OCR Interpretation

Osage Valley banner. (Tuscumbia, Miller County, Mo.) 1879-1881, October 06, 1881, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061739/1881-10-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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Gsago Valley Banner
Published livery Thursday.
per Year, In Advance, $1.00.
not paid until the expiration of ibeyesr $1.20
corkeb Wateii as llion
EJia.'li'lU'J1 .' 111 ' 5"
A Wicked Wlsd.
A tornado trtod on the morr.lpg ol tlio
20. h Sept. In Nebraska, and, taking a north
easterly course, swept over Minnesota end
the western portion ( I Wiiconsln. In Nv
braska the town o( M idison, a pl.ce of 1 COO
inhabitants, was tlmoit completely demol
ished, and hundreds of poop'o wero rendered
bonu-less. At 8;nunton, Neb., twelve build
ings were blown down, and twenty people
Injured, Tds Cyclone swept ItttfUglj the
southern part of Minnesota, doing great dam
age at 0atonne and elsewhere, but happily
cuuilng DO Ion of life.
A Car Load ol Powder Exploded.
Coucolt Biu7. Iowa, 8upt. 87. At 6
o'clock Inst evening, J il at the oloso of the
U' Cold memorial exerclaeSjtbls city was shak
en la Its vcrv centre by a terrific explosion
Instantly a grjat volutin ol smoke wan jocii
toaicend Id Iho southwestern part of the citv
whic'a arose like a pall, heaveaward. An In
vestigation disclosed tbo (act that on Satur-
day lait a car load of gunpowder, billed com'
Dion blasting powder, readied bare over the
Chicago, R.iok Iiland and Pacific Jtuilros'l
and directed to J. O. R?ynoldt, Denver
Col. Tbe Union Pacific Company, however,
refused to receive tbe dangerous freight, and
the car wai rettraod to the Uotk Island
yarda, where it explodod. Tbo concussion
demolished the compony's round house, re
pair all op", bricK ana irolgbt boue-, and
abou'. torty or fifty freicht cars, and duir
bole in ground fl'teen feet dorp aaJ fortj-bve
loot in dlaine'or. Large, windows In lill parts
oi me city were anauertd; tberia ol platter
log were lorn irom nouscr. nJ damage was
done In all direction'. Kvun in Omaha, on
the opposite sl.lo ollhi river, large windows
were broken by the concussion, and a far at
me austnun vailer, twantv miles noita ol
bere. The lo'i will amouut to hundred of
thousand! of dollar.
la Qemorlan.
Hall of Tuscpmria Lrnal
So 1W3 L O. O..T.
... Sept. 21, 1S81.
Pealli, that mysterious ineuenger of tbe
great Lereaficr, has been among us, and baa
taken from our midst a beloved and honored
brother. Our Lodge mourns the lcs of Bro,
"Win. Vann, who has been summoned to the
ebadow-lnn j, and has put on the regalia and
entered that Uraud Lodge on high.
"God's finger touched him and be slept."
Sot In this hour of our bereavement, we feel
that Bro. Vann rcsU from llie.care, turmoil
and strife of life.
YTnmtiu, Our lodo has lost one of Us
best, worthiest and most valliont members,
Whose prostnee will be missed, therefore, be it
i xu iVEr, Ihat the LoJo Kuuui bo Urnptd
Sn mourning and that tbe niembors of our
Lodge wear tUe uuI badge of mourning for
. thirty days.
RkdolvbD, That we extend our heartfelt
aytnpathies and condolences to the bereaved
family ol our deceased brother.
Kkbolvbii, Tbitf a copy of these resolu
tions be spread upon the records of our 1 jdge,
and tbat the b.crolary seed one to tbe familv
of decense.d, end a copy furnlsbsd each of the
papers for purl cation.
W. P. rnKKWAJf,)
. VI m Oulpb.v, VCom,
Hot So Bad After all,
auo Ki;roni;o oi woem narveiUoJ this year
on Spring 11 ver prairie In what la known as
the ' Onrman ettlemoct," was cocsiderably
greater than utual, and la turning out splen
dully, considering tbe t,ason. Tbe sbon.ge
of the coro is pait ally mdo good by a flue
crop of oats. Lawrence ChliX
N i eornf Give as rcet. Mr, W. O. Tay
lor baa on exhibition in tbe wimlovr of bank
teveral ears of corn s foot in length, and as
plump as a sjlrl weighing 2'0 pounds, Mr.
T. Ilyes on Wesubleau, ond we learn from
bim tb it bis crop will averugo sixty bu?bc!
U tbe ajre, provided be can borrow atep
laddurs enough to barvcut it all. Osceola
Bun. .
A gonlleman, who moved from Polkcoun
ty to Linn county, Kaneas, last spring, pasted
through town ou a visit to bis old heme, Uit
H'jnday, Hs Informed us that tba coro crop
In Linn county would average about thirty
buHbels, that peaches and apples are quite
plentiful, aad tuat there la no danger of
auffering there. li bought ci.ro. there at
Sublic ele. a lew dayaaz , at thirty coots.
tockton httlwart. '
At the Journal predicted a few weens
inci, corn Is gradually coming down to liv
ing prices, ncd farmer, storkmen ard iner
chauts are alike happy. Bavcral loads have
licon tought aa low aa y.j cents, but tba
vrage price now la about 44 ceutr, wbleh
consitlerin- the ercltrment of two weeks
vneuurHgintr. ids farmers, as a gen
?rai lumg, undereitwnated thilr crops. We
r in oeiier circuoistnces man iniwt, or tbo
Mortlj or Ks, and will liuvsj over ball a
troj, n.uctoa uuurnai.
Judfis Black en Christianity.
from the North American Beviow.l
Tula religion has tome down to us through
the aget attended all the wy by righteous-
noM, Jmtice, temperance, msscy, Iranfpirent
trulhrulnoas, eiultlnjt hope, and while-Wing-od
charity. Never wi its li fluenco for good
morn plainly percepllble tban now. It has
not converted, purifUd, and reformed all
men, for Its first principle la the Ireedoni ol
the human will, and thara are those who
chooso to re ct it. B i te the mass of mar;,
kind directly and Indirectly, it baa brought
uncounted benefits and blesslnj-a. Abolish
It tnke away the rtrilnta which Ittmpo cs
on evil paafioti! aiienre tbo adnionitioa of
its preachers lei all Cnr.Mians om lli'ir
labor ol charitr blot cut Irom history the
records of Its heroic benevolence rrpei the
Uw it lms buill uii let in moisl tint cipl
b abandoned and all its mirwles ot light b
extenguliboil wbal would we come li 1 1
need not answer Ihis rjnenilun; the rxprrl.
mpn bus ben rartMlv tried. The J'rench
nation larmnlly ret.ouneed Jbrlatiity, de
nied the X'ttenre ol the tiupren.fc Buing, aod
so talltfici the bfr.gtr ot the ii flJd heart or
a time. What followed? Uuiiersul deprav
ity, giirments roiled in bUod, iar.lssiiceiiuio
uimiixgiutd beiore, which aurilud the earth
with their tubllmo atrocity. The Amricn
pei.ple hiva and O'lctU to liavo no pejul de
sire to follow that lerriblo mtnpie ol guilt
and mistry.
Our Broad Platform,
Why tbe Nalii.iml Oreenbin k Labor Par
ty tho Toto of iho American pnepltj
B. cuusie It recar.li ur pre'tit syttera of
Snxiire and corporate uionupoly a our
NATI"AI. Ltl'K(isV, uid thutelore teelt Its
reloruialioii Irom Its present debt loodiog and
buutl-crtatiiig la'.KHial pett to tin qu l r.i
lion of our jii-.t Imrjmif, wilh tL wti ptlmi
ol a method lueh (j've hope of li final pay
ni'itt, en-i wilh 11 nal-.onal advency.
11. canye t i tho oi 1? tiallo; al par'y, the
two old parties bcirg hnpo'el; scilouil in
nil their Ihvjglits and nirveuiei.t-, lhe
National (JreenliBck Lbor Party knowa n;i
north, no south: ;'.li her olu issues srodesd;
the kUnJ In tbe liviiig pnroi.tand calls l,.r
iho riahtiiig Ol treaent wrong. Mie fluh's
lor the ni'-n who loll, and.seehs thucc- ul
tbrs io proiluce our weali h. l)4ily Pres.
an.l Knu'avrbocker, Albaii. N. Y.
'Wisconsin and Mli.n -sola are b!e'ed this
sent-on with a fine crop of potnt es. The
scarcity of the crop elsewhere renders the
crop very valuable to Ihoao fortunate
enough to have tbenr. (St. Louis and other
leadii g markets in the aouih and wet will
have t) rely largely for their aupplios on
those two Slates. Several of tbe Chicago
and 8'-. LjuIs speculators havu muila a raid
on hundreds of the farmers In tbo inlertor of
Wisoorain on the unu.pectirg and ui p is
ted growers. The new visitors doubled in
their investments wi'hln a lew weeks, (or
the f&roivrs did not real 2 ) how liht the crop
was In other States, and were caught nap
pitg. K.iral World.
Saturday Evcalog Cull.
The lrnt. brlghtedt, and ni wt dioroucblv
original (irouiibek ptpnr in tho S u'.o.
It is tho louding Ureoiibtck I'ant r ot Mis
souri, and occupies all rid vanned potiliou on
all questions ol economic rclorm.
Ii la lite friend ol the working mm. and
Ihn cretnv of monopolies, class legislation
and class privileges.
ft is sound on the currency nnnt'na. th
labor nuestion tbe lanl nuestiou, and in ia-
Vor Ol special privileges lo none.
11. martin Willi aim.
w, h. Curhknt. I K liters.
Ono year , PO
Bix mocllii.. ..f0
Three mouths. . 20
Trial luhscriptions tlx week lor IUj.
Address W. U. Current, Sed-!ia. Mo.
" Th..aEsley ..Organ
Still Leads tie WoiildI
i y'r-.V-'i --'v-i"V.:ri .M.i-..'T
Wo. 8i.
rjiai't fail to scna far HesMeJ CalaloKt tcfsK ittliitifM li tety.
FIITCHM.!,, MWIS & CO., Uuctuc, TTIa.,
jrtuitarcra of lVSt VSiElaUT M'.fO O.TS.
ths MiTctiEt.i. eta.tiabd rLATroKM bnutiu wauow.
Atto Tln-e.-Sonnf tnd f .vi-.jninjf W.jf.ns. an1 SiJ-Sprinff Hucxw.
TtjMtT(. If Vl.C W.A'HiN' M march f tho fcndi oi'y F. vciv hot ttncV t In lu eocv
ntrtl And tn.d. by tho bt wipw mti Huin in tKo wocli. Th. "T w wvn w4 Hufir.
uttinit .MUieif t.(raln rnr i!ic I Arm V'f S"m. Anft fnr K mnullitf of Lm m at
Wta blffC IkWliUM UuulCcJ. Semi f .r Ci'i,(i, And I 'luitrw.4 Pnc. list.
S.n ( IlliCL, LE1TIM Jc CO., IXaolaio, Wis.
In spito ot tba drouth tbera Is a remarkablo
corn crop In the Oarconade bottoms, averag
ing I o some places 49 to 4 bushels' to an
acre. lti.Ha Nw Era,
Njtwilhstanillng the shortness of tbo crops
business In Pallas county opens up pretty
brl.Hy. Nearly every kind of produce ecu.
mantis good prho, and there Is great di al
mora corn In tba county than at Hist esii.
mated. Buffalo Heflttor.
The proplctors of tho letruil National will
in their Issue ol 8ep. 22ad publish, A com
plete and conclfo history of niony atid a
statement and discriplion of its propor func
tions In relatlou to Industrj ; A hirtory nf the
rue and tail or American political parties;
An epitomised history of corporations in this
country A history of railroads In the IJ. 8.,
rhowlnz the methods these e ornnruiinn.
auopi io roD me prouueors, and pomtti g out
the remedy for thii abuso of the fmnclrmn
granted theu), and, an article on nmu's
relations to, and bis rights iu the la"d deal
ing eiearly and cone sol v with tba land
question. Tb;s number of the NtUioral will
be jmt the thing to place iu tho bands ol
Democrats and Republicans, besides hein
ckiuuibvuu iu lurnieii au unuion III a Mimic
lorm io creenuacaiTs. Ail who wlh to
sprcaa ir.e llu&l skould send w hat money tbpy
can spare, logeibor with the names of thoe
io wiiom mey wlsb tuat rouv of tho NalionuJ
sent. The price will be two cents per eorv.
iouu io py cosi oi paper ana pot
tage. Oreenhackers don't mias Ibis chance
to aow good sued. Those who cannot, or do
uui, care io uiaae oui a lli-t ot names can
send moiviy aod state fie locality to wblcb
mcy wlsb ilia papers sent, an) the propriis-
iuh ui luu fnuoiiw win inse uie required
number of names from a dlreetnrv unit ...t
tho papors, or else, It preferred, will send tbe
papers io lilt) pnrson ndlng Ibu moroy. All
money sent will be acknowledge in toe first
iiuinufr oi me paper alter lis rcoaipt.
AAaii;. aii vuuiujuviicaiions loi
Tine Natiokal,
Uoiioit, Midi,
The rlchen men In the woilJ are hnni.
boMen; tho poorest mei in the wor'd are
protlueers. w ho bay to ray the luti-rest to
U9 ouuuuuiuerti
When an cruanlalon or a society at
tewpts to pin the universe of Ut tl down lo
a creed, the tlilnkers of the wirld drill past,
and presently ii las astrauded wreck on the
shores of time.
uuiiroTmz in a in il. i-: isr c k .
711 &t I ftyllnli 1 Tt7"vx a-axtc!t t
SATE y;iir X2:7r?,
Alfo BOLTS Vftnaftnrrt
of ihn oihnttl Jkjr
write for CatAl:j5j asi p:iICS LI3T to
Tho Jio;icu Wvvbiw .-r '.,
That which Is right never dies. , It may be
burried beneath tbe welehi ol coiruotinn.
ily to live and come to the surlure aKain.
i no grtx-riQarK laea is H'UoUia on truth. It U
right, and will outlive the ridicule ot tbe lg
noraut and yeual.
Labor can never ha anything but an anx
ous beggur, lu an uitable slate ol toll, until
the control ol the volume and vaitin ui
money puios from Ibe banker to the snnrn.
went. Woikinc-men. think airl.iu.lv
these things uui orxnixo.
V'l Bs,fc"
o.S5 I ,
OS o
tjo. MA
W 0) V'i
B o5
If- '
f tii Ilit j.a) Cvil isf -it uttfiati V l.'l
Ml tml hI il.aM-r J'iai laiMiitfht in I.) Indis
l-r wXCIsar. A Of IMiiiisT lufo
fct rtrihu Ml
TbooryTsrr CccU CUvo tUt has stood
the tert cf yeii-, ecd fives entire
atd I'ti fct sr.tiifftrtlea.
Now In n, end gr, in fr T-:.creTei"
unL Tli"o l.o luif.i them U no
Ui wuiiuut tb..in.
The No;l Slnp'a, TK Kot Drat.,
The Most Prf id, Thcatoit fs'Tieroel,
No Swollwlng H(, Mo f ires to Oulid,
No AiSel Is Rjoiovs, Hi Tol It 1'srry,
Ko Stwi-s, Ko (Wor.
res ams, viz ncnts BEtfCBaSu.
T)na tTot-v (learrlptlnii rf cxikiiif ornlhor
Wotlt liaii-u.ro, rt.,iJO r Dmor.Mliarv rocking
tvR in- rm:t, wl! I. ea-.o o, eei tt com f. ,rt,
allili(f, Ironies, Iwknn;, l.iviiiu,;, fmit.
faiiiilnij, etc., et.v, uliliui ihn lilie..7r.'rl,l
lie-it of tli old rnaikiaeil cook slotn. 4lHll
lilways fQiiy.
Our "pAivnl AuUwnnalr Paf,v fan " rend
era the line ot cur atovrsi M rfi-ll enfe in
tl.i hauitaof Uig D.41 ouckxia or Uuxpeil
eiieeil. '
Keiid for full d.-rlpllT rfrtmlar and prtea
Iml.-Sfwi.i ItidiiotiMienlR la a;oi:u, i.i uu
OCKUpieU Mtrritur. Aililnaa,
t lovelnml, Ohio.
jVk 1. a toil '.1 an, iurwu 11 ,111 ir.iiii', i,ki.i , is,
ffsvr! )im( 4si I'.smC t:.-lU l!itMaiii4 ,, f.tiniisi k
MIStsitl VueiHLUt i Al rp lAS-ijf itv JP'ntllJliltt
i,ii ui rsMn.A4ii, m.4hn, atMYaS, ..., .J
ii uirrsssl ( iunf s,ilm,tMt'ia . iImj cut (ref uwvu-
mliVf svuil !l in wiiis itniiiituiiU. Lf iur t-ttl itm
o iitt tiwsr ui in.-'uaa.iu ir (iass fH ll ha
tiulf Ui mkt) .t linoffU ti.atit1nrti 4 (tittvWM A chia
tvj vj sv Irissirn t.irril.mt h iuin iA-r,nn,t vtlt twtMl
fcsssH WhU aLiJtlasktr it.Un rsj lit iurt a Jr rtaa.-ft,
sw lil. n .Mituy . iitJt.o-iiv A 'I 1fra.w il, tt'auu
.'Vv.t.cl-(,(j6im"ttbiocsX.siWkswtal, 1.
k j r ;f tX ?-i-4 aiaup tvt u
I ii l J isl Osslntu fMLim. Us W.B l.iwr
U H srtt!r,tU!, Ortksw Cli.
-? Wl..li..MU), S ! vi rk.,.
V71 F-Ii. Owr l.) Iut.i S.Hllr
I, ( t,i.ik- kev.jVl.ii"tM- is 1
fUlrtlll. r.wilin, Ax tUaml m s rUm tt
Srniliiwll. AU Ifrmf tHtnm.
lAtlre IrfincM for ttiurnUtlnff U4
Twl I'r.vput mi4 Cum. CttB.tipfcSia.
ti Miu pr b.is. Ail Druj HIotm.
FaiK rim s TnoMst w, Pantor of the
ClnircU of tuo iJisciplen of C hrint, IWrouL
Hub. My an duntremuHly III aait
'itiruly j.rtnitM Jrrru Chill and Fevawt
tiiiit.uieait loUuirmgdieimm had beon srl4
witlitiut .Tort, Mr, Cniig who bail ones,
Yheniialino a n Touia, n luao-t a trial of it,
which done, rulung la kJe ecuuplese
rooOTury wllbia few tlfajs."
FaYSTTrrJ C A p 8 " LETS."
SB I ft I FJ I 1 Ei? r'-ai1'.liiii.int
EaJhuiJ l'was or Cnatr
I'lM.iik. li.-ei.t ,,n untile. 'J bi-jr win our mf
rint ? In .cMI dy. Tlio worS Itax-at ks
rn nr l-.it. Pttr. r tt. with t.ill itirvtt.na,
rn? (.mi'l 1 ma, ;p.ui. ilw
ill.,) III..). Al n'ljiriiq r'tnrM, Mxllr.1 on rnralpt
e.l .nw -, Ir SUA lilCK A (JO WiMItit
PliKklii i.jrl. i iniuUr. tmk
ITXETTTl Inrtuiily j'ullev!, by tba
A;vO.,;l ,,"ocf "lacriuoen JUtlco
Sold by art
t. Iiiliitent.ini 1!
t;plicUio:nif It.
I'ru.-gi.it, or wailed t u rouvipt cf I
l y LUSD.U DICH CO., Hfg. T1
Cbot&liitis ?-5 Wooelcr fXroet, Now iork.
. a a.ivr.
. - 37 v ; v ' -i a -.- ' f ,;v ;
T. r.bove ptr'turo rartly ehotrs how
lie twu'lwr'ej Iuiia!' r ftctH. It la th flrat
n i-:iy pm-fet t Ir.liik'.cr ever ltivntd.
(.i:l.r '-ivir mak'.-ijr Ir.lm!r?r!i carry the
re-K.rln m rt)0r nnt c't)ruct,Uinnbtotte
lo 1 ha brce'.V..-.i e,rrft;to. Pr. Ibu-ber'a
tt:v;ir;tl.-)n Pfr'irs i : frr-o from nil unwbola.
orno r'rt.lriv tliroutf h piir watnr nuvsv
!.? It u :uiClurs) au1muUk l.'jitruaimu
Prcnchitl?, Asthma, llay Tever,
t:vl c:v.cr rt!tinrups of tho air pusr ot
K- vi. 1'.rfit mid Ijiya m b roh4
n'f by J Til n:ation. I)r. Barbar a Inhaler
rar;ina l er.:": j vnpor'.r. lu ia.mt. 4
i-.illitmrd nu. ;.!.,, iinU tiiircl.crt out the
very peat of :'eoaj-. It hi a enmpkrt
tresitinpr.t la luul' -nt a quack davtoa
1 ,r lu.iiipr vutxuror to iiuy m
cf '.rf? ti-pi trt' l "fwrefnonlruaia.
Ijr. r.ikrbr a a:er. J t cure .'
ri A -t K It C.lrO iraaoAtMj,
Ir, reUevea ond tmras Anhmm mail Mm;
f'r. !trtir- IVnmiml,, 7iAwia,
and "or, t Kuwfii.s, jx Utkeu la Uma,
U !u.-iix-i,rt
Tho OilLY mUZ VYAY to COHf
!1 r:!i of tb brsKithlnsr apparMusk
It li t.'O RaovpM.V riv'.ioai ajd omjti
trttjuont cvim- ktiuwo.
I'nt i.ll fr. fjrl'i Ih!r. W. k.r
Ul r.iuHi 111 rmily rrr town ; but mShm
wno lu),. tvw. tU'v-Alrrvi ty ilduim .,1 i.im,
n: t. ,f.r tt:. i a roiALtAno r-m rvik
pii.eiei, nMH!tiM.eiiiNr. It I. m riwl A-cavM-y:
U ,1 ,i it (M y,M , .
1 ca.tl. it. at.trtv pi.n' Ami rtam. .1 m.
ccMiitjsuif iu ne,icu AilJi.w Um t-"H mniiTifrir
turt, BRENT GOOD & CO.. Hew York Dt
I rovalnM bf tt Wonktal JsiwarwV
I. rrtMi f raw tBrlnaol Taats, '
Arr-nw ltcA. ,ci,i (rti kAwiU,
Tt ilirii (ltHrtimrln, AtTfHt. ANMa
r!jmH4MtiS, KTUHOiAiliMl, C)fA., C'oillA Hl
rrk,( .lid ail 4tii;atula(MSUMiHM4M
A. a nnl rrf jt I!m drbrlnUS (Ml U n,
nivkiblr cSluirnt. lUiaMtaBceufiiloiu AMmMMoa
hut nnuUMl, Ate, I. Mr..w,j,r mowmuUiI. Its
I ii-if lni( power 1. wiatlrtill lu CrwimiiHiio it.
m dliiy,ftAiltniotintttlriiM.ainciacviie.loiM USa
It uli upon tit. raUoual tbourr ol loimirn t
Ahkbihinu Omin wuu.a IV flt n-tx ur tus Itm
I ., iuiuMlrir It to throw off the itlUA
SuM only li, MolAhuiwl buttM. TtTIUoa Is
r;tl"l trttli a ilo.oi. l Wn wulr Um mni
"I ,hbii.atku" lu onli r,, from jw d, -JKUt, tesj
ImmM uu kAvluir u.. rig-lit Eloa, '
rat P..:y t. lia VarlL
I M Al A.
Gul.k ai Start J tost Car,
It JImIi Wltlwnt a as.
AUaya Vain & Stows Bleodhafi
Cootbcai a nrs or Scala.
Maala a Cnt Ltha MagU.
Uraw a Polaaa eat cf a Wtrn
acit Inrtuitty nd lues ifa.
ra Roll ItlKiam. 9.IM Th1 l1'r,
Ptui ., N.al.t., ., Vawa4a, ;''"
Mora r. I'vlwieni fstasji "T
tlarb.r'a Hrli, lkipsi4 II. U. "r:
l u. Bur.,, n.1 iit Mil rwr P"'l'
nuioa a lv or iAuSbwiS U
rhosi'n Co.rbo.lo al fVu9ml
oaly ,,r.,piA:l..u O.At f sa Jaj- b. i mJl
in a i.iittrut juiir'.. mrmm-rr ",,r,.
Ike Mas
..ui. . 1.1. al. . t. as a .1 11 siiarw
sx. Iitik .sa i. limits.. ft IO II tit T
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