OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, July 12, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1906-07-12/ed-1/seq-8/

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anything you chooft rail, for initascc er alone.
At every meal or for a manch between r&eali, when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill op a vacant
corner, in the morning when you wake hungry, or at
night jut before joinj to bed. Soda crackert are 10
light and easily dif ested tf.at they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eatinj anything cite.
But as in all other things, there is a ditkrence in sod
crackers, the superlative belnj
U.needa Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically hiked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained astd developed
a soda cracker in which all the criglnal goodness la
preserved for you.
Regimental Reunions and Ecrty
third Anniversary Battle
Chattmnogs. September 19-20. 1900.
on s ptemU r I. Vjug. will occur
tlie foiti-tlilnl anniversary ol the
I tut tie of CliU'kaiuiiusii. It 1 pro
Vosed to celebrate this memorable
event with ii n-uiiioti of the various
regiments that nartU-ipiited In thU
memorable battle ami tlie various
battles (iniht around ClintVtnooca.
Thin reunion will be Uel.l at. Clilckn
iimii.'t National I'rk.S. pt ?tuUer 18,
i jf ami j. aim ibr Trewnt Indica
tions are that it will lie t'ae largest
ami mtt notnbltt Catherine ever
held iu the Sun tli. on tJie alsivc
date, the retimanU; of tin armies
of twelve states. comprising the fl-lowlu-:
IVmifjIi auin, Ohio. Mich
igan. Indiana. Illinois. WiHCOnKln.
Miuuemita. lovfa, Nebraska. Mis
souri, Kansas and Kentucky, will
svinM( miinj for the tirxt and last
Uiue since ttv-y marched from it
fclooJ-Ktnluea fields, tort-tli ree
yearn asro.
llereWojm of the great opportu
nities for tbe, education of the voath.
Don't fail tu take your children ami
hw tlvin historic JChattanoojja,
rill aii it it historical connections.
ItlstW u'.iportunlty of it lifetime.
Uo ul wa ta. old war ireueruls and
other ,(M ,ers point out th place of
lutert on the bnttlehVld: let them
show y ,u ,u,d explain, in pcrson.the
Uiarkers erected ou tlm battlefield
showlr ij.- the position of the oppos
ing hi ime ni me nine ol (tattle. It
will 'lot U Ion;; tintil none wilt le
left, to do this noble Work.
It will le many years, if ever
lU'.aln. i hut such un opixiriuulty
Will 'rcK,nt tlself. N4-e tlutt VOlir
tit kei. lends via the Louisville A
Naslnille II. II.. the ttuttlcflfld
Koute. 'n on your hearest rail
road aeiit for ratcaand ad wrtlslujr
matter pertaining to the reunion, or
w rite lien rrt representative of tlie
Louisville Jt Nivlllo It. K.
,1 M. MllUk. ti. HPA..IrfHilKville.Ky.
1". 1). i'.usli, 1 J a., ClmiMnHtl.tHilo.
.1. I.. Daveiipi.rt.il 1" A.. St LouU.Mo
)l. t. Uailey. N W 1' A., t hfiojfo. 111.
Hint laMftioa Juljr $, ln6.)
Whervaii, t'linrk'n Scbulti
Kllia Hchults, liln wife, Iiy tla-lr cer
tain deed of trust, dated the 14th
day of March, l vai, and recordeI In
the recorder's office of I in tea county
Missouri, in Trut Deed record 83, on
page 430, conveyed to W. '. Marsh,
an trustee, the following descrllted
real estate situated In tlie County of
Bates and State of MUiMturl. to-wit:
Lot nix ((), In Work thlrty-elKht (
in the city of Kkil 11111, whUii mild
conveyance wan made to aecure the
payment of the several Mum of
money mentioned, and an provided
In ft certain promissory note or
obligation In writing. In said deed
of trust net forth and descriled.
And whereas, default lift Iwcn
made In the payment of the said
several suing of money monthly
when due as provided In a.M prom
issory note or obligation In writing;
and such default ha continued for
more than nix mouths, and the
monthly payment now due thereon
are In excess of All monthly- pay
incuts tlierctn provided for the per
iod of more than nix months.
Now, tlicref ore, at tlie request of
the legal holder of said promissory
note or obligation In writing, and
In accordance with tlie terms of said
deed of trutt, otlce la hereby given
that I. the undersigned trustee us
uforesuid, will, ou
Katchiuy, July ltb, IMMi,
lirtween the hours of til ne o'clock In
llieforeiiiKinar.il five o'clock In the
afternoon, nt the front diHir of the
KW h Mill Bank. In the city of ltk h
lllll. Hates county, Missouri., pro-
civil to aeli the sitld amive dewrllsl
real estate, or mo much thereof na
noiv Iim imvHMirv. Ht imlille veiiilne.
to the hlglat bidder for cash, for
the purpose of lutttsfyliig said debt
so secured nuil the coat ami X
lerise of executing this trust.
W. T. Maiimn. Truatee.
You will not miss it if you sub
scribe for Tho Tribuno
The editor of the Kngllnli News Is
advertising fur u Uorse a family
horse, but not a horsewlth a family,
lie wants one that will i.ioiwlitto
let Mm drive it to a ntirry full ol
chililreu on the rocky rXtls from
Lugllsh to Sulphur. He doesn't
want one with a miml of It nwn n
he agrees to furnish the two "ssary
horse sense hluiself. Judging from
the dimensions, plans and se iflca
tloiiH he given lu his advertise!!, cut,
he will be more apt to get win. the
wants If he will wrap himself ron nd
a quart of Crawford county whis
key a ml have a nightmare. Try It
Winer. Our Old Homo per.
ft.W.' v.iAH .
Ii you vvuiit good fire inunmctsl
How to Know Them.
The Soda-water uian by his
The Temperance manby Itis
The Conceited man by hU IV
Tlie Surveyor by lii feet.
Tlie Captain of Industry by bis
The Military man by bin tirma.
The StovepiiH man by bis tl
The Kubber man by his neck.
Tlie Miserly man by bis client,
The TourUt by bis trunk.
i no liiury man oy ins cajves.
f lbe Iron man by bis nails.
clout forget that' I rcpreent m tif
the Lett cuii)pun:c in the United
(jtfj. r. litt'itL'tvt
Wantbd Two young men to
trfctvl 'f lrK Chicago houia anJ
)oif a L'ooJ buaincii in which
rroiiljtioU Can uun a had. Lib
vrrl viuntniiiioii liom lbe Urt.
WMhlnctoB Letter.
It is a natural certainty that
both parties will go tiefore the
country at the coming congress
ional election and claim u record
on trust busting. Humun nature
and esiHK.ially political nature
will have to change a whole lot
before they would overlook tuch
a bet as that. How much of the
credit is to be laid to the party
and how much to the personal
initiative of the President is a
tjuestion. Tlie chances are that
the President's personal views
had more to do with inaugurat
ing and carrying through the
campaign against trusts man
tad anything else. Also the
Democratic party in spots may
be handed a modicum of credit
for there were some places wl;re
party lines were largely obliter
ated and where the righteousness
of legislation in prosNct had
much to do with gathering the
votes that lielimd to pass it re
Krdless of party affiliation. Hut
as a whole the credit belongs to
the llepublican party rather than
to any other, und it is on that re
cord the party will be glad to go
lie fore the people.
The record of the paijt year is
indeed remarkable when one
cornea to look bnck on it. I lie
decision of the Suprome Court
in the Northern Securities mer
ger case was the beginning of
sorrows for the trusts and it
defeated a move that would have
put the transportation facilities
und the whole western country
into the hands of one group of
men. , . " "
Then there came the prosecu
tion of the Doof Trust. This
ended for the moment in ridicule
for the government through the
apparently insane decision of one
Chicago court. Uut it was in all
probability not a Lad tiling, for
it belied the passage of other
legislation that will make such
idiotic rulings imimssible in the
future. Also it stirred tin the
community und addud fuel to the
flame when the reinirt on pack
ing bouse conditions tuuie out
and forced the meat inspection
bill to a more or less succcssfu
issue. Tlie best friends of the
inspection legislation cannot say
that the inspection law is alto-
get her satisfactory yet, but it is
a long way ahead of nothing ami
promises to improve in the fu
ture. Then there rapidly follow
ed the dissolution of the western
paper trust uud the drop of thir
ly per cent in the price uf new a
trust Ciiine down without shoot
ing. Tlie prosecution of tho Kansas
City rebate cases was another
government victory where the
court imposed a fine of ir,(XM
each on four companies and tines
of $l,(XX and $o,0P0 on two of the
inbividual defendants. Tlie in
vestigation of the tobacco trust
Is not yet completed but tliere tiaa
Is-cn enough brought out already to
Justify one prosecution. The Anier
cnn Tobacco Company and McAn-
drew. Forties V Co., were haled
Into court and on refusing to pro
duce tlie hooks desired were adjudg
ed In contempt by the supreme court
and the cases wilt aoon come to
The suit aK'i'nst the western pas-
MMijrer elevator combine comprising
thirty firms Inw already leen c-
cessfully fouaht and resulted In
miiMhluic the trust.
The list already Is almost too long
to go over. The trust of tlie retail
(Cfoeors nt Nome, Alaskn, wliere the
price of eatables was lielng held up
on the starving miners, has U-eu at
tacked and defenteil and the termi
nal cases of the Kada' 11 ridge and
the Men hunts I! ridge Terminal Com-
panlea In Ht. Ioula where tlie bridge
cop!e. wanted to control the pas
sage of the Mississippi are under
way and w ill In all probability soon
come to a successful conclusion. The
case against tlie fertilizer trust has
lieen pushed vigorously and while
the end la not yet In sight, the price
of fertlllicr controlled by the comb!
nation has already dropped on an
average of f 1 s-r ton. Considering
the hundreds of thousands of tons
sold annually, this amounts In tlie
aggregate to a great deal.
The prosecutions of the drug trust
and tlie Proprietary Association are
already well under way and the IK.
purtment of Justice Is now going
rapidly after that most gigantic of
nil monopolies, tlie Htnndard Oil
Company. Indictments have lieen
returned against the American Su
gar Kenning Company in New York
and the success of the government
In .the t"hcaicake mid Ohio Coal
case U-fore tlw Supreme Court on-n-
ed up a new vista In the way of
things that tlui tfoternilicnt could
do with the trust und moiiuiioly
problem w hen It got ready. Indeed
this was u pivotal decision and
gave a Blip to the coal ami oil In
vestigation of the Interstate, Com
meree Commission that lius had
much to do with the success of the
commission In exposing tlie rotten
ness of the ay stem that seemed to
permeate all of the coal roads. It
will furnish material for the Iepsrt
uteri t if Justice In the further prose
cution o( these combines and ought
to do much toward lowering tlie
price of living and giving the people
a little of what Is coming to theiiu
The cults for reflating und discrim
ination on the part of the railroads
are In fact Just commencing and tlie
good effect of tlsne actions w ill lie
found, as has lm po'.ntxd out, not
so much In lines and Jail sentences
against Individuals, as In their
moral effect uud In deterring tlie
giant corporations from doing what
they kuow themselves Is wrong
when they rind a government ready
to prove It Illegal ami to punish It If
need be.
This la tlie record with which the
IU-publlcan party Is ready to go U-
lore the jstiple at the next election
and It la t record that no oilier par
ty has ever approached In the his
tory of the country. Much of tlie
credit a due personally to tlie Pres
ident. Hut Die party u a whole
lias shown what Die government
can do wlsn ilcLcriuiuil In the con
trol of trusts and coiiibluatlona.
Ouaty OfiUUU.
Ilepreacntatlve-7-tJeo. Church.
Circuit Judge U A. Ivnton.
Probate Judge J. A.Hllvcra.
Khcriff-M. I, Morrla.
nrcult Clerk C. M. Parkley
County Ck'rk J. F. Herrel.
Ih'corder T. K. Lisle.
Tn asurer W. V. Ilell.
Pros. Atty. A. H. Ludwkk.
KcIkkiI Com. A. I Ives.
Surveyor E. H. llornm.
Administrator H. T. Broaddus.
Coroner W. II. Allen.
Presiding Judge J. V. McFndden.
AssiH'lnte " Jno. Armstrong.
P. A. Pruce.
ii,"l. 0 YeAWs
Meetlnc Dates f Conrt.
Circuit court meets In Bstler lat
Monday In February. May and
County court meet 1st Monday In
Fcbrunry, May, August and No
Probate court meef 2nd Monday
In February, May, August and November.
Meetings ef Towastilp Board.
Ilrat Weilm-sday after first Toes
day In April.
Ftrat Tuesday after first Monday
In July.
Third Monday of Novetnls-r of!
each year at office of the township
ft 4 DtSISSS
''Mil' CeevsiosYS Aa.
nnMM4'n tmrli n (lrll-tloll mmf
t).tr f.r ni'ini'n mhtuhmr as
IrivmiMt-n pr-,h.lIT iatrii,.,''rt ( i,fi,minii
tarM4lf r.in.illaU. tl1"' -,rt fMI I 'US
wl fr-. Oi-I.l ,err lt-r - unci Pli".
I'alKiiK lnk"l lli'iuh Kulill A Ia. rVlt
yirHl .!, WllhoM Ch-K. B U
Scientific Jlmtricax
a limrtwonn n ! xl wsl. 7 -
rntntl.n f nf .-ini03 riirit!. "J .rwi, S
Inact omo. UFIU Watlilivtua, Ok U
4 a W
Vl the Missouri I'scific R It.
IVrtle springs. Mo., and return;
tickets on sale dally May 15 to Oct.
1. :i.80 round trip, return limit
Oct 81.
Fugles. Milwaukee, tickets on sale
Aug. 11, 12 13. return Aug. 22, one
fare plus 12.00 round trip.
Hicclal HoiiM'ste kers rntes to all
points west, south and souihwcet,
tickets on sale Juts- .1 uud !'. July
and IT, Aug. 7 and 21. ScpU i and l
Oct. 2 and 10, and Nov. tt and 'M at
very low rati, via Mo. Pac.
HjKthil in urMun Ui Mexico 1ty.
Old Mexico, during June, July, Aug
ust and tM-ptemls-r, one fare for
the round trip.
F.xcurstou rates Hot Pprlngs.Ark..
June 1 to Sept. 30, one fare plus f 2 011
round trip.
Spe lal excursion account Klks at
Denver, Colo.. July 10. gKsl to re
turn until Aug. :, Pi 00 round trip.
Orand Army llepubllc Kncami
Uicut, Mlnnenjolls. Minn., tickets on
sale Aug. It to 13, returning Aug.
31, fl2.no lor round trip.
It. A. Uaii.kv, Agent.
Vie have horse, hog and cattle
cuts, and sale bill cuts for all such
printing, and turn out as good
neat !ob printing as any oftlce in
Hates Co. Try us and bo con-vinced.
TIh s-rt paragrapls-rof the Wash
ington Post Is surprised that none
of the correspondence schools has
undertaken to teuiit canal digging
by mull. Perhaps canal digging la
too much like work to Interest pco
pie who patroutie correspoudemT
schools. Toledo Plade.
A New York Judge has rua4 Ihll
a physlctun cauuot make a duuhU
charge for services wherein.1 attends
at the birth of twins. This Is an Itn
portant bit of Information that
ought to lie kept In inlud In ciise we
are lami ngatu, yet it Is enough to
muke a man wish tie could Isj twins
Just so that he could say that lie
once got ahead of udtajtor.
John Meek, of IUch Hill, w ho was
visiting Ida aunt, Mrs. IJxilc Itouwy
hut week, met with an aixldent last
Muturdny that cuused him consider
able pain. He was cleaning amne
clothing with nmmoiilit and us he
r-iiiovetj tlie cork from a liotile the
fluid w hU Ii had la-en iH-nted. spurted
outra ml filled Ida eyes' lie was
blinded for several minutes. Ill
cries for ImIii attracted ijulte a
iroHd. After luithliig btacyeswllh
w atrr the night was sixmi restored
Legal Notices.
Friend snd lubtcribert to this
paper will confer a favor upon u
by ordering their legal noticei
printed in this paper. They can
thtn e for thenwelvet whether the
notice art correct or not.
But invalid a home in tmi wmt.
Ortl'e it'll fcT"1'l S
fri4iii fr trtmat of sll Chrsaie DlasM
iHittr Meout tot HmmtiilM ! rUH
Snan. Uaar ka tudcrwl lt vr
sradsiks. tpvcisl booklsrwoass rktS
TTT """O"'" oust
JL. A. 1 J ffOSIVnrliT OUASAsratS
wnsWnulaiiiuMi; IKU1 fill,
lIPf rfCI t HVfaJir Cr4 U T.
0ftroi. toriHcM 1 KKE lffi
N raatorstlT riuo rr ! Vital
Fswsr, HyaroMla, Ruptura, Sniir, m.
MU4. TisiaaS tiuuuii,
ciri.crtiaon i.nic, sma,
Pltss Hr Lip. I Kidr. llinUw,
r.pllep.T. t.ftisrrs 1 tiiws tq
fiwaisca Trouble. I Ksrrsua Dttrai
rstlrnts areiwrs'!r trt4 at fcovs
all. CsaIialUa tn b MDftdrstisl,
Cm at bf Isitsr. I-kirtr yssra aaarlssca.
ne fit nisMrt4 x rr t-inae "
IliMli, iulwsuas. LU M nl la
li.1, b. Bl. bUCt KANSAS CITY, MO.
A r i
1 5 i FA ! ! ' -.
.. trr . . -
'! tWI" Ukm In u-real f rid th biotnl
f Kb potaxHiuut aVtir fttid MMl wbtcH
r Hit) dirtxH Muin of itkfftt) tAfnaaWsv
AliiiM eiirijr H fcftnrxi iuoi In
ini rtlii tram imln. whtiit pt at ma
rr Is twin 0revl bf fwinrrtuf
iMllOts, tllfcfxf tnir th Oi HHttMM
iac iD4 rwbcttKMi II ttwn tM ifts.
OR. 8. 0. CLAUD
Or nwtaM, Os wrltass
CO) Cop
TlM,MKri! rori4li.S4
k iu. .1 ui ! nil l K
- mi imm wt 4 mma -'t
4 , W
n.r.ir. siiM 'y."" y
m w.- rtw
tSvtWssif4. o"i
iiIm. 4m r.l M.tU la, I 1m
Wltl .M.I4aJs; 4 Hlait:itim l wmt
t4 ts ol tral tM ras,.if Uaatl 4
mjm f rsM ska.tt ( arvs, tKttA eis i )
;i h ajMttih i-f KsaH fk . M.m. WmI taxsv4
X tti' rVs " Mcji t fsasrjlK H tm mt UMM
ikWMMNM 9m Vms4s4 l imm
If roa art ciifrrlnr with Rbtuoiatliv.
Kcurtls. giJn.r Trvupla or si.y his.
dxnl ilu,M.. srui W ui fur a trial Isaua
v4 ' .UUOl'S." suit leal U luatav.l.
iiBOV- MS t used n Icssih of
llDia wllbovil a..iuirlnS a "Orug kliv"
S 11 U ltirrlr flva til Opluui. Suri.
acawi. Uuiuhiiwi, aa4 tiu.wf a.u...ar
4rTi.. fl- -laoP"i8 Saaaa)
' Mtl)i'MIl.
. Uu ar.t, tai.
Read The Tribune.
PRIVATE n.E.:r:r
lftMliruL $rwttuit mJui bwlltliua l.t.tto u4
rtitlt4Ut r .:lMlttj, 7tMy CaaUetU. u
full i:r!r -Mid.- a SL.
U. S. a IBe M. DESJ uiTS?'
St. LauU VarU'l rk.
S4m r..'7C 9f 7 lrt
I .uJ79 ib a
rrcnen CA8 encimc and
1 r4 af I kn f,v I Baa. j.a..
araailtky, aaw.aMf. aalaij. rr4aM Saa. aaaafal
aa. Car Uaa aa4 aMlia. rar s'aai. as a M
Imsm atlllFull UIIUMi't
Wises Use no Gatoiiwi esoiNi COs,
Uox 934. KtsiAi Cut. Mo.
lava aaiM b aaaaUtfaus raaat vkaa faa vrtaa
! 0itrl m6 tiruiatt.i-f .ra4 jk
a ptiB mam im atatii ir rm a in
F s.n mm m mM () t"4 moxv.. i
. . a. . . . I . ...... t ...
, t St
tut tlw IU wtru luJiy t!!rtvi J.
Vt.fc fetMst, Ks4
yalsoribe for TflC Ti::kt.; :.
CV1. CrvcUt'a vhtr tjis
iUt TJiij. a.
briutpajs-r. This was ttui.icu

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