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Morgan County democrat. (Versailles, Mo.) 1900-1906, December 25, 1903, Image 1

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Aorgan County Democrat.
Fourth Year.
Versailles, Mo., Friday Morning, Dec. 25, 1903.
No. 52.
merry Christmas
A Joy tho year round,
Prom mo. Comfort, and pleasure will follow tho
purchases made, us in my lino you will lind just
those things Unit ure
I liiivo what you want. Como in and see me.
Versailles, Missouri.
' iau lor naiuy s i n.u jKimug i u,v-
Men's Rubber Hoots and Shoes at thu
Mrs. .Julius Kcotting presented her
husband with a line eleven pound boy
on tin: ISlh Inst.
Como, look at our fine line of
1.1.. 1 1 .....I Wi. f',ui.u f.ni.1 W
A' 111! U.I111 II illlUI ... ...
s' Biersadi.
Attorney A. It. Knlpineyor dopaited
' last biaturdiiy for Higginsvllle, where
he wllll Hpend the holidays with his
Nllhsos Willlu Holes and Gorda Long
i. . . ...... 1 J. I.
urr ivi-i iioimu iuninai.uriiu.yiruui om.-hi-'
in u rVilloir.' Columbia, to snend the
vriio mvoiis, ivi.j iitk.ji.uiMK iiij
thu Columbia High School, came in
Tuesday aftot noon to spend Christmas
.!!. I.I
j Ralph Cox, who operateil the novelty
stoic In i lit' opera lioiise hloek in this
'!. .1. I . .1 ...
J"xaie in t nic.igo.
urr ni if ... .1...
,r VI ty Hotel lit California, drooped dead
lu nisrhotel last Sunday, of heart dis
ease, ,' lie was 71 years old.
Dan Williams, who lias heeu attend'
--at v.... .-J
lure Mii'iidluif his holiday vueatlon
Wh his narents. Dr. and Mrs. U. A.
', "Miliums. I
fi iWLcr uiieo years sueress 111 inu meal
business, 1 am better prepared to (five
. Ji my customers what they eall for than
anyone else in the city, I). 0. Hardy,
the liutcher.
It. II. Dowers has closed out a portion
of thu stock of goods In his store on
Monroe sheet at auction, and will re
move the remainder to Stover, where
he will open up a store.
Mrs. .1, J. Ktockard ami sister, Miss
Ilrooksio Husby, Misses Myitt Stephens
and4lrcnu Potty arrived home Wodiies
day 'from Cot toy College to spend thu
hulldayn with hoine folks.
5 if. i. llaiier. state lectin cr for the Pro-
hlbltlonlstK, dellvcied an adilruss on
mpernnco to a fair sized audience at
e M. E. Church Sunday night. All
"who ileum it were wen pieaMto wiwi
the lecture.
I Fred Dlnkelmau, father of Contractor
'A. U. (-chafer, departed last week for
hU home In Pueblo, Col. Mr. Dlukul
man liad been assisting Contractor
tichufcr on his grading work on thu
Bock Island west of this city.
Tho State Fair Hoard last week iu
nekslou at Columbia, elected the follow
lowing ollSccrs: J, A. 1'ottsof Mexico,
president; .J. W. Hill of Chnlleotho, vice
president; .1 It. Rlppey of Lancaster,
Secretary; Chas. K. Venters of Sedallu,
Suits, Underwear, Overcoats,
Boots and Shoes, Skirts, Dross
Goods, Blankets, Comforters,
Trunks, Valiaos, Groeorleu &o
Best Values for tho least money
hi "Tho Red Flae." Carl W.
if you buy your
Hardy's Prize Jinking Powder Is the
kind to ir e In your baking,
The liranch train had a little wreck
at Fortuua on Its run In here Monday
morning, and did not arrive iu Ver
sailles until 1:30 p. in.
On account of holiday matters and
lack of help we are obliged to postpone
the promised notice of Die Scolleld
lliblu Con cspondciicu Course till next
Your last roast wasn't good, your
steak was tough, that is a very good
sign you did not got it from 1). C.
Hardy, the liutcher. Let us furnish
you good meat.
The Rock Island deep well-drillers
who operated here for several mouths,
are now located at Leeton, on the west
end, drilling n 1000-foot well for the
Company's use there.
Track-laying on the new road Is going
gloriously on between Vtr allien, nd
Cole Camp, thu triiek-layiug machine
and crew having stal led iu where they
left olT some three weeks ago and are
now at ltlehland Cieek,
Waldo Wheeler killed a big buck
deer on his farm seven miles southeast
of Windsor recently. The deer weigh
co i,: itouniib. anu wnellier It came
from the Ozark hills or from Colonel
Casey's peak near Clinton, has not been
Dr. Vlncll Williams arrived home
last Saturday from St. Iouls to spend
the holiday season with Versailles
friends. Vinci! is a student of the
Marlou-Siins-llcauiuont Medical College
and will llnlnh up his full course with
this year's term.
At the "Red Flag," Versailles, Mo.
(Jo to Hardy's grocery and ask for his
Prlzu linking Powder.
LOST Volumes 1 anil 5 of a act of
books entitled "Mule for Students."
If von have them or know who has
them please advise Dil. Woods,
If you want one of the bent Sowing
Machines made in the world, you eon
etonu at the Famous. New White,
Wheeler and Wilson and others.
The Host line of Ladies' and
Children's Jackets and Wraps
and Skirts, Underwear and Ho-
siory at Carl W. Uiorsach's.
Dr. IC. P. llender, the Painless Den
tist, will again be at thu City Hotel
Monday, December i!S, for two weeks.
Those wishing plates made this visit
should call for Imniesslou the Hist
Julius Kcotting, the expert tinner,
visited his son Charles and family at
(Jerald on the new railroad from Sat
urday till Monday. Charley Is employ'
ed as operator and station agent at
(ierald and is doing good service for
the company.
The Pleasant Hill Times thinks thu
Dkmooiiat was guessing relative to thu
Hock Island only building two brick
depots between Union and Kansas City,
and those two at Versailles and Wind-
Well, we hopu we were, and that
Pleasant Hill will get one of the flue
brick edlllces.
(icorgo II. Seholle, the tailor who
has been employed at the State Train
ing School at lloonville, will open up
a tailoring establishment I" thu base
ment rooms under the Hank of Morgan
County about the I .Mb of .January.
Vermllles has been without a home
tailor for more than a year.
The German Medicine Company are
holding the boards at the opera house
In this city this week. The Company
is not a large one, but their perform
ance is worth thu small admission fee
aslii'd, only 10c The program con
sists of vaudeville, features, atngliig,
dancing, clever specialties and liright,
catchy amusement. Hveryono can uf
ford to attend, at the price,
Engineer 0. C. Crew last Monday
laid oil the plat for the Itock Island's
new depot building to be located on
the south side of thu trucks cast of thu
temporary olllces. Tho structure Is to
be brick, meaning a llrst-elass building
of modern design, fMxinU feet. There
are to lie two waiting i joins, express,
bugg'ige and operator's rooms, and Is
to be finished iu oak on thu Inside
The crew began excavating for the
rock foundation this week. Versailles
will ljave the prettiest depot on Hi
line of thu new road between Union
rim! lvr;i ti kit u f !I f v
A Merry
Christmas to
Hardy's Prize linking Powder Is
going lllie hot cakes. Ask for It.
A. Y. Cooper, merchant of (Delisted,
was a Versailles visitor lunt Friday.
When you want fresh meats or groc
eries don't fall to eall at Hardy's Meat
Market and have your goods delivered
to your door.
Say! don't you want the latest In
men's wear, in Suits, Shoes, Hocks,
Overcoats, Ties, Shirts, ifcc., then don't
fall to see the new style of men's and
boys' Hats, at the Kamoi'h.
.John K. Kelly of Sedalla and Miss
Clara Spin-lock of Versailles were
united In unrriagc at the parsonage
of the M. H. Church South on last
Thurnlay evening, Key. J. Y. Ilusby
Dr. H. P. llender, the Painless Den
tist, lias worked up a large practice
here by doing as he advertises. If you
need any dental work and wish it done
without pain, eall on him at the City
Hotel Monday, December iH, for two
The llrldge Camp, having finished
the iron bridge over the Morcau be
tween this city and Khloti, arrived In
Versailles Monday with the big steam
hoist, ear and oilier equipment and pro
ceeded west of town on the new road
to ltlehland, where an iron bridge is to
be creeled. Contractor A. .1. Tlllock
of Leavenworth, Kansas, has the bridge
building contract, and the work in in
charge of Snpt. Peterson.
The (Jodfruy Hotel at Tuscutnhia
which was closed sometime ago leaving
that town without a hostlery, is to lie
re-opeued. Dx-(loveriior John P. St.
John of this city has secured the prop
erty ami will Install hissou, John P. St.
John, Jr., of Kldou Iu the hotel as mali
nger. The present owner being able
to discern what the public wants in
the way of hotel accomodations, will
no doubt make the Godfrey a popular
stopping place.
J. W. MeClaln, Passenger and Ticket
Agent, and B. II. Calef, Trav. Freight
and Live Stock Agent, of thu Missouri
Pacific lty., were in Veitailles Thurs
day uf last week looking after the. In
terests of their company here. They
eli ciliated among our business men and
look note of the situation generally,
They are both genial gentlemen and
stand well with our people. They are.
the company men who were for the
most part responsible for returning to
our citizens thu Western Union tele
graphic service. Their headquarters Is
I.urtfo Kngllsli HerUsliircs.
I have some line male pigs of the
above breed for sale. No belter breed
lug lu the country.
Wm. Kohmam, Versailles, Mo.
Thcru may lie other Mnlments
as good as this, There are none
better. We never put out a rem
edy of our own unless we know It
bus unusual merit.
This is a scientific compound that
contains just the elements a Lini
ment must, to do what Is expected
of It.
Equally Rood for MAN or ANI
Helleves Rheumatism, Sprains,
Cuts, 1'aliiN, Toothache, Karachi!,
Headache, llrulses, or inllaiuatlon
of any kind.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The January number ol the Morgan
County Muga.lne will better iu many
respects than our llrst' number wus.
Tho local illustrations will lie attract
ive and pleasing and no one can afford
to miss them. The rending matter will
be dlvcrnllh'd and each department in
tho Magazine will be tilled with orig
inal articles from the best authors anil
of thu highest standard, all accompa
nied by illustrations by professional
artists. The Democrat management Ih
sparing no expense to gl ye Hie readurn
of the Magazlnu value received for their
patronage, and the subscription price,
SI. (Hi a year, Is a small Item, for a home
publication of this class, Subscribe at
once, and don't miss a number.
The lla.aar held by the ladles of the
llaptlsl Church at the opera house last
Thursday afternoon and evening was
a grand success in every particular.
The display of fancy work and articles
placed for disposal was elegant, and
probably outclassed anything of the
kind yet attempted lu this city. Tint
Ladles' Home Journal booth was :i
novel and attractive feature anil quite
a number of sulmei Ipllons for that pub
lication were received, whllu plenty of
refreshments were in evidence to tempt
ull apetltes. The llazaar was well
patronized and the receipts amounted
to the auug sum of 917" over and above
all expenses. 'This should be very sat
isfactory to the ladies who were la
Resolutions of Coiiiloleiict).
Thu following Resolutions of Condo
lenco weie passed upon by the Ver
sailles High School with refeieliee to
thu death of Dr. !, M, (iiiun:
Whereas, It hath pleased liod, In
Ills Infinite wisdom, to remove from
earth the loving father of our class
mates, Walt and Oregg IJuiiii,
Resolved, 1st, That wo bow In hum
ble submission to the will of Him that
doeth all things well, remembering
that lie hath said, "1 am the orphan's
'-'ml. That we extend to our class
mates, our heartfelt sympathy lu this,
the sad hour of their bereavement.
.'Ird, Thai n copy of these resolutions
be furnished thu county papers for pub
,I)KNK PlIK.'K, 1
liniu.A 11 nun a id), Com.
Atwood I.ono, )
Reduced rates lo all points within
two hundred miles. Ticlets will bo
sold December -I, L'3 and 31 and Jan
uary I, limited to return January 4.
Apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or ad
dress, II. K Watth. P. A T. A.,
Moberly, Mo,
For sick headache try Chamberlain's
Stomach ami Liver Tablet; they will
ward off the attack If taken lu time.
For aoU by Wltteu Drug Co.

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