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lovhmcn's .Aduocatc, 11. -lot IINAI. r TIIK I'llUAM.Ml MKN (IK SKW IUVKN AMI VI I- NKI'IIKHKNTKl) IN T'.IB LtS)COUNCIL OF NEW HAVEN, IHM'KII BV TIIK NClb l'l'III.ISIIIN(i COMMITTKK VKHY SI'NIIAV MollMNll. re, Trailfii ('oiuull Hull. ''. 'Impel si iltnlifd for tliti itii'n Ht- of roii in crui l inu tin- UlUIIUit'lllf corrupt capitalistic pl'is irlntliiK tlit! truth mill iilitrliiu lirfori tin- UIiik ieoilf food for llioiii;)it hiiiI ri lli i iloii lltln'lr liiUilnlilitl, ami liolilirul romli , to tlir rnil that tliry inuv iiimniipiilr ilHt'lvri) from wax' slavery anil hi inll r i Mil. trrrxtlnu rorri'spoiiilriii'r snlP-ln-il from pro fcrlrtim In nil piuti of II"' world. I.i-tti-rs ir Jrlim aimwer xlioulil contain return i .1 .-.t ,i l'.-. ddrrsn nil ulloii to Wm kiiM M H All loi ittr, Drauri DIM, Nru lliiirn, 01111. St Hscl'iiTios IUtks: f'iir (postage free), - - if I Oil ee Months " - - '.'" PAYAM.K IN AliVANCK. ftHTThe puprr will lr stoppfil promptly upon expiration of xulwriptloii. iKNTKREI) AT TIIK liwT OKKIcK AT M.H II A t.N, I ON NKCTI'TT. AH HKCOMl rl.AxK JUTTKH FbW llAVKN, NoVKMHKIt '.'H, HH",. LIVE WELL. jng people have (if hid' re- trdi (rt'ii 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 s nilvloe I'riiln 1 wi. ii . ........ .... .. iifrtic writers anil talkers, that owed would iiiilv serve to in'iii'- tho capitalist class. There's Sum with his "work-more-aml-save' , and the good lady who tells us tret t hive or l tit r days meals ii Holitarv ilnllar; ami I'.eerlie 'ad-aiid-wuler diet; am ,vil 1 1 his ualineal Indian meal lull t litre; ami tm 1 t -1 1 i' 1.1 liT-dinliiiir 1 i 11 r-i 1 tit ir ( ,f friends" ! workinginan with t heir ijitnek fives ui various kinds. I 1 1 1 ill iiniiHint to about this: "You, ngmcn, are too el ravagant : Itotild he contented with your should not try h try to imi- habits of your niaslers; you urfiervanfs' hv dUihe dispensa- tuvept your fate in this lit'' hope for glory on the other side be grave. And these teachings been practically followed liy tin lors ol wealth with init litllii mring for ages. v ilierc, is no reason vvhv the .thing .should continue. Then I'liKon whv the makers of lim ihould wear arinv tirogans, oi builders of palaces s 1 1 it 1 kovels, or the eternally tae te count ry he com pel let life of abject slavery am tin? chance "owners" n lilVU.Jieri'diUrv exploiters en suit ol the laimr ol ot hers tiling is to he considered : lot' labor always fall to the IS necessary to keep I he in the manner they In ill. II I heir wants arc iWjll be I heir wages in II. If their wahtsarc lev insist upon i- nts, their wages will he K.Tt'ion. man who lives well. itched and starved, vv ho ind has a good cdnea i a proper prideand the ; of responsibility h- lily and societ v. vv ho in W, name, is a good eit - not easily re- Ton ol a serl. lie light to retain the ul w hen he is dc- considers his ite ivpt to know the llon't wait till tin in of vou L't'ded in einaseu- .ait till von are in of, acting for I'll; tlress well; (strengthening vou nerve and Ltation is in the hop, tiike ready for the Kighl-IIoiir normal workday. Ah, hut this is :dl very line to alk about, you say. I'Yieuds, if yon 'annul follow these instructions to he full, iii ii'lml imi run. Aim to lo right by yourself in this line, and w lien you lind t hat you arc prevent - d from carrying out this resolution, ake pains to discover vv hat stands in on i' way, and in union with your fellow workers remove it. hou't larve vourself, whatever you do. THE WALKING DELEGATE SYSTEM. The success of the building trades of New York in enforcing their de mands has been entirely due to tlieir more periect organization, and the Mod condition of their treasuries. I'lie success of these unions ill keep ing their organizations intact may be attributed to I he system of coii- inlly exercising a judicious super vision oyer the members ami dolend- ing them from the competition of scabs and non-union men. I-Voiu a mere doliar-aiid-ceiits point ot view alone, it has paid union men well to keep a watch upon t he .-.Imps and buildings vv here I heir men are em ployed: ami this especial work has been done by delegates of t he unions, engaged for that purpose, and known as walking delegate.-'. The ellicieney of t he system has been often shown in the large cities where the building trades are well organized. ,n interesting instance was that of Mr. Armstrong, a boss plumber of New York, who had in his employ thirty si men. One of I hese was discovered by llele gale Karri'll, of the Plumbers' 1'nion, lo he a scab. Mr, l-'arrell called upon him w hile at work and asked to see his card, and upon failure to prove himself :i union man, he was lii'st inv ited lo join I he union ami then, upon his refusal, I'mss Aim strong was uotiiied to discharge him from his employ on pain of losing his union workmen. Mr. Armstrong would not be "dictated lo," and so thirly live good union men ipiit work. After two days of vain search for cyperl mechanics with non-union proclivities, ami upon due consideration, the boss was brought to his senses, and ent for the walking delegate. This gentle Ill, in explained to Armstrong that he had caused Ihe strike hv his stubborn folly, and convinced him i thai il was to his interest to ( 1 is - ; charge the scab, and also to pav the tinny live nn urn men lor I he two j days he had colli pelled t hem to strike, besides paying sundry other j costs, such as I lelegaie Carroll's tune, at live per iiav. joss , 1 ! .riusirong pain over me aim tun I demanded, which was somewhere in lie neighborhood of two hundred dollars; and he is no tempted to hire scabs again 'tis IHi expensive. Ihll there is another benefit ill the walking delegate system that of keeping ihe members of Ihe unions s,uare upon the hooks'. hen men fall behind in dues, it' ll hard tiling for them to make up their arrearage s-, whereas, a mechan ic working w ith a card in his pocket, finds it easy enough to pav his dip s at the propi r time, ami w ill do so willingly if called upon. Ilcsides. in every union t here arc sonic men who arc not thoroughly up m union ism forced men. w ho would sink hack into t he slough of scahisin if it were not for the ever watchful dele gate. In order to work with unio;t men it is necessary to have a card, and a card is not to be had without pay ing the just dues. So that it be comes a matter of sell'-iutcres! with men w ho know no otjn possess a clear card, i motive, to When once (hi system is mtro .o.'ictilt matter tlticed. it becon the best of I WORKMEN'S eternal vigilance, which is tin price of liberty. Now that the building trades are being better organized in this city, they could do nothing better for their mutual good than to amalga mate am! adopt t his system of walk ing delegates. Nor Heed it he con fined to t he building trades. ther trades shop trades could adopt the system advantageously. lint let there he a beginning talk it up. hl'ot hers. NOTES. Wonder if the wiry W heeler gave t hanks last Thursday. lieid, of the Triniiir, sticks faith fully to the builder of rotten gov ernment shins. 1,'ats and IJoadies must go. Some of our advertisers ; have taken pains to let us know that advertis ing in tin ui:k m i; s Anvni A i t; brings good right. returns. Serves them It is san t hat t here is one poor ild never get away from dev il that coiih the elreluely department of cunning detective the New Haven police, namely: Tazy ( 'barley. ( lur friend and co-worker in the cause of unionism, Isaac Madhouse, has established himself in the job printing business at loti Chapel street. lie has the best, wishes of union men for his success. The people were asked to be thankful last Thursday. The rc ipiesl, came from the President of the I'liilcd Slates, and also from the Ooveniors. Nii doubt many good citizens were extremely thankful for t he priv ilege of st riking against skin llint employers. " The striking vv iredrawers, not satislied with kicking against a 'M per cent, rediict ion in wages, must needs get one of Thompson's foot balls and kick that around. No doubt sonic of the .stockholders Would be pleased to lend thelll llal pin's empty head for the purpose. A disposition is beginning tn man ifest itself among some Kastcru manufacturers, according to the Liihur Tiim in1, to employ China men in factories. Let the warning not go unheeded. Organization only will prevent t he curse of Chi- nese cheap labor from ruining what ! i 1 1 1 chances of bread-winning we have now. 1 1 cl'i rolling you men of the heeler mill, is an opportunity to show y hi i hl'ot hers of sympathy for your ie vv ire works. ( Irgan -ind thai Wheeler run , , i.e and i i his null on sipiare principles. Your turn may come to ask the same favor of the vv iredrawers, and vmi may be sure t upon. lai your appeal vv H Ouick! acted y W ard I tceohcr has a new eiirv now thinks that there's Idea. a middle state after this life t he sollls may become purified when The New York llrrtih! wants to know if that don't mean purgatory. Hut perhaps the reason of Piceeher's change of base is that he don't want to plunge into the bottomless liery pit too suddenly, and hopes to lie ict di iw n by easy stages. This is a world of change. Some of the boys think that we ought to coin new words for rat and scab, .lohn Sw inton says scrab instead of scab; bul what shall we put for rat. nrinliii'' devil kindled it u--r-i-f ' ' i r n seems i o i:i so i new i . 'o n Sw niton s scrab. IVrliaps Professor W hitney can provnle something ex pressive from his jkiIv linguistic xocabulary. Come. "Prof.." suggest something. The doctors, it seems, are way ujj ay uuj itwa-J Keeentlv, when ADVOCATE, proposed to have, the children in the public schools vaccinated, the physi cians union (.Medical Association) wanted the job to be paid for at the modest rate of .").no per hour; but three of the fraternity put in a hid that was lower than the union scale. Now the union doctors arc "down on" the fellows who arc "sea bbi n g ' in more I hau one sense. WHAT OTHERS SAY. i n i-; iii'I i;i:km i:. The I Wo most sclf-slltlicicllt oracles ill Kllglaud have been delivered of solemn utterances on the distinction between Socialism and the policy of the great Liberal party. Mr. Her bert Spencer is for Individualism and the charitable help of the inferi or by the superior, because that would "stimulate the sympathetic virtue of the well-to-do," while the an given to the poor would proha- .. n , . ,,. ii . i Illy not oe sunn leiu. 10 eu.imc iiieui to hand down their inferiority to another generation. This is not much better than the modern Chris tian idea that the poor exist simply for the purpose of allowing the wealthy to buy an entrance into Heaven by giving away a small per centage over the surplus wealth that remains to them when every unnal ral appetite stimulated by artificial luxury has been gratified. IjhuIhh ('.'.) -I Itxticc. We sometimes think the working classes are possessed of too much modesty and fail to assert themselves as they should. The most versatile ami accomplished genius the writer ever knew was to the world but an ordinary blacksmith; to his intimate friends he was an accomplished mu sician, master of a dozen dead and living languages; could lind nothing more to learn in mathematics, and was finally a profound investigator of all philosophies. There are hun dreds of just such men who, like (Spinoza, work with .tools for bread. Circumstances will bring these gen iuses to the front, when such men a- Prof. Sumner ami man.y others now enjoy 'uig a gauzy sort of reputa tion in science, literature, and states manship, will be known as mere piginv obstructionists.- W'lish'nujhni I 'niflsiiiiiii. The only man punished for t ratlie ing in London girls is Kditor Stead, who made the recent exposure in his ' Mull Hn-rllr of that horrible business. He is in prison, clad in prison garb, with his hair eroppei with hi hurt, and living on the isi ill tlit't of thin porridge, brown bread and suet pudding. He sees nobody be- j Norway , Me., soa to J:et away from llie twt'i'ii ii i. in. and b a. in., and is not Klli- i"'' "t Labor. He has just nui.- al lowed to shake hands with his l-let'-d a st id shoe shop in Norway. friends of speak to them except in j Knights of Labor assembly has been e-.-the presence of the warder. II is tahiished ai Noivvay so secretly that dailv task is oakum nicking. 1 1 is I some ev en in the v ilkeje arc ignorant of cell is dark, cold and unhealthy, but he has no reason to complain, of course, for the government has fur nished the cell with a bible. - 117 still I'liss. LABOR NOTES. The bouse pa ill I el's of Hosloii liav e 01 nanized an Assembly of K. of L. Tin l. of L. are becoming iimiieroii . in Texas. About one assembly per day is Ihe rate of ineiease. The Trades AsM'inhly of I larl ton has ... . .... now eight I iiioiis connected witji it. May it prosper and grow powerful.' A general strike of kid glove makers in I'rague. Austria, is in progress. The operatives have asked the mayor lo act as arbitrator. The As-ot iation of Oiuaruiakers Vit Amsterdam, which has large branchy throughout Holland, has joined the So. cial-1 H'luocratie partv i it Wor. About tw o-thirds of the hatter throughout the country wcie represented at the meeting of the Associated Fur Hat Manufacturers, Tuesdav. in New York. Wages in the hmiUruii; camps ot : ,,. , - . .... 1 .Mieiugun, tins winter, are to he f i.i per month. If a man refuses to accept tin-. he will lie paid otf and no other employt': w ill employ him. It is stated ill Pittsburg that the east- keenly, and one of tiiem leniov e l the ob eni iiiaiuifacturtrs are contributing jectionable sigm. 1 h-v as discbargcl bv inonor to tlie striking nailers of the j the company , w ben all the other eon- v est, anu nave agrtHM lo ti, so until tlie .... 1 ..f ,1 :i. ' oii l'i iiirstllkr, , The great cv it of this country are con vict labor, socialism nud anarchy, inor inoiiisiii, foreign paupers, the heathen t 'liinee and "raK" .Irfft rsmi CiliJ ll i si .hmu'it. And holie,l, lull licl'udille.l editors. Tin b'ev . I h . I Inward 'm:,hy uaim. the Til i-t Hill people of (lie cllv "I New Yoik to boM oti Sunday paper . 'au't ' lie done, Howard, mile v .u -el Iheoll'.. I rial -audi. ui ot the enlial Labor t'nioii am l. A. Kl. i Tin lueos and drivers Huston and l.v mi hor-e railri slleceeded I'V milled In lion ill ill the 1 have cm iii ' an ad vain e of I w They lloVV receive bonis' vv oi k. ily live cciils a day . mi for a dav of ten All workers in silver and silver plating are leipii'sted to keep away from I'.irm iiii;hain, Derby, Ansonia and Sbelton, these being a .roiipof boroughs in the town of I lerby . Keasoii, strike in Herbv Silv er ( 'i iiupaiiy 's slu ip. ilui Svvinti has already elitere ... , ... . . , . .n , ,. , ., upon the immortality racket, theres a new assembly of K. of I., ill Uridepol t called .loliu Svviulon Assembly, with over a hundred members. May it ev er be as ieoroiis as .lolui. l .ai licet it 1 1 III libel's of colored men ale cnll beliiselv cs vv it Ii l.'jhnr or-ani.a- I ions in t be Son! Ii. The K. ,. ale ell- listing many , and anting llie earpentels there, many of vv bo(n are colored uici and oood mechanics, jthe Urol hei hood of American ( 'arpeuleis and .loinors is mak ing large accessions. The Metropolitan Stenographer:,' Asso ciation, vvitb a membership ol about :,i.xty , was organized last Tuesday even ing' in New yolk. The objects of llie association are o "establish and main tain a fail scale of prices for eoliipctcnt s!eiio;;i'aplii'is: lo advance the profes sional intere.ts ol the craft and to aid its members in obtaining sil uat ions." The olticeis elecled were ( 'liar'es P. Orth, president ; I learv ( 'olvvell, v ice-president ; I.. O. Macilonald. secretary, and .1. W. Knglish, 1 1 easii rer. , Last Sunday afternoon llie Car! Salmi ( 'lub (musicians), of New York, gave a ve ry line instrumental concert at .Irving Hall, on behalf of the laud fund of the New York I'l'ote! tive Association. There were about three thousand persons pres ent. A srii.atioii was created when a member of I be association gav e an ac count of how a musician at Ihe Atlantic iaidcii had been lined a day's pay bc caii .e he befriended John Mollenbauer, w bo was ai'i'i'-.ted for di -I ribul ing boy cm I eiicidai'sa week befolc. A standing vole was taken on boy ml! in;'; ihe I iardeii and every one stood up. A hillldozh,;: fellow l,v i he name of Spinney ran a .-hoc .simp in Ly nn, lad j season, and got into i rouble vv it h his cm , I'loycs. spnnu'V niove.l li oiks to its existence, and y ct so elfeclually Ilia! il already controls a majority of the cm ploy I-,. 'Threats are now i ieelv and openly made t unlcs Mr. Spinno1 reconies Ihe Kiii-b!' of Labor Ihe will not only order a stiike, hut will buy eott hi . shoes everv where . L:s Tiled. iv eveiiili:;, llie New York CnhtlL' 'ai-'l I'oliliral met al Con gress Hall, New York, and discu.sed the proper manlier of organizing liiework city . Some proposed to form branch leagues in everv trade, ir- ; . , !' 11 e- eeuveoi Venus' Ol nice., em altera :tbv discii .sioii ii was imall', re-olved to organize all tiade unionists In As-em-hly districts, each district lo elect dele gates to the central body. I'.veiv Voter who is a liieiiilier ill good -. landing of a trade organization can belong- to the league in the district in vv bieh he re-ides. 'The purpo es of the league, as out lined by t be Ulbel's. ale to Vote and work only for ihnse who ,v ill favor labor iiieisiues in the legislature, and to defeat all those vv ho are antagonistic to trade, unionists and their principles. On Tliui-sday of Ibis w eek t he cars of llie Miriiiingliam linf appeared wit h a j sij,n. " This ( 'ar for Kant! inaim .' 1 1 rand IH pot." 'The vvorkinj.inen of the South Side u ere very indignant over the mat ter, and in. my refused lo ride in a car , carried the sign of anavowtd cut -': my almve their heads. The conductors and drivers on the line felt the insult : tiueiors ana-Kivers i mil Wlllix cars Ullles;. lllt'slflis removed and tin man reinstated. The result was that on 1'riday moniinv; not a sinil was to he seen on the cars. It is vei) probable I hat the directors of that line had heard ot llie hoyeotl, and did not care to tamper vv ith the dangerous weapon. iff.N'f'n; i.ui'nr uniihi. Saturday hall holiday is now pielly liiinU establish. 'd In t lie earpeiiter trade of I 'lexrland. . Kmployer, and and coiiiraclors ate very favorable and llie e U'l'o'V anc lilv press have rendered j;ood serv ice III mo TiTTuS Utirc"oj in ftm I in favor of ilu measure, Carpenters' Iii i ui No. II and llie Cleveland branch ol !be Auial-anialed Carpenters acted band in hand in all I he sleps taken and in all the meetings in behalf of the move ment. On October :l, the date lived fi if the system to go into ell'ect, it w as a sur prise to see liovv generally the system was adopted. Many contractors closed dow 11 the jobs on slu nt -sighted men w ho wanted to continue working. And where at lirsf the men agreed to lo.-e the half 'lay's w ages, many bosses are now paying for it. and it is only a matter of a little while until wages for the,"i."i hours a w eek will ie eipial to whal w as forniei Iv paid for tin boni s a w eek. This helps on the eioht hour inuv cineiit practically. ( 'iii jM'iifi r, SPORT. Willi the Yale Princeton game ended the foot -ball season for this year, as far as the general interest in I be game is con cerned. 'The le.ulf was disappointing to the home team, for lliev were well trained and play ed all around t he visit ors, completely rattling them before the lii'st half of the game was over. 'The result was disappointing to the home team, for they were well trained and played all 'round ihe v isitors, completely rattling them hefore the lirst hall' of Ihe game was over. 'The grand play made by the Yale men, noticeably the deter mined 'hull-dog" style of the center rushers, caused the oraiige-aiid-black hoys to lose heart; lor when time was called for the lii'st half I he score stood: Yale a, Princeton n. S ale had the trump card, and their only point w as to keep the odd trick by holding the ball down on the Held for the rest of (In-game. 'This was the tactic until within six min utes of the linish. At this moment caiuc Yale's misfortune. Hamlin, one of the home team's center rushers, was thrown with such force as Incompletely daze him and cause him to leave the Held, while his place w as tilled by I iill. While this was transpiring. Captain Peters of the Yale team had opport unity to receive some advice from some of the old loot I. a II veterans; but it was fatal advice. He was urged to let his men kick, w hich he did. and no sooner had I he hall shot over to the Princeton side than it was mulled by one of their men and caught by Ihe famous Lamar, the visitors' half back, who started on the celebrated run that lost Yale the cham pionship. Had Peters play ed bis own game, all would have ended well: lull the old adage that "'Too many cooks spoil the pudding," vv as well illustrated illthis case, and Yale has an opport unity to pi I i o (hosiz.e o V e r the lesiilt. lint wait till "liexl ear, ' The glove com est be vv ecu .lack I 'alike, Ihe middle weight champion of I'liigland, and Mike ('learv, Ihe American cham pion, came oil' last M lay in San Lran- cisco. Pour thousand people were pres ent. The manager announced that in ac cordance wit h an agreement entered into with the authorities, the contest would be confined to a scientific boxing exhibi tion. After nine rounds of pretty heavy lighting for a glove contest, the men in line conniiion, However, tlie releree de cided the match a draw. Police solici tude for the' health f the athletes influ enced the eliding of the contest. 'Thompson is at il again, teaching am bitious youth:, the mysteries of the whirling wheel al his new bicycle rink, Ll"i Cllion street, between I 'hapel and Court stn-ts. There is considerable spoil ni watching the antics of the wheel under the management of a novice, while the exhilarating exercise it'piHs any one for the trouble of learning to master the "steel steed." At s o'clock Tuesday evening. Klsa Yon Hhiiueii. the champion female bicyclist, began her attempt to make .tiu miles in lilly-one hours' continuous riding, at Pnilfalo. As she will have to average eight miles an hour, very few of the local exports believe she will accomplish the task. 'The l ink was crow ded. NOTICE. Vlilresa communications in reference ui me organizatiiiiof new Trad-i Labor 1 niotis to COOXTL L K ) AXIZINIi COM M n P. O.naU, New Ha 1 I 1 1 I ASfdt en. O