OCR Interpretation

Workmen's advocate. (New Haven, Conn.) 1883-1891, October 04, 1885, Image 1

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90065027/1885-10-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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; I
levies 2, io. I
iUu tl.mcn, Connecticut. nntl,u). Octobcv 4. li$3
A '
Vticc 3 iCcnts
n in i i . i in i Mm .I h imi s iti in i i
l I In- Sivv II. veil Will' ii. The
Mi ll Oli ji ' l A will 1 1 1 i l
sh nti's llm-srhiiir.
Ml I 111' 0 il;l til' November 1 ; I t ,
lilt' VV il'etlrawrrs rliini'i ;il ihe
N 1 1 :i r I rr i irks w i'l i' mil i
tied ii' II li'illlrlinll ill' '.'I I m -1- relit, ill
llli'll VV ides', Ilw company claiming
I li:il i In ', run i in, I run ilu' mill u n-
c.-s t hi' ri, -I cil pl'mlllct lull was e-s-i
-1 h 'i I : pi'uiiii-iiig, Imw i rr. In ivl( iiv
I lir i ii I rnii- ill w ages in llir Spn ng
II I InTe W;S ; 'Si III t I i UIUI kel.
'I'lir Ilu ii. h;i III'.: Iirrii Iml I : t It i. ills'
rln iii i i lui .-unir t Mix'. :i rr ,ln I lir
It ' I 1 1 1 t ! i H 1 . 1 1 ( -1 1 ( V i 1 1 ;j III till' liilr:t
ill llic i'iii;ili. LvtTV I h'lllg Weill
nil Mlli ml III V mi! ll April I, W hell I lir
lin n .1 iniililri ;l riilillllltti'i' In Willi
uli llir linn lii i i ir isu 1 1 in regard In
t lie restoration of I lie old Wages, till'
market meanwhile having advanced
"i u T lull. I lisr;i (if Sec 1 1 ri ll g I lir
inniii,-i'il increase, I In- linn coolly in-
I I I r 1 1 1 1 ( I I lir ( - 1 1 1 1 III it Irr t hat " I heir
expectations ll;i Hot liri'll real i'ed
:iinl propo'cd ;l new sslrlll of Work
in'.'' which I'lll'llli'l' reduced tilt irirr;
lull ;i I'l T ;i stoppage of I Wn days llir
llirli secured Mil : I I : 1 1 1 1 ' ' of " T
rrlll .
IIII.PIMi MlliVi Till: t IIVII'A X ',s
i:.x i'i: s si:s.
Aliolll this llinr llir mm were pill,
ll 1 1 I i' a new expense: feeling it in
cumbent, on them to assist. Hit' com
pany in paying the wages of an oltl
'.ui ..liinfni ao kman nf .ii" yc.i'rs'
standing, who, running I hi' worker's
risk, lost, tin' best part of his right
1 1 : 1 1 1 i in I he compan ys scr ice.
Aflrr I he mail was disiilileil, I he
eolll pail ,' charitably" employed him
as wali'hinan, giving him Ihe iniiiii
lireiit salary of liye ilollars a week.
This llir work until augmented by
i mil i'i I hi I inn' w'ivii seyeii ami eight,
dollars it-r week, ami t hus I he coin-
: 1 1 1 v secured the services of a faith
ful watchman without having In pay
him decent wages.
It, having eoine to the knowledge
of I he I ' u'mn t hat one of I heir lncin
liers 1 1 1 1 n suspected of crnokeilliess
was giving a way Ihc proceedings to
K. S. Wheeler A: Co.. the d islioin r
alile ineinher was expelled notwith
standing his liitileatlenipls to throw'
oil' suspicion. The following inlcr
esl in- cpisllc was received hy an
olliccr nf I he asSnrial ioll W llirli hears
a great similarity lo the language
ami characteristics nf I he aforesaid
Ni'.u 1 1 ,li i; 1 1.
Ml . - - - , i .Milllil like In pill nil nil
Vliiir ;'.'il'l lii lnlt' nl linlil inn lllnl'e
ini'iiii j ill llir lian liililin.L; as lln ri' whj, a
man Imlin in llirre on .Salnnlay week
an I iir (n "k ilnw n nil thai ns sii.l
1 ilnn'l nnW w lio lie IS pin lie lile suite
n i-liKe nil ami a liiimn hat nil Sn In, ik
mil lirl S.iliiiilv liilil t'ir liilll let one
ei i her.' .'iliiil li I-'.' o'clock and llicii
nil ill I e alilc in h;ir Ihe loiiie lo yoll--it
i -.'nl him cninin n.il afler you hail
it II mm in 'ill ami i Innke him live the
colnl alhl i In.liie him tell inee w at he'eil
Im'cii ilnin ami he told im ami derive
a ilnlar iml to say any thin In.niy Ixuly
alioiil it ami he'eil make it al rite ith
aimt her I iine i xilli'1 rote Nonlier liolily
i ilnl imt now who In rile In til liii-le
llinrh niLihl mi look out fnre hinie ihhv
It von ilmil stojie him il w ill lie your
fail ami i slial uet as many ilokirs :i i
can if miii tlont stop hinie this i.s I' mine
niie a like-. In -ee fait' play and i aiul a
K'nin l i;ive mM'lf away if i can make
any iiiniiev mil of it sn i sii auain kwik
nut tore hinie i tn. hinie i wnillilnl say
a wool m il ymi emi leal a ilnlar for a
in..r frloue jiille it muler ucre the clutT
mail :-ie ; uiiilei the tahle lee and i call
tiliih' il Millie (it ihc nights Hell the rnllie
i. open mi jjihnI ni-lit. ali'l take llie
u ai iniiir
thi- i-. Ii..nie who ha linn a lole to
ll-v-ll I
This I'elloW SOIelt tile lllnl'e eotl-
e'ciiial cliniate nf ('anada. fnllnwinv;
I he eain pic of more wealth I scamps.
I Ic Inrated ill Toronto, a st l ike nf
hrit k layers, and lahorcrs heim: then
in progress in t hat city. hrl her
he followed his ;i i ii at i hi of si ale
hint; in w hirh he made hi dflilll in
Warrington. i lt. . in the late wire
drawers' strike (here, cannot he said
with certainly. Sntlice it to ay he
had a slight know lede nf t hat trade,
anpiirrd iii liniii;.' hlasl furnaces.
This inlerestiiiif olijert was rcini
iorlrd I iv the cninjiany almiit Scp-
tcliiliei' il In a.-Mst thrill ill i ' flt 1 1 1 1 1
the llli'll till sll'lkr. Ilr li'hldrs nil
( 'ha pel si reel ,111.1 hi. lialtle is Sn ill III I
W relit.
worn ri; i.i in i i ios.
n ,1 nl 111 I he usual not ire was
posted nf a I'rdilrl Ion rali;:'i iil:' l inin
ll to n'.'i l-'.l I iff cent, nil 1 1 ilTt'l'i'll t
sizes of w ire, the rcLMilat ion iiru
lllellt of tint lii'MIL1' ilhlc to compete,
etc.. lu'iijf llil'ain ;ldaliceil. The
men hy I his t inie were disgusted ami
the A nialeainated Associat inn of
Iron ami Steel Workers, of which
tliey arc apart, legalized the strike,
w Inch was iinniciliatcly entered u pon.
I' p to August '.'S nothing occurred
lo mar I he serenity of iitl'airs, when
1 1; . '.'liipany issued ;i circular, '.if'ii
lishcd in the 1,'riivrr. set I ill"' fort h
that they would "'ivc the men until
Auoiist ol, at noon, to iicccit their
Icrnis, otherwise they would never
:ij;.'iiii employ a union man. This
ukase was answered hy Ihe associa
tion, thro mih the columns of the
fii'ifxrir, 'jik lot lows: '
The statement printeil in Frid;iy's (Aiij.
I'M) ,V(.s(T. headetl "To the Wiretlraw
er.s" and siniietl hy the New Haven W ire
compaiiy, ctinlaineil hoiim' errors which
miLilil misleail many w ho are not ae
iiiainteil with the facts. The wire
drawers are Co recti to the opinion thai
the Wire company delilieralciy eniileiii
plaletl tlie reduction nf waes nf its
employes; lirst, lieeause t hey eoiifes.s it in
their staleiiienl, iirnl secondly, liccaiise
they ililporleil I w elily-lh e w iredniweiN
froiii l'itlsliui' almul a inniith prevfotis
to t lie misI inn "I H"' redllrlioll. Tlie'4
men were hired I o t his eily hy advert ise-,
incuts in the I'iltshliif; ( 'tmimtrritd I In
zrllr to this ell'ect:
U! AN'I'KII i'i Wlieili'iiwi'r. liuiiil wiuknii'ii
irimriuiteed J-'t n r iluy anil sli -inly wink
Apply til llie New lliivi'ii Wire WCrks MhiuImv
Most of the int'ii came with their fami
lies, trusting too implicitly in the honor
of the advertisers. This imperial inn of
lahor of itself seemed suspicious, and stih
setilelil facts proved 1 lie suspicions of the
men only too well founded. The ohject
was plainly to gather a surplus of laluir
in this vicinity in order to weaken the
I 'llioll.
Last Novemlier the men accepted a
rediicl inn of alioiil .'n,er cent., and the
same "arguments" were used hy the com
pany tlieu as are used now. And this
cut I inn of w ages inilil go on n 1 uli nil urn
if a check were mil placed upon the ruin
ous p"lny hy those interested ruinous
for liolli eliiploer and employe. The
cnillpaiiy through its represeil:it iv es IC'd
the aigllliiellt tliat they collld undersell
nllii'i mamifactiuvrs and thus enter the
market hy lessening (he cost of produc
tion; hut III' nu n rccogiii.c Ihe pit I (hat
such ruthless ciiiiirtit ion would only
result iii eonipetitinii w iiuld only result in
ilis.ister iii t he end. If I lie man ill act in ers
reduce their pinlit.s liy such means, t hat
is their nw n lillsiness; hut w lieu they take
I ii n 1 1 1 1- hard-working men that which
is iieeessary lor decent maintenance, it
I 'col i ics I he especial luisinessol t he work
men to prevent such a catasprophe lv
hniinrahle and legal means.
The fin-going will show to intelligent
men whet her we uiiilerstainl the muler
Iv iug raiisi's of Ihe "cutting" or not. We
have advised ami do at I vise the manu
facturers o form an axsiH-iation; and if
it is answei-itl that they camint trust each
ol hei (and that staleiiienl li:i.s l 'ii luade),
how niiicli less must the einioj es trust
their einpliiyers'
The eiiiipany Kiys in its circular that
'-mi diiuht many of the nu n would lie
glad to work at the piie"s offered if the
I'liioli would Mrmil." The compan
should understand that (lie I'nioii iscoiu
nr4il of inlelligeiit men, ami they are
ierfectly avv.iiv of the fact that if it were
not for their I'liioli. they would lie coni
iellii! toacn pt miy terms, no matter Imw
unjust, that the company might deign to
i ilfer. OiiV union is mr tleteiiM', just as
tin-union of states is the dcfeine of our
hen I lie I , hi i p; in s.i v s 1 1 1. 1 1 i iiir I n ion
is not "run in a reasniiahle vv.iv " liecaii'-r
We "Wnlll'l lint give Ihe llillli I inn a
trial." we an only say that inaii.v ol our !
lin n ll icl's lia v e I n'cn in I lie I illsiiH'v i nan v j
years loiigei than 1 ) it employ ei-. anil j
knnw iiii'i'i'.il llie practical wnikings of
their trade 1 1 hard evpellelice, II liv
working al the rcilnclioii vv c enahle I In
company to 1 1 1 1 I -1 -1 1 olher null--. Imw
long vv ol I Id it he I ii 'I i ire their ct liirl ih us
vv mild ciiileaviir lo uii'li'lsctl I lu lu, and
thus inv ite aiiollier reduction, Asa mai
ler nl tact We have W ill kei o' Ics-, lull
the null ill soiiir vvr-li'iu mills. lit
When (lie, nmpallV gives it as I I Ii 'I I' If I
I Ii 'I I 1 1: 1 1 lllev Have panl I lie luglll'sl vva".e.
lor skilled w oi knien, we can only an- vv n
I hat they dei ei v e 1 ln liisrlv i s.
lule We ale fully aw are nl I In- l.u I
I I si I idleness Is not . roli 1. 1 lilr. vv r an .d .o
scions of the priiiciile iuvolvi d. Wi J
a I e I i illlesl III-' I nl ! I -I 0 l ' and all Imlle I i
llVl III I 'I III. 11,1 'I'li VV. l li- I
I VI Pol; I V I Ins ol vv I I'l .
.Sunday. Srplriuliri o. the linn
.-I'll I I U.l c 1 1 1 I - -. 1 1 lis- In iii I r-lrl .
.Ma--s. . In seen re licl p Ii , -tai l 1 1 u
III ill, They il It I iml e.si-a pc I lie eye
nl ( il'.ja II I v.et I lahor, hoWiVrl. and
were IllislU't rs.-l'ill III then clliii'l;..
The liel day iilml her w as dispatched
and nicl W it ll lielter success, sccurillg
liftcell Swedes llli'll who reccle t he
contempt of I heir ciiiint rv nu n w Im
Were conveyed ill slaves In the Hotel
Svca oil Slate street ami taken to III,
mill, w here t hey liecanic acipiai nl cd
with the seal., Sam Wright. u
I heir ret urn fii oin I he mill at night
they created a small sensation among
th,',' t il i.eu.- ami si rikcrs. w ho I rented
I hem with 1 1 a ciiiilcinpl I hey dc
served. The 'l 11 lolll i llg's' iss lie i ,f
the rat .1" ; A ''. colli a i tied a
sensational account ol an assail
which never occurred. Three of I he
strikers were a rres ami put under
homlsof ::iitlea;-h.
"llie romiianvis, secrcla'v. '.Mr.
tialpin, h Jilcraieiiraml a lawyer, as1
Mr. W heeler found occasion to men
tiott to a coiiiiii it tec of the strikers,
see 1 1 iei to he on very intimate terms
with Prosecuting- Attorney ('aide;
not w it hslainl ing- w hich, however, il
Was proved that one of llie viflillisol
police vigilance was not a striker iu.i
was he present al I he alleged assault.
,111c oilier I wo, all lunigli tliey were
ifSlrikcrs, could Hot he rollllccfed vv ilJi
I he allair, much to I he cv itleiit cha
grin of the reilollhlalde (ialpill.
'two V KIiV m.v vn:.
There is a depart men I t d' our local
police composed of so-called detec
tives. Judging- hy t he proceed iiigs
of two of these cunning g'cntlciiicn.
they must have hecii captivated read-
ers of dime novels of the "did
Sletil Ii" series. A niiiuhiT of pair
Haven gentlemen were gathered l.i ,n, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,1 ;, , ,
.-,,,lH'r I'"spilul.le roof oil..,,,. , ihe, r, n,,, ,ga,,,au I, -I
III- PlVcrslde Hotel, when they Wile , . ,,, M(i.n
.. l . ... ',. I....I ,.i II .1 e I
asioii im ii i ai seeing ail euieriv null- i
idual w ilk an ale 'Iml ie cumpleviiiiiv
enter the lluUse. lugging' I Wu lunii-lies
of hurseliair. which were suspended
from his ears hy w ires, w It h t he ey i-th-ltt
illtellt to represent ,sir w H..
kefs. Without waiting' fur a tormal
lilt In duet mil. he 1 1 ,T 1 1 1 1 , ! i 1 1 up In tine
of t he guests, and ill i ii ii it-Mi I words
asked how the Swedes were got! ill'.'
along. When he moved his jaws in
speak, the two hunches of horsehair
seemed to he much agitated at what
he said. He was told thai theSwc'es
were getting along well enough, after
which he ventured to remark that
he would have tu ItMik for ,i jnh at
the wire mill as he n pretty well
broken up. This was too much for
llie iisseiuhled "HestS. who broke
out into laughter. while the
unsuccessful imitator of "did
Sletil Ii." taking the two hunches of
horsehair with him. made his evil,
ami joined his companion in disguise,
who had W.oled outside to Iml, I (heir
hoi e. Soull llie team ca'-ried the
,U"-Mn -Iv """ u"h
" M'll;M ' 1
he iir -I ,il thrholri prut iln n'l
"' ' 1 v 1 ' 1 1 ' ' : ' 111 I"-'Imii.: Im lli.
liuli, in- licit had lni ii Inn I limi
t Ilier i'.-Is III I In n ili'iii i' nl' I 1 1 1 -1 1
I li'ir la ii" h I ' r.
iiost'ii vi:i i vv i I'l -ii i u iv i
'Hie 1'Cslllcll! C,; ;, ; I ll
lull' ll niort died il I In- i i.;iilin I nl
their tli-lail,,! i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II l 1 1 . 1 1 . S
Is ' "'111 V I k III''. Colli pi i Ci I ol' . I.I I'-'r
llllllllier nl Sr.indinaV I. Ill-, .'ippiiillli i!
1 eilUlllllllee i, e,, lill Willi ike i
Win draw i r I nn,ii. w lis Ii u
v ii,.,i ik, .. il, u. '
j l ehes'aile - ,i .in in in, ,i ,i I,!, ii.i I s ,u I
i .'Hid IIIIWol lie, I , hil l ,, aiP,
The "su. I. I.IUldl. ll. IV mil
j 1 1 ,1 I I'.il I III III. ; i , i I ' ., like I In nil!
' a.-1 I I i.i I I In y arc I In v m n ! !,
pI'i'V "! 'I In' I'V 1 Ilea in I s, I . l l,,
I'll', sk ill ,, I he Sue, I, -h , ,, H i
Ii .) 1 1 1 . 1 1 , .lie , ,! jke , I ; , k, i , he
tec I ll.lt Ml. ( i.llpill ll , I ,,le i d I ll. ill
leu hundred dollar-, w hu h w a in
tliuliaiilly refused, t he nhjrrl
was is iml kiinw n. unir.-' i: vva- an
"Ml lull -. I ul I luil ,-pirii u' , hard v
W lilt ll i ' I I.I I at le .',e- Ihr liiiii.
yi i - it n n y i t .
lllullg I he incidents of the ;. like
yyc mil -I iml forvi I I he concert ami
Miin-eal i he (uiiiiiipi i, 1,'mk given In
In' organ iul pui of which I he w i iv
tlravtci.". are nicui I icr-. ll was a
must ciijoyalile allan. and was a
- it t Iii lo ihc null, which al llie
,J;"M' '"'H'-l " haiuk-mne .-uu,
i '"' ' u '"' -''dierctl I l,y:i,
) ""' ,,,r I"'""'1!'1'''
i' '' '', '" "'
Tl'"" fiy view ingw it h jealousy
any sy 'input hy fur I he si rikcrs and mis
peel nig I hat I heir old watchman he
w Im was ilisalilcd in I heir scry n c
t 1 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi i ne regard lor hi.
fui iiirr fellow workers, he was sum
manly di.-t hargetl. ll may llie
reinai krd here Dial Mr, pdw nJ,S.
heeler, llir linss. IS a lUi'Ullil of
"lir of i, III I' t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i i ' t llillfllr.ilnl
a teacher m hr r-s ( ( fi 1 ; I S s. hnuleuli
llri'lrd U ll ll . , Is, Lie e ,.,llii pie.
t i nly , Im' I he innocent..' in In, charge.
I Ic is a I, so a prumiiif nl lucmliei ol
I he oiiiig .Men's ( 'hn.-l lau A.-,-oeia
t loll.
si ii,i, iu:i i kvii i n.
The s rikcrs, eolisciollS of the jus-
I icc of their cause, are determined in
u t Ins I hey ha v c I h"
Vin pal liv nf I he organi.t'd workers
of 1 1 1 is cit y , and should he su i port nl
( ( t
Tin- N'-w . I k I kit cr- I ti ii iii hi
called t lie all, ill , ell nl I lie I 'ma I , I ul
1 1 ea 1 1 Ii In a ii 1 1: 1'r i ngetiii'iit , , i he
In-all Ii la w - Hit hat ell v i'V clu
in IHg I, a ki'l'-. W In ,-c .'il 'I I men ha V e
to -let p ill cellar.-.
Tin animal 1 -Hcli of t he It m-l'.il
A--ciblv '! llie Kllight ol La bul
will ! 11 1 In it I a 1 I lam i Id .n . ( hi I a na.
d, lube 1 -",.
'I be noble I IrdiT of K Hlg hi - of j
Labor ha- ni'ire than doubled it.-,
im m!ier-h,p tlnriiig I he pa l year.
the Kuigh;-'ul 'Labor en npi ralnl
i l"ai fatlnrv of l'i",-toli is meet ii. j
w it Ii gli al sii' i i -..
" is
I'li" turn oil nl L. S. Il.ivi,. ..i a long i ..
1 . . 1
I line I I CI. Ill el nl Ihe I .riekl IV IT- I l:.il j
of Ihi- eily. iHi uin-d I iidiv alh i 11. j
The I'.i iekl.iy 11- 1 in, .11 tariied ..ui iii aj
h.lv to pav (In 11 l l t Inl.illi to tin 11 de
pallid louttad". lo v-jio e imrv Uu
1 1-. . ,1 1 lie I 10. ,11 v. a- in a go al un c
un dm I
illilll WIKH L KUITS WllliK i
: I
I ' "I. - t I nl S.n Hi, .ii . v.,,1.
i III I il I 1 ... I I i ',i mil, 1 1 1 1
l'iiol.io-li c, cinii
a. 1 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 li gi j 1 1 . i-..
,pc l.ll llleel III" ,, I he TlM, Irs'
'nun. il w . I held la I Tlle-'d
IV even
' U ll Ii 1 1 ll U;- vnteil 1,.,'lvea
ills a I wlii. It 1 1 w ;
sill, -..iii.' I imr .luriM-. hi-' inniii h.
ill i m I ii ii I
oi ihe I 'ik 111" Will'
" ' ' ' 1 """ '' ' '" IIVr v's
! ' '''' I" "- pill' -I ' I l; I 1 1 1 lo lie
,! ! '" "' 11 ""'" '
is' UI. 'i'l 111" ncvl W , due , l.u e, inn .. I
Tin I'llldl- h.le' (
'III III i I I 'I I'i I i il
I ,l""le Ul I he l, u elllei pi'i ,n
im c, 1 h:: I In- t,l;i, VI I ' , ,
y "' y I i unllki he I. I'll, le. lu ill, rlid
"I ' ll" ok. Tlie del ale lie
M II 'i al I M l i i I lep.u led 1 1, llell'
11 'iii, ;ll .on W. . in "oi id i , mi ,1 , i .
in 'I w il Ic I ami ui" I lie iii m, n eiivu
I. lie, I lu I he eulll I'al .
I W v o;lv t . I . I .
'oiin.'il n. I ,, ik, Telegraphers'
I 'r, il, , I iv e I iimn ; m credent ml ; to
I In- ,'W "l oi k ( 't ill i'al I .alior I ' nion
la t Sun, lav. which Were received
with applause. I',iaiuh o. 1, of
I Ic f" nilcl ( h iter of A nieric.in I 'ar
pcnlel's ako pii'M'Uled credentials.
Mink lav ei-' (111,111 No. '.' yi as again
a.linillcd I lulu r-hip, though
I he name ,,f ,,n,. ,,' 1 H, drlogaii's.
Janics 1 1 ii;: In -s , wa.- mil a, e,l 11 poll,
he lieiii" prcfidciil of a polil mil or
"ani sal inn. and I hcnd'nre cuir iilcred
:i politician, ami ilrliarred atlinis-
"." I'.--. .1'- n- J .' ,v,,
"I Johns I lopk ins I ' niv crsil y asked
lo have a copy of I he circular e
pla 1 n iug I he g run mis 11 pon w Inch
the lioyeoll agailis'1 Peter I uelgcl's
heel I," led. sen I llllll -, I he secrelai'y
sell I h I III niie.
I ' 1 ; 1 1 makers' Prog re.-vive I'ninii
No. I 1 1 ' j it ol i-i I that I Icy had now a
I nke mi al Ney A ( 'n. 's ,- Imp and
I hat t ight policemen were detailed
to interfere w il h I he I ' nioii's: pick -ft
-. I hey wauled a ci uu ill il Ice Iii
wail mi Siipcriiileiiilciil Murray ami
1,1V I lie ease lieloie llllll. The colli.
mil Ice was appointed. The W ash
ii.gluii Association nl Shoemakers
said I hat I he hoycoi I of Pii'i'iiiian i.
While's .slines was being pushed.
The I'll rriers' I'nion report ei that,
they were engaged in organizing ihc
w miii'ii em ployed in I heir I rade with
"uutl pl't,; peels, j'he W e t Side
I 11 I'li il ure and ( 'ai pel em ploy es re
ported llie 11 line of the thirteen
dcalei vv Im am oppireil In early
, l,e iii". ami : I ri mjcii I lima -11 res will
be t a I- I'll aga 1 11 I I Imlii.
I '. 1 . 00 1 list. I . I
-I maker pi'i'-nlt-l at the ki'l
e - , ill of the I ',),,. ,k I ( '. al I ,a-
kor I nion. w hu h wa- held 1 is Sun
day. Tin1 lioveutt against I loss
I'.aki-r Ibr-eniaii waj reported in
pi-i ign-.-s. while I hi'.-i'iua 11 was try
ing In uiak-- ,-oille ul his rll.-luuirl's
bei 1, v r I hal lie em ph iv'ei I I ' III,, ll men.
Tlie St eivtarv of the "Stale Trades
A -ciiikly" a.-ked for I Im addresses
ul all Lili'ir org.uii'.al iuiis in Ihc
( 'en I ral I 11 inn. w Im h cau-cd much
ileliaic. and a iu..i"ii was ciadc that
hhc ifpn-t lie "rani! . I "after ilrt
elect inn," a- there seenieil tube it
1 .- it- p, i ii in
I h it the "Stale Trades As-
iiilih, waj ol a political slriiie.
' , ,. ,,
nwever. Hie leiiiiesl vv as lilt; 1 1 V'
pi I'l -ci la, 1 1: v hps -i;ii;i. .
A' the l;t t llieetllig if this IleW
iiel ,-ui cesrfnt org.uii-il inn, new
d' h
lie. were llllll dm ed Vin Tv
-U'aph,ral I'nion N,. T. the lni-
"isIs-Ware Cni,,,,. Ilishm, l.odir,.. A
,- i , i vv in i
l'' lT ,u!"
Lodge No. "I. I he evecllt le com-
i,i 1 1 I ........... .1,, I... I ll,..l,, II,....,,
i i i i , . , i , , i i i i i i, i i i tt -i I I I 1,1 I , I I ,l 1 1 1 I I 'TIS
t" the w ,'lgcvv ol'kcl'S be p-cparcd, llllll
I hal agilat ioii be created for 1 he
formal ion of a al imial Trades An
social ion. A resolution was adopt etl
granting members of any union in
"nod slainling a -cat on the Hour of
the Assembly, without voice or v ote.
I.ositis r. 'I'. i 1,. I ,
l i'oiu now till May next, the
Central Trades ami ami Labor I'nioii
ul I'lo.-ioii will hold a course of
public meet nigs to agitate the cight
In.ui 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 , 1 1 1 .
I'll 1 1, V I'KI Till V.
Pun vni'1 pin v. Sept. ::n. Tlie
arrangements arc all perfected for
I In- lahor demons! ral ion to he held
mi Saturday evening nct in opposi-
I loll In I he police force of I he eily.
The people are indignant al the
brutality exhibited by the police
lately, and an immense turnout is
expected. All the open I rades un ions
connected with the Central Libor
I'nion, together wilh Ihe three lis
Irict Assemblies of the Knights of
Labor located In this city, will par
t iciualc
I let ween Sdllainl !UM emitiVCH of
the I'ulliiian Palace Sleeping; ('ar
W in ks at I'lillmaii. III., held a niecl
ing Wednesday night, to consider the
action of Ihe company in ordering a
ISid.'.",.'.".-.!.' ,'.J' IKHi ilillOtlllLl'li lit
about pi percent., to go into effect
Thursday 1 morning. The reason as
signed by I he company for making
such reduction is that recent large
contracts were made on so small a
margin of pmlit as to demand re
trenchments. As a result of the re
duction, ',',00 employ es struck Thurs
day niorning, ami the others are
cvpecled lo follow.
Philadelphia is having more than
its share of strikes just now. Three
are in en! tun mills, one in it woolen
mill, one in a carpet factory, one in
Urn American Sevviiijr Machine Com
pany's factory, and one of liallers.
The majority are for an advance of
wages or lo recover reductions made
ii year ago.
The meeting- of I he window glass
iiiaiiufacl iirei-H in New York did not
adopt the ultimatum, as it. was,
thought it would. The ijiiestioti 'was
left wilh Ihe committee, Hlltl it WilS
I hmi'dit that t he tires in the glass
factories would be lighted yesterday,
and all hands be at work tit the
prices panl last year.
due nf the largest of strikes has
jii.-t come to an end in Huston,
where the female Mitclicrs in a large
establishment, have relurnedto work
after a strike of liffeen months,
caused by the retention ol an obnox
ious forewoman. The latter "re
signed" at last.
About P.io employes at IWgstrom
llrot hers & Co. V utove foundry at
Nccnali, W if., struck for an tulviince
of . per cent, in tlieir wages Wed
nesday. They claim that tliey nw
getting :;o ier cent, less than tin
Milwaukee moulders.
The dillii'tilty in IVvy I'rofhers
cigar factory. New York, has been
settled. The sJrikfrs returned, to
work yesterday ut the instance of
a joint committee - of Intemat onal
I'nion No. HI and Progressive Un
ion No. 1.
- v Vitlidrawn from Crer Library
. v

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