Newspaper Page Text
Morgan County Republican CENTRAL MISSOURI FARMING, MINING, REAL ESTATE, RAILROAD AND GENERAL NEWS. K Seventh Year. Versailles, Mo., Friday Morning, Aug. 24, 1900,. No. 34. "T f 7" J OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ClOSmg Ullt Oale! I Summer Dress Goods MHHBMIHHMHHHHHIHHBHMHHJ As well as the Entire Stock of Ready - To - Wear Garments The Fall and Winter Goods will soon be on the way and we must make room for the coming Season. See the extra Low Prices. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Each and every garment is strictly up-to-date and made by the best manufacurers in the east; here are a few of the extra good values: $1.00, 1.25; 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and $2.50. Any of the waists are worth 35 to 50 per cent more. Popper's Emporium. Matting Department We still have several nice pat terns of Mattings, we cannot sell them in winter time so we let go of them now at one fourth off the regular price. Popper's For Mattings. embroidered Waist Patterns. We still have a large stock to select from, not wishing to win ter them over we have decided to sell them at prices ranging from $1.25 to $5.00 in order to sell them quick. They all go at one third off of the regular price. Popper's emporium. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS. See our line of Men's Dress Shirts at 50c, 75c, $x, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00, there is nothing to compare with them at that price. Go to Popper's for Shirts. Clothing Department. Here is where the knife does its work. No attention is paid to what the goods are or will be worth, we must make room for others that are on the way. The entire summer stock must go. Summer Coats and Pants, a regular Out ing Suit worth $12, will go in this sale, includ ing a Fancy Vest, for $lO.OO. Odd Pants. We have a large stock of sin gle Pants, these also go with the rest at closing out prices. POPPER'S EMPORIUM Won CLOTHING Remember that the rest of the Departments are full of good things at extra low prices. YOURS TO PLEASE, A. POPPER, Leader in Low Prices and First-Class Merchandise. S Office .'PI.oq. 2 74. H. K. ENLOE, RESIDENT DENTIST. Rttld.nct 'Phone 38. Shirts, Shirts, Shirts of all kinds, at the Famous. I LOCAL NEWS. was Democratic day in Monday Versailles. Good Fits Guaranteed in Clothing at the Famous. The G. A. R. encampment is in progress at Eldon this week. Attorney John F. Gibbs was attend ing circuit court in Linn Creek this week. Mrs. H. G. Chalfant, who has been visiting her parents in Iowa, arrived home this week. B. P. Anderson, wife and daughter Marie, departed Tuesday for a three weeks visit in Oklahome. Mrs. E. P. Cook and little daughter of Calfornia, Mo., are the guests of Versailles friends this week. Baby Colson, the child wonder, will appear at the Opera House with I.ightncr The Wizard & Co The Tipton Street Fair is on the boards this week and a number of our people are in attendance. John C. Bonnell one of the proml nent Rock Island Industrial officials was at the City Hotel Wednesday Frank Hamlin, who has been in Scdalia for several weeks, returned to his home in this city Tuesday even ing. W. C. Thomas, who will succeed himself as circuit clerk, is making frequent drives in the interests of his candidacy. Att'y W. T. Whittington of Craw fordsville, Ind., who has extensive interests in Morgan county, is in town. on business Mrs. August Kurtz and two daugh ters, Clara and Addie, from Boone villc, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Inschoe this week. Fred Nichols Manager of the Nat. Poultry and Egg Co., wants your produce, poultry, eggs, etc., and will, as he always has, pay the high est market price lot the natec. Private money to loan by Chas. Kavanaugh. Still at the old stand and ready to pay the highest market prices for poultry, butter, eggs, junk, etc. Fred Nichols, Mang'r Nat. Poultry House. Lightner The Wizard that won derful magician and a superb com pany of talented assistants, will be the attraction at the Opera House Aug. 29 and 30. Estelle and 1 Dev. Devinna departed Tuesday for , Oklahoma, where they will visit friends and look over the new country. Their destination is Muskogee and Tulsa Miss Walt Gunn departed Tuesday for Nevada, Mo., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. E. C. Morrison, who has been quite sick, but who is now reported as improving. Buy a copy of the Sunday Post- Dispatch from Warren Tillman, the agent, and read good fiction which is furnished at a high price. A copy of Sunday edition costs only 5c. Next week, after-we get matters straightened around, we will place the Republican ticket in lull at the head of our editorial columns to remain there until the close of the present campaign. A game of ball at the ball park in this city last Sunday alternoon be tween the married men and single men resulted in a score of 8 to 7 in favor of the single men. The game was a good one. Joe Thruston, who has been in St. Louis for some time past, arrived here For fresh tender meats at all times, call on the Butcher and Grocer. C. H. Price. Mrs. John Wassung, accompanied by Chas. Goodman, wife and little son John, departed last Sunday for Colorado Springs, Colo., where they will remain a time for the benefit of the health of both ladies. Aug 29 and 30 are the dates 15, 25 & 35 are the prices ,jand Lightner the Wizard & Cy tbfajtraction that gives you- more entertainment for your money than any other show which will visit the city this season. Miss Ada Swezey and niece little Miss Edna Randolph of Marengo. Iowa, returned to their home Tues day morning, after a pleasant visit with the lady's sister Mrs. H. A. young- Miss Swezey had a most cn joyable visit. Dr. C. C. Price came down from Kansas City last Saturday and spent the week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Price and other Ver sailles friends. He was accom panied by Percy James, son of Dr. James, of Kansas City. Secretary N. A. Stone, of the Bunccton Fair, has our thanks for a season complimentary to the eleventh annual meeting which is to be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week and we will likely make one of the throng who will attend the Fair next week. In the report of the Democratic convention last week we stated that T. P. Bond of Harnett was Secretary ol the Democratic Central Commit tee. This was a mistake, as W. T. last Saturday night and is now quar-. Petty the new member of the west ward of Versailles was chosen as sec retary of the new committee. H. G. Chalfant, Rock Island agent in this city, was granted a vacation and departed yesterday for Chicago, and from there will go to New York City and other eastern points. Agent Chalfant has not taken a vacation since he assumed the duties of his office here and has earned a much needed rest. tered with 1). C. Hardy, Jr., as pharmacist. Joe is a good drug clerk and we are glad to see him here again. Geo. Castor, residing four miles south of town, this week showed us a fine sample of broom corn, the first of the season. Mr. Castor has 12 acres of this crop, and feels that it will pay him as well as any crop he has ever raised. George S. Luzzadder, Great Sachem of the order of the Redmen of Mis- . i 1 1 ouri, was in tins ciiy several nays this week holding a school of In- Chas. W. Kavanaugh the Abstracter would like to write your deeds, mortgages, contracts, etc. Bring your poultry, eggs, butter, hides and junk to the old reliable Nat. Poultry House, where you get the highest market prices and good treatment. Fred Nichols, Manager. The Interstate Good Roads con vention, under the auspices of the State Board of Agriculture, will be held at Chillicothe, Mo., September 3 to 8, inclusive. The program has been prepared and aentiourand each day will be made of special interest Some of the best speakers in the state are on the program Lightner the Wizard and Co. , carry an elegant velvet stage setting, and present all of the latest and best illusions, and give an evening's entertainment of mystery and mirth, which you must see to appreciate, as words will not do it justice. They i are billed to appear at the Open House for 2 nights Aug. 29 & 30. James Huff, 92 years of age, died on Thursday of last week at his home three miles south of this city. He had been quite feeble for some time and three weeks ago had a paralytic stroke which terminated in death He was one of the old citizens of this vicinity. The funeral was conducted Friday, the remains having been interred at Oak Grove cemetery. W. T. Petty cashier of the First National Bank was in Chicago last week returning home Thursday night. He accompanied his brother, Chas. U. Petty, to Chicago where the latter entered a hospital under special treat ment for erysipelas, one of his legs giving him no little trouble. It is hoped by Charlie's friends that the treatment may be totally beneficial to him. The concrete foundation on the Odd Fellows block was completed this week and now the promoters of this fine structure are preparing to start in on the brick work. Iglehart & Deskin are getting the stone work ready to place, while the contract for The Latest New Idea 10c Patterns now on sale at Carl W. Biersach's, on the corner. The series of ball games between Versailles and Kldon on the latter's home grounds last week resulted in favor of Eldon. The first on Wed- Don't Blame Me! It is not my fault. I have plenty of good tender Meats, and if you will struction for the benefit of the local persist in eating old tough stuff, keep nesday resulted 9 to0. the second 8 to land the third 4 to 3, with Ver sailles at the short end each time. Lee's Summit team this week were more successful defeating Eldon in the first game by a score.c-LfV to 2. A special election was held Tues day in the east ward in this city to fill a vacancy in the Board of Alder men caused by the resignation of James E. Morris. Three candidates were in the field, Will L. Stephens, Orrin Hamlin and J. M. Duff. The vote resulted as follows: Stephens 56, Hamlin 9, Duff 3, hence W. I.. Stephens is the alderman for the un expired term. John T. Doty -.and wife of Excel sior were in this city 'attending to business matters last Friday. Mr. Doty, who has not been a resident of Morgan county long, appears to be well pleased with this county. His son Geo. Doty has just returned from north Missouri, their former home, where he had been making a visit with old friends and neighbors. The RKrunucAN goes to this good family. Since the state meeting of the Seventh Day Adventists closed in this city one of their large tents with four of the family tents were pitched on the Rankin lots on South Monroe street where meetings have been held since Wednesday night of last week. Elder E. A. Merrcll, assisted by Rev. A. T. Miller is in charge of the meet ings, while those occupying the family tents are also aiding in the work. They are having a large attendance at each night service. Fine Job Printing. Mr. Tillman has agreed to stay with us for a while, and we can guai antee you the best job printing be- lodge here, notice of which is given it yourself in another column C. H. Mason, The Get There Butcher. tween St. Louis and Kansas City, or the hardware to be used in the block . rather between the Mississippi and has been let to K. M. Duff. Con-(theKaw, at reasonable rates and tractor Hamlin is looking after the prompt delivery. All work guar wood work, J. T. Shores having had antteed. Give us a trial, the concrete work. This looks good B A Williams, the South Side gr as far as our home people are con- ceryman, handle a choice Hue of fw ccrne d ; (wrwa tn4 oa&aed gootU.