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The Holt County sentinel. (Oregon, Mo.) 1883-1980, August 03, 1900, Image 1

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Canton Success Sulky Plow,
The Latest Improved.
This plow is just what its namo implies, a "SUCCESS." John SU'phonson,
Henry Young, Uphouso Bros., Hamm Bros., and others using these plows pay they
cannot be beat for light draft and good work. If there is any hotter plows made
than the Canton, we have failed to find them.
PRICES REDUCED on Sowing Machines, S20 Machino for SIS, 525 Machino
for 820.
American and Dekalb Wire Fencing. Full stock Hardware at prices as low
as any FIRM.
Phone no co. rj, j, PRICE, Oregon, Mo.
Moors & Ereek
Want your trade.
Our stock is tho largest, assortment the best, pricen right
Wo handle everything in
Fruit Jars,
' We handle as much FLOUR as all other merchants in
Oregon, all of KUXKKlS J5UAN IS and that fancy
Wo meet or beat any Oregon price.
. Orders Solicited. Goods Delivered.
Ice Cream and Cold Drinkp.
Agents Woolf Bros. Laundy Co.
Phone 7.
Bay Harrow is here from Kearny,
Neb., visiting friends
Mrs. Jane Douglass is very sick at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. B.
See Medallion Portraits, Celoron
Panels, new enlargements, buttons for
at Zook's gallery.
Doctor Findley tells us that a bright
baby.boy come to gladden the home of
Simeon Drake and wife on July 25th.
Miss Olive Roberts, of St. Joseph,
Mo , is in the city, visiting Miss Lillian
Price, Elsie Caskoy and other girl
Mrs. Ote Biggs, of Craig, is here
visiting here mother, and at tho bed
side of her grandmother, Mrs. Jane
Douglass, who is very sick. "v
In July, 1832, the plague was so bad
at Bussora that the deaths reached 1500
per day, and the season closed with the
loss or 70,000, to 80,000 of the population.
" Steve Douglass, of Leaven wortTi,
Mrs. Julia Adams, of Omaha, John
Douglass and family, of Rulo, Neb., and
Ab. Douglass and family, of Savannah,
are here, called by the serious illness of
their mother, Mrs. Jane Douglass.
Dr. J. R. Kearney has returned,
after a threo months' absence, taking
special courses at Johns-Hopkins and
other noted medical institutions. Ho
comes back additionally equipped for
his already extensive practice. Every
body was glad to welcome him back,
and none more sincere in their welcome
than Thk Skxsikkl.
We are to lose ono of our very best
families this week. Wo are sorry to
have to say that Daniel Kunklc, Jr.,
and family will remove to Craig, where
lie has made arrangements to tako
charge of the management of the Craig
flouring mill. His son, Daniel III, will
also be connected with the business as
accountant. Craig will gain a most
vstiinablo family, and whilo wo aro sorry
to lose them, wo are glad that they will
continue residents of Holt county.Thore
is no better miller in all Missouri than
Mr. Kunkel.
Saturday, August 11th, 1900, at 2 o'clock.
One nearly new Cooking Stovo with utensils, 1 Heater, 3 Bed Steads, about
40 yards of Rag Carpet, Table, Chairs, Garden Tools, Etc.
The Auctioneer,
Queensware, Confections,
Rope and Canned Goods,
Jelly Glasses. Fruit Jars.
Services at Woodville Sabbath after
noon by Rev. Henry A. Sawyers.
For Salo Desirable residence prop
erty. For further information call on
Dobyns & Curry.
M. D. Walkor went up to Atchison
county this week on a businesses well
ras a pleasure trip.
Ruddy Harvester Machino Oil at
' 35c a gallon. Black Oil 20c a gallon at
T. S. llindo & Son.
Carl Shurz was stigmatized by the
Democrats in 1800 as Carl Squirtz which
they might well repeat today.
Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry re
pairing. Cakkv E. Bunker,
Oregon, Mo.
The man- friends of Miss Bertha
Lewis will regret to learn that she has
been quite ill, but they will be glad to
know that she is some better at present.
The four-year old son of M. H.
Kline, or Hickory township, fell from
the hay mow ono day last week.fractur
ing both bones of tho left forearm. Dr.
Findley was called and the little fellow
is getting along nicely.
Ivan, tho four year old son of Robert
Cowan, of Hickory township, was thrown
from a wagon, ono day last week while
at play, and sustained a fracture of the
left collar bono. Dr. Findley was called
and llxed him up in good shape.
Grandpa Everhart liecame seriously
sick last week at the homo of his
of appoplexy and at times it wan foared
that his lifn would not laRt more than a
few hours. Tho hast few days ho hns
been reported slightly better and today
hopes are entertained of his recover'.
Maitland Herald. , v
in is-rja rcneinon was in progress
in China and A Li was governor or
viceroy of tho province of Canton. He
was ordered to report nt Peking and tho
rebellion soon after ended. Now a re
bellion is in progress, A Li is viceroy of
r . .... 1 l i ii.i.
unnion anil no nas ieon orucrcu in rcK-rt
ing and has gone. J
Mre.Grace Hiller has returned to her
home in Kahoka, this state.
Miss Jessie Colvin, of Maitland, is
the guest of relatives in Oregon.
Ruddy Harvester Machine Oil at
3c a gallon. Black Oil 20c a gallon at
T. S. Hindu & Son.
Elder Maupin will preach at the Un
ion school house noxt Sunday, morning
and evening, at the usual hours.
Roy Matthews and wife, of Hickory
township, are the guests of his mother,
Mrs. Rosetta Matthewn, of this city.
Arthur Steinel and wife, of St.
Joseph, and Bessie Greene.of Savannah,
were visiting with their many Oregon
friends, for a few days tho past week.
Savannah Republicans have organ
ized a "Rough Riders" club, and start
out with a large charter membership.
Wo wonder why such an organization
could not be effected in Oregon?
An extra fine selection of Watches
Rings, Sterling Silver Novelties and
everything needed in tho Jewelry line at
Ci:r.r E. UcxKKu'fl,
Oregon, Mo.
It took over a year to convict Caleb
J esse of the killing of-Frank Griffin, the
Maryvilloeditor.and nearly eight months
to got him into tho penitentiary after ho
was convicted. -St. Joseph Daily News.
The Chicago. Burlington and
Quincy Railroad has announced the
oMning of its new Denver nnd Alliance
line on August 15. Rails have been
laid from Alliance to the North Platte
River, and from the river to Brush.t'olo.,
where connection is made with tho main
line. As soon aa tho bridge over the
Platte River is finished and it is nearly
done tho new line will be complete.
A carload of Montana horses were
sold here at auction last Saturday. They
brought all the way from $1,50 to $50.50
and were as fine a looking lot of western
horses as ever brought here. All but
two or three of the lot were wild and
unbroken and considerable amusement
was furnished a largo crowd of spectators
at the Amnion's corral when a real cow
boy lariated and haltered them. Fill
more Lever.
Charles Meyer's team broke awav
from the hitch rack Saturday afternoon
of last week, and struck a merry pace
for home. When at tho Roecker place,
north of town, they upset tho carriage,
running quite a distance, when the
doubletreno broke nnd thev becanio de
tached. They were captured at A. II.
Bailey's place. The team was not in
jured, but the carriage a now one, was
badly damaged.
Joe Herst, aged about 30 years, and
who has been making his home, about
ono milo northeast of Forest City, was.!
arrested Monday evening of tins week
by constable Thornton, on information
filed by Stella Day, a young girl, aged 15
years, charging him" with attempted
rape. Ho gave bond in tho sum of 8200,
and his preliminary examination will bo
held beforo Esquire Rostock, of this
city, Friday, August 10th.
List of letters remaining in the post
ottico at Forest City, Mo., uncalled for
during tho month of July, 1000: Judge
Jno. R. S. Cowan, L Corbaly, Mrs. Inn
Hoffman, H, Harvey Hutchin3 (card).
J. O. Jordon, (card), Leo Nelson, (card),
Mr. John Narans, James C. Shafer, W.
E. Taylor, (card), Mr. Geo. Taylor,
Ruphus Warner. When calling for any
of tho above list pleaso say they were
advertised. II. L. Eveksox, P. M.
Ed Young and Albert Socman have
purchased I). A. Young's livery, and will
now operate both tho livery and trans
fere line. This will make a strong firm,
both members of tho firm being young
men of energy and push, throughly ac
quainted with the business perfectly
roliablo and popular with the public.
Wo wish and predict success for them.
We are sorry to lose Mr. D. A. Young
from our business circles, and hopo that
he will continue a citizen of Oregon.
Never before in the history of our
county have such extensive preparations
been made, to tako care of tho tomato
and sweet corn crop as are being put
forth by tho promoters of this enterprise
this reason. Both tho largo canning
factories of Oregon and Forest City aro
at work day and night over-hauling their
machinery preparatory to commencing
work. Both these crops promise to be
exceptional ones; tho tomatoes being
largo and plump. Tho Oregon factory
expects to commence operations, next
Monday, August 0.
East Side Square,
Powell Building,
OlTico Hours:
to 5:00 p. m.
8.-00 to 11:20 a. m. 1:00
Arrangements aro nearly all com
plete for Craig's Big Reunion, Aug.22-24.
Everybody, it seems, has willingly assist
ed in the preliminaries and the commit
tees havo labored hard to make every
thing the best. The Fourth Regiment
Band has beon engaged for the threo
days, and they will give freo concerts
every night. It goes without argument
that they are tho best band of musicians
in North Missouri. Mrs. Callie Howe,
who so eloquontly entertained our people I
last year, will lie with us again. Many
now attractions have been added this
year and the committees are determined
to leave nothing undone that will give
our guests tho greatest pleasure. Craig
mi t i. n i , t- ft m tt . .
xio noii uouniy w. u. i. u. met. m i
regon, August 1st. The first evening
I tho Gold Medal contest was held in the
Presbyterian church. Contestants:
Mary Lukens, Ollie Carroll, Alberta
Bragg and Ina Botkiu. Tho judges were
Profs. Crosen, Gallaher nnd McKinney.
The medal was awarded to Alberta
Bragg. The orchestra furnished fine
music, nnd several addresses were made.
Mayor Petrec made the address of wel-
.T-' r.Sr; 'TS "V I i
present nre: Mesdames Gaskell, Kel
logg, McCoy and Hunter, of Craig: Mrs.
Mrs. New, of Pleasant View;MrsrTurner
and Myrtle, of Mound City: Mrs. Bragg, I
Watson and Botkin, of New Point. Lcc
turer Carrio Lee Carter and Shaner.
The convention has been quite success
ful and will bo noticed further next week.
Why Not
Get the benefit of the
McKinlcy Good Times.
and change your S per cent loan to
5 per cent.
George F. Socman.
He tries to be nice anil
quiet, but his prices on Gro
ceries are awful noisey all
goods marked in plain fig
ures, and at prices fo low
they will astonish you. He
carries only the best in
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
Canned Goods.
Flour, Etc.
He makes a specialty of
keeping his goods fresh and
clean. Go and see him aud
find out how
will go.
Orders "Solicited. Freo
and prompt delivery.
Geo. F. Seeman
Oregon, Mo.
Base Ball.
Oregon defeated Fillmore on the homo
diamond last Tuesday by a scoro of 0 to
0 tho Fillmore club forfeiting tho gamo
in tho last half of the !)th, Oreg6n had
two men on bases and no one out when
Foster hit a fly over the fence and tho
crowd thought it was a fair hit but tho
umpire called it a foul. Capt Moltcr
took -Ins men back on the diamond and
waited tho regulation 5 minutes, Fill
more failing to show up the umpirogavo
tho gamo to Oregon the scoro at the
timo was 8 to 7 in favor of Fillmoro this
was Oregon's first gamo of tho season
and everything considered they played
good ball from start to finish.
Suicide of Ella Hoffman.
Ella, the seventeen year old daughter
of Henry HolTman, who resides about
four miles northwest of Forest City,took
an effective dose of concentrated lye,
with suicidal intent, on Thursday morn
ing last, July 20, 1000, and died after
most intense suffering for about eigh
teen hours, an inquest was held by Cor
oner Davis, and a postmortem revealed
tho young girl to have been in a delicate
condition. A few hours prior to her death
elm mado a clear and conciso statement
of her condition to her parents, charg
ing a young man named Squire Randall,
as being the cause of her condition. On
Friday a warrant was sworn out by tho
girls father, and Randall was at once ar
rested, and gave bond for $500 to await
grand jury action.
Mr. Hoffman and family formerly re
sided on the James Kreider placo in the
Union district. He is an industrious farm
er, whoso family has always enjoyed the
best reputation, and the sad blow comes
to him and family with crushing effect.
They have tho sympathy of a large cir
cle of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Noland aro rejoic
ing ovir the arrival of a boy, at their
Mrs. A. L. Caskoy, of Oregon, was
. a guest at the R. G. Emerson homeover
Mr. Gerald Andler visited Mr. Win.
Corby Saturday evening. 1 le is improv
ing rapidly.
- Lester Norris had a painful fall one
day last week, falling from a iony and
breaking his arm.
Mrs. A. L. Caskey and Mrs. R. G.
Emerson visited the teachers' institute
at Oregon on Monday last.
Mr. Bostwick and son Clarence, of
' mw,u a lu u.
kinorson ono day this week.
This book ranked .list in the TIMES'
List of Fifty Best Books selected by 110
Three Editions havo been sold. Many
business men have distributed copies
among their clerks. Copies sent frecon
i application. Price Ono Dollar.
The Doubleday &McCluro Co.,
Union Square, New York.
Miss Chastino McKinney is here on
a visit with Dr. Thatcher s family.
A. J. Carson and wife are visiting
in Uolkuap, Iowa, tho guests of relatives,
Miss Nora Keiscr has been chosen
as teacher of tho fifth grade in the pub
lie school of Sebotha, Kansas.
Tho union servico Sabbath night
will bo held in the Presbyterian church.
Kov. urampton"will preach tho sormon,
ilio Masons and Odd I' ollows aro
having a new roof nut on their halls.
Andrew Tochtcrman is the boss carpen
J. W. Kinzy, of Eskridge. Kansas, is
visiting relatives hero. Mr. Kinzv form
erly resided in this county, near Forest
Uity. ,
Mrs. Ida McDonald and Daniel IV
of St. Joseph, are tho guests of Grandpa
IJamcl Kunkel and wife, and Grandpa
E. S. McDonald and wife.
Mr. Henry Fuerbacker, of Bern,
Kansas, has just completed stacking his
wheat, which promises an excellent
yield, and has prospect of an excellent
corn harvest.
James Heavalin was committed by
hsn. ivauciier on the .list nit, for a
hearing before the grand jury at the
f August tt-rm, on a charge of fcloneotiq
t assault, on Kil. Isnkrr. t
v- i i r. t
.ruiiutttii.iii v iii iuui i.iiuiij ru
turn d from Oklahoma. They had a
line trip, but we lielit-vo they are all
glad to get hack. Their many friends
aro glad to seo them back.
Mrs. D. L. Nipher was called to
Topeka last Sunday, by telegram, an
noiineiiig the serious illness of her
(laughter, Mrs. Haltie Maxwell. Laler
news announces that iihe is only slightly
Tho Evangelical church was not
largo enough to seat all who came to
'church Sabbath evening, but tho house
next Sabbath evening will doubtless bo
siillicient for all who come.
- David Barbour, who has been in
Denver, Coin., for several mouths, was
visiting his folks in this city for a few
dajs, this week. He lrt Tuo-day of this
week for Kansas City, where he has a
job as timc-keeiHT for a contractor.
James Wickersham 1ms accepted a
position with Young .V Seeman. Ho
will have chargo of the stable at Forest
City, and will also look after the freight
and expiess at that end of the line. Ho
is a number one man for the position.
Geo. W. Clark and family, Mrp.
Bruner and her sisters, Misses Mar
and Leah Kauchor, went to tho Noi:
awav fishing, Thursday last. Thev
caught all they could find and brought
enouglinoro to mako up their dinners
Attorney R. B. Bridgmon and family
ol iMaitlanu.arc now residents or Oregon
having moved hero this week. They are
occupying tlio proporty vacated by
B. Ilmdo. Mr. Hind has moved into,
and is now at homo in his handsome
residenco just completed.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in tho postollieo nt OregonMo., for tho
week ending August .1, 1900: W. J
Driver, L. J. Ham, John Lemar (card)
and E. W. Ellis. Pleaso say threo were
"advertised" when calling. Ollbe hours
from 7:.10 a. m . to T-'IO p. m.
Thomas Cukkv, P. M
Rev. Crampton accompanied Rev.
Sawyers to Woodvillo last Sabbath after
noon anil preached tho sermon. Rev
Fox, of Forest City, was also present nt
the same service. This fellowship that
exists among our ministers is an ovi
dence of the uuifving power of true
The Bryaniten havo organized their
campaign club hero. R. U. Benton
president; Hugh Rulev, vice president
J. T. Thatcher, secretary: A. L. Caskoy,
corresponding secretary: F. P. Lyons,
sergeant-nt-arms,and 11. Ij.bhackclford,
treasurer. They hold weekly meetings
each Saturday evening.
Honry Shnfier, living eouth of
Forest City, while on a straw stack, at
u. u. mallard's place, in tuo same
neighliorhood, Tuesday of this week,July
111, slipped elf tho stack and fell upon
a stacker injuring himself very soverly,
Dr. Bullock was called and gavo him
tho needed attention, and he is now get
ting along all right.
Squire Hart, of Mound City, was
attending to business in Oregon, Weil
nesday of this week. He was accompan
ied by his son, Frank, who is visiting
him. Frank is assistant machinist on tho
Kansas City Star. Frank learned his
trade in this city, leaving here in 1872,
Ho save ho would not havo known
Oregon so many improvements since ho
was here.
A Sundayschool has been organized
at tho Mavtlowcr school house with
Mr. Sam. Hughes as superintendent
Tho Sunday school will meet each Sun
day at'J:.'W p. m. Preaching again next
Sunday, and will continue tho 1st and
Ird Sundays of eaeh month right after
Sunday school. Kvcry one is heartily
invited to attend nnd assist in making
tho Smulay school and services a bless
ing to the community.
We received a communication
criticizing tho actions of some in tho
Gold Medal contest, which occured in
this city Tuesday evening of this week1
Tun Skntinki. cannot publish it: first
it came too lato for this week's ifsuij:
second, becauseif its personal character
third, because it had no signature in
authenticity; fourth, such matters aireiN
to the public never accomplish any good;
tilth, because tho least respect you can
show all the editors of a newspaper is to
tell them who you aro. Hence wo feel
wounded in this respect.
I will sell at private sale my house
hold elTeets, consisting of cupboard,
dishes, bedding, heating stove, cook
stove, cooking utensils, fruit jars, bed
stead, and nfo have an organ, EarlulT
make, good as new, will sell chonp or
trade for hog-,-. One half milo south of
Oregon. Ina Hoffmann.
Oregon, Mo.
Mr. Knoth has opened up his shop in
tho building, one door west of Kreek
Bros., Store. He solicits your trade,
guaranteeing satisfaction in ever- par
This Trade
Best Quality.
We still have a few pair of Oxfords in Dora Cooper brand that we will
closo at 75e. Also a few pair in Mascot, 7Ge. Last, but not least, a full line
of the Avenue $1.50 Osford S1.25. Ibmcmbcr tho price must clo;o these Ox
fords out. First comes first sorved. Wo aro still cutting prices on all sum
mer gixMls, they niU6t bo moved ta mako room for fall goods.
To Holt county lands and town
Wc have purchased the abstracts compiled by Gouv. Morris,
since owned by A. VanHuskirk and arc prepared to furnish ab
stracts of title to any lands or town
notice. When in need of any thing in that line call on or write
We want your business.
Up Slairs in AranBn.skirk Building,
The Canning factory will begin
operation next Monday.
Dr. Ernest Kaltcnhach,of Craig.was
an Oregon visitor,Wcunesua3- of this
-J. C. Fitts and
next week for a visit
family will leave
at his old homo in
New Jersey.
Mrs. Tillio Shutts entertained Mrs.
Will Collins and Mrs. Curtis, of White
Cloud, Kas., Thursday of this week.
Albert Roecker, wife and son, Mont,
left Thursday of this week for Denver
and other Colorado Hints. They will
be absent three or four weeks.
Toney Linnenian and familv, who
havo beon residents of this city for a
year; started on their return to their old
homo in j ltrgcrald. Georgia. Thursday
of tins week.
Kierio Bruner and Gcorgo Kauche
avo finished tho elevator they wero en
gaged on at Cereal, Oklahoma, and have
moved, to Keailing, a new station near
Gutherio where they will build another.
They Tire safe there against tho encroach
ment of unwelcome correspondents as
Micro is no post oflice in many niilos
Good Enough
Is the leading riding
Have you
seen my kit
I still have
it out.
w Indicates
Gent's Cromo Calf is some
thing new to you, but has
lpcn tried and found
wanting in quality.
Gent's Yiei Kid of the finest
quality and lab-st st le.Nune
Ladies' Rainay Day
Booties, high in top, 9
10 inches, thick ex-
sole, military heel
Samo in regular top
Ateosamoin welt
These three shoes aro loaders in style and
Oregon, Mo.l
lots promptly and accurately made
lots in Holt county on short
Charles Cowan was looking over the
cattle market in Kansas Citv,this week,
I guarantee to cure constipation: or
refuml money. W. L. Willis, "Magnetic
Miss Anna Fiegenboum and nephew
Alaster Georgie Steinmetz, of SUloseph,
visiteu nere, tins wceK.
Liittlo f.stell.i morns, wno was
operated upon for appendicitis, is now
reported as convalescing by Dr. Findley,
Mrs. Carrio Atkinson, of Kansas
City, was called here this week by the
death of her brother-in-law, King Do
Board. -
Mrs. Susan Russell nnd Charlcnc
returned home Wednerday of this week,
from Kansas City, whero they have
been visiting for several weeks.
Tho Fannin Meyer Auxilary of the
W. F. M. S. will meet at tho M. E.
church, this Friday. Autr 3rd. Those
Khaving niito boxes aro requested to
bring them.
I Mrs. Louise Gibson took her do
turo Thursday of this week for Coloi
Springs, Colo . whom she will slay
an oxtenueit lengtli or time,
view of improving her health.
with the
Sulky Plow
plow the market.
Oregon, Mo.
Time Tabic.
Below will be found the time of tie
partureof the passenger trains over tha
K. C. road and also the day freight
trains. It will bo seen by this time card
Hint the B.& M. trains stop at Forest
ooino north;
No.21. LeavosForest City at 2:28 p.m
No.23 Leaves at 1:21 n. m.
No.i:i Villieca passonger, leaves at
.1:17 p. m.
No. 15, B & M Loaves Forest City at
1:20 p.m.
No. 27 Omaha passencer. loareA nt
8:2.'! a. m. every day.
No. 01 Freight Loaves at 0:25 a. m
No.20 ueaves Forest City nt!2:.'ri p.
No. 22 Leaves at 2: IS a. m
No.4(5 St. Joseph nassenuor.leaves nt
0:25 a.m.
No. 1C, B & M Loaves Forest City at
13 p. m
No. 2(1 Omaha passenger, leaven nt
8:22 p. m. every day.
No.02 Freight Leavepat 3:25 j. m
No. 11. B & M Leaves at 0:15 a. m.
Nebraska, Colorado,
Montana, Black Hills,
Utah, California,
Puget Sound,
Chicago and Sn Louis.
Forest City, Mo.
Special Reduced Bates
By the Burlington system aro announ
ced as follows:
Annual Encampment G. A. R., nt
Chicago, Aug. 27. One fare round trip.
Date of sale, August 25 to 20th. Final
limit, Sept. 1st, by deposit Sept. 30th.
Home Seekers' Excursions to the west
ern and northwestern country including
Colorado Points,Butte,Spokane,Tacoma,
Seattle and Portland. One fare plus
$2.00. Dates of sale, June 10, July 3, and;
17; August 7 and 21. Limit 31 days from
date of Bale.
Summer rates. Dntes of sale, until
Sept. 30. Final limit October 31.
L. W. Wakklev,
General Passenger Agent.
Vise Hovky, Local Agent,
Forest City, Mo..
The Weather.
Corrected weekly by William Kaucher
Justice of the Peace, Orejfon, Mo.
maximi'v. uin'imitm. fall. Snow.
1 00
The rain fall of the past week has been
very light, but the month of July closed
with 0:55 inches, being more than double
tho nverago. The temperature for July
was 2) degrees below tho average; the
highest was 03 degrees on th Cth and
tho lowest, 57 degrees on tho 17th and
18th. The mercury stood at 85 decrees
or over on 23 days.
Tho extremes of tcmjierattire wero very
near the samo as last year, tho variation
being ono degree higher. Tho hiirhest
temperature ever registered here was
August 2. 1800, when tho mercury re
corded 108 degrees; the highest for July
was 100 degrees in 18(31 and 1801, the
next highest 105.5 in 1818 and 1S71.
The following is a statement of all
rain fall of threo inches or over in 21
hours since and including 1855:
325 August 11 and 12. 1855
5.00 Mav.r. 1850
3.00 January 15 and 18. 1801
1 50 January 27 and 20. 1801
3.00 August 2 and 3. 1802
3.00 July 10. 1807
3.32 July 12. 1808
20 August 13 and 11. 1800
1.01 Juno l.'land 11. 1874
I October 31, November 1, 1870
April 18, 1877
August 10 and 21. 1877
May 2G.18S0
Juno 11, 1883
June 17, 1383
October 22, 1880
Mny 20,1388
Mav 31, Juno 1, 1801
August 15 and 10, 1S03
August 28 and 20, 1805
May 31. 1800
August 5 and 7, 1S90
September 3 and 1, 1803
Septembers. 18tS
July 28 and 20. 1800
'....July 10, 100O
II. S Keeve has
Louie, whero ho was
wholesale merchant''.
returned from St.
interviewing the
For all Reapers and Mowers
25 FOR $1.75
Other makes at less price.
Hardware Co.
Ill S. Fourth. St. Joseph, Mo
To Whom It May Concern.
About eight months ago, I was strick
en down wun Bmoitiering tpene; me
Doctor's gave me medicine for my heart.
and constitution in general, but I failed
to get any permanent relief until about
three weeks ngn I commenced to take
treatments or W. L. Willis, tha "Mag
netic Healer," and I feel that I am about
well again.
Signed, Mrs. .lizzie STrrn.

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