OCR Interpretation

The Holt County sentinel. (Oregon, Mo.) 1883-1980, December 26, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061417/1890-12-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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1 , B
Tfccils tie Cierictsr Ablest Uaivsisally Given to
The Webkly Inter Ocean.
i la abiv ccti caieiuuv oaiictl Id
13efulECS3 13 Slit. HUiiC. VOKIliiliUr. a -d jliE ti'JwiN t-KS l-iriE.
It is a pijsisteiji
U3tSica:8a'!Eltiut::c QTiolar.rcr.li:T and ebly. Vrtu It cl-es lalrtroat.
m-.tto p3.1UcoiocP3-lcte. f.ie tlt'xTiv CI'MT.t. TOTKSliJ AK .MOKOI-OMtrtlainatsjo-.isdc
.o boir. t t.!c e.i d : iluis u.u-e- s.
THE uriSnKi' IJKVAHtAiKN' ct .-i!Ti:;f is o ci Icr.t. ord hes amen J
KsconUIOutoriiEoaiecl tto Mvjsr Ki- CL1 '.KK lei ctr.- re.
Tne rosn.s and Doiir.snc cui-i"sp:-:'FKcr, skIiai atid
SKOuraio?j.sai tod -jIc:-.i.nj oii.-. t.- J.ci 5.fc.iaaaila'-"jccsiay
A-j V 7" !7 JVS
In addliion to aa tt-:s r
Sloyoa tor tnei purpcixj
SV70 C"
the tz-vrEETrzr intek
scribner's iviasazine
Ttt Stejcila r.r.-l L TTssiSy later Ccoas ar
fieri 5ct fa Scfcjcriiers Oas YeariarTwi Do22n:s accf Xznety Costs.
Snceessor to SAXTOX & 1IEXDKICK,
Tho lsrgest line of jfrwwls to select from, and lowett prices, our ntock compns-1
UK nti the nowet designs in JJiamonUs.
Nilvcr headed Cines and Umbreiliic, Mantle
ind many other articles too numerous to
welcome, whether thy wish to purchase
B09-.ll 1 Felix Stret, S!. JoKtpIi, Mo.
All Orders from tho Country will Receive Prompt Attention.
Iceloilinir mtin lines, lirsnchea ar.d c tsniens Cist cnt Ve3t of tho
MisEoun icsver. xie Jt- ou&o lli t.-su uiuaru, .-un-ii., uwiwo,
Peoria. JJaSait3.aio)!n!', Kfici Ialcnd, in ll LIlJOIS-EaveriFort, liuscatlne.
Ottumwa, Ookaloofa, n3 li:inoc, Wiritoriet, Audubon, Jlarian aud Council
251uas, in ICV.1. r-norrpcili: and St. Pcol, 5a AIIK K ESOT. WRirtova
and Sioux FaliF, ia IAIlOTA Oaroiiron, fet. Jo-jspi and Kasisca City, in
SUSSOURI-Crahii, Fslt bur? and Kcl-or., in HEBUASKA-Rc:to. Topeka,
Hutchinson. ViefcHs. L'eliOVjilf, Abi'.e-.ie. Cfidwea, in Kansas Fund Cfreck,
EncctflCV.K:BWU:!jar,Ea ixno.in tho IKlU.i: 'i EnBlTOBY-oa't Cenvcr,
-CcJorfido "S;vircTt- TrTtrA-iri. in (MLilluGO. FRhTE H-cUnlHtr Chfiir Caro to
Sivlpcrt. 'i
nil imm fll 'w-r! t-.nlt; I? ll'.'.::3;a
iDS Cars bct-K-ccn Chirago, Wiccltc end Hatchiain. Traverses new and
vest areac or rich tannic -j:c'. Fmzina- la.-: Co, alici-dingr tho best lacilitiaa of
intercommunication to.l: tewns and ciiTca er.at ciid -erect, nortawc3t and
6C-uUiwe3t or Cbicuo, and i-itcido and trin3-ocoaiii3 Geaporta.
the locomot
Council :
cam una Tlpr.rni' Co!nr:ifi .--r.pin'
cil eoraootitors in ECiondorof cauinaant, warmed bv steam Irom
ivo, 'veil vintilatad, and froo from dust. Through Coacues,
Blepers, arid OmJng- Cars easiy cetwesn unicafso, ties moines,
niiifTH pm! O.ipJti, -uHi! irron Haclinin.T Cimlr Cd-S bottveen Cl!i-
ury ana xopesa. tipienaia iJin.np notsis inimiouziia- iiiej-j Li. tj-juiuio
OP ROUTE3 to and'from Bolt Lake, Oden. Portland, Loa Aiyrolod nd San
FmnclGCo. Tlio DIRECT to and from Piko's PooJc, Manitou, Garden
of the. Goda, tho Mountain Cities, Mining
uraoaeurb i:i uoiorsiao.
v:a the albert
Solid Express Train." dally between Cblc-s? a
"With THSOUO U Hecunins Chair Cira irB2i
TTrirnn fitv lrmic1! rhi1?" ?fir rtiH firmer
Kansas City. Throush ClwirCs
to-srii, Sioux Falls, and tie Summer Koort3 and Hunting and Fl&niitcr
Grounds of tho Nort'.i.-c. .....
THE 8HOET LiIi.'K VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to
travel botwocn Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Laiayetto, and Council Blutis, St,
Joseph, Atchi3on. Lcavenvrorth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St FauU
For Tickets, SIcpE, FoMero, or desired information, apply to any Coupon
Ticket Offlco in tho united States cr Cauda, cr eddreas
General HTgrtsgcr.
You Ought to Read
The Chicago Daily iEvs is as good as
the best, and cheaper than the cheapest:" It
is mailed, postpaid, for $3.00 per year or
25 cents per month. It is a member of the
Associated Press, and prints all the news.
At this price you need no longer content
yourself with the old-time weekly. The
Chicago Daily News costs but little
more. It is an independent newspaper, and
prints the news free from the taint of par
tisan bias.
Chicago Daily News.
the more woTPtfip&he bright-erS
Busy wives who use SAP0LIO
never seem tx grow old.Try & c&ke
A complete wreck of domestic happinoie has often resulted from
bdly washed dishes, from an unclean kitchen, or from trifles which
seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of his
wife's devotion to her family, and charges her with general neglect
when he finds her careless in these particulars. 3Cany a home owes
large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness ta
"" -rr often rabstitnte cheaper Kooda for SAPOUO. to make a
better proat . ,A kaek rr articles, Ud iaiat on barlas Jast ukat
sou ordered."
it dererJ3cr.iiui a crecla! xriew to lta
A(f -
.' fu.i .V
T::r Y."WI.r 1- c -on :n i s c.Xurana
ocean - !
n i v eta -ocasncnccuiO
r-!i- --j.r-. n MPLn C3P1ES StM
aSTi.-.'XCB OCEAtf. ChiC3S
. 'ntci.es, Jtw-jlry, Silverware. Uom Htm
Clocks ami Uroczes, doUl hpectaclen, (
mention. All who visit our store are made
or n .t. Call and seo us. itespect fully, j
nmirjr.drro Cltr. and FciaoeSlsCD-
Fucbib, via St. Joseph, or Kansas
Ciinpi', Sonit&riuaa?, and Scenlo
lea route,
and lilnneapoUs and St Panl.
ILL. Cca'lTickst&'asiAgect
te tike
The Mayor's Drenm.
After recovering somewhat from the
ouslauKbt of Mr. llaer, tho survivora
re3olvcd themselves ioto a grievance
committee and reported at headquartors,
(CV.tiunintf for u recruit with pugilistic
proclivities to substantiate the decisions
f of trie committee in their labor of up
holding the national honor. There were
several applicants, for this was consider
ed a con.ipicimuii oSicu and much to Ik
deal red, especially by those reeking mili
tary dUiiction without undergoing tho
irksome operation 01 participating in a
battle. Tho one great iuducoment held
out by tho i!i:ta:igaa;oat, nnd whicli
inado the position ono particularly to be
lesired, was, that .should the liicuniben'.
b3 injarod in any way. real o.-)imaginary,
daring hiscontinuancc in office, ho would
receive a pension just tho same as if he
had lain in camp for six years and con
tr.ictad through inactivity and the neck
of a bottle, tho disease commonly diarf
nosjd aa quick whiskey consumption,
with this luscious prospect in view it is
no wonder that tho weighty members of
the company at once proffered their
services. Among the prominent candi
dates were. J. M. Hasness,"Si Xortnan,
E. S. Mongomcry V. E. Stubbs, II. L.
Edr, J. G. Dunham, et. al. As the boEt
man was wanted to till the position, it
was thought proper to decide the matter
by the Harvest Home muscle tester.
! This was done with the follow iugpeoro in
puueds: Haencss, 1M; Xorman, 71XJ.W0;
Meintgomerj-, SS83C0; Stubb?, 1.9&3GU:
Eads, 1.931-359; Dunham. ISO! :KS. Jlr.
ii. i - i 1 ii .
3ul,u3 .w.
doicii, waui cuurai urerareu iu w mu
lawful incumbent and forthwith had tin-
Q.Mx of o;b00 Rdministered and at once
i)roceeiled Qa tho clisch:iri?9 of hislduties.
, He was first required by the laws of
i nature and disappointment to silence,
j further opposition, and establish his
authority, by giving each of his recent
opponents a sound drubbing; This was
accomplished in tho most approved
style according to tho methods of the
illustrious John L. Sullivan and Peter
Jackson. Al Whobrey, who since tho
outbreak had been so badly scared that
he had no trouble whatever in maintain
ing his hair n-la-pompadotir, was the
next victitm sought. Tho committee
with tho masters of wind nnd mueclo at
their head marched to tho sceno of ac
tion, which as a matter of circu,mstance
and conseijuence was in tho vicinity of
tho Gladstone hotel. In the roar or t his
6table structure was found tho object of
their search in earnest discussion with
the Jameses Harvey, Crannel, Cropp und
io we as to which was the heavier, n
pound of load or a sick of feathers. lie
contended that it all depended on the
weight of the lead whilo his opponentw
argued that the question hinged simply
on the size of the sack and the weight of
its cr.ntents. There is no detinite method
of calculating to what untold depths
tlih subject would have been sounded
by this able quintette, had not tho np
pearanco of tho committee adjourned
tho mtcti'ig Pir.e die. Knowing full well
tho consequences or being captured Mr.
Whobrey resolved to make ono frantic
effort for liberty. Instinct inspired him
as it had inspired several of his pre
docesecrK, with the determination to soeK
sitety in fhght, which determination 1.
was not long in putting into execution.
A hirgo s'xn-bar.-el which lind beta ae-
sr.cil quarter.; in tho immediate vicin
j ity now asserted its existence by arrest-
in r tlio progress of tho fleeing patriot
an 1 incorporating him within its limits.
Oae agonizing look of frenzy, ono lat
yell defiance and despair and tho gal
lant fifer sank to rise no more. The com
mitt e lo-ft no time in t.dting pfsse.sr.cn
o" tho barrel in the name of Ci;t. Graves
B. S. A half-inch auger ho!e was bored
near the bottom of tho barrel nnd it
saon became apparent that the inter.
tionof the fiendish pursuers was to
draw off tho contents of tho barrel, nail
up tho end and have their man inclosed,
resdy for shipment. This was done and
amid the deafening applause of tho as
8 ;mbled populace, they rolled the barrel
from its place away and store I it
among tho congregated relics of tho
comraitte;'s energy at tho Armory.
When Lige Ballard looked do.vn from
the aerial regionsfaad beheld the human
' blood hounds on his track he immediate
ly took to his heels with a uianifu-.t in
clinr.tion of showing them a thing or
two in tho may of locomotion. He
would probably have been successful in
this effort had ho been able to impart
tile same momentum to both ends of
his physical being at the same time, but
this proved impossible; l.is feet and
ha.td exchanged places and Bro. Ballard
u.cisured his sis feet four on tho mother
earth. While endeavoring to regain his
former dignity ho was pounend upon
an 1 ' oruo Mway in triumph Sherman
Byerle, : ho had previously been appre
hended by the com.nitteo whilo at
home studying his Sunday school lesson
and who was at this time confined in a
dry goods box in A. S-Smith's cellar, now
eant in a petition praying forarolcase on
a writ of habe.13 corpus. Tho com
mittee referred the matter to the Mas
ters of wind and muscle for iinal r.d
juttment, i'oth of these worthy spirits
d-.-elared positively that they knew no
geuthnian by the name of habeas cor
pus and therefore could not conscien
tiously releare the prisoner on Mr. Cor"
pu3 recommendation or that of any
other gntletiiau whose acquantancc
they had not tho honor of having al
ready fornird. On the strength of this
i"eci-ion the petition was returned, bcar
iu the official :,alof the committee and
t.-ivtoni its foreman. The unlucky
t mr-orial knight was accordingly ro
t srned to the dark, damp, ratty atso
ciu.ionsof his former prison, thero to
pine away, the victim of circumstantial
evidence. Robert Cottier being one of
the Escelliior Springs veterans, wag
now sent after with all dispatch, as it
was necessaiy to have wide-awake,
active men, rho knew their own busi
ness, to successfully copo with tho In
d atis. Reaching his place of abode tho
committee searched tho premises in
vain for any trace of tho lost oue. There
were fresh tracks about thehotiso which
indicated that tho object of their search
was cot far distant nnd this, togsthcr
with the fact that a placard bearing
the inscription, "Gone where the wood
bine twineth.tho whang-doodle i.-hnngeth
and the wild fox diggeth his hole un
seated." was found tacked on the front
door with the ink still warm, inspired
tho declining spirits of the exploring
party with uew vigor. But vainly did
tbey search for the whereabouts of the
whang-doodle, or try to apprehend the
Two or three dollars ior a 5-A Ilorso
Blanket will tave louble its cost. Your
hon-o will eat lesj to keep warm and bo
worth fifty dollars m.-iro.
Will also offer the following Bar
gains until closed out :
One Fino Surry.
1 Jump Seat buggy,
1 n Snring Wvgon,
1 llrewiterSpring Llug
gv. full leather top
with shafts. 00.00. "5.00
1 Road Wagon, Ki.W. 4.".(W
2 Anderson I'haeton Carls 'J7..W. 25.3)
2 Molino CtrlH, 24:73 2UI0
1 Sultan Cart, 27.50 Sl.o'J
1 Uushford Wagont inch.
Gear lireak. 05.00. 51.00
1 Juckron Wagon, 15 inch
Cur lireak, 55.0?
The above are all ood goods, and will
only bo sold Tor Spot Cash or approved
note. I also have u large t-tock Harness,
Hlankets, Kobe-, Whip, Saddle, etc..!
... r . ti . : ,l.n. -.! 1
wiucil 1 will oner at prices muv ;
move them. Call and see me and I will
save vou money.
"Boss wouldn't blanket him in
the stable. Said it wasn't no use."
FREE Get from your dealer free, the
5i Book. It has handsome pictures and
valuable information about honxs.
Two or three dollars for a 3a Hone
Blanket will make your hoise worth mors
and cat less to keep warm.
5A Fivo ailQ
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric .
5A Extra Test
Ask fori
30 oilier stvles at prices to suit every.
body. If yo:i can't get tlicai from yotu
dealer, write us.
AlanuM by Wm. Arura Koxs. 1'UlUrta.. wno
taaie tlie foiuous llurb: ltraaU Baier Blankets,
MKSa a UtU Sintt f HKIbr
ItxiL-t LNVlsinLE TMOUt IA1
CBsamirC. Wiiliron hrm. Ccin-
ClfzoKi uid brauulm the hair.
l'ruiMtrt a In i una ct frvwitu i
Never Fella ta Hettoro Gray
Hair to ita YoutMul Color. ;
Curvs mip dismra i. hair tUuiz. 1
e WrrT- litnrrr Tcni-. It run th rt Lwuzn.
linj. IMiility, Inrliin:!-n, rsin,Ta intiifK.JOcU.
i"Dat insula, or UitCvX M CO N- Y
M!v a I liormiBli tin wlisl'.-of ttir -atnral laws
wl.irh K"V-:in tlli i-I""ratl'ms of ibirpstinri anil
ir.ililti"ii, anl by;, careful apjilimllon nlll'i
Hue pi.i.r:ie ol vvoll -r!ec:eil I k-o i. Mr. Kppx
i:a pr"xi il otir lueatKint taM.-s v.iili a ilell
e.iieiv ll.iv-.re'l tiewratfi- v!.i -!i may :;ve in
liianvlie,iyieOtor'bii!i. 11 If r III- j.;ilic
o:is i so of -v.cli anlrl. s of liit ili.it a mas: II u
tioa in ty be Kiali:aMi built up uniil strouc
eiioin;!i to reJU.1 vry ieiateiiry In itixka-e
Iliuiiln'iUo: xalit inj!a.!l-.;;r tfoi'lciraroiiinl
ns i-a.lx 10 attaelx u wiireirer Ibere tx a weak
iHin.t. We n.av iscipe in :n aiatil shaft bj
Kefpinc i.iir'eUi. wt-U forlifi.1 uiilipiir.- bioil
aii-1 a nm;i"r!j n.uirixiie:l fr.-jn.'."- ('nlsrrrirt
(Sozrttr. Miule xiniplx iiiili l olllctf water or
in !' SoM "lib ta ti.xJf pi.uuj lli.i.by Cr.xeis.
J.:.IK-I I'i'S i CO .Honi'i'i p tli!efli-ialst..
Lonilxii. Eiiitlaiul.
x i"or ciiav ve
ew;;crfCil Dv rnvsiciins, out cm,
. . . . . . , . . .
I recently trtrodoced generaur.
Ei Tlie best Torous riaster mad
I Unlike other il2sters.so be sure
ir.d ,ct tho peauine with the V'C'(P
EutI Hay Rtjt, fiijitlicna, Wtoojisg
Ttner-rtnended by Pb.-!clias and "ld by Dnrc
Ctu ti foiisLodt tao world. 3und for Fre Sampla.
sole PBo?nnrroBs,
Insure in the Orient Firo Insurance
Company, of Hartford.Connecticut.This
is one of the oldest and most reliable in
Insurance Companies in tho United
Sttnra. ti'tth n nnmtnl ctwlj. .... an ,
v ri rr -Li.
cash of. 81.000,000. J. W. K.cff, Agent, committee, caused by the masterof mus
Oregon, Mo. 1 ri0. contracting muscular relaxation and
festiva wild fox for neither could be found
and it was tijally decided that thero
was no clue to bo had from that direc
tion. A largo specimen of woodbine hud
started out tn life near ono corner of the
house and bad through successive stages
of growth twined and twisted iUelf
I about tho nun spout which decended
from tho roof, until it had reached quite
. a height. Here at last was a clue on
which they could base their operations.
The destorted and dented condition of
tho pipe, together with a heavy and re
' gular breathing, emanating from the
interior indicated tho iccloted presence of forms a solution tiiat w;:! cause the
some representative of the animal erea- death of the worm in the juvenlL' stage,
tion. A council of war was held and it j asolttiiz hphay
was unanimously decided that Bob had ' A spraring apo.iratm ha.i bji'oma ei
gono up tho spout literally it not ligura- B .ntial to sj"ves's in fruit growing. Sev
tively. It was furthermoro decide J th .t era! noighb can c imbiaa to pnrchasa
he must be got out dead or aliva with ( an outfit and o.vn and use it together,
thegreatost dispatch. Tho master of e.ichangir,g work in spr.-mcg so as to
unva nnii mr.n nu ...,r..,l...I rtn.l l...
submitted his opiuion in writing to tho 1
... , f. . "
terms to "drown him out, He went
further into the particulars of the case
and showed the feasibility of this course,
stating that any Lieut means of ejec
tion woLld result disastrously to tho
general appearance of tho house by in
juring the paint, which of courco would
have to bo paid for by the committeo
out of therown pockets. This last sug-
gestion somewhat alarmed the more
prudent member and when it war
rumored that there might be costs to
pay. they resolved to go about their
work in the gentlest manner pojiible.
After due deliberation it was decided to
niako their victim "tako water" ac
cording to tho suggestion or tho master
of ways aad means who gave it as his
opinion that two or three buckcbsful
would nUilico to bring forth any speci
men of humanity that might bo lodged
in tho spoilt. Tho lawer end of the
spout was plugged up and several bar
rels of condensed aqueous vapor were
turned loose upon the roof and allowed
to trick !o i ct the upper end. As each
instalment of water was administered
strange sounds proceeded from within.
Tho foreumn of the committee waE
called to explain the circumstance.
"Whoop in some more water there,"
cried the lo-cmim, alter ha Had
tt.-olled to the whereabouts of the beseig'-t
ed. More water w;ts accordingly "whoop
ed" in, and "gub. gub, gub," camo tho
tounds from wilhiu. Tho foreman, who
was a man of consir.erablo experience
and ability seemed to underytaud these
vocal disturbance .', for, throwing his hat
upon the ground and himself into a
theatrical attitude he rippd out a soul
stirring nn-itiietaa and asked the besieg
ers what they thought. These worthies
at enco signilicd hr.t they were so bad
ly put out that they hadn't thought of
thinking anything yet. Then wcrs they
informed by their omnipotent foreman
that the. tenant of tho spout was resort
ing to the titr.o honored ruse of tho
ground squirrel, ie., was drinking the
water as fast as I hoy poured it in. Work
was ror.cn t-d with redoubled vigor in
In p -s that the swallowing capacity of
fiat alimentary c:.n.l might bo out
djne. Tho Mound City firo department
were ordered out to insist in getting
water into t4ie spot.t, still "gub, gub,
gub," resounded from within, without
any prospect of cessation. Tiicu did the
foreman bethink hiiiiscir of a timely ex
pedient. Hfs would call on the water
wotks: to help him oat. The waterworks
managen eiit were only too gl.td to help
a brother in dittre-r. Hureforo was
tho work of laying pipe prosecuted with
untiling energy, all nigh-, nil day, from
Wednesday noon until Sunday noon, and
from Sunday noon till Wednesday noon
again, dirt iiew nnd time Hew and tinally
nll was ready. Tho seething torrent
was turned on and tho "gub, gub, gub,'
was nguiu audible abovo tho murvuurof
the rippling wr.tors. But thoro is an
end to h 'mane forb. aianca an 1 so it
proved. After a full day's ojieration by
the waterworks the spout which had
gradually appeared distencd, burst and
Iu Bob bobbed out and stood in their
midst, a watery if not a wiser man. He
was promptly conveyed to tho Armory
where ho awaits a paseago on some west 1
b mud expedition, and as ho will be ablo
13 stand the thrjugh tri.) without stop
ping for water, p. salubrious and lucrative
poition is expected to be tendered
him in the near future. As
soon as it bocamo apparent that
thero was any likelihood of Indian
troubles. Dick Caton, packed his li
brary in a band box and with his ward
robe in a collar box and the latter box
in the former and th former in his .kh-U-
et, repaired to theshades of Craig. Here
for a whilo ho reveled in fancied secur
ity. But vain human delusions! That
committeo had his pedigreo in fell.
From it they i:ceivcd thi.t he was a
personage of antagonistic inclinations,
who was equally in his clement wheth; r
fighting or eating (more especially the
latter however); one who had manfully
shouldered a gun at Cam;- Wickham
and swoio to yoll for Mound City with
his last breath; who was reputed to have
drank human blood and seen barrels of
thunder fresh from the kingdom Inferno
and who new bled from his post or duty
like the ignominious coyote. Such in
consistency was not to go unrequited
and he was at onco billed for a berth
in the military prison. After vainly en
deavoring to prove an alibi, in which ho
was ably assisted by John Stokes, an ap
peal was mado to the mayor of Craig to
protect him as one of his citizens nnd
I praying for delivuranco from the hands
of his iersecutors. Tho mayor sent back
ins message as follows, "uspnrt rrom
me. ye workerof iniquity, I swear by the
name of G. Cleveland I know you not."
With tears and grief did the lone guards
man perceive the failure of his hope and
the consummation of h;j fears. Yester
day he was a free man, to-day military
criminal, destined to become th? victim
of tne Indians gieed for gore, and tofnr-
! n's'i sustenance fortheomino' u.Luzznrd
or tho western plains. Tho mi re possi
bilities that Fcrn:cd in store for him.
were encugh to wring whey from an
adamantine cheev and they did. After Some Pro '-Ices in Horclogy, by E. H.
running a terrific gauntlet or sticks, mud I .'fffil. SchJ-uw-
and stones hurled at him by theindig-i dents thre- is of Cah lr:ie.
...t ;ri.nb;ioni. b.o ,i;:iiThn Rfnt of Short Stories from thou-
ct napoleon uonaparxe, was conveyeo
through successive stages of pedal loco
motion to the home if his childhood,
where after being branded on the undor
side of the eyelid with the deserter's
brand G. G. (Grave's Guards.) he was
consigned to the Libby prison of Holt,
whore he awaited tho pleasure of Gen.
Miles. A slight clash in tho affairs of the
Apple Worm.
A papsr beforo us from tho Wil-
lametto Valley of Oregon, a great apple
region, assures us that the custom of
spraying the trees from blooming time
till fall at intervals, lias proven a perfect
means of ridding the fruit thero of that
pest the codliug moth. Here is what,
a writer in the Oregon Statosm.-.n ho3 to
say: 1
Tho codling moth i3 easily prevented
from dom- harm, for e.p?riinco has
shown that ona pound of I'iiris green or
London rurrlo in III.) gallons of water
1 .1 T , ,
u..iiujiiHKnsj. i iiuva sprujeuiou
12- oar-old trees iu an aftornnon Tho
i-;o.iiu,uHtvbi.idii u..uiu.Kju. iiiu
material used is not exiJCDsive and by
v a-, aa i
own an outfit and work together. When
counting full wages for the time occu
pied, and the cost of the poison, I havo
found tho total expense of saving my
Bartletto pears not to exceed two cents
a bushel. Out of 400 bushels I don't
think over cne in a hundred was wormy,
bo tho result was neirly p;rfest. The
' spraying apparatus comes in use in otl or
ways besidos
killing inseiti -Oregon j
all tlir Mnr!it thcr lii but ono cure.
Dr. Ilulues (iultlca npccllltf.
It can be given in n cun of tea or
coffeo without the !:noiv!elg3 of tho per-
son taking it, effecting a peedy and i.-r-
r-.i lnunt i-ure wln.flier tlie natient is a
moderate drinkor or an alchclic wr'.ck.
Thou:inds of drunkards havo leen
cured who hava taken the Golden Speci
fic in their coffeo without their know
ledge, and today lielicvo they quit drink
ing of their own free will. Xb harmful
Direct rtsults from its administration.
Cures guaranteed. Send for circulai and
full particulars. Address in eontidonce,
"tolden Spocilia Co., 1S5 itacc Street,
Cincinnati. O.
"According to Homer. Xs.Tron. tho old
warrior and tho wiso counsellor of the I
Greeks had ruled over throo generations
til llll'IJ, ilUU U3 UO UiU iUliUUlUU
Tie Hortii Mm Review
has besn in the van of American thought
for more t h an t h reo-qu tirters of a cent u ry,
ranking always with tho best and most
influential periodicals in the world. It is
tho mouth-piece of tho men who know
most about the great topics on which
Americans re-pnre to be informed from
mouth to mouth, its contrbutors being
the leaders of thought and a tion in every
(i?ld. TiiOfO who would Ih'xO counsel of
the highest knowledge on the alT. i.-s of
tho time, nnd learn what is to bosatd re
garding thi-m by tho recognized author
itii3 on both si.Ies. must thereforo read
the Nestor of tho magazines.
"The N'orta Americ-.n It 'View lsa!tait of any
in ivaziae this iNinalrv basexerMen nillielni
imr'.'ier of t'le lop'es il,i!i.etixes ami tlie riul.
neticeof l'.scouini.iitiirs." Albany Arpts.
lias beroine. as it were, tlie lutelllent
:n-riean eil.zen's Ii in-1-bnok on srejt j tes
tloiis ol l!i Inn-." Ibiffalo Knrex.
"lite N-irlh Am-rte.m Uevieiv treiehes Amer
ii-nix on alm.ixt ev-ry ptilat In wlitcli llicyare
latere JIeiI.'lbix;m lleraM.
.V motiM'rof I :t IK:iit iip'ni.in bv the tin
p..rtisl pr.'xenUti'ai of balh xi:!ex of lia;iurtatit
" ibj cts.',-'.'i;il i lelplil.i VMii L-ilitx-r.
The list of recent coutributurs to tho
llr.vn:w forms a roll of representative
men and women of tho time, including
W.E.Gi.AOxrrosF, J- ( Biaisn. Cardi
nal Gimioxs. Speaker Ki:ri. Ex-Siaker
C.vrtLit.s. W. MclviM.r.v. Jr., Ociu.v.
Mine. Anvvi, Goneral Smkhmas, Admiral
Poutbu, Mine. Biavat:jkv. T. A. Emso.v,
Bishop H. C Porrr.i Ei.iz.vr.RTii S.
I'hki.i's-, Chas. S Pakmxu A. J. B.vi.
focis, Jons Mortt.EY. CoL R. G. IsiiKS
solu Heskt GF.oann, Ciuvxcey M.
Dr.rnw. Kowaro Beixamt. Professor
James BnvcE, G.vn. Hamil.to5, etc., etc.
."SO Cents a Xumber; ."o.OO a Year.
The Norih Amsrban Review,
2 Eavth 14th Straet, Nsw York-
Ily I.IKt!TI-:VA'T.li:t'IISON,tln e-oi.
eratio.iof HKn." 51. STASI.KY. pub ai d
in o-ie iH'tavn vi nitiix-. ilttixliael by fliar.e
sk-ribnrrs Sm. Sen Voi;-. A most IJ.rililas
narrative of AfriiMtil'xpl.iratsoiiH'-il :iilx-tilure.
lacbul'iit; a traiiliie .iccoaar i-t lite Ket ello n in
Knim I'ifiil'x Provinee. while Stanley ntiiri Cil
thr iich tl.e Ureal Fiext in 'eticli f lb" Ill
fated rear column of llieexpeititi.-n. More f ixei
lialniC inlli-lrd eliariu llian tlie wllib-xt ro
matter. Vi t lltera li" trtir. J .'fiirjrhiw biM K to
sell, and mm is liivtlin to .-ell It.
Agents Wanted tSSS
tmvii.liip Previous expeilcuee not nrceisary
l.-nltesi-.iusell It.
Ksel ixive lerrllory givea. IJwf frt m are mil
form to all Ments.
. " 1 Z ' -X" -: Z tr
Holiday del very.
1891100 Pages,
Iteeinaln; with l!' H'HAy Number, is per
UMiieiitlv enLireil In or.e hundred pares. raMl--i.it
with" n-wrti!.I laner te. anew style if
lr.su. aimni; iiiinirj an j'n.,wa.
Hsn. John 0. Loog (ex-Governor of Mass-
....i.:i.ti4i riinasarx. silt aiucien. iiiiiisr uie
ri.er! title ol OiirlltiYrriim.tit. for Hie eu-i
rvhtemuriit of cotidi.z citiiein-the boys
and piris o: iisiav. ....
Kirk Munroe. who lately lived for a time
t!.e life of a rallros.l mm. In all hsses
frim pirlor ,e to enttie e,haa put 111,
cxt.rrier.ee into a thrill; serial Inr Imis
enllil Cab ami i:o.... r;nnui puiures
b Fxlmimd If ctarrett. .....
Margaret Sydney's new serial. I-ivoLtt-
lle IVp'.rTs C.m-.vn Up. will tell more
nboiil Tolly and Jas,r and I.xaI1 and
ami Joel and i'lirnsie. and othrrs.as it
runs throuij!i f-r ear. Kilty eharnilns II
Itistratlntis bv f h:irles Mente.
Marietta's Caad Times will chronicle in
her own xionLs. from lieroxxti uiHinrxcripl.
tie rbildhoieKl ailvenlures of MarlclA
Ambri-.I. ...
Miss Matilda Archambeau Van Dors, a lit
tle lrlho had a -re.t many aneef tors. Is
aa friedsMble little folks' serial, by Kllza
lirthCoinirRS. Unusually l.iteresilng Articles some elab-
onlely pictorial: .......
"liinlnz wtlh i:iadnne." by Mrs f.nenl
i..xn t r .e "Anix l.'nbsarl s hmbrold-
Mv.-iiv l-'.anees A 'Kntniihrey: "Mntber
: -'. tvts bv Ainrs K'tipli'r: "Cji-le
ami t;iKtiur." bv Klizibetfi Kobhis Pen
i,ril;"Si.iiie Horses that I have Minxfn,
I.s Mai;. Hnxc-: -Si-nile Mane onrve oi
WviKbestre." b txear l av Adams: "Hot
toii's IJIrl Soulptor." bi Mrs. Newherry:
..-r l.x-TliMlor.S I! .f.LJIS.
The Landing oflhc Pilgrims a facsimile
reproduction of Felicia Hetnaas's famous
pnrin. fromllieorHviual MS., non iu i ii.raii
11 .11 tMxtnf.llth
Fiaure Drawing for Children, m twelve
illustrated lessor, by Cmlhu: II. rUroraer,
with four pttioa offered eaeh msnth.
Flss Ballad by Graham R. Tompeon,
rtarrVl rrneo't ?inini. Mrr a. wjiw j
and IMtura E. Hlehardi beautlbillr Uuttra-
lixl bv l.arreii sacnnaui ana laji'r.
Tlie rvr'r rsquilar Waxs to do Tutus. Inr
Sehmd and Ptavirrouiid 8tori. Tatslof.
Fot-Offlc; and Men and Thins.
lTif Atrake i nnly 1M a
Publishers. Boston.
"iu ," I Gen. Lew Wallace. George W. Childs. Josephine ernpp ei a .. anuayiinsr.
-iirw-itniix. ... , . , i , ... . i t i-i rp M.igjLr HiittlH and Lottie VanJerroorf.
Mrs. Burton Harnsoa. wh.o story ol j Dr. T. De Witt T.dmag-?. ..trs. A. D. T. j tevlcn u,on and seized all the rt?l.t,
-Tlie AticloaM.d.tcs Jasbr.-ii "-.ll;'r'(" I Whitnev, Kobert J. Burihtte. E-lward tltie,mirre :.r..icl.iluii-.lihsa d Male Humll
of lh'e.xoi in theCeiitiirj. b isKrltteti lor ,,.- r, .. n, .t and Ijlt'c YaiiderviHitt oMu and loliieloliew-
VideAakea3torjt:d:cd"Uiaii.omUaiid Bellamy. Will Carleton, Charles A. .'.. s.ri,,,,! w.at Eitate.to--It: The north
! the master of atmospheric disturbance
runtiog short of wind, determined that
! estimablo body to adjourn for recupcra-
J tion with the understanding tiiat the
foreman was mithorized to replace the
Mound City 'grab-hook and ladder ap
paratus where he got it, tear up the pipa
which was laid on Sunday for the bent
fit of the committed in the Cottier cam-
paign andconvcao that body whenever
circumstances re juirod and parmittdl.
At this juncture message was received
from tho prison stating that in r. bit of I
despondency J. B. Dearmont had blowed ,'
hisbrninsout with a-oose quill. Itesolu-.
tiuns of sorrow were at once.adopted and
tha meeting adjourned.
N. C.
Therk's a pateat medicino which 13
not a patent medicine paradoxical as
that may sound. It's a discovery! the
b"'-" "".
the medicino for vou tired rua-down.
I x .j " . i'
Igj - .Sukted, nervo-wasted men and
I a..iTlt.r- iiMiii-E irioI rral Miaie, Mtu.ite.,lin2
women; lor jou sulterers iro.n uiseassij,.,,- lviu.. m IIB mmtty ul itutt and state of
... i,: . n.nin i;,... - lnnca its
i x ...x.. w. R ..-
chance is with every one, its seasjn at-
. .. . , ,i, .
way., becauso it aims to pur.! Hie
fountain of lira-the blood-upon which
all such diseases depeml. Tho medicine
is Dr.Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery,
Th mirora of it havn er.nUirh conli-
j dtnce m a to j, jt on tr;aK That is
you can get it from your druggist, and
if it doesn't do what it's claimed to do
you can get ycur monoy back, every
cent of it.
That's what it's makers call taking tho
risk of their words.
lie Tried ;i Conundrum
It was lliJO, but the yoi'n man could j
! no1 u'af '',lcfe'1 Bwa- u os, ol'
. . , - i t. -
' pauses 111 IS conversuiuiu f.z suuuu
of snoring iu some of tho upper rooms
reached tho cozy pcrlor, and hii face
lighted up with the joy of a sudden dis
covery. "Miss. Chuckstcr." he said, "why is
your house like a good lino of railway'.'"
"I cannot imagine, Mr. Hankinson.'
"Becauso it is well equipped with
"11m! Very good, Mr. Hankinson. Do
you know why you nro like a railway
from Potato Hollow to St. Loaiii"
"Xo. Why?"
r .. " Xltwo Pl.....bn.
liecauso, answered Miss CliacUatcr,
slvcotjyi -vou don't seem to havo any
terminal facilites.'
The First Stop.
Perhaps you aro run down, can't cat
can't think, can't do anything to your
satiefaction, and yen wonder what ails
you. You should heed the warning,
yon aro taking tho Krat step into Xerv
om Prostration. You need a Xurvo
Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will
lind thecsajt remedy for re.-torinjryour
norvo 13 system to its normal, h;-a!thy
condition. STurprising results fallow the
us of this great Xcrvo Tonic and Altera
tive. Your appetite returns, good diges
tion fa restored, nnd the Liver end
Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a
bottle. Price 50;. at King & Proud Drug
The Holiday Nitinbt-r of Frank
Lctdie'r Popular monthly
For January, 1J3D1.
Has an elegant cover in colors nnd
gold, while its contents, literary n3 well
as artistic, are notably rLIi and varied.
"Tho Census," in its most signi:i;ant
and picturesque phases, is analyzed, with
the accompaniciKnt of many pictures,
by FrcuY-rick S. Daniel. "Tho Amateur
Photographer and his Camera," by S.
M. Gibrou, is an illustrated paper full ot
information and entertainment. D. E.
Harvey contributes nn article on
"American Music and Comjiojers." with
which are given portraits of twenty
eminent living composers belonging to
our time aad eountry. Other illustrat
ed article are: "Edinburgh Kovisited,"
by X. Macdonald; "Tho Avocado, or
Alligator Pear," by Anna M. Paris;
"ScakosandSaako charmers ia Ceylon,"
by F. Fitz Roy Dixon: "Shark's-teeth
Woapons." by J. Carter Beard; "Tho
Feast of Jul-Afton." by WiU. P. Pcnd:
and "Theatrical Masks and Make-up,"
by Alice Beard. There are short sloriei"
byW.O. Stoddard, Lucy H. Hooper.
David Ker, John M.cmullen.acd others;
and poems by Joaquin Miller, Madison
Cav.-oin and Cosmo Monkbouse.
Tint, little sugar coated granules, nrc
what Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are.
The- best Liver Pills ever invented;
active, yet mild in oporation; euro sick
and billious headaches. One a dose.
O.vEof tho most reinarkablo lists of
famous contributors ever brought to -
., . . , . v.
gother in a single number of a magazine
will lie presented in the January issue
of The Lndies' Homo Journal, of Phila-1
delrhia. Tho authors in that number
will include Henry M. Stanley, Dr.j
Oliver Wendell Holme j. Er-prerident
H,e,, Hon. John Wanatt.akcr. Jos, ph - nlw. mi dhor. of acnexr
Jefferson, Hon. Hr.nr.ibal Hamlin, the circuit curt of Holt is.unty,iiijio.in.r-
Madamo Alb.mi, James Whitcomb Kiley,
1 yx .Q...I. Drna Tonrelt Georc-H W
Dana isarahUrne Jewctt, ucorgo w.
. I -.,i,in .mitnn iinu-rnnrnA. .lira. ijVDiau
Abbott, Mrs. .Margaret uouome, acu
nearlv twenty others.
ceal r.ra,sc!i aIlU UrottZCS
. ..... , ,. ,.
i lie uraso articles inni -are i.-isiiiGuiiuiu
- ., rrl atvnt-nn to
jiiitnow roquira careful at.cnt.on to
keeri them clean and bnght. It not
1 , ., ., ., .
lacquered, rub sweet oil on the llanucl.
then rub them over with rottoa stone,
using a second pieco of flannel; r.nally
until perrectlv dry.
, . .., . ..
Bronzes nro cleaned with sweet oil
rubbed on with a brush, then rub tiff
with a second brush and polish with n
chamois. Another plan
is to plunge
them into boiling water until very hot,
then wash with flannel and yellow soap,
drying cnrcrully with soft rag. If smp
!ish with a chamois. If lacquerrsl, wash beten the hours of nine nVpvck tn the for
.wuin ,ml llri. ..Vt.Xflc ill uft.rilOOH Of tll.t
i a soft briiih in warm wattr and jay.at tlieC-nirt House door. In H.cc'.iyofOre-
, . . i . , viji tf.tnitir ..r II. .t! nfiirtcid--ell the same, or
wipe well, and set uo.oro me ;""' 7". "- , :. a, ,,, vlrr...Ii.-ed.atbubli
and water prove ineffectual try Ijecrwsx i'avef Novmber.t. by tb rro.a-Court of
.. , , - . it i H'tlteouulv. Jlis.oaii. All persom hnrlu-
dtssolvexl m turpentine, rubbod on and cl4llu, ,b,xt s;il.l estate arn nxtulnxt
fiff with elmn soft ra 's. exhibit lirsm t iw for allowawM
on Wlin Clean, son ras. ittlnon vinr after date ot said order.
- - i Inr Hirv may be precluded from any benefit of
Iii,,, pin 1 sneh estate; and ir s.iid eimilW not exhlMtexJ
1 limpktll IIM. iithln tovr from IU- date this public
Pumpkin for pio may be either baked ti.ni. they will b fotrrer lrrisl. - -of
stewed. In tho first case cut the MEULDi arofflS,
nnmnkin into large nieces; bako with
tho skin on and sewp out the soft pulp
iww.1rul Tn I ha cwintl tiam M "lillll .
:ZZ 1 m .bow it"
" I i - - . - -
rather dry, and strain it through acolan-
! der. Add two quarts ofmilk thr-x egs,
I.. . . -. t ' 1
mree lauiospooniuis ui iuui.usx.si. uuut
sugar to sweeten to taste, season with a 1
tablespoontul of ginger, two of ground J
cinnamon nr.d two teaspoonfula of salt.
"u j r
r4 sx .hit taiii iiv.i irt nm iiiaiiifjiitsii
How to Take off a Horse's Shoe.
When a shoe is to be taken off it must
not be violently wrenched at tho risk of
splitting off a large piece of hoaf with it.
Let the clinched end of each nail be
first turned back. Than the shoo may
bo carefully raised, with tho pincers far
enough to withdraw tho nails, so that
their heads may be taken bold of by the
pinchers and each nail separately draw a
j out. Xhe nails may also bo drawn out
one at a time, so as not to alter the post-
tion of tho tip of the shoo, and a fait
nnil mnde to exactly tit tho countersink
jn thoshoe, and to pass through the
same hole in tho hoof, mar be driven in
its place.
Tru-rtfc's Sale.
Wherra. nlrrt Caiii a:iJ Jtary J. Cain,
h'a Iir, hy llii'ir o-rtain drr.i vl ltu1,
liv.rxi tlK- ia;b day ' tV miary.USJjr.il tf cmil-
inr ruin iiav oi rrurian-.
a,, mMr m -ne ieCOrU-
I rt "ae "' cunt, .Ml-
'iiis3Mrcnni..rn. - e,iib.esM. lut-r sa,
mnvrjr.l lii Jamr limn lu-i, as triLNtcr. Hiit
! Jiivwtit:. m-ttt':
,wwlst:.aIf.rthesonlhwtqnartM-of the
!i)utii.Mot.iu.irtri:aiUCrax - rcx. eiMi.i.icncnie
r.t llu-i:i)rtiri-tciriiTf lie xiutbWHst iii.ir-
.r , iuc viutut murt-r r.rTtltm iliirtv-
i ' t'vn!i txt-f of niiip-ininw
I !.n 'mis. ih-i.c- !outii tueiuy iUs. iLeuee
Wliicli xalil lo.iifyar.x'r anw.ls lii trust tu
.mire the pijii.r'm of a rertalu lmlr IhinM1
tfd ,.f Irt, ilt-vril-r.l ; tttixl wh.rras lt-Iaii!t
Iih lica iiir.r!.- In t!ie 'T. mi ni 1 1 ";ill null anil
:lie il.tcirst tlicrrwii :amt wlnlax. it was alxl
Is prLtltlrtl In ilil ilet-! In trttxl tli.il to raM of
tin- iinei ileaili. iriux.it to ai l, or disability
!n ativ ntof xaii! tnili,, th. ilicnactliiicslii-t-iflof
lloilpuuiitv. MN-uitui, mltflit cxreate tlio
powers of sal.l Inixtri": aiM .Urca,
sal-l tntxtce. J.mti-s Cuininla. is aWtit
atitt rntiuot ait: uuur, Uirrrlute.
at ttie rniiikMl of the Ijcal hntili-r of
saM nole.nuil in p'tr-uanteoi the nv,loi"H
S x!;l itclit of
truxl, I.liir uiKlrrxiciirtl xlier.ll ut
H.i: c.unty
.MKvuurl. and as sncii ttustre.
nm -a
: lij.r.i tl- li.ii ..I .i nM.vk In tti. f.rnvnn
t awl i ..Vu U t:,cnItrr...M,n..(ssli ;ay..t.-
inr nmin ihto wwri mr i nn iuw m ijiu
rltv n( mnn. in oimty, Mix.xoiiI. (tn-tt-eil
tuc!lal . mi mti'-li ut ssltt rral Ktle
a hist tn-xi;t!l Mi-at In pay saM note. ititcMs-t
aiv.l pMoil tat p''Crivlln;; Ui ale to b at
puulteauc iun to Itie lnuliivt !inW f ircash iu
fian-l. W. II. FKAVR.
S!i?riS of Holt C.mnty, llixxniirl. Trustee.
Trustee's Sale.
WJiercai,LarwicaiP Evrrlsartaml MarvETer
liarl.Iils wife, by tin ir eerLsiti ilreil of trust.
il.tieilSi-ptembrratli, iss.'.. ami rrcunlrc li. lh
ntlice ot the reeonli-r of ileeilsof Holt eot.nty,
)Iix9.x:ul. on XM-leuter lllli, I!foc. m book. 8.
p.iue.T. eonveyrif to John II. Anitersou. aa
truxtre. tlieMI'ittlncflesciibed real rs."ati sll
iite,ltnj:ana brtnsia the county nfliolt rial
state of Mltsoiiri :
Ati "Itcculy acres of I.imi. more orie.Iy
liat in the e.'t lilf oi liie Miulb -as! iptarter ot
x-ectluti tenH-sevrii (). .acuiMiip .Ity-
t liiyeeuvsiol ra"i(te mriy hwi ana ununited hi
f.,l:. tIt wii: fomtiiencuiK at a mulberry
M.-ifce standi!!:; midway on the half sevtion Him
ruutiiiii; r.orlli ami -mini iiiri.uu ir.e imirru
suullie.ist itrirter;of seclSm lttetity-.xr-tii BTJ ;
-ti.bl xtake l eiri'- f.irly ItO) rods north cl tliB
xut:i line ot said sx-cliou, rim .ln tlieuer west
sttv (i'tO) r.xli, ll.ei.ee norllt .Uly CO rodji,
tlsetice eastxixly Cat nnKtlimeesmilli tnllo
pUeeor.ieulii'iiattalMitwoaeres of latidile
senlieil as follows, t-wit: Conimetu Inic forty
131 nuts south of Hie imrlheas' comer ott.o
next half of siut Iieast quarter of m etiun twebty
seven r.Tl.tonuslitp sixty-ilireelejj.rariie forty
10, tlit nee. et eislily 130 ii.ds, thener souls
tueiityliD! tods, theuee east eislitv "(tOJ nsts,
theme mirth tnenty LSI riMs to place of btgin
nltili: 'lie l.nal boictit from tin-lire l'eni'el
and he of It A. Walker, aud ou whlcS saM
Uiwrenre Kvcili ir'. now rMce?.
Which said eo.ivjauce w.is made is trust to
secure the payment ot one eeitai.l prom-
ixsvry iixic :n aiil ilexsi oi mist iitscrioeu;
ami wlirrtas, default has been made In the
payment ot sail note and the Inteiest theie
oil : now therrf'ire.I the uiiderslsiied Iruxtee, at
the reip;e.st of tlje legal holder ot said uoU
ulll on
li;iAY..lAXrART 3lh. 1KJ.
betneen trie hours of nine o'elocfc in thefure
uoon and five o'el jet in tho afleruoor ut said
d-iv. at the tronit iioase d'wr i s the city of Ore
;iii. Holt county. Missouri, proceed to sc'.l lr
cixliMtuehUbet bidder, said real estate, or
no much as m v be necesxary to p ir said prom
issory cimtrtet. Interest and routs of tbis .sale
Slierift'8 Sale.
U vlrtu.' and authority ol a gx-ueriiexeriitton,
Issued from tiie o.'lee of Hie cl.-ric of tne 11. . til
Court of Kachaiian CVtiuty Jli..M.uri.retiirnidr
at ite Jamisry term, isai.o" said eoiirt. and to
in-- directed In faxor ot tjeiman Aruerieim
L uik and aai'irt
Klla 15. JtcMitrrav.
I h tve levied ujsin ami s-ize.1 all tlio ri;hr,
tilie.lnlerextand elaimoi the s.ildi7.1ii IS .Mc
Murray.of, In and l the following drscnhtrl resl
ettr' l.t-wit:
Tl. west half of tlie nortIie.ut quarter of w
la.a sbiit-sii(3Si, bmnxiiip sixty-three (CJiot
nn je tiiirlv-nli.e eS.il : als. thvr eat half of Hie
MHlivixt tin liter of siH-tlmi tbirtv-nlx lnrl.
bie tixli!;. sU:y-l!.ree sn of rai: thlrty-nlim
(.. ait in Unit coniili, 3iisxouri.
a'h IvIhi? and t..-liiir iii tlio said coimlT. and
SUIeof Mis ..in, and I will on
betnecn the boars of nine nVlx-k in llnforr
noo.1. and Ave nVIock in theafteinuon of that
day. at tlie Court House dnoi.lu the city of Oir
Riiti. c.uiily of Holt af.ircsab!. ell liie same, or
.o much thereof a may be it quired, nt public
en ti:e. ti the li:2h-st bidder lor cash Id hand,
ta salixly ald eierutloti and eosts.
Sberift ot Holt Cnnnlv. M i.
Sheriff's Sale.
I5y virtue and authority of a special exrnt
tiu:, isxutd from th. ofTirj of tlio cl-rk ut t-.e
Ciieult Court of Hxll Couuly. Mtx5.-iun, r.turn
ahlet ihejanuarx term. I3I. of Raid couri.and
tn me direct'd in favor of lis rcr II. Allen, roi
teetor of revenue of Uo!t county, MLoouii, aad
vvilliclmina H. Schroeder aid Fred Sehroedrr.
Iter hushand.
I have levied upii and seized all therlnlit,
tttlejuterest and claim of the natu tVThrl
mina II. ftcliroedrr and Fred .Schroder, htr
htisb mil. of, l iatidtn the tolloivtnic desenbed
real estate, to-wit: Sixlv li arres off of lb
east end f the jiit!i ball o! the oui!.wtst
q'l liter as the same Is described on th- tax
book lor the vear 153.1 or sixty Ico; acres, tha
s.ithhalf of the frartiotial soiitbcest q.iarter
, S hewiis- is described on the tax hook for
tl.c jearlWTJ :!! In section eichieen 11. In
timu.slilpstxtj.two. x-', of range fully. 4x1 iu
Iloli couaty. state of llKsnurl.
All lvni'4 and fci-iia.' in tlie sid coanty and
bt.itco! .Vttssettrl.atid I will on
between t!ie hours of nine o'clock in the forr
r.oon. and flvco't leek in tueafirrupan otthat
.1 ..t iln.r..iirt II .i.x .lfi.ir In ti. i te or Dm.
( s,'n"u"c,inntv of Holtafore.s.ild,seiithrsaro,nr
1 so much thereof as ma) be renulreil. at public
, lfniiu IO Utsli.M bidder for cash la naad,
t satisfy s;iiderctitlon ami VkkaMII.
iher.ff of Host County, lio.
Shcrifl's Sale.
an!j , me iiirrcid"lu favor et An'o triui
1 eaxt quarter of the north eaxt quarter, and tlin
ne!,t (,.,,, ,.,,,. norIU P.H.,t .ptartei. ami tha
eaxt nsii oi ine nnrtii wesK Quarter aua inn
uuth west on.irt-rof the north wesCcsarterjlt
m vclu,u miny-oue. si. tommliip slxty-our.
Cl. range thlrty-r'lit. i1 ; also the north east
111! Ilier "I llir- aoiiiii nr., iii- w, jw, ......
' ieiity-ni!ir.V. lownslilps:xiy-oar. si.mnn
3? rods east of the south wj-ir, earner of tlitf
no.-th east quarter nr clict u. e, luwusniis
sixty.oae, til. range thlrty-rlarit.Sl;tbeaecai
,.,,,; t enre north cs. dexrres. vrsi m
rmis, ttiencr west u',. ras. tnenfe sihiiu zs.
de;rers,rastSt roils m place of br(-inlus. all III
n-licoiniy. stale of Mixmar!.
" c-atr.aml
THHKSHAY. JANUAltY sth. twi.
enlue,titln IdIifst -idrterfrreli m luiet.
i,ii'ierl in ail yn.ir iins am ju-iiiiviii. w
,i:jrj execuaou aud -xi.
a:ietia of HoUCxamty'&o.
Kxcctitrlx'x Notice.
No'lceis herebv 2lvcn that tetters tr.rnn-n-taryontne
ernte of Jse-di tlamin. decease.!.
i..i..r'.nlriMll l!u tllulersi 'rie.l. m thr ITtll
Oh Yes! Oh Yes!
I will rail sale n.t do iseueral lactlorifer
.businesi. AH llior In JteeiToi .he sen ices or H
.lcti..neer. please rive me a ei!!. Teiromew
1 Vsrrsf r t-
r u - - J-. -x v
e-T: V.V x5..

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