Newspaper Page Text
'.N r.' I 1 WOROIRN'S ADVOOATK. : . HER REPROOF, m, -i, .-..iin.-i: .,, a!ulnc Scpavtmcnt. ; tfiuliutf t-ivmovy. lwu"",um" ' Uii'leiuentli a sliaih lii'"' ( luitH't'il a yoiitli a iiiail to see. To till '""I. M'iUI'stlToil Hook Sin' had wamlwi'il vvilli a I.....I. ; Itllt till' llt llt llft'Sl'llst'S lllllll'll, lllst'l'ts' tlrolie to similiter llllloil. A 11 J th'' aiilhiir v;h mi it i'. he hail fallen fast asleep. S. iliK In 'I- thll sllilnlierilie; thi-li'. Swfftly innocent ami fail , th- stuii' soft I v up lu'liiinl, tieiltl) h it tin' nii'l incliiii'il. Ami, hall fcanii", Ineatli In take. Lest, U'ivlia!irt', sl' iniulil awake, As tlii- l,oe sweet honey sips, Hnlilly ki.ssi-il r pontine; lips. Waking thus, in shy siirpris.', The nniiil cast ilnwu her lovely ', Ami tin' youth lee,an tn try lli rash "act tn justify . 1 know," sa'ul hi', " that I iliil wruiif. Hut in y ti'iiiptatinii w as tun stroiie. Such ;i ini'lt inn 1111 nit li as this Sitivly was hut mal In kiss." Ili'Opcr still the niaiih'ii l.lnslieil, Kosier still her sweet lace llusheil. Lower ilu w 11 she ilioopeil her liewl. As with inoili'st :iir she saiil : It was wron",, must certainly. Thus to steal a kiss frnni ine ; , I w as sniiinl asleep, ami you -r Slight just as well have taken twn !" " Simicrrillr luiiiiml. with II is LABOR NOTES. L' 1,1 nit, .1- in Iii1iIlmiII1CI' . Ala., Is l.ll ' 1" "" Jl luclilliel of the Ullioil. I The Camlet' Ruhher manufactory i driven with work and a part of their laixe force work nights. Now, hoys' The fur dressers of Brooklyn. N. ., are oraniinj; a union, i" order to put a slop to continual reductions in their pay. dramatic t roiipe, composed mainly of Knights of l.ahor, will soon upon the road," lor the l.enelil of the DelliV strikers. The newspaper reporters of New oi k are oiWuii.inn' a union. Now, why can't the New Haven reporters try or ganization '.' The employment of non-union painters l the nival New York and Brooklyn suspension hr'ultf-i enuski", some ex citement amonn the painters ol' limok lyn. The waiters' strike at the New York Turn Hall is ended, satisfactory agree ments havinii' heeii euteivd into hy tin Losses. The hoycnlt is therefore a Is. lifted. The Kni-Tits nf l,ahor have hut on. enemy which they have any real reason to dread, and that enemy is themselves If they are true to themselves there is in power on earth which can do them am ii rcpih!' injury. ' 'niflxni'iii. Whilelaw Keid is sending circulars to the nrinters Ihi-ouejioul the country, eniilniniiiti his alleged justification, with a fur siniilr of Ihiucan and Wildnian's aureements." No use, keid. the hoy -roll remains till No. li takes it otf. The Machine shops throughout the Middle States are ipiite prolitahly en on new work. Much machinery is in a half liiiisheil condition. The orders comint,' in are making work plenty, though wages are not iinprov ing. The I erhy Sih it 'ompany have heen report in-;-that they had 100 men at work. This is denied hy the strikers, who have had an opportunity to send one of their nmiiher mi a tour of inspection through the factory. There were just l men" at work. Three coal mine-, in the third pool on the Moiioinniliela river resumed operation-. Monday, at the reduced rates. The opeiatois say the s' l ike cannot last moie than a week l inger. The cold w. ath.'i has caused a f.'ivat deal of sutler in" anion.;- the miners and their families. Reports are printed in aiioie, capital istic pap. rs of the removal of the ho) cot I troin Shailoii Stoi m's cigars. No otli eiaT notice to stop the hoycott has come from the aggrieved union. Thelefoie it , -TiiVwell not - t' iay any attention In "Vnewsliaper ilntes nlVt'nis sldiject I'm the present. I I.a-st, 110 Jewish cheroot makers, employed at iWs cigar fac tory. New York, struck against a reduc tion of wages, and organized a cheroot makers' union under the auspices of the .It-wish W'orkingmen's Association. A packer named I'rindle. who assaulted ,,ne of the strikers, will lie mi." I for it. images. great mass ni.-.-iiiig f Irnok-ltinil.Ts was held in New York city, Wednesday e.ening. at which Mr. .lames iliim was the principal si aker. He uiaed mgan iatioti. and said it ws no longer a -pies ,i,, ot -dollars and cents, hut a .itie-.tioii of Mr. Bucksath M- the Mi:illl I'v e, . . I The stnke that has heen in pi'm es: K. ti. Wallace, at ociesier, N. , was s,. nl,.. I, Saturday, on tin' ! tins s demanded hv the l.asters' I nimi. This a hig victory lor the union, for the reason that the wanes hitherto paid have heen very low. and the tirni have the reputation of heingwT) siuhhorn and laid to handle, It is runioied, and the rumor has some foundation, jio doiilit. in tact, that the larger part of t he stock of the lerhy Silver t 'ompany is mortgaged. So it w old. I seem that the longer the factory is idle, the worse otf they heco ilia ilmilile sense. It is almost i ertaiu t hat the strikers have only to hold out a little inger to curry their point. The following is a list of those w ho have heen placed on the roll to he hoy l otted hv the Knight- of l.ahor: I Michel Watch Case ( 'ompany. of New I'ort. Ky.; llaxall, Crenshaw Co., millers, Richmond, Ya.; Fuller, Wiirren Co., stove manufacturers, Rochester. N..; New Yolk Tribiiin : I'eiTV Co., stove makers. Alhauy; Adams Bros., hatter. South Norwalk, CI.; Brennan vY W hite, shoemakers, Willianishurg, A New Britain w oikingiuaii went to Texas recently and applied lor vvoik. The hoss to vv holil he coiitided his need asked him if he heloliged to any lahor organization, to vv Inch he replied that he did lint. When asked from vv hence ho caine, he answried that he came from New Britain. "Tneii. you go right hack to New Britain, join the Knights of l.a hor, and apply again w hen y ou return. and you shall have all the work you want." At the Lvun. Mass.. City Hall, last Wednesday evening, the Working n's nominating committee met to select the general ticket nominees. There was a large attendance of spectators, and much interest w as manifested in the work of the convention. full ticket was nominated; includin'g all the otlicei-s of the city government, with the exception of aldermen, w ho were to he nominated the next evening, to w hich lime the .umi venlion adjourned. Local Assemhly li.'.'TO, of this city, has grow n to such proportions that they have no room to initiate the candidates as fast as they are r ived. Last Thurs day evening they received eighty four new applications and expect a hundred more this evenii'g. We don't see any other w ay for :!.'.'.0 hut to lease City Hall or the skating rink, as their hall al 0111 last visit wa.s packed so full that manv had tn stand during the whole ev cuing, - I ,riri:tiin, Mr,, . il rmullr. The formation of State Asseml.lie, of 1 1... K ni. .his of I .ahor is to he unshed in several States. The liuilding trades of New Yolk w ill have a separate district, and the painters w ill have one. A State Assemhly is to he organized at liecatilr, Ilk, 011 the second Tuesday in January. I'hode Island has tw cut y-set ,-n sseiu I dies. Nineteen of I 'illkcl I oil's d.'tei t i V es W ere ineniheisof the St. I .ollis Assemhly , which was found guilty of using dyna ini'e. and it transpires that Ihedetec tives incited the parties to that shameful course. Over -.'oi) foreign glass l.low ei who have come to il!sh.irg. I'euii.. within six months to seen mploy meiit in American factoiies, have heen refused recognition hy I'resident Cline, of the Universal Federation of Window -gl.-tss Makers, and compelled to return to their native countiy. This is one ot lhe ie .nils of last vcai's inleniat ioiial oiiiwii (ion in I'itlshutg, it vvlinli a i.- olution providing against cr..w.iuv home w 1 .ikiiigiii. n w as adopted. I'r.- i dent Cline --ay s the pi,. ,pei t -, for a good tiade during the winter and spliiig an hrighter than ever U tole. A nuinU'i of New Havener- have foiuied a co operative association and hired the store at to; Whalley avenue. v here they propose to sell groceries,, etc., at niaiiict rates. The concern iskiiovvn as the New Max en Co-oelat iv e Associa timi, and its capital is limited to .'.. "inn. divided into shares of "f'im each. No meinlH i- may hold moie than live slnn-s. F.verv three months they piopo-e to de clare a dividend ..11 the amount of pur chases made hy nii'iiili For the inesent the store is o)'li every evening, w hen two of the directors w ill serve the pul. lie; hut as soon :ls l.usiness will war rant it. the store w ill he o.cii all day as well. A, .v 'son of good chuacl.-r may Ucoin.- a st.n kln.lder. 'i'l.ere al' twenty -two ilitVcreii! .-.uns toi hea.lai lie. ami late sii. is are tw. u t -one ol tlietn. Tlie otlnrollei a I.L' "iilllier. ll,l'(' lint t. NOlHT. TO AIM l.ltllri New tiilvertisctticnls of chaiigvs must he liainlcd in By Tliursdv noon to secure insertion in i-'t nuinhcr: Ollico. ('liapel stn-ct. iti I 1 ..... 1 -. . 1. to. Hoof. I'. (I. Aitai'ess. tuawci lit:!, I III A I. l KS. I'lid'Uiiial Vim ii. iii leu 1'oiinmii.v. We can unhesitatingly rei ouuuend the leas and entices of the I Vntennial Ameri can Tea Company of :!li:! State street. New Haven, as heing as good as can he purchased anv where in the state. lhe goods kept in' that estahlishment are ol the Lest .pialitv and free Irmn adultera tion. Another feature in connection w ith the liiisiness is elegant and Useful articles are given to each purchaser. China. Cmckerv, tdass, Majolica and oth- i,i;.s. iiied to hnvers. Many scores of families ill this iilid other cities i,,,- i.oiimli te ( 'hina. Tea and Chainher Sets hv getting Up clllh tea or .1..... 'i'i... !ii-ii,'.n..soiiMic and lionmahle dealers, and their large htisiness is steadi ly increasing. They give special llidil.v .'. io i,.n S.iiurdav and Monday. V,,rL 111.111.11 am t ieir wives line nieiii a call, they are worthy of your patron age Kuhlioi- coats. I ts and overs at Thompson's KuLher Store, - State -t. I. adies' gossamer garnients, all prices, from .Vic. to .vs. mi. Ladies' overs, host quality, at Thompson's Kuhher Store. ."S State street. Boys, we have a lot of loot halls cheap, just what you want these pleasant days. Come and see theni at lliompsous iuio her Store, -las State stn-el. Buv all your ruhher goods at Th p- sou's' Kul.'hcr Store. You get the I .est A Is for the price. No high rents tn pay, no extol tionate pi otits - t hat is the cause of it. ,1. C. Thompson w ill open his how ling alleys in connection with his hicycle school, Ha I nil hi street, on next Wed nesday evening, Decemher !". All are invited to give him a call. (tuevtiscmcnts. , rilKM'll TISSUE I'ArKll. I 'i fills sli.-. l. lt il.LINti I'INS, 5 CF.NTS. I'irhiiT Fritiiirs ill I ' ' I-1"1' I'l in x. Noi tlifop's Art Store, 697 Chapel St. .11 -ST IIKI.oW TUK HlilOlilv THOMAS ti:.s. roFFKK iV snnis. :,!( ( IIAl'KL. NKAIi CIU'IICII. i:i'i) W'lM'k. Siiliinlii) anil Xon.liiy, i- tive special pi.'-eiils willi iiiii- liiilf II,. uf Tea anil of I ', .11 ce. On Sut iir'lny. I iiiIk-p Ht Ii, w e w ill liave a ear I.kuI nl' liirtre U'av Hulls. Iicaiili filll ilresseil. Dial we will niveaway ns special il'eselits. ulily inn- tu cilell iesiill. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, III.". Male Stirct, iii"il. i'- "f Kin.' Tens .1 . n s. VV luisov Mau l' BREAD. BREAD Si. ( urn I lour or uilu r mliilteral i"li nsc.l in uiir llreail Asli v.nir lO.MM' l.ll' I. Ill' loxxls. S. S. THOMPSON & CO. olili'st Hukery iff tin- 'ity : ? Ch.ARLES H. RENTZ, nr.M.Kii in Nalivi- iinil I ..ifiKii I l ulls. ItiiiN, Ifii'.l I n ui s. Ilird-Sffil i.l nil kimls. I'oiili t'..r Mm KIM: nilflis. I te.ntii un it e r- f..i A II II. x A l u I iitfcs I'lliK OUKS ul way ii in stuck. No, 867 CHAPEL STREET. i 1. 15T7TL1CK, V liole-alc ,111.1 lit 1 :. U llelller ill Fish, Oysters and Clams s, ,, I .....I ..I Alt Kiiul'i. I , , , ON I'I I. IH . t I.l I'll'IM 93 Bkoaoway. iIKLJ.KKIII, TAXIDERMIST, VI ll.lll K t.ll'f I "1 I llll.l ,111.1 I'HI Hs.ils IMI'iiHI I.K ni liKHMAS l!ll!is All Km. I- "f l!l I' IHIM. N. ally llolie 908 Chapel Street. DR. W. H. MINOR, )10NTIvT, m him 4. ru in:, sri: :: r "V , ,1 p.! S Ml I .( si IHMUS, 1 .nice Hour-. t" I'i s I 1" '. I' We are prepared to fnrni-li lioncst. imliistri 1, us ami intflliiffii't 111.11 and wonicn L'u..d. st. adv ami r.iniiner itive cniplov int-nt -,10 .atelipeiniv or liiiml-iiL' lui-iiifss. ami -..ple desiriiiu' lu -cciir.' a pen-ant and ir..tit.iMe A w ill U- lils-rally dealt will, CLARK & ROLFE, i:o)M !. SIMPSON Hl.fM'K, MAV IMIIA, . SxM. U. KIKIJ'Y, American and Swiss Watches ! . , 1111. 1-uVi I st rl-.l. ! A line s.m lim-i.t .if H.illf.l t,ulf I Ii Jil" anil .Ie wr Irv ! 834 CHAPEL STRr.tT. i I Mm e. Nuiiini'i. s. f , i.'i; i ti.i i si Villi, lies, AliilllOl ion, loins. .V.'. Kell-iri! A A.. :.. si,ii,. t llllk. Is. I'lielllp-oM s s ,v , ,, .l ,,K -1 It.ll l.l l'. Mole S.un , I'-'"' tow ii -1 ri.'in j' Henry. .t nol -I llil . li s. Ami'i-ii :in tin v. ic i'i. . I si r. -1 l!iislii' r..ii.'u'. I'uivill - llusim-s- i'mM. '.- I i niui'ii si g i ........ " iliil." i li.thin- linns.'. 1 1- i inn', n s'i'-' ' Vi-ii!s a in, in. . imi i luii . ii si I out anil W .....I. i.-..,., i., i, vv I.' i it. i .. ,.i i -t i ui i av Kinil'i'i'lv K. s , III ( Inn, Ii s ,v 'is:, ( l i.i kl'l , l.l:lss, I Ie. Il.'ill frank M , -o ln.i. I. Meet n.nii-i. Mill, ir Hi' W II i" I 1 I.... I:.....l ' Ill-own f. VI A I n .1 ki..'l o.p On' II MrllllVIl', Vllililllll' A 1 .... s. i ll.ll'. l I-ii.iliiv mi i.l tor Vuenls. I. lark A Kolle. K.M.m !. Mui).""" HI'" I isll, llvsll ls, I I. '. lillilel. IV C . '.II III "Mil W IV I'lllils, I I.'. KelllI'lial'le- II ,N,; I -I I in nil m e mil I nil. i Ink iiu. Millll A' llet-et. :H. lull . 'Ii si I, fills' I in nlsliini;s. Kreiiuci' Morris. -0'. sl ut.' -I I ...ft. S.. sit! I liiiiel s Siiu'i-nlieiini r .1.. I'.M'liiii'. li s. 1. 1 i.e. r. e I 11 : l v 1 li I "ii i-ri -s n e liii I :l-.e.. for. Oreli;ll'il all. I llelU V ' l l(iilli.sitorli.'. .1 V . a.) 1 1 1 itiii s, ii i.. ...... .....I 1... hi. .ties' 'I ... .Is. lillssell .1 II , .''I l lKll.,-1 -I ,V Us stale -t II. .lie l-,. liaison A i.i.l rl I'.'l Kill II A I " sli I 'li.ll.el -t Norman .l"l.n. c.r.' I liapel -i i"oiu in I Isliol'll K S . '.I! I tun ell -I Hotel. Sel.lell House. IIHSI.1I1 -I lliiiisf-Kiiinisliiiius. lieu. II. 1 ,11111 1. li'l'.H'li.ll'el -I .. 1. l.,,.il.,.,.. I le. ' Mallll.'VV s, lll'.l CloWII slreel, lnlAe.U I'luiri li an. I oiani;.. sin .If Vf If I'li. Kirliv sain. II.. Ml ' lui"'l si Si liweil M .. .". I lllllell slreel. I.iooi'lrv. iilil Tr.y l.anmlrv. 1'-' I0i us.m -I Kleiner l liarles t; n '.'.', i.'.i i luii. t, -I Aleut s mill l.ini.f. Karnes S. II.. Stall I. ilv Marker ylereliioil Tililnis. I illllloV .lollll. -II I elllel s Kleiner I. A Sun. ,i.. .iki i lia I si. 1 llsieal lllslllllllfllls. Shullinirel' It. A I ".. s"i 1 lni"'i rMT llmininifs. l ie. Satellite n un.iess ,iv ,- rii'iiiifn riiiuif i ini.n s. limine A., I-'11 l.riinu -1. . I'lin'. . sialTuiii I'll nl In').' . st; i.. 'in (r,,vv n si I . M , III. '.... I I. I -I rrf.v llfiilfis. Anilrew I'. S. A 'v . Cily Market. I,..K.,.. .... i.l 1 i.riinil Cciil ral liiiunt; Itoiinis, 1:11 sialesi Stiilluiil UUIiil' Kuuins, i'U Mine si O.O.lo... : K rhnliiisunV ltnlilier SI.. re. I. slate , Shu.' slitri.. ........... .1 .. 1. U' A... I. t li.l I'i -Ii si l.yneli II. I-;.. :i; f.,iiii'fss av ami l.'.s l oin llicree s reel . I'nsl A. W.. e..r stale ami lu iii'e -I I III .lulin, lisfs A l.'.m I. rami -I sluies, A'f. Ilelllll'ieks lli-III V. '."I I lllll ell -I Tavi.lf niiisl. Ilelll'riscli. i-ik 1 lia.el M Ti'it 111.1l ( i.ll'ff. .Vlllel'ieilll Tell Co . III.'. SI ill 0 -I I'enli-nnial Aineri.-aii Tea 1 '" , '.:! -Wale TIllillUls M ., K'.'.l('lia.el s. 'I.tlnicfoiiists, liiilmniis ('. .1., 'iMM liapcl si. Ucil.liiii; 1 .0 II ,.l l.nis. I iii-iih inn, l ie Iiiinean ,1. A , ai;l l(...m V. (W 1 lni.fl VVoiiil 'n! an. I I' Iff I ml ..'s. Slieiiinrn It. M., 'M I'liaii.-I -to el. Workmen's Papers. American l.aliur Itmlu'ct. Mam lie-t.-r. N II lioyeotler. Till I'eiirl st.. New York rily. Wi'.rkliicii's Adv. .calf. Vli'.i 1 Impel s (Uicvtiscmcnt&. M. SOIIVK, II, VI I II I N All ki nils il'.li' i ll). Vnii'i H iin .V Swiss Hllll lll'S Clocks. Opera lillisscs. c. LOAN III I I I . 1 1 i t I prices advanced on I Mi'ilifc-. Special at t t ot i. .11 uivcu lu Itcpairini.' S.i. ." I liui'cli shifl, Ni vi Man n. . 1. 101. C.AKl'.lLI.'S IJUSINESS COIilil'iOI'i No, 48 Church St., cor. Crown, TIiiiI'.iIIl'Ii '011111, en i ll 'liiiiiiiii l"i oiiii" Men .imi I.nilic . 1'. .,1, l.ip. Hook V, . '.li,.r. viiiiiii,. Ii. I'.n-i l.l t ol In , ' "I O -p., lid. II '. ' I ..l.ltli. I. i ll I..IW Kankuitf, lie hi .lit e ''' wuti -..'i.ii I""'1 1,1. id in Shortlutml ami Typewriting. Icy ami Kveiiinx Se--i.,,i- s,i,, ul .11 . nl. 1 al anv time ful circular S. H. BARNES, I.I.M.I.I! IN Choice Beef, Mutton, Lamb K'l'i'. KM'. (, A VI r. IV llll IIS si s,o. STALL NO. I, CITY MARKET . oine and ni.- and w. '!! du y... t'.....!. S II !!l;r.s. TH K I'.KST 1; TO III - MKATS AMI l'i;oV IsloNs, Kl'l II Kl." AT TILIAI,K IIKTAIL. F. S. ANDREW & CO., t in u.uihi-n, st M- ii.w ks. Artucvtlscmcnts. i x T 1.) t A V T y s. I I V'. i i.IViV4.N-'v-. I '; it 't t ist. Pipes, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. No. ;s."i i n i'i i. Mm i t. t: . 1 1 in c.l ami 1'...I I'm l.ii', I ..llen.l. i 1 .0.1. s. -GUNS- is ' is I.MT IS lill-' I'". 7 . .1 IK si 'Ml -l I i IM I ) .(Mt i'i;h i:s. A, A. KELLOGG, 506 State Street. ',,'01,7 ir,. ,. '"' 11 fill ""I " ','nvi, rifif fur In' Mt ivliiuil." MEIGS &. CO. ( L 1 ) T 1 1 I K K , 107 A 109 Church St. NI.W II I.N. " SQUARE DEALING " l MO 1 r" miTiiiM! ikhsi:. ,s,,i, inn,-- 1 .ill, .I I tl 11.- si,,,.- . 112 CHUIICH STREET. I - III l-ll, I ' IS '- lll.lllflls.- ss..-ln III ' l,'i l'"li ll'le I'I " ' - ' flow i -. I" J1'.' sinl f e. t o s'rfl Hv. c. . ... I . $!! I" i' I KI.I'.IM I.' A soN. ,11, hii.I ,u'i i ii i i I si-. Nov llavfii. i I S.-,,. iill lea. I I III- ill III.' VV ol:KMI s's i.voi All JOHN CONBOY, M KIMMIA NT TAIUH!. :;i ('i:'ri:i: sTi;i;i:'r. NEW HAVEN. Stil'NIt ADVU'K. Voll Will save I'l'ulll l' I" ''" 1" P "'Hl ,V liiiv in:,: v 1 uir r..TT 1 ' sinic is, iiosii i;. l I . II V I . l .v- , ..... .. O M s, .IVTli.' 'J-- '" AT ) Ii-?!.-.. N... Mi l i II M i l. s 111 I T, In ilio-.c I Inil ilnn'l liiu.vv II, vie wish lo icciiiiiifntl MORRIS BRENNER, 345 State St., I n,- I fivlliini; in Hi"' In" Glen's 1'nr- nishins. I lit' ' , o v VI I I I I l J. SUGENHEIMER, itts, Caps, iiml Gents' Furnisliiiijis, Ntn ioNs ami rwrv (;ooi.s. 19 Chuhch St. CHARLES KLEINER, : I, AW V KU : Nulal I'.il.lic. .lusli. f ..I Ihf I " i. f. K'ooVI W'lllTI.'s'l'.l II.I.IMi, Ii!) riiincli St., Ni' MdM ii. ( "un. UH 1. I "I'I V I V 1 SI Mis ISAAC MAILHOUSE, Printer, Designer and Stationer 7:HI ( Iiiim I M . '' Maveii. Cluisl 111:1s aii.l Vc '.ii'l-- l'i'..i.' liill tli ulh. I . to 1 and N"le llfii-l-. vv . u.iiiu! in nl ilioii -, sial. un nt- II11-I11. ss Cards. I'in 1 lluillftT". 'I ' ls" The Stafford Printing Company BOOK ami JOB PRINTING, NOs. 86 TO 90 CKOWN SlKfct.T, M.u 11 W i s. oss. VAEDDING INVITATIONS, Ncnllv eiiu'l iveil ,.r .i intcl. 1 I'lnlcs nin! Name I'lnt. s, Si k 11.1 Si.vl.-, .,.c ,l,dl I '.It-lilN ill".. I'ill'., I -I ' J. A. DUNCAN, AOT., I!.... u. 11. h :x II ltd I si Kl I 1. Wood Cots and Electrotypes R. M. SHERMAN'S, 1 .'., mi 1 ; Hop-.11 ,v sin 1 .nan, in.' ( 11 M' 1.1. st.. v: 11 .i 1 ,:.v. Ml ti- h -adini.' nckfs ,,f Mi,.-i 11 mi. In:'iuli ,nd In 11. I, ri , i 1.1.' 1 omi'ii" d " vin.' and '?iMtis&M ""' '"' ' ' ;.,c sold '.V KM 1 a 1 ..pv 111 M V I I II KSVS. 11m- INK l N. lie i row ,1 ".tn ft. I.l ' lilt" Ii a let ' r un'.- si- aucvtlscmcnt. M lii;"UN. D. s. i; nun i F. M. ItHOWN & CO. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! OUR GREAT ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE 1 TO I II VI VII M I MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, ion . I.HM'fs IciVf le. lined l.y cpcl'icllec II,,, I ,,. -l 1 mo- I" select Holiday Clt'ts is as culv in :i-, and llm- avoiil tin' iiii-.niv eiiii'iue and annuyaiiec caused hv III. 11..VV1I ivv ' lime davs liel'iire Xlim". vv , iiivii,- lhe piil'li. I.cii.ic 1 un . li.isimr llicir , .lid ,v I. ills In . vanillic olll' cHI'i-rnllv si-lei led 111, 1 immense vari. iv oi i'iiui v our -l, k 1-. -o varied and eli lisivc lull il Would l it, 1 1 .. i 1 ,1. In riv- 1 coliiplilc li-t "I alld plin -. -" vve n.llll. "lllv a lew oi the llliisl i,,,., 1. mi aili. h I" he I..1111.I "il I his s..n i( )( )Kv ! 1 H )( )KS ! liiiMirtiinl iiml Altriiclhc Hiiiirnins, I' lhe ( hlld's I'lialleihox I" llie Kni'Veh. p,.,ia Vis,,, all lhe siand. ird nnd iu'iil.'U' Viillmi . in . v.-rv .pialily ul hlmllnu', ami nl prices a-louisliiiiflv low when cuinpnred Willi oilier dealers. II V"ii wish lu iicciiinnliilf il lil.raiv at tin- h.wesl prices, ur make 11 hand some and vnluahle Xlim I'leseiil nnd luive II 1, 111 little, call and eyiiinlnc our books 11ml pi-ices. Toys ! Dolls i Games ! I .111, v ( is. and 11 uiciler mull it into ul' ..llmr siiiiahlc iirll.'li". f..r Xlim ii'escnls limn esiii ! seen in iinvi.lh'i' li'.us.- in I In- cily nnd i.l the l.iwcsl prices, 'this vear show's a vnsl nnpruvc ul n. ..v- calciilnled lu pliMse II Iillilifii ii.. ,'. 11 ....,...,, -n, to 1 - v."'-.''. . .. l t. aml alloid a1iiii.nn',i, .(iSiK-tl.iifV nl 1 In' OUR STOCK OF DOLLS IS VERY LAHGL. LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 a v Novcllies in All.uins. Work Ha-kets, devvi ll'v 1 asl's, Oluve ami llaildkel'ellicl' liulifs. 1 oiu 1 , ami I'.iii h Scls, I'oekei hunks, Card and I .elh r I'll-cs. fie IIAMISO.MI' I.l N i: 01 I'ANS. l;. h II. 111 inn, in,, un. in steel ami l;1iiuc XMAS DAKDS, The laic I ili'-ivn- -. I all. A Wrllilllf lt',T. Plush Mirrors In all llie in " and novel 1 le-iuns. al lhe luwc-l, EXTRACTS AND PERFUMES. I'ci I iinni ii -. I'.niiades and Toilet Arlh'lci uf (very llescnpl lull. BISQUE AND CHINA WARE. I I. nch Iti-ipm l iniires and (uuiip-s Cnpn and Sim.', i'-. I'lai. s, sli.n intc Mui!. I.l.iiur, W inn and I 1 nionade S. I s JEWELRY! JEWELRY! I'lalcl and Solid .lew, dry in cniiiiletc and cl.' irsml icnii 1 in, nl Ah., liold ami silver Wiilcli.-i, llunlliiK I 'nse urn I l.cli Knee : Hniceli'ts nnd Ni . kla. es. liiut's, I, u. k i-t. sea ,1' mid Lai c I'lns, s. , 11- liui lulls Col la 1 Hull..!!-. Nt ml. Thimldi x ,le All al -howiin! a very lurei- saviilK ..V ' I .tin I dealers Toilet Sets. pin la, hi, 11 and I'.ottle-. I'lii-h Collar nnd 1 D p. flu I, '.W.i-k lliooin Hold, rs. Muni .111. sel- I'lll-h I'ielure I'lallles, lllld Uclll-' In. - iIil' I ic . all a' lhe lowest piiecs Unapproachable Holiday Bargains ilks, Vein Is, l lusli. s ami llrss (...oils, I I oaks, suits, H ,ap, VI , 1 1 i 11. 1 , Hals,'s un.l Oriianifiils. P. M. liliOWX & CO. ' Loaders of Low Prices, P8'- 6gson & Center Sts. NEW II AV KN, CONN. r! il ill