Newspaper Page Text
WORKMAN'S ADVOCATE, t $ She tuft ovli men's .A duo cute, Til K OKF1, I A I. JIH'IINAl. HP 'I UK HIH.AM.I II Wt.HKMKN HP N I VV 1 1 A K S AMI XI II MTV liKI'HK-l. Villi IS I II i: TRADES COUNCIL OF NEW HAVEN, l-NI K. II 111 III K tkadks cm sen.; ( (immi i i 1:1: KVKIIV Ml'NIlAV UnllMMI. Oflli'c, TriulrH'iiiliH-ll Hull. '.'ill t'lni.i'l s. I'liMl-lir.! fur tin' .iii'. f - ,i 1 1 1 1 r:n -1 tut' I hf evil InlliK'iii'ti of tin' ruiTiiit i'aiilu!i-tic Iiy iTlnliiitf tin' truth mill iilarlnir lnfi i f I ; - wnrkliii; i'-ip!i',1 fi.r II .'hi iiimI r. II. t i-.1. liiini tlii'ir iniliMrinl, r-..-inl mi. I ...liti.-ul tl..,i, to tl' mil .hut tln'V niiiv i'iiiiiiii i;i.i:r thmini'lvi'K frmii w iiu'i- -lauTY utnl hui'lli 'i I i t 1 1 I ii t fff-l iutr i "iTi "iiiii'li mi- ."ulii-iti'il li"in i'i" Irl iiriims in nil paiN "I tin' v.... I. i ll' i- rv iiilrinu mi x w ff -IiciiM ' t 1 1 ; i i 1 1 ivliini iN'Min.'"- A.l.llr- all ruiiiiiiiiiiii ul i"!,- In Workmen' itliriltr, I'. (I. Ill'iiui l II). I, ilnwii, nun. Sl nsritilTMN li'.vil.s: Out' Year (postal" lic'i, - - 1 ' Three Month, " - - '!' I'AVAIII.l; IV ,vnv am i;. f'TI.H 'llM'l' Will hi' !-t.,'. .l , itll't 1 1 li..'ll t'Xllriltlnll I'f Mlli"l'l'i'li.'ll, KM'KIIKII AT THK I'.l-T I .KKI , I: A I' M llll IA. I .IS NKlTI.'t T, AS mc.l.SI. rl.A M Nkvv IIavk.v, .lM in .'I, 1-i'i. ENGLISH ARISTROCRACY OP POSED TO BOYCOTTING. As Illicit li;lc hee.i i'ii'('lfil. tin' "powers that In'" in K..e;.ud have taken slepH to shield their roliher SVSlcill IVolll lll'ill llcsl I'llM'il Utile lllll I'llI'll pic. Till' SIICOv -'of till' Irish in hoycot t i iiu' rackrriiti'is and ot Iht olijcct ionalili' parasites has put t lir 'Hnn'Msli aristocracy to it u Ms I'llds ,o tillil Home nira lis wherehy it ran maintain rontrol of tin- people's earnings, and the " are'.iniri.t " to lie used is physical force with a pad, lint; of law, us the following I i -1 ki t 1 1 to the capitalistic press will indicate : l.oVlxiN', .Lin, 111. The eu eriiiiicnl u ill in parliament, at the carhesl pnssihle iiioiiicnl, a liill m.iKili;; hey eel line; a t'elu.iv, I'lilai'iii I lie " n ci s ot imiKist rates, am! olliei n i.-e si rencl hciiim; I lie criminal law. So (hey would " make " it a fel ony t hey would ' make " it wrone'. It's all rihl. now, of course: hut as noon as they ect, it throueh their Itefiiddleil iiristocrat ic lieadts that pos sihly the let alone policy, if ttdopted 1 V I he coll. I. loll people, luiehl freeze thein out of society, make them pau pers hi.njr with f;old, this l'',m;lish unsloeniey lieconies t r i u 1 1 1 ne. I , and endeavors to compel the coinnioii herd In support thein in idleness. Luissr: fui it is all rijr, when it is optional with the ruline' class lo use it or not ; hut u hen the eomuiou people are tired of heinu saddled with an aristocae ami arc prepared to " let her I'ip," t hen it lieentues wrol.e it a felo.1V. Not only in Kne'land, houeer, is aristocratic opposition in !iein:x let alone cryslalliiue' n-elf into law ; " free " America is not so free hut ,n ,, that our iuoiieha.;s euntiol the f J' workers and fallen uponlhcir toil. Here, too, it is proposed to con. pel the workers to produce wraith fur t he rich and t hen, out of t he pit tam e received as wanes, tu lie riiiniielle.l l.i return every rent over audalior the ( . cost of snstainii.e; life into I he cof fers (if the ll.olieoiTar in the : hape of profits. Will the Knelish lords tiered ; It is doiihtfiil. ill the Aim n. an lords succeed j' Answer, fellow work ers ! For the organizations uf ew I laven, deeideillv No ! THE HYPOCRITE. i " 1 Wdiile .retendiii to leiiii towards j ' Jthe side of the workers, the Nc : I , ' ktk n'"'-' "f T,""S,,i,V "l""""1 :1" I ' 5 . , , i .'111 r ice ()H the ciain.'ikcrs srike ,1c- t : i , , 7 ' .'fc ,ietin-r the desolate home ,, a lmn- ; I ajniioii eiarmaker who was lockei! j . out, am! nuikin the miscr;ihe w ifc sav that the little tnoncv her I, us- ! r . ' , . , , , ' i ,,aii,t received iron, ine loss was,..., - . U'r than nothini;. "'I'here are se- . ,l! mouths in tin1 family to till, and ' I tell vou we can't afford to sink,-." ',, . . , , i i.i I his is lirohahlv supposed to hr aiM ' 1 '. . , l ! . i ...I... - ....I argiimem against hiimii;. u-i'i no ilouht seems sound to the l'r!.' man . But if the head of this ,.. . . 'p .i i i e a i. :. . family had received tic value of his lllhor ill the pa-t, lliry Wullhl Hot llecil to fear 11 few Weeks' a i t i 1 1 1 . vv hieli cniihl he rat her e.iiuycd than ol lli'l'u i.-e. Ami it is I" 'a ill I III that I.alior nrjan.os. The li,o knows I his, liiil appeal- to 1 lie i' an I aid t hoiiu'ht le-s lo the -tarv im, to defeat I he olijecl- uf ( I ':ini,ei l.alHil'. Illlt ill.!., the , ', s capital..-! ic ,-heet, ami is niilv slmw- iiie, lty rir . w In n it -av - a j I word for I.alior, A NATURAL RESULT. AlliollL' the lil'-t of ( 'olilieet icllt ell ie - I n J 1 1 : 1 1 i in olliei' he hum lliees of workmen wa-Niul I.' Norwaik. Thl'J'lei lull followed clo.-c llpull I he ictol'V of I he hallel's ,, er I he ho-' i s, and a woi k .nan was .'.oiu: 1 1 ; 1 1 ed a nd . leeted ma m while I he il eiiiuicil wa- carried lo t he c telil of t Wo-I hil'd : ,-o I hat I he Workers, Willi I'i'J hi . e peel ci I he .al'I'MliM "ill of eerlain l'efiirm II. llieir interest.!. Now We a.'e l.ll'el'llieil h I he Soil I II Norwaik I" 'hi ii ic' Jmi rmil lhat the people',- coll I ii lenec has heel! he I '; cd , ind that the mayor is t rn-k I iii-r lo I he I'i. pita i .si s, a lid h,l i Ii.'L1 Irel ed I he inlee-- of the pcuple, A 1 1 I llie .liiiiniiil furl In r slates I'hat the eani-lali.-'ls who ha'.e I.e., hhek I l.-l ih llliioli men , i u I I 1 1 il; W a'es a lid ;-hoW inu I he, r a n i nios. I x towards .';ran- l.ed' oil cel'S oeea -.1 il. , a.'e 1 ' It 1 1 1 ' k 1 1 II e' n er I he 1 1 1 sa ppollit I. .elil of I he w 1 i ke.' .-', Si.iiiile 1011 w il hoitl edu- ealioll i:, ellel':; W.ISll'll. Tl.e f..r I hal I hr workers of Soul h Norwaik llrrredcd ill rlrct 1 1 1 Li' I heir nominees lo oilier ,-hnUed I hal I he were or- a 1. 1 ed. That I hey made I he w rule; select inll- I. id lealed, a too I I'll -I i 11 di-po: i mil, and a lark of know Icdur of I he character of I he nu n w ho were to rcpre.-cnl I hem. A thorough nluralioi. in .r de tails of workmen's politics inieht have Icllded lo the Uoll.i.cil iol. of proper per-ons men who could hr controlled h the o.'Lrlllizal ions of j I l.e w orke. s. A ml 1 1 r::a nizal ions should he so formed I ll.'ll Inflect nf dill .1. other of a.l . I. ell. he.' could he punished V c pul-iuu, a. id t he wrote.; doer I reatcd ;. - a scah. I e Sl.i.nld Hot he e'l el. I lie oppu.'l 1111 il to aain deceive Ins fellow workmen. If the n.avor nf Soul I. Norwaik is a proletarian a men. her of the hat- j iri's' iinioii or tl.e Kniehts of l I Mil.'., , ." ne ran i ie ri .y nen n w u ... I . j he i-al heart a traitor, he wdl ',,., lamly receiNc a traitor's reward. We smi i l.i,. I,,.:. wilv u 1. 1, ,,,! hrnt her- uf South No. 'vi, ilk. and hope I hat I In - e--oi) will ii.. I eo ii!!- , ', , , , ; -"".'': lln''"',L '":im '"' ','iN'"1 - 'i,ll- ' ...... . u , t ,., I , , I i . ' '"" ' " " : . i.l . . 'I : ' " ' Mll.wu:lN n,M he popular, toil I lev are rap ,,ni'a.:eo,is, and are "up" on the: al.or,p.,-!iou. ; (i.-anird l.ahnr ,n,i-l rxeri , tc- al v i.Mla put only I rid m. 11. ulli.-e, NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE. I ' i.ilcr I he held of " I he linens Km...ivr W nl, am." . ,'.'- 1 ;ins- l,ni!l'c :' !" " ,l"' tll;" IV:ti rl"l"'"" ; k ',!:. I i'i Noon ir;. aiel Ilia: llir mau ,,, now p, r-,,i,ai, - hini was a I',,.,,- era, nan e..,p,.r;i -, I,, id hi IV- k f-'- "- I"" I'- " - i .11' 1 ca-ioiiai rei.oi is o hi- ihnr-s and rr- , , mark, on,- r,,ui,r.,s air !!,: v in- entin of the .-tute clri:i.vlt.r m kc hun-d! m power; and that eve, the crow prin. e ,W re - , i innn-waie a-.rn-i in,- cm.ciy mr , fear of .1 -turhii' th,-M ih.l'tv ..I' the . empire. Toil::- ' - s the ..Ilina! o. -.n of the ..rmau -" :, ;!- i,i i ,t,i v- , i-ls lu re iriuarNs 1 hal . ', , ...... i t .... f I ... . .....-.,..(... t .. I rones, ,,-, .n, ,.. ,,,,, .,:-,,,.,-.,-ex,,-,.ie ,,s ,, ,,- an ir.on u.n the nullity of the im- portamv of the suhje t reipures. r ' j.cria! fai i' : . NOTES. ur new legislators are making a rood lie'finnin. Let thein continue ill u c can seiiM in rcintorceii.eiit . Mr. Alev. Troup's i;,,ou refers j pun-hasi,,- I he neeesitie.s of life : 1 A 11-i.vrhraper 1, u.r diireren, riem- ,-''v as ",,..,r iM.yeotled .ontetupor-evh.hii'.d. the ...ore uealihy cla-s. il ai'V." W hieh is rl.tlv correct. tlle I hol.-hl 11 worth W hlle. 1 II . holiest and Ilo.o,lile 'llow-worknir.i to join with lis in tl.e i.l- of Lahol' eac the ilollht fill one-' ol.tsiih' t hey w ill he helielitted jl.s till- Same. . .1 , 1 1..... j . 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 euvuialimj the n poi'i that the pro- pnetors of ihc i'.v hae acceded I,, I he just den .amis of the Kn'.L'hts of I a ho.' I'.elieve not liner ,,l' I I,,, I in.l i.iooi. ii in vi no. iiihl; o. t m till Von receive liotirr from Nnhlr Onler. l, ; . , , r i , i ci II is not sale to place in , i . , . i , t lie reports eon, er.iinn I.alior w hi. . , i . r . are it n I ii I in our capitalist ie eon- , . , i . . , . , ,, I ,ct capitalists take iv hal eoinfoi'l t h. v can from t hesi papers ; workmen should look to the lahor press for heir informal io... Two of our w ealt h ie-1 cit izens, not I sat islieil with t he wcill h heipicatln .1 them hv their industrious fathers, l'"vrr'1 1111,1 I ried a little spec illation in the newspaper line. (Ine of t l.ej r lii'sl ,, es was to elll doW II the wam's of Ihe printers. There w as a si I'I ke. The., a hoV eol t. A lid now the ri.-h sinners arc v a i 1. 1 . 'r. I 'nor fellows, h'a l.-e statements have appeared in the local capitalistic papers which' Would lead t he pl.hlie lo helieve that I he w ir, drawers who stood mil for oversi i. tout lis against a. reduction of wam'S. I'cl.l.'lied lo work at the rc d.iet ioii. ( in I he coi.t rarv , I he men ret .. rued to iio.'k at t heir own price per day, as was staled in last week's issue of Ihc nllKVII.s's Anvoi T-;. I hr propl'Irlol'S of the Miiiiiii ArVs seem lo lake inueli coin fori fro... t he word arhit ration t hat ap pears in t he r.'eanihle of t h" K. of I... issued lo I he puhlie. The AVc.v proprietors do not come under thai , . head. A rlnt ration cannot he eon - idel'ed after Srahs arc em ploved it must he i.-ked for heforc that, as was decided ill I l.e last.'al As- semhlv oflheNohlelirderof Kniehts of I .ahof. i .. faclauil th, I cl'aille ol .nan live, lo... is respi i,.,,,. to the cry of I he oppressed ''. K,iihts of I ,ahor. ... , , , ilia, ics unions am. even socialism hl) ,:l i.' ;.,n, . , i ,, . ,, ... '.' " ' I ' . ' ' ' .'.'lil. i"i ".-" i-...i.u,.- hs, ,-, i 'i ri . ll,.. Km,., s.. I ....... ; reccivin- e.val additiuiis to I Ind r j ranks, and will, the -push" ,,;ll i aiiKeeilom is noted tol i , , . . ,. , lie I , e ll : i ; i is Ii"i,l; put to practical u-c in Ihc wu.k uf lahur rcfoi"... Well authenticated reports ,.' the! spread nf Socialism in Holland arc received from the Ami what ... . is most sue 'll :ir. ill coiiioari-oi. u il h th I Win kefs lunvcincl.t .11 other '"untries, .s lhat th- farmers are ureatly interested in the -real .!.., irines. and are oi'uaniine rapidly. ,,r. Aurirulturists the world v,r have1 heen aniomr the tm.-t eonsenatiM-of : people, as is well known. So that , new departure mi tin-part of the pj, ,,,,,, . Ihitchnieii may joyfully ,,",.,,ted as a most hopeful hv the world's ,,.., , arian . ' 1 ... . Wr ...know Irde,. thr receipt ol "A Manual of Ihstrihutive Co-oper- ai i.-n" hv t ... roil I . ri-I.t, Chief 1 of the Hureau of statistics of I,,!.,,,-. . ... , , , ot .u.sac.uscus. n in or p.a.'rd j m the l.ttle lihrary of the Trades (..unci. 'I'lrs phainplet was pre- ' parr.! ,;,, the order ef the Ma-sa- i ,, ii,, ,1,1 i clui-ett- l.c'attiro. and though . .... I ...... I , .. .. L.i ,, ,. ., ., . . Ti .1.. , .....,, The eo-njierative schemes treated of prise the of al'iolls ries, alcl I lie main onjecl ol it , all is siinpU t he elimination of the mi ihllel.iall : alnl hile W)' have succeeded III I.I.M.V cases III -Uerrrd in.irh heltcl' il. Hie .-al.l''; hit thr won't. And the ; , ,, . ,.1.1.' Wol'ker,- will lint, cither. e. ha p- il is v.cU ilia! ll.i.s is so, for any 11 M i . 11 11 1 1 1 1 hal I '.id - to d i-l rart the workers' aileiitiou from the idea of .... ... ..... , 1 1 1 1 ' ' " only a el,,- to -pccly eolulion, or : al lea-l -eres ;,s an ii.i'e.iiie lo pn,-I . crust ion of proe-re-siv . ell'oit. ; i CHILD LABOR I ' l(. I.ahor ('oiiiinitt I' the state ! I .rui-lat li.v w il! hear w hat I In-proi'le ' ' . ' have lo sav on I he ones! ion ol eh Mil ' hi I h i.'. at the Capitol, leio.n sii, net ; 1 i W edlie-dav . ill I o'clock . IU. ' WHAT OTHERS SAY. The iron men of the east have pet it lolled eoll-.'ess lo let t he tai'ill' alone. ( If course I hev Use t l.e laho.'- iie.r man as a eoiivei.ienl ai'ii'iiinrnl. . o " ess can 10 as i ea.-es on ie i ; f ;l-jT ipi,.,s ioii ; hut Ihewoikin-man that allows himself to hdieve Ilia! il I makes t he shell test dllTe.'i lire o him. : i' i i ii... , : . , . 1 ''""n. 1 nueeiiol. s.mpiv nn, llie eapllalisl a Incur. ht ii. a. i id'aelurcd articles and tu eoiilrol the market .lot he del riincnt of evev -hudv hut himself. That is ail I here is in it, ami no w ork i..e;uiuii n.iisl allow I. is a! tri.l ion to hr d ra wn aw a v from ll.r main ipu-stion hy tl.e tirill' ,ji.e'L;iei's. I.nlmr Jm ii in r, ( )w ine lo t he turlv darkness and short day s of vv inter months, carpen ters vv Im a re now vi ork i iiLr, ma kc hut a Irillcovcrciehi hours penlay, and jjet paid a- a rule hy I he hour. Their vva'res are cut down to correspond will, t he hours worked. Yet I hev n.auae'c to live on the pav they "vt :Mid if t hey can do so now, w hen t l.e cost of living is so much more ex pensive in winter, than at other sea sons, then why can't thev adopt the cie'ht hour sv.-leni the whole vcar i rollllil, and eVel. take cie'hl hours ! I';,.v in '"''i''1' 1,1 ''sluhlish Ihe system:'' it In Ml t douht Ihe result would he i , . ... i , , ,. . nai i ne i nrreasen i.einami ior men would soon hrinir ten hour,-' pav for the cie'ht hours' work. hile now j the tendency is to e'ie them foil, ' l,!l.v r,,r t"" 1llU,'s u'"rk ' 'rilillk if t his. I 'iti jirnlt r. l''i'om ienna coincs the info. ina - lion lint .l.e Powers:, re :il t lo ore., I Sl'"1 !l l"'l''llM,"l' ( ' ;'''''''' :"" ' S"n 1:1 i''''l'",s'11 ,Im'"1 lls;m" M'.v way ot London we learn that I'.ne- land has sold Scrv ia ciehtec. mi- I l':l i-ns.-s 111,, Illelill' III) oil e-il'l. s ... ... ',,,,,... i i I.. ... ...,V..I... ., I... ,...,.,t j ,s' " ' ' 'ennany has tis..,se. ol ! f'.1 rnv:,r,,Ml . 1 JH,ll"i:l1"' ' i. , . , . I I 1 1 I ' ( ' , . I 1 I 1 I U I I U i I I 1 . ufaclurine hundred Whitehead ,, hi ii i,i ii i,i , ate. ,,,,(. .in-., ,,i ,- iii.ui- ! torpedoes for 1 1 recce. ...siness is I husn.ess, and ""' peremptory de- man.l of the powers for a .Iisartn- ;lln,'nl i-roiirrdrd t Im I'owrrs w ill "" f, "I""" '"' Illl.ll It lollS ol Wat' t ll.'V liave heel. Slip- .r- .. . w ... . 'n : M I lll I" 'Millt1 ll Ml ,H Id iHIM (i recce al t he rale of i a hunt tel. cents , . . . o t he ,,. lar o! t heir original c.,-1 . : "'"'''' A CORRECTION. l.:tt ear the Ko.ial Ui-hts Mrhat- iiH.'Clul. held its sessions at Trades Council Hall, and the impression was creaPd thai it was connected vv it I. t he vv ml W central hodv: so .hut on .he ,.,. hand those who ,, .,,,,,,,i, uere n, -oiu, lie, ,1 sni.ic ie,s,,n vv, u pi, ju. lii ,,l a.'.iuist .al,,,, imis kept aluuf I'mui the dehates ; ami on tl ther ham! 'ino of the o.-canied workmen vierc "",she,l at some f t he ..leas ,,,,- siui.allv in-aninir in what thev im- .,,,,' W:(S ., .,l(1,r or-aniation. tlt. Kpuil Ili-hts I -lKit ittir : Cluh is not a lalr orpmizat ion, imr ha- it ai ( eoiiiieetion or represent:!- w it h the Trades ( 'oinicil. ll is -s;m- . ' . , . . . . plv a de'ial !!!: i ' u ' . which an v our I. ,liav j,,:,, h ha,,,.,, m ,. .,, Th'e sessions are ...en to ail wl... wish to attcin 1()'S ( ' ( ' OF PROF. DENSLOW'S " MOD-j ERN THINKERS." I A TiH.,v ,,,,. ,rom . Ih'.Mrr L s,.tim,...l;.l MM'ialiM,. i ; Si-icnlitlc lorci-d 1 I . . i ra iirs .irir. 1 ! I "I' ! eolnh ll-eil l'e lew o -orial science lil".','.l lire, I lur sre.l 1 1 I ! t - J ii.e; hi Iter than Modern Thinkeis." ; I.V I'rofr or Villi Pilll'i'll I, ll.-loU . nl ! 1 1 Cll u o, II ll.eiu.les e'i H'l-nis ol Smith, Thoma- I'.tine. Hus. j .H.r,i rVtl.vl .spencer. I'.rn-l, ! j 1 1 ; 4 1 - k -1 and Aimu-te Comie, ind ' i u .. ,' , ;. ! ' will -.rive tlie onhnarv reader a lair t ' . Kllowledee of tl.o-e WTItrrs Without II ! npl.-tc siudv of their work-. l-',- ! crpt in isolated passages the rc- ' 1 ' viewer heirav,- in, special Idas for or against llie diiTere.i! sy.-ti in- of phi- h l-opl. v ; hut t l.ose C Veept ions alolli;' with lie closinu' chapters ,,n " eali h," proves his intent to he llie just il'.rat iol. of la.';'r ;,vl III .1 ;!- I ions of w rail h and the refutat ion ,,f eolU.lllllii-l.l. As he lloW here lollrh- rs ii pm. Social ism, I he modern So cialist sees al once t he liceessit v for a clear-cut d ist i net ioll he cell I he Socialism know n in An.erira, l inu laml ami I Irru.auv , and I Im ro.u n . ii n i sn i of a fr ml husiast s w Im arc so rare i hoi we may well wonder vv hv t he professor -avc t hem all his al- tl'llfioll a.ld .e'llol'ed Ihe erowii.e power of Sorialism. ,s ''ll '.'(,' is e'lV .11'.'' some spare to ( hrist ian Socialism of late, I think a distinction hctwcei. the t vv o w ill he I i.nciy. lirielly t he dif ference is this: Communism is. sen timental ; Socialism is scion! ilic. ( 'oii.n.u.iisni. founded upon ( h l ist 's precepts, sees 1. 1. 1 H'lT a lid Would re lieve .( hy I I . n 1 1 1 ih'sl rovi.ii;' the v asl ecu... nlal io. is w hi. I. I'rofessor iVnslow pmves arc necessary to the liesl met hods of product ioll. Sell all thou hast and Lrive to the poor." is I he hasis of the divide ii p " scheme, ase.'ihcd to hot I. Sorial ism ami ' n i . 1 1 1 1 . i i -. 1 1 hv tic uniu foruird. Tile Socialist UL'I'ees with the pro fessor reeardine; the advanlaee of lare'e accumulations, hut denies the rie'ht of any man to " own " an au--eree'at cd mass of wealth when it is used as ca dial. 1 1 is not lieeause the ace. .in i. lal ion is soine-oi.e's " fortune " that it is useful, hut he- it is ino.'e productive when massed toe'et her. I I'rofessor honslow apie;.ls to na i 1 1,111 theai.aln-'V is a total failure 'I'I. he assert ion t hat expend it ures of wealth made hv the rich for luxur ies, "carry relief to the most neees sitious hy a law as iinerrintr as that hv w hieh I he ovanorat ions from t he I , ., ocean, w nen aurarieu iiin.i.n i in hv muiinia... ranu'es, an . ; na,t, ,,, ..,.,. ntinri.ts and fertilize the world." is apparently I lalse. In.' t lie "most lieee; us are ii,, r.. i,,i.., -in. ii,,,,,. e' is -Tow iiiLr. i T1(, wraith evaporates from the' ; ,,.,,,,1,. .o,, is allr.-lcted lo the liiuiil.t- ;lins ,,r,, .nt herethesimilaritv , lt js .,s though ll.r cloud's : :,IV rondcised ... hire,' ,vs(.n , ,s in I i .,,,,l,,.u,i i-u,,,-,,s .in.l i I,.. .,(,.,. i'".' ..-,...-, ...... .... . Is 1 1 Isl I'I 1 III I ri I fu the !:;li,U 'll'olilii! ;, I, ,,, . ,, I in, "ii.o ."I'luoi-. ' .-. I ol "I'llie, o , , h(, ..,.,. ,l ,u. .vsrrvo.r.s. lie !" Liood times." w hen the prospect is i e-oud for speedy cv ajiorat imi and re-! ; ""'" the spigots are oienri. .t t he I".,,e ... ii ioi ii. in ii, ii. i tin.-s." the ow ner sees no pi'.,sp,vt for any increase of t he water released. refuses to open the spirts, and. nn- ahie to u-e all tl.e water himself, n- iu.. 11 !" ",' '." rs' . ,. ; rS" XZtn- IIU.Illoll. ,,,ciu.s 1 1 1 1 . 1 I n I i ! ! I U 1 1 i s I : ' ,i ; . .. , en 1 1. usiasni has suiieht t i prove hy de.iuunnn.r a!l t hr arru-nular ion- of capital, which are lieces-.u v to .r.uiucc t he ,.f industry, as at vvar ,utl. man's hest interest.- : hv Inn liiii; that eharstv is a (..-n. r ,litril.utor than eo,,er.v. ami that tlu- .lispersi-.n of all capital. i a het- ter frieml of the r than thr n- . productive indii-try in whi.-h eNt- iiiu' capital emph.vs" .... , ' , . Ihe orianst is not in tin- leimu,,. He denies that the a.-eiun- ula!... ha- a r:.h? t.. control distri- l'!il!,.n. or .cm tl.e wealth di.-trih- Illeil. The people create t he capital Kiel have a to niiit rol it : if j tie v proilnce a surplus, it shot. hi -ive t hem a ri-ht to re-t : hut if one ! man ow lis the surplus, ami closes 1 . s.i"ot. ilo.iU ''IMS thrill the n-.1,.11 1,;;liU'v,''1 . ;.;i;;;;;':;!;;,;;;!,';,;;;;il!;;;;i1;t;" he must perforin the duty, rain or hinc, rise I hr pi oplc ill their llUH- "1 .' W i I i ilisl.'lhllte alnl drsll'oV the I, rap.tal. I Ins hooiiierai.e; iiiusira- I mn o the prolcs-or s ret 1. ri.s a m I ,,ri,(,s hill. self the hal'dr.' li,,W. Thoei 1 1." i IT i;;a t ioll is I. lie IT i HU'. th-' professor concede.- that sonic of r i the " ...o-t necessitous arc eom- oellcl lostcal or starve. His rei.."dv. . . , I 'pi,rft is natural fo.v'e, opposed to aeeiiinulatiou, and is not a crime. ' proved l.y the followiiijr : " Not 1.111.1. V Ul'ieS of Sl'ielll ilic . i I II es ma l ion lino ine .ne i j ,.r ,,, , w ,, ,,, , 1, .,!',,,.,, will he universally known that crime, in the sense in which the word is ordinarily considered, and, has never hern committed, as it is now known that witchcraft was 1 1 1 er eon. mil t ed. from another chapter this also : " lint philosophy will see in this coldest ol alitne'ollist ic forces, a mere plav of opposine; elements, in w hieh larceny is an incident of social weak ness and unlitiiess to survive, just as dehility and leprosy are : and would as soon assume a divine command. Thou -halt not hivak out in Imils and sores.' to he weaklin;.:' or leper, as one of : 'Thou shall iml steal," lo ihe failing st ruu'u'ler fur suhsisl- e..ce." 1'i'ulcsMii' I lenslow is aii Anarchist. AN UNFORTUNATE MAKE-UP. ll is sad tu notice the reckless sl rain in human nature w hieh is rc spo'isiUe for so many disastrous con.hiiiatiuns uf u! herwise useful ma terials. The i ! . o- and ihe Newark small liny, I l.e hank cashier and the free pass tu ( 'auada. ll.r Alderman and the hoodie, the 'iiu and the man w In. didn't know il was loaded all these separately u to makeup the sum ,,i human happiness, lint ollce eoinhiiie t hem or let then, lav around loose in close proximity to each ot her and t l.e whole hcaut iful cosmos is disarranged. The most striking illustration of this truth is found in the puhliea tioii in juxtaposition of two jot tines of new s hy t he I "illiiijr Ih nl, of lillcks v ille, I'a, , a few days ao. Here arc t l.e items: The cit l.elis of Marlilel, ,11 al e .Uol.l'li i.l,H the loss ef twenty valuahle doe-, iui.-uliei hv some III i-erea hi . Huli'lier Sear. of Marhletoi., an 1. on. ices that he has iiia.le a lare hatch of line Now there is l.otliine- rciuarkahlo ur rcprchensihle in the fact that tl.e citizens nf Marhletoii should mourn uver the deal lis i if t weiil y dorrs. The do;; is a uohle animal and is more friendly to mail t hau any ot her of .he hr.lte creal ion. It retirrls ri'ed it upon the tender-hearted citizens of that liourisl.ini; viHar thai Ihey sorrowed many days. The do is also a friend of science. W here Would I'asteur he to-day if there were no lilies. I Ie would he no where and t l.e interest ine- science of haeterioloy would lack one of its most iiroiniiieiit features. Nrit her is it a circumstance to he I re.n-el t , ., I tie,. I',,f,.. V I....1 'complete,! a lot of tine sTuia-'-s j hat hosom docs not thrill silently 1 at the mention of those delicious 1 ; .... ,i i r ! vi-iit ni.,,u ll,,, 1, I l'...i I .... 1 . . ... I 'I -.,.-,,.,.,,, sei ucios mill lie ... 'j I ne all'll'. Kit her of these two fads puh- lishcd separatelv would undouhtcdlv have made a deep impression mmi. : the pnhlie min-I f I'.ueksville. I'a. inn, aias ior . ne euorts ol man, we are iiifnriiied that I'.utrl.ef Seirar ' 'dashe.l into thr sanet lllll uf Kditnr , Koi ke, knocked him olTlhe editorinl slo.,1 ami "then swept the waste ' uper amnml like tlyin- sm.w Hakes wr 1 rn t'h' r''"Tl UU' "" VVCH'Ilt t It t .,' Illtc lei' Wl.s lul'l. , . , 1 , ,l' 1 '" loose mm tli,. astuiinded and hroken- up editor hv the compositor and devil." The" same pietures.pie icn avers that "the compositor ami the devil led the irate dovwi staa'-. It is painful to have tu record sin-h a ease, and y. t it is a sirnal warnii.e that, try a- men will tu elevate their fellows, unseen hand may mar the rtTo.'t. Not hill"; hut viu'ilaiu e can avert di-aster. Ilesuh s. the c,- itr ...i-ht to haw known hetter than to omit a cluh from his otVice furni- , tinv. A". ". II,, '.. V i 7