Truateo'g 8ale.
Wherein, Oeorge Wellington Simmons
ml Wriggle Simmons, lits wile, liy lliolr cor
tnln deed of truit, dated July .'to, uno nnJ
recorded In book "J" page 255, In tlic ofllco
or (lie recorder of deeds, of Colo county,
Iscou.rl, nnU (lied Tor record Oclolicr 2S,
1600, conveyed to the nndcralfncd trustee
the following dcicrlbed real udnte to wit t
Lot six ((I) of out lot twcnty-e'glit (28) Cur
ry addition to tlie ' lly of Jetferon, Mo .
which conveyance Win made lo eccuro Iho
payment of ono prommleBory note therein
described, nud, whereas, default has liccn
made In tho payment of said note. Now,
Thcreforo St the request of the legal bolder
ol s;ild note, and In pursuance of the con
' dltlons of laid deed of trust, the under
signed will, mi .
PATUKDAY, NOVK'inr.n 29, lEsfx),
between the hours of U o'clock n. m. and h
o'clock p. ni. ol said day, at the front door
of tlio court Iioune,lu said county and state,
proceed to sell at 'public vendue to tho
highest bidder lor cull, tho above described
property for the purpose of satisfying said
note and tho costs of executing this trust.
Oct. ill) 18UO. 8. W. COX,
Trustee's Sale
ind Miiirirli
tain deed of trust, dated tho 18th day of
itcurifo i aBiuiiuiuii Diiiiiiiuun
and Maggie f Immons, lilswlu,by their ccr-I
State op Missouri, 1
COUNTY OF CoLlf. J 93.
tho Circuit court of Colo coun-Mlssouri,-December
term, 1890,
In v'nen.
Tliu .States of Missouri, at tho rela
tion nnd to tho use of Henry ,T.
Dullc, collector of tho revenue within
nnd for the county of Colo nnd State
of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Unknown
heirs of Matliew Singleton, defend
ant. At this day comes tho plaintiff
herein, by his attorney, befora tho
undersigned, clerk of said court in
vacation, and flics his petition, sta
ting among other tilings, that tho
above named defendants, tho plaintiff
alleges that he believes there arc per
sons interested In tho subject mutter
of the petition whoso names ho can
not insert because they nro unitnown
to lit in and he is unable to describe
their interests, but to tho best of his
July, 181)0, and tiled for record In the oltlco
of tho l reorder of deeds of Cole county. - ir.,.1,i, ,t i .l.,-!,.,,,! u .lnonnni
Missouri, on the 18lh day of July, 1KM and , ""''""-"b'- j "--"
duly recorded In said otllee. In deed of trust thereupon it Is ordered that said
ook "j," on page
underpinned therein
described real estate
lu omce. in uccu oi trust r tiuinfm iv a utuviwi .-...v o...,,
o sis, did convey to tho defendants bo notified by 'publication
SlA 111 the1 that plaintiff has commenced a suit
of Coir. Statoof. Missouri. to wit: Lot mini
bcr six (II) of o'U lot number twcntv-clght
(.8) Curry addition to the C'ity.or.Icl'crson,
tltssouri, to sccuro the payment of a certain
promissory note In .ald deed of trust de
scribed, olid, whcrcas.-sald nolo bus becomo
au ami remains impuiii,
against them in this court, tho olijecj,
and general nature of tlic petition
filed in said suit being the enforce
ment of the lien of tlic State of Mis
souri against certain roal property
Diiluj No.v. Therefrtrn-i UVM' 6 ' . . ." i''ivM
notice Is hereby given, that 1. the under- owned by said unknown heirs ns foi
Signed trustee, at the request of tbo legal ! Imi VmI liilf nf Dm nnrthnnat. !(!.
noiuer oi saiu noto in pursuance of the I
power vested by said deed of trust will
proceed to sen the real estate, heretofore
described, at public vendue, to the highest
bidder for cash, at the front door of the
court house. In the. county ol Colo, Stuto of
Missouri on
SATUHDAY, NOVEMHKtt 21), jsoo,
between tho hours of o o'clock In tho fore
noon and li o'clock In the afternoon of said
36, township 43, range 14, nnd
fullV described in said petition, for
certain taxes, interest and costs lev
led upon said real propeity as in said
petition fully set forth. And that un
less the said defendants be and 'ap
pear at this court at tlic next I itiii
day for the purpose or paying said note mid , thereof, to Uo liegun nntl liolilen at
the costs nnd expense ot executing tli's 1 tliecoill't house in tho City of JeiFcr
trust. Oct. ao, taw. S. Wox, sori( , 8ai,i c0llly, on tlic first Mon-
ammmmmmmmfommmmmmmldW of December next, and, on or
before the sixth day of sntil I'lrm,
answer or plead to the petition In said
cause, the same will lie taken as con
fessed, and judgment will bo ren
dered accordingly.
And It is further ordered that a
copy hereof be published, according
to law, in Tin: Statu ItKt'tmt.icAX, a
newspaper published in s-aid enmity
of Cole, for four weeks successively,
tlie last Insertion to lie at least llflcen
days before the next term of this
V. II. Lusk, Clerk.
Statb ok Missoum, )
CoUKTY OF Col.K. ) SS.
I, W. II. Lusk, cleik of the Cir
cuit court of Cole county, aforesaid,
hereby certify that the above is n
line copy of the original order of
publication, in tlie cause therein
named, us the same appears in my
Witness my hand as clerk, anil tlie
seal of suit! court. Done at ollioo in
City of Jefferson, this 'Jth day of Oct.
Skai. W.II. Lusk, Clerk.
A. M. Ilouoit, attorney for plaintiff.
No l,Day Expross... Arrives liOC p.m.
Leaves 1 :20p.m.
No. 3, Through Express. At rives 12:-
28 a. m. Leaves 12 :28 a.m.
No. 5, Local Passenger. Arrives 12:30
p. m. Leaves 12:4S p.m.
No. 0, Texas Express Arrives 2:10 a.m.
Leaves 2:10 a. m.
Freight, carries passengeis. Leaves 0:25
a. in.
No. 2,Pay Express .... Arrives 2:10 p.ni .
Lcavos 2:35 p.m.
No. 4, Through Express. Arrives 2:10
a.m. Leaves 2:10 a. in.
No. (J, Local rasscnger. At lives 1:20
Leaves 1 :40 p. in.
Freight, carries passengers. Leaves 4:10
p. in.
Local passenger trains 5 and 0 run be
tween St. Louis anil Kansas Clly. Three
sections of night train east. Texas, ex-
frees, No. 0, has through chair car via.
.cxlngton branch. Free reclining chair
cars on all through trains.
.Trains leave Jefferson Clly nt C:30 a.
n., arriving at Aurora 0:30 a. in.
Iletiirnlue. will leave Atnwa nf 11:3
p. in., arriving at Jeff ei son Clly nt 2:3
p. mf . j, Joun J. CuuitQti.Aat.
N Palaca Elnlnti Corr V. M?
CjIki Ricllnlc: ' ..ilr Cm Wr f
I POPUUh linj j ib
Oinulhus leaves Jefferson ulty, 7:30
a. m. every tiny except Sund.iy, con.
ncutlng with the train leaving Ccdur
City at 8 a. m. ami which maks u init
connection nt Mexico with all truius
going east, west or north.
Jonathan Qiiimsiiaw .Ticket Ac-nt
Through Trolns Carry
Jeffersjon City & Ssdalia
Rf.o. A, Kkijv, )
II. C. Cimss, ) RecelviTs.
Uen. nupt. Ocn Trafila Mgr.
Ceu'l ruuen.r & Ticket Agent,
-UEiiUUU stool TaolcloBisok
est Ra
HI Yft
)' TIIK UOS'i' f luil'ilnir
iiiii-, muiiiera. onmrar.wr
niunta ever mt'lo In up ia
jut preimm. wnwrotvi'i
State ok Altssorni,
County ov Coi.k. ) ss
In the Circuit court of Cole coun
ty. Missouri, December term, 18'JO,
in vacation.
Tlic State of Missouri, at tlic rela
tion and to the Use of Henry ,1. Dullc,
collector of the revenue 'williin and
for the county of Cole and Stuto of
Missouri, plaintiff, v. Tlic unknown
heirs of Q. M. Smith, deceased, de
fendants. At lids day comei the plaintiff
herein, by his attorney, before tlie
undersigned, clerk of ald com tin
vacation, nnd files his petition, sla
ting among oilier things, that the
above named defendant!'. The plain
tiff alleges that he bellevis there are
persons interest' d in i lie subject
.matter of tlic petition, whose names
hu cannot insert because, they arc un
known to hiui, and lie is unable to
describe their Interest, but to the
best of his knowledge it U dciived
by descent.
Whereupon it Is ordered that sahl
defendants bendlifltd by publication,
that plain' iff litis cotrmcucil a suit
against them in this court, tlie object
and general nature of the petition
Q'ed. In said ult being tlie enforce
ment of the lien of lliu State of Mis
snuri against certain real property
owned by snid unknown heirs, the
following real estate: Southwest
nuartir of nortlu ast quarter, of sec-
1 tlon 21, township 43, range 13, and
fully (lu'cribcrt in sum petition, for
certain taxes, interest and casta lev
ied upon said real property as in said
pitlilon fully set forth. And that un
the said defendants be and appear at
tills court at lliu nV-xt term thereof,
to bo begun and liolilen at tho court
hoiiso in ihe City of Jiffersnn, in'sald
county, on the first Mond y in Du
ct tuber next, and, on or before the
sixth day of said term, answer or
plead to tho petition in bald cause,
the same will be takvu ns confcsaitl,
and judgment will bo rendered ac
cordingly. And It Is further ordered that rt
copy hereof be published, according
to law, In The Statu Rki'uuioan, a
newspaper published lit said Cole
county, for four weeks successively,
tho last Insertion to be at least fifteen
days before "the ccxt term of tills
W. II. Lustt, Clerk.
J. A. Duoste, D. C
State or Missoum, )
County pir Cole, ) ss.
I, W. H. Lusk, clerk of tltu circuit
court of Colo county, aforesaid, here
by certify that the above Is it true
copy of the original order of publica
tion, In tho cause therein named, as
tho sumo appears in my nfllcc.
Witness my hand as clerk, and tha
seal of said court. Done nt ofllee in
Jefferson Clly, this tith day of Oct.
Seal W. U. Ljk. Clerk.
llr J. A. DitosTE, D, C,
For Judge Supreme Court:
For Superintendent l'ubllo Schools:
For Railroad Commissioner:
For Congress, 1 1 tit District:
For StatoSenat?, Mth District:
Republican County Ticket.
For Representative:
For Clerk of Circuit Court:
For Clerk of County Court:
For Sheriff:
For Collector:
For Prosecuting Attornoy :
For Presiding Justice County Court:
For County Judge First District
For Judge of Probate Court:
For Treasurer:
For Coroner:
For Assessor:
For Justice of the Peace, Jefferson
Township, (three to bo elected)
For Constable, Jefferson Township:
F. G. Fulkerson, Business Manager.
Entcrrtl nt the rnstnfflce at JejUerson City,
.Vo,, a& xrrontl clnnit matter.
Xcw Si-rlM.-Jnn. 7, ISM
Thursday, October HO, 1800.
County Republican Ticket-
L. V. DIX.
Circuit Cleik,
County Clerk,
Probate Judge,
Presiding Judge,
Associate Justice, First District,
Associate Justice, Second District,
If you waut bargains call at the
lted .Store.
Children's pants 60 cents at the
RccJ Store. '
" A nice line of men's boots and
iliocs, Ladiis' Misses and children's
shoes nt the Red Store.
A nice asscrtment of road carts
uud wagons can bo teen at F. A.
Uwighls, 702 West slreo
A nice line of ladles nnd children's
cloaks just received at the Red
Send us your orders for job printing If
you want nest ami clean woi K at Uiw
Ilgnies. Cull and see samples aud as
certain prices. '
Suilcn will mnko you finer cabinet
hIzh photographs for thu money than
anybody else in the city. Go to him
and get the best.
Bucklan's Arnica Salve-
Tliu Lestisabu lit tho woild for cuts,
hiutses, sores, ulcers, snlMheuui, lover
sores, tetter, ehnppcd hands, chilblains,
corns uud all skin eruptions, and posit
ively cures pilos,or no pay required, Ii
Is giuirniitceil to give perfect satisfaction
or in niey leliiuileil. L'l lee 25 cents per
bux. t'ursulo uy A. Urnudeuuerger.
Postmasters are authorized to re
ceive bUl)jerlitloli for this paper,
Wo allow litem tho lUUul liewspupei
For Judgo Supremo Court:
Tor Superintendent Public Schools:
For Railroad nnd 'Warehouso Com
missioner:. HENRY WH.(OK,MAN.
For Congress, 11th District:
For Stato Senate, Mth District :
Democratic County Ticket,
For Represcntativf!
For Clerk of Circuit Court:
For Clerk of County Cotut:
Sheriff: .' f
Collector: ;
For Prosecuting Alto'rfjsy:
For Presiding Justice County Court:
For County Judge, First District:
For Judgo of Probate Courl:
For County Treasurer:
For Coroner:
For Assessor:
For Justice of the Peace, Jefferson
Township: ,
For Constable, Jefferson Township:
Union Labor State Ticket.
The first ice was found Monday
All aboard. Everybody, for Merri
lltld for railroad commissioner.
Mr. J. W. Reid will open his de
partment store in a few days.
The Mo. Pac pile driver has been
nt work durin tho past week on the
Mr. Henry C. Ott was iii tlic. city
Tuesday on his return to Centretov.-n,
from St. Louis. -i
Mr. Michael Kratis gave, our oflicts
a pleasant' business call yesterday.
Mr. J. L. Erwin delivered an In
tel esting address at the court house
Tuesday evening.
Messrs. J. A. Stmt nnd Henry
Pace of Ccntrctown, were in the city
Mr. Geo. Portb has on exhibition
in his show windows some beautiful
and cos'ly plate.
Mr. W. A. Maddux, one of Cole
county's intelligent farmers, was in
tho clly Tuesdr.y.
Wanted Intelligent gentlemen or
ladies to address or call on mo for
information that will cive litem
piofltable employment.
W. D. WittoiiT,
5 t'J Madison St., Jefferson City Mo.
Col. Chas. "W, Coombs of Wash
ington, D. C, Is in the city enjoying
a vacation among his nuuy old
friends. t
Keep up with the procession' Jand
voto for James K. Merrillelil 'for rail
road commissioner. '
Camden county has sent a number
of persons before tho.U. S. commis
sioner recently for outline timber on
government land.
Mr. F. M. Tagart pf Morion, re
turned from St. Louis Tuesday,
wherq ho hadj beep ,to purchaso an
entire new stock of goods.j,..,, j
Wo pall special nttentlrtri J.p tho
nolico In tins issue by liXrvW. D.
Wright, His ngeiioy is .onjeof tliu
best afforded this country for tho in
telligent and reading people, ever")
ottered. i.t
The mnrringn of Mr. "'Nicholas'
Wulfro'ra and Miss Caroline Llhhordt,
occurred ut tho resideriije of tbo
hrldo's parents, near Lohman,on the
i 1st Inst. The Rev. Tlchlnger of
ilcititcd. Wo are in n-celpt.of tbo
particulars of tho wedding by our
cnrresiioudcnt, which will be pub-'
lished next week.
For Judgo of Supremo Court:
For Superintendent Public Schools:
For Railroad and Warehouse Coin
For Constitutional Amendment con
cerning Judicial Dcpaitmcnt:
For Constitutional Amendment con
cerning Judicial Department:
For enforcing 'the law restraining
cattlo one year old and under, sheep
and hogs, from running nt large.
Against enforcing the law restrain
ing cattlo ono year old and tinder,
sheep and hogs, from running at
State op Missouri, )
County of Cole. ss
I, Arthur P. Grimsliaw, Clerk
County court, county aforesaid,
hereby, certify that tho above and
foregoing contains n list of candidates
for respective olllccs named, to he
voted for at the ensuing general
election to be held on Tuesday, No
vember 1, 1&II0, together with tho
names of tlic political parties by
whi'.'h said candidates have been
nominated, as tho same have been
certified to and are now on file in
my olllce. Also, Constitutional
Amendment concerning Judicial De
partment; and also question of re
straining animals from running at
In witness, I hereunto set my hand
and olllcial seal. Done at olllce in
City of Jefferson, Mo., this 2Jtl day
of Octoher, IS'JO.
Seal AhtiiukP. Giiimsiiaw,
Cleik County Court,
Colo County, Mo.
Mr. Geo. Pope of Centretown, and
Miss Ida Falk of this city, yesterday,
at 7. p. m. Rev. O. J. S. Hoog officiating.
Dr. Joseph P. Porth and Miss
Elllie Nitchy, both of this city, at tho
Catiiolic church yesterday at 'J a. in.
bv Rev. Hoog.
There Is not a more competent man
In the ccunty for assessor than Mr.
J. K. Hunter. He'Is a young man,
thoroughly qualified for tlic posi'lon,
and the people should see that he is
elected. Ho Is well acquainted with
the valuo of personal and real prop
erty of the county.
Mls Clara DMIer lin n tonllli t wllli ncu-rali-lii.
Mr. Kclwnnl Ueltn returned home luM
Mrs. Miiyj'to lllatlor ba-i been 111 tlic past
Mini Una lioan of Wlllilulc. I -.Islllng
frlentli In tills vicinity.
Mr. .luxriili Cofl'clt ot Jamestown, btteil
rrlntltex dure Inst week.
One of Mr. Delt.'s Utile (At- (rot bit on
the Chop by a do;,' one day last week.
Mr, (inn was tho guest of MIm llatialn
Gail last week.
Mr. t'nn In of.teircity. wa In tin nclj:li
horhood huiitliif,' last Saturday.
.Mls l-'vn Johns, ul'ler n pleasant I-.it
with filciuls here, returned home Wednes
Mr. Ili'i'in.m "lale of this eounty, nud
Ml (leiliinle Dlstler of this iil.u-e, w ero
united In niai rlnse Tuesday.
Mr. William Mooro and Miss Nel
lie C. McIIcnry. at the residence of
the bride's parent?, Mr. and Mrs.
James E. McIIcnry, at 1:1') p. in.
yesterday, Ucv. T. M. Cobb ofll jiat
ing. Esq. Geo. Wagner has returned
from a trip of several mouths to
Mr. J. W. Durham of nearElston,
purchased somo fine harness of lly
Schmidt this week. :
Mr. John Bertal of Lihman, was
in the city this week nnd invested in
a set of harness ftoin lly Schmidt.
Mr. Henry Bockralh is making
valuable improvements to his store
house. Mr. Anton NaUch is doing ,
the roofing. :
Tor Sale.
A splendid pair of work mules -1
years old, lo hands high and without j
blemL-.li ; well broke to work or ride, i
Price, 8100. Apply at Martin Binkly's
Statu or Mi'-oum,
Coi sty of Uoi.k. ss.
In the Circuit court ot Cole county, .Mis
souri, December term, 18H0, I it vaca
tion. The -Statu of Missouri, at the relation
and to the ue ot Henry J. Dullu, collect
or of the revenue within and for the
county of Cole and State of MUcOiiri.
plaintiff, vf, the unknown heirs of It.
Wells, deceased, defendants.
At this day eoniei the plaintiff herein,
by his attorney, before the undersigned,
cierk of raid court In vacation, and liles
his petition, stating among other things,
that the uuovc named defendants, tliu
plaintiff alleges that ho believes there
are person? Inteieted in the subject
mutter of thu petition whose names lie
cannot insert heeaiisu they aie unknown
to ti 1 1 ii and tie Is unable to describe, their
luterest but to the best of his kuowledge
it Is derived by deeeut.
Whereupon it Is ordered that said de
fendants be uotll'ied by publication, that
plaiutltt has commenced :i suit against
them lu this court, tho object and gen
eral nature of the petltiou tiled lu said
cult belug tho entoieeiueiit of thu lien ot
the State of Mlssouil against ccitiiiu real
property owned by tald unknown hells
as lollovs: Nortbwestipiuiler of south
east quarter, section -J4, township i;i
range 13, and tully desciibed lu said pe
tltiou for ccitaiu taxes, iuteie-taud costs
levied upon said real property as In said
puitiuu fully set forth, and that unless
tue said defendants be and appear at till
conn at the next term thereut, to be be
gun aud liolilen at the com t house lu the
Clly of Jelferson, in said county, on the
Ilist Monday in December next aud on
or beloie the sixth day of said term, an
swer or plead to thu petition in said
cause, the same will be taken as confessed
and judgment will by tendered accord
ingly. And it Is further ordered that a copy
hereof be published in Till! Statu Itti
lum.iCAN,a newspaper published in said
Colo county, for four weeks successively,
thu last Insertion to bo at least llfteeu
days before the next term of this court.
W. II. I.USIC, Clerk.
J. A. DltosTh.D. O.
Stati; of Missouri, 1
County of Uhlb. ss.
f, W. It. I.tisk, cleik of the Clicuit
court of Cole couuty. aforesaid, hereby
certify that the above is a true copy of
tho original older of publication lu the
cause therein iiauied ,as thu 5Uue appears
in my olllce.
iVituesS my baud as clerk, and the seal
of said court. Doue at ollicu In iho City
of Jefferson, Ibis Stb day ot October,
SKAl. W. 11. I.USK, Clerk,
By J. A. I)kosti;,D C
A. M. Ilouoii, attorney for plaintiff.
farm, 1 and 1
Ruasellvillc, Mo.
miles northeast of
R. A. Hum
A movement is on foot to organize
it creamery nud about 8-', 000 has al
ready been subscribed. It is a good
enterprise and should be one m raged
by every citizen.
As tho election gets closer the
weather gets cooler, which is no
doubt for tlie purpose of preparing
somo of the candidates for the shower
bath that awaits them.
Mr. L. V. Dix is well known by
the people of this couuty to lie one of
the most intelligent gentlemen in the
county, ami the. Tribune's expres
sion has .assisted lii'm greatly in his
election,, iihieh will occur next Tues
day. Town Lots
At Lohrann's opera house Tliurs
day, October 80, will be presented
the funniest play of our times,
"Town Lot3," Introducing Eloise
Willard lluss Snow and a brilliant
company of comuiedluii3 nckuo'wl
edged by press aud public as the suc
cess of tuo.seasnn, embellished with
new songs, new duices, absurd ab
surdities, striking costumes, provo-klng-situatioii9.
Th(s iwtlie iuuniest
aud uiosl oi igiual farce comedy in ex
istence, "Town Lots'," and enjoy a
good heaity laugh.
Electrlo Bitters ; I . A wonder Worker.
Thl remedy Is becoming o Wert known! "r. Frank; lJutVman, a j oun? man of llur
uud so popular n to need uo special miu- j Ungton Ohio, states Mutt he had been under
lion. All who have used lilfUiolJltters j c'8 1 wo prominent pb) stclans and
stng the Biuno sonfc of praise. A .purer ""ed t"- treatment until he was not ablo
medicine does notexlBt, audit UEiuranteea toget uround. They prououueed bis case, to
to do all that Is claimed. .Electric Bitter
will euro uH dlsenscs. of the llyf and kid
neys, will remove plmplct, bobs, tilt rlicum
aud other ntl'ectlona eassed by Impure
blood; will drive inalarla .from' tub sy item
and prevent n well as ciiro alt, roalarUl
levers. For cure of headache, constipation
und Indigestion try Electrlo Hitters. Satire,
satisfaction guaranteed or inoiiofTcfun -ed,
I'rioo oqq sua iji per ,uotuo m a, Jirinuon-
Utrgtr'i drat sim
.be eoUBUinntlou and Incurable, lie wan
jiemuaded lo try Dr. King's Now Discovery
for conmimptloi), coughs and colds and at
that time was not able to walk aerots tho
street without resting. He found before
lie hud uaed iialf of a dollar bottle, that ho
was much better! bo continued to use it and
Is to-duy enjoying" good boalth, If you have
ny throat, lung or cheat trouble try It, We
guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at
A. Utndeu.borgor's drug HW,
Statu or Miscount, 1
Cou.ntv ot' Coll. ss.
Iu the Circuit court of Cole county, Mis
souri, Deceuioer term, Is'."), iu vaca
tion. Thu State of Missouri, nt thu relation
and lo tbo uso ol Henry J. Dullc, collect
or of the revenue wtiliiu uud tor tbo
county of Cole aud State of Missouri,
plaintiff, vs. the unknown heir's ot John
Creuier, deceased, defendants.
At lb s day comes the plaintiff herein,
by his attorney, before tlio undersigned,
clerk of said court iu vacation, ami llles
bis pciitlon, stating among oilier lliiii'-!,
that the above named defendants, 'tliu
plaintiff alleges that bo believe tbero
are pcrsous interested In the subject
matter ot the petition whose mime- he
cannot insert because they are unknown
to til in aud be is unable to describe their
Interest, but tonbe best of his kuowledge
it Is derived by descent.
Whereupou it is oiUored that said de
feudants bo notified by puMlcallou that
plaintiff has commenced a suit against
tUeniln this court, the object aud general
nature of the putitlou illed iu said suit
beiug the enforcement ul the lieu of the
State ol Missouri against certain real
properly owned by said unknown heirs,
the follow lug real estate I Northeae,t
quarter of iiuithcast ipiarter of section
14, township 44, range It, and fubydo
pcribcd in said petition for certain taxes,
Interest and cost levied npou said real
propeity as iu said petition tully set forth,
And that unless ihe said defendants be
aud appear at this court at thu next term
therouf, to bo beguu aud boldeu at tbo
com t house iu thu City of Jelferson, lu
Said couuty, ou the lint Monday lu De
cember next, and, ou or beloro tlio sixth
day of said term, answer or plead to the
petition In said cause, tho s.iuiu will be
taken as confessed, and judgment will bo
rcudered iieeoidluglv.
Aud It Is further ordered that a copy
heieof bo published lu Tin; .State IU;
lTUMCAX,u newspaper published In said
Cole couuty, lor lour weeks successively,
thu last lusertluu to be at least llfteeu
days befoio thu uext term of this court.
W. 11. U'SK, Clerk.
Dv J. A. Duoste, D. 0.
County ot con:. ss,
I,V,' It. Lusk, cleik of thu Circuit
court of Colo county, afures.ild, hereby
certify that thu abjve Is a true copy of
the original order of publication, in the
cause tlieielu named, as thes'iuienppcars
lu my ottlce.
Witness inyliand as clerk, nud (lib seal
of said court. Done at olllou lu thu City
of Jefferson, this Stb day of October,
rXAL Y. II. I.ustf , Clerk.
BY J. A. DiwstK, 1). C.
A M Uyuuil attorney (or pltUutltd
Stati; op Missouri, )
Countt of Cou:. ) bs.
In tho Circuit court of Colo county,
Missouri, December term, 1800, In
The State of Missouri, at the rela
tion and to the use of Henry J. Dullc,
collector of tbo revenue within nntl
for tlic county of Cole and Slate of
Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Ihe unknown
heirs of C. M. Painter, deceased, de
fendants. At this day comes the plaintiff
herein, by his attorney, before the
undersigned, clerk of said court in
vacation, and Hies his petition, sta
ting among other tilings, that tlio
above named defendants, The plain
tiff alleges that he believes there arc
persons interested in the subject
matter of the petition whoso nanus
he cannot Insert because they are un
known to him and he is unable to de
scribe their interest, but to the best
of his knowledge, it is derived by
Whereupon it is ordered that said
defendants bunutilicd by publication,
that plaintiff lias commenced a suit
igahist them in this court, tlie object
and general nature of the petition
tiled in said suit being the enforce
ment of tliu lien of the State of Mts
souil against certain real properly
owned b said unknown heirs, tiie
following real estate: North half of
southeast quarter, section 20, town
ship 12, range l:!, and fully de
Nciihcd in said petition for certain
taxes, interest and cost levied upon
said real property as in said petition
fully set forth. And tlint unless the
said defendants be nnd appear at this
court at tho next term thereof, lo bo
begun and liolilen nt the court house
in the City, of Jefferson, in said coun
ty, on tlie first Monday in December
next, and on or before the sixth day
nf said tot in, answer or plead to the
petition iu said cause, the same will
be taken as confessed, and judgment
will be rendered accordingly.
And It is further ordeicd that a
copy hereof be published, accoiding
to law, In The Statu Rkpubmcan, a
newspaper published iu said Colo
county, for four weeks successively,
tlio last insertion to be at least liftccn
days before the next term of this
W. II. Lusk,
By J. A. Dkosti;, D. C.
Stati; or MissotMii, )
County or Coi.e. f S3.
I, W. II. Lusk, clerk of the circuit
courl of Cole county, aforesaid, here
by certify that the above is a true
copy of the original order of publi
cation, in the cause therein named,
as the same appears in my olllce.
Witness my hand as clerk, and the
seal of said court. Done at olllce in
the City of Jefferson, this 8th day ot
October, 1890.
Skai. W. II. Lusk, Clerk
Bv J. A. Dkostk, D. C.
A. M. Houmi, attorney for plaintiff,
TAX bl.'IT.
Statu or Mnsotnr, )
County of Colb.I ) ss.
In the Circuit court of Colo county,
Missouti, December term, 1800, in
The State of Missouri, at the re
lation and to tlie use of Henry J.
Dullc, collector of the revenue with
in and for Iho county of Cole and
State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. The
unknown heirs of John May.aneck,
deceased, defendants.
At this day comes the plaintiff
herein, by his attorney, before tho
undersigned, clerk of said court In
vacation, and illcs his petition, sta
ting among other things, that tho
above named defendants. The plain
tiff alleges that he believes thcro aro
persons interested in tlio subject
matter of the petition whose names
he cannot insert because they are un
known to him and he is unable to de
scribe their interest, but to the best
of his knowledge it is dciived by do
Whereupon it is ordered that said
defendants be notified by publication
that plaintiff has commenced a suit
against them in this court, tho object
.ind general nature of the petition
1) lot I In said suit being tliu enforce
ment of the Hen of tliu Slate of Mis
souri against certain real property
owned by said unknown heirs, tliu
following real estate to wit: North
half of southeast quarter, section 20,
township 42, range lij, and fully t'c
scribed in said .petition, for ce ti m
taxes, Interest and costs levied upon
said real properly as in said petition
fully set forth , Aud that unless tho
said defendants be and appear at this
court ut tho next term thereof, to bo
begun and holden nt the court house
iu the City of Jefferson, in said coun
ty, on tho Hi st Mondaj In December
next, and on or before the sixth day
of said term, answer or plead to tho
petition in said cause, thu same will
be taken as confessed, and judgment
will be rendered accordingly.
And It is further ordered that n
copy hereof bo published, according
to law, in Ttir. Statu RisruuLiCAN, a
newspaper published in said Colo
county, for four weeks successively,
the last insertion to be at least fifteen
days before tho next term of this
W. II. Lusk, Clerk.
By J. A. Dkostc, D. C.
State of Missouri, )
County of Cols, j ss
I, W. II. Lusk, clerk of the circuit
cotut of Cole county, foresaid, here
by certify that the ubovo Is a trim
copy of the original order of publica
tion, iu tho .cause therein named, nv
the same appears in my olllce.
Witness my hand as clerk, and tun
seal of said court. Doue at office In
the city of Jefferson, this 8th day ot
October, 1800.
W. II. Lusk, Clerk.
By J. A.DitosTB, D. d
A. M, llQUtjit,aUQrnoy-forplalaU
SJ.i!-. "ire.
fV'.. t, ,
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