OCR Interpretation

The Rich Hill tribune. (Rich Hill, Mo.) 1903-1911, November 04, 1909, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061663/1909-11-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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8 ii
llaptlrtt Cluirrli Hervlcea.
Corner 8rd mid Mm'
I'renrMpi; 1t. snt a"d n.1ts,
11:00 a. in. mul 7 :.H jt in.
Hundfiy Hclmol; tM.'i ft in.
It. Y. I. I. :80 p. in
Frnjer minting; Wsdaeaday;
;8 p. la.
Wblo class: Tuis1sv; 7:10 s rn
r NriKRiSd. I'sstir
L. I. . Church.
C'lirUtUn Church.
Corner 3rd nnrt Walnut
Utble School Ht IMS V m.
Commiuilou null PrencWrg -r-Tlce
nt lliiO a. in
Curls tlnr. Knd.-nvor . SO
Evening tervlee 7 80
You nr cordially Invited to le
present and bring your neighbors.
LH. Kori HH,, Minister.
Church of Christ, SclenMst.
Corner 3rd and Walnut.
Knndwy School at M3 a. m.
- fWvlce at 11 a. m.
Testimonial Meeting on Wednes
day at 7 "A p. m.
lU-ndlnn Room open ou Wednes
day from 3 to 5 p. m.
All are cordially lurlted te at
tend these service.
yalnut Street M. E. Church.
Corner th and Walnut.
Sunday School at 9:5 a m.
('reaching at (I a. m
Junior league at 8:80 p in.
Epworth league at J 30 p. m.
Crpnchlng at T;30 p. nj.
Prajer meeting o n Thursday
evening at 7:30.
The public U cordially Invited to
A. G. Kfast, Castor.
Corner Oth nd Walnut.
Munday Kehool at t:45.
irayer rtervlcs at S:W.
Sermon by !'af or at 8:00
Prayer lasettnx Wed: 00.
Iloo'a nelljclo Friday 8,00.
J a Mrs IloritTKN, I'astor.
German Lmlieran Church.
Corner th and li.iiuf
Kunday School at 8 45
rVrmon at 11:00 a. ru.
All are cordially Inrlted toattend
Can. Br.xoE, Pastor.
Catholic fhurrh Hervlces.
Corner Bth and Walnut.
Services 1st. and 3rd. Sundays ol
ach month at 10 SO.
Mass at 8.-00 a. ni.
Rict. Fatbth MrarBT, Pastor.
First Presbyterian Church.
Corner 3rd and Tark A vena.
Monday School at 9.45 a. in.
Junior Kodearor at 8:00 p. ru.
Preaching at 1 1 a. m.
Christian Eadeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting every Thursday
At 7,30 p. in.
Treaehlng at 7Q p. to.
W. M. (Iowsli., Pastor.
All Dealers
ski.f. Tin:
Melrose 5c
Heck & Ruble
V r
its Cssa m fci !3 t
Suptgrj Cssrt.
Rich Hill
Steam Laundry.
Calls for and delivers
laundry promptly
Hot Springs
San Antonio
Mexico City
51. PJ. Church, Pout ft.
la old U n. Church.
Handay Hchool at fi;45.
Preaching at U-
Junior League at 9 p, m,
Kenlor League at 8:39 p. m.
Preaching at 7:80 p. m.
Everyone cordially Invited to at
tend the services
F. A. Cclmbr, Pastor.
Frico Time Card.
JIo. 11, Pnssenger U-P
lq. 1. MUed ..... 4 Ot) p. m
THAIS akslta.
Ko.ltf. MUt'd laiPa. u
No. 11, Pasner t.a?p w
Trutil t makes direct comit-llons
at Ilniou wlih Imlns north J
south nrrltlt.t: at Kntiis t'lly at 6
r. m iiikttii nil cmuifcHniis a I
nlon I ! it f-T nil points nl.
west, north and souih. Ilet trlr
for H e'colt I'll ixlui'ir. Jll.
Oklahouin points nnd Hie HmtU
rit. Trnln I" ntiiif ik ti !'!-
nnt"it iih trtii n n'TMi ii'd swa,!
orrHlns Knii I'll) lW.ikt ji uj.
Trohucth l'fr l'ltnlu tt lou
ver Colorado.
um It. I'jtNov r a Ant
Missouri Pacific TliuoCard.
.tit. S08 leaves IjSs. tn
N'o. 310 Ivs 10:28 p.tn
Mo. S0 Ieavs 8:40 a m
wrsT aai'XI'. fT- "t'lTT i raTHAi..
No. 40f luis 1:45 p. m.
N"o. 4d9 Ijeavi-s 8:.V) n. ii
sunn roi .M.
Xo. :'mi Arrlv.-s S-.V . i
. ill? Ar-tvs 1.1 i. ii
N'o. J05 Arrlvi a lu ( p.n
B4ST Hilt 5p, rx WlfT rKTM-L
So. 401 Arrives ll: Jf, p. ru
No. 41 Arrives lO.tC p. n
l: A. tn rv. Ajr
Three of the World's
Cccatest Pleasure
Out tkkrtft ran Einp-yrcrt nJ
allow kiif rvmra liTtn. K(jr in
(orouta or wri'f
R. A. Bailey, Agent
Tl.? jurv in tli rasij of t'.f
stat against Carlrn Starr
broEubt in A verdir Wdnftdsy
evc-nintf afci'iinjr hi pjni!.
ffer.t at a fii.e ct lit f"
was iicn to the J'iry Boon aftr
four o'clock and a verdict wji
resched within a comrarativf'ir
Hlinrttiriie Ktarr'a attorney pave
notice f.f spppal and ha wn rc
katcd uon 1000 tnd pending
a hearing of tha ease in the Su
preme Court.
Starr wae charged with an
attempt to aasaalt a 14 year Id
cirl, Diiie Anderson, while f
cortiDf? her from Rich 11:11 out to
hit home in Lona Oak township.
DoricR the trial of the cae evi
dence of the pravlous good char
acter of the defendant was, given
which contributed in a consider
able degree toward fixicgf the
punishment at a fine. Under a
finding of guilty a much heavier
aentenoe ooold. have been assess
ed. Butler Democrat.
V.'. o
Ij.T I) J-rt 11
V t.':t (',':-;,'
"f sc ' s.t. jir,ic i .r
V; a:: J n J
):. ! f
Metz Kelts.
Bui2. Ju awvaxr?rr
From ttiO Tf nea
Mifia Kossy.Hula, who is em
ployed as assistant cashiar in the
Stotesbury bank, will spend
Sunday with Mra. O. Spencer
tt Rich Hill.
J. W. Wright and wife depar
ted Wedaesday for Hot Springs,
Ark. where they expect to spend
'the winter.
O- E- Hutchison and wife o f
Darlington Iowa, arrived last
Sunday for a short visit with the
former'a parents, Mr. and Mrs
S. H Hutchison, west of town.
Mr. Hatchison, Jr., is chief dis
patcher for a railroad company
at Darlington and was forced to
make his visit short in order to
get back to business..
Such a Splendid Rain
This ii a Splendid titut tp do (he painting
you put eff on account of th.e tcrtible duat.
Our Harrison Town& Country Paint
Is a splendid paint and wc art selling lota of
CHEAP PAIHT, why not let show you a
color cara and talk paiot to you. Vit$ 0e
Jiitner cifa'lesa. "X wiircouyiuce you.
. E, R.Williamson Lbr.Co.
Phone 31. Rich Hill, Mo.
barik r-f '.
ajrc l! c ;,
ii "cAj :
ll'.rn'.' 1 J
i i aft.T w8tt. The h:.rs
.1 tarry v hitchnd i.r, t'.
; - i j jtt tirr V.
'1 t-.n. Hur.tlr.jr
mi J jt irii'Jr.ii'ht
ix-'i three fat t v
fty fcUrUfl fvr tha
- ' :. 1 it g',:.. T
l.-jvn l.lt'.h'.d with a
hallo r tl.. it ai mill tiJ t' t'.
trt e. T'.o ;- .. -j back Ut t. c
was l-fj i to tha we.rifU
Party luvl l.d it sc!i
Hotkr cntli fvur o'clock i.i the
rcnrnir.tr. Th-i horso which tras
ipc-ctr 1 Vs - .s4a,viinj ia frcr.t
of tie barn w.i not acd Tl.urs
day tii'jiL'rg 'he tsheri.1 wis not
ISed. An a!arnj v..s fent out f.r a
dsn hor&e atuched to a sarrey.
The contorts of the surrey in
cluded & htc'.ft and wrench-
Butler Den-jocrai.
Later:-TL:o horse was fcasi.
It had not hf.cn fctolcn but Lid
slipped iU holier and striyt J
V J)
'" C'JSty Mc.'. al ii
'. I i4 f.V.'-ytr rr.t'.lr;s
r ru Chzt J7 fi".r'.n
i '. 4-: r J aiVc-J-i by f l.ysi
.? t.-.'-r t'.e roast j, 7h
r'f, ir,;l . dTyph . 1 .'cttr
:: :!r;ro; IV. o-r. cf
C.-..J (Jro-nh, Dr. ".,.
:' ar.dCV !, Dr.Ncw
lr. (,. G. Lae.
Soalh Ssra.yje 5p2rkl:R2S
Ton liitc f-jr ;a:;
Aibtrt Ijirii
hay Salurtliy.
Geo. Morcijn was gathericit
corn Mondav ar. J Tuesdatr.
in'.l in !.'it we- V.
St; shed bi'lr. p
k 1.".
Ar. 1
A : :
- ' .4 I'f ' !.' tilr
' t, to wi l.ir t;.rs
r J.'. , .t w!a?i!oir ; .L
:v.invs t Itj T;...
.. r-'ar C-.-itL'a l.jr Ly &2 tl.s
s ; n
: ,t r. :: . d:i 53 ti!
ij.-sj 1 it a s'-.;r.;rg tuark
'. it t.r-.i th yt;; it
3 et st Li.:.'.- 1 rt
i.. Stir.
. t".
Tra r j J n.i t
1 lms ti.e -';
wir t-tj;" very ro
t,;;t till yor aval i
Mr- L-3 Paytaasi o-iiL'.ir
Miss His!, t.I Eldorado Eaa.,
wore i.i Pillar. ten y?'.rday
l.uv:r.z b;r. to Rica Hill vlsltlcg
w;:hlf .'!. Hstleacd farxllj.
4r. r.-.-ton HA very suddeslj
w . ,, . 0 I tt-..- -;t six mrxths ago while cn &
lesser :! u-tianu, Hg, ban-J t . 4 -
mers. and Vanssut killed acicjlr-J 1 u Lnl.I a few-
beef FriJay evening. j r-''"'s ley livJ is Expor-
5.1 but E--ved to E'dorado sine
Tli3 t'i drill has moved
Mr. Wec-den's firm.
cn to
Trom Tc'iphes.
Wayts& Beadles reror t h e
sale of the Armstrong property
in the west end to our popular
south side groc-rytnan T, M.
Gilbert. - wiil improve it and
make a nicf, cotnfrtab!3 home
for hi in st If.
Kond Ovcrsi cr II ninn i Tast
M.U'mg tli.- r iA.l pi-ij i'cin in Ibis
di-tric'. II- is gt'ttinu u p 1 h
roads in ix-d sii.ipp, ai d with
tiu.t'ly Uraumg by tb fnran r
wi 1 1 i;ik'ii pus.ib; h 1 1 win:-r
and sprii-g-
li tv ll"-Ml -I i CUi'HI ti;i
plo.Ttmr.t in tie crp-n'r df
imrl tut i.t of tl;. 1kus;is t' i t '
Southern cur shopsuiIV.tsl utg,
Kansas. Ho v.;!i move bis fsiEily
to that plscu about 0 C. 1st.
Mrs. W C l).ini.!, r.st if
town has been 1 nj ving a islt
from her cousin, Mr. E. l
nUtkliy, of Fr.-Mikbng, N. C,
and Mr. l. II. Hail, am, of Little
lltn'k. Ark The former i a
railiad rrg!)t.;r en tlu. Atlantic
j coast', whili t!i" latter is i iiif in-
apilor of it 1 n ; i nt ; v f'-r the
Mi.-MHii 1 I'ac fi'- s s' i:i
Ai 11 urtvmt til Ins bein n
cMed of tlit wiUHnj: cf.Miss
Mary Ncsl it Ko'rtton LVly to
Mr. L:iwfod ( aUin,
which oi cuitid Ht D. l N nt', t'.l.,
Oct. lOtb. The In ido mid gr.i-in
are low in lutes Cuut.t, visiting
bia fBt'it-r, Dr. t'li.istsin, at liui-
Icr. 1 4-. 'iU r i s uu.: cr 11 u 1:1 e
boy who 1ms insd gHd, and a!
join t h e editor n ejprctsir.u
hearly well wishes.
Messers Ward and Ferga :n
are bnying corn here cow.
Mr. Klotsche's sale was well
aMer.dtrd cov.siderins the westli
er It boinr nica a giwd taacy
were in th" tivlds trathering corn.
Mr. ana Mrs. Cresao have re
turned from the west
Mr. IV jt -ja'a death. Pleasactoa
I'll VslCIAX aso SI RIiEON
Off ..I' xbJ M Bok Ua
!:iilimCmf Sih aa4 !! a
Some one entered the home of
G. N. Cox about dusk Monday
evening and stole $2 73 in silver)
that had been left on the dresser j
by Miss Fannie Stephens. A I
lighted lamp had been left in the j
front room was taken in the kit-1
cben and turned down. Mr. Ox'
-ays he saw the party Wvmi; h?-' :,t
hou by tbe back k.' b u t
:ho.igbt it was Mi-?- St-p:iens
O.-.A. ,r .I J4
i fi li
Hoy si 11 v Kicitl
If tlipv nrp iat
To bn
Notes Trcm Airlaa Jjarnsl.
Round Trip Wintor
Tourist Jrint.oM
. I N i . t- ' 4
1 . i
Al(ktii4t Culm, irtrll, (Jeorgla
Iitllsitfaf ZMojOoo. lslsssl(pl.
Nuy iviMcln, Motti Otit-itiaiv ''.
ifosioonilM'I'ui"1)' Via fr ! l
Kfrot MIVKMIIbK last I1MM.
G. B CONOYER Aflont.
Judge W. 11 DeArnu J has
ei j .ed t!;e kjpreuie pJi-asuip i f
haviug all his children ith hiu)
tbis weeh His soa Lrh'ss csme
in from Denver Colorado and
his daughters Dr. Amy Drown
uf Kansas City and Mrs. Csrl
Weiss of St, Joseph also cauie
completing the entire member
ship of tbe family.
The members of the Deer
Creek Township Teachers lead
ing Circle tt with the Misses
D.irii, Cora and KuVh Ktvh Ut
Saturday, Tliee ; fouit?c.
unMiibei a present anvl ilie mevt-
iig via both Interesting and
p!eta.)l. 1 ioso present
that they had a tine liim; al
ly and h buuutc'us dinner.
I Y. Ihine was considerably
exciU'U rriaay tiigui wnen i.r
dicoveieu a team oUnUirg su
front of his country hi ma ar.i
slid moio wrought up wi:i:i .
nut found to ba a case of t-v
BUleh Wet g.X'd-.
Horkf ru.
'.. I I i i - .
i 1,1 to ' '
C v ,
r- ....
j;-out htroer!
m it (I
Driiiu; tlorfs
anil Stares.
4 to ) Vi.m V'.i
Iik.i ..jun.!!i
and up.
flnrrjo Thus
niollllin, E30. r rkby, Hov., 5th,
Miller's Uzrn
Butler, HO. Saturday, Hoy., G.
vTille5o of weather, and will pay tbo
highc-jt possible market price for all stock
brought to us. age, Liir.o or price cuts no
flg'vuv ii your stuil is fat.
Brin: in the best L-tuli'you have, or the
bad fat onco cis prices cut no figure if you
have the :;oods.
Cp.iii turtnar iuvesti;Uoi)
Dr. James C. Ciiambers, wl o
fur the pust tive yeara luis prac
ticed mfdicinc and ur-ry at
this liee, lias decided to inova
t Di;h Ulli to 'iati. Dr.
Clumbers is a splendid phyah'ian
and duiin'tf l.u residence in this
city l as bui t u p ar rtonive
practice, s well as unuiu many
(rlsiuU hero who reivt thit lie
js to leavo. Shi li (ty News.
Mis j thit Di liimater djvul
f4 f f Kansa, C ti tVtJiy en a
ilsit to tvUtivvi a'id fi ici,l.
V Vs.
UJa w
Ceore Ar(ienbri;Ut u"iou a
berd of anpora p:Us l 1 r. r.
last week. Ji them on !,
ri;.ti Ust winter-. t. clean u-.'
some brush and tbis they d:d in
the UM't appioved attle I esui.s
t!iy ci3',o a ood ;rtnMh s::-.i
aitisfactwry iacreuso tieoro
wiil r.ot toil how uisht ti"i tl.ey
butted hiui but U is .ile t say
tl at they did their pait i this
resp: t.
Take )our clcauii'.p, M-ir.
and r tailing to I'luili'a Ta.i er
S i"iN.
sbnrct the C.?lo as 1 come
I J .j s.. i
'Iul,ci frcm-i i 5 !r. yrz old; it FAT.
the -rr
ie-r tne
mark.: i-e; ihiu Horses or
you all know I pay
year chl 5
ii At a r"; I c

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