OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, October 08, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1908-10-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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The Tribune
(iti. li. Ilowi i.i..
r.ilitiir tun! Miiiwiiri,i.
SitJisiTlpiInn r1ci 1 00 jvcrjfur.
I.nttriil Ht I lie filth Hill post
l!ic F'TciDil rlnxH Molt Or.
Ai'fnplH iK-s nro about, as cheap
as uiiloinoitil s. Wilbur Wright
has RulJ lift.v ia Franco for 100,
00.) nr ilOO dollar? ".piece.
Tii'! water waron j r ved to be
a t il vehicle in Illinois lust
week when one turned over and
killed a boy who whs riding it.
Tiio Cass County New issued
its nnniversity numlff Inst week
and it was a credi'able numler.
Too News lias recently install
el now machinery and type set
t'nLf t'UKhines, alonj; with new
t'pn and tliw in now one of the
m it nioiicin country plants in
1 10 s!ntc.
If anybody who is addicted toi
spinning Miske stories happens
to f. I the. call while j urneyii3
through Bates county and if he
expects to stand any show at all
in .such a contest he will do well
to be the last speaker on the pro
gram. A man near Rocky Ford
on tins Miami one dsy last week
killed six rattlers and five copper
heads and thought it was a poor
day for snakes, too. Up to that
time tlurinp September he had
lulled G2 rattlers beside? numbers
of other varieties. During Sep
tember 1 DOT be killed U7 rattlers-
Cass Co. Democrat.
Cr)3.is Chance.
A glance at the election tables
of clectorial votes shows that
Bryan has a fighting chance of
election. The Republicans will
carry California, Colorado, Con
necticutt, Delaware, Illinois, In
diana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mas
sachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, North Dakota, Ohio,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Dakato, Utah, West
Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyom
ing. These give Taft a majority of
103 votes and if New York and
Indiana should go Democratic
and it is very improbable that
this will happen, Bryan would
have a majority of 1, and if Miss
ouri goes Republican this would
give Taft a majority of 35 again.
245 electorial votes are necessary
for an election.
Go to the Burrows Millinery
Co. for your hat and your
money's worth.
Tell your friendi they should
read the Tribune during the cam
paiga of 1908. We have stopped
all clubbing and cut rates but
think you will find the paper
worth the $1.00 asked for it.
teMtal 1 fesalsrejia
i ttu.ifn win 1 tun tar o trtiriut mi
I''j.th rr trseimant cf ail Cti pubis Ixhmw
lit.mt tvuut tut kOWOOUBaMiaUam i StUOiaiaV
r.1,uU !. OfvHrmt ttrfrm4 wets
5.,, see' J..m askra arrr a hmarf.
ZZllM Cf T5 JSUnsK
of wumra. Mo who bare suSerea It vaera
eureU ek boaas. bpecial book lat weaves lrk.s1
"TJTT .Tca ffMAaiNT eun
MilMir Ou4Miraa
MW mi, iifmiwrl mr tmltl4. Aa m0
4 fiiumi U mnit. IjtCU at flit,
tf"IfffE Radically Caree U Ta
U.ovuvikLS base, at.r a fr'aeuive
u..ieGiee. Neei tor rieeia t nil &onn
New realoreltvs trealuieul tT ieee at vim)
IVeee, H vdtooela, Httpiure, alriclsre, eta.
I . (U.I t...LU,.,,,J S,li.,r.S
. b Frr c,l kku tir. frit,
.1. l!r l.lu.
J 1. ( Aaw Utt P oa ten ddaaii.ai,
I ilo4ritfl J . rlTlcf )
fctl.tet kitlvi uiu.. fc.t- off aiiilM
i- o U. I.. L,."iMi!! I f (TY.MO.
niOOATs T "eva
7 ...
. r; ' ;"!
r"T rovrrrn'TioN!. x"v
IMN'TJalnl MficmiTnt r '
tlAr att3nnillfl 1h qitalin4
af Oia ata ff Mlaaattrl an amn'i
trt lha . nnaOtijt mfi tharatf. ptAia,
fir ia murannaOofl of tantibaa-a m
9'aarat aambly.
a It raaaivaal r , la Haw)
a' Wapraaaatat'vaa aanaurrlaa haramt
1'hat at tha aanara.1 ',atMt'n it bt 4
ll th'.a alxla an 0a f.rl lr at
f-a M'inAty In Nnranlbar. A. U
U 'l, iiiar ahali ba aul-niltiafl f
1inn t IKa tialtf.a'l Inlcf, t tha ataM
tha f..Ilnwlng anatltullonal imniinml
TV.nl aartlnn aiiiaan (II) nf arlMa 4)
f tha (Vnidiiiilnn nf tha alala rf M'a
apurl ta i4 a uni la haratf ra
anil tna i!ain tiaw aa--ivaa aa
acii in liau Ihmot, to ba known at
fli !
1 Momb.ra. antnpanaattaai af
TVa rvab4(a 0 tha janor-il aaaaw-'
ahaU aararal!r raralva rro tha aabhc
tnaaait'-f tha ,ua nf aavaa hun4raa anf (
nt aivra ar annum la ha pala: ar
fTr at tha and of aarh onartar, n
nail ba full rajiaiaallnn f lhalr'
itW aavl aapanaaa acaff aa ttarata
nTiffi.fi Cemputtfa af aliKaa Mwt at
(emmlllm af hoih KnutM afarHra4 t
mm., ta Inuotvilana af tha a4ata tt
at Utaa uaa at Wa at af rinil
at r ria Ia4r art.al aapawaaa raraa
a11r tvnfTa4 wh:a In tta jaararm-.
a- a4 ark lr; ta Kama ? atti al
a ha tvturriad to tha af
auca ritl!i( ana) f him cti-t t
tha '! aianor bfnra tha aval or an
part tl-rof ran ha pa id. Ana na amola
arvt.a yr ikt aurimta whataTar ahaU ba
mnda ta cr rarWafl Vr tha tnamtoara af
ry Enairi bar of atiher houaa or for thai?
tiaa aul of tha eoatlntxant fund or athrr
Xlaa axcrat aa haraln aipraly jmrloaV
nd no altowafK-a or amulumant far any
purport whatarar ahall avar ba pat4 to
any fflr. avant. aarrant or ampioya a
arihar fcoaaa of tha ganeral aaaanibly a-rr-t
aw war diana aa may ha arovldaa1
y law. not ta aarit na etniiara
rrt.Nr rowiTiTrTioNAi, amiktv
KENT-Joint and auncurraail mm-
u . - UiitH am .natAmanl '
ta tha f'onatltuttan tharaof. ronaara4a(
lavanva a4 tasatltMt.
Ba N raaa'vaf by tha Mavaa af Waaaa
atraaa. tha ala awrflM tharala;
Thai at tka (anaral aiaatkm ia aa haM
M Taaaoay, Bait foilowtnfi tha ra Uaq.;
ftay la Naaaxbar. A. I. 1MI, tlva fol-:
kwln araaaniant ta tha Caaiatttiitloaj
V tha Utata of Mloanurl. raatraraalvsf raw
aa w aua4 tacalloai. ahaU ha aukmMtatl ta
tka ,aaliAa4 aatara of aa!4 eiala:
tinm tt la amtaa taaaa aalkoa
taa4 ta ba Iaata4 far awuaty miajii wa
aaa aa4 by wartaa of aactlaa II. art'la
1 a lb CaajattliitkMa of fhia) . ta
aaatlf aaw I ta. lha aaaaral aonattaa af
thbj atata. aat tmdar tavnahla aaaa iHaa !
tM a4 lha tawaakls baant af traatara,':
tn tba aaaaal eaaatlaa a4ar tha taar-j
ahifi oraaalaatioaa, ana 7 ta thair ariarrafiao J
lavy a arl asCara ta lha aama nuaar aa .
a ia la aaf aaunty tacaa ara clla4. a
oarlai taa ax araattnB lwaly-Ta
raata mm aaah llf alialt..n. ta ba aao'
fay ra4 aa hrlJta ornaaaa. hvt - for
aa atha rTaaa KataTar. and tha aaw
a taarrby irn a! ?OTmty -marts and
tnwnahlp boaf-oa ta flaelarad ta ba a Jia
rallnaiarr aaarar.
ME XT Joint and eanrarrant raaala
tlaai anbmlttlMc ta tha qaaila4 wavar
af ktlaaourl aa amacdjnant ta tka Coa
atltatlaa. fharaaf raararntnfi tha Imllia
tlv ana yafarandum.
a ft raaaivatf by tha Sonata, tha Maua
ft Wayratanlativaa aancurrina inaraini
TbaI at tha awnaral alaetlmi to ha htd;
ta thla alala on tha krat Tuaaaaw aftrrj
tha Arrt IIMftf la Kabr, lMt.
thara ahaU ba aubmlltad. for aaoptlaa. t ,
tka avKhflaA mum .of tha atata. tha
(oOoaHnfi aaiartiaant to tha Caaatltvtlaa:
tKlM 1. Tba- aactalativ aalaariiy 01
tha aaata actaB ba ostad In a UonalaOra
aaaaaa Wy. aaata4la af a aaatata ana
boaa at rvaraaantatWa. baat lha aaoala
raaarra ta fceaalTa) bar ta aroaoaa
kcwa aal aaaaaaiaanla ta tha Caaiatltvt'.aa.
4 ta atari or ra)act tba aama at tfca
ala. raaaaaaaat of tha la(1alaua aa
aaabty. aat aia raaarya powaa at tbalr
w aatWa ta apyrava ar yabart fat Mm
Cat tnr art af tha talalallva aaaaiaj
y. tha ftrat fnmrr lannat by Uaa
aafita la tha tniilattTa, and aa aaara
than alht aar cant af tha lay a. Tvtara
la aarh of at laaat two Ihltrta af tba
aoafrroaalanal diatrteta ia tha atata aball
ba raaalrad ta proyoaa any saaaaura by
aiaah bafltiaat, and arary rxiph aattUaa
attal Inalaaa fh full taxi af tha aaaaaura
ao araaaaad. tnltlatWa aatltloaia aha4 ba
ftlaJ an tk tha aaoratary of atata aval Vaaa
than fr aaaatha bafara tka ataatloa at
vhtob thay ara ta ba vatad a. Tha
aaooaid yartr la tha rafaraadwax. and It
aaay aa araaraa raarayt aa ta Mat a .uaa- i
aary far tha laaaiariieta yaaaraatlaa af
tha awUa faaea. haalth or aafvtr a ad
laara avaJrine aa arm nation for tha any
rant aayaroaaa af tha atata tavamiaaaT.
for fha aaatataaaaoa of tka atata (wviMittt
IIom and far t aapaarl af tfca pabH
araaata) attbar by tba paljtiaa atawad br
S aar aunt ad tha taajai raiara ta murk ad
at taaad rwa-thlrda of tka aa ajaa ii i aJ
Ciatrtata ta tba atata. ar by tka taytata
tira f hi mably. aa athar bltlc aa ttart
ad. tSafwraftdant faaUtleaia abafl ba Md
tattb fba auratary af atata bat aan thaai
ftloaf y aaya ftr tha final aMiaraaat
ar tba aaaaiaa af tha WiataMra aaaant
b!y wbiab paaaad tka but aa ahlfe tba
aataraadana ha daaaaadal Tba Tata aaw.
ar af tba aaatiaaa aOaJI Bad aataad ta
ajiaaaaraa fafarrad ta tha aanyta. All
atactnaakr -a aaaaamria rafrrrad ta tba
paor-ia af fba atata aball ba bad at tb
blaaaaU raauiaf aaaaral atartlaaa. a
rrt arhaa tka laaraUttra aaaaaabiy aba
ardar aatial mofiIob. Any iMaantra
rafarrad ta tl paova ahaU taka aflart
and bacanaa ' tha law whaa It ta ay-
rrarad by a aaavtrlty af tha ratafria raal
haraoa. aa4 not atharwtaa. Tha syta
of all Ml! ahall ba: "Bm It anactad by
tha aaopta of tha stata af bliaanarl
Thla aactlata ahall Dot ba ronairaai ta
aprlra aay anawihar of tha laaiaiatlva
acaaotblr of tha rlaht la Intraduaa any
naasara. Tha arhola nwaabar af rata
raal dor Inatlaa af tha aafrawia noart
at tba raawlay alarlln la at yraaadlna tka
fiiln af aay ballllua for tha tnltiaia.
ar let tha rafaraodum. ahaU ba tha baaf
aa arhlcai tka aaaiuar of laya) ?ia aw.
aaaary ta rltm aacb Mtlttaa shall b
aaaalad, VaiHIoaas aai araair far tha
ln.ltkk.tiva and f' tha rnt at ' shall
ba diad trth ah aanratary af aaaa. 4
a aaanlitlna' tba aanaa ta tba baayla ba
atni al aabar afdaatna. ahail ba oalLa
br tba aanaral haws and lha aat vb
Balttlnai &la taaataaal. an 14 laaiatairra
anafl (a BT--tol,r arotad baa'-
ot'tK fN.WdTtTCTlOHAl. Abir-r.
bltMT-JiAHl d ooacarrant raaaia
ftaa aubattnaf ta tha aaaiibad aaiaa
af bflavovrl an amandmant ta tba C-a.
atnatij thataof avacarnlnaj tba Itai
rlai eraaataaaat.
( ft raaalrad by th banal, tha ftattaa
ar ptaaraaantaiiraa aaaaamai aanai
1hat a fha antral atartiaa I Wa fiatf
tn tha slats af btiaaa'art at tha f-ot
TfWiar attar rSa al afnay ta Ma
taatw, tn tba yaar lh. t&ara ahaA ba
aubtaiUtad ta tha aualldad aataa af M
alala far adftlna tha fullawn tal
taant ta tha Caaaltuttoa:
Ittnta t. Tba auarama eaart saaB aoa
slat of ala usa. aha ahall HtHi at
tha aaat nf aaiarKsarnt. and shaft t
oka ra dirtataa ar ta bane, aa Btay ba
rdarad by tka nawrt Aftrr rh y-al
day af Jaaaary. la lha yaar a, tn
rourt oha.il ba dlrtdod Inia tfcraa di
alaloas la ha raanpaaad of thraa tadoaa
aatk. and aaalanacad s altla'an ana,
(aa and thraa. bVach judaa aba ba aa
sisaaa ta tba dlalalaa of which ha ta
ta tv"Oii1a a rrt In arb wianaar sad
fa amah flat a th saart la baaa aaay i
atarafi aad tha raurt la baa mt (
fha rt araiawataaif at aay )at) II j
yaay aa aaia4 proaar aa ta da. Til
tawrt ShaU start Ita yhhrf faatwa. art
barb dt vtk a raatdl H4a. Th . ,
yiaKtna ahaU atl awparataiy f tba baar-I
ft- aad dvnpoatllaat af eaaiaaa and
Vara arivts tharata. and aartl an r
baaa atarrant farladtrtloa ad li
aaaaaa) aad aaattar In tba jpraaoa
atcrt, aauayd tat dlrlalaa aaaaba lai
snail ha aaalaatTa junadvrtUMt af at
at-iaaibal miii Baadln la said aonrt .
y-rTad. taat aay aaaaa aoal arlm
Ittal aara may by tha court b ajaat;n.f
la lha aaart In baa at tha rst li
sajia. aad aay oauaa rnay ba traaafmaf
(.tat fray aUtWt-a M Ua awatl ad bai 4
f' aay ad tb r- aanllonad In .
I tfl I r-artr la fe-.vfavt o4 tt h al
n- a..tew. ft - af wm.j
Si4 f.'iia va atnturraal jarlaAi.i
tiaa) riait ba ajaAa 4 irtra amir
In b aaay rtia. A tnalority n
tna f'v-aa f a d.Tita v,!l aoaatltvti
a twtraa laranf. ana a'.l afAara fvray
aaaaia and daoraa of alhar Aitialon ai
ta ti( aad aaaaaa yaodins hafort
It a-...V v th vr and trt an
tha f :t) vt.
aa. t. V a tha 4f Hon af thla
taaaaVtat, ths frrtr r.al1 ayolni
laa a'i nam.! Ju;.ra af tha .irrnn
aaurt, wha tl kmd thalf aflfaa u'Hl
ta d' at aay af aaaary In tha yaar 1U
aad st tka yanara) alavtlan hald In On
yay tls thrir sHnaaoaar yhall ba atari,
ad. wha shall bold ftr allni, (lia ant
yaaatvlny tha feiyha! nunlaf of votna
fr a ton af atnt yaar frrn tha ri
da; af January In tha taar )tii, and tin
ana raoalrlnf tk nal biyhat aamliai
af rata for a taran of a ' t yaar f rata
said dal. Tharaaftar sD r4fa shall h
aiaalad toy a tarm of tan yaaia, aanl
whaa alastad ta tH an vrvaiplrad tarm.
In which aaaa thair tin ia ahall aiplra
as Olharwla ranulrad la tha Conatilu
lira. I'ha ftuyrama aourt ahaM hnld thrra
ytajvlar tartas a yaar, bacmalnc en tha
brat Tnaaaay aftar tha drat felonday ol
Janaary. AyrU and Ontobar af aa yaar
dao. t. Ik supram court sliall as
sta to andi diriaion and ta court In
ban th aa uaa, and naattars tn b heard
by tt, of wkicb aaa'.aoaiont tua publK
ratio shall ba alvan. and all laws ra
in tin a practlc la th suprcma court,
aa wU a tha rule of th urrm
rvart. ahaU apr.ly to each dlvlalon so fat
aa (hay aaay ba nrrllaabl tharato. Tha
aalaiaaa of aaah divtaloa and of th i
cwrt In baar shall ba In writing, and '
hall b Biad tn tha causa In which
thay shaU ba raapaotlvaly mtda dxrlnt
th trna at which th causa la submit-
tad, snd enr-n orlnlrms shall ba a part
af tha racaras at tha supram court. A
cany af aacb dlvlstoaa ovl'lcn shall, at
tha tlaaa It la yandarad. b furr.lahal to
th praaldtng tvdfa of aarh of th olhti
ditalona for tha Information of such tfl- 1
rialnaa. Tba eoart In bano, cr atthar di
vision tharaaf. ahail haaa authority ta
kaaoa Sha orl I na I arrlta and axsroisa th '
pawar anniratad In aaotloa tbraa of
arttoia six af tha aanatltutvon.
aa. a. Whan ana )udr vf a rtlTlslcn
dMsaaata frcra tba cpinlan tairraln, ot
wbaa a tadaraj uaattrn Is Involved, tit
oauaa, aa) tba application of tha lctalr.a
party, ahail ha tranafarrvd to tha court
in ban fur Its dHlalan; or whan a di
vtaloa In whlcb a causa la rrndins. shall
C ardar. tha aua shall ba tranafrrd
th osart ta bans for Its dealslorv.
bac. I. Tba surrama enurt may f
Its awa aaotloai ardar a rauaa otharwla '
saillnaf wdhin tha Jurladloliea af a court ;
af appaals, franafarrad front lha auprarr
jrt to tha proper court of nppeaia
wtianevay, la Ita opinion, a determination
ar eonalaaratlon of a conatttutlonal u-- '
tiaw at Bad aacassary for tha proper dls
poeitten af th can. And th supreme
cawrt anajr order any cauaa tranafrrrr-1
ta th broker court of sppaala over whlt-h.
ta tfa atinloaj of tha supreme court, the
aajd atmrt of appeals has Jurla.llcil.in.
tea. a. In caaa tha full memlternhlp nf
bha cupratna court or a court of sppraia
at aay time shall not be made up by the
Bttebdaara of tba JuOye comprising au'h
eovrt, on account of th strknese of n-. j
yods ar judse of such court, or alien j
any Juaa or Judaea may te disqualified,
ana or snors circuit Judges withn the ,
tats, dasismated by suet) court, shnll be (
ctatnpatant to alt la such, court: Provided.
that no circuit Judc before whom a
ears or ausatlnn may hav been tried 4
ar heard in tha circuit court ahull alt on '
tha trial or h carina; of such caaa or quea- '
tton In ths supram court or court or sp- j
baala. A Judaa of a court nf appeal
may under like circumstances, and In i
tha same manner, sit ss a member nf
tha supreme court. If. In any caee. the
supreme court Is evenly divided, ar.y
sucft Judas or lawyer poaaesalna the
qualifications of a Judge of tha supreme
aaurt. when designated by such court,
may. la such rasa, sit with and ba a
ana m bar of ths supreme court.
Sao, T. Tha Judaea of tha supreme
eoart and of tha courts of appeal, from
aad aftar tha adoption of this amend
ment. Shalt, unleaa Increased hy law. re
ceive bha aama salaries ss now ar paid
th Jadaea af th 8t. Louis court of ap
peals. ee. I. This amendment shall he eelf
ee forcing and shall go Into force and
elf act front and after It adoption by the
paopa. and ahaU operate to repeal nil
revtalans of tha lonatltullon and laws
of thla state tnmnaiatent therewith.
MENT Joint and concurrent resolu
tion to amend tha slat Cnnntltulinn
by adding th following sections to
article X.
Be It reeelrad by th senate, th Hsua
f Rareeentetlve concurring therein:
That at the general election to he held
an tha Tueaday neat fotioaing th first
Monday In November. lot. the following
amendment to th Cnnntltution of the
lat of Missouri, relating to taiatlun
shall ba submitted for sdoptlon or rejec
tion to tha qualified voter of lbs slats
f Mleenurl. to-wit:
1. Tba general assembly shall sepa
rata th source of stale snd l.rnl tthat
la. eouaty. school and munlclpnl) revenue
and astahllan local option for lha counties
nd municipalities of tha stats In ths aa
bnatlon af tha subject of tsxstlon
2. Tbs separation of tha sources of
lata and local revenues, snd tha eatab
llehnteat af local option and boms ruis In
laiatloa, ahall ba effected by tha dleron
llauanra af th levy of a gsnersl prep,
arty tag apoa tba raal and personal prop
erty af ths stat by lha general aaaem
br frona and after tha first day of Jan
aary. It, and ths revenue required fit
all atata purpoeee shall thereafter be
saanred either by the eierrtee by tha
general asssmbly of Its power of taia
IMt upon ths subjects nf laiatlon ether
thsn by ths general property tag uion
lha raal and personal properly of li e
tata. or by apportionment to tha coun
ties af th stale and tha city of pi
lymls. of ao much of ths revenues re
quired for stsls purposes as mar ba In
sicsss nf ths revenue of tha stale derived
from other source of revenue, an, h ap
poctioriment In be msde by the state
beard af equalisation In tha manner pro
vided by the genera! assembly.
I. t'poa ths dtscontlnusncs nf ths
levy py tna geuarai sasemt.iy nr the gen
ara) property las fur aisle piiriuwra
auoa tits teai aoa personni pruj e i ty
af th state, that la In any. after Jan
vary t, lrC. tha counties and a-ltles of
ths sse suay sub. Wot ta tsastiun f.n
local purpoeee the real and per eons 1 prop
any wttr.ln their Jurisdiction, and n.nr
eternal aay riaaa af property within auch
jMTledU'lloa from tatsllon. sKher wholly
ar by redaction of th rat of laaailon
thereon; provided, that ar.y taxation nt
saavpttoat frosa laaailon made In any
eoaialy ar city shall ba uniform upon the
wet sVasa of subjects within su. h ter
ritory. ta tasatlon for e-hnl porposaa
wiuila sack struair or city, by whatever
awOtarliy levied, el. all ba marts arrotdina.
ta th plan of tasstlon snopiad In lha
rauaty wherein such sen. A datrlct la
loaatsd. ar In tha city. If tha district I,
located wholly In an Incorporated city.
a. Tba taxing power In counties ahall
b errlsed by the cout.tr courts Ihere
rat. esses U eountlea whar tha town
ship argealeafloa has Irn. or may t,e
rctaaV and there tha laitng pa.wer ahall
bs saercleed by the township board of
gtraetora, and ths taaa-on for achool nur-
peaee In iikH lewnahlia In the counties
aattff tawnenip arganisatlnn shall con
form to the tavatl n sdopied In such
tawnshtpa. in rtoee. tha taung i-own
Shall ba sisrrtssd by tne munl.-ii.al aa
eetnbly or ather body wherein the luiia.
lat! 'a pawar thereof la veeted I Ui
Subject ts ths limitations ol II. air re
spective charters.
f. Tke Interest on the rsrilflcalas of
Indebtedness of ths stste f t .a ' l uhllr
wkaot fund" and tl.f lAmlnary fuvid "
shall b paid by ths stale ut nf tha
fanersl ravesu of th ststs. la lieu ol
he aessrsl Iss nsw Isvled for such cur,
I and provided farther, that nollilng
bereta aantelnad ahail be rciistrwet ki
Itu salting tks ol.ll Hon nf ma genrnl
aeaaanblf ta aet apart ths rsv-enuas fof
Ins S'lrpert af lha puhllo achoois as Bow
(. Tks separa'lon of tha sources nf
lata aad lore! revenuee and lha ratah-
b.hmeat af tx-al apt l-.n ae herein pra id
ad. aaat aat ba cvnetmed aa Iftip Irlng
tf.a authncliy of lha genetal aseen.biy tc
levy any las Upo the special subjm ta ni
teaatlon other than the genetal ptosrl,
tot apOA real and persona prot.!y, an,
the general sseenihly. In sal, llog any
yHMal gaajact af gUtlg UaalWu, sua g-
smpl ths urn.- from any form of v'
laiai..n. S'hI t..av. In Us iI.m. iMum. np.
pc. pile's Or (i...r..l of a.i'h let It
slate .-iq.v p,, or May a -..oi.m II.,
Sims to the roimOna of tl.t ci.ti sue
lbs oily cf Ht. I .nul on the b.tala sue
In the manner tumbled by the genera,
f. 1 heat 'r., ui.mi ahal) hot con
strued ss loi;.ihl.' the rtl-lt.ia llntllA.
tlovis upon ll, e rue of tiiaatlott In h
ruuntl.-s snd lum r ths aiio. nor si
tmialili.g ih rli I.I .t any entity or i-lia
to lei y any I. .I'm r.T irti it tna now pro
vided ty tiny svlt".ig law or ihertcr,
t'tmidrd IV It II r li..'l of the viuna
IS not ap. ."I t In led IV r.ilto lnv.il ...
ths (cenrri.l iraetnhl. iln.l.r th' piwrdlug
i.." l"n.
mxni fovsTiTvri'ivAi. am'cno-
' E.T - I. .lot aril c in nirtrii I,.
thin protl.lliiK for II r n -urn. I infill ol
Section In vt n- fir Itu it of Ota
t cirmt It ti : I, .n of t: mute of MIi-.lio.
rclstlng tn ll. o l: nit of I mI-I.i.-.I.h an
of cerl r 1 .1 cir 1.
Be It rcar.'vtd hy the Sc.v.tc the rtwuv
of Repr aentativr-. torc-irrlpg thtremi
'l hnt al the tone- t . h-. ti.-ii to l e h.-l.l
on Tueedi y ' oxt f..:i tvln 0 tirti M,m-
oy 1. 1 'l.-i nm... I, I . I1 f .l'fi-.".j
sncdrre, r .t ihc I ' .MHlntl-.n tf Ilia
stste of Mlr-aowrl. r.le'inK t..i the limit
t.f Indtht.-.It'.rs of ct-rt.lit cilice of ths
stale of Mifv, url. ah. ill he r':l mntetl tnt
adotilton tr rc:citl..n ! the uu.itlfltd
voter tf the Hiitte of Miaouil. to-wli:
Thnt eeetl n l's nf nriK-le ten l X ) i f
th i 'onarltut ion i.f the vl 'ie of M'wanur!
be sad tlie enni Is hercl.y nmerulnd by
Inserting the ror.1 "srid the Indents. 1
ii'w of snv such cltv heretofore Incitrre.
or hereafter to lie incurred for the pur
chsee or conetriicoon of waterworks,
electric or other hvit phmts rhnil not
bs ccin-ll -red In d- r.-rniioiug ths smounl
of In.lchl r 1 -ires vrhii h may be Incurred
tinder the t -o ielons of section 12s of ar
ticle ten ll of the t".-.nrltution of thl
ste." belt eery the word "Hme" and
ths won! provided. In the tenth lir.e
rf sMd e.-otlon. so tVat eai.l ae.-Oon U.i,
when sri!on,l ,1. shnl! r'.irl na f .!ows:
Kecthin l.'a. Any iif In i' ia etftte con
fetnlng r.ot. rroire tlmn thirty thousand
l!(i'l n..r lce tmut In thous-ind li.
f-oto Inhshit.vrita may with the n.tnt of
tsm-thlrda of the voters thereof, voting
at an election to be tte;d for th-tl pur
pr.ee. be allowed to become Indebted In
a lerger amount th'in speolfeej n sec
tion twelve of arti. 1c teit iX) of the
t'onstltutlon of tMi sl.ttc. not exceed
ing an additional five it, i per centum on
tha value of the tavnble property there
in for tha purpose of purchasing or con
structing waterworks, electric or other
hght plants, to be owned eirlueivcly by
tha city piirrheMiig or conatrurting the
asm; snd the Indehtedrraa of anr such
city heretofore Incurred ir hereafter to
be Incurr. d f.n- the inrchaae or construc
tion of waterworks, electric or other light
plsnts, thail not la considered In deter
mining the nmount of Indebtedness whu-h
ni.iv hti Incurred untler the pr.vtalnns of
arrtltfrn twelve nf nrtlcle ten tX of the
f substitution of thla state: I'nyvl.lc.l. that
soy sii.t city Incurring snv such Indebt
edness requiring the assent of the voters
ss aforesaid shall have the power to pro
vide for. snd before or at the t!ti nr In
curring such Indebtedness, shsll provide
for the collection of sn snnual tns. In
fl.Mltion to the other titles provided for
bv litis Constitution, eurnclent to pny
the Interest on si.cn In.let. redness as H
fila due. snd also to constitute a sink
ing fund for the p.tymrr.t of the princi
pal thereof, within twenty yens from th
time of coniractlng the saatc.. any pro
vision In this Constitution to the cn-tr-trv
st KNT--Jo1nt snd cncurTnt resolu
tion submitting lo the qualified voters
of the stte of MisMmr! sn amendment
to the Constitution thereof, concerning
B It resolved by th Hous of ftepreeent-
tlvss. ths Ssnsts concurring therein:
That at the genrrvl election lo be held
on Tueaday next following th first Mon
day In Nvvember. 1ft. the foilowlrg
amendment to ths Constitution of the
state cf Mlaaourl. concerning tsxstlon
shsll h sut mlttad to tha quallnad voters
of aald stste. to-wtc
Section I. That article ten of fh Crn
stltutlon of th stale of Missouri be. snd
th earns Is hereby amended, by adding
thereto one new section, lo he known ss
section u:i twenty-seven, which la In
wonts and figure as follows:
rec 77. A slat tax of ten cents on
tha hundred dollars' assessed valuation
shall he lecied and collected on til oh
Jcts snd stibiecta of taxation. All mnn
ry derived from aald levy ahall tv act
Srt and apportioned In the several
counties of the stata In such manner ae
may be provided for by Its ss a perma
nent f-ind for public roada and luriesva
MKN'T Joint snd concurrent reeWu
tl.m pmvijir.g for the sruendinent of
article X of the Constitution of Mis
souri by sdlit.g a new section to tie
known ss section Kb of said article, re.
laifg to the limit of Indebtedness of
certain cities.
Ba It resolved by tha Benat. th Hsua of
toreentatlva aoncumnf thsrain, a
That at tha general election to be
held on Tuesday heat following th f rat
Monday In Novimlar, A. I. 1. the
following amendment to th Constitu
tion of th ststs of Missouri, reistlng to
the limit of Indebtedness of certsln cities
nf ths stats of Missouri, shsll be sub
mitted fur adoption or rejection to the
Qualified voters of the stste of Missouri,
to-wit: That article X of the Constitu
tion of tha slate of Missouri be and thv
same I hereby amended by adding a new
eeeiion. to ba known aa section 12b of
rtiel X. and ta read aa follows:
Hectlon 1?i. Any city In thla ststs ens.
talnlng ona hundred thousand Inhabi
tants Or over pisy become Indebted In
larger nmount thsn spot-tried In s action
It of article X of the Constitution uf
the state nf Missouri, not sireadlng an
sddttl.msl & per centum on the vslus of
ths isxsble property therein. I Iss ss
rertelned by the aa.eserr.ent next before
the tael assesemant for stste and countv
1'ttrpt.sre ptsvlous tt ths Incurring of
such Indehtednsee. for the purpose nf
constructing or aciiirtrg by pur.-Viaas, or
otherwise, within Its corporate lining
suhwsy or subwsys. wt'h land. ap
proaches snd other sppur' --.rices nscee
ssry for ths conatrurtior. I opsrstton
thereof, to bs owned ea.l.i Iv t.y S'l.n
city for ths trans.c.rtallo. ,J penanns
bvggsge. aprs snd freirit. and lot
plpea. wlrss gnd rsl.lea used for public
service purp.ea: l'ro. i.led, that no In
detitedneea auth.rlitd by this sscttnn
ahall ! Irictrn l wlthoitt the aaaant of
two-lbirds itf the qusUlled Voters of such
city votii.s fsr ar esslnat such Increaas
nf Indcbiedr. s, and. provided furihec.
that such city shall, before or sl lha
tune of Incurring sny Indebtednees su
Ihorixed by this section, provide f.r the
collection of isnl annual lax sufficient
I., pay ths Intsrest on i.i. h tndehtednese
ss it fella due: also to cona:ttuls a slnk
Ir.g fund for ths raymeiit of tha princi
pal thereof wtoiln thirty years from Ih
tlms of Contracting ths Sso.s. If lha Par
merit of suet, Interest snd palnolpal ba
not proi I. led for fnrn i. oparstion of
lesse of tin li sol.wsv or subways.
lit.i'Alt lMh.vr OK T ATK.
1, Joi n K hwenser. Bscretary of B'tts
of tha Plate of tltasouri. hereby certify
oat the foregotrg is a full, trus and
voniplels copv of th l.dnt snd corour
reot tes.i'oitious of the f orty font rh Osn
eral Atseruhly of the Plsts of Msaourt
i.f the piopoaed amendments lo ths Can.
solution of ths hlsle of Missouri ta b
ai.hinioed to the quallrTed voters of tha
hl.lte of Missouri st ths general ejection
to be held on Tueaday, the thud day of
Noirinlur. ll'oj,
In "I eni Imot'.v whereof. hereunto sat
M h i d so. I srvia the i;rrt tUal el
ths r'sie of Mlxsnutt. none al orli,
l.e city of Jeff.rsoii th'a 'uurlsentR Aal
of IKept eml er. A 1 il
(Seal JNii f: VAS.)rH
pecreisry of atata.
An Ambitious Mother,
"Huliby." aal.l thti observant n-tfa
"Hie Janitor of tlicae Calf la bici
"What of ll?"
'1 nally tblok ba U bwomlm la
tfri ao j In our oli). -ft tiauaLUT"
"TliT you go sslu with your pp
aisaiiitt Last tvk tl a dii.
DclicioUO and
r ''s,r.
Ia tl. new pcii-ntinc rcmi-iiy.
Th" bnt thnt nionoy can luy,
Kupirior to anything on the inaiin i.
Giikraiitcptl tofilvo jerfect natiiifAcl.. i
Non-fcri.ine;, stimulative, ITcctlvf.
Crcatist mcdicino la the WorlJ
For InJIgestioa, Gas on llie Slonacb.
t Ccasfipatioa, Sick Ocadacfcc, en j
All Stomach, Bowel and Liver Vis,
Try it bird you will never,
aj avirr, use anythinir else.
Prepared Only by
Fori Mod'u.jn, Iowa, U. S. A.
Cured Instanlly by
g 2
Aii vt-rlUfiufiitd uiuli-r tliU Ih-biJ
line Hrnt insertion, 3c 'K-r line phcIi
stilmequt'iu Inmiftion. wor.ls niiike
a line.
Wanted Business men to fig
ure with for job printineT. Tri
bune. -
For Sale Good boy's saddlo.
Inquire at this office. Ct
Bicycle and Gun Kopairinp.
Joe Anderson. ' tf
For Sale Mann's Green Bone
Cutter No. 2. Cost $10. Will
tell for $0. Jess Miller.
Two Rood business and two
good residence houses for tale
rent or trade. Dr. Wilson,
Foster, Mo.
Quick Trips.
I' Of the trull who t in a
luirr v, (hr tlctt, quickest,
nd thortcal route tu the
Noith and Cjt is th
It will lake tot to Mem
l'iis, Kunvgf City, Sf.
Louis, Chici;o grid Nrtv
Vmk in tj iiclt lime
it contiviriit wuh your
co'iiftoi still tslily
Atk for Kates Schedules.
R. A. BAILEY, Agent.
Madam Johnson
Gifted Clairvoyant
Spirit Card Reader. I tc,
Now locutt'd in your city
Will toll jnu what jou
want to know, ri-uardmu
All BuNim'.-vs Trunsui lion
Keadin;a daily and Kun
d.iy; hours 10 a. in. to 0
p.iu. Fine St. bet. I!d 4th
50 Cents to $1.00.
Meeting Dates of Courts.
Circuit enurt nnvta tn UutKr lat
' Moiuhiy In l cbruiirj'. May aud
Ciuuty court tniH't lat Moudity lu
Fftirunry. Mny. Aiiu'tutt u,l ,0
j VfinlnT.
I'rtilnttf court tnti-ta End aloinhty
u lliriu.ry, May, August ami Ni
Slate! normal
I I .i uij;lily i . j iii
i 1 1 I y ilrp-t or, tli 'i, ji o, a
It iichrtv (,,r I ml,' j i,,,. i !.,, k
HChool- ,,t, .,... k, ),,,;, ,
Ftifuiu i t ni;., t i i . k i i,,i,.f .
rllijl Hllli ll II I II. ,, t y
Jl'.Xi i !i ill si, liiiii! t i', ii
Itifi asioii:il a in ...ititr,
rdlOol lllvjlS (unni-ii !,- iM.
lCtUdllllH lit at MIII to, I
li 1111 yl .
Fuli Ititn oprni Sep'.
St ii I for c;itflone.
The Retrar
UirrcuLarg, H o.
Summer Tourist
Excursion tickets imw
on sale to all tourist
Iksl lino to Colora
do points ami Yellow
stone National Park.
Don't foiyet the
conventions nt Denver
and Chicjij'o. Wo
teach both jmints.
Come in and ask for
infi rmatii n as to rates
and routes.
Geo. B. Conovcr,
l'i i-co Am nt.
The Tribune
can pleasoyouf
when it comes
to job work, g
Let us show
you. i
Sedaila State lairGctober Third
. to Ninth.
ExoiirMon tickt-ts n saloOct,
2nd to Oct. Mh, return limit Oct.
10th. Kound trip.
II. A. Uailey, ArL
We art Hole aentH for tlio
M la. F.ei and 1). 1J. Fisk 1 bittern
hals. turrovS Millinery Co.
Rrpublkvin text Cook.
This weok we recoived ti copy
of the Kepuhlican Camjiiiiiivn
Text I took und it is a v.'iliu.ll.
book not bo much tm nno in, t t.f
the Hilitii al reference as histm i
cal. Tin; history of tin; Fr.ilt il
States for the lust tift.y j e i s hart
hct u the hintory cftho Kopuhlt
cuu party nml this vIlui) gives
important fnctsi found only by
aearchiii U.!X;ut;.h many v.iluui
inou lepoi tsaiul rcctfrds. This
book can bo secured by writing
tothu Kepublican National (Join-lultteo.
-etft4a SjSi,al(ir,fslSI(r4

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