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TFT raa- "-y mr - if J) 1 1 urn L i ii aii'O Jul u y n 4 ILL Li 3 UICIJ OXLL, MISSOUIl!, T UUiiv OAT, JULY O, ISK)3. TL'JIGE EUERY L'JEEIt THE ST. LOUIS U.e Great Newspaper of the World Oim DOLLAH A YEAR Alimwt (M)tial o uPallr at the prioe if a M'wklr. The luteet t-k'(rr'lic m-w from all the World frcry Tuein.v ami Fri'lny. Kuil and corrr-ct Market KojKirt. A errvat vnrU-ly of tnterretlnjr hii.1 Instructive reading matiii-r for eriry mernln'r of the fiimlly. L'nequitll as Newspaper mi.J Mom" Jtitirnnl. Two papers every w wk, One iKtllar alYear .SAMI'Lh (X)l'lES I'ilEE. DAILY GLODE-DEnOCnnT Hu no fHpiol or rlml anions Western New poj'r, and ought to te In the hand t ever? rvadrr of ANY dally pntier. I PRICE BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID , Dally, Including I Dally, 'Without Suuday Sunday, j (Sunday. Edition. )iu?Ywr ffi.00 0:e Year H,w 4S to CO Pag'-n tiMontlm n.fx C Months I2.00 Oiie.Tenr 2.00 S Months 11.30 j 3 Mouth fl.00 Month $1.00 The Great TJorld's Fair Wllllte ImM at St IjOuU In law, and tUt) grvAtct St. Ixiula iicwajMirMT vISl lf InilUiwoalM durltin t he coming yrar. Kulwcriue U-liy. THE GLOBE PniHTinC CO. St Louis, tlo .10 cts0 a ffleek. The Kansas City Star (Evening) The Kansas City Times (Morning) AND The Kansas City Sunday Star, 13 Complete fcwspa pers a eek 3 DELIVERED BY CARRIERS OR SENT BY MAIL POSTAGE PREPAID, 10 6EE3TS A MEEK. Subscribers failing to receive Morn Evening or Sunday Editions promptly by carrier or by mail should report the fact to THE KAHSAS CITY STAR, KANHAH CITY, MINMOUHI. All ADUERTISEriEriT IN THE results. Our testily to tho accuracy of this statement. Got our rates. Needed In ETry Horn THE NEW AND INLAKGE.D COITION or WEBSTER'S IirrnmiATioiiAL Dictionary a rtiH..e af INCMtN. rtraib r,uarah f, I ltia. New rialee- Thrawghewt 25.000 Now Words rhree aad Dafialttan I'lvpart-.! tiii'lif ll lfil "pT virjMt i t W. T. K.!S. fkl), Lt-D, I nllcl h:ale t tan m iMioiier 1 ralioii. aill I J a lr- iiiiul nnn jvteiil wiaJl ai'il a-lilur. a.lcb aMnti 4 Qatna Pas SdWS lilvtrll0a I tvT7 a JnUruaUoKiil tr tt Hrflttsurn Nhrmilwxil wwl tvKr I ml f,. I t t ltttt .! Wabater'a I xtt!arr "t'ttt U "l"r: (M.'4jnit ' ' CIO Of ! rS. J.tSC.MERMArlCO.f . . I r ' C; rl. Sna!.5. Mill. X ' "ON Ltf ivmshJ V lf iagtMsat Ibc Great Rcputncan Feptr cf A&icrlc- QOE-DEPaOGRAT TRIBUNE gets advertisers will a.pwni'lr ttlXAtft I' S aHl rtfrtra L-". imm. j-m -mi .Jitl t 7 -ttrr,! T uj UnwlW. .. Ik W tt ttej J Ittva-WtM H lwiiarwf" a its U. ;Oppo latent Uttit. l WASHINGTON D. C llotue Workers lxcuraloiia. On March 3 and 17, Aptil 7 atxl ai, May s and 10, June a 16 and 3S we will veil home srtkcit ex cursi3n tickets to the toilaMing stales and tetiitoiics at tme fate t-lus $j.oo for the round iiip. rinal c tuib limit at tla a fiom Jateoi sale: Alabama, Ationa, Aikamas voiuia.ii, 1 loiK'a. iicoi 1. iittiian TtMilor)-, Kai)a, I-twa, Krtiturky Louisiana, MkIuhh, Minnoola M inM'pi, MiHMxiii, ,Nlij.ka rtvv wtiuo, .itih U'!ix, it)a ottth 1. aroltna South lkis, Tctsncce. Tnat I'tah, Viitii. 'icimiiii. Who ntit'i;. fvir our Ui jlus $i i.k (Nt the loiiiui Ii ml K, A, Uaihv, Att, SU. . t 1 . V Cupid Oraduat la dare I groped la th Satkft Of lmrfMi dreary an.l 4m1, And tn4 o aat Hadlay ana Harka fctowed aaftir awar- to bit bead; When qur and cut root grew arense tn. And tanele-4 my !bway to -hol. Ton cam ttk an bhH. and round m And loved me foul. Tou helped In fh herd entijuxatlnr, To lova waa the. verb I knrw beet: Ton autved l the borrtd equations That bur.lme.1 hit bratn with unmt: Aad when roe erannr,liabd all thla. you Wer MtttfWd iiiri. at itee. If I would but bend down aad kle you, Yoar lover and dunce. I wa not exactly the chap to Craw famous In cnw. and ret f learned quite a murk a one' apt to. And nniehed without a rerret; Then back eame your bachelor tuM - I wr rirl. X bad rtn aenee, ymi 9 -And took a courta rlren ty Cupid, And won bla dt-ar! Fella Cannes, la Smart tkL A Primitive Automebila. While It i a matter of history that the first . krasoolive made aisd ron la England was a t&iill model of aa ordi nary road looomoMte eonatructed la 1174 by Winiaia Uurdock, It ia prob- Flrat Leeemetlve Mad la England, ably' little known that UtU original acclo la atlll la exlatetK. The little loootnoUre la about 14 lnchee high aad 1 Inchea tons, with a wldih over the driTinc wheels of T lncbea. The ao oexed rprodaetlon of a recent photo graph of It illuatratea ltd makeup Tery clearly. There la an obloaj ttoard, atotinted cpoa three wbeela. with two driving wboela at the rear attached to a crank axle, and one ateerlng wheel In front arranged under the board, and ' running- tn a awWelUng raa be. set by a tiller i fork, which handle a bora. Behind the driving wbeela la the boiler, which la a rec tangular vesaet, 3S lnthea high. 4S lncbea long, and 3X inchea wide, made of copper. Through the bo!r a flue paaae obliQuely, contracting from a clreuhu- cbembar fvfBJing the C re box to a email fonnai In the lop ef the bolter, which aertva to carry off the product of ronbuattoa from a tpiiit lamp arraoKed to bum within the Art box. Tbe iteara cylinder of the eocla la awunted on the top of (he botier and the lower pat paaaea lau it, and la urroundd by alcana. The ptaton rod p epward, aad la attached to the end u( vl -rat lug bean, which paaaea to th front of tbe carriage and la plroted la an aprtght piUar. Tbe diameter of the ptaton ta 4 Inch, and the length of ita atroke hi t lncbea. Aa tbe ptaton uoe op aad down. It cauvre the beam to ro tate the drtTlug wbeela by mean of a connecting rod attached to the crank axle. A leadaa weight la placed above tbe iteerltig wbett to balance tbe ma chine, and to prevent it tipping over when water is In the boiler. Caaaier'a Megaxlne. Jeffaraen'a tundiat. Tbt'inas Jefferson is said to ftave made this sundial, which has just been found la Virginia TM family la Incorporated. The Fairbanks Ksmiljr tf Auiirica (lnrorNraled I I one of th latest or- ganinaiUins aakliig f r a charter. Tha ol)icts tf the society are to collect and compile historical record of the c!an Faiilka, to told prvie.rty, to preserve objevis vf lntrrt to the fatnlly, and to promote ejucatloa of lla memlHTa la sublets relating to tbe family history. Tbe Srst Kalrbanka to take ep aa abode ta tbla eoutinent waa Jonathan, but the tribe baa Iwa proUSa, ac4 alout 4 h Aaiei itan fauiltMs hate ilranded troto him to rrluie tn rai'.sl auklde bullalalco. In A ur "ft last a family reunion aa held at the talrbauka bomesUvd ia IW-dhara. V1as. and one of Its resuita aa the ltsnHraiioa tweut'y a.kiii tf a charter. The li-a of tte clety Is to purchase t! IVdbattt prvip rrtr and provide t r an auoual In come eurficient to mainlain It as Fairbanks hea Jvj-jartt r, Cash ef th Long Age. lineal dou-emUnt 4 th bronte axe of remote CeiewUal anrvttors are the little fcteaa rah, ll t'tila coins. Here Is hue tM curious peli gire Brat worked )(n l out. la the wirly timf, lf--r vm was trt4. Ivari.r ua'ly cui.ljv-ifj li e pnxtiKs-r attd ei-umer wlik .(U Imi-i. inf 1. a It still la ta lYulral Ad ii a at th ftearM y. At fist tie t-kte ta tal wfptM-.t4 k;e Wel Ol'.tetit t'l U.e Hal ha'.iLvta l! 1 o'lnineri ll puiie. tut a'r a luue a'th vii.'j..i.4 Uirvht,l j.-;,it J t-cj: U fei.v:i4 U of ttem wlew a taa i. wasted talf a taiit worti c guoata . wir' t aa wall Ar f r ihrrm w'- half a bat''t- Aa it cmI4 b a p''.T to apoll Jrl ,?Mrg ftr.plwnar.t fcf ciitUuc it in tao. Ii worthy a ffia lECaolous'y or.ic;'r"tJi!-d tic aaaftav ly itaklc tbla tau l;; of ti asoat ilia and bur, far Vm ale&daa tut prartlral nair. ty an t rptatrd eola, and. what ia more, ta ! ent4 It far er1.)er ttaa lb talta acta to that proul dle'.Jurtkin, the Lydiaaa. whot-c e'.-truoa tiezt war Brat atrark Is ti oTfu(wo;h ea lury B. C. The Queer Chinaman. 111a left band ta the piece of boser. H tardea a pig lntad of driving him. He whltena lactead of blackt-na fala ahoea, Ilia tavortte preett t a parent la a raffia. 1! aaya aixtba-four tr.ilead of four ',nt,. He keep oot of step In walking with other. He abakea hi own banda instead of his friend'e. He put on bla bat ta aaluta tion when be takea It off. He ridea wl'.h bia Leela Instead of his toea la the atirnrps. He fit-era it polite to aak a caevol raJiera aga and iaooaaa. Ula Icdc Luilt are not a alra of dlrtl neaa but respectability. Hie rlaiUnf card ia eight aad eostlmew thirty iachea long. He often throw a away the fruit of tbe melon and eata tbe aeL HI merlu often bring a title aot to til D)elf btt to bla aneeetora. Ula wotuea folk are oftea aeea la trouaera acconn panted by moa ta gowna. His compass points aoata, axd h epeaka of weal-aorta Instead of north -werL He doea not conaider it clumsy but courteous to take both hands to offer a cop of tea. la the Uont ef the Moon, ft Is not a! ears realized that ia the light of the moon colore are Tery greatly altered. They are not mere ly darkened, but changed altogether. Sir William Abney. writing on this aubjert ia TbMigTapfcy after ex plaining the aailre of the aiteratioa aad bow it may be tBeasored ecientit rally, taya. "Arfcirts give mooalight pictures a prevalUrg tone of gree. but nearly alwaya crare white la so ne wt ere to be aeevr ta them. .As a mat ter of fact, tho white should have a alight touch of green wit a It to glva the proper effect. Poets, too. are sot aiwara exact ia their descriptions. Blood aeen ia moonlight woala be black, and the taoonllgbt ahtnlag throngh the painted window of a church would Ulcmlaate the Oner with a grey light, except where the re4 hPPf4 to be. and there, a US4MJI cdwiajn WWWJU W lUUwl, Reltgieua Masks. "CO Worn by Hindu priests during Ua preaalv ceremontea. Waive Afraid ef M ... An incident Juat resorted from Sutt via Cofcsi&utlnople proves that music frightens wolvee. The sauaa claaa returning ta their village trett a wedding larty were overtaken by a anowslorm, and sought refage ta a deserted mill. They were ju get ting comfortable when they saw a number of wolves run la their ddree tloo. For a mode of delei e oae ol the wen be an playing on bia iaatrae suwut, and the others Joined bins. Tbf (CiUSlo so Ivrr Ced tV anlaaaia that they attempted to run away, aad aa tbe 4 jot a rWwed they begaa 6gkt Uti. iM'verel of them were tera Xi piecta. the aurvlvor evetliiianr Irs throiich a bole la the wail, fae Incident ia vmtohed for b the Oo eraauent Uaaette of S.vas, aprttin la Italy. A curious tale of aupersuuoa coat from Italy, la a village near atl'a there eaa gotalp of .hits being aeea at ftiKht, and a youog man waa saa- wuj vl posarwuing" the power la lhui by on a truaukoe. Tfce other iy h wa ruel carrytag) Ul ttxnbx'ae by a number of peaa acla. a bo d n.anucj Cat he aaould give them ou thi tpv-t a bauiple -t his mlia-uUus powers The pxr felioer ilcu.'! tbat h rutlJ is ee aptrite. The MNaAoiS. fully belie tug tfeat be could. ai-J Ciirase-l at bis seetcltg oh suua. y. attacked him with slicks, aad so aeverely injured btu that he died. Hi Name a Hand. cap. The king f Uret- ha aa Si4 de cs mp wko ftm-w Is the kSBte f palluian'.o;i'.ie. la the urdtnary coutae of tlilt-r. tli gai;ant coknel would accn;iny tit lielM-ete sna Jwtt on hi ttavl abroad every sum tuer, but hi came wa found to lei' a train of dltlixated s tn tbe rvi'Si ak: moreover, lt was charged as two wotda in tew grama, sad ess mutilated by Iv'.earkpt.Wl be)id all ref,r.ltlii; o te is tow le.'l at hoffl and a Vvia it tkc name i f Tkia take hi 'ae tn suendacee t'O sag l'.iifi i n k annual vimta to Al lea Italrs al Tsri Wh 0nnt trea. Ol. i f the M..'l rvmai taiile s'xkta in tiie 'ill 1 i'ri ! ail. la a.mlfe. ft f i-t.'a. for tt rr.i-n tfeat driag; .. uuiC'.Cia ( the rai it Is l:liaav vurril iia sKnn Kv4 a tvi. of .-!v 1, a I li b vea u.iiSer. ly !.iir i'cr U'j; ' if kvui'. uut HO'al .1. at J ttJ SIX' J ii. u vk v ii tl.el U t.a4 eae r..' j '.. 1 1 e a 1.0 t i s t t' ' .t is vl ata-a t t.xf t Ii'!.-f.a, l-y t "aiAa. C. Ik.:) Amrncsn l"c!k Ixrt ta Js'.i artt rkh in many hf vta lrmd. o'.ra coiifsining ta eiement of truth liat is fortilde. We hxve (.-ot m rrinj years in giomj know!tiJr cflLe legends f Rotoc, Greece, Jfcrrl Old England, the ra'"aeti, V!e, Scot'ao-l ao.1 Ireland. lcctinj wir own hi,b are maiked vitb diuinct (jual.ts Amcr'iCafl originality in invention. UKtitDCr THE laotAX a-UKlCXX. WaLebois was fcirh up ir it ! fceavens. Tbe w.biie bird i ta tbe hey-dj of bis glory. (Ht wi t ' tbe symbol of tbe son-rod, Vak bon) aod tbe Mantto nxuled srverj ail the im'nrtr rvl k er IIjt.,!. .. .... - - ed at tbe corn, it mu):ed ia fell grown kerfycls ol roit'T bnes; trpon tbe beat and lipped it witbjoJd; open tie erssset and they waved their aaucy beads .and smiled back at t!ie fat, lars- sun-god. When be fretted, be crew a cer tain of heavy fray over tbe axure ' sky i tht air was U Jen with tbe ele ment of discomfort; tbe water coa geiled in round bard balls, with which be pelted the crops as a spoiled cbiid, tbe earth was covered with dtbris and rnia thus wrought. When be smiled tbe a zone sky was resplendent with beauty, tbe air balmy and bracing; tbe crops sang a fugue of marvellous sweet nets, as tbe winds of s-urmrr.eT go aoujrninjr tbrosgh the fields making each leaf and stalk a chord in the great harp of nature, filling oar ears with tbe melodies. Tbe gTain was garnered, tbe fruits matured, stored away for ase; tbe meadows peaceful ; tbe forests no longer sing tbe beautiful barmo niet of life, the sap is now descend ing to mother eanbhc'Ad-j-dinmo, Cena, (1 ) ; O-roe-mee, (i);Va-wa, (3); tbe Wi-biKO, (4), jumps at tbe first sound of the alarm, and the song of tbe 0-a-issa,(5), is beard. Then lighting bis Cal-u-iaet of peace, set to work to think out a plan for f Jtnre activity. lu great K?ee be cries out, "Aha! I will get me up and away to the far froxen Dorthlxnd, where my brother Peboart (winter) reigns, and I will help to sttip tbe forests, still tbe river and send icy fciasls flying, over the crest and wafers, and tbe whirling powdery snow drifting high about tbe wigwams. It will be rare sport to make my brother Seegwun (g) work till be sweats to repair my mischief, and I'll be back to see bios at it." But Manito bad recently enjoyed the feast of Med way in tbe month of sturgeon, so be sat quietly medi fating, building air castles, and, being laxy did not notice the gentle whirring cf the variegated wing of Weer-g (6) as be getaiy comes with a murmuring, flatlet tng sound, soothing to the nerves of Manila, that be divps to sleep. Suomver now laughs at him. tbe waler ing 1 a croonir.g, lollickirg and mockicg! melody, which tbe bteeae carry to his ear, but be bears not Tbe enh is eootl cd, tbe b.lls are corr ed wtih the purple bat of the Puck ((Vo-l froiw varl'ta a,ttrei. wan-a (7) Itotu bis peaceful Tr.e bird' met. This will ccsolintie tntd he 11 in their ikm smoke it out Then wUl Matiita awaVea. Thi is tbe legend ol tbe Indian Summer. souitrel, t pneaiant, a p.geoa, T I rkr.,tunt 1 r :n j wild gove, 4 ratt it. 5 blue br J, 6 spirit of sleep, j smoke. IHi I kv.iVO o THS alii-iJVt tO, Many ceclutie blre Ihe tstp ct IColumbv to, a moiutri riionjuilvj look Ui bis U1 ,ti Onandsca, wbivh was the caplul of ibe Iioijos lube. Mah bum was uooe by ibis . ei ouy. llv ci)oo wIkhu tt t-i a'.ttik, it uikrd Out bit Uv-.kI nd be dd. Tbe biases o!jcaiiied sevtlal cauipa gos lor its dclcat and de sirwclKiii. or to J1 butt. It maiulaioed its stule until 'lli. 1'ia, the Ho'Jcr He iitacn'' ctar to tee his lo)l sol jeett. Wl ! llaMa;b wstthcte lb li'.oxi ur Kibo!Jsvtl ty ! ustc, ss bit iuttmu Was flew sfovud tht l "t. Ilawita t!avkrd the wwuiu, Its wsi laj.' J, lul 1 4 kc; piaiih; a lew dajt ti.t I rt teen to i li.l.'py. Iltsmata Kar.reJ it t M the Great IUi sure rtKhti. mhtm i tfca toaf.try ott-I ihe 'Ser; &, He k).'t i t- j It roster, eear Sa!t Lake, ad ' t!9fi-'a fe!-:e liat sra 1.5 ! oJ SiiuwrlirJif sfcra I tt fcvfc.-z cftex m',sii th sn.-ysiTtT st-J l.veJ. Vow rr.y.i( yoa w ill UA'.&w ct?v ly, tod a gooc&t traUi ia aU ; f THE or TBI M.IX t tt. ; j;. f , , ' teach? siial a'.wxj tsns iws tie ! t i t . . . .. ..: ' t a.iar. a uave t . r x u avua i--c 1 . ahar, 1 bav ih&zzli at oe tis . or oth,r this Itbi3j wrai litwwa t ti j Abortj-'ne. j Tbe Nartbet Indiwa tia.'ta tb; 'l .- ' uvji van juuuKu.v..j: ;a uti re cred tbe "i-trrt.! r ire . sv never !Lme4 t f susi: if rt did tiere wld fcHow a jresi ew u!:!y anoocg tLe "Sons, ii ros-al ; itmllj of tbe bsUoq ab tad lei tbir ns'.ers smte tbe a?vet " or, from tbe . He fr-Jei tiej royal UmV.f of -Sacsard was lb Erst of tbat rSyeajty. Ilia z&axx,rA was to keep tbe sacred re ai ways btrrning. 1 Great care was exercued ia eneta- tataing this t ke. Tbey coTstatij ' dread tTj tbe misfortaoes aad aix- tkms which would to41ow tbe goicg oat of tbe sacred fire. At oae titie tbe watcher of ibis etemxJIy bara-j iog fixe, erect to sleep and this fire went oat. The watcher was tbor-; oagbljr frrgbteoed and soogbt totbat cosjfns t.'t ti.t ccoceal tbe fact that tbe fcr bad i frietid. Were tbe !i Iran t-je t.t- gone oot. He relit tbe &re sj:t what wa knows as1 'Profane Fire." lie kept buried deep rta bis own bo som, this secret, even tbo' it coo sumed tbe peace cf bis Lfe. Sick ness esrne. Tbe Sons" for sev eral years patted away. No oce knew the cause of tbe mortalitr. Final! this watcher was takea skk f and know sag tbe end w is at hnJ. sent in ail baste lit tbe chief "Sua of tbe oation, confessing to bits a5! be bad done. He died. There was another temple where the sxcred fire ';!! burned, so a mesve." jjrr was dispatched to bricg urT.cient tU(0 K,8t c,.ki. W(nltUI,!r T re! ght the fire on this a!tsr. Tbe plague w at stopped and the nation was again made harry. So let st ,,.enjpl lQ lhiJ' tb tire of lie sacred Lie with the strange fire from tbe altar of mammon. IHa Lt.tIOr TMKWTt.l Y3t-T. Pure and happy was tbe wottd once. Tbe fviily of nature was a harmonious whole. The leaves murmured a fcjuia of peace. The tree top carroUed t ! morning sun a sooala of welcome. The fiwer sent oat, permeating the air, their butdea oi pratse ia the aroma which rt freshed all. Tie d?at:y tbt ruled ofl the throne ol cmpipoterice wa je. Peace ? everywhere. Loe bad an eneoiy. While lov bound all tbiog With s geni'.e bond, sin, let relectSes eu- my sever thebvrJs with paia adjrrti rvt.- It r ' wrmw. Tbe !ee in ther grief groirnd and tone of dt wei besiea' sur.g conta iicj twtes. ir.e tn. 4- . ihse cf rr.eo were :;:ttd. Tbe , pctsl ot tbe FUw tbt U KutJ j shriveled up and fell on tbe eattlt. Ikl K I .... I . .. . 11 Ood tad pUiited ia a secluded! I rpot, a lovitig plant, slwayt hi,;). j Tfre ivugh thivg of Lase weicr Ui- j juied ber. Valuing and gUJtte bloomed out a uxrry Tie douJt came into her expeiieuc. ISietiowed ber bead under a giict 10 heavy lo bear A rove, b-.'th pretty and proud, a'S lb t.jwcr of th urJcrt ytelied boiMi;e tot her. Ire wmJ nnie bet itui! as they wrot'ed w nh i.r. Ti e i;i!t jnjppie lu!!cd bf t- t!tep w i'.h drowtiug ilun'il. 1 i. rovewastb pitectorol ihessotet tbal g.rcr Stid bl.od Sv fcvaf t: t eaith. hen th oe snu!!, on ilay, lite violet ki'J bvr w.ifi j of love. 6iiU tli iux fir i!r, ncat. . c; t l-e ih.m vi. z sua, s'.tfa;.!! Cvl-jr If.'ai l; mlj lrU.! ber tuibiorr t!'ji. T be vi i!t ws lc it alutie. tu lh lw: -d w tl iv!tt, 'Vv i: j.IJ jt pN w it . Therh--Kt ft tt-'.:4 vjWt-'I if enicft j Iai feif . S5 the v !ct r w-r'.t j t n t- f. ..!.. j ? lesee rt. e-.-. i.:'k r n-e fn I-xe. Tit pr vl t--- a.t ' le-'t'".? f'fwr f .! ', i: per fa- f I1-- v..;, w.L: fr-m !i - !fft: iw, T' (tfr m fcei-r v er a t-jSi'T.v. cc- ' .-i ! ier - f-'? lit ta j , Cl-r-.-e .;ij cere tare o Lijvj. I tie -a et wi. .". ' . ... .-ee --t -e:S ..ji i ' " , . ... , . ree- r'--ti ti t.- ' . K3J br ea k-i--- Lrs - i;i. I "iSasfp. Hf t'5ce so Icr.-r m ? mt:. j Jx-t.t r: i U fra- 9'r,i ?asj, -mUrt v aenic. cl t-;7.-i't Kx.l - u M 4 j tIMj. , -, lt fee, t:j ti i zr.tL jhg a ije tie- c ret , h-we iJ j- ir s,--ir a listitLirj. ' ..'tv ; ;le Oia t'tc rcy sLie j Harrow tw:ti, m v it i.i et J tsj txxA be-J.' Jlere the tes,fcf ; asMsnse-J Lies c' t-s --.t rr -.jcr ,'r bad melrd Lei a a 1-3-d 1 jest !i;r wiarers v.J t c-tai their prL7 1 1.-1 . Ti-e vJltj'.a eioiet, bow t Uxt ler, triJ a she is, she spes'as a ccuit tre. Set sieiier w;ia le&'.-vcn. t-1 w -h trustir-g faitb find i ac c! tie cloud tbe lan'ijLt frwa L.: e htirr tie beaveslj Fas'.tr. (Coa'.isced cent a.LK? CC1C2LL0 SIV.:B EUtS. CotateTKiilJC int. lt. t'je I' J! j rooad trip 'jm:vr rt t t"!-r;vi j aa 1 t'tab rvf,irtt-tirvr, r i-J. Sj.rias. Puel'l's. lii.J S""U:, -ialt t-nke llty. Ti- d.:'e rtr u litit U.'J ri. i t fruru Jyfy t t,t I th. Va it 1 eve lee thaat bait rate. Ctfa? it ;:sscs3ti Eescrts. lnl!r, cjii-o "irijs J Jtw lt, ooly one fare, pin fS t. f ie tlw rumJ trip tht. t'aul, Miuoeapoile. and all tbe lru;.il k5,ar''jt. l.-w;ti.. ttti? t8 OlifeffiiJ. July latta lOiin, t u! Ir.uu t $.' Ir".i thir Mwir Rlvre to iif.J ruJ. and n turu. arid ! fruiu August 1st to I 4(h alill Ir.a rated of tl.- fr.i M. l..-;'itU "Jtf.t t".iW. fni M' ..,;rl USv.r. Only 11 VO a 1 !'.'".'. i lu Au-t ..e rvturn Is I'l-t S. i-m I na t in-rtli. '4 K ne Paul. IHe E:at? far Ssaixcr Jan, ; aAae lli-;"Stu vl t u rl I n j t H .i;-ii'ii f.r r.:-, r...j!,t et'- 'I i. !-ut!rv Net, U :!r-t.i It l...- . !. ttiis t-f il.-.H' ; -;rr i t r trli t it. It ' Iv a l'Uit ;r- t 1 ,avif sou f I . W. AAKtLT. i.,., : r. ... Av I r. a. t.i u. ,. l... .i, Us s. i t"if"rf"rrr ? r?,,i trt lllwtil) It. id i W iut w . i iliiia i iJsi;Li'.ll.j "i s.; i . t'f. e t s t.-w kIs a e t H UI t it io ... a .-. -KWa . r. i (Wee .. K. -r. Ji.atau ei: : A l mil a , tw (Mm. "P . -. -1 -1 T. 1 i :