OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, June 25, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1903-06-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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' r '- p i V "i
'ii i.) L
a iu L. la
4. a i
ttf" f l"!T'"irr Y?l r?f! : "
uoixce . a Carriage Paints. $
" ' -
V ri
ivns I'ohIjAti: piyvntim.
Artvlco rrum MIoutl i:fil
merit Station. Nut Trt
too I.ntet to Sonr
n (loixl Crop.
The unprecedented ruin have de
stroy wlic.it, tyr, 'out and corn
in tunny localities of he i,i'.c, II
ii not )' I too Ute tu aecute a jjood
yield of sevtral valuable foraKo
ihrlr house chuck full of New, Fresh (ooU just
(rem the factory, in C5r kia.l loi . , It , will pay the
public to st-e there gods ami learn t! prices before -purchasing
fl.n'is here. ,'v!( W it jf f-. cialties are
mio cclchratsi GOODNOUGH SULKY;
PAINTS an other goods too numerous to
jffntion. Fle-ise call ami see v.6 iiio to fcflif.
No trouble to show good.-
Tvvonrw incmln n were lakcn in
to Cntil ) lV-t, N. to, (I. A.
K., Mt their ho-l iiLxlins;.
Mf. Liicmd.i NicIikI and Mk.
M. . A. T. dwell, of Panama, weir
in the city last Friday shuppitijr.
Jtscursion tivkrti no ale vi. lh
Mo. I'ncillo Uy. ti Colnimhi, Utitli,
it South I ).ikolrt, June let tuSrpt.
jotli iciiiiu limit Oct. ie f ire
plui tfnln tuimit tii.
--.. n . . "
arid pimn crop. winy evcmyi!e .
P tr.it the coin lMno-forhrc.il .M"- Mfl,y A- s w ho ,u,s
pUntrJ ir, the tte. There i. yet Nr" in tM,or ,,M,,h f',r ,0,,,e ,i,ne
! time to Hunt com, uml with n kv- ; 15 "i" rr.
tMEeuiioAKcuri.il l.ir yieUIpl cove.y.
gr.in. The following n.;ev.ion5 IIer (flnl,l' ' ,l,th ul
treitfere.1 t thii time to farmer j "er-
who failed to finish plamlog corn 1 Special ex-:u'isifn to Denver via
before the raim, and also to those J Mo. P.iciHc Ky. account Interna
whose crept have been destroyed.) tiunal convention I'niivd Society of
by washout, floods and overflow. I Christian Cndeavor July in to 10th
Jr i . .
rLANT CORN UPTO IL'LV 1st. , nnai rciurn limn vviiKusi 3111,
Farmer will be ured to try
many sort of new forage and grain
J I k 1 1 " " H '
1 K'
nsn;t u
.i eft hi t
SK'ITS, f VO.t H-..n t r'-'n a 1
h'iTt( l- il.-ic!il, i'i:l tr vi i I n C
I h.r I. Ic.ii 1mI 1! , c..l I 'M Ivi c J
I) '.! I fal i).fini-il buttc tn I ft ni f
1 J ruMIl bun r tin.intin: n. L
if '
SCK1 I' Hi N IV. I Sirm.tl.
:. M! all T-.
.n. i
s ill
"r." T WWII! T1
s 3-.--
Cured at Horn by a flew. Quick and Tltliablm Method. 1
-- ; rs r? H T)i(na nf"f aaa
V4 i AKIlift ) Iron thrStol
Crnr6 ry ypr Caorrh el thu trl
d4 liiroAl aefc'4U(4 Far, llroe&i. u4 ftton
rh ."-liLrrii. (itarh riuHf li-mmfnn
ru.1 )fa Ko'rVA. lr&cUtW Cwrbi lis to
As;bma aid ORAvNtfrdit. fctomcfc CrTi
Actiou, M,a u cak Jb Urn M tVMMjl tMi
Aft "fJFItA Curt S'ty Cr. . W.
"..hiMii Cily, Wo.. y: "For as inn I
tuSrml vna AlLa.a. and va uDifor work ot
T kind. Jiy hil and lunr aurpa e wllfc
akffawr, rji'I'ri at,.) roi:th:i oi aadnlabt,
ar4 I d hc.ilio lut Ubd 10 ail a a
ch'Air t;.!r.-T. in dtimEt m d K r-r a4ber
J MTt.-.l lr.t. Tl !!: Mfllfal lactt
tula urrxl ti.n. ant) I tf'n j rc rraiad tbes
lolbtu.fcia.citlwHliSIOaoiaA) FtVUL"
riT?f 0!SR tilKJsct anartroBia
HUliVUWii c.!npiinuiirlathoii
pTsipirim Vtsffm naUw ) lut Ua
nnt ct ret, riia ,
ItfTrr la all T f''m Tar Tttmrct will fl f
t'iftdtaf. Ii ci.r.rT r ftWppr4 hj uola to any
Mfcd aud aria.1it tuy briA perlcoL I eaa kea
r y .'o?rHil.Jt, a uhia wa 1r a4 a atam
T ).'.iif iy ualfa. i citd yoa Rim of rntnd
afict n! u 1 fcj. 1 iot?w pur tmineol wul
fun b-r. I vi., Ktaii oath ail I t-.ara a!i
f t '
? . 1.- f rt.ur tvr lWMttr Kncir.ean'l it
t ..ekt-.l w-,ti4w Id iny r t v c-f I
r , a r:- r mil an hotil wltt In i l-t of
t Vil I'JI f H-Jl tno n .l Oay 4 fei rpl Uj k w ukc V
Tito Sow rat ef f a vnvefH t-srlades all tlrW, a Ir!, -rLrlBmai
'a Tr?irtnnnn M'.r'.al lnstit'n Yifc wtevl In Kant CUT. Mo., It f., c4
curf i lJuU5.iid!u lfyoa rt inlSf-rti.t Inta if ;."t. rrJ, or Aihn. can r yc
f( eirTi A too-i Vrtaitjt of oar rufcrrfciot) irt'aiioni nd -rotirt al uocM, aat A'ftf, B.
4.; iurru m Touth rtuiwi I fn!rs la iti are- Ut nwn cautwa tnurti worr- a3 ioaa af happi
r i. Atfiir.a ciuw auf!erloif and P"or iteaHH. W t can cirs ail of the aw di at
touoy ao ixk &o etiauoa bul wriia uaf tur 1 UE tjuL.vo Ij.-Jilt tj Uwk.tt, Ataiiresa,
w(..,r"rf"?.:?vr.rt.. ICancao City, Taissourj
plants which are recommene.l to be
far better .than corn.' This Station j
advises all farmers to plant coin in
every case were the condition will
allow this to be done before July
lit. The most important factor in
securing a crop when .planteJ so
late, ia the itlection of , the riht
variety. Select hi every case that
variety of corn which will mature
earliest in your locality. Some ear
ly maturing varieties of corn that
can be recommended are Pride of
the Noith, Kiley'a Favorite Keid'i
Yellow Dent, and any variety of
Flint corn. Any one of the rarities
will yietd more grain or forage in
Missouri than almost any other for
age crop, if planted before July isl.
These varieties thould be planted
somewhat thicker thnn the varieties
usually prow in Missouri.
These crops are grown extensive
ly ever year in some section of Mis
souri. They yield a large
amouot of forage, and if planted
before the brst of July may also pro
duce a good yield of grain. The
best variety of surgham for Missouri
under the present late conditions is
the Early Amber. For bottom
lands we recommend the Early
Orange which stands up better.
This should be planted about three
or three and one-half feet apart.
The most practical way to plant
orgham is the ordinary corn planter
usins; the broom corn discs. It can
alto be planted wish a disc or thee
drill. On rich land it should always
be planted in rows. Kafir corn is
successfully grown, especially in
round trip.
(J. A. K. S.nFrancisco
5 or
the round trip vi the Mo. P. Ry.
Tickets on sale Aug. 5-1 4 . . Final
return limit October 15th, nop ov
ers allowed pniiiK "'' returning at
and wc&t of Colorado points.
5.3.50, round trip to St. Lonif,
Jdo. July iSth. Special excursion
tru'ti leaves Kith 11.11 al 10 p. m.
arrive at St. Loui 7 a. m. July tyth,
returning leaves St. Louis yto p.
it), same date.
1 , R. A. llAll-kV,
' Local Agent.
An Old :inMiiit.
IriinrCatanrat. Blltl. r4eurn;l. D)5ti. Iatcaili.
ur" bystntrry. f ltkris. Fns. bcmfnla. i'Kod Po'wa, far
ConM4aliit,a(l Dtacatcaoflfci heart. Strci. Liver. bowelaa6
UlintTS. (tr't Crvaur. Momp haik.CluS Ytri. fcili' DlMaM.
Cross tyt. aver IH tye. CaiaraU. Craaultui LbSs.
ITom Trmtmtn$ Vrm. Writ for Pir.ptom Llik CoaaulUUos f', SXUtMtftlUmt
1'vvu a Trninad EpaclaUc foe aaeb alaaf of d.aMc. Ont liiirty CpaiaUata winaawiMin tha
.!l.ip.u!.lc Uomaopathie. and Ecisetia Bcliooli of tiadtcina, ombinin tltalr akill vtaa iron
nrr on earh tadiTldoal eaaa. AU m.llrin furniahad, and at o ynnk aoaSttiaa aataevdlaary
. iK wuovd cbarga lor riti" prwii.ui ami x-uOjria yu V ti,a rtru aaura u baa t-m
at ,UUr own aaiwuaa. lir, ii u .11 uarriM-y c; wui Md a apaaiaUa (ml
v r.,n cj:i.ila of iivmuiaaT Kiauyitfaur muj oraiu auuwa au utafy.
,.,r-ar fa ri I It yon rrrr rrom
; . i i , r i ii.ii w.
V 4 (itat)DMa or Ii-
Rev. S. T. McCure of Topeka,
K.insas, ivjs in the city last Fiul.ty
and - took dinner with his (ornicr
clasii'inute, (ifo. P, Iluckeby.
Rev. McCIuie w;s a student in
ilanover College, Indiana, 1 it iSbo
'61, and '6j, and graduated from
that institution with his class-mase
in iiijj. , Out of a class of nine
graduates that year, all are liting
but one, and all are now past sixty
years of age.
; Rev. McCIure is in Ihe newspa
per vrk,,tind has been for ..many
year?, traveling in the interest of
The Interior, one of the leading pa
pers of the Picsbytcrian church,
published at Chicago. He is a
good man lor thi place, or any
place he has bren or may be called
upon to fill; faithful and true.
v.atM! an '. 1
' Mlaaiiitrl I'nriilc t'lnio Cnrtt..
NllllTII llOt'MII. MT. l.Ol'ti AMI K. f.
No. Idtuvva., .":;'." (i 111.
No. ".M Ia:ivea , K;" . ill.
No. "0 1a uvea 1. .
NO. 101 1 1.k 1) b:l"t a. 111.
WF-'T linl'Mi, l'T. wuTT K.X'I'll.SU
No. r.T IjenveM l.Ml p. tsi.
No. ;W Ivavoh ....r.:4Ti h. 111.
won imr.M',
No. Arrives .VSTi 11. 111.
No. "7 Arrlvei ...12.-'i p. m.
No. ,-" Arrives 10:11 p. in
No, 1"'! (I-'M'iil) "i p. in
KASIT l.or.VK ,FT. XCI1TT t f.STI(Al '
No. -".4 Arrives 11. ji. in
No. ! Arrives '.:" p. in
U. A. P.aii.kv, Ast.
Did you knov that for
Williamson &
v ho wll Lniiila-r, w 111 cell
you 11 (i.illoii of tli.
011 earth. ll'n ir.vi:A
TKI'.ll not to
Crack, Peel. Blister, Chalk
cr Rab elf.
Why jmy n b!. prti-' for
an Inferior pnlnt. v heu
ltr JI."J." you en 11 Kvt
the U'it paint made.
Ix-t iih ciiuvlnee y.m.
The American 1'iotccl.ve Tariff
League ot New Voik is early 111 the
liield for the caiv.p'gn of 1904. Re
alising that the percentage of new
voters may prove 11 be suliicitnt to
southwest Misiouri. and may be t jrn ,he ,c;t m st.vtla .tales. Tie
grown with profit in other sections
of the stale. For the production ot
grain, Kafir corn is to be selected
always in preference to sorgham.
The best varieties of Kafir corn are
red Kafir corn and the vvh'.te.
or lJlarawta
t i-j.;; ! l-y Iirunranen, or imh
( . ii rti'i i.a ia robl!') arnl da
. - 1 vl t- f.M niun.a . to
I '.-s..t auakM nwrWawl bil.r.
0 it,m rtf yrfm v imhI iuik
1 . . a hxa .rtTr-l our rWlH In ctinnc
1 : . ' l".Ha lr .iilU.tilnc sliti-
..: . of .-iLi!il.,- wtiu.oulaia ot ttou.a
I ' k'x'tf tiiw-, tnr, aau a.l
cw arant ta S aarcatV srtili SLa
4ULi4 iu. J-i UiIt uats mill en
! acui.d aui ait or lit tratioasl
.. III rots foa Dottiiacl Wa car Lost
1 tt iilioM, Ewulnal W artnaaa. 8parsa
t..'rt.r, lwnV. ai klU Varla-
tiL - tun'i ufriitft wwr ira lit I rl". Harlwm. autl aii urmm irt ataav. r
,.r 4tMur4 Uu-aiit II vonM basra ron i dtia'S ms rou a fwfby. nwtilMUua afl
I Jl.-i.-a, wa !. t-n i.roa our akill lu iJim fr 7 U-vu.r or u abtctiy axwaV
t A ltaa la auotUar way. dpuUai. t ail or wrfaa.
-,rTH nttM aro4 ar' aK'l mttrtmt: Ttia mori ..mlnU Pria a-.-r-
tq tla ait IM-al ) hiriinfl aiKOUt uritiir ftubUtv r
t:H Hr.il o ao ti.r ailtiiiitafc- lo i-.!.uit will u. V a Lava
r-ir..-i.t u. JM vi iJitt, iiiojtratu I rivava JKAa
tor mt alaa or V oiu.-u.
ti:e geel!:i-:;el,,c:: c::Tons,
811 Walnut Oil si's Old l'tu!tr. t At'SA'j CITY, MO.
S Uilica Uouia.Sa. n. So r- m. tutJ.)S. W a. ta, w I p. to.
; CM PtJ lto DHor. GUtti. la trtsl Lons4 Laratel A Retulsir Gndcati
? lit Mat ii ina. )vir 3 cara Sueci-I FrArfira.--24 Vara In Ltni Cltw
y.-sw jcitrnnnesra it mi m.t o irri a row if, itprvaaf. aaa ptparial
J Cutpl Kutrai!U-J r tuuury refunde!. A'l U.rlit m-j (u. uifcbrsl ready fur teB
j jliet 1rm jc I'vr.Rf ye. Ho in K- rami C O. i. uuiraa mr aay U su
i I anhoidcr. I harm U'W, Ovrr en tnt . i utrai. Mute vuut ra- -iwl a,i
.-wa ' icrma uuau'iiuv'ai auu cvua uam caoiU(iay Cat iy icur.
wcrainal Vreakness and
1. .it r . arnttkiltif ItrtMKB l-y ti--U. i-J
. n u: s nc, uu .tr. m& li.vt. ha um t Ins c,
riil Into-.llulht Isvaii, t-tiia mlhc t u,
, 'i.fu.rv, lUtttS atii fuf jtrlKiiii'a, 4,.l.lwl
; i , viiia4 lo 4A'H)rl -' ; t ,-vwrt,
.s" w-uiu.i, nr., tuiri lor ine. 1 rau
i ;.iK-t l', latsr acaiuil tKwn,
t .1 w ui 1 bulu jrr, cnUte auJ at i rtint
' a -rc. t-ai iui sualvc u lit lt iLiaiiur.
! T ? ? Ihallcrri l 4.Jraf. ! H
, I iJf .Hma ai i fetu-a, .uiri
'..i-jj HBiUiar ktu lysatcaitc, L Una.
' i ' o,i i,, f .ira. t i.o'it (-, J Olcrl, and
. 1 t -i tit ii i-n.n'a iiaoaaA V"-1'1 -cJ
frirfTTTf ditolIy Witavrt th
UUlCIU.ly u i inatiutaCDta. aV lew
and infallible ii wit lrr.imcoi Nofaalaai.i
r 4v-..U'i. N itricaiii a fioiu buaaca.
i htmwsitaa fiutI. A fcuAiruI cut (ur
auf-cvit.r i'i.i.rf rrlumWi. bo4 atauia f.j
U wk, m niivti lully ci jiaiiu tiiia diaeaaa.
V a r i c o c e 1 c-.:",,;Ti..?:rr!
vinta tlrtrihty, ft ua vl () ariual aa&Xiu,
r'1., artiLauabtly tuie4 M.lMut aiii.
Hydrocele. .5 1U0-
P h rn n e. ! i.-rurj 1. 1 Urn
iLya w.lhoul paio.
f f If 'r bolB arara Ml -Ka JT pVv
a--" lulvaliuato IU. ail 11 lull dra-
trlHlua ct al--r iljrivi (!va adecu aad
"fc aaut aaaiad ta (a' OrayK
Cowpeas have been grown succet
fully in every section of the state of
Misouri. The best limp for planting
them is from the fifteenth of June
to the first of July, They can be
planted as late as the middle of July.
The yield ot hay from cowpeas
planted on good soil, are from one
and a half to three tons per acie.
This hay is valuable as clover hay
for all purposes of feeding. The
best varieties for Missouri ate Clay I
and Whippoorwill for hay, and tiie
New F.ra. Warren's Extra EaiIv,
and Rep Kipper for grain. If cow
pca aie planted immediately it will
be possible to cut them for hay dur
ing the last sseek of September and
by discing the ground thoroughly,
put it in splendcd condition for
Tt is nop f itrnistiea uue of the
the inot valuable grains fr feeding
purposes that can be produk.nl on
the avciage Missouri farm. The
yieald of Soy Brans ia from tuven'.v
to thiitv bushels per acrr. Thrv
Le.igue has mailed its me.nbeis and
connections iup.iiry card asking
names and addis.es of oung men
who will, next vear, cast their first
vote at a pieMdetitial election. Re
plies to these card aie coming in
by the hundreds in eveiy mail, and
The League is rapidly accumulating
an immense list of names to which
it v II send literature of the sort cal
culated ti inform young electors as
to the merits of the questions do, id
ing the two pohtcal parlies.
hi li t elve lutelliyeul Aluerh iin
rl'l.rllM Well kiuiw il and reHMctel III
the ciii.iniuiilty lis Vt hl h they re-ide.
and w Uim n imitation for truth nud
ver.ielt.v Ix iinUeHtlon.illeiiet i j.ir-
or nud pa upon iit-uliji t vv hleh
they hava thorounlily Invexi liited
nud render il verdlrl without one
dirweiit Ina; Volte, tltere U little duulit
lt.it their Jildifineiit mid iltvUlull enii
ln r-lled up. Hi. Sliell U'Ink the eiliM'
tin- iifllleted nru Invited to iiiriv-
mii! with the -eiitl men vvIhm
iiameM nre lieriaul)iiltted hji they
lire In it puoltliui to Know whereof
tltey o (iW. h'tvlnn Imm ii cured liylhe
riiiMii Ain. i Iran stnfTot I'd VNlelmia
niiil Nunreuim ot 71- Wi-lmit fstrret
Kni.Miia (It y. Mo. J.J. il.uai.il. ill.
Miiinr, Kan Hernfinliiio.t'al.; Frntik
Kul-in oii. Mayor, ' uuvvood, I.T.;
Cin be planted i'i June at the t(1,e J-A !it ifrle.l. ( Ity Tr.-MHi.rer. S n
l tl . I li.. -i-i '( t'l'H. N. V.; I'.efl .1. S'Ot, Sv
Of ball a bushel per ncie.- I hrv ,, ,, . . ,
llnrmn I oal ( o., li'.iri.ia. Ark.; Join
ra ai? la atari and ai
'.,...'ud...t.M t Pumper -ra
S i - N 1 tlU'.l.l. ftl.lvvl.1. C..U:B t " ' " " l"" '
:-' . iu'ii". ti-a'sv,!,.. ;":;.7 I ,.ar l l
! VjB.lur- I i.i. rl, , II l I , ,. .., I J. 1, I
I j.'i . u., , 'tr If
.- , . ,..j.. a an r. . . ;f
' 1 l"y ...a.ld a ';j i
jf , tiaa Sim U t: ( j w . A-w
b ';'Uk w--' - -
should be planted in drtlls nbout J j .
ihu-e fret apait. Tl ey cai be har
vested by pasturing w ith bi.ja - or
they may be pastured with other an
idialt, or they may be harvestrd for
their piam.
Lveiy l.liutl who has Jaiid thai
has not been plano.it on account tf
the ircent rains, ahuuhl pUn to
put in some f the crops .uol
ed above. It is not at i.'.l m-irssitv
that the land should be i.lle, hh.I
Missouri may jet produce a in..i.
mum crop. 'Ihebiatioii will upon
application gladly y.ve more dr'n.l
el inf ;i malioil iraidnig iht.' pio
Needles Sbtiltla, ftandt and Oil.
e Pay, fi ll in ei lijuii' n( roli.l lin lei
I ooiN, e lire hole j.ri. la loi' tin
New Home. M m liar Mm l.inra
mulrarrs- n( tjii lmienta for all nut
eliltien. l''uriiliiiretS'fiiilHl.e.l. i o uisii
AMI NIIIVK l I'AtlllM) A rl'lllll.ll.
la -Xa JI1W1 V CM.
K It k liuitititur. North 4.4 1 St.
Kiel! Illll, . . SMlNNOIIll
Ami MmitiliM lurrr tit
' riunlly Kemedlea. t :
IImvi- oii ii l oH ili or are .tn'i.-r'n,:
fi i .lo a i oM .' If vo I ry l'r . li.n pa
t'ol ii!l AMI MMi lll'Mi:iY.
If Jon i. iv Iroiil.lYd tvWh indt;;' tl Ml
or Hoiii.-n h t rotil.le ,
J Kliil StJ ii ...
for till palisK and in In i ply
j 1ii m b stid Yi iiinlleH tiiHe Ittt'd
otbera, tin y w lit i iire.vou. Try lin n..
nmcrlcnV PITCtTF Hcpublican
. ULaJa Paper.
Editorially! Fearless. Y I ' '
Conslstenlly Republican Always.
New from rill porta of the world. W ell writ t !, oriuliml . v
utot lea. Antter to iin-rlea on, All f-ubjn ff Attleh M oil
Henlth. tbi 'Jlloirie, New liooka, nnd oi Wot k Al.out the
Knrm'niid tinrden.
Thk I.vtkh CK kan Ik n liieinht-r f the Assmiated Pre
niul lo la the onle tVttern tieWspnir iiHi-lvint; the i-ntiin
teli Kraphie Hew n ai-rv of tiie New Vl'tk .iiie ro d pshil .
enl.le of the New York World, i.l.h liuHy" ivfoi ih ir-un . ,
over'.rKI ;pis l.i) eorn i poiiili tiia tl ioi:kI'oiU the eoiintry.
No.in en.i te iiiorc fully wlijlr lx ihe t;t-M on earth.
52-Twelve Page Papersi-QncPpllr.T a Year
Itrintful of Newa front everj where urn)
a perlctrt fetiat cr )i iul mutter . .
Nui.Hsriu;fr Tin; kk.m iiii.i, 'l itiid Nt:
ami Tin; i:i:ki.y istf.u ou:n ....
jenr, j
Both Papers One Year For1 pnlyj$l.G0.
Williamson &
Ma pin St.,
I let Wet
S Montgomery
' s ;
. , . -;.a..lil.
Ucau I t SS.k aad WraJ.U Sta.
j.TAi.iaHftO iaaa
Or.-snlr-1 we.a a full a'.ult of r!"''"'l,n 4
nir-r.n. I n-riimriliill l troi lo Uiaaaana,
frt.Or a&OBI (or avciB.icolaUoa it aural.
..rAaY Crrtttemt W id with
Situ m4 Sm. ..i. Imtff . ajM .
Wall riu!rt"d to ti diaeaara of om,s
Many a '.a I a .fl-tr. l..r ..ra ctiJ at
ba;c. Si-C.4l tMV.K ur auavs I Klk
Train! AliandaBl. Bal lavatls" Raa
IbiS W rat. l.liy tli I (BiuU.aa.
A nuli-t aoul for "otsta d irls( roaCEinf at,
svaire o rail aoox on
riuD Fri-t. CurTatbrsofl l.i. Ej. RlB,
Pj''io. Hara I.M. I I mSi. ay, llialilar,
t ).ii.pr, I'atArrh. I IU(Mvdan i
Momwtt Troublra, I Krrt ua Oltnaara.
FILES. rUeaU-CBr raltlraly CaaraBtMa.
HiAa tmift. litmturt ar Uit. A B.0
..rlk aa.i.aa. t wit.
Radically Car I. Taa Pay ''r fwalilrt
CuarauU-. fetad fo. -ra.al iKtU tkio.
Siaw r-atofBII. tro?iM fnr teMl tl Vltil
t'ootr, II j lituoria, l(uiWia, bUictuta, t'.a,
Alt paranna rtirolrd ariornwd laaianr rr'
trod a.MMnd km.- aikal raa t-din .y f.roM.
r.alNil,i ..Iff Ul CMI hlrtal AOraUv.
ld Ul crti.icHt a ti I air, a Bt taa muiui iwiav
I'atn-n l a a'iirf.f ul'r trid al tirm tf
rn'L Calialia tr and roai:.l.t.til. al
t,ioilji,u(. Tkirir yart itiifa
ItlnatrslKl Pok Krr. ririn wb ta.uabi
utlu.ualion. l i! at T, a ur wrua to
). ilW.J.i.i.. KAK34JCITT.K0.
Clubbing Rates.
We offer the following rates to
those who wish to bupply them
selves with reading matter for
the year:
S s
tO VfARf
f EXPf rtlEaiCK
I. u
in ul. Prominent 'at I leiuan. KIiih-
le.V. Ivan.; Jimepll A. J-'li.it, Sllpt
Water vVorki, San lle-i. t al ; J. I,
Met'arlhv, Wholexale Aueiit IleiiuN
lirvwlni; t o., i'erry, T.; A. l
Will' I roll, lliief I il.' IVpal't III. lit,
li lill l. Kan : Jam.- I'.ikI Lie, Supl.
Illll tile Ky , !) an J.iao, t'al.: I'. -li
J. M'Jlli-.l, Merellrll , Molliid Idde,
Khii : Sl.i A. li.vli. Prouiiai iil
I nriuer, II. ". I). rawiu-e, III;
t 'haa. l. tiiiri', wi ll i. in u t'at tl'-niaii
niiil Htivl. ialr, l.alt, Utiii. Tiie
nmjorlly o! Uio- v. In me ii.Hii.-K lire
tlven wen- tiealed ly rorre-poii-il.-i.ii-.
If. von are li k, niul your em
U Hot loo roliipli.-.ili .1, Jul tiketvliw
van U iii iio-l i home, (ier mak
ing a t horoiluh In i eel !it : . i i of I he
duclioil of any tie ot IM se tl op. I ,,r-.' I.iIuik, W rile I In .a ii. cm ted
F. R. MlSHCHP, 1 1 ol.Hili-111 e Mil IMIO n.i veil iiUloryof
) oiirea-. '1 he ii;e w 111 U- pa d
Upon liy tliilr r.xaiiiliiinu Hoard
w hio-e opinion will U lorw anl"i lo
you In n plain walel i-iit el'ipti free of
c hill '0
AciiK Dure. or.
Road The Tribune
r-s .
t . a t Biunsi
r 1 CofvmoHTt) 4c
is. i-rm a-nrtwif a altalri, atcj rlimr'ftoin ra
Hot.-fcle sHarl.il (.( ,(.ini..n frvsj tl whef
I. iv !( ... tm )r-liir f sirt.t J la .. niu
l r,- t fti.tl.VfM til. ) iatitt !- kAi t'aliUL
en tr. ti4il.t avr-r tH va -tarii'i' l-Jt''.
')"( las-A't, it.n.iu't. JUutin A l u. I.vif
t,. lM t-rl, ft It fi Hit 4 '"sry. W tL
Scientific flmcrlcaa.
A h'ti-lv-aif tiitimt(4 wr. 1 argnat ttf
rH'-ti.oi tif t.tvhiitjf )miM.I. Ir'H t. i
fi-- . i mr tiM-t t.a. i, )U4 Uj.l TB.u-;0ri
KUKmo.""- New York
:AND:r -
Kntixn City W-kly Journal,. . fl.li
Kittmii (itr Itali.vJoiirn.il...' .... 4
Knmuta tlty Weekly Shir- . ... I l",
Karimia 1ty la!v Star ""... ..T . " . .7... . iw
KmiMia (1ty Iail; World , ; 01
St. laiuii, Tm i e-a- W,i-W s;1oImi.J-iim rnt I ,Vi
St. IfOliU 'l'v i. e a V is k Kepn I. lie ... J ..V.
St. lamia Iily ilolm-I d-iiioi rit i',.;xi
St. I.ou! lt.iily lU'pul.lie 6 i
M. lauiU ImSly tlironU le ,". 1
t'hlerlo WieKly I HOT t teenii ) Ja
Toleilo blade.... 1
LiveS(iU Indicator, Poullry I"ariin r and Farm
era' Institute, all for 1
Iiidianapolia Sentinel I.Ua
The la-ltiieator , .."
Sueceaa ;
frtt.-rloii 1.7;,
t'onkey'a Mauarlne ..,
Wo will save you money on any
Newspaper or Magazine published
in the United States. Address or call
Rich Hill, :: Missouri.
1 . j 1 -I 1 a til w
.a-.. U Ul'.
vara tf IM
t!. .
F -l,l t
P S.f S,( i.ltr lb .
aial lw t-ti--
cof t Koh nil r
i w v. v. U L j w v i
a ' .
tr.at It'ts'tt ..t,t 1 . -. f-i4
Hsi . 1 i. .. .-r t. . .,- U, i .. .!-..
t r o- s V' 1 II a. I . 1 t keaa i-if . ft i 1 - a
. .lib i.,1..- i
L'SaaTitS' 3 'ttiS
Kansas City Soiilheni Railway
"Straliibt Crow Mka" . F
rsatNi3 Tauouuii'A oucATr.3 r.rvt.:-'.mf cr climate. .1
: VluB Vi UIOJ, Oii IT.l l..sv.Til.
A1t It linn era li.n llii.-.t Ian.' , :.! J f -r mmi'H ferio't rrnln, rrn, Pr,
CHbrri; I. -r 1. "Iiikh'I. u l a . . .in a . 1 1--. ii 'T !.a, i. .r t: .i. r ( . u n ai ! I- rr
f ir r.aiil rt-r. U.l oil . .1 . .1..1.1, I h.i: I-i a 1 k " r I I tu- k r.f..; I. r
auirar uai and ri.-i' -..tt. ai Ui 1 : f..r ui r tiii'.i u.i.ril r r..ti" - Ik.'-m-h
tnuuia, vailio, Ui,ito i. iK.i',ry an. I Ai:.; 'ti R .ai 1, m, j i 1. . lauga tn-iu
iolari-nly-flrr) il-.llararir CK.ru l-inn, ('lira r nmr.il -Irt iv li..tiiiw kra bihI
ia r- I....I t I.. I.i H i.i) a.- I. l'r a rut ti.irt 'J i..ir ml,.) UaiuiU.
W.ui l .f iiu' ifiil ' . I ..l.M' l. VI. .S i -," 17
TrtU ratofc-r I NH 1x
J. M
MO"ia)i TV. A. AUT.,
n.n.iia tin, atu.
6. WiM, C. P. tsgT, A.,
A A K bat m ntV
r. C. hoc atiH, Tav. faaa. a.o imki n aot., r.as. t.T. mo.
lirJe Print
Lotter Heads, Note Heads.
Envelopos and Bill Heads,
Statements, Salo Bills, etc.

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