.
Tho regular Mllwaukco passenger
train on the Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul
Railroad, which Utt Chicago at 9 o'clock p.
a., Jan. 20th, ran Into a delayed accommoda
tion train near Qlen Oaks. Three or four
passengers were Injured, Mrs. A. B. Cook, of
Chicago, seriously.
Tho Bolton, England, cotton masters,
who own nearly three-fourths of the spindles
In that place, will close their mills If the de
mand for an advance of wages Is not with
drawn. The dispute affects arout 15,000
operatives. The Blakbum and Bolton
matters also refuse an advance of wages.
A fatal accident occurred rt Wood
ruff, N. J. Two boys named Harrison White
and Caleb Coartls were sliding down hill near
Duke's Bridge, when White's sled striking a
stump turned and ran off the brl Ige to the
'ce, tome twenty feet below. He survived
only a few moment. Courtis, who rcll the
same distance, was (lightly Injured.
6a tho 21st of January heavy snow
storms prevailed In many places both In the
East and West. A great deal ot damage was
done. In New York City one of the stanchions
supporting the City Hall tower gave way and
a little later the west window fell with a
crash to the side walk. The damage Is stated
at 75,COO.
A firo in Chicago, Jan. 21st caused a
lost of 150,000. The Are occurred In the furn
iture factory of Mayer A Co. While It was
raging at It height a lofty wall lu'tbe rear of
the building toppled ovr, burying the entire
loree oi nremen at that' quarter. Ten fire
men were more or lets Injured, Two were In
jured fatally. .,
A special from Findley, Ohio, of Jan,
- 30ta, says: An cut bound freight on the
Lake trie A Western railroad to-day ran Into
a hand-car near Bluffton, killing Mike Flannl
Kan, breaklngthe leg of another section hand,
ditching several cars Involving considerable
damage, and blockading the road. It Is ex-
pected the road will be cleared during the
Ono hundred commission merchants
of Chicago have tlgned a pledge not to sell
oieomargatlne, Iiutterlne, or any other villain
ons compound ot that cuts', and to do all In
their power to discountenance and prevent
their sale by others. Tho war against these
deleterious and untavory compounds seems
likely to spread and become extremely vigor
At Patorson, N. J Jan. 18th, Frank
Harris, James Acker, Alfred Dehope, Jerry
Debope and James Smltb, ranging In ages
fiora 15 to 18 years, were seriously, and some
probably fatally Injured while coastlnsr, their
"bob" having come In violent collision with a
telegraph pole. The boys and their "bob
were horribly smashed. Frank Harris had hi
nose broken and driven Into hla face, his
teeth and Jaw broken, the Imprint ot every
In the upper Jaw being left In the tele
graph pole agatcst which the "bob" ran,
some of the Indentions being half an Inch
Advices have been received at head
quarters, Department of Dakota, that the
Chiefs Good Bear, B!g-8ktrte, Crow Ktng,
with CO lodges of Bitting Boll's Indiana are
stow on their way to Ft. Buford to surrender.
Scout Allison Is with them. Forty more
lodges nnder Bitting Bull hlmtuf, have left
the mouth of Milk river for Canadt, and as
they have but about 70 miles to go, are now
across the line. Thompson, a deserter from
the Canada police, who lives with the Indians
and paints, dresses and lies as well as tbt
worst of them, Influenced 8'tting Bull to take
this course, Sitting Bull's whole band num
bered 1,000; 835 of them are now captured and
at Fort Buford. As many more tfe on the
way to sui render, and Bitting Bull himself
.la Jess than 800 men, women' and'chlliiren,
aUiold, ,
A large boiler In the'drjr good) store
of McCreery A Co., at Broadway and 11th
I street, New York, Jan. 10th. The balldlngi
1 1- . . .1.. ii . . .
m uic immsuuH vicimiy were snaacn07 an
earthqaake; the boiler was located ln -the
vault at U: extreme end of the buCdtar. on
II tb street, beneath the sidewalk, overSeoJcet
from tU roadway. The explosion tore a bale In
the sidewalk twenty feet In length; ihe-eon
onsslon shattered Into fragment thef large
fdaleiglass windows on Broadway ndrdlth
etreetrsldestf store, and plate glass window
tathe book store of Phillip A HuntonSJSroad-
mmj, adjolntxg. Immense stones forsnltg the
vVsewalk ewer the boiler were broken, and sotnt
et thealeesa, weighing 40 to 50 pound, barlej
adHttaeefS00 feet down 11th street; mt
ffe toiproperiy, 910,000.
tfire oeosrrod in a building aKott
stceetttfewvYork, January 90th, containing
m families, comprising 1,500 souta. The
seeate witnessed I without parallel foroaciu
tlaata tbe.fcUtory of fires in that city, tn,J
beMingl known as the "Big Flat," Je-ebj
storte In belgfct, 75 feet In front and rand
through the block to Elizabeth street, a4iJ
taaoeof aboafeMO feet. The fire broke oat on
the gmnd -floor In a grocery store, and th
flaaMSSreaklDg'through the front windows'
ascended outside i,up the broad front of thel
Duiiatntr until ibe roof was rea-hed. for
tunaUfytbeipolloe and firemen wre qulcklv
upon the scene tad hurried the (creaming
women mua children and cursing men Into the
street, tbe policeman having to use their club
freely to drive the people out. Thus was pre
vented a calamity awfal even to contemplate,
Dispatehes ofjfac 16th giro accounts
or loss of lite and damage by snewslldes In
uua, ana la Utetnlnlnr camps of the West.
Snow has fallen almost .continuously on the
Wsusatch range, oboutrtfce heads of the Lit
tle and Big CottoawoMSc, since Christmas.
The mountains asUTOundW the mtntntr town
ot Alts are steep attd high, And the trees have
oeencutoff; tbe tramway ,ceds of the Wau
satch Cordan Valley Railroad havebeen swept
away in aeversi places cordve miles below
Alta, rendering Ingres or .egret almost lm-
possible. Several weeks ags a snow-tilde
carried: away a man named Darby. Snow fell
in sheets and the wind became a hurricane.
A snow-tilde carried away tho tar-staff of the
Oro Home, also four hundred f eet o f railroad
sheds, and swept across the flat and creek to
the opposlto mountain. Later another elide
pasted over the Victoria and the Imperial
twnset, Durymg two men, who dug their way
out (n ten horns; continuing, It swept awav
. I r i i i 1 1 . . . . . -
lucunxxiyooaraingnouse, In which was Mr
Jonathan Hasklnsand four children, Charles
oymon, jwnert uowarth and Eyan Morris.
Of these Mrs. Hatklns and daughter Jane,
uowarw ana Morris were killed. Another
tilde smashed and burled the Toledo
Works and a boarding house, killing Charles
A serious railroad disaster occurred
on tho Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad
near Pond Creek, III., on the morning of Jan.
21st, caused by a broken rail. Three passen,
gcr cars of the express train going cast we
thrown from the track, one car taking Arc
from tho lamps. Ono account tays: At two
miles wltbln Pond Creek at the crossing of the
C, B. & Q., a broken rail ditched three pas
senger coachea and a sleeper. The three
coaches were overturned ard took fire, one of
which was entirely and another partially con
sumed. Conductor Wheeler, ejjfcted by
tho train men, did all In their
rescue the injured from the burning wreck.
tne wounded were taken to TIskllwa,
and everything possible done for their
relief and comfort. Mrs. Klrby, of Nevada,
Ohio, was so severely bumed that her Intense
suffering was ended by death at 6 a. m. Mrs.
Holden, of Patterson, Iowa, tuttalned Injuries
that are almost certain to retult fatally.
Mrs. J. D. Orr, of Wlnterset, Iowa, ssrlously
Injured; Matt Phelps, of Qrlnnell, Iowa, had
his shoulder ditlocaled and was hurt Internal
ly; J. W. Huggett,of Chicago, was wounded;
a Belgian, unable to tpeak Eng'.hh, and name
unknown, was badly hurt. A number of oth
ers sustained alight Injuries. J. W. Bcott, of
Blair A Co., of Chicago, was ono of the
slightly iDjured but went Into Chicago. Con
ductor Wheeler burned bis hand and arm ee
Vercly in rescuing the wnded from thr
burning cars. Medical attendance and cverv
thing that can potslblv alleviate j
ot thelnured,oradd to their comfort, wss
provided by the officials of the company.
. -
Fred Kcslor, for tho murdor of his
wife In Aug., 1S79, was hanged at Danville.
Jan. 21st.
Wm. Van Blalcom, a farmer, near
Genoa, Livingstone county, Mich., Jan. I0t j,
ahot bis wife dead, and then killed himself.
Cause, drink and family troubles.
A saloon keeper named Lnffcrty, at
Nelsonvllle, Ohio, on the night ot Jan. 20th,
put two men out of hlsstloon for raiting a
disturbance. The men broke open the door
of the place and re-entered, and killed Laffert)
with a piece of Iron.
On tho evening of Jan. 14th tho stage
was attacked eight mllea from Fort Cummlngs,
by a band of thirty-four supposed Indians,
and the passengers robbed, and It Is reported
four ot thtm were killed. The mall bags were
carried off. United States troops are purtu
Inc. It ,1s rumored the robbers are disguised
At Delaware Bend, on Red Rvor,.
Texas, Jan. SOth, Noah Bowling assaulted
Geo. Burnett with a pistol, and waa shot and
killed by Burnett. At San Angelo, Texas, on
the same day, a soldier of Company F, 16th
Infantry, was shot and killed by a gambler
named R. O, Watson, who was furnished with
a fleet horse by friends and eccaped.
Two mon, Dan Bannon and EJ
Rjau, at Bodte, California, Jan. iilst, began
to scuffle In fun, Bannon commenced beating
Uyan with his six-tbooter, when Ryan pulled
his and commenced shooting. They had their
arms around each other's necks, and contin
ued shooting each other until Bannon was
dead and Ryan mortally wounded,
A body identified as that of J. A. Cope-
land, who had been cashier for Aldrlcb.
Milne A Co., Chicago, aud whose accounts
had been found to be short, wts found nesr
the lake shore, Jan. Blat. He bad evidently
been unable to bear the disgrace ot exposure,
and had gone to a secluded spot and blown
out his brains.
Dispatches from Tucson and Deming
report that the stage from Mettllla- to Tort
uummiogs was attacked by Indians Jan. 15tb,
about 14 mllea from Fort Unuunlmra- th.
body of tbe driver and threo men and one wo
man, pattengers, were found mutilated and
ourni, ana were removed to Cummlngs ; troops
are In pursuit; the Indians are supposed to
u,o uuuiucrcq aDout rorty.
ueorgo uussell, a rejected lovorof
sirs, never, In New York, entered her room,
Jan. 19:b, and without a.moment's warning,
mum qnaniiiy oi vitriol In her face. Her
sister's husband tprang to her assistance,
when Rujsell threw the scld In bis face, and
then emptied the contents ot the bottle in
bis wife's face. All three otthe victims are
uisngurea, om me wounat are not dangerous
The man escaped.
A Bodie dispatch says: Joseph Da
roche,Jwho shot and killed Tho, H-LTreloar
a few days ago on account ot a difficulty con
cerning Treloar's wife was captured six miles
from town Jan. 16th. Ho bad a preliminary
examination during Ike day, which establish
ed his guilt. About one cfeloek.nextsBorntng
he was taken from the all, conveyed to the
sceno of tls crime and -there banged. Five
hundred men witnessed tbe execution.
Ajdispatch from Sam Franolseoal Jan.
17th says: George nines, aged B6, -residing
near Grayson, Stanislaus county, Osav lOth,
put a revolver In his pocket, and, saytng to
bis partner "I am going to have that,! or I
will kill her," proceeded U tbe -resMeace of
Llxzle Kuene, a girl of 16, tklng wlth-henwld
owed mother. There be seaewed hleformcr
proposal ot marriage to the young lady, but
meeting with a firm thoagh feted sef usal,satd t
"I will kill you," and drew pistol. Mis
Kuenn anticipated hint wttat shot guneon
venltntly at band, and lodges! tbe chasffe In
nis neaa, rjiiiognlm.
A homblo triple sawder oooumd
near Plain City, Ohio, oa tbe a-lght of Can
48th. A colored man first notMed the author!
ties, and It was then teamed Km. Matilda!
Soott, a widow aged 40, herdaatrfcter agedlt,
ana aa adopted son afed 14, utaaed Charlie
Good, were dead on the floor, their bratnsecat-
Ured about the fioor.and smeartnc the walls
of - their sleeping room'. A large hickory club
lay near, horribly smeared with blood. Bob
art Garner, the colored roan, has beea arrested
on-sutptclcn. Ho lived with the Bcott family
aktior. eight years, but left them In anger three
months ago because they refused to rent the
fawa lo him. He tells contradictory stories.
Mrs. flcott wss a wealthy colored woman, and
great .excitement exists among the colored
people f the vicinity.
A diapotch from Las Yogas, New
Mexico, of .Jan. 18th says: At a ball given by
the MetJeens of Los Muls, this county, on
Saturday tught, eight Americans attended.
Bitter feeltegs were engendered between the
twonallonaKttes, and a free fight took place.
Doe. Qodgea and Frank Smith, two Amer
icans irom waiser ana Liosie camp, were
murdered la cold blood. Doc Hodges was
shot twice In the head and once In the chest,
and his body snatched by the Mexicans. The
remains were found next day, burned to a
crisp. Smith's body wss alto carried off, be
ing found next day perforated with bullets
and the skull crushed. One Mexican was
killed and tercral wounded. The feeling
among the tie choppers Is at fever beat and a
conflict may result between the two factions.
A shocking tragedy was enacted at
Lapeer, avlllage 70 miles north of Detroit, on
the evening ot Jan. 14th. Whllo the people
were at churcb,'Mrs. Barnard went to the h ouse
of Rev. E. Curtis, Bahtlst pastor, attacked bis
wife, an old lady about 05, threw her down,
poured gasoline over her clothing and set It
on fire. The poor woman was to badly bum
ed that sho lived buta few hours. Mr. Curtis,
until Istt year, was pastorat Greenville, Mich
igan, for several years. Mrs. Birnard came
to Lapeer a few weeks ago from Greenville,
where the llvet, being the wife of quite aprom-
Inent lumberman and a woman about 40 years
old. She has been busy In the meantime at
tending meetings and mingling In general so
ciety, but giving; no intimation of aaylll will
toward ber victim. It Is believed by many
that she is Insane from rcllzlous excitement,
but otters think the case is downright wicked
ness. Bhe is under arrest.
A dispatch from Rome says tho Fopo
has sent a request to Archbttbop McCabe.
Dublin, to Immediately publish throughout
Ireland the recent papal letter concerning tho
agitation there. The Pope expresses regret
that contrary to his Instructions tho publica
tion of the letter had been delayed.
Neil, Secretary of tho Cork Land
League, recently summoned on the charge of
mtlmiaatlon by writing threatening letters,
has bf en discharged for the want of evidence
to tuttaln the charge. Forty-nine members
ot the Land League have been tummcnel at
Llstowe on the charge of seditious conspiracy.
The Land League meeting at Rock Carrv.
cjunty Monaghan, and a counter meeting of
y.8?men, n ioor January, erc pro-
.1 it. i i w - .
htblted on the ground that the meet Ings might
lead to a breach of tho peace.
In tho Hnuso of Commons, Jan. 10th,
Charles Dawson, Liberal member for Carlow,
moved an amendment to the address In reply
to tbe Queen's rpiecb, praying the assimila
tion of the English and Irish franchise. He
ipoke for an hour and fifty minutes. Fortter
complained ot Dawson's course, but tald the
government was anxious to assimilate the
franchise If possible. Beveral Irish members
followed Forstsr.. A slight scene took place
because cries ot "Shut up 1" were raited while
E. Dwyer Gray, Home Rule member for Car
lw, was speaking.
Joseph Cowen, (Radical) Member oi
Parliament for Newcaatle-on-Tyne, and Par.
nell, will address a public meeting In London,
Fen. 4th, to protest against coercion. In eon
sequence of the prolonged debate In the House
nf Commons on the address in reply to the
Queen's speech. Ryand (Liberal) has aban
doned bis motion In regard to Transvaal.
A dispatch from Durban, cd Dec.
31st says: The Dutchmen of the Orange Free
State are greatly excited. In Cape Colony the
revolt Is considered a terrible. calamity. The
military authorities do not deem It advisable
to denude Cape Town ot Its garrison, Blr
George Colley has Issued an address to the
troops saying: ine stain cast upon our
arms must quickly be effaced and the rebellion
oppressed, but we think tbe officers and men
will not retaliate for the outrage, and will
avoid punishing the Innocent for tbe guilty."
Vienna and Constantinople dispatches
concur In reporting the collapse of the arbttra
lion scheme, Tbe attitude of Greece render
any pacific negotiations difficult. A Vienna
correspondent asserts that tbe Tortewlll form
a'ly reject arbitration, and abandoning the
Idea of a counterproposal, will allow things
to take their course. The final tssuo of war
seems to bo next to a certainty,
A Madrid correspondent telegraphs
Immense damage, has been done by terrible
gales. All railway communications have been
Interrupted, a hundred lamp posts blown
down, carriages upset and palisades destroy
ed. Tbe mail steamer has been delayed two
days. The weather has been very severe
In tbe north and northwest, especially In
the Bay ot Biscay, The Castile mines
have been flooded.. Several .wrecks are re
When yon have a thing to do, doit; and
wuru you nave a uougn vo cure, cur it, pv
using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the safest and
oen maue,
"Ob, yon be darned," at the Christmas
present tald when It slipped through the hole
iu mepeei oi me nuns upsiocaiog,
Answer Tlalt).
Did you ever know anv oeraon to be 111,
without Inaction of the Stomach, Liver or
kldnay, or did yon ever know one who was
well when either was obstructed or Inactive:
and did jou ever knew or bear of any esse oi
the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure.
Ask your neighbor this sasat .question.
Roland and Ulaaa.
Raral Home.
A wit among tho etoAonta of tho Rooh
ester ideological seminary, has con
trived the following love'talo, the chief
interest ot which will be'found to lie in
the assemblage of words' llablo to bo
mispronounced. Worcester's Diction
ary is the standard, the rpronunclatlon
first given in that volmase, 'feeing always
the one to decide. Let war 'readers try
this puzzle In orthoepy:
Roland and Diana were 'lovers. Dl
ana was ephemeral but comely, hypo
chondriacal but not lngnbfions,-tildaUo
but not dishonest, nor given tto -ribald
or truculent grimace. Her -pedal ex
tremities were perhaps a trffle-too' large
for playing organ pedals suoeestiully,
but her heart was not at all arJaaaatlno,
and her address was peremptory -without
being diffuse. On the vMle-ehe
might well become theiaamonrbvofoae
retired to some quiet vtetnage -ttway
from the squalor and clangor, the dis
sonance and contumely, ot a great tne-
tro polls.
'Roland, on the other hand, was Ttv
aturnlno countenance, at onee splewe-l.
tic, and combative in disposition, s
that his wassails and orgies were almost
maniacal In their dotalls. Ho was a tel
egrapher by profession, having reoeiv
cd a diploma from Caius Collego but
aggrandlzod his stipend by dabbling in
philology, orthcopy, and zoology dur
ing his leisure hours, bo that ho was ac
cused ot fotichlsmand tergiversation by
his patrons.
Still his acumen and prescience were
such that only a misogynist would dis
co rn that ho was an aspirant'for tho gal
lows. His acetic, rather than ascetic,
naturo apparently Inclined h!m to visit
n ohomical laboratory, well filled with
apparatus, to which ho had access,
whi-nco ho often returned with elobulos
of iodine and albumen on his cuoatchouo
shoos, which subjected him to tho risk
of numerous altercations with his land
lady, a virago and pythoness in one,
nnd with tho servant her accessory or
Roland had, however, becomo nccli-
matcd to his place roccived everything
with equability, rcclinod upon tho divan
whllo ho contemplated tho clyslum
whero Diana dwelt, and nddrcssed don
ctive distichs to her in tho subsidence
of the raillery.
Thoro was a certain diocesan who en-
doavorcd to dispossess Roland in tho af
lections of Diana, but ho was enervat
ed by bronchitis, laryngitis nnd diph
theria, which ou their subsl-lcnco left
bis carotid artery in an nppareutly leth
argic condition. Ho had sent Diana a
ring sot with onyx, a chalccdonlo varie
ty of stouo, and onco hung a placard
whero ho know sho would sco it from
her casement, but shostoadlastly reject
ed his ovortures, and ogled him as if ho
woro a dromedary. Tho diocesan bo
took himsolf to absolutory prayers, but
continued his digressions and, inquir
Roland becamo cognizant of this
amour and nrmod with a withe invoiglcd
him into a kind of assignation beneath
a josmino, whoro ho inveighed against
this "Gay Lothario," who defended him
self with a falchion until Roland dis-
armod hlai, houghing his palfrey with
al. Aftor tho joust, tho prebendary
abjectly apologised, albeit in a scarcely
rcspirablo condition, thou hastened to
tho pharmaceutic's aorio for copalbu,
morphino, and quinino, and was not
seen again until tho next michoolraas.
Roland returned on Thanksgiving
Day, took nn inventory of his posses
sions, which consisted of a largo quanti
ty of almond cement, a packngo of en
velopes, a dish of anchovy sauce, a tame
laicon, a hook on acoustics, a minaturc
of a mirago, a treatise on the epizootic,
a stomacher linod with sarcenet, a core
mont for sepulture, u cadaver, and a
Tho noxt day tho hvmoneal rites warn
performed, and Diana became thence
forth his faithful coadjulant and house
wife. Aa Astrelnger's Wild PredlcUon.
Washington Republican.
Prof. G. A. Grimmer, of Kingston,
Jamaica, who Is a scientist of fame, re
cently mado some wonderful prophecies
in connection, with the action of tho
planots and other heavenly bodies. He
says oi the "Star ol Bethlohem:" In
1887 tho "Star of Bethlehem1' will be
onco more seen in "Cassoplm's chair,"
and it will bo accompanied by a total
colipso of .tho sun and moon. The star
only makes its appearanco every 316
yoars. It will appear and illumine tho
heavens, and exceed in brlllianoy even
Jupiter when in opposition to tho sun,
and, theroforo, nearer to tho earth nnd
brightost. .Tho marvelous brilllanoy of
the "Star of Bethlehem," in 1887,, will
surpass any ol its previous visitations'.
It wjll bo seorjvevcn.by noonday, Miin
ing with n quick, flashing light tho cn
tiro year, after whlch.it will gradually
decroaso In brightness and finally disap
pear, not to return to our heavens till
2302, or 916 years alter 1887. This star
flrst attracted the attontion of modorn
astronomers in the year 1676. It was
then called a now star. It wis no new
star, however,, for this was the, star
whloh shone so brightly, 4 B. C and
was tbe star that Illumined the heavens
at tho nativity of Christ. If has ap
peared every 316 years since, and every
educated astrologer is certain that it
will reappear in August, 1687. The
appearance of this star, accompanied
as It will bo by solar ana lunar eclipses,
together with tho baneful influence that
follows the positions that Mars and Sat
urn will oocupy, will causo a universal
war and portentous floods and fearful
shipwrecks. 'lioith Amerioa will bo
involved in civil strilo, and a xelgn of
terror will prevail in tho Atlantic States
unless a Napoleon arises to quell it
There will be a war of classes; tho rioh
will array theatMlvM against the poor
ana vice versa everywhere.
WAsnwoTON. Tuesday, Jan. 17. Tho
census returns were submitted and referred.
The report of the Secretary of tbe Interior
was also submitted on the alleged fraudulent
returns from South Carolina, together with a
letter from the Superintendent of the Cessans,
tabled and ordered printed. Vest more to
K??r to Foreign Affairs Committee Ute
Dill On tbe calendar to InMrrmrat ttia.Tnt.
If.11'?..?1"11 CoPr., the Ben Holllday
Claim bill was considered. Cameron (Wis.)
Pnt? Kernan' motion to refer the case to
tun v-uriuiviaimi, waa aereatea yeas, 91
?CV, .u"rT,?n Ppopeaw striae from
vouu nmnrnnt oi compensation
therein named, 1898,789, so as to leave a blank
la the trjaca irrmt on. on
After some further amendment the 'bill paited
yeas, 83; nays, 19. a conference committee
5!te8l?M&e ?!.n-,nL? diplomatic
rrr-i.Hva u., AucrBumeueciuai effort
5V "J .Uie b,u f Jrorla ft "
allotment of land la ur.H k. t.ii
vu uid Hum nHmunni in r.,. mjt
4nn w M
. . 1 ....
K"1"" on us Dill lO place U. 8.
Grant on the retired list MeCoot submitted
f LmiSStJri!P?rt- J3?."1 referred to commit-
aw vi uid wiioin. nsirap. TmrnihaaAMMiti..
ISSUf Sfc-Htf..8 t.Tnm Abe
KiiT.i, V""'ri V? Dl or Florida.
vii,uviu uid ipeciai commitue on bona
ties reported a resolution directing the Com
m," ? Appropriations to add to the anoro
pnaiion D1U lor tkfl nunmt nf kn.iZ.r .-
appropriation of avmnon fop tn -.-i-. .
Arrears and pay boonUes to volunteer soldiers
dodlaThkrged' W'SSSSS
iS?uituAVt ,h8 ndlnK b'. the debate be
ing limited to one hour, and ten minutes sub-
ItSSfjfi.?. thP.Jbt ? each substantia!
j- - . ,rf"-cu me urn io me
SiS.en,,,,IK fr""' t!on the House
Wf a mrmmmt. lif J
The bill reported init&'&iMUtor
Sn!?,m,ti. t?.,r,.,,leT0R,cird ylbr from
s v Munuxu.ni rw I'linpnrinwr, ., v it .
political dlwbllltlea elicited aoirdlicutshir:
omwas nnallv fliriitjvlv) n in.. . '
thirds voting In tbe affirmation. Ingalls, from
the committee on Indian aff.lrs. reDorleflfS
rilrJ?,,'a.e.bl".ttProvlae. the sale of
..uuo uciuijkiuk m mo prairie duu of Pott.
Wlttam le Indiana. aniT fnr JT.' i" .
alSO. faVOrablV On K hill nrntrl.llnnn. .l.V?'
o.iaui, tuuisu -anus miiansas. riaced
on tbe calendar. Thn hill nf wiiii...-
nt ui.i 7.r r.-'r ."""c
vent tbe dtssemlnatlnn nf
j.o u, uuuicsvic nimais was UKtn Up. Wll
Hams spoke In favor of bis bill John,
ston submitted a resolution for a select com
mlttetl or nrA nn nf ..
taglous and InfecMous diseases of cattle and
.f.0m,,'fl'?,llnlm,I,twlch "Jfreed to
. tT t v"""wnsiiruiea the com-
, huicu was reierrca the bill of Wll-
Liiuj.uii uutuniuo same subject bv Kirk
wood. Edmund mII.h ,,n ,
ported from the rnmmir' r'"."".' ;
claims at tho last session to provide for airer-
.u.uK uu DciuiuK private land claims In
States and Territories acquired from Mexico
except California. Th after debate was pa?!
an.l P,1...J' , - - tuuuuau, uiftir
ucipatfa in dp iiipp. I'lnmh Thnm.. tii.i-
It requires the
uu iKUUiuuuD. ine Dill naanil fl...ll
vate land claims under Mexican grants,
S-fto the United Btatcs Courti
-or aoiuaieatfnn in npntiAn.
uusuHun uroviueu in the Mexican land
SlnSi'Sm . rnU:. .n mo!'oa of Cokc. th
?.'nto b.'i' 10 pro?lie ,or ,he otmett of
and in the several Territories to Indians on
various reservation n (nb X"
"0 went Into executive scstlon and soon
The fundlnt? hill rimn nn aa nnrinUI
Dutinejs. Ulllttte made a point of order
Jat J,?wbcr.ry had etlted he had gone to
. . .'. f UUUUICIILU
-v ...uuuii uauKut noicn ne wasauircc
tor, lo Irqulre how he should vote, and
had no rlzht to vote ou thlt question. He
made the point as a matter of duty.
Tbe debate developed the fact that this
was really a National bank bill. Newberry
was glad the point had been raised, as It In
volved every question. Under Glllrtte's con
struction no man who used tob.cco could voto
uu mo j'nijjuBiiion ioibko tno tax off of to
bacco. No such rule could deprlvo any mem
ber Of b e VOte. ThA rhulr nrinM ,W.
of order on the ground that there was no pre
cedent for dcnrlvlnir a mimhp nf .
rBtir.n, 1,1. .., T.. ' '.,,.:: " ,hu l"
"" : "'""" uiiibiw appea en.
By a vote ot 220 to 31 the appeal was tabled.
I ho three per cent n waa ar, n , .
vote of 149 tolfi. Variouaotheramcndmu
were acted upon, and thu hill ' nn.n.
vpan. 1!1A. n.itj lot '
Washington. Thmadav. Jan. OA. A nnrn
munlcatlon waa Drisntni1 anil referred nhlM.
offers to sell to the State Uenartment the tia.
pers of Benjamin Franklin, left to his grand
ton, Wm. I'emnle. If the Government ile
not accept tbe off-r the documents will he of-
ferca In London for 131 000. Kirnan submit-
ien a resolution asking tne President for cop
ies Of.anv corresnonilenpA alnee icr.o
consular aeenta of tho United Stutea
lu Switzerland or any other country
re-pectlng the tending to tho United States
:1 criminals, piupera or lunatics. McDon
ald's resolution for a stapdlng committee on
the rights of women was taken up. McDon-
. .'moviucu u. iKiDKiing tuirgesieu that
the committee be made special to that the
N-nenclal movement in behalf of Women's
Rights might result speedily In something
practical. Davis of West Virginia moved to
refer Itto the committee on rules agreed to
V.', T01.0 0,V?. S? McDonald, Hill
if Colorado, and Walker were annntnleil imrn.
mlttee to confer on thn hill
to Dakota, Montane, Alixona, Idaho and Wy
ombtg fot University purposes. Tbe funding
uu, nss ivtcmu irom me uouae anu referred
to the committee on finance. Tbe regular
order being the bill to provide for the allot
ment of land In severalty to the Indians on
various reservations, and to extend the pro
tection ot the lawa of States and Territories
over the Indian and for other purposes, lt
waa taken up and occupied the remainder of
the day. After tome discussion, without ac
tion the Senate went Into executive (cation,
and soon after adjourned.,
The Honse went Into mmmlUn nn She na
val appropriation bill. Tho bill waa read by
sections ior amendment. Alter torn time
theconmlttee rose and reported theJillWb the
House, and It passed. MacktmnfTfrom the'
committed on appropriations, reported the
imawinco appropriation biivwnlch waa order
ed recommitted. Calkins then called the con
testea election case of Rovnton vs. Lortng
num iiiuuui uiBiric. or juaesacnuseutj Al
ter tome consideration the paaa waa liliWaaMe,
After some unimportant business tbe House
Washington, Friday, Jan.
can ruported wltb two amendment
thn Hen,
are dim to
nlaco ()rn. flnint nn ST, a retire.!
ntt. wauace stated tbe nature of Mho amend
mente marie bv the, Senate, romiattee whirl,
asked S71.0C0; In committee of tB) wbole the
amendments were aereedto. Tbefmemlinents
were convurred In, and the, bill tlnfed. The
naval appropriation bill was received from the
uouse ana re leered to tbo rommltteatTsn nn,
proprlatlona. The Indian bill came il in its
leirularorder, but was laid aslft, and tbo In-
uiauiappropnanon mil tanenfip. Alter ex
rcutlve settlon the Senate adjftrned till Mou
1J.. f
The Senate bill for tbe retf ementtt Oen
Ord with tbe rank and pay of Major General
pasaeu. too oonteaiea eiactssn case OI rjoyn
ton igalnat Lortng came un,uovnton tpeak-
lag In bis own behalf. After tome debate
the .majority resolution In favor ot the
sitting member, Lorleg, waa agreed to. Kel
fer then called up the contested lection case
of BUby vs. Hull, ot Florida. The report of
tbe committee on election being unanimously
iu-iitTurui uipuj, uMvcaauv, anuwunouiaC'
tlon upon the ease, the Uoate adjourned.
He was saying, as he scratched a luclfer on
the aide of a house, "I like these houcea with
sanded paint; nice when you want to strike a
match, you know." "Ia hat sol" tbe asked.
demurely; "I with I lived In a boute with
sanded paint" and tben she looked thlnea
unutterable. If be had aaked, "what fort"
tbe would have bated him. But ho dldn.t : he
took the bint and the match was struck thea
ana there. .
Tell the Slclb
Thousand ot live are destiovedbt dlseas
of tbe kidney aad liver.' Kidney-Wort woulr
save them. Tell theatck of ft, and that It 1
jor saie uy an arnt-gm in elUitr ary or uquis
nv MnMI 4WHOT.
Twlaltllttsr ot she Star.
This is generally conceded to be due
to moisture in the upper air. M. Most
ttgny holds that very pronounced twlnk
atag of the stars indicates either com
notion in the upper regions of the at-
mocphero or a sudden fall of tempera
tare there, thus denoting the conditions
ot aa early appearance ot bad weather,
nxlaa m Mirrar Isssajre.
A German scientist has succeeded in
obtaining a chemical composition, by
awaaior which, it is claimed, a mirror
luge nay be fixed and sold as a pho-
vusrrapD. mtn this composition the
mirror surface Is painted, and the back
part of the mirror receives also a ooat-
tegofoil. Tho mirror thus prepared
is held before the person who is to be
photographed. The oil coating evaoo
rates, and the likeness of the nerson re
mains in natural colon on tho light sur
face. The" Image so" fixed is Snmeht
Into a bath; and is exposed half an hour
in the sunlight before delivery.
Attention has been directed bv M.
Moride to new kind of food to which
the name "nntrlclne" has been erven.
IU preparation is thus described: Haw
meat, from whloh bonca and tendons
have been carefully ezcisod.is passed into
sultablo machines along with nitrogen-
i.Tea alimentary substances, such as
bread, to absorb the water of the meat.
and, possibly, to form new combinations
with it. Aftor tho mass thus nnmanii
I . . .
ia hij .
, ZT V , UnaM ' mm h0"' lt
PulveriMd and sifted. A powder of
an ngrcoablo tasto, and varvinir from
yellow to gray In color, is tho result,
Whon albumen, fats, or gummed water
Is added to this powdor. solid cakes or
cubes may bo mado of lt, and theso solid
forms may bo broken up, as occasion
may requiro, for soups or sauce. This
nutriclno is admirably qualified to sus-
a f s .
win pnysicoi vigor, and It can bo tiro.
served for any length of timo if It ia
kept irom tho deteriorating influencoof
nn atmosphere charged with moisture
ana irom uio action of heat.
New Vut ofCaator Oil.
Tho American Erjgincor Bays in re
spect to tho uso of castor oil: A groat
uimcuiiy with nil tjros in tho uso of
machinery is tho wasting of oil by its
too profuso uso. It often happens that
n bearing will heat when supplied with
too musn oil that will run cool whon
supplied with tho propor quantity. Tho
reason is that whon tho lubricator is
partly worn it bocomes, as Mr. Smith
says, sticky; it resists removal: it re
mains tenaciously between tho shaft
and its bearing; whoroas, too much o
it, usually thin and limpid, sorves to
"wash tho bearing," and lot tho Darts
into closer contact. In tho working of
mowing machines this point is exempli
fied. In grass land, whero flying dust
is at tho minimum, tho machine should
bo kept oiled Just sufficiently so that
tho shafts will show an oily film as seen
through tho oil-holes, and tho slightost
appearanco of frsh oil at tho ends o
tho boxes; any morn is an Injury. Whllo
in uso for mowing grab, whoro dust is
usually considered very destructive.
all parts should bo kept oiled so frcoly
as to keep tho bearing always well wash
od that is, oil oontinually working out
men tno grit can not work In.
Pumninor Hot IV lifer.
A pump will not lift hot water bocauso
tho suction pump dopends for Its action
on ntmosphorio pressure. When tho
piston of such a pump hi raised, a
vacuum Is formed beneath it, and tho
water from tho well orrosorvolr is forced
to follow tho piston up to the top of its
stroko, by tho atmosphcrio proasuro on
tho water surface with which tho pump
is connected. When tho attempt is
mado to lilt very hot water, howevor.
tho riso of tho piston causes an abund
ant evolution of steam or vapor from
the water surface, whioh fills the space !
beneath the piston. This steam or vu-1
por has consldorablo tendon, and exerts
sufficient back pressure to counter
balance and equallzo tho, atmospherio
pressure. On this account, thu lifting
of hbt water, save tor very small lifts is
impossible. When hot liquids are to be
pumped, therefore, tho point of supply
should not be below the pump, but
rather n little above it, so that the
liquid may flow Into it
Worm orftJirhtnlBsr Rod.
It has boon, a favorite theory with
somo that tho form of a llghlning-rod
had a decided influence on its eleotridal
conductlvo capacity, tho favorite notion
being that, tbo greater tho extent.
of surfneo, the better. ? This idea,
though, lt never had any scientific sup
portors, has been oflootually disposed of
by tho English electrician, Prcecc, who
has lately mado a series of experiments
with a number of conductors of various
shapes ribbons, tables and solid cylin
dersall of samo weight. - lie found no
appreciable change in tho resistance,
and tho fact was experimentally proved
that the extent of surfaco docs not af
fect tbo rapidity of neutralization of an
elootrioal discharge, and that, whether
In the form of a cylindrical rod, tube,
or wire rope, a lightning-rod is equally
effeotlve. ? i .
Meaaoaat " Hotla,
Professor Kokltanky is cited as among
those who think highly of the treat
ment of phthisis by initiations of ben
zonate of soda. In order that the spray
may find free access to the throat Cad
lungs, ho directs thai the patient draw
the tongue forward or hold it down with
a spatula, and then tako deep Insplra
tlons until coughing is exoited the lh
halations to be repeated until the cough
is no longer louowea oy expectoration.
He assumes .that the-'tuboa are thtt
cleared of mucus, and that the medi
cine comes into direct contact with the
mucus membrane. As Buchhola and
Klebs have shown that this drug de
stroys bacteria with certainty only
when administered in the proportion ot
I -1,000 of the weight of the bodv. Dr.
Kokltaasky has hla patients inhale daily
one grain of the drug in a five per
cent solution for every two and one-
iah pounds of their weieht. He attri
butes to thlt, medication first nf all, a
destructive action on bacteria, and, la
the second place, a meohanioal actio
oa the pathological secretions, whlclt
are rendered mora liquid, and are mora
readily removed from the air passages
Tho DmlerXMtBt of tho OrMt MHal
"Hinss ! uw ValtM IUIm.
At a meeting of the American Socie
ty of Mechanical Engineer! in New
York, Prof. Thurston delivered the ad
dress. "Muoh," he said, "remains to
be done by the General Government ia
the development of the resources of this
country. The new organization of the
geological survey is such Inform aad
In the character of its administration
that we hope to aee the work of deter.
mining the value of our mineral re
sources done with maximum rapidity
and efficiency. In tracing the progress
in the variona departments of American
enterprise ho said that ninety-nine years
ago Samuol A. Slater started tho first
successful cotton-spinning mill at Paw
tucket, R, I.. To-day we raise 1.600.-
000,004 pounds of cotton to supply mills
In nearly every New Eogland Stato and
in nearly every other State in the Union.
whioh manufacture $500,000,000 worth
of goods.
"From tho day in 1794 when tho flrst
rude woolon-mlll was established at
Nowbury, Mass., our woolen manu
factures havo grown In extent nnd in
excellence of product, until to-day our
iz.wu or 16,000 sou of machlnorv.
handled by noarly 100,000 of tho most
skillful operatives to bo found In tho
world, produco $240,000,000 worth of
goods, which in point of cheapness and
excellence compete with, tho best work
In Europe
Wo havo seen silk manufacture.
aftor struggling with difficulties of every
imaginablo sort for half a century final
ly socuro a foothold nnd enter upon a
period ol prosperity which is as marvel
ous as it is encouraging. Tho enter
prise of the Chonoys during tho past
gonoration, and tho steady persistence
of tho Patorson, N. J., manufacturers,
havo borno fruit in tho orootion of 250
mills, with a production of $30,000,000
worth of goods, whioh in strength and
durability oxcol, nnd in beauty are fully
equal to, tho finest products of its
French competitors at Lyons.
"In tho manufacture of iron and.
steel tho story is tho samo. We havo
(urnacos which are supplied with every
variety ot tbo best ores, and aro making
2,000,000 tons of pig iron per annum.
"By a wiso policy of legislative pro
tection we aro practically freo from
that foreign competition which threat
ened to throttlo our manufacturers in
their infancy. We consumo our whole
product, and that is nearly 15 per cent.
of all the iron used tho world. Of our
enormous coal yield, about 50,000,000
tons a year, a largo fraction is con
sumed in making and working this iron,
1,000,000 or moro tons of which goes tq
market as wtought iron in a thousand
different shapes.
"Tho growth of our Bessemer steel
production Is oven moro .marvelous.
Twenty years ago this wonderful illus
tration of tho marvels of chomlcal
science was looked upon as merclyan
ntercstlng and curious process, of no
immodiato valuo and of most uncertain
promise To-day aslnglo establishment
is making 100,000 tons a year.
"Tho United Statis is looked upon as
the home of all ingenious and effeotivo
labor-saving devlocs. Tho Corliss en
gino has revolutionized the steam-engine
manufacture of tho world. The
class of men from whoso ranks the
members of this society are principally
drawn direct, and labors ot nearlv 3.-
000,000 of working people in a third of
a mimon muis, are responsinie ior ine
preservation and profitable utilization
of $2,500,000,000 worth ot capital direct;
ine payment oi 9i,wu,wu.uwot wages,
the consumption ot $3,000,000,000
worth of raw materials, and the outnut
of $5,000,000,000 worth of manufactured
articles, lilty thousand steam-engines
and imore than an equal number of
water-whooJs turn the machinerv ot the
hundroda of thousands ol workshops
throughout the country." ,
Adrenturo With a Catamount.
ew York Times.
Week before last Wm. Boyd was walk-
ing along tho Little Equinunk road, on
tbo Pennsylvania side of tho JJolawaro,
and when within a hundred yards of hla
houso a largo catamount sprang from
the woods and propnred to attack him.
Boyd whistled, for his dog, and jumpod
from tho road into, the bushes, The dog
answered tho call of his master, and
whon he appeared the catamount bad
3od, Tho dog followed, and soon after-'
ward Boyd heard a struggle in tie
woods. He hurrsLl to tho sceno, and
Cound the dog woitylngia wild-cat kit
ten, tho old ono bwng nowhere to bo
sooi, Boyd took Jhokltton away from
the tjgg, ind stJrbJd home with it
Near-by be feundarro more kittens
orouohing in the bushes. He took thenf
in his arms, and when he roaehod his
gato he locked back and saw the old
one pursuing him. He hurried into the
house, and the dogdrove the catamount
away. Next day 3oyd took oneoftha
kittens to tbe spot where he had fourid.
them. He tied it to a tree, and bid him
self, with his fcun ready to fire. The,
cries of tbe kitten soon brought tho
mother to it. Sho took the kitten in her
mouth, but Boyd shot hor dead before
she had taken a atop.
a Danbnry man tell a good story of hi
sunt, who f a model bousekepeer and a
cropulottfttlckler for a good table, Tbe
clergyman called near the dinner hour and waa
pratted to tay to the meal. -j At the table
Itiswws Kood aupply of weJlreBared food,
but. tbe Jidy felt compelled to'ftkke many
apologte far Imaginary de8clenele. la the
grace the clergjaaan atiadouriitavKily ratfc
rte'bUMtK frugal iai,' TUau4ta
lady very aud.

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