OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, August 10, 1905, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1905-08-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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f Opening of the
ltl Jfit Roosevelt cm July IB
igurd th proclamation providing fr
th opcoli.g to homesteaders and
townslt entry of th unallotted land
In the great Uintah Rttrrvattoa In
The Reservation rontalns 1,115,000
acres, tut the Military and Poristry
Reserves and such Miner) !in fet
lav to he withdrawn tinder existing
F"-V JLufi?v:T
i-vT.li rrw. v x n: I h I , v
Una will leav l,it:,iX'tf acres avail
able for.cntry.
Registration for the land will conv
tr.enc August 1st and close August
12th. Registration nay be made at
Grand Junction, n.!o, and Vernal,
Price acd Provo. I'tah. Prospective
aettlcr may register at any on of
these place from 9 00 a m.. Tuesday,
Aurin 1". until t:('0 p. m . Saturday,
August 12th.
To obtain registration, each appli
cant must appear at one of tbe regis
tration places and show tirr.se'f duly
qualified to make homestead entry
Send postal far
""Rook of
f resents "
ior KC
right a-
way. It's
purer and
than any Dak
inj Powder that
costs three times
as much.
25 oz. (or 25c.
A II grocers
Trullis that Strilie Home
Tour prooer i lionl t-nJ if l cure to da o ran tell
yoa tLt '! kuu Terr littln atoui tbe bulk cofff L
MilUjou. JIow cay Lo know, vtiero it originally ram fro.
In fach ia.-lire cf LION
f)0und of I'ure CV-fTe. lt -tint vuua p turg tl. centime, ,
Lion Lea-1 on every ja kaje ) - . -
(Sv l Us Iiin-LJs fir vcjut.) U pttJia.)
'OOION eriCE lY, ToHo, Olio.
n3 ress iaiD iBm
la highly rnlortxl by iuuwkwT evrjhrre. It jiurlfiea, vtliltrn, ilon asrf
Frserwes the 0!fillis
Try it, aixl you will alwaya waut It. Your prK-r will you a
Idling xukatr for only ft ra-nta, Uometutirr the name.
ry iai iui iill
f(ii T-!Ht t Mt --'
ft a' 4at-a
v -a i aeai,
1 4 f StfeatislMf.
Is a
M i t
- t.Ml liaB If
W s.
. awn ta 4
lMI a
tam.. is. .)
4as,ataaA,V. ft.
..vovawaaaaws. J
(16 acres) by written application to
b mad only on a blank rrm pro
TlileiJ by the Commissioner of th
General I.and Office. Rcr.'mraHoa
rsnnot b lferted through to mails
or tijr an agent, except In th rat cf
honorably discharged soldier cr
saliors, who majr preert tfcelr appli
cation aud dua proof of tfcelr quali
fication through an aecnt of their
on a selection, having a duly executed
power of attorney, on 4 blank fur tbat
purpose provided by the Cotnmls
aloner. No ptrson will be permitted
j to art aitect for more thn or pn.
th'T or tailor, and no one will be
alloved to rg1'r more tban onre or
In any other than bia true name.
Tbe procedure oeceary to aecure
lada In tbla (tnaion of government
reservations la outlined In detail la a,
psn.phlet Just lssut'd by the Tusen
ger Department Itnver A Rio Grind
HaUroad. Write to 8 K. Hooter.
On1 T. t T. A, Penver. Colo.
you know
the secret of
the Wave
Circle ?
kDon't delay.
JaquesJifz. Co.
Low it m iU'naM cr wun wnai
or altera r.wu.tvlt If rou Imrvour
cfT- lHe ly tL nind, bow can
joucxct purity aiiil uniform qualitjt
ercsvklty ttntlom la qnallty,
atrcngtk and flavor. Tor 9VU A
tum r a axrm. uos con rx
baa ben 1h atantfard cottc la
nlllioeta cl Irome.
Mr lanrUei. mm! awitl ta
yw , sm at isaa at
t&ral r w4 il U c tit wlta to.
airl. arsB ar aarleaa fcsm4i
COFTtn you cnt full
t,uh louiu t ibiiiMuiwiiH
o tuuXK) SO ..r. t . S, I..
aiuaxi,aiik.afis fun ..
Ioul Ilolllneer fllf htnotid, Mo.,
bas n ajiixitrii j a ltk In ll
aKrlcoliural li pan im lit.
A balloon roiie'.tj II. KMciml'Ti-r,
pr-ild'tst tit tbe Aniieu! !nb, and a
companion rollnpHe-d on tbe roof of the
Gran.! tilao In tb Kly4- f'arls.
MNbacI Raton. Hi yara old, la
Ii ii Bt Gli'bb'U. He pro!.l,!y as the
oiliest man In the I nl'rd Htati-s. Ka
ton voted for t iii-ly-tlirvs prtlltt)!a,
triliiR ltb Jans SladUon.
The lirltlhb w-ond rrulix r squadron
under fYimmand of R'-ar Admlrs'
Print Imla of llaitenliure, ili "i!
on Rp!emlM-r 1 from (;iliraliar for th?
t'nlted Statin, calling first at Qieb-c.
Auif rlD rommerrliil lntf-reta ga'n
decidedly In tariff n'Kotiatlona at St.
I'rtersburit. the ciar'a reprfttontatlvee
boing ailllnx to withdraw retaliatory
dutloa on marbinery from the L'nited
State. j
Tli pope refHvpd In private audi-,
en Titifhop Kelley of Savannah. Ga.,
and R'.ahop Northrop of Charb-fton. 8
C. who arrived in Rome Saturday
with an American pilgrimage of H'O
Edward Trirfcett, thief of Kanrax
Tity fire d-rtnietit, rporta durinp
the lat neven years pasollne caused
857 fire, which did property damage
amountlnR to 1122.451. 24 and caused
1T0 cafualties.
Tbe lepal period of thirty days bar
lax elapned since the death of See
retary Hay, the mourninit stationary
upon which all the official business
of tbe State Department ha been
written wac withdrawn.
Word baa reached Beaumont. Texas,
that one white boy and two neero
boya were killed outripht and twenty
other persons were more or less ser
iously injured In a heavy windsto.m
which struck IVssmay, Ijl.
The lKdy of William Jones, a farm
er, 5 years old. was found in a
pasture near Carml. Ii), tied to a
sapling. He had be-n mlsisinit twt
weeks. When last be In
company with two H ranker in a
A petition 1 being circulated In
Spencer county, Indiana, askinic that
Lincoln Park, where the mother ol
Abraham Lincoln la buried, b plven
Lincoln's private car, which cow
ftands Depleted on a side track at
Joliet. 111.
Catherine, the 11 year-old daughter
of H. B Nichols of New York, was
kidnapped at Greenwich, Conn., by
her mother, bow Mrs. Forest, of tbe
state of Washington, The child bad
bevn placed in her father's custody
by the courta.
A seven-column article written by
Tolstoi appvara la the Iondon Tiroes
entitled "A Great Iniquity." It deai
with the land question and declares
that Russia is llvlr.it through an Im
portant time tbat la destined to have
enormoua results.
The Allan and Danoldoon steamship
line after a month of rate-cuttlnif
came to terms at Glasgow with repwrd
to second and third class transatlantic
passenger tickets The cord-clai-s
rate wa rvitord to $.5 and tbe thlrJ
rls rate to $:S
Commissioner of Public WirVs Iat
tertmn has lntroluced re!lnterin '.ime
clocks and In the future many of the
employes will lie compelled to record
the time they appvar for wtrk aud
when they depart, and tbey will fcave
to stay within the hour limit at noon
Mrs 1-aura H. Mill-e. the youngest
irraitdmotbc-r In the l'nited State,
came to Chicago from Kansas City
to visit her daughters. Mr William
Doherty and Miss Arellne IUrp'r, at
SOU Cotta Gtve avenue. Mrs. Ms
llce I 34 years old.
A large pl.int for the manufacture
of structural ste-l. steel pistes and
blooms, and possibly also steel rails,
I to be built on Ptatrn Isiaud. New
York. trge els. former president
of the l.arka auna Strel company, w Ul
be at the hewd of tbe company.
. A aklff containing Kdlth and Goldte
Tcchnor, alsters. tbrlr brother Kverett
and Mrs. J W. and Mr. (). K Pague,
all of Vera. Minn.. raple and Its
occupants were thrown Into San
river near their borne, all being
drowned rtcvpt Mrs. (. E. Pague.
A dispatch rrom Madia. ll:1tih
India, mjs: A serimis epidemic of
cholera prevails among the refute-
from the famine strUkfit district who
bave Iwho crvwding Into the city for
week past. Many proos have turn
found dead or dying on the street
The death rate Is K9 7 per thousand.'
Qurstioned further In the house of
commons on the reports of the pur
chase f a coal are a Souih V ale
by a drrmtii syndicate. Premier tial
four again stale.) that, so far as th
government was aware there was no
tietmtn syndicate In trtaty for any
are containing steam coal used by
the ItritUh navy. Should the necessity
arise to prevent any foreign syndicate
obtaining control of such an area, he
said, the government would propose
a modification of the law debarring
foreigner from holding real property
considered n-cvary for the defense
of Great Pritlan or for tbe Interests of
tbe army or navy.
Suit brought t'ltit Hyde and
forty l(;ht former officer and direct
or of the Kqultabie by attorney gen
eral of New York demands refund of
million of money belonging to
r.iuliM tmt diverted to private
Gossip I rife that Jame II. Hid
la in No port, R. I., ktng a brIJe,
aud none other, say tbe goV s, than
toady lVaeon. whom be met and
lal.-hly eutertalned In Pari after her
reirteJ erigai meut to the rrvsn
pniice of Germany waa said U ba
Tte Sjjetch t Fctier $s'4. j
Uve cf nrrif.irt oft reTn!?)d tit I
f a tb a f i: r sM, j
Tliat xh'rti't) )r th.tfs n-or awf -i
Tt n in Jj-l a U-ing d ad. j
Kaunas City iTorcrs Tleirm. j
f I Hi' M hMKr-a rM' Si. , .T St
Plolilt-I wonder why W!rw'
clo'ln tiever tit him. S 'oh V I !
UHe to give tlie Ini j.fcstibO ll.at b
gets tin to from Ixfei-Jti
rftOnper M trti' -k.j.jt'i. rt'r.dr.
StfslifM be c-.irsr. nts tte cuur i.m
lii fr- than l,r tw i-r. ,e t.iri er
(Twe t-.:s f v.ry Oi !
f r.te UtMiij. mH (n-V rr, l'er,, UL
Tie dread of ttifc avel Is that th-y j
tiaii sxm i.e inf fc;.i i.n-a tor worn;
th dread of the foung Is that ttey
shall x)a Lave t work. -
fE the raaior
I!"d rro H.i Idw Irr !. nsrVsr
Wonderful Radium Clock.
The radium clock of the Hon. J. R.
Btrutt is tbe mwt mysterious and
mott efficient uiachioe in txiRtence.
aad the twelfth of a grain or radium ;
that supplies the etiricy Is estimated
lo te sufficient for a run of 19.0'k
years. Th small glas containing-
tut, having two aluminum leaves at
tached to Itg lower end, la supported
In an exfcaurted glafs vessel. The i
pot-l'.ie cl.harr, left lhind after the
"lta ray a are carried away. Is .
passed on to the leaves, hkb fej.gr-,'
ate until one of them touches the In- '
closing glass, when the charge is con
veyed to the earth and the leaf talis
back aaln. This operation, repeated ,
minute after minute, will contiuue so '
Iocs as the macMne latts. By means '
of a coherer, s'jh as Is used In wire- :
let telegraphy, the action can be
made audible, and an electric bell ;
made to svund at every discharge.
Getting and Being. 1
Pome frivolous people throw away j
valuable year In the vain endeavor j
to get into pood, society, say t'nele ,
Hiram. Sensible popl Just keep on '
be-in? there. llan.-ss City Drovtr
TtlegTam. ,
Sound as a Dollar. '
Mor-ticella. M.na., Aug. tth Mr. J. ;
W. Moore of ttit pisce stands as a lir- j
U.ST croof of the tact that Rrrlit'i n's.
ease, even In tie Ut s'ages, may ta
perfectly atJ p-enrancntly cured by
fcodd Kidney Pills,
Mr. Moore says: -In 1S9S three
reputable phyiiclans after a careful
examination toid me tbat I would die
with Prighf Disease inside of a year.
My fevt and ankles and Ups were
badly swollen: I couid hardly stand
on my feet and bad given up all hope
of setting cured when a traveling
talesman told mc tbat he himself bad
been cured of Bright' Disease two
year before.
"II Mid be ba3 taken to t: bed
and expected ta die with It. but that
be bad bee-n cured by a remedy called
IXJd'f Kiilney Pills.
"I commenced taking them at once
and I am thankful to say that they
aved my l.fe. After a short treat
ment I was completely rcrtored to
good health and 1 am toar as avund a
a dollar."
The first attempt to llunra'e f.fi
wn n-ade In 1("7. It depicted a HcxjJ
ta Mor.rucu'.lirhiro, En;.
Wamlrg to Housewives,
Tlie averape con?un:er of taking
powder ck fcot brow tliat a re anion
occurs in the process of bakin;. ten
ever a chemical reaction tae jlice,
the nature of tl-e criminal inEterlal :s
entirely changed, so that the sub
tance which remain la the food to
be eaten are very different f.-om those
which compised the bakir.g powder
befor baking. Per thi rc-ton. the
ta'eraent that a bal 1: g pow der con
tains alum or rreant of tartar is worth
less so far a Informing the consumer
as to what be eat. What the ron
umer wants to know Is what goe
Into bis stomach, pot wist ts In tbe
ran. Food prepared with a cream of
tartar basing powder J-ei t.ot contain
any cream of tartar. J-mt as Tod pre
pared with alum tillrt powder Is
free fr-m alum. In tie esse of the
high priced trimt baking powders, this
bread residue consists cf Rochelle
Pslts. th anive Ingredient of Seidlitt
Pnwdcrv That 1. wtr.en fvl pre
pared with there trust baking pow
tiers Is eaten, the consumer is taking
a dose of Peldlitx Powder, itorbelle
Fa'.ts Is a medicine and not a f-V
and this constant dotttf will serK-u'jr
derarge the d!gtit crgAns. proT
Wiley. ctnu.Ut cf the I'ntlrd States
IM partment of Agrb i:lure. has de
Clsicd la ;i!.. tat. that "A loaf ol
bread tpaOe trvia a quart of fiVur
leavened wiik cream of tartar baking
powder contains 45 grains ntore of
Riv belle Salts thi.n ts con'slnrd In
one Seldltti Pvdr. At a hearing
before the C mr"Utee on publ'c
Health cf t'ie Xiisai Uuvetls ! gila
ture. on a bill destined to prevtat this
wholesale dining of the pul-lic, tt fl
b sU'.J eititn.-iit l oston hiiieUns tr
llfled sgaint-t the b al'.tf alncss of
Rinhelle Salts, and strongly reAra
mended tbe pasi: ot a law wbUh
would prohibit the sale of powders
which lft this (tuner rou drug ta
r.d- Ir Hartung. I'r. C. O. Kep'tr.
Ir. V. It. Poster, IT. G. M la!mr
Why iinKihl the consumer pay forty
flv or fifty rnts rer pund tor bak
leg powder when the best baWtr.g pw
drr !n the wrrld can be ltJe to re
tail at twei ty the cent per pound
tth prl- atked for Calumet lMkkicg
wderl aad h a fair mauufar
turvr s prflt? Tt msioifscturer ol
Calumet Haktr.g )dei hav tir
year Hi'! a slanding ePer t4
II.OoOOO for any aubstanc lajurkm
to kralth f.und la fsl prepared trota
It. Dread tusJe from tva!utnt is en
tirely free from KobU fs-lta. aiuas.
liaM or aaiui;t.ia.
T'anark4 Wf!'. to K r T.ii-sm, tjra.
Atianlute.'y Ootfte'.il so rrs
Tlwre can h wo v Urr.'.t oraJ
in a ie-a;e, ti '.'re, r.frs- (fcva
tl.en to t uh fi Brr ee-rvala
qietiU'T. la tegH V hr -:- i.,
ere tio th(M tju-t. are skel
Ij hrr fsoa.. J-.j sic. as. axwl e-ue
eonUiiTie to suffer rather thaa STsVsnit
to examiratkis w h-ica so mc y phTe
cUi pnjwr n woi-r to Is V;i -n y
treat the i :-. ; aui this is tb re
am why so framy fujjeiaa tali to
cure Iwiij e c;iu-a'se..
This is alxi ttie reascng wbr tLoottasd
opon tiiousandft rf wrjj n are " e
sromdins' with Mrs, Iljuktam. at Lveil.
Nw. To her they- can omfide every
deti.l cf their il.nr. ajd ffjn
be r great li&uv ije. o?-ttDei frora
years of esperieoee in t7atlcjr fesoa.e
l i. ine i iDK&aia no scni .
tO're widely tl.so the- S'jc1 phyaiciaa.
Head bow Mrv Pijjithana be'ped Mr.
T C. Willadv-o. cf MsctiXig. la. fcLa
writes ;
lwr Mrs. Ptnkbaia
" 1 nsa truiy wv tiwt yrnm bsvw sand bst
bf. aod f caxjax exT'eens gny pT:iyS tn
words IW'sTe 1 wrr v, xrm rv V"
lyvw i fnlu I bad to-vri f ir erer I mr ysi
sxiw1t, aid sim-M i '4 artery m rulfcr)MS
tawis. trt u all t.-t u k. im any p-i
bad l-m troti ! axl wuuwliiftjiy br? ;jnv
Lrtg ii- ttteLAr-Ai. tj-;iAi -V' a pmiA. ai-J
aiy monihiv terv2s w very irr- six
fiasiiy evwvi. I wr-te v t 1: yrmr a4
vne matl rtieir a leerer t all 'M mwtrwitvYas
Yi-H. bt viV-. ajKl err(merK-ri to ts
Lr-tia lv. Hnkbsni's este tr.togivdU
! I hare been rwwi m rr-fet bira.
iiad it Dot bn f you I wotd tar bww la
any prave to-dsy "
Mocntains of pr--f etablih the fact
that no roeajc-itie in the suriii ecaas
Lydia E. Pinkhsms Yeprtable '-ja-round
for m'urcp sromt-n a bealvb.
I Special Offer
I Th tam and address ct your
ahs caaier ard lc ts cever
cost cf majUr.ettv. w;!l sec ur
on of th handsom rolled
(raid prs il.ustratad above.
Enams ed in colors and wsU
wear for years. The p-n
wer secured by tho-jsaad cf
World Fair Visitor.
Or.ly a few hundred kft,
WrA Ou-ck,
Mawuracrvwta or
If J If
9 izt
- -' ;
e. .Jwat
Carefully inspected shells, the beat cf powJer,
shot and wadding, loaded by machines which
give invariable results account for the superior
ity cf Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater"
Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells.
Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration
are determined by scientific apparatus
and practical experiments. They are
1 r
No ot
wv.a rgw
Ur bowe-4
aad aeaUhy stomach raa coco set its
aa. A revw w-h Ctaksnrats.' aad
umai 1 oxiIm s sv ie ar to
svutwb Kj ScS . Heal ltU:
aed lTiErun4 tVinx aad
liuthts v tsiai ta lUw a:hr
hanauae mil.ii ts Ijwse aiw tb
d rwvt rei.U it i'oec;;aiL It at a
SB .si so mJ i iU lisrrbe. h
dsagee is hkKvl I vanw A pavwc ss also
dir.T rj at wenewi ttv ort aad
foJe aitl. Ileal lb warn
alftli s .a,w JkK. ' je (ia 1
i: :if! i.( li t a cmsl ti iin"4
cr di tv aai ia-xi U&J
t.t; 1 sc r'tv rj tt-ive th
tvis to ihi ttev are 4irrd ta
aatatally aad esi it a tretss IN
nwta, tisttikvi siK'l iaie at ditftrf
W.- wwi.tir. It id vS ildMw,
b.i:-s r "a 4 p-af tw Its
l.vkj 1 i;vr.J ) .t aaj t -.-j.iJkii
ai ka-- is tsnilet wtwia al aU s
gVaa4 aasaia, -t yajp sXaXI 4 fclltra vsst ssaisi taVa t SaX ft ft fc kVaclksk 4s
b a. 'xsaa 1 Wawa 1ava. Waasx, aa,Ka rsm a4 sVi 4 M at J f
IVif O tt4 aBv. bVsw V.4v. ! tVJ 4Mea0M ft 1 W K gVSJiy. I . SS)
sB ftsaavrv v bV"M ji aa.asi UW tSa
htVftsSft4l Us . - Mt H ta
V, it ii ii : i HTl,
To trett P:r7.-i aa3 EAJ'lIv
Pe-J. R.kz O y C-sr.rTi'XJi,
gtntiy srrif Lie five .-Jri Czri
cura Oi.-.tnicrit, V gr-2l
Cure. i rsA rub. V. :h c 3
the CXr.t-T-eT.t Li f'vt c;n-j. nr
CuTkra. S'jap ri tsA. w.er.' ar-J
t-athe i:tt'. a otrie c.n'.m.
Prprat cr.rr.'g t'.i tvrs.r.-z. At
c'fTf tnt-s use Cutra S'sp f:r
t-ath:.'2 the tice is crften as arce
a : 'c. N j crJ-r S in SiJt ? so fr c,
so 5'f!. so irtiy effective.
f mm !' ! ?J JC tv aw eKwiMav
'' T-W a t try . wse
fTara frr c4W mm jrtmr aL Lt mmmt
tW sVA lnm :t- vvtft mamt m$
tKW V- S3sVtk. I -v-sjrr T rpr-m
Av---.aj K,-m-r . L ! '-ii', f
MU TU i,"-frm.-i-J7 f - taaawiaiair m
tmM wit tas sers.ty t "'2?''
ifrea sex, as a at au. r
avs mswui, aA si ft ww ii wa aaa ii
t uxia is ( 1 . s.ns w . n4 b
MM, a.4 IS U CfciAM. Ma-ns.
a .11.111 ! tm ihJKit mum.su I
TrM ant IM sassraeXMaa Fessv
W SL. run. Ctiml a
Ii E S T E Q
uam isssjsai sn
ass amaatnesy asaisaai
U 1
Hot Weather Dangoro
r.rj- Itnii a car-'d. AitSi.t.k
Oft IB tO AIL Mia klt.
TVs ew-iorwttwat tat F- H Vtv ai-tyci
Trov. c ir, tcxa t-ii lb ac-vts
lowu ct i iwiims sj pvmje. ciwol
by Uil; s t-ic, t - li4 saa.
"I f. t J W S t4lfafc tiit. ti s cs-s
UUB. J iwm 1SC .1 C1M .ii, I .
eia IwlllJ bM. a-.1 H 1 ... tel..
I -.-1 . Uk. ,
S 1 M vW M-V. CS-.'M. 1 .1 . r . m
l.h M.I1 M ).M.l. S .tt A L.k.
4 I . -i ' '.! U . , '1 M
s-. t a 4 u '- .4 bt
I .i aM. ua ivi ac
Sr.. IH4.tM H -.' . I
' 1 I M'.4 Sl.. i ' .I- T4C
1 I
S Vlu. I
I ai J Mill s C.;;-w 1 waa pwt oa
th V airi. u m4c th wa ). tar
k-r C.nv i-i.v.a, li ws saaj v-v-w a
t".iW live to-ttiv W shv y that U
wl Ai all w i ; .it'll.
sad hr JLlis CY-1 aad Srtia Mviaos,
Ms Al Vw4 4kS s Iftat (daWJ tV ft fvs
kM ty ftlt.

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