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hi HgH mm w m m Stilt VOLUME IX. NUMBER 45. KANSAS' CITY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917. PRICE, 5c. Cowardly Police and Militia Search Negroe's Homes, Dis Them, and Then Turn Them Over to the Blood-thirsty Demons Clamoring For Their Lives. Without Arms or Protection 38 are Killed, More than 200 Wounded and 325 Negro Homes are Burned and Looted. t i Negroes Refuse to Leave but Intend to Stay in East St. Louis and Die if Necessary for Their Homes and Rights as American Citizens; to do an Honest Day's Work for an Honest Day's Pay. Is God Dead? No! N o! No! THE SHAME OF ILLINOIS Brutality Unparalelled in the East St. Louis, Illinois, Riots a Joke. The most horrible, blood curdl-j ing and wanton massacre of un armed and defenseless Negroes ever recorded in this country' .(Land of the Free and, Home of the Brave) occurred last Monday at East St. Ljouis, 111., where 38 Negro men, Avomeu and children, two of whom were less than three years of age, were foully murder ed, more than 325 homes belong ing to or occupied by them being burned and a reign of terror in stituted. Be it said to their credit and altho unarmed the police and militia having visited their homes during the day and confiscated all available weapons of defense they succeeded, according to a reliable report brought us bys a railroad porter who witnessed the diffi culty in killing 21 of the mob in addition to the four who had been killed earlier in the day. That such a thing could happen in the face of Illinois that gave to the world a Lincoln, a Logan, and a Sumner was beyond belief and re gardless of the various causes it remains undenied that the police and militia acted in a most cowardly and criminal manner. The Sun is unable to present any more accurato or truthful account than the following article taken from the columns of a St. Louis daily paper which it presents in all its dreadfulness and horror to its thousands of readers: SLAIN AS THEY BEGGED MERCY. Murderous East St. Louis Mobs En Joyed the Butchery. St. Louis, July 3. For an hour and a half last evening I saw the massacre of helpless Negroes at Broadway and Fourth street, in downtown East St. Louis, where a black skin was a death warrant. I have read of St. Bartholomew's night. I have heard stories of the lat ter day crimes of the Turks in Ar menla add I have learned to loathe the German army for its barbarity in Bel glum. But I do not believe that Mos lem fanaticism or Prussian frightful ness could perpetrate murders of more deliberate brutality than those which I saw committed in daylight by citi zens of the state of Abraham Lincoln. I saw man after man, with hands raised, pleading for his life, surround ed by groups of men men who had never seen him before and knew noth ing about him except that he was black and saw them administer the historic sentence of intolerance, death by stoning. 1 saw one of these men, almost dead fro ma savage shower of stones, hanged with a clothesline, and when it broke, hanged with a rope which held. Within a few paces of the pole from which he was suspend ed four other Negroes lay dead or dy ing, another having been removed, dead, a short time before. I saw the pockets of two of, these Negroes searched, without the finding of any weapon. I saw one of these men, covered with blood and halt conscious, raise himself on his elbow and look feebly about, when a young man, standing directly behind him, lifted a stono in both hands and hurled it upon his j heck. This young man was much bet ter dressed than most of the others. He walked away unmolested. I I saw Negro women, begging for mercy and pleading that they had harmed no one, set upon by white wo men of the 'baser Bort, who laughed and answered the coarse sallies of men as they beat the Negro women's faces and breasts with lists, stones and sticks. I Baw one of these furies fling herself at .a militiaman, who was trying to protect a Negro woman, and wrestle with him for his bayonetted gun, while, other women attacked the refuge. What I saw in ninety minutes, be tween 6:30 o'clock and the lurid com ing of darkness, was but one local sceno of the drama of death which continued for hours. I am satisfied that in' spirit and method it typified the whole.' The East St. Louis men took no chances, except the chance from stray (See Page 8, Col. 3) j j LISTEN, MEN! DR. HOWARD M. SMITH, Superintendent of the Jackson County Home for Aged and Infirm Negroes, the acknowledged leader of Negro Democracy in Jackson County and the State, whose skllfull and efficient ef forts backed up by the leading Negroes of the State did much to secure for j President Allen re-election as Presi dent of Lincoln Institute. Dr. Smith Is quiet, highly cultured and unassum-j ing, but Is a power among those Demo- j crats who control the political affairs j of Jackson County and the State, ,'. For to give up essential lib- erty to obtain a little temporary safety is to' deserve neither lib- erty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin. THE CAUSE AND THE REMEDY The present drift of Negroes from the Southern to the Northern states, In response to the acute demand for labor, Is raising political, social and economic questions that lay bare the tie that binds them to .their more for tunate brethren. The Cincinnati- Post describes conditions In that city that can he duplicated In most of the large Northern cities. Negro immigrants are crowding tenements from cellar to garret. In one ward 1,793 between the ages of 21 and 31 registered, ex ceeding the number in the next most thickly populated ward by more than COO.- Those men, the Post goes on to say, will be voted en bloc, and bo determine the city's mayor, .Us Judges and other officers. The social prob lem Is still worse. Overcrowding pro duces a death rate of 675 from tuber- (See Page 8, Col. 5) One big Pole last night said he had lost his job in an alu minum factory, his wife and two daughters had lost their places and his son had been shot by a Negro. "I killed seventeen last night," he said, grinning as he shifted an ax he was car rying from one hand to the other. "And I am going to get a few more if I get a chance." The Sun belie ves and fervent ly prays that God will damn every male Negro in East St. Louis yet living if that Pole is not sought out and brought to justice. BBBBRff EL I CAPT. LEON H. JORDAN, who Is taking treatment and a much- : needed rest In the State Sanitarium. , Capt. Jordan was a Lieutenant in the'1 1 7 Immunes in the Spanish-American I , War, saw service with the 49th Volun-! j teer Infantry in the Philippines, where i he was brevetted Captain for gallant service and would have entered the ; Training Camp for Colored Officers j this year had his health permitted. 1 The Sun hopes for his speedy recovery.! I Justice, equal and exact, to all men. of whatever state of per suasion, religious or political. Thomas Jefferson. , Youth of America, the. curse of ages will rest upon you It ever you surrender to foreign ambition or domestic lawless- ness the precious liberty for for which your fathers bled. r John Mitchell Mason. DEMAND PUNISH MENT OF MOB SOCIALIST LEADER WIRES PRES IDENT 'WILSON ABOUT "EAST ST. LOUIS SAVAGES." New York, July 3. ''Swift and se vere punishment" for the mobs which wiped out the 'Negro section of East St. Louis and burned their property (See Page 5,ICol. 3) ,Col. 3) I SERIOUS CHARGES AGAIN ' ST MILITIA MEMBERS , IN EAST ST. LOUIS Monday morning of this week three prominent Colored men of East St. Louis came to Springfield as a com mittee to lay before Arjutant General Dlckerson, charges against threo members of tho militia on duty In that city. The committee consisted of Mrs. F. AV. Wallace, editor of The Star of ZIon and a member of the board of supervisors of St. Clair; S. R. Wheat, a prominent real estate and automobile agent, and Thomas Green, deputy clerk of the East St. Louis election commissioners. After an hour's conference with friends and local Colored men at the Legion of fice, tho committee proceeded to tho state house where they were cordially received by Arjutant General Dickson and laid before him tho following com plaint and charge: (See Page 8, Col. 4) IN EAST ST. LOUIS. '1V11 me, is this Belgium? "What means these wild alarms, This looting, and this terror, this sudden clash of arms? Is this the Land of Freedom, whose foes we train to fight? What means these groans of anguish, this screaming in the night? stop, Blackman. and tell me, why do you stand at bay? "We came in peace to labor, but 'tis said we shall not stay. We call this Our Country, we have pledged it loyalty ; We are testing out the honor of the great "Democracy!" In the South we labored, yet we never got ahead, And of mobs, and kangaroo courts, wc were constantly afraid. Then the war came, and for labor did the North send out a call. And so we came to answer, on the journey staking all. We had heard that where 01' Glory waves aloft, there men are free, 'Tis the cry of those who carry it to battle cross the sea. So we followed it as Israel did of old the cloud of fire, Dreaming how its promise would our children's hearts inspire. But we were met by hoodlums, Po' White scullions of the South, And their pass-word, '"lynch the nigger," sped along from mouth to mouth. And when we saw them gathering, with the old time murder cry, Wo did each of us determine, like brave men, to fight and die. Oh, but it was awful, to behold our women beat By the vile marauders like wild beasts upon the street ; And one of us lay wounded in a culbert almost dead, When along there came two roughnecks, and they shot him in the head. We stood our ground right nobly, we fought and many fell, And not all "Blacks" in spite of what the daily papers tell Though we had known oppression, yet we dreamed of Liberty, And such a dream brings courage, and courage sets men free." 'Tis thus our home-war rages, while great rumb 'lings from afar, Tell of the mighty struggle, where the Nations are at war. But the "Blacks" of East St. Louis, and tho Belgians 'cross the sea, Play the star parts in this drama of the "World Democracy." Roscoe C. Jamison. PITILESS MURDERERS What sort of a and what sort nt on duty in St. rlges there t I read of sol I of the cr I Negroes commit Unlte governor has Illinois, officers did he have lis to permit the out- v'nue for hours? We -g over the heads "he torturing of The atrocities Louis hold the Xnrobrlum of the world. And a single determined officer In charge of tho troops couM have stopped them In tea minutes. Thursday's Star. 1 Mr. Smith Henderson of St. T-nnia Mo., a former Kansas City boy, Is visiting hla brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henderson, inn Merstnger avenue, this week and re newing acquaintances among old ' mends. "EL 1 - v.,