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J ABVOCAm WORKMEN'S v levies 2, IU. 12 A VOl 'l ll'S DKSIItE. HIS TENDER HEART BLEEDS FOR THE BOSS. How to Solve the Labor (iievlioii. Inciilralinu a kindlier Spirit. I'ainliiiu Hit' llori.iiii In- .'lit Prattle Head Sumner ami hit'. We have received ail epistle from a viiiinsj; man. wherein lie evinces considerable interest in llf Vi:k- mkn's Ahvucaii; ami its mission. Mr says, among ol Iut I hings: I have read your paper, 1 1 if Wmiiv MI'.N's AdVih All:, for several week-., and am very much pleaded with its earned i loss in' the cause of tlie vvoil,in;;uien. Would vml. hovvev.r, permit me In siig ;c,t thai a liel ler spiril should prevail a nj4- (lie vv oil .hitmen as regards their empliivers. The Ikism-s, as you call them, eei iaialv deserv e some consideral ion, in asmuch' as il is nwiiitf to (heir untiring energy and tact that uaes can he al all paid to their elllpli') cs. I wi-h you would e;ivi- this your alleii t i. hi, as l am convinced, allliouh youu in years, that hy iueiileal inn a kindlier spiril into the workmen, as regards their masters, a reat slep will have heeu taken toward solv in;- the " lahor ques tion," ami eonseipiently hriehteuhhi the horizon of tlie w oiiine,- class." Ill view of and, lii'iiee, t tlie slioi'tiH'ss nl lite. he uiidesirahleness of i .1 . . i... ;inv suieri UlOllS WorK lieillg uone o us km if mortals, wc would call diir friend's attention to the n Hess mention nl' his ymitli in ni'.V letter lie may write. Hi'' text ol' which is clearly sullicieiit to detcrinuic the maturity of his years. Let our young I'riciul hy no means imagine that we would cast any in id ions slur on juvenility: on the contrary, we have as g -eat eoiisidcni lioii fur youth as we have respect for old age. however conscious we may lie of the imperfection of the one ami the im potency of the other. True, youth ami old age an' items in the span of human existence not to he ignored : hut. whether it he the function "f t he former to indite letters on lahor reform, seems, to say the least, a trille duhious. Still, our youthful correspondent must not he discouraged on this account, for, possibly, he may he an excep tion. However, let him not over work himself, and therehy invite softening of the brain hy making unnecessary statements re atim: to his age. We would also say to our dear yonng friend, when he impiircs. Would you. however, permit me to sic-i'-i'st?" etc.: Most certainly; yi ui have, or anyone else has. our trraeioiis permission to suggest any thing. Nothing givs us lliol'l pleasure than to grant such lilt I l.oims liv no means hesitate to male suggestions. Suggestions an dear to us, particularly when they emhodv ideas which recall to ustiie innocent prattle of childhood. V on further ask us to give our attention to vour suggest ions. This paltry favor von reipiest. as the context shows, on account of certain definite hues of reassuring tone which, in vour opinion, will overspread the the horizon of the working class if we hut accede lovolir modest peti tion. And what may this little demand lie which you ask us mi graciously to consider? Onlv the little matter of inculcating a kindlier spirit into the workmen as regards their mas ters." Surely, it seems hut an in-si-iiiticant thing you solicit: and when we consider the recompense which will follow, namely: "A great nep will have heen taken toward soh ing the lahor question and a con sequent hrijih cuing of the working men's hori.on," we are seized with an almost uncoiitrollahle desire to I rv it a couple of times." Yes. think of it if we could just ahoul solve the ever-present, the knottv. the apparently irreducihle lahor iuestion, and eonseipiently paint the sky red for the workiug iiieu hv inculcating a kindlier feel ing towards t he hosses. why should we not do it? Kspecially when we reinemher how- as our juvenile ad iser remarks our to-bc-holovcd masters expended such untiring energy and tact to prevent us from stan ing ! Consider, fur a moment, our hap less predicament if these kind gen tlemen, the hosses, should wilt in energv and drop a little of their .... .i i i ' i tact. '1 hat is the light in w men our friend "young in years" - views it. How sad would he our lot. We would starve quickly; whereas, now, we are only famish ing slowly. loll see, the I losses would he sal'e.i for a time, at least; they could deour tlie iitlle residue always remaining after wages have heen, with inconceivable tact, dis trihuted among the ingrate work men. In other words, thev might eke out a scanfv suhsisfeiice on their capital. We should he oblircd to watch them eat, while we starved. The police would undoubtedly set to it that no hreach of the peace took place during the starving period. Perhaps it mav he best, after all to heed the advice ol our triem upon whom the weirlit of years has not. as vet, descended, now woiiii it do to pass 'round the bat and di vole the proceeds towards proeurim testimonials of our regard for thosi bosses' untiring energy and heaven inspired tact which preserves us from the untimely and dctcstabl death of starvation? Yet hold ! there falls upon our ears a murmur of dissent, faint as the echo of the hunter's horn upon the hills, when the mists hunjr heavy in the valley ; hut as we listc the murmur rutlters volume am orinulates itselt into the trenuinr exnression o disi'tist: "Cm, irive us 1 t ' a rest !" e are alraul, O Iriemt ot adviS' orv turn of mind, that we cannot coinplv with your trivial demand. We have an inkling that the 'kind lier spirit towards the employer" has heen fried time and again; yet it is a matter of record that, for years upon years, the workman grovelled in the dust before the man of " untiring eticrirv and tact," but, somehow, the labor quest ion is unsolved, neither has the murky horizon of the work ing class shown any signs of the flesh-colored tints mentioned in your epistle. No, voting man. you are evidently a little off: we ad ise oii to wait until vou are a month or two older before you venture counsel to work ingiiieii. Yes, read tlie Vui:hiKXs Anvoi n:. and wait till you are less voting in years," and, perad venture, ymi will hit upon some plan of real merit, whereby we can mint the "horizon of the working- i lass" in unfadinir blue and irold. We have great hop's of you : and we tru-t you will not disappoint us: airain we say renew your subscrip tion for and read the Wii:kmks's Anvoi aTK, and thereby widen your moral and mental vision. iUw .ttaucn, (Connecticut, Sunday, ikeembev 20, ISS5. If ymi, however, refuse our coun sel and. w ith the perversity of youth, choose to walk in evil ways, hear in , , 1 .. V ... mid we nave warneu you. i on. ill tiud it vain to " kick against ic pricks." I Jetter than a miserable struggle igainst the inevitable ; better than i succumb slowly and with untold . , . . , i , i iimuisli to the mows oi .aimr; iictter you snoiuu pass . i ii.. ivvav" quickly : and to that end we idvise you, in that spirit of true harity which ever strives to lessen the pangs of a fellow-being, to read Sumner and die. W rite us again, please. LOUIS RIEL. Sin i a i.-1 i:ii ii UA i ii' l-'i:in:i! A iioN, 1 1 Palace Chambers, it liridge st... London, S. W. At the meeting of the Executive 'ouncil of the Social-lleiuoeratic '('deration, held on November '.'ii. he following resolution was unani mously passed : 'That this lneetinirof the Hxecutive ( 'ouncil ot the Soeial-1 emo( ratie federa tion protests stroiidv against (lie judicial murder ot Louis Kiel, whose only crime was to make, alter years of useless peti tioning, an armed stand against the tyr- rany ol the I lonnnioii iovemmeiit anil the rascality of the land thieves whom it supports; that this meeting further de- lares tlntt tlie execution ol luei is mother proof of the brutality of tlie rul ing classes, aliKe in every country , iigauisi those w ho make an unsuccessful attempt. to resist their oppression. II. W. I.Kl' Secretary. READ IT- liurnette (i. Haskell has an in structive, as well as thoroughly in teresting, condensed biography o Karl Marx in the Denver l.tihin E nij Hirer of the ."it h insf. We ree oinincnd it to those who are seek in information upon the labor quest ion. Address hitler Kwii!m oils mcr street, Denver, Colorado, price of the paper is live cents. Lari The CO-OPERATION. A Capitalistic Si hcnie that Will (.rind bahor. While the working peofde arc here and t here organizing their lit tle co-operative enterprises, the cap italists are "going them one better" in the same line. The following, from I'riHjiTsx, shows how well the enemy understands the art of co operation: There is a. movement of New York capitalists on foot, to coiisoli- date the rail roads ol tin l unci States. The plan, if consummated will astonish the world on account of its dimensions. All the railroads of this country are to he brought under the control of one president and his necessary committees. In other words, the railroad magnates are "tired of tin- long feud over freight rates." and desire to come to an understanding, stop all competi tion between themselves, so that they may more thoroughly grind the public." This is a far different sort of co operation than that which we arc contending for. namely, the Co-op erative State, which will include all the people as beneficiaries instead of the select few. HOW DO THEY KNOW? The capitalistic newspapers pub lished a sentiment last week that shows the ignorance of their writers. "The Knights of Libor." they say. 'have no use for Socialists." As an answer, let these scribblers be provided with copies of the K. f L. platform. In ienee :ilid ill art the manV are the slaves of the few. CAPITA lS Till! MP. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND THE MILITARY POWER. I'alsi IiiiihI the Mainstay of Capital. (uiilal buanls the InstiiraloiN of Crime Those lerrilile Socialists Tlie looiu of Capitalism. yolwithstaii ng the latter-day friendship fur the tssuranees ol olliec-seeMiiir poi . i i icians ami the of unorganized ii I he snap of the servile oheillenec lordes of laborers political party w nip, i ne worwers uuu i i .i i i . . i that under the ' ew administration they are as as ban or worse oil' than ever. I licy as tniicn rent, pav i ucir i . . . . . i :.. 'ood costs t hem as many hours of toil as ever to procure it. t apital till reigns supreme, and counts its servants bv majorities. liven in these days of steam and telegraph, trulh . travels slowly, and falsehood. Capital's I rum p. Hies with lightning speed to every hamlet in the land, deceiving and prejudicing the masses against I he reform move ment and t hose engaged it il. Is there a noble band of workers on strike for honest wages? Capi tal's most humble servant, the daily press, spreads the news of riot and lawlessness. Is there it tumult among starving and ignorant wage slaves clamoring for bread? The capitalistic, press sends out reports of ."socialistic" iiL'ilation. Is there it ifrunken riot of servile scabs ? The Associated Press spreads falsehood broadcast and union men are li belled. Docs labor protest against robbery? Tis impudence. Or against rack rents? 'Tis agrarian isr . Coward Capital is a liar. I'nor ganized Labor is gullible. Much is necessary for the ot her. The Trades I'li'ionisls, Socialists and Knights of Labor of the Pacilic coast are agitating peacefully against, the curse of indiscriminate importa tion of Coolie labor. The capitalis tic press must divide these educat ing forces. I low ? By creating a prejudice against that portion most dangerous to the life of corporate monopoly and so we hear that the So cialists arc planning murder. Is murder dangerous to the monopo lists? Certainly not. If it were here might be justice in it. is iii-l iflml llir ritiiilitlisl. inn ill, for they hire the Pinkei'lon thugs load, ;ts provocative agents to incite the I debased and ignorant to deeds ol v io lence. Why? To have an excuse for passing re.-tridive laws against the labor organizations; to create a public panic in order t hat a great military force may be saddled upon I he people. Private capitalism knows its doom is scaled by the growing intelligence of the working classes. Therefore, thev must be kept iii ignorance. Hut. there is the pliplic education - there are the free schools, il may be interposed. Yes. and there are the heavens. f w hat. use are the schools to the children of the mill slaves? Do the public schools teach anything that would educate the children out of wage slavery? If not. then even public education is Capital's servant. P.csidcs, of what what bcnclil is the public school to the chil l that goes from the cradle to the shop, from the shop to the I g''a-'. Are there such .' Ask the ' Commissioner of Libor Statistics of the Slate of Connecticut. Dues he know ? That depends upon whose servant he is the people's or the capitalists'. When will this nieht niiire end ? When the workers of the world unite, have fa ,h in themselves, and trust not the cunning enemy; when the charm of the gentle voire, the soft hand and the glossy enat of Cap ital's orators and manipulators is broken. When Organized Labor controls the legislatures, the courts and the executive olliccs; when the nation is organized upon an industrial basis, and "industrial and moral worth, not wealth, shall be the standard of individual and national greatness." Then, and not. till then. VARIOUS UNION CIGARS. While, It I iif anil Ked laihels All Iter imiii.eil hv the Ii. of I.. J A prominent member of the Hart ford K. of L. called at this office it few days since and remarked upon the confusion existing in the minds of union men regarding union-label cigars, mentioning an incidenl which settled t he quest ion among Hartford men. A member of a local assembly therein buying cigars called fur those w ith ii union label. The dealer said he had none, and it was so reported in the assembly. Some of the tiien bers had the same experience, and it was resolved to purchase cigars of such dealers onlv who lept union label brands. The etTcct was that the dealer referred to complained to the wholesaler who supplied linn and he in his turn wrote to tlie maniilac turer about if. The reply came I Intl. the goods were union made and the proper labels were authorized to be attached. They were the red labels of the Cigarmakers' Progressive Un ion, (hie of the members of the as sembly thought the only genuine la bels were blue; so the ieneral Secre tary of the Knights of Lahor was communicated with, and his reply satisfied the Knights of the genuine ness of the red label. The Philadel phia cigarmakers who issued the red hiiicl were reported to lie imi only members of the Cigarniakei's' Pro gressive I'llioll but of the K. of L. as well. There are three kinds of union cigar labels: white labels lire issued by the K. of L.; red labels by flic Cigarmakers' Progressive I'nioti, and blue labels by the the Cigar makers' International Union. This being the case, only ignorant or bigoted men could discriminate be tween them. They arc all recog nized by the K. of L. , the Central Labor I'nioii of New York, and locally by the Trades Council of New Haven. The cigarmakers of New Haven don't pretend to compel their em ployers to use union labels it is a matter of choice and business with them. One manufacturer here who employs union men exclusively, and pays higher prices than are paid elsewhere, says that the uniform union label placed on Ins boxes might lead customers to confound his cigars with inferior ones bearing the same label. It is a matter of business wit h him to make his cigars :i distinct brand. WOOD CARVERS. The New York association having been appointed to e'ect the Central Committee for the National Wood Carvers' Association, has elected the following gentlemen to serve two years: .lohn C. Iloltz, recording and corresponding secretary, Pitt street; I'Yrdinand Menu, financial secretary, L!'J l-'orsytli street : Frank Detlcf. " treasurer ;" Henry Flobr, John Fredericks and -Max Pftind heller, trustees; all of New York ' city 3?vlcc 3 (Tent Tin; WIIIK STIMKU. WHEELER ADVERTISES FOR SCABS IN VAIN. kiic; Alcohol lakes a Ibiml So Does Insanity. Larry lieilly. I lie Scab Hilly Knotli's Cus tomers llndi Dai ley's Duty. As was predicted, the overtime, " racket " at. t he wire mill turned out to be a failure and a scare, and the culmination of events this week, springs a grainier scheme on the ini territied wired rawers with which the sanguine company hope to strength en their position. So "on with the dance, let joy be uneonlined," for life is too short to waste in mourn ing. Having shut one of their two engines down, the idea struck the resourceful Oalpiu that he would divide up his unwholesome crew and put half of them on night turn, which, all hough entailing a great increase in operating expenses, might bring about that climax de voutly wished for by lun, viz : The demoralization ol t Hie. eolhtjise of the ie strikers and strike. We are ed to believe that such an event is far distant and this, as have former schemes, will " fail to connect." The W ire company were advertis ing in all of the New York papers last Sunday for caul sleel wire draw era under an alias. So, we must come to the -conclusion that they are ashamed of their degraded nanus perhaps on account of blighted ivU'ee- , lions of the weU-inforined wdmhaw-; ers. It is even asserted that Mr.i Parker, the New York agent for the tremendous skins mis hid liiiuseli under a pile of manure at his rustic retreat, in New Jersey ever since ho inserted the useless uad." The company seem possessed with the idea that their last chance to bank rupt the wired rawcrs has come. Larry L'eilly. who came to New llaveii'iis ii scab some time ago, do niandcd i'.'O of the I'nioii men and a weekly stipend, in return for which he was to keep away from the w ire mill, has turned out to be a dis honest, wretch, having gone to work, for the scab firm. Only two days before he went lo Work for them, he received from the strikers the sum of $P. lie is reputed to Ik "worth" from ."i,oi to S,00i, in vested in real cslafe in South ii t - v - .1 nn : . r ii irooKIVll. AeW i 01 K. I 11 IS lenow l ins lenow s her scab, T( tfc to their hoCiT in company with anot I .McCarthy, returned t much the worse for wear last Mon day evening, and (heir appearance seemed to be evidence, enough of the rumor which preceded them, thet they had had a lively light over the question sis to which was the iw.t contemptible scab of the two. A third parl y was supposed to have in stigated tiie affair between then), who was none other than King Al cohol himself. His royal highness certainly accomplished all that could be desired. Kdwurd Sandare of Ferry street, another scab recently imported, was hustled off to tho lunatic ouiirtcrs at the almshouse on Tuesday, his alleged brain having become somewhat tangled in a su preme effort to compute the interest on scab wages. Thus does the Al mighty take sides with honest labor in its" battle against hypocritical bosses and debased slaves. As we go to press the rumor comes that Hilly Knoth, recently elected coun cil man for the Seventh Ward, has taken in some of the scabs, recently domiciled at the dcfcict Hotel Svea, as boarders. Fact is, fourteen of their names were on his tick tslatc j f r rum hist week, so there seems to a ' oe some foundation to the rumor. "( Peter Winn still procures his ; three kegs of beer for sale to the S. scabs every Sunday. Hugh Dailey was notitieil of these proceedings on Wednesday; therefore, it is expected that he will do his duty in the mat- ! 1 ter. We 11 see. V ; 1 T t - u II 1 rvA i, I?,