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Jj' . '- 1HK State IK I 8 11 Hi w ft) VOLUME XIX, iJ0HN A, LINHARDIlEom6-leWeek DEALEE IJST INTEUESTtttO Nr.V3 tJOMHLAf lON. Staple mi Men Groceries S3?E1QX,A T.TIB3 miriimtiriiiitiiittiMiitititiitinin Glassware, Quccnsvrato, Ten arid Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Library Limps, Toilet Articles,. Tobacco, Cigars, Wooelcnwaro, Ice Chests, Refrigcrat- ' ore, Grass and Garden Seed, Oye tcrs, Fish and Gamo In . Season. Hash Paid for all Kinds of Country Produce, DANIEL GUNDELFINGER, Hardware jqABZv Tinware Cuflery ETC. The Most Complete Sloclt In Central Missouri of (he Best and Cheapest Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Cutlery, Etc. Exclusive ngent for 8Th8 Celebrated Wire-Gauze Charter Oak -Stoyess AND QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVE. Door Frames, "Window Frames, Wire Screen, Weattier Strips, Spring Hinges, Bird Cages, Water Coolers, Etc., a Specialty. Tin Hoofing Spuming and Jobbing of all kinds given prompt attention. 3STo. 123 HIQ'H STEEET. ANTON i NATSOH Tho Very Latest sad Bost Stoves 'Manufactured, JFully Warranted. Call and seo thorn. Guttering, Light ning Kods, Novel ties, Etc., at the Lowest Prices and WnrrnntocL' WOOD, COAL, CAS, GASOLINE, STOyES. aaaaanaaaaaaaaannapauaaa TINWARE & METAL ROOTING. ITALL KEPATRING NEATLY DONE.- No. 403 West Main Street. Opposite, Gas Works. HENRY J. DULLE, BERNARD DULLE. J. W. SOHULTE, President. t Vice-President. Secretary & Treasurer. CAPITAL STAR AND VICTORIA ROLLER MILL8. a a JuOl 2. B c 2. 6 8. P1 o o FLOUR MFAL AND MILL FEED G. H. DULLE MILLING CO. WEST HAUXHT STREET. I iist - Glass Liveru B ids DOMESTIC, Cot.oNT.l, Thomas U. t'ntft. president ot tho Grz.'tto Printing Company of scualta, Bio., una ono of tho best-known tuon In Missouri, was shot nnd mortally wounded dm Ins a political discussion by Judgo John Hlgglns, of tho Pettis ' County court, lloth mon orA on route-) to Ibuli- homes on a MUsourl lWllo ocratlo lublleo Ih llti'ttll EPXJBLIOAN. JEFFERSON QITY? MISSOURIfWURSDAYj NOVEMBER 13, 1890. NUMBER 18. Tub rcmnlhs of-Al who died in Ijohdort,'. lar llohnrl 'I1. t.ltltfol thb crypt Ih tilt L-Mtfdi tiprlngfleld, 111:, Ori thOj Uf his Illustrious grani Afti:ii having boo: years Mr. nnd MM. AnC Cltv. Kan., dl-covcred brother nnd slstor, , O.siMIAM' of the. mlfij nuatit, 10., Yvhsilcslrtiye A etiAt.-otrrbarrol o tinln. Wlltr.K temporarily Insnno Mrs. Jo soph Lamprcchtof Philadelphia, klllod her Infant child, fatally cut tho throat of hoc d-year-old daughtor Mary and then fatally stabbed herself. A Finn at Oncnsboro, Ky., tlostroyod many business buildings, including tho Messenger newspaper olllco. Wl II II. Ilahn lumped from tho third-story window, of tho .tludd ttuuso and wai. AMONfl parolos granted by tho peni tentiary managers" at Columbm, O., wore those, of L'roil 11. llrnglns, tho Clovoland editor sunt Uf for eight yean for forgery, and John I!. Simons treasurer of Drako County, oonvieiod cit I'lnbezzlcmcnt and so.ltcncol for six years.. Two woiikmiin woro Instantly Ulllod nnd a third badly hurt by a falll'ig jilor under a railroad track upon which thoy hoio at work at Doylostowu. li. Tin: cooper shop of tho Philadelphia Coopnrago Company, tho soap factory and sploo mill of V. C. Thompson an 1 a largo storage warohouso bolonjtlng to tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Philadelphia woro burned, cauiin u loss ot S18000. Tim; Btatuo to tho memory of William Donning, manufacturer of tho cannon used by tho Americans In tho war of the revolution, was uuvalled nt Kcwvlllc, Pa. W. R. CnTTiiF.i.r,, tho notorious Cedar Keys (Flu.) desperado, was shot and killed by Chief of Polico Gerald at Montgomery, Ala. (loviuixon IIUMniitKV, of Kansas, granted an unconditional pardon to William ll.ildwln, who was under death sentence for murdering his slstor Mary In Atchison duly 8, 18S5. Ualdwln was bclluvcd to bo Innocont. Emu. Wri:t.Fi:oDT, of Terro Haute, who 'ound employment in beating his wife, was thrashed by womon with raw hides In ono of tho htroots ot that city. huiNou M:cri, tho faster, bogan a fast Double or Single, f6r City or Country, or for Commercial Travelers, at the Best Rate given In Central Missouri. Horses Boatded b) th 0y Week r Month at Reasonable Rates. cll or vMiw t. WIUftASftli limn tilnboln. i)Bori of Minis' rot'n titabud 111 WoHuhicrit Ai I, dhUvd thosb thcr: marrl'd flvn arr, of Kansas nit thoy were Ibivn bf Trcl y fire. tied ntn lJehl tdon, Pa., and Sworo so badly r eyesight. BiiOtjWnu Killed I'M l Loglyille, Ky bo trf tjolf her fence, ilohli nnd llenrV Vlnt burned that Ihovlost 11 A noil.Kit cxplosIonlK'tf Bah'lnlllncnr Magnolia, Miss., lillji( !, l'rttchard nnd K. Andrews oniffiitally Injured Charles Taylor atid Vp!t Mtis. Vocir.t. sriOtjSnd kilted VA Traub, a boy, In Ojuso ho refused wlicro bo was slttl ViAAAJiiiKlisos-wurTPiJluntlnir with bis wlfo near Jlangor, Mo.r-accidentally shot and killed her, PiiKBinuNT tlAiititsnx Ims issued Ills proclamation designating Thursday, November at, as Thanksgiving day. I'lUhR Ki:i.l.i:i!, of Linton, 1ml., was cleaning a pistol supposed to bo un loaded when the weapon wasdlschai'cd, killing Mrs. Kellor. Wim.i: playing with a gun Wlllhm Charlton, t years old, killed his sister CalUn, 0 years old, In St. Lou If. Tin: third nnnlvcriary of tho osoou tlon bf tho live. Anarchists In Chicago was observed by tin-It- filonds In that city. Tin: loss waf roportcd of six men from tho whaler Charles W. Morgah, which arrived at Sail 1'ranclsco from tho Okhotsk soi. The whaler Norwhol also lost four men. Till". Government cotton report shows a probablo total projuctlon of 3,ltii:i,:i30, 003 pounds, or no.irly 8.003,000 bales. which oxcecds last year's crop by over 000,000 b.ilo, whan It was tho largest ovor raUod in this country. Tub vislblo supply of grain In store in tho United Statoi on tho 10th was: Wheat, 22,003,747 bushels; corn, l,HS, 0(1:1 bushels; oats, :!,U-1,2:H bushels. Tim thermometer regis tored 10 de crees abovo zero at St. l'aul, iMinn., on the 10th, tho coldest day for tho time of year In nlnotoen years. At a mooting In tho Metropolitan Opera IIouso at Now Vork at which Dillon and party wero present and mado addrossos SIS'.OOO was suscrlbod to rollovo suffering In lrnland. of forty-Uvo days in Now York on tho i Tin: aroa seeded to wheat in Mlch- (Ith. lgan this fall Is l,.r03,000 acres, an In- lllixnv IIUMrililRY died In Now York from un oplleptto Bt caused by hard drinking. Tun years ago ho Inherited a fortune ot 8100,000 and ho had scarce ly drawn, a sober breath sinco. At n mooting In Philadelphia for tho reliof of tho suiTorlng In Ireland at which Messrs. O'llrlon nnd Dillon mado speeches Postmaster John Holds, who nctcd as treasurer, prcsontod a subscrip tion list which footod up $1:3,83.1 Aiiout sixty crusaders assaulted the saloon ot Andy Spaulding at Freeman, -Mo., and .knocked in tho heads of all liquor barrels. Freeman Is a local option town and tho raid was generally approved. A iiravv volumo of business through out tho country was reported, with the monetary ltuallon substantially un changed. Tho foreign trado was un usually active, tho imports during October being In exco-s ot 105, 00 1,000. Ni:aiii.v forty buildings, including tho cntlro buslnoss portion of Trucker-, Cal., wero destroyed by an Incendiary tire. lil.ACK diphtheria was prevailing In an epidemic form in Cygnot. O., and the I dlphthorla, agod 5 years. schools woro all closed and business was plpo almost constantly. practically suspoiuleil, Tiswn' wreckers ditched croaso ovor last year of lit, 000 acros. l-'ouu casus of leprosy woro roportcd In Philadelphia. Tin: barns of Iilgglns & O'Malloy nt Uonova, N. Y., wci-o burned, and llonry Hall, who had chargo of tho barns and slopt th ore, and fourtoon horses lost their lives. It was discovered thai Androw Ho noau, who was shot and killed by a mob at Normandalc, Oa., for tho murder of J. C Forsyth, waa Innocent of tho crime. Several ot tho mob wero under arrest. Tin: city council of Brazil, Ind., do posed Mayor Herr for Inebriety. NoTWiniHTANDISO President Wood rufl's'proolamatlon polygamy still nour ishes In Utah, forty-two arrests having been mado for this crlmo within tho past fow days. At Watervllle, Minn., Fred Morgnti nnd another hoy nnmed llennott wero drowned by breaking through tho Ico while skating. Winfiemi Scorr HANroru Douax, the Trenton (N. J.) child who was born with a craving for tobacco, died of Ho smoked a passonget train on tho Missouri Pacltiu road neat Ottervllle, Mo , and tho engineer and four poUal clerks woro badly injured. Itobbory was tho object. Tin: police broke up an Anarchist meeting at Newark, N. .1., by arresting Mrs. Lucy Parsons, Hurt' Most and sever othnrH. Tiiaixs collided near Nlcholasvllle, Ky,, tearing a slcoplngcjr to fragments. The passongers miraculously cseapLd doath, but sovernl ot them wore severe ly Injured. Tim: business failures in tho United States during tho seven days ended or. tho 7th numbered 215, against 218 the preceding week and 207 tho correspond ing week last year. Tin: cntlro business portion of Hart man, Arl., was burned. Mus. O. O. IlAiLF.r, thovlfo of i prominent cltlzon of Arlington, Tonn., wds killed by a negro whom sho had re fused monoy, Noynino Giiieuo, a Mexican, was hanged nt Canyon City, Col., for the murder of W, U Underwood on June 4 .last, and Will Uothoa (colored) was hanged at Wrlghtsvlllo, Go., for killing Lumbor Inspector Italford on March 17 last An nsslgnmont was mado by the Mu tual Fire Insuranco Company of Chi cago. Poor buslnoss was given as the cause of tho failure ' ' Kvrhv houso In Winslow, Piko Coun ty, lnd., was burned, and thoro would be much suffering among tho Inhabitants. An ofllclal translation of tho recently-Issued encyclical of Popo Leo XIII. has been recivod by Cardinal Gibbon; nnd all tbo Archbishops nnd Bishops ol tbo Catholic church In this country, to bo road by them to tbo people of tbolr respectlvo diocoses. Tho lettor lays particular stress on tho ovll inlluencos ot tho Masonlo ordor and says it Is "an hunted by the spirit of Satan." , At tbo leading clearing-houses In tho Unltod States the oxchangos during thn wook ondod on tbo 8th aggregated $1,284,502,874, against Jl,2T.0,4l2 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding wook of leB'J tho In crease amounted to 17.0. Waiiii Cloustox, circuit court clork at Charleston, W. Vo., was found to bo a defaulter to tho extent of 8100,000. Miss 1p a Sxvdeii, a very estlmablo young lady, was shot and killed at Han na, Iud., by Albort Shurt, a rojeoted lover, who then killed himself. At Corsloana, Tox William O.Vallle, a railway conductor, 'hot -nl klllooi lili vto and thon comiij , uuIcWe, Jgluusy was tho ouse Tub Unltod Statos Supromo Court de cided that tho sales of Intoxicating liquors by tho glass could be absolutely prohibited. Tin: oxpross car3 on two night trains on tho Georgia railroad, one leaving Atlanta for Augusta nnd tho other leav ing Augusta for Atlanta, woro robbod of 812,000. Tin: Oklahoma Loglslaturo passed tho hill locating tho Territorial capital at Iviugllshor. Tub dlscovory of a largo voln ot car bonato of load, carrying soventy to 100 ouncos ot silver and 30 per cent of lead to tho ton of oro, was reported In David County, N. CI At Philadelphia Alexander Hoxtor, senior partnor in tbo firm of Hoxtor & Bros., clothing manufacturers, was bo headed In an elevator. Job JAC-Ksoy, ono of tho Uubo Bur rows gang of train robbers, committed sulcldo in tbo Jail at Jackson, Miss., rather than stand trial. In bis annual report Acting Adjutant General McICeavor says that tbo aver age numbor of pupils ovcr 15 yoars of agoattondlng military Vehools during tbo year was 11,040, of which (1,005 re ceived military instruction: Tin; Quakers at MoorosvIUo, Ind,, nro opposod to tho liquor traffic and thoy destroyed a building which bad boon ronted for saloon purposos. r EVEitv peaco ofllcorln Young County, Tex., was In jail, having beon indicted by tho United States grand jury for participation in tbo mob which assault od tho jail to hang thrco murderers. Advices from Santiago Ids' Cuba say that the famous bandit Velasqnet had boen killed by Government troops, and that his wbtto band, numbering thirty tour men. with their arms. and amtnu 'nltlon, had surrendered to'tho authorities. festllt was doubtful lit Connecticut, in Indian arid Illinois thd Democrats' bleUltJil Iholf State llbkoti also In Ntinr icr'soy'. Thb Republicans Harried Ohio1 byabotlt I2,0d0 majdrltyi In ItiO eight1 faeh Statos lilal elected Legislatures1 which would each choose a United Statos Senator tho Domocruts wero suc cessful In a majority of them. Caitain N. M. IJikmiKS, of Virginia, has bcrjil appointed superintendent of foreign tliallsln tlio National I'o4t-0llii)d Departmont. Gi:M:At, E. A. 0"NfiAt, who was Governor of Alubama from 18S2 to lit), died Ih Hoiohcei Ala., tigud 70 years. H.VKIiAt.t. DltAKt!, who was born In Now Jersey In 17U!, nnd all nctlvn Abo litionist in his time, died at Kalama- fcoo. Mich., aged 91 year. JoIlN- UsiiBiiuled at Watcrtown, Wis., Hgcd 100 years. F. S. t'BARR. who Inventud lmprovn monts In harvesting machines, an appll' onco for testlnsr oil liv oloctrlcltv and a printing "telegraph 'Instrument, died In' HuITalo, N. Y., aged 07 yonrs. Afl A result of thu rerent elnctlotl tho Partners' Alliance will control tho Kun' sas Legislature which olcct3 a sUci'cssor to Snnalor lugalls. lAi:n,AV MAitriN, n moniborof Con gress before tho war, died at Columbia, Tenn. !;i!Ai. David 11. McKiiinr.N, U. S. A., on the retired list, died In Washing ton, rged HO years, of cancer of tho throat. General McKlbben sered with distinction In tho Mexican and Indian wars and In tho war of tho rebellion, At the recent election In Nebraska tho volen decided ly 40,030 majority to retain high llronso and local option as thou-st modo of temporance. A. C Evans, president of tho A. C. Evans Company at Springfield, C, and ono of the city's twclvo millionaires, died from tho c-ir.-cts of opium, taken with suicidal Intent. II. S. Mn.l., of Kansas City. Mo., a millionaire banker, died at tho Tremont House, Chicago, of spinal disease. IIaiivbv I'hic. ono of tho best-known baukcri In this country, died of heart failure at his residence In Wilbarthu, N. J., at tho ago of .17 yoars. John- Mkybi-.s, one of tho wealthy cit izons of Logansport, Ir.d., died from tho eltects ot a rat bile. FOREIGN. A iiriimr-ANi: passed over tho south west of Ireland and a number of houses at Skibhereen wero wrecked. A mii mix was presented in tho Mex ico Chamber ot Deputies asking that all priests wii were not Mexican citizens bo expelled from tbo country as being pernicious to tho welfare of Mexico. Tin: Hawaiian Government applied to tho .lapeneso Government for 5,000 more immigrants, and thoy would ho sont Tin; Itusslan Government has exiled to Siberia Fathers Dnochovskl and Jendrzowskl for spreading tho Catholic faith. An attempt was mado to assasslnnto tho Sultan of Morocco. Tub buildings at Tnl-Plng-Fu, China, in which tho Government powder fac tories wero situated, wero blown up and SOO persons killed, Tub Canadian Cahlnnt hasdonlod tho potitlon for a commutation of tho death sentence of Reginald Ilirchall, tho mur deror of Ilonwell. Limit Lo.NiioNDBiniv, speaking at West Hartlopool, Eng., declared that Messrs. Dillon nnd O'ltrlen deliberately organized tho Tipperary riot. Tin: iniluenzi was again sprondlng in lle'rlln, forty cases having been roportcd of which soven wore pronounced hope less by tho physicians. Tub ltoumanlan Govornment was al lotlng a vast quantity of Stato land in tree farms to peasant families. 3IISS0URI STATE YS. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. linu.M IUssbtt, Past 'Grand, Master ot Masons and believed to be tbo Mason ot highest degreo In the world, dlod at Millersburg, Ky., agod 70'years. Maiitiia Pickens dlod at hor homo In Drown County, Ind., at the age- of 104 years. Sho bad roslded on ono farm in the county" for soventy years, nEipiiNs of tho 7th tioii 'tlie recent citato oleottons indicated that tho Dem ocrats would have 22V members In tho next Houso of Congress; tho Republic ans 01 and the Farmers'' Alliance 1(1. The Democrats elected Governors In Wisconsin, Dolawnro,; Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan and 'Nebraska, and tho Republicans were'suooosstul in Kansas. Nevada, the tw'oSDakotftS. Col orudo, MlnneioU ml California, 1'hv ..i 32 LATER NEWS. A smANOEii, giving tho namo ot William Fontaine, Is under arrest at Birmingham, Ala., for swindling 1,200 school children out of ton cents each, collected as admission feo3 to a bogus show. Whon tho chlldron refused to loavo too hall Fontaino raised a cry of flro, and In tho panlo which ensued many of his little victims woro trampled under foot and sovoroly Injured. A woman accompanying tho swindler was also arrestod. Seiiious oloctlon troublos aro ro portcd from tho city of Rosarlo, In tho Argontlno Republic, where party feel lnc ran so high that frequent fights oc curred botwoon tho supporter of the various condldatos. Tbo troops woro called out, and ordor wasovontually re stored, but not until several persons had boon killed and many wounded. Wm. Smith, tho onglnoor, and Thos. Kerns, tho conductor, who wero re sponsible for tho rocont wrook on the Now York, Ontario & Western road, were arrestod and arraigned In Scran ton, Pa., on tho 11th, on a charge of criminal negligonco. Thoy wero held In 8-3,500 ball. Tint health of Mr. Balfour, Chief Sec rotary for Ireland, Is so impaired that tho tour ot lnspoctlon of tho distressed localities of Ireland will not bo resumed at present He will procood at onco to tho West of England, whero ho will do vote hlmsolt to recuperation. News ot an uprising In Honduras was confirmed on tho 11th. Order and com nloto poaco provallod in tbo rost of tho Central Amorlcan Btates, all assuming a noutral position in the matter, wtucn is lookod upon as unimportant and purely locaL Negotiations aro practically por footod by which tbo Pennsylvania Rail road Comoanv will, on tho 1st of Jan- uiirv. take control of tho Vandalla lino. Tbo deal Is said to lncludo tho Terro llmitn & Lozansport division. General Henky W. Slocum, Henry O. Havemoyer and. S. V. Whlto havo boen appointed recelvors of tho Sugar Trust Their -bonds aro for 8500,000 oaoh with two surotlos. A KEiinvnoAT, overloaded with mon, watrons and horses, capiued.whllo cross ing the rlvor near Urltitz, Hungary, on tho 11th, and fifty-five peasants wero drnwned. Joun C. Bnosi, who is held at Sand wich, Ont, charged with forgery com- rrlttod In rittsburgu, ra., js to uu or tiadlted. Count Ma.uhice EstkuuazV, form orly Austrian Minister to thq Ytlon ai94 IB YlfBBi V Tim late tidal vato that swept oet Hie country mado Mlssourl'x delegation Iri Congress solidly -Democratic l.outs NAnniN, (t tratollfig man from St Louis, wont Into n Kansas City sa loon tho other morning and laid his overcoat on tho bar for a fow minutes Whon ho plckod It up again a pocket book containing S500 in notes had been removed froiri"nn "outsldo pocket Ho roportcd tho matter to tho police, and two mon who woro In tho saloon at tho tltno woro arrostcd. Ono of thorn, John Warren, a glass cuttor, confess"d that ho took tbo pockotbook, and nothing of valuo but tho notos bo cast them into tho stovo. John Ttmt.tNOTov, under sentence ot doath for tho murdor of Shorilf Cran- mer, rccontly escaped from tho ja'l nt lloonvlllo One evening bo secreted hlmS'jlf under tho bod ot Deputy Shorilf 'Nlcoldsdn In thd loivcr'ball Sjf tbo Jill' and whon, a short tlmo after supper, N'oolJson went Into tho ji 1 and up sta rs to nio ' every thing was all right Turlington il llberatt-ly walked out. .1. W. Waoxkii, ono of tho most promi nent undertakers In Kansas City, wbh arrested tho other day under an Indict ment by tho grand, jury for complicity In a recent daring gravo robbery at Uu on CDmetery In which tho bodies of a crippled white man and a colored man wore stolen for use In a medical college. Thero nro other indictments. 1 ho bodies wero taken from the graves very myster omly and tho next night wore returned In tho samo qulot, inyster.ous nianne Tjiu pona ty. upon conviction, is five yoars' impilsonin-nt. Tub other morning tho engine room of Hold's pickinz houso al Kansas City was tbo scene ot tho awful death ot Ernost Coo'c. Cook was employed as wiper In tho engine room, but on that morning was told to wh tewash tho wall In tho r -ar of thu immense twolv foot fly wheel, lie ere:ted a low o-if-fold and p'.ate I his huc.iots upon it, but had hardly begun work when ho list ills balanco and threw out bis anus to save himself. The result was that bo was caught In tho' machinery and mangled to death IIu leaves a family wo!l pro vided for, bis life being insured for 5,000. Tin: wlfo of 1) X Miteholl, a promi nent tanner liv ng near Marshlleld, In recently attempting lo extinguish a burnlngchlmney ot tbolr residence, fell from tho roof of tho bou-.o and recioved injuries which resulted in her death. Fun: in a Kansas City boarding houso tho other morning cut olf all exit by the doorways and stairs. A. S. Wood ruff jumpod from tho socond story and was badly Injured. Ho may dlo. Samuol Martin also jumpod from a second-story w.ndow and broke both anklo3. Goorgo Stover slid down a ropi from tho third story and dislocated an ankle. Tho other boarders wero roscucd from tho windows by the flromon. M.i:v Iihyan, aged 14 years, met with a horriblo death at tho homo of her mother in Higglnsvillo tho other day. Sho was tak ng ashes from a stovo when her dress caught lire. Xot notic ing th s sho wont out Into tho yard and In a few moments was wrapped in flames. Her cries for help attracted tho attention of tho family, but sho was so terribly burned that sho died in a short time. Tiibiib was an intorestlng sceno al Columbia tho othor day when tho last of tho Iloono County bonds woro burned. Tho debt was originally S4:W,000, of which S200.0JO was for tho construction of a railroad, 8153,000 for tlireo gravel roads and SS3.000 for tho purchase of tho agricultural farm. Tho dobtwas created in 1WI0 18I1S and 1S70, and tho people havo paid slno that timo in principal and interost nearly Sl,OJ0,00). Iloono County is now entirely froo from dolit. In tho case of Edison Gregg, tho St. Joseph grain brokor who was under in dictment at Chicago for tw ooo undor false pretenses from thn Board of Trado firm of W. F Johnson - Co., thn Stato's attornoy oltercd a nolle pros. Tho false protonces charged wero tho alloged misrepresentations of his finan cial standing for tho purpose oT securing crodlt Gregg was arrested in San Francisco, taken to Chicago and tried, tho jury disagreeing. The Missouri Pacific train from .Top- lln was fired into tho otl er night by WELCOME TO STANLEY. Tlio Ori-nt Alrlcin i:tplor.r OrrrtpU lit n Ltirtre iiiwl I'liftllleu ililc AiiiUmc lit tho Metropolitan Opci'it ltousp, Ni-w Vtirk, whern He Lectured lor tin- ItrliHIt l th Summit Cinivlrscelit lltiino of K,'W Nr.w Ymik, Nov. 12. A fashlonahlo suilloucu gatliored nt thn Metropolitan Opora-IIouso last evening lo listen to tho locturo of tho great African ex plorer, Henry M. Stanley, who was to tell of tho struggles of his two years' plungo Into tho depths of the Dark Continent Tho meeting Was opened by Mr. A. If. Defrec, who has managed the affair In tho Interost of tho. Summit Con valoscont Homo of Now Joi-soy, for whoso bonolH Mr. Stanloy gavo last night's lecture. Ho thon introduced Mr. Cliauncey M. Dcpow, wlio had consentod to Introduco Mr. .Stanley to tho gathering. Mr. Dop"W, who was received with applause, recalled lo tho audience Mr. jStanloyJs last .visit to Amorlca, somo throo years ago, whon ho visile 1 horo on a lecturing tour. It was at n dinner tablo In this city that Mr. Stanley re ceived a message calling hltn to Europe During tho last two years bo said, Mr. Stnnloy baa been lint suddenly, and suddenly an anthem of praise had as cended to heaven, when ho ruturnod with Ills offoris crowned with success. "Ho is hero to rosumo his locturo course," said Mr. Di-pcw, "and Mr. Stanley In that interval has given to tho world a continent for Christianity and civilization." Mr. Stanloy was roceived with long continued applause. Ho opened with a graphic drawing of tho groat and gloomy forests through which they had marched for 100 days, llo spoke of tho great height of tho trees; tbolr density of growth and tbo leafy vines, Tbo forest, which was dark at noonday, bo came dreadful in a storm. Tbo forest, tho tempest and tho darkness had pro duced their effects on tho minds of tho people with him. II" described bow rapturous tho men wero when thoy emerged from the great fo-ost. Hut thoy stopp-d to scowl at the denso woods they had left. Thero avo many inhabitants in tho region, but thoy rould bo clastod into tho tall In habitants and tho pigmies. Tho tall natives occupy tho clearings, tho pigmies aro found in groups in tho for ests. Tho different tribes of each aro distinguished by marks, somo having tattoo marks on their foreheads, and others on their chpuk. Tbolr jewelry Consists of crocrodilo, monkey or human tooth chiefly, and their dresi is a pleco of bark about four foot long and a fow Inches wido which they luck into a girdle. They have for weapons, spears, knives, batlln axes and sometimes swords. Tho pigmies aro nomadic. Tho largo in habitants ' build compact villages with ono principal street, which is generally filled with goals and fowl. Thoro aro novortheloss cannibals, but thoy do not food on their relatives or friends. During their journey thoy had capt urcU hundreds of natives who assisted them in directing thorn to banana groves and othor places for procuring food, but thoy roleased them after tho expedition had passed beyond tbo ter ritory of thoso they had captured as they woro thenceforth useless to thorn. Tbo pigmies who reached about up to a full grown man's waist, havo abundant food as well as thn larger na tives. Thoy havo many kinds ot fruits, somo of them as largo as watermelons. They catch elephants in pit-falls and other animals good for fool arc abund ant. Ill) considered theo people tho lowest of tho human race morally. Their gratitude is as short-lived as a bulldog's. Ono dav thoy caught a beautiful young queen, eighteen years old, but a pigmy. Sho was tho color of yellow ivory. Sho had a narrow girdle at tho waist with iron rings on it that looked like washers. Sho had ivory ringi on hor arms and ankles. She was used by ono of tbo party as a servant, and sho bccaino very docile and adept. On an other occasion their pigmies carried in another scout. Tho man was very pround and strutted around with dig nity. Thn woman carried a pack that would bold two bushels. Tho liov bo came a very industrious servant; a characteristic which is rare in Africa. Ho spoko of tho discovery of tho long- somo miscreant two miles south of But- lost Mountains of tho Moon, which roso lor. Tho conductor and tho porter re. putted that tho train bad been flrod Into four or fivo times at this point within tho last fow weeks. Tun other afternoon D. A. Greovor, an old settler and woll known stockman of Kansas City, was shot In a room on tho socond floor of tho Androws Hotel in that city by Charles C Ifford, a sporting man by profession, and who had been in town but a short timo. Greovor had not boon living with his wlfo for somo timo past owing to a dlvorco suit pond ing, and which Mrs. Groover Instituted two months ago. Ho had been stopping nt tho hotob Groovor's wound was thought to bo fatal, and in his stato mont to tbo coroner he declared that It was a caso of attempted blackmail; that Clifford's wlfo ontlcod him Into her room ond mado an outcry, whon Clifford ontorod through a window and shot him, Tho woman tolls an ontlroly diftoront story. Fiftv-six oount'cs outsldo ot Kansas City and St Louis gavo 0,820 majority azalnst tho Supromo Court amend ments. In Kansas City and St Louis tho amondraont received a majority ol ovor 30,000. Tho indications aro that tho amendment has boon adopted by 15,000 majority. . The population ot tho First Missouri district which oontalns tbo city ot St Louts, is as follows: St Louis, 401,057; Jofferson County, 22,452, an incroasoof 3,710; St Charlos County, 23,010, a de crease ot 150 St Louis County, 80,258, an incroasoof 4,370. Tho complato cen sus glvea Missouri a population ot 2,077, 080. yt. A. Ciiisiioi.m, a prominent business man of Moborly, fell doad on tho street tho other day whllo going homo front business. The Cooper County grand jury.indlct. rd Frank Huffman and IK r), Hlnes us being tho prlnclpnla in the OttoryiJl? Uanjrobhery, like two truncated cones, and tho Snow mountains, which In April had burst on their vlow, and hung for thrco days in view in a most pilucid atmosphere. II" hnrrlod rapidl." ovor tho journey to tho coast nt Zanzll ir, but dwelt upon tbolr subsequent difficulties thoro with Kmln Pasha. It was not until thoy ap proached tho coast, ho snld, that thoy learned of tho rivalry botwoon tho En glish and Germans o curry favor with tho Sultan of Zanzibar. Kmln was a Gorman and was influenced by bis countrymen. Thoy found that his gratltudowas not very deep. Ho had embraced tho members ot tlmlrsoxpa dltlon at' tho banquet given him at tho coast with apparent ulfcctlon and in going out fell over a balcony and was injured. Thoy wero not allowed to seo him at tho hospital. His subsequent incivility had boon fanned into hostility by his countrymen, Emln bad boon fourteen yea-s absent In Africa. Mr. Stanloy in conclusion spoke ol tho arrangements bot.veon England and Germany concerning tho country which had been brought about partly through his urgent demands for an understand ing. Ho roceived two or tlireo hundred persons after tho lecturo, and shook their hands Train-Wrecker nt Wnrk. New Yoiik. Nov. 12. A vicious at tempt was mado late Monday night lo wreck a train on tho Now York Central & Hudson River railroad at Ono Hun dred and Forty-first street. Somo per son or persons took n stout sapling and with pieces ot wlro-ropo tied tbo cult to tho oppostto rail and fastened It t-Q soeuroly that it.formcd a comploto ob struction. About midnight it- down freight struck tho obstruction and -th'i onglno was thrown from tho tricir. Uad not tho train beon moving slow ly, a loss ot life would certainly liayq folowod.