OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, February 07, 1907, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1907-02-07/ed-1/seq-6/

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Author of
Th B'ack Woifi Brwd," EU.
V (CopTTIittt, 1, bj D. Apptotoa A Cj
CHAPTER XIX. Continued.
All through the dinner pretty little
Miss Derosset at the lar end of the
table could scarcely take her ejti
away from Mm for fear she might
miss PoniethlnK that he said. , . . 1
While old Ben was clearing away
the salad plates something reminded
Puke, and he began to tell a' very in
teresting story of the Argentine revo
lutions the story of an American
hardware drummer and a fussy gov
ernment official, burdened with re
sponsibility and gold lace. Pretty
Miss Deroeset faced him. scarcely
breathing. It was so romantic.
In the midst of fcls story tfn door
hell rang, lie dropped his fork with
a clatter; bis voice wavered, and
stopped. Involuntarily he looked over
his shoulder into the Call.
Anita caught her breath In one
quirk gasp and pushed back her i
chair. j
"Never mind, dear," said Mrs. Chau
dron; "Celeste will go."
The color went and came to Anita's
fate; she stared out Into the hall.
Then she heard Celeste talking with a
messenger boy who had brought a
note for Mrs. Cbaudron. She laughed
and looked at Duke.
"Well, what did the governor do
then?" asked Miss Derossft, with one
little fist lying clenched on the table.
Everything was safe; Duke stum
bled through with bis Ftory. 'After
that he sat quietly and listened. But
he knew he was listening for the bell,
the sound of the latch, a step on the
walk, and not at what was said across
the table.
In every lull of the conversation
Chaudron reverted to the subject
which Irritated him most the treach
ery of ttaker.
Coffee had been served, and dallied
over. Old Ben began handing round
the cigars, and the ladies arose to
"But I'll make them suffer for It
see If I don't," Chaudron declared
vehemently to Joe.
"What are you talking about, my
son?" asked Mrs. Chaudron, laying
her hand on his head as she passed.
"Those miserable police especially
Baker; I'm going to settle with them
just as soon as Carnival la over. I
get madder and madder every time I
think about it."
Joo laughed as he struck a match.
"Now, Felix, I'd quit worrying over
that; It has turned out so well that
we ought to be thankful. Just think,
at this time yesterday how glad we
would have, been to know, that Mrs.
Ashton was safe." He leaned across
(he table with a queer little smile
upon lilt Hps and remarked: , "I knew
another tragedy once that turned out
even better than this."
"Wait a uilnum. Mrs. Chaudron;
please wait a mlaute," Miss Iierosset
beefed; "let us bear this one story."
The ladles stopped. Anlla pau"d
with her hand on the bark of a chair
the i hair next to Duke's. Joe looked
ktra'.Kht at his friend as he bei;an:
"It happened to Harry Itobb. the
best frioid I ever had In the world,
at the I'nlverslty of Virginia. He was
a hlh Kplritej boy. without a petty
bone in hlii Wiily; but ra-h. Impulsive,
mid alwaa getting Into I rouble. On
day he quarreled with his sweetheart
and wetit down-tuwu that iiilit lo
forg.'t aUuit It sinned out to make
himself generally UlsaMreeahle so she
would hear of It and be sorry.
"1 thought when he left toy room
that ho had Old Nick In him blw;er
thun a mule; but I couldn't keep him,
he would go.
"The lien morning, about daylight,
a man came tapping on my window.
At ttrht I thought he mum be a bur
glar unl was considering whether to
shout him or uot. Then he called
out 'Joe! Joe! let me In, quirk, It's
Duke had paused In the act of light
ing a cigar. The match burned down
to his fingers, and dropped; he did
uot observe It. He scowled at Joe;
what a fool Joe was; he winded he
could climb over the table aud choke
Joe smiled maddeningly, aud went
on :
"I let Harry In tl window; he was
pale aud haggard. 'My God, Joe!' he
s.ild, 'it lis happened; you always sale
It would happen. I got to drinking
mid killed a man last nlht fight lu
a Saloon."
"It sic kened me io that I could not
liiijiilre how the thirg occurred. Hnr
ry tuld all about A, what little be
knew, which wii' uot much. From
what he kuld I ; Lherel that he had
wandered into U saloon and nut
Jo ii at a. table In the rear, opposite
a mi anger. They were alone, both
i an nii'y humor, and words pause.
b.tscni them, about nothing. The
Mianr was eating oysters aud hud
a fork In Ms baud.
N gt up, with the fork, and
i i , ! Il.nry. Harry mat In j the
L : he
could lay butids upwU
' . A
It hnpnrned to t' a bottlo atvl
..truck the man. - It tiimt lutvo been
a pretty hind hliiw, for the mnn
fell, stone ileal, and Harry ran out
the sld? door. . Nn one yaw It.
"Aftr wandering around for hours
the ni rnmv- td my room and told
me. What could I dot I was sim
ply paralysed with horror
"I nuule linrry wait there, dressed
quickly, and went down town to see
about It. What do you think I
Jje glanced up from the spoon
wMch he was deliberately turning
over and over again on the cloth.
Duke sat perfectly rigid, with tlglit
c'.enched Upt where was the fool go
ing to stop? How much did he mean
to tell? Anita leaned forward on the
bar It of the chair, her bosom stiller
th3n a frozen sea.
"And what do you think I found? '
No one stirred, and two of hU lis
teners did not breathe.
"Harry bad simply brohen a bottle
over the fellow's head. The man fell,
bled a little, and was too drunk to
move. You needn't laugh, there was
nothing funny about ' that If, was a
frightful tragedy to Harry Robb."
Anita's hand .slipped off the chair
back; she came slowly forward to the
able. Her yos met Joe's; she tindcr
stocd. Yet, to make very sure, she
VAnd so your friend did not kill
the man after all?"
..."No, hadn't hurt him a bit. The
man had been loafing around that
saloon ell day trying to pick a flht
with somebody; and when he finally
did get a Cght no one felt sorry for
him. But it straightened Harry. I
let hlra think be had killed that fel
low; from Wednesday night until
Sunday night he believed himself to
be a murderer. He Buffered fearful
ly, but. It made a new man of him.
It taught him to control bis temper,
and he has never touched a drop from
that day to this."
Joe glanced at Duke's untouched
glares and smiled. Duke did not 1 with her limp whit arms outstretched
smile; M Uce was deadly white an 1 1 across a traveling bag. sobbing, hob
very serious. I bing.
"Did he marry the girl?" Ilmid lit- j Hure were the pitiful belongings
tie Miss iH-ruhoet Inquired, blushing which she hud im-aiit lo take w lib hr
delli lously. j Into the unknown world. They
"Of coiire there would haiM been ! set med so Very saercij as nhe tui ked
no story If be La In t. They never
quarrel now."
Anita glanred Into Duke's pallid
fare. ?he l.-atied h'avlly on her chair.
The room reeled; the perfume of the
carnations stifled her; she thought,
that she would full.
Then, from some here, out In a
vast wllderuens of vacancy, there cam
a voire: "Com, my dears, let us
leave the gnit lenn n Vi their eli;ar,"
and Mrs. Chaudiuu took b r by the
Anita steadied herself, fullowed Mrs.
Chaudron Into the dra ing room, and
sat beside her on the sofa. Alice
tripled gayly to the piano urn! began
rattling oft the Toreador Kong.
Anlla suddenly fling herself, fare
downward, In Mrs. Chaudron Up.
"Why. Anita. Anita, what's th mat
ter? It's too' late nirw to try; look
at Alice."'
"Yes, I kiiw it, Mrs. Chaudron. but
I can't help It; I held in Just as long
as I could; I've b-en so worried about!
about my auut."
Mrs. Chaudron petted her as she j
might a diotrced chl.d, unlit the girl 1
quieted. j
"There, cow, go back to the Mule!
room and bathe your ey; they are
far too pretty to night to bo spoiling
them with tears."
Anita lose obediently. Mrs. Ctiau
rtrou h d her to the door. ati J watrh'-d
the girl as she went sotibing througti
the hull.
Cigar smoke curled upward from the
ineu alxiut the dining table Duke
did not move; bu scarcely thought or
fi ll. Kvery plan and put pose of Ms
life had gone astray. Ever) thing was
In linos, aud he must coiupore Ms
1 mind to Dew coaUitlooe.
The thin blue born from their Ha
vnnns hung like a veil of Illusion be
tween Minsclf end thoHo other men
tliosn other men who scenied so distant
and so vrmue.
He wit during: at Joe, staring until
Joe' gno'l-nnture,! fuee l"Kt, shape and
outline. It faded away, it merged-end
melted Into the mystery of undlstln
gulshable thing. Some one told a
story; three men lnughed. Duke
moved quickly round the table.
"Jon," ho whispered, "Is that the
"Yes," Joe podded.
Duke's eyes flashed straight to the
place where Anita had disappeared.
He rose, ' walked like a phantom
t'jrough a mist, and parted the draw-ing-room
po.t lores.
Mrs. Chaudron looked up: Flie saw
his tall, slender flgnnr standing there
between the portieres saw him
searching the room with disappointed
The dashing song of the Toreador
rang in his ears, but he did not hear
It. MUs Deroet srnilel, and iuad
a place for him beside her he did
not see It. Mrs. Chaudron was look
ing at him as If she understood: even
Alice Ashton glanced around. But to
Duke the room was empty, silent, des
olate, deserted, for Anita was rot
Mrs. Chaudron walked across the
floor and touched his arm before be
saw her. "Bsek there." she whis
pered, and pointed down the hall.
It was a tiny little room, the room
next the conservatory: but- It held
Anita, and the whole unmeasured uni
verse need be no wider.
The door stood" ajar; Duke tapped
i gently, and gained no answer but a
sob. He tapped again, then pushed
It open.
For a moment h thought Anita
must have fallen, she lay In such a
hopeless heap upon the floor a hud
dle of black gown and blacker hair
where that single Jonquil glistened.
In the middle of the room she lay.
I them away, and her tears hud fallen
i upon every one. Those were the trl-
fles sh had chosen to be sauctlfled
J by hi r love, to share the glory of her
newer lifu. Now there would be no
: sacrifice, there was nuthiiii; that she
I need give uy-her love would cost her
j nothing.
Duke called to her, bis voice In
finitely low, lu'onreivalily tender.
ihe did n"l look up; she only cow-
1 ered closer to the floor and sobbed.
"Anita!" be wliUerfd ogatn, then
came In, shut the door and knelt be
side her.
A B19 of Hot Water.
"I ba t no hut water for shaving at
the lutl country hotel, and accord
ingly heated some In a phjht bag."
Heated hot water In a puper bug?"
"How can that bo dime?''
"You Jake a stout paper bag or an
wivcli.i,.- wlil ill) as well till It with
water and bold It over a gs flame or
a lamp. The water heats readily.
The pn--r drteau't burn because It la
wet. and wt t psM'r Is a singularly
touh and iionmiiiibustllile substance.
"Many am! many a ttinu have I
' heated over the gas Ji t an envelope
or a paper bsg of hot water for my
shaving, and not urn e l:vu I hud an
Strangers No.
"Well, Jack and I ace engaged at
"Yo'J are! frimce when?"
'!. Iiight "
oh. I am su glad, dear!"
"Are you, honest T"
"Yes. Indeed! Now he won't pester
me any more." Houston VvtX.
Condensed lter. Regarding tne Hsf
penlnn at Jefferson C:y During
the Week.
A spoclnl committor- of the senate
appointed to Invcslignte the com
llnltits Bi'.nlnst (ho pnnic wnvdon bavo
gone to S'l'diilil li begin tho Investi
gation. Iteppvontnthe Organ of Dent coun
ty Introduced a bill in the house w hich
provides for offlcitil economies. It
province that no officer or employee
of the state, whoso traveling expenses
are authorized by tho state, shall be
authorized to spend more than J2.S0
a day for board and lodging. It fur
ther provides that no sleeping cne
charges shall be allowed by the date
to any person traveling for the state
and nt the expense of the state.
The senate Tuesday morning passed
a bill by Major rr0Ti',!r"? ,nnt Jn n11
felony cases the accused shall hav
the right to a preliminary bearing.
A resolution to submit a constitu
tional amendment to allow county
courts to levy 2." cents on the $100 for
rond purposes was passed Tuesday
representative Fartln and Itepnv
sentntive Swecrs, Republican ro?m
bers of tbe stock yards Invcgtiral'ng
committee, introduced a bill In the
house. Wednesday morning wh'ch pro
vides for tbe weighing and measuring
of feed sold by stock yard companies.
A bill Introduced In tbe house by
Representative Carter of Clark county
makes it a misdemeanor for any mail
order houae to receive or take orders
for Intoxicating liquors unless th
house shall have taken out a license.
The senate passed a bill Wednesday
morning by Senator McDavid. which
provides an amendment to the garn
ishment law limiting Jurisdiction in
garishment proceedings to wages
earned or debts contracted In this
The house by practically unanimous
vole adopted a constitutional resolu
tion for good roads.
The lower house of the legislature
Wednesday voted to table, 72 to M,
the bill advocated by Governor Folk
making violation of the dramshop
laws outlawry, nnd permitting tho gov
ernor to send posses Into any county
to enforce the luw.
Senator Bradley introduced lu the
enato Thursday a bill to prohibit the
publication of false and mlfleadlng
statements In . regard to minlnfc
stocks The advertiser la made sub
ject to a line of not more than ll.ooo.
NewspuiH-rs that publish knowingly
fraudulent advertising are subject to
a similar fine.
' A biil was ir.UiKliiced in the bouse
by Ui prosentativo Cntlin of St. I.iiils
empoworir.i; all cities mid towns In
the stato to le.no or buy property tnr
the ptirp"s. of farming natlonnl
g'iar is. The object of th'!s bill is to
force the cities In which the national
guard Is st. u lor-. d to pay nil ep r.rtvs
neoe:iry fer malntcnati"e if the
guard and t'i build armories .vnd d. '
Representative Runey of Diving,
ton count introduced a M'.I In th
house which prov id s that any per
son who. with Intention to r...;n'.:t
cr!m? breaks Into a building and uses
dynamite or any other pxp!o-.ro, shall
be punish'd by Improsonmcni of not
Ins than 23.
The house committee on railroad?
of tho legislature Thursday night
voted, 12 to 2. to report adversely
the maximum freight rate bill pre
pared by Attorney General Had; y.
Representative rturrh of Audrl.tr
estulillnhed a new rTord fr tht
house- Friday morning by offering lit
petitions. They coin from travel
ing men throughout the ufato and ad
vocuted the two cent passenger rate
nnd the uliolishliig of frrv tran
Senator Cooper's bill to Increase
tjm number of circuit Jud:.". s in Jack
surv county by tb,i rrea'.It n of 'wo
new Juilg hips has been r nmmend
d for piu-sau by the Mr ale com
mute,) on JuJItlary.
Snator DcvIIMImh has Introduced
lu the sciiuto bill to create a emu
mission of fivu men ti make plum
und start the work of leiilllng a
ticw $j,!ioO,t'oO Btn'chouse. It piovldei
for nn Bppropilatlon of tr.oo.O'V) ft
the current bh'iin4al n tliil. and with
this money th t-oinminslou to ti ap
pointed by tho governor Is ordered to
s. rure the slti and .turt the fouiida
;ion for a building.
Tho senate committee on railroads
Friday favorably rejirted the two
cent passenger rate fare bill to apply
on all roads In Missouri over 14
miles In length, and thrett cviits on
fcn.n, h,-.. If ihjn r.O miles. Ic U
practically tho same as tho bouse bill
which Is ready for Jiassage.
Tbe bouso cvimiiiittve on f,,'0,i"n
reported favorably on tln Hiidies
br.l. This measure provides that no
ot can o tinl'-ss he has inld all
t.xes, Imludlng poll tax.
Locorotive Boiler Explodes.
Fort We) 11c, nidlmia. A loco
motive pu ling n rennlvsiii,i rrllnoad
freight trarii ru loiite to this city, ex
n'oli-d at Ano'.i, 12 tal es west of
heie. ut 11 01 bnk Weiceiday. F.n-
Kiner V. C. lnder 1 ml ihe t'liemun
and biskeiuan were badly hurt.
Valuable Horsss Crm itd.
Not folk. Vll ;;iil. I'oityeUtit
valuable bmo wets cieii'.ute.t lu the
J. J. lumbar t ibles, wlihh wei inui.
plelely destlMVed by lno of onlllivva
orUla fail)' Wednesday.
to vi nr. a ii.i 1 unit nty
Tnkn . A X A II V K IOeioi,enliiTBh't.i. Irf
t'-- M'C I DMifl II u ftc 01 c, k. W
liOV K n 'K urtiurw la tin 'ti b.)i. Vuv,
Heart failure and cash futlure olte.t
go together.
I.ewiV Siru-le I'inih r straight ftc eigne
tnn'le of M Ii, mell.iMf totNici-o. YuU
denier er Iwm' Factory. l'e'ri. III.
At the marriage altar he agrees to
endow her with ali his worldly goods
and she promises to love, honor and
obey but do they make good?
Oats Heads 2 Foot Long.
The John A. Snler Seed Co., L Croise.
Wis., ore bringinx out a new oats this
year with hendu 1 foot lonid That's a
wonder. Their rs'alug te!l!
Spett the gretet cereal hay food
America ever .. ! Catalog tells!
Our mammoth ItS-psge Seed nd Tool
Catalog is niuiled iter to all intending
buyers, or send 6c in stamps and receive
free Mmples of new Two Foot Long Oats
Slid other cereal and big catalog free.
John A. Salzer N?ed Co., lux W, La
Crosse, Wis,
Big Task for Englneert.
Engineers have never doubted the
possibility of transmitting power from
the Victoria falls of the Zambesi river
to the great gold fields of the Trans
vaal. 7S0 miles distant, but they have
questioned the economic soundness of
such an undertaking, on a commercial
scale. Nevertheless, contracts have
been lot which show that the work
will be undertaken. It Is tho most
extraordinary electric power scheme
ever attempted.
Boy In Misery 12 Years Eczema In
Rough Scales, Itching and In
flamedCured by Cuticura.
"I wish to inform you that your
wonderful Cuticura has put a stop to
twelve years of misery I passed with
my son. As an Infant I noticed on
his body a red spot and treated came
with different remedies for about Dve
yeaia, but when tho spot began to
get larger I put hlra under tho caro
of doctors. I mler their treatment the
disease spread to four different parti
of his body. Tho longer the doctor
treated hi in tho worse it became. Dur
ing the day It would get rough and
form like scales. At night it would
be cracked, inflamed, and biully swol
len, with terrible burning and Itch
ing. When I think of his Buffering.
It nearly breaks my heart. Ills
creams could bo heard downstairs.
Tho suffering of my son mado ma
ill of misery I had no ambition to
work, to eat, nor could I sleep.
Due doctor told in that my son's
eczema w as Incurable, and gave It up
for a bad Job. Onu evening I saw an
article In tho paper about tbe wonder
ful Cuticura and decided to givo It a
trial. I tell you that Cuticura Ointment
Is worth Its weight In gold, and when
I had used thi? first box of Ointment
there was a great Improvement, and
by tho titno 1 had used the sim-oiuI set
of Cuticura Snap, Cuticura Oint
ment, and Cuticura Resolvent, my
child was cured, lit is now twelve
years old. and Ms skin Is as fine
and smooth us silk. Michael Steln
man. 7 Sumner Avenue, llrnoklyn,
N. Y , April 16. 190i."
After bi'lng let In on the ground
floor of a big di'ul a man sometimes
discovers that some) other chap
eras led In through the cellar window.
The firtl rerjulsite of n g'vxl
mother Is g'xxt lleullli. Slid tho ex-ri-iire
( mnternity should not Ut
ipirtm hod vv ilhoul careful physical
rv-ritt.ou, hh a woman shu Is iu
I'h1 iiIiv-iickI roinl.tioii trwitMiiits t
ler ciitl.lreu U10 tlofwiiiigs of a yowl
I'npurstiim for healthy mater
tilty Is -xiiiipifthi-d by l.vdia K.
l'iuk haul's Vetrrtable Compouiid.
hit ii Is niHile from tintlvr rtt and
herbs, more aiii-'es.iully tlmn by any
other medicine bccuiiMi It give tone
and strength to the entire feinliiinu
iTgnniMii. enrinir iUhplset uu tits, 11 1
tvntlion and luiliiiiiuial 1011, ti l the
rehitlt Is fiutleriuif aud uioro
thbu thirty years
Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound
baa Wen the standby of American mothers In preparing for childbirth.
NoU'whatMrn .lmi-H 'benter.of f.'7 W. 3Mh St., New York says lo tbWi
letter: l-ar Mrs. l'lnkliHin:-"! wish every csp-ctant tuotherkiiew about
I.v.lia K. I'iiikhiim'a Veg-etalde Cmivniiid. A neighUir who had learned
of its prrat vulue at this trying period of a Woiimu lifa urged m to try
ii aud 1 did so, and I raunot say enough In regard to the jjouj H dida.c
I ncTeretI rjnlekiy and am In the best of heiilth tiovv.
Dydi li Pinkham s Vegetable CorniKiiutd Is certainly s aucAvlfur
remedy fur the peculiar vveakiu'SM-s aud ailiueuU of women.
It bus cured almont every form of Female Complaint. 1 t nglnjr S('iisu.
thins, Weak Itaek. Falling' and Dit-plnvemcnts, Inflaiuinatiou, L'l.:kp
tinns and Org-nnic Diwsws of Women and Is Invaluable iu prt'punud for
Childbirth and during' the t hange of Life.
Mrs. Pinkham's 5tand(ng Invitation to Women'
Women snfTrriiirj from any form of female weakness are luriUid to
Write Mrs. PtnUbaitl. at l.vnn. Mum. II,f ..Ivii 1m tr,i
A Positive
t. uil kl boMXKt.
ti.rt gllt at Ones.
It c!eni', soot he
liesla una irtit ts
ttia il. el iu iu
brni. e. It cur. s C',w
tn!i sul drlv
r a fold in the
II. 4 qui. V I y. 1:
S'ot'is thi K. tiK s of
T: sod him II. 1'
tit r ly lu.l 1 Tr
nil ic fiD cUL, at DniJi-
ul hi lDcU by tnitiL
J.iy liroihri,0J W
iui-u riirt. New Voik.
If ft DM '14-4 lt
Tl Tbampicn'a t9 Vzltt
W. N. U, KAN8A CITV, HO. , 190?.
Dr. Williams', fink Pills Will Cur
Most Cases and Should Interest
Every Sufftrer.
Nobody who ha not endured th
tufTri-Ing csused by B nous head
aeho can realize, tho awful agony of
Ita victims. Worst it !',, t lie ordin
ary treatment cannot be reljoj ujjuu
to euro nor even to givo rciirf. Krftue
doctors will say that If a unrson'! Is
) subject to theso headaches thero Is
I nothing that can be dono to prevent
1 their recurrence.
Nervous '.leaduclirs, as well ns neu
ralgia, are caused by lack of nutrition
the nerves are starved. The only
way to fted tho nerves Is through tho
blood and It Is in this way that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have accom
plished so many rvmarUable cttres.'i
I Mrs. Addlu Merrill, of 29 Vnfr,n
oireei, Aiiuuru, ivie., says: or
years I suffered from nervous head
aches, which would come on me eviry
five or six weeks and continue for
several days. The pain was so severe
that I vvoulil be obliged to go to bed
fgr tfcrc-e cr four days tech time. It
1 was particularly Intense over try right
eye. I tried medicines but get no re
j lief. I had no arpctHa jtzi yhra
tie besdacho passed awy 1 felt as It
I nnd cecn olck for a month.. My
blood was thin and I was p'lie, wci.k
and reduced In weight.
"I read about It, Wiillnms' Pink
Pills In a paper and decllej to try
them. I first noticed that tl:oy be
gan to give me atl appttite and I
commenced to gain In weight and
color. My headaches stopped nnd
have not returned and I have never
felt so well as I do now.". -
Dr. Williams' Pink IT.'.s ,are s"?!d
by all druggists or sent, poftpiid. .n
receipt of price. 5t) cente per box. tt'.x
boxes $2.50. by the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Company, Seheuectady, N.--Y.
Thf t-" of ihotf
Mitj iiirr ib
? -nt 1 I fiA' t U i. 4 r r
eC ). if ki w NU
irf tf )iMr It'
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CTva-H.! Info Mill r- 1 n
TUlleS, tl'i! K IfcVt
d rtn (t"nsT "i
wry inm 6--e eier.
Some of the Advantages
sT1 1 11 'ii itl lf 01 -ne 1th fa t iiirf'rv erv
l.tivl U-oitf Uj r 4, tifit,
1 , MM T MII.LM htllKL W irAT H'F
nf t h yr-f tt-4rtt u. ttaj ;,, t h 1 4t , f
$r ii fit C . .it
" it ft ! otj.t ipfitrrrai ion n4vm PtTKU-htKM-rM'"
JMWt'.HAiK'.S t.u.
ur ftfef luiao' imI oh iiju.tPt Arrat.
J. 5. CRAWFORD. K. 123 W. KuJk Stnrtt,
Ksexii City, UiMori.
Poltlvr-ly rme-d by
IhcMT X.Utlo 1111.
TUt y aL' ixUrTe I'
trs t:i.-a 1J -tt ;r '.j. Ja-J:-esu
a eud Xw Ucartj
tittle. Afttnir
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tirowiine tJk tu:S
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Tnturie, Ia!n tn UieU le.
Ti'!ini lJVKll. TUr-j
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Gcnuino West E'jof
Fac-Simila Sigitt
children heulthy
l birth
For inore
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nmrmpp victor
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