OCR Interpretation

The Lincoln County herald. (Troy, Lincoln County, Mo.) 1865-1873, July 20, 1866, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061771/1866-07-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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Arrival or Four Shipload or Hip
1'rom tlio Now York Kvcning I'o.'t.
Tho Murniun mtp'ulioii tiiovcinuiit
from r.utopo to Utah if. now m lull jir.
Ti'i'i, and w'llliiti a month or unto pas-l
four voxels ladened with tlio 'Sh'iuIh''
!invc arrived nt this port. Thoy wore .'ill
wllitiK vowels, ns followm Tho .Mm
J'liulit, fruiu luui l cml, i 1 1 1 feve.n hun
dred end fifty-tlnco Mormons: tlio Cnro-
Jnio, rroui J.oiiJuii, with Unco hutnlroJ
in J eighty-two on hoard ; the Aiiiurii-an
M'minjriai.i, I ro 1 1 1 Jjumliiti, with three nun
'Iri'il aud lilly-l'our, ami tlio At kwrijjlif,
ff'mjii lvui poul. with lour hundii'd tinil
i ,'ilty-i'uiir nearly two thous-nml in nil.
Tlii) Aiiieiicnti (Tnnrrsa landed her
p:i.sniur on Thuiil.i.y ntt'imtle Harden,
untl tlio Mniiiintin on tliu AiKwrifhl wi'io
liken iihlioro nt (I o'olnek l.i.s t evening.
lull Olill :i rkftl nj:aiu, Mini at I I o 'cluck
List night tlmy went on llicii way to Utah
on tlio Now Haven l.oat. 1'hoy make
lliti carioiiH movement of joiinj. ciflward
to (.'oniieot'eul anil Vermont, ami tiorlh
w.inl to (!aii:nli, for Ilm purpose nl'liav
tdliiu wiwtward. Tlio route in I y (lie
tii 1 Tiunk aid .Midii'Mii (Vulral Kail-
roadi to tit. Joseph, and I hence liy utoam
vi in Wyoming, Nelo-.i, !n. wkeio wooiii.-.
from Halt Luko (,'ity lire iu roadini'-u to
exiiwy them ticru.tj tliu plains to the
pi named land.
itiiuniAM voi mi, .lit.
Tlio wuls in which thc.Jo Mormon
lnvo eoiuo void chattered liy JSiigliam
Yoitmr, ilr., "n i...-id p.in.iae.0 broker."
He i. tho Him of l!ii;'liatn Votuij.', fr., ol
V'tnh. Tlth in the title (ho chief ropro
Hiiirative of Km ope ol' the poly;:ami.-l-llii''
country hu.-, ui i'Ilimci anil u
miih'ii.I lor tin: purpn.c ol'hoii-liii hither,
will) faeilils, the ciiiiei'lf tin they tile
;;.ilhercd. At the .Janio till)'' he hold
lie) 1 1 lliie ol' I'lt-idcnl ol' the Kill u.i:.ii
M'Sfiun ol' tl,.- Meiiieitis, and ;h micIi
wield.- the amplest potter.-" tinnm;; the
t'.iilhl'ill in irtclj p.. it el' I lie Mot Id except
AliioiiiM. Jlih luuliui extends over both
ut e.iii'i.
Itri;;li:iin Votm;:, Jr., in ltin rapacity
it "lieoiiM-d piiMaj-i! Inoker," has an nliiec
at I- isliic'lim, l.iveiponl, ami III)' I'lur-
lll,-ll S-dlOct, Irdilllllll, J, Million. TIlCM'
iiiimhcr.-t alii printed on ihe pai-Mino lid,
clt he i'i-iics at "CI iL'ri," ooiid I'm the
;ip to New Yuri;, or ' t'7 I Is," I'nr (lie
ti,liney liom ICtltupc to the plaiiH. 'J'he
I'ekot.i arc in tho ii.-uul furiii oI'micIi pa-.'i.-i
irinled in Khatami , there i a pie
line of (ho crown on one end, and in my
i'';;iil.itions are included.
Itrihatn'tt i'iijM,"inoiit.s with the he
licver:i ha- a pceuliatly hUfiiie.-.-j lile
Miami, :ia I'uIIoivh:
"1 cnjj.-U'O llittt tlio person named in
tlio m.ii'i'in ltd ecd nli:ijl be piovided with
a .tcor.tu pSsljao lii ttnd tilmll he landed
at (ho port, of Now Vork, in Noitli Ainer
va. in, lln Amerieuii Conxion , witli
n jt los (liati (en cube; Ibel of lnyne
I'nr each Xaluo adull, and fhall hu victn
alcd during (ho vo.i;:e and the time ol
ihleiiliou at any place hel'inc it4 terinina
turn, iHcordim,' to (ho suhjnineil mmIo, Idi
the bum of XI Us, includin.i; tloveni
tiiciil duett belbru the cniljarkatioti, and
head money, if any, at the place ol' l-i'yl
iH, and every other cdiaru except, lor
lic'uht mid oxeeM ol'ln;,'j;at:o beyond the
'prititity above specified , and i. hereby
ui.kniivledpi to have received tho puiii "I
,tl 'U in full payment.
Tlio .-upplies, etc , f;ivett by 1i lulium,
alu as follow fur adu'.l.-; Tlueu iuai tr
ot' waler daily, besides that tfol lor took -insr
, .ind provMioiu for a Aeek aio three
ttd a half pounds of hiead or biscuit, one
pound of Hour, one and a half of oatine.il.
oau ami a half of lice, two ol potatoes
(ne of beef, one of poik, one of put, one
ft' augur, one half ounce ol' mm-turd, ouo
rcurtiir uuttcu of pepper, (wo oum'c.-i i alt,
ind one gill of inctfir. The ticket has
i.t tho close : "yiiiatttre in full, Uiiyha'm
V.-jimjr, lr.,"nud at tho tide of it 'illi
bni Young, Jr., pnsnjjo biokei.', Tlio
rtniio written by youn; lookn like the
friliii; of a t-ehoolboy,' not til all like
th'tt of a bubinccd man. lie i.i thirty
ycais of nc, titout and robust in appear
unco, and in aeMttcd in the tuUbion work
by Bi verul pcruons.
.TLc Mormon ciuigraute tUU year nro
jiko those of previous ycais hard-work-tug
people ol' the lower classes.'' They
come from various i'luiopcan eountrie.-,
lot priutipally from Jjiiglaml, though
thnio nro a few eoteh, and move com
Tarativoly of tho Welsh. lielaud is
J'uuad a very unpromiBiu and un pro (lia
ble Cold for the operation of tho Mor
ai'Mi missionaries, tho pcoplo there treat
ing lliein with marked contempt, and iu
nitiuy eases not tolerating them at all.
Of iSwedos, Swisa nnd Danod there arc
COiiftideriiblu iiumliers atnoiiy the etui
RiMtihs ; a few persons from Australia
juinod thorn; and this Bcapoti or next
uLcru will bo a company from India and
another from Africa. Thcso will not,
'however, bo of native Indiaus and Afri
srtis, hut of persons of European descent.
Wo understand that a mad dog was
killed uoar town yesterday, niter biting
Fevcral valuable Hiiituals. l'ublio wal'oty
demands that btriiujent iiicastircs bhall bo
taken immediately to diminish the liuui
W of wprthloss and danijoroud eura with
"hicli oirr'town is infested: Tho dug
lw cannot bo enforced too ooi, Atch
iiiK'in t,uqnon.
On (he railway train from Xonia to
Jkylon, a few dayH iif;o, (hero was a
tiiHly-wcdded pair, tliu hrido-groom bo
itg us black ub nout aud tliu bvido fair as
(10 IT.
Tlii? is, tho motto and plutform of tho
Missouri ltads. "(lo it while ynu mo
younp;" is tho tunxintu paternally incttl
cattd in the mimls nf Anaricia youth.
l"(o it (ill November" is tho older of
tho Unds.
' And the rnpenlr fir'" rpihj,'. in tho live
liest Mylo. Tliry nro f-tatrely two yoarc
old as u paily, but they hae all (he ma
tured vices ol ofto;;enari.t'i roum. 'I hey
hfttnndor '0(10,(1(1(1 in Iwo lone; Kcssion's
.of tho Lofislaturo, aud nro now talking
about ti (bird. They plunder tho ,rauut
treasury of the poor 'State with estra mil
'cioe; thry adjourn for nineteen day.-) lo
f?o homo ,nud upend tho holidays, and
then 1 i.iks a resolution to draw their per
diem for the intciiiiin. 'I'hey create live
hun. I red now offices, aud raito the niI.i
lics of the old ones.
Thoy expel eight hundred faithful nnd
loyal incumbents from ollice, and tumble
into tho vacant places IhetiiseKes. They
thiow out the vole of the people against
the New (.'institution, nud make their
Seeretaiy ol'tatu lalsolv declare it. adont-
id. 'I'hey make tho State of iMissot.ri ti
rand loval iiatk, lor hitntiuir iiroachois
and Sisteis ol (.'h irity. Thov fill the
lommonwoalth with commissioned "so
t ret aouiUs'1 (o collect ''iufoiiii.it ion."
'I'hey organize : hlaudini; army of white
U.oiicals ,'ind black H elicals in the iule
lior counties In ''iirotcet the phi it V of
the billot box" the virtuous follow.
nd thry swindle tho people out of S700,-
0110 in one railroad operation.
fill (Ins is Inil tlio ucuiiiuiii". What
clitu:i of devileiiient tho fei-live rascals
will reach by Noeuiber, wo will not at
tempt lo conjivttiie. If they keep on
lol'biii,r aud lleeeinj; us at the prchclil
tale, there will be precious little left of
us, by NoUMiibor. IHfjmUli.
A Wu-hiiigltui IKsjiilcli in the Vwo-i-nit
speaks ol "Ihe dci-citiou of the I'res
iilent by all the L'iiihu uiembeis of his
Cabiiielt." 'J'his lefeis (o 1 iKSM.-dN,
tfi'i;i:i, II mii.an nud Hr.V.vioN, and im
plies that Hi.K.vitii, W'iii.i.kk, Md'i i,
l.'icil anil the Pie-Mml bim-elf are not
I'tiion men. In iiadicil ptitlatico no
man can be loyal utiles hoboes fur keep
ing eleven Stall s nut idyllic I'nioli, and
is in liivor of till the r.nuifietitioiis ofnig
.eiisni, incluiling sulliao and pcifet:t
equality, toeiall a.i well as political, of
the biael.ii with (he whites. H. Lolli
Tin: ('imps. 1-Yiuu cmivciYaiinii wilh
I '.i i iiilis from vaiiuus parts of this coun
ty, wo leai u that, tho wheat h.mc.-a in
some hicalilies i nearly linil:ed. Itliu
done well, aud is more than tin uveine
jield. Oats and grass look vm.11. Coin
is lathi r b iukwaid, and uiot'i r.iiu would
benelit. crop, uf ul! d nei iplions. Wai--.tw
A negro lias formally petitioned the
l'robate Cottit ol 'I' illahalchie county,
Alabama, to be nlinud to (-ell himself
into slaveiy: lie ki)S tbete are loo ma
ny iceponsibilities iiuirmiiidiiig him, and
that ho i dis-satikliud wilh bis piCM-nt
enudilinu. The l'lohalo eotut having no
juiisdiciion iu ihe premises, has forward
bin peliii' ti (o Thad Sievcu.-.
"J'lli; Kis. oi' Cti ltiiV." At a
meeting of t.lekyates fmiu tho (.,'httiches
of luukards throughout tho United
Slates, it was ducHed that coloicd per
sons should be received into the t'hinch,
thiti, all tho brc.thieu should bo left to
their own choice and taste au lo saluting
them with the holy ki-s, and that tho.-e
who withheld it thniild bu regarded us
woA. JMiyious Hi mid.
At Atlanta, a few days ago, a white
man went into a barber shop kept by a
negro, and took liis scat in the chair.
The negro appioaehcd, and ndzing the
customer, called him a d d rebel mouii
die!. Thereupon tho white man drew a
knife and cut tho tluo.it of his nible as-
pailaut. The ucgro's recovery is conaid-
creil Uouhttul,
The Johnson men of Hast TetiucsfCo
have issued u call lor a Couvculiuu nt
Kuoxvillo ou the 2(ith iiibt, to appoint
dcleafes lo the Philadelphia Convention
It is estimated that forty thousand sol
diers arc biuied at Corinth, Miss, within
u radius of 20 miles, A largo proportion
:,.!..! P. - ?..'....-.l'
nunaiiuu iriiui iiciiiii;-4 uuiiii tjeiieiai
llallcck1' term of command after tho bat
tle nfShiloli. o
Two hundred and twenty wagons, and
two hundred nnd pixty eight men passed
Kearney in lltrco days preceding the :lrd
inst. One tiniii was bound for Salt
Lake, tiio balance for Denver.
"Ki:iii your dog away from me'l" said
a dandy to a butcher boy.
"Darn tho dog he's always after pup
pies,"'(iaid the'boy.
(li'iwral li ttui died at, licaveuwiulll nu
the 1 1 tli instant.
Judge Lovelace, of tho Supremo Court
died al his residence iu Montgomery
county on the Otli iust.
A northern radical paper rays that n
negro in Arkansas insists that tm 'ties
spoke to him. Soinebody of the Freed
men's Uurcau most likely.
Tho Ohtu 'iir estimates tho los.i
of .sheep in Ohio by the cold olorm of
June Hill and 1l'lh, : 100.000 head.
- - .
Tho contract, for bui'ding tho Iowa
S(tto Agricultural Colleen bullditig was
nwnrded In dacob Kiehards, of Marion,
lowi, for S7!l,"tl7.
. - -.
A Mr. llyan, of Waterloo,. Mieli., lost
sixty-livo hheep by lightning during n
recent .htdrm.
Hixlcin trains, bound West, with I00
ox wagons, passed Fort Kearney from
tho 11th and 18th of . I otic inclusive.
This would give an a,';(!iegatc of fi.'.B
lio.-.d of stock within the week. The
travel West to Colorado, Utah and oth
er territories is immense
AffJHi (JlirPi Mnguiro's Ague and Fever
Alixiuro, is the great euro. Trite; SI fiO.
For sale at Maguitc's Drug f-toro, Second
and Olivo streets, St. l.nui.
- 4V
OM NoMSpaiirrs. n jiackngrs of Uf.
for .llo at this ollice. l'rice l"i ccnls..
Manufacturers of
It evolve r Si i II e ,v.
iTInsla ts iV ('ai'riiiu'H,
For the I'nited Slater Set vice. Alro,
ltlllMIA'll.Mi 1'ISTOI.S,
liilio I'.iM-.' liiw-hln," liill, ., Ittllc I Sli.,1
linn ISariil , i n, I ( utii M..L il,.ld m,IJ Ijv liun
liiiilcis ni'l ll,u 'J'i.i,l3 iMa oilly. In thcicilayi.
i,l' Hi i'.cIiii'.iUiij; Mini I, -I', -ry, ivtry huur.-:
ti'li-, JJ.n.t., uini OrU-e, t-i.iii-l li'iiii oiii- (f
U K M I N( J TON'S 11 K VOL V K its,
I'uilii'H ilmii Inn t" ain'l tlnniFi-Uui i.f 1 1, l.itv
iii,),ooi nu in in Tutu! , itii.l fui iiui .,,il,m.iu
uini l.'iui. will lin.t ult coiuliliKil in tin: nut
lit ioi,;-lt,ii linoli tl.,
( in iit.irii -ulilali,i:i), uilr .111,1 iln!iitiuii ut our
A 111.1 Hill I'llllll lll' l 11)1,111 ll'l,li('.llll,ll.
i:. KlIMIXti'loX i ."-O.N'i!, ltii.ii N. V.
Moon uini ii-liols ., iu
.',,. Ill r.,iiili:iud tl New Vinl..
.Inly I." I r,a n'.M ilia
C2 saj j jy.
1 m
Hlli, inii-i.rii,;'iu,l iiuiil.l liifrnn (l u i-illzcn ul
I liimn'ri iiniy, i! .it w In now luualng
Jionsi: coll a us
, at f.f tli- hi-- t in:,ti ritil -inl H t rn nf o I a ;,i-l up
I,- I"-'. 1 .inn, t, AliiilmiiU mul nil mini-,
1,1 ii.o t .i p in li.-lr, ,ui- in t Iu-1 In ;;tvu wo a
cilliif Winys .1.1 Uut .lint Mkm: tO,l,.
July la, 1. 1; ' i.'J'j 2i,i
The i cl ii n n JSh i
CVZTJ Tin; midi r.-ignt d
jci has opened u hhop di
?iJ'"eclly in the rear of the Stove
f ( M,t 'I In ln i hi Tii-.v, i.Ih'h- In- is ii -w
iiJji,ii, mul I, inal.i mul n i nir in tin- W-si
i:,.e.i,i' .l .S AM) S'lSTl.'t.:;
on ll, - ilre o 1 nril'-! li-vl,,y iv.inls
nay tlilii ; ia my I hid is i .; u.lully l.nliui
;iii-1 1" -i i' ill. 'I'ru-Cs i,i:i-!l ,,i-ii piir,-,l.
Julyh, ISMl ii-.") .1. 11. tii.oni:.
.y. v. u i fej a vm
TD ID XnT 1? i
crt n
tflllX&V W'll.l. SIT,NI (i.NIi 'l llllill DV
ft 'ii'1 liu'u 'a 'lo'.v. Irniii tlio "-itli
Z w In Ian unt nl t-.tt Ti motilli, wl.t id
Iiu wit I nlli ii, I in tliu of lliiifc wlnj may tk--ciio
liis eorvii-i s
Nitiuui Oii'l il,ii'K,i'liiilMiti'iTil fur Hit' I'liinlo s
run,, ml i, I' 1,'vlli, 'Jii-lll in-oili'il mi n,li Mlvir
IIiiIjUt ll.irc. Al.-u, louitiimlKiu of liolil iiU'I
V. lii'fiiiiiif, my oli ,atiui,s,
V . (IHiu'( nt Went vlle. jnne 21!, IHIit.
Bi U 1 UJt V A 12 e.
(I'uriiii ily It. II. Oviinll mul lirnlliir.)
.S'7'. (WALKS. .)..
W'(ll'l.l) iiiont rr8icclfully iiiliinn 111,' rills.iiii
of 'J'my unit "f l.iiiuula euunly, Unit lie l.ii ?
a lint- iiff'irliiii iit ot
j i-u mi t Mil,
I'uiliil'lv Cor houi'u luitiliiii i-.iri'Viilcip tiul,,iiUu
Stlnglcs; Vulimj. Lath,
Sash, Loors and lllinds.
TIiumi in w.nit nf Ijiiuli r wuuM ilo wull In iv
luu u tail, ii o I i in bill laniilni (lUlitiuil ut imy
iilut hi (lie U.illruiiil) nt luwir li;;iiu llnu tliu
i-:uue ailiilc i-iiii 'U hi.ulit in St l.nuij mul
In lj;liti'il. My riiM"iii, inii:i,v rot ;ih-uii, UkiI
imy nrik-ih llicj luny I'mur inu with, will ru-civo
tliu attciitiuii mul niuuiiitiiLvi', at if tluy wviu tu
l.'lt roc iii-rnr.iiiilly.
I iino s, I n; 'J I ly A N nVr.UAI.I..
sr. cuAitiiiw, jnssounr.
i j'.'cusrnn, impi ictor. 1
'I'liU- liuuirn Luu In n nfittml imj furiil.-liiil, mill
ii I'ciilr.illy lud.itvil for tilt) riivunhi-t of travolorn
mul I,iimiiu;s nun ( imic I l,Sl,li)
Final ticttlcmaU.
NOTlCllisiliuali.v i:ivoiii ull ionuiih intrrc
li,l llmt tliu uiiiluniriiiit Ailiiuuir-lr.il.ir 1" II,,
i"i:ilu nf Clillunl It. t;il!"H ili i i-i 'I, will in ite a
I'oi ll ill, mi, nl el lii iiilntliiili ili"ii !' .o,,"
I ;i In nt Hid nctl h.ii I li'Kn ! ll,i' liiU'-nlii - n ti t v
t'nilrt, In I'D liinn -nut In'l'l ill 'I'my, mi Mmiil.i)
tliu I .ItliiLiy el AiiK'H ImIO. -I. M. KI.NII,
no 2 I81I1I n'.'ii-liv A'liiiiiiiitnitm.
E?r5B Waiiifd At (his ollice
a good steady ,Jioy,( between
13and IC'ycaraofugelto Jearii
the l'riuting bnsincitii. '
oitiii:it of t'tmi.icATioN.
Mnenln Omititjr Ciiurt, Mliniirl May tirtu Iscr.,
Ml'Ml Hip ri fin it of rail Cnurt liiBdo nl ,!.l
tcrll 111 till' InlloMlllL'. tu wit:
NllW tint- .tl.l.li V. lllrHn-'ll niMihilrnl..r ..r
tin' ulnti' (f fit n Tliurnlilll ilni'iiK'il, i;t-.irt
unit tlli- hi ).clltion fut (Iiu nlof lWrc.il n-iiili-(,f
rnlil ct.ilc, or nt inucli llitreof in will lc tuQ.
i-liiit to juiy itu ilol 1 iluo dijrtlnat unlit t-i.t t.- mul
uii 41 1.1 fin' w.itit of in-itlfj nt-.mjimieil l,y tlic
1 Ih, liirnli,iiti .mil net i-untf , n- l-y Imy rciinlrnl
1I1P Mlitlr M"-:il,;.l l.y -p i,n,!.vlti,r it .It'll -l-lr.ili
r Win 11 ii,ii lliiM.'mnl unli-r ..il,l uilmlt,.
Ijlinliir li'i I-,. lire r.fr.il.1 ,Uili'ii l,y n ,ul,l
l!( .ilimi in ilii l!i in,,ii jiuli'.a ntwr, ,i ,V
t,l It, llii. i-iiuiiv, fnrloitr Mi-il- I'lird tli. m):!
nculir ti rm ol il-i fiiirl, mul llmt unUti nni
lunliuiy IjJ uIii-ivii to itu I'luiit ut or liul'nu f. ill
li-im, 1111 fiiikr ill Im ,ii,!o ft.i- tlio -i1-i i-f tl,t
ri-.it 1 ftnli of 1 t.ili. or fo lu'i'N tui-rint ii
liiill li- nil'.U-ii-nt lo 1 ny tin- vT t.tf iluu it:titt ll.i
r.iinr. W'tiltu, ii'ilii-i'i ill.iiii'i( with mn cim
Itnm it. A tiiu-i,y iium iiu: no, nl.
W l'r.ni-l- f. O.-Ici-, Cliili (,f!,,l t'mivi
v li"'1' In v. t fd imj tin ii.t, mul nlliil.il
I M'.AI. Vinl ft etlire In Trey In ,u rmintv,
i-.hw :,iii ,i,iy iii .iiiij, iM.it
I'l.AXfli f. I'vKi:, Ci.tli.
.Inly C, IWt ;;, ,,,
(tfllt- nl' fllllli-flf inn
I.ttitnln Ouiily'Cittirt. Ml fonii. J!:iytiiii IM'fi.
i,,..,i 11 1' 1111,111. 111 (.1111 imtri iii-mo ul ml,!
(Vli'im l,i tin (ll,,wii-. f,i ulli
Now In r,i AV.ill , i- 1 1.11 1. r,.l,.,:l.f p ,1.,,. , i ii.n .
lulu nl Cli.nl,'. .1. I'l.iilf iKc-ciin',1, ii,.iiiiH mul
l.ll -l III, I.i lilt. ,M r.,r ll, rl .1 II... .. .1 . ..1
iui.1 tutuli', i,r i-,i inucli tin not lint ill Iiu Hili'u it nl
111 '.iy mo uniH iiuu or ntiiit rulilctiiti) Hint 1111
j,iii,l I'm- wiint of ii-, li ,ii.-.-ni,.iiii,.,l ty llii- Iiu-,
Iiiiinloiii-i. mi,! m-i-mniti., n l.y luu- u'iiiin-,l Iiu
ivliole u!t!ul by tin) n'.iJu It ul r.ii I .I'lajiiii.-tru
U'lnnii,cn lln'Cmirt onlcr i.ii, inlmini -tr ilm
In civ" 11, ,tii-i- nl'iuM llli.in ,y 11 nl lu-.-it l,m it.
Hu- llu.iM. a i,ililic iiii'..,ii1'r'.iil,.tiiil in llii.
1 1'lllltV. 1 1 1 1- f 111- Hit ll. l.-li.p tu it,.. 1 1 ,,
lorei nl llii. I'niirt: ni,l ili.it unl,.-. tin-omtinr
It ilimui to.tbo t'inl ,it or In lulu tiii.l tiiiu mior
ilir will bu t mile fur the s.iK- of ,t- u ul o.iUlo nl
f.ll.l ivtiitn or hi iiiuHi t'li-i't'i-f u ii nil Iiu tnPi
ildil In ,ny tlio doMi On'i- iikiIii-I tlio nmn,..
Hiiiiin iii iii-i-. iiU'I iiii-ii 1.1 ii nti,l K.iiiinuul.
A tutu ii jiy limn ilm uii,.
Wltiie.'! rr.imii t.'. V-.iU; I'Kil; ,,f .,, cilrt
;nIi:ivi' l'(n-itt,to t my Iminl nml nf.l,-i,il
hl!AI. V1.1I r.t ot!!i-olti Tiov In f.ilil iunty i,f
VcrjfCs.'nli il.i of .Inly Ihl.ll.
I'llArk'lS C. CAKT. Cluk.
July li 1,'di'. 11C-' W
Salt ol 15ml IMnlf.
I .V nl.clii in- In mi i.tib r of tlio ftiti!v (Viirt of
1 l.tliroln i-niniK. .Mi. ,,.i,t I. ,,,.t i 11.., f...
Uli.i tin uul 1, 1 l; i;i'., I i.ill ill ul ,iii1u i,iii-lin
.it Hut limit ilpnr ol ll. Court I u In To.y, in
i"llil routitv. on Tii,-,l.ie. .in-n.l II. mi ll' it,.
li Ilm, in,; ill. ,-iiliiil 11.1I i.-tuk', tu ,ili
42 i.cii. M'i no. 2fl l hi i:ni(.v. 2 cut.
ij .n-ii w I, w au It) K'j laiijju i 1. -it 1.
I'.' .loii-ii 11 v,' 11 0 ftt v'.i I u mi,.., 2 ,.a,tl
S2 iit-ifj 11 1-11 w hi t".i I 111 i.myi J i-att.
la ncriv 11 u- w 1 to " tlti riuif.-p cart
hi iKiij mn ,u. (j, lull(.u .,,,
Titt.ip not- lt.it i',-:,,1,. 1 i.,t i.trt,. Ltv
tlio iiiuli,iti.r rjiiitiK l.tnl nml .,pmity.
l,l.'il,l,l, H. IIAISII'ISTY,
AJiiiiiinilrator uf tin tjtulu of l'liil.n.Jt - Lopm
July 11, lb'Sd id 4w iluijiod
Salt- ol Heal Ulali
T ol'i'.li.iiH-i.- to 1111 onlir of tlio rtuinty Cnitl of
Mm 0I11 p.iiiiuj- .Mlr'liiiirl, iiimlp ut tlio Jtny
I, r... .I,,,....l'l.. I.i'l! I .. Ill ...(,.... ..I t- . , I
iu, . Ill bl'jl J,l I'lll'IK-Illlflll,)
.it tlio Itoal il-u 1.1 tin, Coin t Iiiiiimi in Tmy, in
-.11.1 I'l'iiniy, oil llt"Ml.iy AliKSl II, IMill, tin
lollnwlui, tUrci li..l nni t-ftnu-, tu wit;
Hi ii-i oh w Ii iir n unc 1 1 t III rniuju 2 wol.
Hi ni-ti-.. 11 li..tf 1) ti no 1 1 ll'.i riuijrf a wti.t
Turn. (Jin) li-ilf ciirlt nnu Imlf in . lunntlu,
tliu iiuuli-tir (,! lit;; buml ;in,l hciu'ov.
.,tiiili.i...uti,ri,r linn ! On of (;i-..r-ju W. fiillhnn
ltri.irul. ;.lulyli It-'ili uio li.)
" Sain oi "rwi KsiaTc.
I N Ol'olieii,-,! ti, mi i-nltrnf Hie Ci uiily (Ii.ntt nf
I 1, 111, i n, tot iiiv, ;,.,,ioi, in,,),, .11 Un, jiuj
II ll-l III! I- ft, I' 111''., i U'llM-llm (itlblic nil -i.,
111 inn II, ,)il in. 1 ' ' 1 . - l. III. l., tl-. 111 I ny, ill
...li.l l ,.llll,l , t I 'l.u.l.iy Auilrt 11, l.tli, ll.i
folluit ma iliimil nl u,ii i-.tiii,-, tn wltj
10 ni-rt A v rji of a e q. oi 0, l!, rtiti;u iti".
" ii rr-i ti i, ,,r i ii :i ijr, ro in. ua uuij-i-:, i.
Hull un iH-ro t'lljoiio"-: 1 1 j ii n:i it Tnistou
l.n,Mn n lliil.ln -.1 . ml ll.i, n jtLii l:tl..: iul.
'J t 1 1 . . n t,i-li in h.ii.,!.
ISA l! IT. OWIM g,
Aili"iniir;i(," t...i,!i -, n r li ikli' Mii'itnl IT tit
n I . .Lily I.I, IOit. iist-Jiv
A . 5 m i s . i r: j i i.s iS- c i t c .
rvjn'l'l 'i: U !-. t.l ,- ! .. ,, Hut l ll.-,-. ' Ailuiin
li.i,,.ii 1 1 ji.nii.i I i,j a-ti.a liii'l v in
tllo I- I it, .1 i or C. I.I.i-''. y un- .Ii-i-i'.i .,.
Ilii v I'.nli It.l.o. l.y ii... HI- ,1; i.f tin. i-nimtv Ci-uit
ul iiiti.-i-lll i-.ntiiiy .'li.iuni' it
All ..l nti.l li.iun;; I'lniiu. .i,;iiiill minto
"III IU' tl I III I-V' i'-'l '.lull t'l I'll' ll lllill . I I',. to'
I, ii nlliirtuli, , l- t I n i.ii'i m.ii i',n ,,- ,J(U Cjf
f i',1 li Item, in-1 my i.iv Iu iin-,i.!iil iu,.,i nil)
l,i li, til of r.ilil 1 1 ml,-, i n 1 ,1 n i-t,ilji,, l.illiiu
lllii',.-,:,!.. fin,, i i I.o. I ili olViiJ li ilurl tliov will
bof.-ioui'l 1. WAKltl'.X li.UliKY,
.linn ;!' I'Uti, 1,'Jii Jt Ailiuinii'iiuti.r.
l'l.VM SimiOENT.
Wiilioo it Intiby cli'on tn nil jH-rrntiit iiilorosttil
lieu im-nu i i-ii :nia Aiii.ininir.iiur or tlio i Mnti
if tlmi;;.j IViiiii lUuciii'i'l, will miKo n Kir.'il
Sollli imiil of In ,i,tiiiii1lr.il,,ti nf rnlil rutntti nt
tliu tii.sl Aii;uit tin. i ut I im 1,'nu nliirnuiity Court,
in ut- in j;iiu uini iu 1,1 in 1 1 uv,, .11 M, in, i.i v tlio I..I1I
iliiy i.f Ai.(iu'l IHi'i. I'liTKllllAt'SltiV.
July litli I tilt. i,i (,in. A,liuinlliiitir.
IU's:un.'iliiu i;ficc.
.Ntl'fll'i; i l. n ! v J.-UC11 tn (ill loiuillii"! tl., t
III.' IllllJlTfill.-.l Hill lll.lkl' ll.,lvilli'-ll tn tin Mn
lolu tVinity C urt it itu i.i-M Auj;ii.,i tiiiu, to u-il(-u
lilt it'iiuiiiictuti.iii of I In) fM.ilu iT Jolni
Tnill ilu'iii oj JOHN M. I.iil.li.
July I'.ili ttl;P. i..'f!,liv AilmiiiUtiutti.
liCeinatiuti Notice.
lVTHTICU i. lartbv iriv en tu nil i',,iiiiriiiil Unit
1-1 11,0 uii,i.i ijjui', Aiitiiilii.li.iloi iifllui trliilu of
iiirnliiio iiirinr, ili-'-i-nst',, will iii.y to I lie ni".t
Au;!ii't tn iu of tliu liitiCnlli t.Vuiily Couil Iu to
Ki-u l.lj uiiiuluiilr.itiuii of Mil, I ortulO.
July r.th If-fifJ. n!--,iv. Adiiitiiii-liulor.
i'inal SHIIciuvul.
(VJl'Tltlll iii litTt liy pttin In all ,,'rn,iin iiili-riv-i
Iul (lint ll,u in, iii.i i-iiu.l uiliiiiuUliiilnr of Ilm
ll-Ulll (.1 .1,11110.1 t-'lllll llll UlCl.lMll, Ulll llillkl- ti
l'itl.ll M'tllllill'llt ol Iii inllllilli.lr.llintl ul li l'i
tutu nt tbu next Aui;iut li tui ul tlio l.in.'nlii inuu
ty Cutirl, Iu bo bivtin mul In M In Tmy, on Mon
day tbu loth il.i v i.'l An:;.itt Itiai.
i 11. N. 1IASKK1' AduiiiiWrutor
JcnoU'.) lKCtl n27-vr
Final Ssttlemenl.
jVTOTlCIJ lalioriby i;iu-ntoall pi'inuny lulu-llo.-lnl
Unit tlio uiiiliif U'ni'il Ailiiiiiibili.itur of
Ilm ihI.iIu of Jubu Ui-yuuliU iI.ii'i-ii.liI, will uiiiUo
a Kni.il tttlluiicut ut lili'u, liiiini.linlii.il i,f nni, I
0 -( ,il tho in v I ii;;it lit in i, I tint 1,1111-ul-i
iniilv Ci.ttrl, In I.i- l.i'iiii mill lii bl in Tru), un
,l I.) Ilm I'llli il.iy ! ii;tl:l I ..'I'll-,,
H 1 1, lit Ml HANI',
Jul) IM lrT.i rem Iw
Stray Nntlro T.ikvn iii by .1 li II. Iliim
1 Ii i ey it of .Miiliiuinl tuivulili, u b.i) li"i.-,' I'oti.v,
yuM obi, iuiiiiu ulillu t,vi- un JiiJ body, II
b.nuU liii;li, bruiiiliil 1' H on bit Kliuuldoi', up
liruiaoil ul i'M by H.niiuol II ill. 1. S. Cuojitr,
t)IWir'l. Vordior, bilurc Hubert Vonlliu, J, 1'.
July ): M6 n'Jlw (Juno 2b lbiilO
Wholesale it' Itctail Dealers hi
Tin Ware,
Manukacturkk or
Coppor, Tin ami Phffi Iron Ware
(Jtittcr.a. l.ighlniiu; Hods and Spoutinp?
tut Uf. In tint country at Wl potlco, mul nil
Wtnl nf,tul,l,ii) ,romtly nllriiiliil tu. 8n-clil
mid .n.init ntti-ntiuii 'iii.i tu nil order.
In Kx lianf?c i'ov Work:
aii kitiiN or nft iiiMiitt.
C..tit:try u.i rrl, mt ulll Cu.l it In tbttr nduinl
ii;,' In i nll nml iMiiiiliip i.i) p 1 mul prior In
I 'll luriliirii ) il'iHliiii.ns I muiU-toriiiiiinl ti
to- SKLL t$ l,v; "ri
as cr.u Lo botioht in Saint Louid.
Oipjfr, J'cirn- mill Liml
Taken iu exoliaii;o for Work.
Ajiril 27, 1SCU. niatr
New Store
i iv rr it. y
r o.
.i. ii. Timo & co.
Have oientd in Troy Mo. ti
stock otiinf (ootis,
rz w. cs m m m- ca
f UATS, g
which thoy will tell ('heap for (,'aslli
It is strange but true that since
J. II. TIMO to, CO.
ll.i vc oiiened (heir More the.ro has been
a reduction iu prices of at least 20 per
Citizens of Lincoln Count,
thin reduction iu prices wo will sustain,
and us goods decline, wo will deeliuc.
No More High Prices
The business to bo cairied on upon the
(duno 22, ISfiti.)
IVclsters L'nalrUjil Lidionanj.
IVTKMr ll.l.USlUA'tT.n Kt)1J')V
I t'l lit lonelily U'l tiiinl t.iuili i n' nuul. (hi r
"(uuii tiu.i tn ,n u,j,j. U ii noli inh'i ni,ll".i.ii
miI Io r,iul,-lti! f, ,- ovn- liiti'lliint fiitnllv.
It coiituiii' lUino WOI'.D.S ua,l AlliA.NINllS
not fottn.l in ollu r lllofinnari.-',
It i.-i nu.v I iliiit, I In bt- by Lit tliu l.oiit com
l-li'lu, ii.'olul, uini niil'1'ai li.i'.v liiitlniiio-y of Ilm
Lirgiinge nir pul.llibul, u II l l,y tur tin lnr
ol r-rii);lo vcluino t vi r itii"! in tmy I'liiKini;!".
Vln-,niii'iii"''.in f i.tiy ntln'r l'.'ti';;li.li l'ii-!in
nrv, nr utiy .u i luu i i"llli,,ii nf till-, i-itnii-t i-i tu
iinr:ito tor tho w.,nt of llii- M ty lill iii.. iwn
i.ictc oiio. In itit iiii'tcnt i,ui r. ,-ii-l tiiln it inut
Iniisrituii.lii(l.u UllST lIN'lil.l.-ll litCI KlNAKY
it I. tl oiti-o I on.-it.-i.,l, K-luiliilol' lonrliiiit mnlubiil-
illj Mil IK.
Ill Olio lol. ' f 1,110 lioynl (Ju.ilt i l'licc-.
l'ubliUi.d by ti. C. MI-.ltlilAM,
Miiy ll, no ;!. rti-riiCuld, iUn.
Kvw Whclcvalc DniL' laonsu
Nu Hit Mnlll HI. C'oilill-ol Wui-liliituli
Avemif ST. LOUIS; M.
il OR c a EI.
Uf, btui- in floti and ,ito il.iil) roriiiln-; n
1.1 11) uuil lull n -1 1 it t mi m ol ull fuili llltilll.
utu.illy Kit Ijy
Wholesale Druggists
Tu iilili'h wo rail I In' iilltiit'n.ii o
i lii:t.ii;s ii, (iiiMiim Di;h-
Onr iatlic.im.il vim buiii-li' wlau privm wiiu
At their Lowest & (iultl at 130,
Tlnriby iniiLlltij; in, tu ilofy nil ii aipilitloii.
tliiyera Vti'l duiicll tu i;ivc us it oull.
Bc'uTT il Altl.UKtl,
No. 1 M .N'orlli Main t, it. Loui
Junuiiry SH Mn j A in.
TVTOI I UlT i- li. 'il.v ;lvui Uul Mli i 'i.l Admin-
I 1 I. t.l Oii.ll lull- '.'liiioi-.l I,, llmil.n li, Mil, ill
on ll.. ,-til, nl WiLtitt, lintlmr il,.'iB..,., .Inn.
I'.llli -i,it, by lbi-Cli-il. ,,f Ilm tu.iulj Court of
I, im ulii i'iiiiiiI i Mi'i-nuri.
All ., r.iii.i bnvlint ol.itr.if ii.iln't i. p.int,,
.in ri'.iitii'. Iu obil,i! tin in tn tl-,- it I iiit.it ti.it, r
lurullow.iiilo hKIiiii uiio Vein rroui Ilm il.ilo of
mid lullcri-', hi I toy uuy bo protludvl liuui iny
boiulit uf tun I t.l, ilo. .in, nut i'liii,ito, wiliiiii
llili-u yu.ir tiom tliu Ualu of ..il.l Intlui, lin y mil
tu luu vol tuned. IIA.ill. 1, .-II'JO.W 1
Juuvj Itiliil Ife'l Adiuinutl'itiv i
Nelr Jewelry Store!
)$ South' 5th 8trcct,'3t. 'L-juK
((Sontliern HolclJ)
lluvc optt.td ! Inrec ft"' lititutlfal A'ltJotlTrnt bT
UVUchcs. Jewelry
Hiker and l'latcil Ware,
i'ant y Goods. I'orkrl & Table tallcry
' (101,1) I'KXIS. 1
All of wliitlt tltdy will roll at oxceedtngiy
I j O IV Pl'lCCH.
rit n ATCiii:s
Are uiisurpast-ed as Timo-Kecptts
I'iito and of the latest r;ittonir
oi;u 811.YK11 vEi
Our own Miintti tciuro nnu puro.
Km Jcwclni wade to Order.
IVccitMts SIoihm lies el.
lli-itn- priiMit-.i! WmVti'iinkiri", wc pny ptirtloifliir
ntli otiiitl in tb rt iiitinn VI i) ut'i'io-1.
Krhll,,,,,. lajliillll'.lt llllOlltr.UH,
'I'll'" "" .. ... . j ..K I ,!, .
,,ttin ntll liri-,'l,ri.iliuiiu .iv,. ..- f.,
.Im,,. I I 'Wit id 7ei
Mercantile Library Idll
bCAi.r.u U
FllEXCll AXD ArtFlitOAtf
Bpcr MlanffUiffs
No. I North Fifth' Bt. tit. Loui.
Juno I, IM''! ti-'S I'm
.1. wrilKKlSOi &CO.
m:.t.v:i!ri ix
lti;Ii Laces rrcucli WlDllOIUEKIK'
nir.utiNf!, biit;.'s tutmmisus.
Hosiery, Gloves, White Gowk)
Froueh and Amcrienn Corecti",
Zcl'hyr Wurttdl, fc.
No. .11 North 5th clroct ST. LOUIS
Juno 1, Ifcfill nil pTui
111:1 1 eh i' a. iii:i1ir
Manufacturer; of
F U il N I T U 11 E;
And dealeM in
No. 305 Uro.v!wny,
Juno I, ISriiU pTin 1' ).0t;iS, M
illnKiiii-r'x IScsinc "lnt.
I'nr l.inr,- ,niri lui tity jtani il.i' tulii ibtit iiinl-ii-ili.
bin- bt 111 in j;, nornl tin) u.t 11 rctiiody fur ilia
ibi.t, ilj-iat.'iiv, tbiitiri Jlnl t-ompl linin t.f tbu
Iniuls 'ni-iilitu In flllin.l.r, flll.l'Ko ilu'tlnt i t-i"-Hitilf
wlim .,1,. f.iv tb.it ll I tlio urn! fii.-ivri't
i-lid pnl.,i- rpu llV' iur ntfotcil to tlio pliblti-.
.Mi.i.ili'i lii-jiii' lii-nii j
'i nn vt-ty lot ti t.i.'.ly t'nito-m bou.nl liClu,l
itii li Musu'ori' K.Mt.'irl ot Iti.-tiiio I'tar.t. tl H in-tlinl.-ly
Mi-ii-il.-r tunny of i'io rji-l-tt.' t.-tttlH !i.-it
III tbo lmivi.p.'iK-r', 11,1 n'.ilti-r '.t-"'i wb.it rnuifo
tin- 111 iy l,u , tiiu I. U iv.11 it-i'li! I-I'.' fii)
.Mid .'it ivi'li 1 .tuiiMiirg mmiof.s flti-.'o tli.it I'nio
.11' euro fr 1'i .1. Inn. tini'tiy aint lifii.ilul-l-tinn
-t'ii('iRi y I- tinn'iin ill:, I, (. In m Id liy
il'ti ,l.tii- -mi' -li ,.i'n Iii inn 'i:.t.
,;i3i-nl IVit", I ti'- h lt,,-"ii iVi-or Mini Imtnh
Aj-im .i li J v oi.rtil i,v .'t iulre' A-ui' ntnl IV
v . .Mitla,'.'. I'l-Vlir. ii ul .l,y J..V . iM-i
i'li ', 111, ' ,1 . ,. 1 a,.d Ollioitmt.
JU'IJ lt I'.L.l nJ j, , 1 f
JPerntmieriit .
Oil, Ftdntst
White Wjcmi,
Window GUm,
Glasttttare, Ore.
Which I offer at Mors on low an vaj
liouac Etwt or Went. .
66 & 68 North Main street,
MirelmnU wishing any goads to
tuy lino vill ouvo money bygotUuK
tuy prktu Ltfofo pareluwiuy 0U0
wliero. j
- " - --
Final Settlement.
Nd'l'ICi: if htroh.v t-'iVtU tu ull'tct., ! ii,ur
1 li d lli.it tin itmlir ltioil llxui'illor nl tlm ' -lulu
i.f Vflliiitlii..- tlntM'V iltWu-Til, will mndo 11 l.'lnfil
m Itliiriciit uf hiit n lililll'iHi ilimi of nji ft:itu at
il-u in'ti Aiij'imt ti-rin uf Itnj l.tt.onlii tnunty
ivtnt. in Im Ih'suu nii'l 1n M in Tmy, 011 MuniluV
Ilm IM'b !. nt Aii'vut IVKii.
I'. 11. rHIKIiTtl.V,
Jmn. .'2 I'f.'l u.'l plr V.irtilor.
lti:OTc(e tV ap.'ss,
Doaleiw in all kintU of
Palings, Doors nml SiMi,
I, tiiiibi 1 Viinl in lliot'ily of t?l I.'l, .ult'-, ,..j..i
.'iin in Iiu- Nuilli Mi".uii U.tilutil DiiM l
Juin. I, Ititt wit I'Tu.

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