OCR Interpretation

The state republican. (Jefferson City, Mo.) 1871-1896, August 14, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061576/1890-08-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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No l,Day Kvprcss... Arrives liOC p.m.
Leaves 1 : 20j . tu .
No. 3, Through Express. Arrive 12;-
38 a. m. Leaves 12:2S n.ir.
No. B, Local Passenger. Arrive l'i&ij
p. m. Leave 12: 1.1 p.m.
No. 0, Texas Express Airives 2:10 h.iii.
Leave 2 ;1 1) a. iv.
Freight, carries passengers. Leaves 9."..1
a. in.
No. 2, Pay Express.... Arrlvcs2il0 p.m.
Leaves 2:5." p.m.
No. 4, Through Express. Arrives 2:10
a. in. Leaves 2:10 a. in.
No. 0, Local Passenger. An Ives 1:20
Leaves 1 :10 p. in.
Freight, carries passenger?. Leaves -1 :10
J i. in.
vooal passenger trains f ainl'C run be
tween St. Louis and Kansas City. Three
sections of night train east. Texas ex-
rcss, No. 0,'has through chnlr car
cxltifcton hranch. , Froo icellulng chair
cars on all through trains.
Trains lenvu Jefferson City at (i:Ma.
m., an lvlng at Aurora 9: III) a. m.
ltctnrnlnir. vlll leave Aim.i.i nt 11. -3
p. in., arriviii at Joffeifou City at 2:3
p. in. Jons J. Ciiuiicu.Agt.
n Palais Uifiinq Csn U A-u-ir
al8:t3i!llaIiijClislrCi U" .
1 sr. LOUI3
P Kan city Jvll
Omnibus tdvos Joffersm illy, 7:30
n. m. overv ilay orient bundiy, con
necting with tho train leaving Cedtir
Uliy aiSa. in. ami which makes piompt
coanecllon at Mexico with all trains
going east, went or norih.
Jonathan GitmsiiAw, Ticket Agent
1 ? 1 rm if
Through Trains Carry
Jefferson City & Sedalia
Oi:o. A. Ki;iiv, )
II. C. (Jucss, I iK'ccivns.
Gun. lllit. (Jen Tf.ili.c ,il(;r
Ccu'l IMssi'iiger .'c Tk'ki l Agii.it,
Prepared to Uo nil Kiiul of
at tho lowest possible prices. Well
ami Cisterns pl.islcied. All work guar
anteed to give cntiro satisfaction .
2 1 2 Broadway, .k-aciou City, .Mo .
, JJIiillUlistcclTacklsQlBcl;
HALF THE COSi' of lifislinj
mied lostoreVKf j'i'r.lj i:clicrs,frrii -r,
iiiAcirmliti'l L.iil.lctrf, c ik.iirurit'rw
ml otl.r. Admitted tti lis tin an nt
fill iiUirute:iritU aver iiimU' in Ui-Ut
ItlocLf. Kreljclil urcimil, Wnloturmt
EituU.lfS?. 10 Brush St., Detroit, Mich
Lara tho best valuo for
iey over offered, and
m&ya Boon so rflRnraeq
workers, economical In
i of fuol, ulwayo rollablo.
, want a perfect Stovo
YER, Jefferson City, Mo
lias opened an office for a limited
tlmo only, at
whero ho can bo consulted free of
charge In regard to all
Defects of Vision.
Dr. Hitler corrects tho
of Far, Near and Old Sight, simple
compound and mixed astigmatism,
muscular weakness, double s'ght,
cross ight, etc.
A-rtilicial Kyes
Which move and look liko the natural
rjo, inserted without pat.i. Rest of
rcfcrcncck-can bo acetyl tita oill.'c.
Olllce liours from 1) n m. to fl p. m.
Consultation free. The doctor can
be consulted in German, English,
French and Ilollaendish.
s. w. cox
Thy foHowin,t Real Estalo for Salo.
jrrs. flrli.irn's new threc-storr luicU Imlld.
tug, north tldo of lllgli.
Hniuc of (1. M. Mam. on Miller, betwetn
Moiiniu mid Adainn, l'rlcs, l,'2j).
ICellcrlnjr's now sli-roon: divrllln?. fltu
nlo jiorth nide of IIIrIi. he twecu Lafjyr tto
nuil Cliciry. Price, f3.ri00.
I.o1 Xos. Mi. flTfl, flin, on wutli side of
Dunklin, l'Hic, S?:i'W eaoli lot.
l'lvo lots, froiitlui; Sportsnun par!., on
MtC.-.ily, ol feet by tin lect to 'JO-lout sdii'T.
Mm. lli'lonn Tllluian'a brick bonn on
Ilrocdway, between jfnlu and railroad.
Clmlcn Mi'dcnni'sn' now biltl; nMrnco
on High, bqtween Lafayette and Cherry,
l'llcc. $4,2iw. '
Mr, JTiifilc'n thrcc-storv brick dwelling on
wc3t bide Mudlsoii. near DunUIn. 1'ilce,
Mr. ItoctV two-stnry bile'; dwelling on
eft 'Ida MiiOlHoincar Klia. I'nco, l.S00.
Tim old Hogers nutiMon on V.'nler, near
the purk house. For tc run cmiulrf.
1 1m new two-story brick vchldcnce of E.
FineLilr on south Muo ol c(;art.v, between
JcilVibon and Wnbhlrglon. J'licc J,UijO.
Frunk 1). Mlller'n new In Irk residence on
loulli side ol McCarty, bclwcui Jcllersoo
mid Washlnylou.
Kcsldciw'o of ficn. .1. L. ynillb. ttvo.itory
brick, tino orclnird, Inrjnrd and rarden,
121-2 acres ciomid j one-half mile Irom city
l'llCD, tfi,.'lW,
'i'ho Tlclionor residonco on Main, near
Jackson. Trice, V'J,2.'i,
Widlfr'H lols on Main, holwccn Monroo
ninl Album. For price enquire.
Ill-lots Xoi. Ml, firci pabt-!i.iir. WW and 507
on High, between Marshall and l.af.ij cttej
leo, lot JS'o. WlA on JKCiity.
Siih-dltUloiM 3, (1. T, 8, f), II, K, 111, 17 and
li of In-IoU Nos. (.'in, Ml, ii:ij, mi.iixi. (MJ,
1 1 mill hi; il'J-!) on l.alavctti', bv l-'i 1 1-2 deep;
lllnv, sub-dlvlrliiUS 1.2 .'I, 1. 111. 11, Uaild lj
of Ill-lulu Jfna. IIW, 111, H2. :, li." an.l IM j lots
j, 2, a and 4, fioiitliiR lu f.a't mi Mi Cnny by
J;.f Inches dcc.i: Iota b. II. 12 and LI,
fioulins 4U feet on Miller by M Inclics.
Cut-lots 17, 2 i and 21. For tonus cmiulrs i
Midi lot contains S acres.
fliimucl Iluil'in.ialcr faun, Callaway coun
t ; 120 acres. HMM per aero.
if. P. I.ackhart's farm, Callaway county j
'0 acres. ?13 per aero.
Tlwiuas F.irmor'a farm, Callaway county j
SSOncrsi. ?1S per acre.
It. W. Fariucr'ii farm, C.illaway county;
K) acres, f J'J per aero.
H. W. Fanner's farm, Callaway county;
172 acres. ?15 per acre.
It, II. Farmer's farm, Callaway county;
120 acres, in per aero.
IV. K. Harris ' (arm, Cillavrav county i
len acres. fi7.00.
llanuneii farm, two and one-half uilln cast
of Jellcrson City; 1UI sir.'o,jmt acjes In
riilllvatlou; good bidliilngi, orchard and
fence; well mniillcil utth 'Aatcr, l'rlce,
lira f?
p. 8
at EVEny
PARIS, 1359,
Ti) niglwat Pojstblo Premlam,
The President of the Company,
Jefferson City, Mo.
F. O. Fulkerson, Business Mnungcr.
Entered nt the Voitojfice nt Jejjcrson City,
Mo., nd fiii(! clnm matter.
New WcrlcivJati. 7, 18W.J
Tlmrstlny, Augu&t 11, 1800.
, , U ,1, W (.111.111. (f.UIl IU , 1 11 1 1 1.1 II II i.U 1 J.IIIIUI
Cnffelt ns .1 oaiidldixtn for rcprucutntlvo
oi uoio cnnniy, snuject to tno rcpituu
can noiiiliKitlnj; convention.
ritoiiATi: jutnii:.
Wo .no autliorlzcd to announce .T, Nj
Stoliilngcr, sr., ns n candldnto tor jndgo
of lliii probate court of Colo county. sub
ject to the decision of the republican,
nominating convention.
Mr. 11. F. Sncathon of llarkcrs
villo, .iyas in the city this wcclc.
Send in your orders for picnic and
barbectio lintid bills.
A largo stock of new goods Just
opened nt the Red Store.
Ladies' misses' and children's
hose sold at half their value at tho
Red Store.
I'loscciitliifs Attorney L. N. Mus
ser and Ciictiit Clerk W. I. From.in
of Miller counly, were in attendance
at tlic congressional convention.
Mr. W. S. Hastings, one of the
prominent citizens of Clark, township,
was in tho city to-day and gave our
olllco a i'c.i3 nit call.
Children's lints worth 7uc and SI,
are being sold at M. Goldman's for
Rend in your ub-i-rlidlon nt once for
Tin: Itnt'uiii.iCAN. Only one dollar per
year in auvancc.
Our S3 men's sulti", elofjant new p.tt
crns and dnraldii. Tticy iunt bo seen
to bo npprcelntcd.
Send us j oin orders for job printing If
you w.iut nent and clean unite nt low
IlL'ines. Cull ami sec snmidcj mid as-
certalu prices,
Headquarter." for (1. A. It. sul!i, also
Sons of VetcraiH, at
A line line of l.ulirs and misses'
hand and ir.aehiue-scwcd Summer
shoes at I5iij;ht'a.
Warden .Morrison would bo pleas
ing" the citizens of the groat State of
MlsBOtiii if lie would give a little at
tention to tho weeds around the cap
itol grounds and Main street in this
city. Wo think ho can find a few
lame convicts that he could put on
this woik, without reading very far
into the statutes of Mo,
S. Goldman will make cabinet size
I holographs for the next U0 days for
Sl.fiO a dozen.
Now h the lime lo subscribe for
Tub Statu I'urnti.tCAN-. if not con
venient to call, hand your order to
your postmaster.
Wo have outvied Into tin) lljiht for
Spring 'I'liido curly. Wis arc bound to
win, if a lurjic stock, new patterns, good
material una low pi ice can no it.
Fanners nnd mechanics, before
buying your -shoos call at Hriglil's
and examine John Mcir'i celebrated
shoes. These are honest goods, fully
warranted both for quality and wear,
l'oitmaslcrs aro authorized to re
ceive subscription for this paper.
Wo allow them the usual newspaper
Another hnmeii'c flock of clotldin; has
been added to tholiousoof M . Goldman.
It will surprise you to sec such stocks of
gooiH In the slori.
Ladies' black slippers only "." clr,
at the Red Store. Sou there. Sold
elsewhere at lo 81 M.
Our etook of Children',. Uoyr,
Youths' ami Men's clothlm; Is larger
Ihan evor bcfi re. Our flock of Gents'
fin-nulling f.oo lit mil Ruts and Caps l
Immense. Rntlrc new stock, tho lnlcst
styles ami tho lowest prlcoi. You will
do well to cull on us.
Straw lats for men, boy?,. girls
and children in great variety nt
prices far below any ever offered in
tiiis cily, at tho Red Store.
Times am hard, money Is scarce; lt3
to our Intel e-t to economize. You can
do it by buying of us. We can, and will
save you money.
Nice full linen towels only 10 cents
at tho Rid Store.
Tho coi grcssl mal ccnicntioi of
tho Klcrcnth cciigrfssional district
met in llih city on the 13th Inst.,
and nominated John ' L. Knvlu of
Callaway county, for corgreis,
against Mr. Illuiul. Tho convention
was called to order by AV. J. Powell,
chairman of tho congressional com
mlltcc, end J. Conratli qf this cily.
named as thu temporary chairman,
and W. P. Freeman of Miller coun
ly, secretary, Wc will givo ful
pioceedlugs in our next issue,
Send In your job work to this of
fice v
Tho railroads lmvo taken tho whole
country to the cast.
Call and eco the new goods at tho
Red Store.
John N. Steinlngcr will make a
good probate judge.
Call and examine the stock of in
fant's shoos at Urighl's before buying
Fulton fair opened on the li'tli and
will close on tho lCth this week,
A vnlco assortment of road carts
and wagons can bo seen at F. A.
Owights, 702 West atto
Tho straws point to the nomination
of Dr. Enloo fcr tho legislature, and
W. W. Wagner for collector.
Tho state cor.vontion on lliu 2Sth
Inst., promises to bo one of the larg
est held in years.
A basket picnic will lie given at
tho Union store near Ilrazito, next
The finest rain of tliis'se.ison hailed
the meeting of tho congressional con
vention. Tho stale commissioner advertises
for 15,000 bushels of bituminous
Ilring In your subscription. Help
along tho good work of spreading re
publican gospel throughout the coun
try. Chauncey I. Filloy has been filling
some appointments in the Fourteenth
congressional district. He is doing
good work.
The circus was not one of tho
greatest on earth, but for llie small
boy it was largo enough for all pur
poses. The Mason had considerable
trouble making her las' trip. The
laclc of rain is shown in the low stage
Of the river.
Tim delegates to the congressional
convention were a fine appearing and
determined looking body of the
staunchest of Missouri'? citizeiH.
Wc insist th.it this Is a bad year
for democrats. The farmers aro with
us. The laboring man is with us, and
a solid republican parly is with us.
A picnic at Wardsville on the 20lh
W advertised, and all candidates and
others in search of ayood time aro
cordially invited.
Tho subuibcn place, cast of the
city, was sold Tuesday by tho execu
tor, Judge Joseph Stamplll, to Mr,
Henry Strodkoctlor for 82,000.
Gov. Friueis is going to New York
to consult an car specialist, If it
will enable him to hear theory of the
tax-payers on Main street for street
improvements, the specialist will have
our thanks, j
Some valuiblo improvements are '
being made nt tho waterworks under j
tho supervision of F. II, Hinder, '
president of the eompanyr
Jefferson City is becoming a nianu-
fnctming point. It can kIiow up
more manufacturing establishments
t'mn any city of it3 stza in the ulale.
Jefferson Cily is the city of con-1
volitions this year. Two senatorial,
two congressional and two state eon- j
volitions'. Every party is beginning
to rojognizj Jifl'ers:n City a? the
proper place lo hold largo gatlietings
Messrs. Powell, editor of the Uolhi
New Ida, and Robert Robyn of the
Hermann Savings bank, was in llie
c'ty this week attending tho congrcs
s'otial convention, asslst'nj in putting
out a candidate to succeed Mr.
B'.r. d.
Thoro should be some means pro
vided for taking caro of horses that
are brought to the city and kept tied
lo a post for from ten to twenty
hours without water or food. If tlio
owner of a horse cannot givji It better
attention and more mercy, Si should
be taken care of by somebody.
At tho meeting or the city council,
held on Monday last, all the bids for
the improvement of !Ii''h street were
considered anl rejected, owing to
tho fact that t'icy were all above llie
engineer's estimates. The bids for
building bridges for McCarty and
Rolivar streets wcro also rejected for
tho same rca;oii.
Tl.c state centra! committee of tho
union labor paity met in this cily on
tho 11th lust., andcalled a conven
tion lo inmliH.lo a full ttato ticket, to
m;ct at Jefferson City, Mo., on the
25th of August. Tho committee is
composed of W. II. Garland, Chas.
Xolan, E. L. lliidges, C. Laugston,
John Ghidhill, E. Cliftoii and Phil C.
Coghlln. The basis of rcprsscnta
tlvo wa3 fixed at five delegates for
each congressional district, .am) one
delegate fer cacli ward amlr'citmnty
"hat c3l 100 votes for A. J. Strcetcr
In 1833. This will in akc. 25.1 dele-
l, gates,
Opinions of Several People
Amounting to About the
1). I. Ilolcomb, dealer In China'
ware, of 111 West Second street;
Have dono my booking and reading
for years after night, always ex
perienced a fatigued and tired feeling
of my eyes after using thorn, have
tried any amount, of glasses without
benefit. Was lilted by Dr. Itlttci
witli glasses which, after a thorough
test, have proved very beneficial to
my eyes can now, witli their aid,
read or write by any light for any
length of tlmo Willi great ease ant'
comfort. Sedalia Democrat.
D. I. Hoi.comis.
miss ousta aoi.D3Ti:is
Is engaged as typewriter and sten
ographer at Hothwcll & Jayncs'. For
years have been troubled with imper
fect sight and suffered with severe
headache especially after close work.
Had my eyes examined by Dr. Ritlcr
and am now constantly wearing glas
scs. Since then my sight has im
proved wonderfully and have not bad
a spell of headache since. The change
in my sight is so great and the iir.
provement is so wonderful that I am
under obligations to Dr. Ritter.
GrsrA Goi.ustux,
My daughter, Minnie, 11 years of
ago, lias always In-ou much troubled
with defective sight, has also com
plained much of headache. Had her
eyes examined by Dr. Ritter and
stale now iith much appreciation
that glasses which were prescribed for
her by the doctor are helping her
eyes moH wondei fully. She is now
enabled lo sec at any distance and
read the smallest print also; hei head
feels much improved.
Dr. Ritter can now for a short lime
only, be consulted, free of charge,
at the Madison hoiHc in this city.
The state senatorial convention
will meet in this cily on the 2!)th
Tho republican slalo convention
, will be held in this city on the 23th
t Mr. P. J. Davidson, the popular
t West Aurora merchant, is. in the cily
( as delegate to the congressional con
i rcnliun.
I Mis. II. T. Holmes returned this
week from a tour to llie Pacific coast
of several weeks.
W. ll.tPiiuimer, A. A. Mahanand
several others attended llie farmers
and laborers union at Scdali.-i this
Hon. J. L. Erwin of Callaway,
passed through the city this week to
attend the farmers and laborers union
at Sedalia.
Dr. Ritter, optician, is located at.
the Madison house, this city. The
doctor is not an entire sti anger in
our city, as there are some persons
residing hero who ho attended in Se
dalia that speak in the highct leiun
of his woik. lie also comes highly
recommended by physicians and per
sons of our neighboring cities. Read
his advertisement in this paper.
The Plinth National Encamp
ment of the Sons of Vet
erans Will be i-Ielcl at St
Joseph, Mo-, August
Advices received iodic lie that
thousands from every portion of the
slate will attend. The attractions
consist of a parade of cavalry, artil
lery, infantiy and secret societies, in
which nearly sixty bands and drum
corps will take part.
United Slates troops and bands
and state malitiu from different
points will take part and be in line.
A notable feature will be a com
petilivo ill ill by ilectrio light, for a
prizo of 81,000, besides flambeau
displays, naval battle on Lako Con
trary, balls, banquets, etc.
The railroads have all made a rate
of one fare for tho round trip.
On the Eve of Departure-
It is a rare tiling to hear of n
stranger accomplishing ns much .as
Dr. M. M. Ritlcr lias in the thus he
has been In Sedalii. His testimo
nials are numerous and from all
classes, embracing tho medical pro
fession, tho merchant, the laboring
class, nil tiro of tho most llattcring
l.lml Tim rennrter of tills naner
can testify personally, having heard
his patients state uiai it was suupiy
wonderful the effect of his treatment
nf tlm fuh n. morn successful. Intel.
Ilgent and perfect gciitlcuWtwohavo
never met in ms pvoieinon. in m
dcpartuio the citizens of Sedalia-will
fni.l 1bn lna. and should IlC I'CtUI'Il at
any tlmo in the futuro ho will receive
a cordial wcicomo irom an Doiuuiima,
Sedalia Republican,
Dr. Ritter 'pan MOW. bp consulted in
Ibis city n't, his' olleo in the M.ad.ison
b.ous.e CQiuUtlon lrc,
Public School Finances
Olllclal abstract of tho receipts and ex
penditures of Jefferson City school dis
trict for the school year ending July 7,
Tf.ACIlKlts' I'L-NII.
July 3, 18S9, balance.. 910 SJ
deceived from state
and county fundi.. :I,I2 2:1
Hccclvcd from tuition 127 i"0
Itocolved from II. J.
Dullc,collcetor.... I.0S2 St 67,075 .10
i ,
Amount expended, teacher's
falailcs 7,181 23
duly 7, balance on baud $101 11
fuly 5, 1SSU, balance. 07 71
Vinoiiut received
from II. .1. Dulle,
collector -itVli 31-2,11)0 28
Amount expended
for loci leiitnl 2,130 2(1
July 7, l'D, balance on hand ;JI 02
iN-rmtnsT fi'Nii.
July 5,lS:i, balance C31 U'J
Amount received
from It. J. 1 Julio ,
collector l.l'.m -I"? 2,151 17
Amount Interest coupon' and
expieas, :jjc l,32!l 35
July 7, isno, balance cm hand S2l 82
SINKIMI i u.mi.
Ismi and 1MI0, ain't
iccelvcd from II. J,
Dulle, collector 1 17
lloiuls icilccmcil liijil
July 7, WM, balance on ham!. S?l 17
imcrni I.ATIUN, lir.CI.tlT3 ash uai.
a.vi:s. 11 il.tneo July .".rs-di,
teacher-" fluid 10 2
I'.al.inco July 3,
licidcutalfiind.... 07 71
U.ilanee.luly 3, 1 !!,
iiileie-t fund I'm li'l
Ain't lec'd. public
fund" ;:, -.v.
Ain't ree'd, tuition. 127 30
Ain't ree'd, II. J.
Dulle, collector... SUnI HO 1,270 US
i: i'i:x in i fin:-.
Tfiicher-' 7,M 23
Incidental 2,l.Vi 23
Interest 1 ,:!2:i :'.3
ItoniK lcdeeincd.. nilO IKJ U,5iiH si
July 7, 1SH0, balance on hand. $1,1:11 12
riiLfr.vr inki.ii ri:tNis.
Ilondcd debt, 3 per cent. In
terest 25,0U0 Cll
I5onded debt, ii pir cent. In-tcic-t
700 00
Total bonded debt 2.',70U 00
ltalo of luxation for all school purpo-et,
51 Ipereeut. on tho $1110 valuation.
Wo, S. W. Cox, president, and' A. M.
Ilnugli, secretary, of the Jefferson City
boaid of education, do hereby certify
Unit tlio foregoing abstract lj a correct
st.itcnunt of thoieccipls and expendi
tures and bonded Indebtedness of the
Jeffcr.-on City school district for tho
-chool year ending July, lb!H).
Wllne-. our linud-i attested by tho seal
of said dNtriot thl 12th day of August,
A. M. Hun. ii, S. W. Cox,
.Secretary. President.
Mr. (ienrgo V. lluructt of Burling
ton, and Miss Lena Smith of Ash
land, were married in this city Tucs-
d.iy, by Judge I!. R. Salter.
Missouri is a great state, but it will
not boom until it goes republican,
and that will be this year.
Mrs. Kate Knclsley and Mrs. John
D. Russell, sisters of Mrs. C."I''.
Schmidt, arrived in tho city last eve
ning on a visit. Mrs. Russell will
leave for Aspen in a few days to join
Mr. Russell, who is about to start the
publication of a new daily paper in
that live cily. Sirs. Kucislcy will
iciiiain with her brother in this city
for an indefinite period. Dcnyer
Mining Kxchango.
Ask Your Family Physician
If you want to .consult Dr. Ritter,
tho optician, at the Madison house,
and have doubts whether he will treat
you right, ask your family physician
to accompany you when consulting
Dr. Ritter.
WANTED A good cook, washer
and ironer. Good wages to right
person. Must be under 20 years of
age. "11"
St. I.oi'ii News Co.
It is strange indeed that the
gentlemen elected to care for and pro
mote the interests of the city should
be to forgetful of tho very essential
elements that go to make up good and
faithful guardians of public welfare.
We suggested the extension of the
limits of llie city in April last, three
months before the census enumera
tion begin, but tho suggestion fell
by tho way side and was trampled to
death under aldcrmanic feet. They
will now realize tlio lasting injury
they havo inllictcd upon a trusting
municipality, Tlio patience of a
mighty Job and tho eloquence of a
Demostbcnsc arc unequal combatants
of men who refuse to lend a listening
car to the yoico of tho people.,
Mr. John Weaver Uas just finished his
liny liavvc.llug. Ho has 15 stacks of lino
Mr. John Pope and wlfo of California
City, woru lu out city tho latter part of
last week
Poor democrats almost taxed to death.
Mr. Geo. Wyatt will movo back to Uis
homo here soou which Uo vacated about
a year ago.
SIlss Arvlllo Ogdon, after a short but
pleasant visit with friends hero, returned
home Sunday.
.Mrs. Crcaslo Stout Is visiting In the
neighborhood at present.
Miss Molllo Leach of Klston, has been
employed to teach the ensuing term of
chool at harmony.
Miss Lou Scruggs has been sick for
icvoral days, aud sorry to add, Is not
much better.
Mr. James Coffclt,who Is spending tho
summer with his brother, Is visiting at
Wo learn from madam rumor there Is
another nodding to occur soon near our
Mr. (!. Myers of Jeff City, visited Mr.
Kolbly's folks last Sunday.
Ml Mahala Oaun returned lion c
from Jeffcron City last week.
gMrs. Kelbly,we are sorry to learn, ha 3
bo3ii 111 for several weeks.
Mr. Jacob I'etters got his arm badly
hurt hut neck uhlle laying tho founda
tion for .Mr. Italu's house.
Mr. Joe Itroudall shipped a car load
of wood from this place Monday.
Mr. A. I'otor Is spending a few days
with friends cast of town.
.Mrs. Uolcc of near Jeff City, visited at
Mr. Kclbl's .Sunday last.
Miss Ida Plummer was slionniiie: In
Scruggs Ian Thursday.
Prof. J. V. Ciuliii, plluclp-d of Otlcr
vlllo lodge, came downTliiirday. Tho
Prof, is canvassing in the Inteiest of tlio
college, and will recommend fovernl
new pupils from this vicinity. We do
nut hesitate to recommend tho college
to all who wish to scud their sons and
daughters to a tlist-class Institute of
Mi's Salllo Routson;; U spending a
week w Ith her s.chool mates and friends
In Ottorvlllc.
It is said that the farmers alliance Is
nil unknown quantity. The democratic
county ticket Is minus farmers. Woru
there any farmers as delegates, or did
they suriendcr to the city.
The county court made a trip to tho
county farm last week. Wo presume
(hey found tho farm aud the condition of
tho poor lu good shape through the elllc
lent and excellent management of Su
pcrluleudcut Kaufman.
Will I,, llotits.ong aud Mordcelah
McKlnnoy will return to attend another
years' term of Ottcrvlllc college Scptem-'
borl. s'
Mr. Wilson Steely of Jeff Cltyf was lu
Klston Sunday.
McthodUt quartcily iijwothig was held
luKlstou, Itev. (1. y: (iyuuproai
on Sabbath.
i preached
Cheap Excursions South.
For tho purpose of affording op
portunity for investigating the un
rivaled advantages offered horae-
scckcrs and investors by tlio States
of Missouri, Arkansas, Florida,
Louisana and other states south and
southeast. The Memphis route Kan
sas City, Fort Scott and Memphis
R. R. lias arranged for a series of
half rate excursions to prominent
points in tiioso states. Tickets for
these excursions will be on sale at
the company's coupon offices west of
and including Springfield, and at
Kansas City, on September 0 and 2;!,
and October 1 1.
For FLORIDA the following spec
ial arrangements will bo made:
Round trip tickets to prominent
Florida points will be sold on Sep
tember !, 22 and 20, October 7, P.I
and 2H, November 10 and 21, and
Dccemncr 2. On these dates tho
Memphis route will also sell to those
gcing to Florida to remain, one-way
tickets lo points in Ihal state at 'the
rale of one and one-half cents per
mile. AH round trip tickets will bo
ood thirty days for return and both
round trip and one-way tickets will
be good for passage on any of these
company's passenger trains leaving
Kansas Cily on dates above named.
The company's coupon offices in
Kansas Cily arc nt 502 Main St.,
1012 LTnion Ave , Union Depot and
nt General Olllco building, northwest
corner 0th and lkoadway.
For maps, time table, folders and
all desired information, address
J. K. Lockwood,
Gcn'l Pass. & Ticket Age.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Henry ICaiitsch.tho Strlngtown black
smith, will bo tho unanimous choice ol
tho republicans of Marlon township for
judgo of tho Western district, and If
nominated will bo elected by n handsome
majority. Ho U n working man anil
hoiiet nod well qualified for the posl
tlou. Let us have Henry lor judge In
place of Taylor.
For representative of Cole county, V
S. Hustings or J. J. Sommcrs. Kepub
llcan farmer delegates will not make it
ticket entirely from tho city.
Klston Is ono placo wliero raoss grows
ou old trees aud fanner,-uoiotis do uot

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