OCR Interpretation

Morgan County democrat. (Versailles, Mo.) 1900-1906, December 25, 1903, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061782/1903-12-25/ed-1/seq-7/

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A Natural Mlalakc.
BtrnnRcr Myl litit UiIh must be nn
tinhciiltliy town.
Nntlve Unhealthy? My friend, this
in on of tliu healthiest 1ucch In tho
United StatcH.
"Hut look ill nil thudniff stores. Why,
thcrc'n one of thi.'iti on every corner.
The people must lmve to tnho u great
dcnl of medieine, or those stores
couldn't exist."
"Oh, the drug stores nre what made
you think this Ih (in unhealthy town,
cli? Well, thnt just shows how n per
,on may he mlKtiikeu. This Ik a local
option district." Chicaj-o Inciting
Cntrlilntc Flnnihiitor.
The tlainlugoes which (Ish In a lake
rear Mount Aseotan, in the Andes, are
easily caught hy the Indians. The hike
is fed by a hot t.prinir, hut most of the
fitirface is froeu every night. Accord
ingly the Indians, knowing that if the
birds fish in the colder places they will
'befroeu fast hy thejr legs, xlsit it every
morning to seie them hefore the hot
sun thaws the Ice. Chicago Inter
Vim Hi fill I'll I limn i In-r.
It Mas a philosophic six-year-old in
Kastport who had cut his shoe acciden
tally while "fooling" with 11 knife, and
whose father was repricing him at
'great length for his carelessness. Tim
little fellow listened patiently for a
time, then looking up at his father,
said: "Papa, if you don't stop talking
no much about it. you'll get me mad,
tot)." Portland Aihertiser.
lii'ltlnu riiiinil tin- Xiiiicrxtltliin.
"Mercy!" cried 1 he chiipi'ione.
f"Vhufn the matter'.'" returned the
foung people.
"There are in at this tahle."
"That's all right." said Miss I'lvawav,
"Mr. Hinkey and I eloped and werei-e-cretly
married last week. That shrinks
us to Harlem Life.
lllcM'li Itlili'm III tic ritiini.
It is estimated that there are in (Scr
many at the present time no less than
3,120,000 hieyclc riders. The aenigc
value of each wheel is placed at 200
marks, or $,')). Hicyeh dealers place
the sum expendc'1 ' .vhcclinen In the
em pile at (ilM.OUO .u liiarks,or$l,'ii,000,-
000. X. V. Herald.
Vrrj- Cool.
"(icorge," said the lair maid, "I hope
you will keep cool when you call to In
fer lew papa."
"You bet I will!" muttered the faint-
iicnricu yoiiin. w ny, n gncs me u
crtill to even think about calling on
1(5 m. " Philadelphia Record.
Tin- W'liluu.
Fuddy I'riggs is pleased as I'lineh
Ut tialng nnu tin; Widow Turner,
Duddy Very likely. IR-docsu't know
that no man cicr won a widow. It ih
the widow wlio wins tin: man she sets
licr mind on. liostou Transcript.
Ilnril In Tuki-.
'Jim, the loss of that 3 is like a
barbcil-u ire fence."
How's that'.'"
'Hard to get er." Huston Comnier-
rial Kullctin.
j Hark it- Our chairman says we ought
to be able lo carry the election by Rood,
boucst work.
Carkcr I hope that isn't all he has
To itepcud on! - I in I i:i 1 1:1 ;io I is .1 ou null.
Iloiv lo lli II.
Mrs. I'l'vcr I'li-imi, tell tin. Inn,- v,n
manage to discover your husband s se
Mrs. I'crt Hy picking his locks.
Boston Courier.
Pur Itcvciiiii' Only.
The more ivvcinic wc derive from un
Ugly sin tin- better looking It becomes.
Chicago Daily News.
New York, Dec. :
CATTf.IJ Native Steers. . .5 Z 7o 'nt f.
corroN MiiiiiifiiK 'w
VI.OI II- Winter Wheat.... 3 (Xi if 1
WIIKAT No. 2 lied !MV,i
iftiits Nn. a r.:s 'ii
OATS- Nu. Z ,f
il'OKK -.Mihh (new) 12 7." it n
XAltD-Western Hlifim 1( (i
u i
COTTON MlilillliiK
UiJiJVKK- Steers I (m
Cows anil Heifers. 1 5.1
AI.VKS- (per l' Ihs.) I 01
HOUR- I'll I r tu Choleit 4 25
HillOKI'- I'll I r In Choice..., IS
I'l.OL'it- I'.ilenlK 4 0".
Other (iliulcH .... i 141
WIIHAT-No, '1 W'i'
IJOIIN-Nn. 2 (s
UATS- .Ml. J
ItYlJ-Nli L
WOOIy-Tilh Washeil
Other tJniilin
HAV-Clear Timothy
lIC'ITKIt Chnleii Dairy....
IIACON- Clear Hlhs
l-AUD-Clinlci. Hleam .. . .
'it- 12
it' II
CATTI.I-: Nutlvii Steers .. 4 V. Cf
IlOOS-l'alr to Chulie .... 4 r. '
HIII'IKF- I'ulr to Chnleii. .. 3 I 'if
Pi.OUH-Winter l'atentK .. (in ir
i HnrliiK ratenls... 4 ( ii'
tVIIIIAT-No, a Hprliiif "It 'it'
No. 1! Ite.l SKi'ii
I'OHN-No. 2 Mixed
OATH-No. 2 WiO
,'1'OltK Mi us 11 ;2,i('
I (Jil
I 21)
i :)
I.Alt O 6 Mi ('
(ATTI.K-Nlltlve Steers.... 4 rtl
fr r.
'iC I
ai 4
W 16
d n
llfKIS- I'.ilr to Choke 4 i
WIIIIAT No. 2 I Hit S2
C'OltN-Nu. 2 Mlxe-1
OATH-No. 2 Wtilto....
NKW Oil!. I
.. 4 X
FI.OI.'H-Illi;li OriulcH ....
L'OHN No, 2
OATS No. 2
I'OKIC Stanilnrd Mi-kh ....
M 00
IIACON-Sluirt Itlh Klili.'S... .
WHEAT No, 2 Iteil,
tOliN No. 2 Mixed.
jOAlV-No. 2 Mlxa.
.... it Ity
"- i &
lie Wnnteil n ConflilrntJal Clerkikly
Ilpraimr Uc Cutilit lip Vrry
Becrctary Shaw isavs that hnrUv aft(r h
siurneU Iri duties as hem! of the treasury
ilepat tmeiit he was called upon liy nn old
Rcntlciimu fruaia his own state of lu.i, who
nuuicu uu apjiunibuicni as cnniiucniiai rjeix
to one of I lie ujsisUnt stcrttai'iiM of that de
partment. "in tpite of the fact that I wn very hiwy
at the time," says Mr. Shaw, "1 Ravo the
Iowan the better part of nu hour, for he was
as pleasant and entertaining nn old'ebnp as
one could meet bright, chipper and witty."
On account of his a?i the secretary felt
that ho could not comply with the rcipicst.
So, pptitly but firmly, he informed him thnt
he did not kb his way clear to give him tho
appointment. ThU did not dampen tlx- old
Ki-uliuinan'g ppirit in the least,
"Xow, sir," said he, "as 1 feci tnyfclf pecu
liarly well cualified to iill one of there con
tidenttal clerkship-, 1 hope that J on will con
kiilcr my application further.",
Then, waKlug his head most impressively,
he added catue-tly:
"Oh, kir, 1 could he so confidential!"
Nmilrw lull 'I'-Tlstcil,
The nverapo American in the l'hilip
pines makes sorry woik of the Spanish Inn
gnnKe; but the b'pniiiardn nlso have dilli
cully iu iiunteriiiL' KiiKlisli. A Uclroit
woman opened n. .NLinila p.ipcr the other
day, aud saw the following advertisement
of a prominent Spanish dry Rooda house
that caters to American trade:
"Importing house leceiving by nil tnaiU
from Iiuioiie. 'J'he i ikUc.sL novelties in
wcavincs of silks anil linen. Hats, and all
Hurts ot Adorning for ladies and children.
A complete nssottiuent of all kinds of
goods for gentlemen." Detroit Tree i'resji.
A TV'cMlera AYonlKrutvpr.
ncwc-isiie, wyo., JA;c. Jl. there Is n
man iu tikis place who claims that no
one need sutler with backache, as he litis
proveu in Ins own case that it can be com
pletcly and permanently cuicd.
uis name is ft. u. Moist, una ho is a
Etock miser a wooh-rower.
"I was shearing sheep at the time the
first nain came on." savs Mr. Hoist. "I
was so bod for two years afterwards that
l could tinnlly sit -town, mid when once
down, it was utmost impossible for me to
net un aciin.
"I tried nil the medicine, I could hear
of and several iloctors without help, not
even :or a moment. 1 used Uocia s ivul
ncy Pills aud they made n new man out of
me. l tell as it theiu was new oloou in my
veins, i am ns stout iu the hack as a
mule aud can lift and work ns hard nn 1
please without an ache or pain in any part
of my body.
"It is now over a venr since tliev riircd
me and 1 can nay there is not a healthier
man iu Wyoming than 1 am, and hefore
using Dodd s Kidney Pills theie was not a
more complete physical wreck iu tho
whole country than 1 was.
Mrs. Jilt "Anil when you told him I
was mairicd did he seem to be torrv
Miss Hilt- -"Oh, yes; lie said so unite
frankly." Mrs. .JUt -"Hid he, really
hiss inn
hi. haul he Vill
cxecedingly sorry, nltliougli he didn't know
the man personally." rnilaucipnia rreas
Good Truck, Oooil Trnlnn, (iooil Time.
In each of theso the New York Central
is not surpassed, as thousands will nttot.
Trnvclma between the West and the Hast
will find it to their ndvantago to use the
Jsew York Ccntial which, iu point of time,
eipjipmcjit, roadbed, dining car service imd
scenic attractions is first among the i ail
roads of the woild.
hU'iid a two-cent stamp to (Jeorge II.
Daniels, tieneiid I'.ishi-nger Agent, drain!
('entral Station, New Yoik, fur a copy of
the Illustrated Catalogue of the Xcw Yolk
Central's "Kour-Tiadc Series."
"Here, take this rille," cried the excited
ahow man. "The leopard has escaped.
When you Cud him, shoot him on the
i-potl" "Which spot, sir?" gasped the
jrecu circus liund. Scribe.
Hull CoiiKlilnir.
Why cough, when for IKc and this notice
you get 'Xi doses of an absolutely guniaii
teed cough cuie ill tablet foim postpaid.
UH. SKIKVIN CO., 1-a Crosse, Wis. Ik. l.j
TIiofj! who nre formed to win general
admiiation arc seldom calculated to he
stow individual happiness.-- l.ady blessing
tun. To Cure a Colli In One. liar.
Take Laxative lirnmo Quinine Tablets, All
dttiggUu refund money if it fails to cute, 25c.
"Iodide of Potassium." "How long was
the sick';" Cornell Widow.
1'i.so's Cure cannot he too highly rpoken of
i a cough cure.- .1. W. O'llueii, ,'1J Thiid
ve,, X,, .Minneapolis, Minn., Jan, 0, WW.
The downward load is not ao downy.
Chicago Trihiine.
All creameries use butter color. Why
not do as they do use Junu Tint Ilutter
Rilka and satins put out the kitchen fire.
I'oor Kitliaid.
St. Jacobs Oil
The old surety, through its penetrating
power, promptly curei
Price, 25c. and 50c.
llpf n-l IMIHITI VK-
i.r 4-irRi: vua.h.
1 or frrn nnmiilo uddrflM
"ANAKt:IM." Trlti
una bulltllriif, Hew York.
IKOLtS i fhwlar laekuMft
SHUTTLES fcmuxiiii ruiToouiiii,
wiPAim ir.t-tftY.mTaVk&'fc:
QtldFlllid Watch for 50 ofi
Menu pii momrr. YVrlt.IT.ir nm Urn
lar. I. CI. Jlux SIM, UUS'i'U.V, MAU.S.
nil irniHii farms.
Calalofu tent free.
WMMr VHHlM CM. Woottar
vo. Ban rraaiae
Against Winter Catarrh In Its Many
Neglected Colds in Children
Often Bring Disastrous
Pcruna should ho kept In
bouse, nil the time.
Pcruna should bo kept In every
house, where there arc children.
Don't wait until tho child Is
Blck then Ecnd to a drug ttoro.
Havo Pcruna on hand accept no
Pe-ru-na Proiecb the Entire
Household Against Catarrhal
As soon as tho value of Pcruna
is fully appreciated by every
household, both as a preventive
aud euro of catarrhal nffcctlons,
tens of thousands of Uvcs will bo
saved, and hundreds of thousands
of chronic, lingering; catcs of dls-1
caso prevented. I'cruna la a
household safeguard.
Mr. Albert Metzman, 159G Mllwaulico
Avo., Chicago, 111., writes:
"I nm only too glad to Inform j on thnt
I am feeling; splendid and havo never
felt better in my life. Through tho ad
vice of a friend I tried I'cruna, and am
glad to say It cured me to perfection. I
began to tell n friend about I'cruna tho
other day, and I had no sooner com
menced than ho told me his folks have.
Itcpt Pcruna In tho house- for tho last
live years. I am sure I wouldn't bo
without It. Mother also uses It to ltccp
herself In good health."
jK SyjWittlmnX AT llht! QftlAEBD I Rvs: "Our little ilatigh-
sygMt I tcr conUnucs to havo
WSM y(mBIIl'i ft Mrs
Kept in the House for Five
Ask Your Druggist for free Peru-na
It Carcj CoM, CoiirIh, Sore Throat, Crntip, Infli: .
euJi, Whooping Couch, IlronciiiUa ami Antlirai.
A certain euro for 0uiuunitlon Iu flrat "Uci-f,
andr.iurcrtllcf In advanced utiii. Usoatoure.
You w Hi leo the excellent elicit after taklnz lbs
am iioe. Sold by dealer CTcrrwtiere. .area
boltlet K emit and HI) renta.
A beautiful picture in colors (with
out advertising), on plate paper,
Miitablu for framing. Makes an
appropriate Hollduy (lift.
Kent anywhere on receipt of 12
01 N t PA8. AQINT, M., K. T. R'V
dojoii, St. Louis. Mo.
Sehafer, 430
"In the early part of last year I wrote to you for advice
for my daughter Alice, four years ot age. She has been a S
puny, sickly, ailing child since her birth. She hud con-
vulslons and catarrhal fevers. I was always doctoring (
until we commenced to use I'cruna. She grew strong and )
well. I'cruna Is a wonderful tonic; the best medicine I (
have ever used.
I was In a very wretched condition when I commenced
to take I'erunn. I had catarrh all through my whole body,
but thank (Jod, your medicine set me all right. I would
not have any other medicine.
Pcruna cured my baby hoy of a very had spell of cold
and lever. He Is a big healthy boy fifteen months old. I
have given him f'eruna off and on since he was born. I
think that Is why he Is so well. I cannot praise Pcruna
enough. We have not had a doctor since we began to use
Pcruna all praise to It. Mrs. Sehafer.
Be Sure to Have Pc-ru-na on Hand
During the Inclement Months of
Fall and Winter.
Croup, capillary bronchitis and ar
ticular rheumatism are the special lumen
of childhood. Theio all ulilio result
from catchlnR cold.
Ono child catches cold and scares Its
mother Into hysterics' by having croup
In the dead of night.
Another child catches cold, develops a
stubborn cough that will not yield to
ordinary remedies. Tho parents nrn
filled with forebodings.
Still another child catches cold and de
velops that most fatal malady of child
hood, capillary bronchitis. The doctor
In called, pronounces the case pneumo
nia and, if tho child is lucky enough to
live, It hns developed weak lungs from
which It may never recover.
And yet another child catches cold
is no respeoter of poreont. It
oomes to rich and poor, old or
young, weak op strong Thor
U m aura for It
Dr. Calilwoll's
ad the Booklet; ssnd for
sample try It.
PEP8IN SYRUP CO., Montlcollo, IN. '
Looking for a Home?
Then why not keep In view tba
lact that the farming lands ol
arc. lUfflHent to hi port ioinilloriof
um,ixr ()vr t Tu liiiiriliffsaiion tor
lllattll JCftti lttlll-IlfllOlllMlaVl,
FREE Homtstaad Landt
11r rctht, vhithvr UrtfUmay
b iJiirdiaxeii fwmi ItnllMay him) IjiimI
(mnl(, 'i'lto tftfcln arnl uraslntr
Unli of W ralrrn hhwiIh ib ttio
b?it nn the cmitlnnt. l-rfniiiclitK
hmt v rAt it, ami rattlu (fed un tfiiui
tlimoj i") lormaikiit.
Miirhcltt cbooli. Rnllwnra
mm ft nil ottu-t riiiitllllcin-i niiifcr
Vrirrii runmlik nn ravfubla
larrl Ihn arltlrY
Wrlfft to the Ptii'fcum rifDlvr Ibmiob.
,Tl'i,t)ttwa, t'ikiia'Ift, fora.drtcrlrtlr
AtU, muiI fiiliar Infurtnatlont or t'ltM
(.ilttioilifl t'aotitlia Uotamaitat Aiat
, B. CNiW rORO, III WmI KUU llrtL Ihmi Clly, Ma.
C.I. HOlJIITO, OOQalaf? MalliUv. lHt Ul.
I - - ' L
nrzalcuAUJ too.. itasS..waiiio(tw,s.
Hopes Ave., St. Louis, Mo., write: S
and articular rheumatism Is the1 result.
Ankles, knes, wrists and elbows he-
come suddenly swollen and painful. A
long disastrous Illness follows. Tho
child may live and bccomticonvalesccnt,
a miserable Invalid of valvular disease
of the heart. All these mishaps nre the
direct result of neglected cold. Pcruna
Ih the safeguard ot the family. If nchllill
catches cold Pcruna should he used Im
mediately. A few doses of Pcruna and a child's
cold Is gone. The apprehension of the
parents lien away. Tho household In
free from fear once more.
It you do not receive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of I'cruna,
write at once to Dr. llarlmnn, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
ho pleased to give you hlu valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. llartnmn, President ot
Tho Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Almanac for 1904.
. .awl
run wunibn J
A lioston physician's dis-
covery uhiclt cleanses and
licali all Inllammallon of the niucoua
mcnihranc wherever located.
In local treatment of female ills Pax
tine Is invaluable. Used as a douche it
j a revelation in clcanhint; and hcalini;
power ; it kills all dUcasc germs which
cause inflammation and discharges,
ThoieuuiilHof lettern from women
firovo tlmt It In the (rreatcmt euro for
uneorrliwu ever ilbcovcred.
l'axtine never fails to euro pelvic
catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and f,orc eyes, because these
diseases arc all caused hy inlUmmation
of the mucous membrane.
For clciiriHliiK, wliltenliiffaiul pre
serving tho teeth wectiallciiue the
lvorlil tu produce Its cuul.
Physicians and specialists everywhere
prescribe and endorse l'axtine, andtliou
yandsof testimoniallcttcrsprovuits value.
At druggists, or sent postpaid 50 cts.
A largo trial pucltiiKennd book of
histruelionu nbsolutoly free. Write
Tho It. Paiton do,, Dtpt. 4, Bolton, Man.
Dr. .loiriih'a Anll-fcrilmullc Tulilel. lllTI
tarAiitliurRiarii'iil roller. An ubMilutei'iiroguar
uiiiiMNl or your iniuiiiy rrlurni'il. Vtcv. 01 a txit.
.,...1 vViOTI.Ml 'IHt auvkutiberu
plrme alMtB I hut yon law tk AilTerilM
blent la tula paper.
A. N. K.-U
I Doet (kiiuth Hiruu.
lo lima. fuQ hy druiguta.
II ( I All R. bPIS
bH Doet CxjuMh Hrruu. 'raJtfeua Qoul. Uao HI

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