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Pace Two THE KANSAS CITY SUN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1020. From Our Foreign Correspondents f Buy Your CHRISTMAS CANDIES I NUTS, FRUITS and GROCERIES From the biggest little Gro cery where your dollar has the largest purchasing-value. OGDEN, UTAH. DABNEY & CARTER ? Telephone Clifton 2987. 1 2231 Woodland Avo. It Is death to back-ache. Moore's Vigorlne. At your Drug Store. Do You Need Money? HURST LOAN OFFICE 18th and Vine Streets ED EVANS Transfer Taxjcab and Baggage. Moving Shipping. Day and Night Service. 1507 East 12th St. Bell Phones: Office, Clifton 5257, Residence: Melrose 5539J FOR FIRST CLASS CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING THE MODERN PRESSING SHOP 1831 Pas eo CLIFfON 1350 WM. T. THOMAS ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 2427 Vine Street. We Do Good Work. Call Us. The Tuskegee Tailoring Co. THIRTY DAYS' SALE Overcoats, Heavy Woolen Coats and Trousers at Reasonable Prices. SEE US 1306 E. 18 St., Kansas City, Mo. Whllo walking through the luxur iously appointed lobby ot tho Wheat ley Hotel, who should I see ensconced In one ot the big leather chairs but our old time friend W. J. (Blllie) Wheaton of San Francisco, Calif. The snow was falling In great flakes and no doubt Blllie was thinking of the flowers and the fog, but a "Hello mil" soon had him up with that gen ial grin and hearty shako which makes him loved by the boys. Being here on Fraternal business that re quired both tact and diplomacy, Billlo was refusing numerous requests for his society. We went to hear him speak on Sunday night at the A. M. E. church. His subject was "Unity" and he spoke with an eloquence that sur prised. We knew he was a wizard with the pen. but never before that he was the equal of his famous broth er, J. Frank, on the platform. Grand Exalted Ruler, McMeaheu, could not have picked a man more qualified to adjust difficulties and we are sure everything will be right. Blllie asked to be remembered by the boys Doc Ramsey and Bruce and Bruce especially. est attended In tho history of this movement. A number of speakers of national importance have been Invit ed to appear on tho program and many ot them have already accepted. Special reduced rates on the rail roads have been applied for and per sons attending will bo entertained as guests of tho Institute. Wo will send it. Jeff's. We will send it. Jeffs. COLUMBIA, MO. CLARKSVILLE, MO. Rev. A. L. Lovel preached two splendid sermons Sunday. .. .Green Chapel Baptist church convention held last week was quite a success. There was good preaching morning and night and two additions, air. C. W. Duncan our Colored grocer is having a good trade Rev. W. H. Hurley of Pitts burg, 111., visited his brother George and other relatives. .. .Mrs. M. A. Crow- will spend the Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Frankford. HOLDEN, MO. By Mrs. J. Z. Moseley. Powerful revival services are being held at St. Paul A. M. E. church. TIip Rev. O. H. Burbridge is preaching some real Gospel truths. .. .Rev. O. F. Nelson passed through eni'oute for Mc Balne last week and was a worship per of St. Paul. We also had with us Rev. Robinson. .. .Rev. S. U Brooks went to Centralla, Mo., Sunday after noon and held services for the Rev. .1. H. Ward.... Mrs. .7. Z. Moseley was hostess to the "Donor Club" on De cember 2nd and Mrs. S. L. Brooks was the hostess December 9th and many Interesting games were played after the business was gone over Mr. Martin Brown of Minnesota was in the City last week and was dinner guest of Douglass Schaal Cafeteria. .. .Mr. Sam O'Neal, one of our most indus trious young men. has opened a Cafe with short orders, fine candles and soft drinks. Mr. Edmund O'Neal, his nephew of Detroit, Mich., will be the manager of Mr. Sam O'Neal is in oth er business. We wish him much suc cess The boys of Columbia have organized a Junior S. C. O. Club. By Charles Pratt. Services at Baptist church Sunday were largely attended. A grand ser mon was preached. .. .Frank Hunley of Excelsior Springs visited his par ents here. .. .Nathaniel Draper of Windsor, Mo., passed away last week Mrs. Mary Warnick of Center view. Mo., was the guest of Mrs. Emma Easley Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Owens will occupy the residence of NEW FILM COMPANY FOR COLOR ED PEOPLE OF KANSAS CITY. A new enterprise, namely, the Goto City Feature Film has been organized by our people ot Kansas City with offices nt 1701 E. 12th street. The trustees are all men well known for their reliability and Integrity. The company ,1s owned by Colored people exclusively and a force ot thirty have been selected and arc now working on the first production entitled, "Fought and Won" said to be a very forceful picture. Tho production ot motion pictures offers a wonderful field for our people, ns we have thous ands of motion picture theatres In this country. v Tho Company wilt employ expert assistants and havo Its own studios located hero. The success of tho new enterprise is a foregone conclusion and all concerned are enthusiastic. Tho very best talent ot Kansas City has been selected and excellent pro gress is being made dally. The now enterprise will give employment to many of our people and is being loy ally supported. Officers: Prof. A. M. Wilson, President. R. U Smiley. Vice President. Dr. M. B. Jones, Treasurer. v J. Howard Clark, Secretary. Emma Robinson, Asst. Secy. Trustees: James H. Crews, Geo. W. Teeters, John Lewis. pianolas INTERSTATE LITERARY ASSOCIATION. Tho Intcrstato Literary Association ot Kansas and tho West will hold Its 9th Annual meeting in this city Do comber 28, 29 and 30th. Mrs. Myrtlo F. Cook of this city Is tho correspond ing secretary; Rrof.'R. G. Jackson of Qulndaro, Is chairman ot tho Music Committee; Prof. J. R. E. Leo, prin cipal bt Lincoln High School is chair man of tho Executive commltteo and Prof. Joseph L. Bowler of St. Louis is president. Tho 'session will bo held in the Second Baptist church, 10th and Charlotto streets. MME. VIOLA ELLIS Scientific Scalp Specialist MASSAGE and HAIR GROWER 1907 E. 13th Street LYRIC HALL FOR RENT For All Entertainments See O. H. HARRIS, Mgr. 1731 Lydia Avo. Ilours: 8 to 9 a. m., 12 to 1 p. m. Hall phones, Home Main 2783, Bell Grand 3352-W. Residence, 262-1 Eu clid Ave, Res. Phone, Bell Melrose 5219-"W. RATES REASONABLE Do you need money? We have plenty of money to loan to rooming bouse keepers on short time. Muat have reference. PROPERTY OWNER8 can obtain a loan through our agency and pay It back by weekly Installments. I? YOUR HOUSE NEEDS repairing, painting or papering, get a loan and put in Its necessary repairs. Our Business Is Strictly Confidential, Bell Phone Grand 4204. Unmn. Delaware 050. Carmel Nut Ice Cream at Jeff's. NEGRO ELECTED TO ASSEMBLY IS SPEAKER AT G. O. P. MEETING. St. Louis. Dec. IS. Walthall M. Moore, a Negro waiter who was elect ed a member ot the Missouri house of representatives from St. Louis, Sat urday told his Republican colleagues in a session at the Planters hotel that he expected to accept the advice of friends to "sit qiuetly and look on during the proceedings of the Fifty- first general assembly at Jefferson City. Moore, whose district Includes the "silk stocking" wards in the west end of St. Louis, did not arrive at the hotel until after the represeutatves had finished their dinner. He was until recently a waiter at the City club here. He was introduced in his regular turn by Lieut. Gov.-elect Hiram Lloyd, whose call for the Republican house members to come here to "get acquainted" was answered by only about 25 members outside of St. Louis. There was a generous ap plause as Moore rose to his feet. Gave Meeting Coloring. "I suppose you fellow representa tives are thinking that I would have a bit of stage fright in appearing be fore yau, said Moore. "I am placed in a peculiar, yet a distinguished posi tion by having been the first man of color elected to sit In the Missouri legislature. I was agraid that I might not get here Saturday, but for fear that the meeting would not have the proper coloring, as Mr. Lay has so beautifully put it, I am glad to be with you. (Lay is the representative of Crawford county and during a short speech had referred to the meet? ing as having the "proper coloring.") 'I probably have received more ad vice than any other representative or representative-elect," continued Mooro I have been advised to sit qiuetly and look on. I think that it is good advice. "I want to cooperate with you mem bers in seeing the complete program of the Republican party carried out In Missouri. The raising ot our edu cational standards Is probably the greatest problem which confronts the general assembly." Tribute From O'Fallon. Rep. Sam F. O'Fallon, of Holt coun ty, who probabdy will be ro-elected speaker ot the house, in a speech paid a rather glowing tribute to the Negro member-elect. r "I hope the Negro member will not feel out of place because he is the first one to servo with the white members," said O'Fallon. "It is only through tho Republican party that he can serve In the Missouri legislature I am glad that he Is hero." William Jacobs Mrs. Stella Combs visited Mr. and Mrs. Edd Green in the country last Sunday Dr. Charles M. Briscoe of Kansas City spent Sunday with his father Charles Pennigton has moved to Kansas. .. .Mrs. Lillian Stewart returned home last Sunday from Kansas City Mrs. Pratt spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Berry and family Mrs. Carmichael entertain ment was a success last Saturday night Mrs. Lottie Clay and sister, Miss M. Johnson attended the fu neral of their cousin, Nathaniel Drap er of Windsor, Mo. ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS POULTRY NOW. Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens. Fresh Rabbits Dally. Also fancy nuts and apples. INGELS & GOSNELL PRODUCE COMPANY. 1307 East 18th St. Home Phone', Delaware 3276. Rabbit Sandwiches 15c at Jeff's. ROSEDALE, KANSAS. The -Parent-Teachers' Association held their meeting at Attucks School Friday evening. A nice program was rendered. Rev. J! H. Lee was the principal speaker, and made an ad dress which met the hearty approval of all present The attendance at the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church Sunday was good all day. The mem. bers responded fairly well with the rally. The pastor. Rev. S. V. Terry, delivered a spiritual sermon in the morning and at night a young min ister spoke. One addition was made. Something over $47.00 was raised.... There will be special services at Wes ley Chapel Christmas morning. Rev. Walden, the pastor will deliver a ser mon on "The Birth of Christ." We will send it. Jeff's. TEXTUR--INE SURE FIRE HAIR STRAIGHTENER Mild and Absolutely Harmless, but Never Fails to Straight- en the Very Worst Head of Hair - jj BE SURE! BE SAFE! TEXTUR-INE Is Used by Men and Women Everywhere, i Price $1.00, Postpaid to All Parts of the U. S. Panama and j Cuba. Remit by P. O. Money Order to DOUGLASS PAYNE 1 252 W. 143rd Street New York, N. Y., Dept. K. E3 The Annual Meeting of tho. Wheatley-Providcnt Hos pital Association will bo hold at Community Center, Janu ary 5, 1921, at 8 o'clock. At this meeting 12 new members of the Board of Directors will be elected. .T. R. E. LEE, President, Board of Directors. N. CLARK SMITH VOICE TRAINING (University of Kansas Method) 2313 TRACY i Bell Grand 4393 Home Phone Linwood 2626 31st and Hardesty GROCERY & MEATS. WHY NOT PATRONIZE A STORE THAT GIVES YOU A SQUARE DEAL? WE HOPE YOU WILL COME AND INVESTIGATE' FOR YOURSELF Wo wish to thank the readers of this paper for their trade. ALLEN & MANNING Terms Cash 3051 Hardesty M. MYERS, MERCHANT TAILOR 1433 E. 18th Street Formerly at 1518 E. 12th (12th & Vine) At your very earliest convenience, call and look over our fall'mid winter stock of hard finished worsteds which wears better, lasts longer and keeps in better shape. You have your choice of a large selection of guaranteed abso lutely 100o all pure wool fabrics and your garment will be hand tailored in correct fashion. Whether you purchase or not we will be glad to show you our line. Yours for fine custom tailoring, M. MYERS, Bell Phone, Grand 2963 1433 E. 18th Street MADAME L. MALONE'S MERIT HAIR GROWER Will keep the scalp free from all diseases, destroys dan druff, makes the hair soft and glossy. LEARN THE MERIT SYSTEM ' of growing hair. No matter how bad tho condition of tho hair, it can be improved. Three months' treatment will convince you of its merits. I teach all lines of Beauty Culture. Private lessons given. I give diplomas. Positions guaranteeed. Salary or Commission. Terms Reasonable. A splendid opportunity to earn money. Write for book of testimonials and price list. Write Today, tomorrow never comes. MADAME L. MALONE'S. MERIT HAIR GROWER and TOrLET PREPARATIONS 1609 East 24th Street BUY NOW-He Who Hesitates Will Never Win IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY KANSAS CITY PROPERTY Our facilities are the largest and the belt either to buy, exchange or sell for you. SEE US FIRST ALWAYS THEN YOU WILL SEE NO OTHER WILLIAMS & JACKSON Real Estate and Investments Office---! 704 E. 12th St. Kansas City, Mo. Bell Clifton Phone .... 1414 Home Benton Phone . 1415 THE STAR HAIR GROWER A Wonderful Hair D retting and Qrowef 1,000 AGENTS WANTED Good money made. Want agents in every city anrl village to sell the STAR HAIR GROWER. This is a wonderful preparation. Can be used with or without Straightening Irons. Sells for 15c per box, one 25c box will prove its value. Any person who will use a 25c box will be convinced. No matter what has failed to grow your hair, just give the STAR HAIR GROWER a trial and you will be convinced. Send 25c for full sized box. If you wish to bo an Agent send $1.00 and we will send you a- full Supply that you can begin work at once; also agents' terms. Send all money by Money Order to THE STAR HAI RGROWER MFR., Box 812. Greensboro, N. C. We will send It. Jeff's. TUSKEGEE CONFERENCE. Tuckeges Inst. Ala., Dec. 11. Ela borate plans are being made for the Thirtieth Annual Tuskegee Negro Conference which will be held at Tus kegee Institute, Wednesday and Thursday, January 19th and 20th. "Needs of the South's Present Day Rural Ufa" is the general topic? for discussion, and as usual the first day will be given over to tho farmers and the second day to persens engaged lit educational, christian and social up lift work. Dr, Robert It. Moton, Principal of Tuskegee Institute, announces that the indications are that the Confer OUR NEW HOME '' 25,000 MORE PORO AGENTS WANTED Equipped with the Very Latest Apparatus for Teaching the Poro System of Scalp and Hair Culture and all Branches of Beauty Culture Terms Moderate Diplomas Given Write Today for Further Information PORO CORNER SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI. DEPT. A-19 MADAM S. PLUMMER Manufacturer of VELVET BLEACHING CREAM WONDER WORKER HAIR GROWER Face and Hand Lotion and other Toilet Articles I teach Beauty Culture, Scalp Treatment, Facial Massage and Manicuring and give diplomas. I teach by mail, all letters careful ly read and answered promptly. I send goods to all parts of the United States. You can make from $15.00 to $25.00 per week sell ing my Oils and Dressing. All work guaranteed. Agents Wanted At Once. Write Today. MME. S. PLUMMER, Proprietor. Bell Phone Clifton 2464. 2100 Vine Street. Everything is Pointing Plus The Live and Let Live Auto Baggage and Express . . ' Have TWO CARS. Can be at your service in a moment's notice Kindling and Boxes for sale. T. T. TIVETT Bell Phono, Grand 1206 Stand: 2109 Campbell Street, Kansas City, Mo. "For the Good of Your S-O-LE" BANES ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP All kinds of Shoe Repairing Shoe Strings Polish Inner Solea Buttons Heol Platta Best Rubber Heels Hours 7:30 a. m. to 7 p- m. Saturdays 10 p. rri. 1620 East 18th St. Kansas City, Mo, riinyrwrfj Try a Want Ad In The Sun ence in 1921 will be one ot the larg-