Newspaper Page Text
The State Republican. VOLUME XIX. JEFFERSON ICITY, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1890. NUMBER lo. J0HN A, UNHARDT, DEALER IN" rr n pie fff men urocenes SPBOIATJIES in MiillttitttirtittriiiiMiiti-itiiiitr Glassware, Qtiecnswnro, Tea nnd Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Library Lamps, Toilet Articles, Tobacco, Cigars, Woodcnwarc, lco Cheats, Refrigerat ors, Grass and Garden Seed, Oyc tcrs, Fish and Gamo in Season. flash Paid for all Kinds of Country Produce. 230 EAST HIGH STBEET. DANIEL GUNDELFINGER, Hardware 8?StOYess ETC. s3lgf'" ETO. Tho Most Completo Stock In Central Missouri of the Best and Cheapest iinruwnro, uriwnre, btoves, Cutlery, Etc. Exclusive agent for eTlie Celebrated Wire-Ganze Charter Oak StoYess AND QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE. Door Frames, Window Frames, Wire Screen, Weather Strips, Spring Hinges, Bird Cages, Water Coolers, Etc., n Specialty. Tin Roofing Spouting and Jobbing of all kinds given prompt attention. 3STo. 123 HTIGKH: STREET. Tinware Cutleryss- ANTON i NATSOH Tho Very Latest and Boat Stovoa Manufactured, Tully AVnrrnntod. Call nnd boo Ihom. .Guttering, Light ning Rods, Novel, ties, Etc., nt tho Lowest PricBs.nnd Warranted. WOOD, COAL, GAS, GASOLINE, w 1 AL. O.l a TINWARE & METAL ROOFING. HTALL REPAIRING NEATLY DONE.TB3 No. 403 Wost Main Street. Opposite Gas Works. HENRY J. DULLE, BERNARD DijLLE. J. W. SCIIULTE, Presidont. Vice-Prosidcnt. Socretary & Troasurcr. CAPITAL STAR AND YIGTORIA ROLLER MILLS. T3 a p. a p. 3 a i a i I? I s a ss a FLOUR MFAL AND MILL FEED G, H. DULLE MILLING CO. WEST ZMZA-IISr STRE3T. First - Glnss Livery f IDS! Double or Single, for Citv or Countrv V. r r !i T" i . y Tor commercial i raveiers, ax tne rt Rates given in central. Missouri. Horses Boarded b) .Day, WqoK or Month at Reasonable Rates. . ' Q0 or address ?. f, WEtW CW Epitome of the Week. INTnRE3TINO NEW3 COMPILATION. DOMESTIC The report of tho Illinois Stato Hoard ot Charities shows an oxpondlturo (or tho quarter ondod Soptombor30of 8J(IJ, S01.3T. Tin; Census Bureau gives tho popula tlon ot tho Statu of Tortnossoo nt 1,703, 723; Increase, 221,30. Stato ot Testis, j!, 3:i3,3i0i Increase,- 040,i7t, , CiiAut.ns Ml 1,1, Kit, aged 15 years, ar rested n a Vagrant In Manhattan, Kan.i ton tossed that ho murdered llafr j Fish baugh and Frank Kmoudn, who wore tound doad In a frolirht car at Cheyenne, Wyo,, Bcplombor 27, ' John Lee IlAnntsoN, 12 years old, was accidentally shot and killed by his brother Douglass at Valverde, Col., and Douglass wont mad with grief. At tho salo of tho Forncllfto stud In Now York, tho property of Mr. Will lam Astor, Mr. William Waldon paid 530,000 (or tho Imported stallion Galore. A r:ci.0NK In North Carolina wrocked, bouses and other proporty at Hastlo and Floral Collego, and two porsons word killed and many others woro badly In jured. An assignment was mado by tho II. G. ,1'otors Salt and Lumbor Co. o( Manis tee, Mich. Tho liabilities woro placed at 3,000,000 and tho assets at 80,000,000. Speculation caused tho (allure. Sixiir.TAnY Blaine has bcon Informed by tho Minister ot tho United States at St. Petersburg that tho reports of tho persecution by tho Russian Government of tho Hobrows living In that country aro false. Maiisu flros woro raging hear La Crosse, Ind., nnd 10,000 tons o( stacked hay had bcon burned. Tim strlko of tho 4,00( miners at Iiihpemlng, Mich., ha9 ended, tho won returning to work on the old terms. Titr. annual mooting ot tho Pullman l'alaco Car Company was held lri Chi' Tho llnanclal stAluhiont showed that tho total roYonue of tho company tor tho IwqIvo months was S8,800,aoi.20, of which 87,473,133.87 was Irom earn ings ot cars. Tho operating oxponses woro $3,274,004.87. Tho" company em' ploys 12,307 poisons. During tho year 5,023,0.17 passongors woro eared for, against 4,242,541 tho previous yeaf. KifiilT men wero injurod, twd of thorti fatally, by an oxploslon of hot dust 111 a 1'ittshUrgh (l'a.) blast furnace. William Bitiui, who lived near Loba noh, Ind., dropped dead when ho heard that his wlfo had applied for a divorce. Ansa TIaki'.ii, wlfo ot Ma Foo, a Chi nese laundryman ntSt I.ouls, throw lyo Into tho faco ot Walter Kelly, a lQ-yoar-old boy, and ho was totally blinded. Tin: business failures In tbo United States during tho sovun days ended on tbo 17tli numbered 227, against 21ft tho preceding week and 223 tbo correspond ing wcok last year. A fiiiis destroyed tho works of tho Cherry Morrow Manufacturing Com pany within the walls of tho State pon ltcntlary at Nashville, Tcnn. Loss, 5200,000. At Uerlln Falls, N. II., unknown fiends blew up with a dynamlto bomb tho houso of Public Prosecutor Con nctte, who had been waging blttor war on tho liquor dealers. Three children were (atally Injured. Thomas 0'Con.noii, with a llfo .sen tence for murder in Mlnnosota, and who was pinioned n short timo ago on con dition that ho leave tho Stato orover, has been sent back to prison. He did not lpavo tho Stato, Tun loss o( llfo by tho burning of tho Lclnnd Hotel at Syracuse, N. Y., was on the lllth placed at tun. James Maxwell, alias Murray, who murdered Charles Decker on tho night of Juno 4 last, was hangod on tlio 17th at Morris, III. Ho dlod without re vealing his identity. At Ualllpolls, O., tho colobratlon ot tho centennial of tho landing ot Fronch sottlors began on tho 17th. Tiik Census IJurcau announcod tbo population of tho Stato of Pennsylvania to bo 6,343,591; Increase, 05,flS3. Tiik llrltlsh ship llospodar arrived at San Francisco (ram London a(tor tho longost trip on record, having bcon out 1J4 days, owing to storms. Tim tug James A. Oarfiold was run Into by another tug In tbo bay at Now York and six men on tho Oarlteld woro drowned. IIkavv gales prevailed along tho north Atlantic coast. Shipping was badly damaged and two men woro drowned In Now York harbor. A houso was blown ovor In Newark, N. J. . PmvArr. Fit A NIC O'Neill, o( tho United States army, stationed at Fort Mcl'horson, Oa., died of hydrophobia. It took seven mon to hold him In bis paroxysms. A liusiNESs agonoy in Now York says that tho business outlook Is improving albover tbo country, and that trado Is strong everywhere. The courts ot Kansas and Iowa have decided that tho Wilson law prohibit ing tho salo of liquor In original pack ages in tho States named Is lnoperativo without now Stato legislation. Tub first gamo ot the series for the world's base-ball championship was played in Loulsvlllo on tho 17th bo tween tho Brooklyn club, winners ot tho National Leuguo pennant, and th Loulsvlllo club, winners of the Ameri can Association cbamplonsnlp. Score: IMooklyn, 0; Loulsvlllo, 0. In an encounter with burglars at Ohio City, O., Charles Hovor and Will iam I'laco, two business men, and ono of tho robbers, wero shot doad. TL other (our burglars oscapod, tho first two woeksot Ootober 480 cases of cuolora and 350 deaths from tho disease wero roportod In Spain. At tho leading clearing-houses in tho Unltod States tho exchanges during tho wook endod on tho 18th aggregated $1,327,007,317, against f 1,373,305,384 the provious week. As compared with the corresponding wook of 1889 the increase amounted to 0.5. A cur ot flro In St Stanislaus' church In Chicago caused a panto among 300 children, two of .whom wero crushed (atally and many others woro badly in jurod. Caul Vkndbii, a Gorman residing near Chilli, 0., shot bis wlfo nnd killed hlnv Hit Doiuestlo tvpublp ws tho oaiise, Disi'ATCims (rom all thojlargo cities and many towns of Kansas istato that "original pacltago" saloons haVo been opened and nro doing a ttirlvlng busi ness as a result ot tho decision of thd Unitod States Circuit .Court declaring tho Wilson law inoperative; If) tho second garilo bCpiaso-ball nt Loulsvlllo on thd 18 th (of tho world's bhamptdnshlp tbo llrooklyn's defeated tho rionisvllln club by a sca'ro Hf 5 to 3. Tltn annual report of thoJI'ostmaiter tlenoral Will show tho nurnber ot new bfllcos established diirlnjr-tfio last year was 4,497, of which Ibo Vast majority vortt established id tho Southern States. 4' IIahiiv IIolton shot and killed the 3-year-old daughter of John Zimmerman at Lima, O., "just (or tun." Tiik Inhabitants ot Latta, S. C, Lo gan a crusado against beor-sollcrs by purchasing their entire stock and burn lhglt, ,.S 1'uitluiM Btor'nls raged throughout New IJ.rtglaiU,-nnd nt Fall nfrer, Ma4s., tlio stfdots wero flooded and houses and .trees woro ddstroyod. i Tub Census lluroad e;lves tho popula-. tlon of tho Stato of Minnesota nt 1,300, 017, ad Increuso of 510,344 In tho past ten years. Tho population of .Minneapolis Is 104,738; Increase, 117,731; St. Paul, 133,150; lncroaso, 01,083. Oxr.-HALF the business portion of Vlr den. 111., was destroyed by flro. Maiiv Okmplku, aged II years, living In Salt Lako City, attempted to ntarl ix kitchen flro With kfirosene, when att ex plosion resulted and sho and her little brother David, aged 3 yparsi ore fatal ly burned, IX tho Ohid Logislaturo dn tho 18th tho House fay a Vote ot 33 to 52 refused lo pass thd Sonato cdmiVu'ilio bill giv ing th '.'ov'drnor rldwcr td lemovo the lnombors df the Cincinnati board of Im provements, At Boston Daniel Wilson, a teamster, shot and Instantly killed his wlfo and SoHt a bllllet Into his own brain whllo partially Insane IIii.lii: Slxrii.KTON (colorod) was lynched In the outskirts of Mason, Gn for nn attempted assault on a young lady, tbo daughter of a prominent illtl' on nt Maerim Tllri death was anridilneed at tjulncyi lib, Of Miss Lllllo iloolli, tho womari Who killed hdr faotrayer, tl. tl. Price, ahd vas then accidentally shot by her own woapori. , Tjm bonstttutlonal bonvenllon at Jackson, Miss., decided that hereafter elections in Mississippi for Stato officers shall take placo overy four ynars. Tun stallion Stamhoul trotted a mllo at' Napa, Col., In 2:11J, boating Axtoll'a time ono-halt ot a second. Tiik lower branch of the Ohio Logis laturo on tho 20th refused to receive a .messago from Governor Campbell sug gesting that a non-partisan board of Im provements (or Cincinnati bo appointed by tho mayor of that city, and that an olectlon-bo hold ln-Aprll. A rniK in St. Louis which originated In tho rotalt dry-goods establishment of Frank llrothors caused a loss ot S2.10, POO. Tin; third gamo of base-ball at Louls vlllo for tho world's championship re sulted In a tlo on tho 30th, the score standing! Brooklyn, 7; Louisville, 7. In a hotel nt Kl Paso, 'fox., O. Ulano shot nnd killed his paramour, a notori ous woman, and then took his own life. Tiiiikh men William Nyo and his tnosons, (Jrantand Itabe woro arrested at Ada, O., charged with passing coun terfeit monoy. Two woiiKSU'.N woro killed and two olhcr3 injured by tho explosion of a boiler In Jones St Laughlln's mills near Pittsburgh, Pa. Two i.ittlk children of Nicholas Urandt, of Dubuque, la., upset a stovo nnd rccelvod burns from which thoy died. Tin: boiler of an onglnc on tho Mo nongahola Connecting railway exploded, and tho onglnoer and fireman were in stantly killed and othor trainmen were injured. T. S. Euonv, candidate for Congress on tho working-men's tlckot, committed sulcido by cutting tbo radical artery of his right arm at tho Livingston Hotel at ltochoster, N. Y. Tuosi ,s Waiinbii (colorod) was stand ing in bis owndoorway at Horton, Ivan., whon two mon drovo up In a buggy and shot him dead., Tho murderers e-,eapod. Maiiv Mhtziioiipf, tho 11-year-old girl who poisoned hor brother Jamos and Louisa llroad waters, pleaded guilty whon arralgnod for trial at Baltimore. Tin: Census Bureau glvos the popula tion of Wisconsin at 1,083,097. an In crease of 388,200 In the past ten yoars. Tho population ot Oregon is givon at ai2,409; lncroaso, 137,722. Ei.mku Omvkii shot and killed youni? Miss Tuttle nnd then committed sui cide at Charlton, la., because tho girl rofusod to marry him. Tin: visible supply of grain In store in tho United Statod on tho 20th was: Wheat, 18,037,240 bushels; corn, 8,259, 409 bushols. Tub steamor Annie Young, of the BuHalo Lako Suporlor Transit Com pany, was burned oil Loxington, near Port Huron, Mich., and nlno of tho crow who tried to cscapo in tbo yawl woro drowned. . Gkouoi: Fuii.nwal, wanted In Nebras ka (or the murder of five people, has boon found atUUosvllle, Miss. John Maiiciikl, ot Forest City, Pa., sold Ills' ;young and pretty wlfo to Stephen Muskar (or SU5. A HAN supposod to bo J, Shtolds died (rom starvation In a barn near Millers burg, Ind. A. 11. Miillktt, aged 50 years, long tho Supervising Architects thO-Unlted States Treasury, committed suicide at Washington on account o( poor health. Isaac BmcMKii and his wlfo and son wero killed at Controrlllc, la., by boing struck by a railroad train vbilo cross ing tho traoks in a wagon. John Hami.kt, of Valparaiso, Ind., whoso wlfo and throo children woro burned to death a (ow months ago, be camo crazed with grief and (atally shot himself. At Santa Barbara, Cab, Ramon Lopez shot and killed Mary Dezinoll and thon shot himself.. Ho loved tho girl and bad boon rojectod. Tiik United States Express Company has Issued poramptory ordora to its asronts rioS lo receive ragney, tickets or lists ot drawings (rom the Louisiana Lottory Company or In any way to assist in tho transaction ot lottery buslnosd, Tltn local Wage-Workers' l'olltldal AlllanCd In Washington has petitioned I'rosldont Harrison to present the name) Bf Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton to the Senate at tho United States as an As sociate Justice, in tbo placo nt Justice Mlllor, decoasod. Personal and political.- 1'ilH fdllowlng Word tlio Congressional nominations on tho ioth: Massachu setts, Fourth district, Jonas II. Frond! (Dem.). Pennsylvania, Ninth district) Daniel II. Wlnrrard (Bop.); Twenty; first, George F. 1 1 u IT (Hep.). Kentucky; Ninth district, Alexander Bruce (Far mers' Alliance). CoNiiAti 1'oi.z, for thirty years tho Jailer o( Coolt County,-llL, dlod at bis l-esldcneo In Chicago after a brief 111 Hpflfl. ntrpd 111 jTiii: funeral ot tiorteral iiolltnap (dofe . fiiaco in iisnington un idu khii, aim ho remains wero placed in Arlingtdri Cemetery. Pavmastkii Gnonor; A. DnnniNO of tho navy died In Washington of heart disease. Hn was 40 years old, Junoi: Austin Adams, formerly Chief Justice ot the Supreme Court of Iowa, died at Dubuque, aged 04 yoars. Sthpiikn A CaL1wi:i.i president of tho Fidelity Trust Company ot Phila delphia, dropped dead at his homo in that city. Tin: remains of tho tdtd ,fU3tt(i3 Mils lfer! wero laid to rest at Kookukt In.i bH tho lbth. Tin: Republicans ot Oklahoma Terri tory nomln itod It. A: Ilrtrvoy for Con gress tin the IStii, and I'ongrcsstddtl Dickerson w.n renomlriated by tho Ken tucky llomocrats Irt the Sixth dis trict; John Di:an Biinton, tho Inventor of tho best-known 'drop a nlcklo In tho slot" modols of machinery, died at Providenco, It. 1., aged 07 yoars. John G. SriiAin: was nominated for Congress by the Republicans of tho Sec ond Illinois district. Till) Connecticut Labor party mot 111 Convention and nominated a full Sldld tlckUt with Henry C. Baldwin (or (Jov brnor. ill:. Jims F. llov.NldN, of Syraci'se'i N. Y., who was the friend and adviser bf Agasslz, and tho Invontor of many successful devices, died in that city. FOREIGN. Tin: Sultan of Zaiulliar has surren dered to Germany for 4,000,000 marks liic ur.vni-nlif,, vlf.litti iwnr tint nnrtlun I of tho East African coast which is leased to tho German East African Company. A itni.iir.ii named Schnaf, who lived In a suburb ot Berlin, attacked his wife and live children with a hatchet. Thrco of tbo children died and tho other two nnd their mother would die. - -AT a meotlng In Havana attended by tho wealthiest plantors In Cuba It was decided to send tlio Minister of Colonics a petition in favor of reciprocity with America. An Italian torpedo boat foundered at soa and thrco oltlcers and fifteen sailors fcero drowned. Tiik Austrian Government has dohi' ploted Its scheme for putting tlld finances of the empire on a spoclo basis, and has adopted a mono-metallic stand ard. ' Tin: Spanish bark Villa Llanos, with a crow of eight men, was lost in a gald o!T Ormes Head, Eng. CAITAIN RlfllAllll FllANTIS BURTON, tho well-known African explorer, died In. London. Canadian scal-huntcrs havo formed a union and demanded S3 for each seal killed. Thoy received 51.50. LATER NEWS. Pi:te McCahtnev, ono of tho most famous countorfoltors in tho Unitod States, diod In tho Ohioponltontlary, at Columbus, on tho 21st, whero ho was sorvlng a ton yoars' sontonco (or passing countor(olt monoy In Now Or leans In 1SSS. It Is said that his coun terfeits of Unitod Statos bonds v.oro so porfoct that thoy woro usually ro deomod at tho Treasury and tho boldor of tho gonulno, prosonted lator, was ar rested (or counterfeiting. GovKitNOit Coor-nt of Colorado has ro 3olvod Information that a largo number of Whlto River Utos havo beonolT their reservation for somo time and havo crossed over into Colorado from Utah and aro killing shoep and cattlo be longing to ranchmon In Routt County. Tboso aro thd samo Indians and thoy aro committing tho samo doprcdatlons that causod tbo Uto war throo yoars ago. It has beon prlvatoly intlmatod to tho Servian Government by tho Czar that ho is not doslrous of a chaugo in tho ruling dynasty of Sorvla. This Is Intcrprotod as an Intimation to tho fol lowers of Prlnco Nicholas of Monte nogro and Prlnco Karagoorgovltch that intrigues In bohalf of olthor will not bo tolerated hy tho Russian Qovornmont OovisiiNon Hill of Now York has removed from ofileo tbo sheriff of Mad ison County, Loandor W. Burroughs, upon chargos filed alleging tho presen tation to tho Board ot Supervisors ol falso, fraudulent and illogal chargos against tho county ot Madison (or moneys not dlsbursod and (or illogal (eos oxacted. Tnr: cappers at Polk's Indianapolis (Ind.) Canning Works havo gono on strlko against a reduction. The pro prietor gavo as a roason (or tho pro posed reduction that tho McKInloy bill had advancod tbo prlco of cans, and ho could not afford to pay tho old wages. Tin: minors at Rock Springs, tho most important camp In Wyoming, havo doctdod to domand ot the Union Pacific coal department a roduction of a min ers' ton (rom 3,225 pounds to 2,000 pounds. The Congress of tbo Argontlno Re public adjourned, on tho 21st, after passing tbo government bill (or tbo con version ot tho provincial (orolgn loan Into a 4K per cont national loan. AiiTuuit LujiLEY, tho well-known Now York artist nnd illustrator, has bo como totally blind through tho growth of cataracts ovor both eyes. At a council held at Balmoral, on the 31st, tho Queen formally deolared Par lUmopt prorogued uolll Novmbsr 5. JESSOUIU STATE NEWS. Dn. Atakll, Bishop ot tho now dlo icso (Episcopal) ot West Missouri, was jonseerated at Toledo, O., on tho 14th. Ho will soon romovo to Kansas City. William Dknnv, who Is confined In ibo jail at Ironton, charged with (org- !ry in lloynolds County, recently mado j i oosperato cliort to escapo by locKinj :ho sheriff In tho jail, but was defeated ,n his purposo by tho assistance of two ther prisoners who tvont to tbo sber fl's assistance. In a collls.on In tho brldgo tunnol at 5L LoUIs tho other morning between a ,lght and a freight train llenja, aalrl ingrnham and , John Livingston, jinployeS of tho Brldgo & Tnnncl Com pany, who wero riding on tho forward footboard of tho light ennlno, wero jrushed to death. Tiik tcn-wcoks-old baby of Mrs. John' D. Foley, was discovered dead at her residence in St. ne(ph ibo oihoruuiri Ing abdut thrco o'clock. It had a slight bruise oil thb hcdfl and blood was oozing from itsnosowbon fotlrid. Tbo coroner, upon investigation, lcarnod that tbo babo was tho victim of a drunken moth er, who, In her orgies, let It drop to tho floor and then lay down upon It and smothered It to death. T. W. GiLiiuii.', ;f Kansas (' fy. baa filed with the Secretary of Sfulfc a cer tificate nominating George II. lIlffnCfr4 tho People's Independent Reform candi date for Congress In tho Fifth district. Tho papers were accepted and filed. Ax.siB Bias itnd Sophia Bass, two shop girls, armed w th hofsowhlps, ad mlnlstcrol a sovoro flogging to Louis Animas at St LoUIs tho other day. Tbo man Worked in Ibo same storo with tho girls and, it Is said, circulated -stories defamatory to their character. Sod.v after tlio Missouri Pacific pas senger tram loft Kansas City tho other ovening, going north, several p'iclpo"k ots appeared among tho passengers and rollevod a number of small sums of monoy. They jumped oil near thoStato lino and disappeared. Two boys, sired twolvo and nine years, recently got Into a quarrel at Kansas City when tho nine-year-old kid drew a knlfo and stabbed tho othor In tho shoulder. R: C Aiini:tt, conductor on a Pdll'nan palaco tar uporl tho Missouri Pacific, running botween Denver and St. Louis, tho other morning attempted 3 criminal assault upon Mrs. Ruth Palmer, of lva1 sits City, a widow about twenty-six year3 of age. Arnott d.d not deny bis crime, but pleaded lo hSVO the matter hushed up. llo is forty years o'f ntfo and has a wlfo and six children living lri St. Louis. At tho lato meotlng of tho Gr,1nd Lodgo of Masons, held at SL Louis, officers wero olected as follows: Grand master, George E. Walkor, oT St. Louis; deputy grand master, B. II. Ingram, ot Scdalla; grand senior warden, John It Parsons, of St. Louis; grand junior war don, Harry Keonc, of St. Joseph; grand treasurer, Samuel Kennard, of St. Louis; ijrand secrotary, Rev. John D. Vincel, of St, Louis. Anna liAKntt. tho whlto wlfo of a Chinoso laundryman, of St. Louis, ro ;ontly throw lyo Into tho faco of Walter Kelly, ton years old. Both of his eyo balls wero complotoly oaten out The woman was arrested. Tin: visiting member. of tho Loyal Legion wero received on 'change nt St. Louis on tho 16th, whero ox-Governoi' Beaver, of Pennsylvania, J. Warren Kolfor and othors mado short speeches. Thoy thon drovo over tho city, visited tho Exposition and wound up th(i eoe slon with a grand banquot at night II. L. Piikston and Isaac LaVoen, pub lishers of a sensational paper at Kansas City, woro rocontly arrested and taken to Broolcfield upon tho cbargo ot crim inal llbol. Whon thoy reached Brook flold thoy wero confronted with half a dozon othor warrants and consequently had to spend all day gottlng bond. The wlfo of Honry Oberberg, nn old business man of Moberly, was found dead in bed tho othor day. The twenty-sixth annual sossion ot tho Loyal Legion mot at St Louis on tho 15th. Ex-Prosldont Ilayos presided. A largo number ot distinguished soldiers and prominent members ot tho order wort present This was tho first meeting ovor held outsldo of Philadelphia. GoVEHNOlt Fiiancis and other Stato officers attended tho great fair at Dal las, Tex. Governor Francis dollverod tho oponlng address on tho 18th. William Beck, a boy of only sixteen yoars, klllod Thomas Mashburn at a protracted mooting rucontly hold at Elkton. Mashburn had beon married but a month or two when killed. His father was paralyzod on hearing of tho murder ot his son and tho physicians thought ho could not possibly survive the shock. O. F. Dnsw, who was in jail at Gal lat'n awaiting trial on tho charge of forgery, died tho other morning after a few hours' Illness. Drew represented himself as an agont ol Bucklln & Co., Chicago, and obtained monoy on bogus chocks in a number of towns ot tho Stato. His father had como (rom Ver mont a (ow days previous to bail him out, and took his son's body back homo. This Sheffield foundry, noar Kansas City, burnod to tho ground tho othor night Tho loss was $0,000, with small insurance. Tun Grand Lodgo of Masons, recontly in session at St. Louis, decided to bold tho next annual session In Kansas City. 1 For tovonty years tho Grand Lodge has heretofore mot In St Louis. Miss Sallie Gautt, tho sovonteon-year-old daughter ot Judgo Gantt Dem ocratlo candldato (or Supreme Judge, 1 died at Clinton the other day, Fhank Sticknev, an omployoo In tho nut and bolt works at Shofileld, near . Kansas City, mot with a horrlblo death tho othor day. Whllo attomptlng to cast a bolt (rom a pully his arm was caught and boloro tho machlnory r.ouiH bo stopped tho boy's body was hurlod around tho shaft He was terribly mangled and almost Instantly killed. Addison Walkkk, a deaf and dumb carpenter, was struck by a hoso cart en routo to a flro, at St Josoph tho other , day, and Instantly killed. Ho leaves a wlfo, also a deaf mute, and throo small children in dostltute circumstances. The coronpr's Jury oxonor"' 1 tho Bre men. ' " I A BOX MYSTERY. Tlii l'lo'nlrliiiiA mid I'ooplp of Now lly luiiil, l'a,, Turzlril Ovfr tin Cnntf-iil of it Hot HihvIvimI ly i;xprr A (llrl'4 llodjr ttult, Though 1'rcmiHi.llily Demi, rreftrnts Homo or tlio Jiullciitlom of l.lfc Lam'Asteu, Pa,, Oct 32. Mrs. Caro line Zoltley, of New Hyhind, a small village twolvo miles from hero, received a box by express from Mt. Vernon, O., on which, nbovo tho address, was writ ton tho word "Sulcido." When tho lid was romoved Sirs. Zottley was hor rified to find that It contained tho body of her daughter Helen. Tho woman summoned physicians and asked that a post-moitem examination bo bold, As tho doctors wchi assisting In removing tho body from tho box thoy noticed that tbo evidences of death woro not there. No rigidity was ap parent, not a sign of decomposition. Tho flrl was placed In bed a closer examination made. iTuiVJ hands woro found ; to' bu warm and a slight flush appeared on tho phcoks. Restoratives wero applied, but to no avail. Those conditions wero tho samo throughout tlio night and all of yester day. Tho physicians are puzzled, nnd wonder how It Is possible for a vustigo of llfo to remain alter the confinement in tho box. MEXICAN JUSTICE. t.'Wloo( Smnpinil, Uiiltpil Stnlrq CornnR lit Vtitiii Del Sortr, Hya tlio Administra tion or MPTtrlift JtMtlfp to f rrml?r U Not Xcnrlr So Illark tin It l r.iintpii. Dn.wT.n, Col., Oct. 22. Colonel A. J. Sampson, United Statos Consul at Paso del in Denver on business. Col onel Sampson was asked regarding tho numerous complaints which havo been sent out rolatlvo to the alleged ill-troat-mcilt of Americans arrested in Paso dot Norte, and said: "Arrests havo been wildly exagger ated. If an Americanl disobeys the law in Mexico he is arrested just tho samo as aMexican would bo In the United .States. Mnxlcan laws differ from tboso of our country. If an American can not abide by their laws ho should not re main there. Tho ofilcers aro supposed to uphold tho law, and, so far as I can see.thoy do so. Americans aro given as spocdy a trial as possible; in fact, I think thero is some Jiscriminattnn In their faor. It is tho Consuls' duty at Paso del Norto to look mil. that other prisoners aro not given prelorenco ovor Americans; that trials are conducted fairly, and many of tho casos which havo been reported to American news papers, I know from my own personal observation, aro greatly exaggerated." THE CONCORD READY. The Now Critl-pr C'olii'onl Itraily lor llr Olllildl IIultiliTH I.lalilo for lli-ay l'piiiiltlos Tor l'ullilro to Com pleto lli-r on TIiiip. Waiiiniiton, Oct. 22. N. F. Palmer .t Co., of Chestor, Pa., havo notified tho Navy Department that tho Concord is now ready for a trial trip, and a board will bo designated by Secretary Tracy to accompany hor on her trial trip in a few days. Tho Concord is nearly A year and a half behind tho timo contracted for her comple tion and penalties of SJU0 a day nro now running against hor. Tho Bennington, a companion ship, is two months behind the Concord in being comploted, with similar penalties also running against her. Palmor t Co. aro tho succesors of John Roach Sr. Co., and havo been so crowded with privato work that they havo delayed tho Government work despllo the largo penalties to Ahlch they wero subjected. It Is dis cretionary with Secretary Tracy to re mit tho penalties, ot a part ot them, as ho sees fit A MOVING CURIOSITY. The Capitol Arelillect at WhuIiIiibIoii III lleeelpt of a Mlti-ino lo ,einl llio lreat I!ltllillll7 to I hi- ItlKllt Alxiill.!SlTON, Oct. 32. Architect Clark of tho Capitol is in receipt of a curiosity in tho way of an cnginoonu plan, looking to no loss a feat than tho turning around of tho great marblo building wero Congress sits. Tho mothod is somowhat complicated, but the substanco of it Is as follows: Somo wonderful jacks will bo placed at short Intervals under tho building aftct sufficient excava tion" havo been made. Then the. ground will ho dug from around tho foundations by degrcos. Under tho central portion, whero tho crypts now are, ho will plaeo a circular railway, supported by mom of those jacks, and upon these, with a pressure of only a fow horso-power, ho proposes to turn tho ontlro Capitol with out disturbing either Its foundations or Its walls. ARTHUR LUMLEY BLIND. The Sad Aflllctlou Has Overtaken, tho AVell-Knomi Artist anil Illustra tor. New Yohk, Oct. 22. Tho Times this morning says Arthur Lumloy, tho well known artist and illustrator, has bo corao totally blind through tho growth of cataracts ovor both oyes. Mr. Lum ley's frionds, who Include among thoir number many of tbo best American as well as foreign artists, havo shown thoir appreciation o( his past work and char acter by ollorlng thoir sorvicos at this critical point toward collecting an oxhlbltlon o( paintings and draw ings, afterward to bo sold at privato salo for Mr. Lumloy's bonofit If tho enterprlso Is a success, Mr. Lumloy will bo ablo, it Is hoped, to recover his sight through an oporatlon, which ho Intends to uudergo. Tlio Iloatli of Captain Carver. Rockland, Mo., Oct 22. A lotter (rom O. M. Clark, steward of t'.io Ill fated ship St Mary, ot Bath, has reached L. D. Carvor, ot this city, a brothor of Capt Carver, of tho St Mary. Tho lotter Bays that the ship was run Into when off Capo Horn by an unknown vossol. Thoy woro running back to Port Stanloy (or repairs whon tho ship wont nshoro on tho night of August 10. Whon tho ship struck Captain Carvor scorned greatly discouraged and lived but a few hours. It is supposed that heart tioublo was tho cause of hli) death. I AM. 0j