Newspaper Page Text
4 WORKMAN'S f EDUCATION. .1 ( 'intttiiitittimi of tin- Siibjfvf frmii limit linnis "( 'ii iijH-ntt irr ( 'mimimun ultlt." I'AliT 111, Ivliii iitinn will In-I In' mmmiiiI iiiiuir( ant hraili'h nf the at liv it v nf the New ( 'iiiiiiiiiilivvealth. Fetus 1 1 i rmisiiler liatnraii is likely tu I ml rush i vv it h 1 1 1 t'mirtimi nl' c.lii. ,il ion. hi tin' ilisrum-M' lii'ldir rel'erreil tumir Fiseiiial Mi'iilur alsti laiil il tlnvv n: ' iuil lias infill nli'il three ne. miniate autliorilii's: tin' Family, t In- I 'liureh ami tin' Stall'. Tin Family is imiirriiini in tniu rio a iluiniiiiiiii u itliin a .1. 'minimi; - the iai-i'iit is exclusive master vv ithin that iliiiiiiiiioii.' Well, we run pretty .safely assert In the i iint rary that t lie ( 'inning ( 'uiiiiiitnivv call 1 1 will lint aelilliiw leile the ( 'liuivh as a cu uiiliiiate "aiitlmril ." 'l'liere was a time when he tun were en iirdinate ant horil ies. At that time il was still iliiiihtl'ul hieh of t In ) 1 1 was destined to I.e the ellilinilillienl of ihe sneial iiianism. Out nl' that strunfje the Slate has already virtually issiieil as the v ietnr: (he "( 'liureh" is in all riv il ied ii unit l ii's already v i i t nally nut hiii.'j; hut a voluntary as-.m-iatuii. timl" thus has already ilei-Meil ML'.-iinsI the preleh sinus of Ihe I 'linreh; and this, as weal ready imtieed in Ihe lilth ehapter, i- the tllusl i 1 1 1 1 M 1 t . 1 1 1 1 :,lei, perhaps, ill the innveinent uf the Stale Inward Social ism. And we can al n lie assuied thai the I 'hiirih w ill imt he made the nian nl the Slate fur ediieatiiiii purpuses. There is line all siit'lieieiit leasnn: tin ( 'luirch i'.s mil raiiijn l nt, i 'ircllinstalices for cent uries e;n c e.ltl e itinli intn the liands uf Ihe I 'hinvli. and she then perhaps perfniiued that fuiii--tinll as w ell as Cnllld lie dnne. Let UH ".runt that iniirh. lint we are imt living in the inidille aes. So tar frnm licine in our af an insl it iitimi nl enlighten ment, the t'lnii'i h is now Linked upon h.v welFiiit'uriueil people as an illst ilulinii In darken men's minds. We simply stale facts. The men nf science assume the falsity nf all theiiluical dogmas. The ('lunch is incompetent, heeaiise she knows nothing worth knowing we are again simply stat iiiji facts. The ( 'luirch has still some iiilliieuee. parily on account uf our liv pocrisy , and hy poci icy is re v ailing as il is, just hecause this is a t run sit ii in aj;e; hut the ( 'oniing 1 'enincracy will want to kimirund will wage an unre lenting war against all shams. We, furthermore, maintain that neither will the I'ttiit'thj he acknowledged a co-ordinate authority. This, however, is a much more import -ant a-sertinn than the former, and is imt iplite as evident, thniigh nil rellection it vv ill he found just as true. !ut we can not fail in passing to remark that il is amusing to see the solicit ude the I 'liureh has I'm- the authority of the Family now . when hernw n iiupnllalice is nil the wane. When she had supreme power, she cer tainly did not consider the Family co ordinate with herself. The lirst ev idence w e shall adduce to show thai the ('inning ( 'niiiiimnw call h will assert supremacy as against the Family is that which we everywhere throughout this Imnk place al the head: t lie logic of events. .(.; in tin- mime jirnjiiii l inn tliv State lots tujijrmiili j it it si If, llir 1'iiiniljl litis iliriinlliul in iiiijiurl Knee. The Stale commenced In repudi ate the ' dominion" of the Family the moment it forhade parents to destroy their children; il ahsnlutely rejected thai ''dominion" the moment it. the State, li ed t he age of majority , w lien the child is entirely emancipated from parental control. Why ! the system where authority is vested ill the Family, as distinguished tinin the State, is that patriarchal, iiar liaric, s stem from w hich w e are more and more retreating. I'riiudlmn i-. deci dedly right when he says: "It is on the model of the Family that all feudal and antii)!!!' societies have organized them selves, and it is precisely against this old patriarchal cniistitutiiin that mndern democracy revolts and protc ts." It is yet somel inn's said that "hlnod is thicker than w acer," hut that is not often the case i low; and this lad that the Individ ual has liecnine almost independent of the Family is merely the prcpaialmy s!( p t. the siipn in.e y nf ilje Stale. Ne.t, in the very nature of things. Family-Supremacy w ill lie ahsolutely iu compatihle with all liilml'iHiiJiiil, a solidaric, i 'oniuioiivv t-alth. for in Mich a State the tirst ohject ot education must lie to estahlish in the minds of the chil dren an illdissollllile association ln-twecn their individual happine s and the good of all. To that end family exclusiveness must lie hrnken dow n, first of all. A pulilic spirit, i. t:, the spirit of all lieing inemliers of one social organism, must luted for family Spirit. Now please do not misunderstand I he Social ist position in this respect. We do lint make war on I he fiimilij. mi the coul rary . niir aim is to eiiahle every healthy man unl woman to form a family. Hut vv e '' make war on lamiiy eeelnsie, . ss perhaps a hctter w md than "selii-luies-." on family ii;i jmlieis and tamilv inn j ri'irin ss and we ,nc glad t al.le to say ; I hat our common schools ale doin:: n-iv much to hreak dnw n that spirit. A GALA DAY FOR LABOR. f 'mil illllnl fl mil I'll si Mil tint!, ami said Im: - wotildn'i cmpluv ' a imii-iiiiini. man in tn .h..p.- ' 1 l'"r J"''.Mal. ''''W '. ', ""' ,.v ,. i ' ecoiiolillcal pnv ale dwellings, t. 1 1. 1 St li. .Now. inv li icnds. this is ait in- : ,v, aid, it. ..-t, ; -A,-ha-c". tcrcstiiig- lai't. l'nil t here is aiinl her j ion that covers t he w I,. ,1c : .iut iteciwii. I'llill'il States, t hat I lll'ow. s ils tell- 1 I"' 'a-e.s of the I '.est -f:! I hits in t his ( 'ity, drils nut all over the wurld. admit-i u v' :ii M'M :i1 ,Ih' 'Mi',"' : till- VM.III. II. provided t hcV ;l ,V l,n,l ' . lest, ;l sccl'i'l liii.. a nameless Imdy. iiiiitcd iimlcr the jii'ig"cn Irati'i'iiitv. ruling the' this a's i eoui.lfy under ils magicsuav a Imd.v ; khottll to the lleusi:iier editors ami I fcportcf.s, uliodoii'l know anvl lini:;-. I as the K. of L. which opens tim ' . i,i, f ;. , i . i .ill i "" "' '''"'I' " ulllVh '"' hath seen homines helicelurl h and , I'ofcver t laiist'olllicd. It deals with Illo land i in 'St i with I lie rui'fetlev : iiiiestinn. the relation of capital to ' i , .1 i 1 i laiini', efiispnig ail the i ( i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o fees as ,1 llpilef grasped the I'mkcd I liiihlning. This Imdv is a secret ' hndv. (Hi. cm New York there Were i ' ...ii- . , Iloscctet Now there a IV ', l''niHI secret liodies. enfpofat ions : with that llliilisler ,I;IV I iollld :it t he 1 head. (Ince the Kni'dits of l.ah.if' . were opposeil lii secrecy, lull loiiml t he only way In lighl Satan was hy ! Ills invii liriiiistoiic. Their iiml to is , (hat of the philosopher who wrote tlcil licit is il... I.. .si . 1 o..... ill which an 'in jury to one is H. niu- '''I'll r all, and il' anything loftier ; ever dfoliped ffoin hillliaii llpsit was 1 heeaiise they were not human. ! 'I'l, i. n ' ;., ,. ;, n lliele IS Ho use in op ins ig IS, , , . , 1 i , . , ! nfdi'f. inv .niiij. kin-head. '.I Iricnd: the'.' is no use trying to keep this i cyclone down. .loin it and help to ; make if imuv n.a jest ie. i,i..iv hill, i .. ' , , .., : every man nl y,i who works with ! Ins hands, . oitntj; gentlcinen ol Yale, don't stlldv law, Imt join t he j K. of I,, and give tuoinclil mil to this. , i ,,.;,.,,,.,;. c i, ; 'riaml giganl ic o rep. t s a u i- 7 r , i , i Ldfin rule that the unorganized trade . is the worst oil'. In I he same wav, ' (ifgrani;-:ed trade grets higher pay titid ! shorter hours. ' ' j ..n (, ., , ,,, itliin t lie past -ju years t he ; World's itiechaii ical pou cf has risen J from I;!. lion,(iiiii to ;;o,noo,iioo horse Hi i el'." he s:l ii I . "and that of ihis! coitnlrv has increased since s;n i..i.i i ''on i ti ii i ... I .mii I """" ' --r i poWef: Itlld lias Iliad.' the liattle he- j tWei'll men and llicch.inisin more tin- j eipial. (hie liorse pow.'r.'oiials the I I i ,. ,. ... , ,i , , ' lahol nl 10 men, so that it is seen j thai Ihe sliviigth nl ihe capitalist j lias hectl incfeas'i'd hy the capnoil V I of !!, I ii il 1. 1 ii H i slaves. his is a, tad and can I lie argued. In closing. Mr. Suinloti nrgeil or ganization against, this growing me chanical strength. ( )r gat i imi ! I he I ii, i-i iv li , - , . i ! unite on those practical issues t hat concern their lives and Welfare, in j secure the fruits of (heir own lalmr ! and to grapple With the hul ls j uroiig'sof iiioi ern times. - i " FACTS. A ooiTcspoiiili'iit of t he London j I tiiiini'iil says : "An educated gen- ! I Ionian, who never earned a jiennv. j ridiculed m arguineii! against w . . i Villi- pro pert v III land. I aiise he i could ecrtuililv liil a lillckd wilh : carlh I'roin his lawn and sell it fiveiv i ..... .. I, - - . -, to the hi'si waylarcr. II- nisist,.,) ; that extreme cases were the lies! te-'t : of t rut li. and thai his ca-c was un-! illisuerahle. I directed him I,, th. I ot her evtl'ellie, alnl to : llppo'-'e t hat Knglauil was iiiiiiiiipnli'.ed I iv a single man : wmild that man lc allowed In sell t he . Mint rv tn I Im Czar of 1,'u-- sia '? lie looked di-ciillllited. The gentleman was horrified at tin- idea of I'esinilptioll liV t lie liat ioli w il lii .lit compensation, and was again dis comfited hv ii i v -k i ii'r v, hat c..m- pelisatioll did the people receive when their sod ami their i iiiuiiiiins were taken I'roin tlii-iu. and where was the injustice in paving' nil land ' irdism in its ov n coin If the magic of the law oiiid ar liitrarilv oust a population from tin soil. Slirelv it collld do the s mil- liV il few lailillords. I'.llt the people have not vet fullv realietl that thev ;iie ; now the law-makers, and that the good time coiiiiii is oiilv waiting' their ileasure." ftusincss Hcpavtmcnt. NOTK'i: TO .VPYI KTlsn s. New iiihcrtisoiiiotiis or clianp's ! usl '"' liallilcil ill liy Tlllll'Silav j ,, ,,, S(,rUv insertion in lict 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-: Hlicc, ilill I'iiapel stl'ccl, i top !,.or. I'. (I. A.l.livss, Drawer : in:;. I.IK l. MUM Ks. iIvitI1s ills of satnaliiiiis M it lit .iililisli. il in I In. ;l (;isi,'i- lor I i l. ii m il. . ' ,rV V 1 - ' "'V " ; oepeilecl. .V Is. i , i grnss nl 1 1 ic I icsl .il lc. Scarfs at .'.'..'. limit mi.,-, this grand opportunity. v isit incurs no ohliga '" llU.v- M' l'u,l!,',!T- "- run!.-, ii ,.,. ,-,., ,,,,,1 naU.-ii. l N""' '" ""' s'"' - '"aiiulactureil fresh daily m, the premises. I.v crv I liiug vv a nan led as rem 'ccnl-d. or v refunded. (i I, maiml'actmc.l. hough! ami sold ,, retain the trade. 'Imci ilale I 'ream I Imps only f, ,s. '" !,'''' . , . , , , MiM'd 1 , "s dillerenl llavors, lac. ier h. lirokeii ( '.indies, S ilill'eient llavor-;, lae. I"'1 H'- lel.raled ( TiieagoCaramels. peril.. pial In I licsc goods. Tallv I h ops. a IM!;u or-.. N Ic. per II ,., only hie. per lli. ( ' 1 1 Inlle 1,'iisse, only ."ilic. per do,, lee 'ream always on hand Hie. per I. I II,. , .1- III , .-! : i. ' .. ' ' c l.arge assort menl of Faster l'."'s. 'all al 1,'V hl-.l;'s, 'p. is i 'hapel S. ! ' '"'',' "". Aii. iiti,.., t I Lavvreiiee sheeting tie., wotlh He lie I prints in dark, medium and shirting s V Ic I I -''('. liesl illdii'ilCs lie . win I li I Or a' .skeag ginghams, hest made, ic, '.vorlh U'c 'oats' ( 'otton U, worth .ic Marshall's ?uo liiu-n thread, 7c. worth liv. Milward s needles lc. ls:',li - , i. i i, , i , - , i , in. Iileached towels at oc. ( iood crash ,,w eiing :i 1 ,,. hmidrcl dozen cor sets, travelers' samples. :;;c., some of 1 1 1 in worth one dollar. F.lastic laccts ,: I'"' irpiiisV. l'ins-'e. The popular hustle, A I : i . 1 1 1 , '.'.'c. One lot a,h...'.ge,s' and children's hnsc .V. apair, wmth FJc 1 .ihiii yd-, white I'. K. 1 I ,'(. a yard. Napkins, all linen, Ic. Ancle ''"l' lisl(" H"'''ad gloves at lite, ii pair, leu yards dianeiing ii'.ie., worth t., , ,. , -, " ' hie liiindieil silver gray gossamers p-s, va,. i-j. Ten rilihcd i reikis l"ie.. worth vl. A. ('. A. I icking, hesl made, Fi 1 -;'e. h'emnaiil iiuhleachcd col- '"" ':',, ,, S. liii:T.ria.i.r.i;,s:;j Chape street. 1 si'i-omi-iiaini i:i. ,M n-s i.n- sai... I "is ineh. Full Nickel F,.pert, - '11 IHUM ! '.',' ... I t 1 1 i . . . .. . . ... Inn. .1(1 I. III. Illl " l.ll.llliel !ll. h'U-.lge. Nil. Illl I " I " Full Nickel Alii. Challenge Sil.llll I " Special Colunihia. - tin. IMI 1 I'',;I'T,'M'''1';, ' '."'"V l.eside maliv o'hei hargaius. ( all and M,(, ,,, . . S;ll..,-r ol the American I'.ieyelc C paiiy, FiS stale street. Ilieyele School al I.J.'i I ' Ilia ill Hei-i, i inciimn 1 1 ii i H u 'i i oals. . omc and s.-e ili, in at Thompson's Fuliher SI ore, l'S Slale si reel. re making a hig ell'orl In furni-h the I"'. I Value liif III IH'V III Ml'll s I. priced Faiilaloniis In lie 1. 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ill New Haven. We shall niter unl lung 'hut re hahlc well madegarmeiits. SIi.mI.Iv ami other wi.rlhli'ss materia! not tn he I'mmd ui ur counters in any pi ice. vvuiionc '" " , ' of goods, logelher with olir small e.v pen -(-,, we think a siillicicnl guarantee in our favor. ( 'omc and see u ,. The j low . one price cu.'.h cli il I lie is. j "Hi i:" i 'i.m iir.o Hoi -i:, 1 IF.' Church St. A I aril. We tint only return our -im ere I hanks o ! In i-e vv llo pni'eliascil our gooils on Saluiday . and oU'ered many pleasing ni.ds le the superior ipialily of ""' UM; '"" ''j" ". "'"w'"' i in us -1 nla v a' d rcci'i v eil a samiile naeU At. ivk js ,, :llir is. r.'c, mini. -ml t he gi .o, -, t o y t u r friends as ynii fniiinl them: if s. eh as tn inn 'I'-mii. dn unl he hachward in lining so. lull II I oil IM I lo III' W ( ill liv I il V nil r I ec. no inn. peae do so, allll olillge Tin- I iple's Scl I a 1 1 1 I I.M I.NM.VI, VI. Ti- V I '()., :!:; Slale -licet. lfi Who leads hul never Aducvtisemcnts. 1 1 - I f i! I'. ;', ,M I, v " . , .111.I .1 VN'I I s 1.1 vt'.l ' I Ir-ni.. in, l.'. iii- l. (.I-.. , . Ml.' Ki.-li! Il-HI' Wellll I, " lo V .1..H1-. I 1. i.l; I ' i, . im 1 . in I Ir-i llali-l.ili..l ..f "Vlari,'- 1 .1 J il il, " ill ai I-. 11' i-i -il i-at-li : ul.- ri.ii..n. ' rfi l.' ell i'-. V'll.. "VV -.niaa i'i lin- I'a 1. I-I.--I Hi an. tu! un- " I.v i;.ii. I. m .-.nis ii ,., ;.'" Y nil li-l .1 I 1 ti.,r .iil.,et,ti..ns mail. .1 Ir.-e. lit 1 It In it l.i 1 A 1 ' . , .hi 111 .a'! . a-. . New Veil: GILHULY & BOHEN m -,m k 1 1 ti lo r- j , . r. Jj gfC (J ' ' 57 St. John Street. Aducvtisemcnts. Frank A. Hutter, rilAlTll'AL WATl'IIMAKKK, I.' Cfnla.l Si ; - I . W all-in". :e..l I !... ks clean,., ami n .aii'e.l V 'II-. .1.1,1 ,'il, ,.H ;, ,,!. ,, llll llll.. - l. ; K ..I .. l K. H( )il AN, Merchanttailor I1 Feliler Slrei'l. A Complete line of Imported Suitings and Trow serings. made up in the inns) approved sty les at moder ate cost. Perfect lilting iarnienls and First class 'orkinanshii ( iiiaiaiilceil. P. F . BOHAN, Meii haiit Tailor, IS I I V i l li SI 111 I r. Iliinil II f- V ..' ((' Ii , Hill II till tins I' I'nijit-nl il fur Hn- Mi i'i milt, THOMAS TEAS. ( 'OFF HI SI'IFFS. s"i'i rll.M'KIa, NKAi; CIU'KCII. IT WILL PAY '' l" V.iiil''l'. a- ati-t l . .Ifii's ;.t It,,- Vnii ii. :ili ' '''M"V ."id i' 'I II-. 'fill al'li. li - w ill. il j i" -1 i. "i. uiiiii i. . mi 1 1 in- i,, ...a i. .i.n i--, AMERICAN TLA COMPANY, ll"( Male S( I ,-,-1. lmi..-. i-.. t in, - T, -a-.. ,I..iin W i.n Man'r I ....I I.. i I I, i'l -- I i,.,i ll.-si I . a i ii he rili, - - ,-,ii. . lull. II.., . ( inn ., 1 1 1 inn . KikisI.'.I (ii-.Miinl li.-hli Haili. NEW ENGLAND TEA COMPANY, ! '. iillu l . ss A '. .'inn'. BREAD. BREAD. i. (oi-ii ll.iiir ,,r i, tin i- M.liilti rati..ii iHct in .nil' 1 1 1 . i e I s yniir looai i Inr inn (iuoils. S. S. THOMPSON & CO. k ' olilcsi llalu rv in I In- ( 'H y . J i:V VOliK A K li It V A 1 1 (imxls Mailiilartiilcil liii-,slv lur I'lindli i t-.i.le. Herman Trust, TV.' - T.'.l (.'rami st. vAM. II. K.IK1IY, Amoficnn and Swiss Watches AT I Mi: I.I'M I -T I'ltli'l A I inc As.n t mi nl i liiill. iM.iilil ( li.ilns mill .l.-wi-lr. 834 CHAPEL STREET. M. StIWKl), in Mil; is All khiilsnlMeHi'ln, A inei ieini Sn iss Wiilclii's, Flni ks, Opera (.lasses, ,V I.O N ill I M I . Higl I .rli'.'s mh-nii-i-il ..ii I'li-ilt;-,--: Spi-rial ill t clil . ill Ki veil I. . Hi , ail int.' No. T. I Imi it h sire. I, ,.H II iieu, (', I'.AKi'.II.LS I'.IISIM-SS COhhlKil' No. 4H Chinch St,, cor. Crown. Thorough Commercial Training for Young Men and I ,;nlies. 'f.iiii:ueliii, II.... k k. i iin;r. iiiliiin He. lin .i iii-s r.iiin-, i en i-i, in -I-, i ..limn ii lal Law, fanloiiL', Iti-iiraiii'.', .li'. w if li -,irial .l.-pail 11..11I in Shorthand and Typewriting. I lav an. I lu -nilii; S("-iiilis. Slinli-nt eiili ruler al am linn- A 1 1 1 . 1 Ier l in-iiiar. D. E. McNAMARA, PRACTICAL PLUMBEF, (as anil Meain l ilting. Similar.! ritiniliiiii; a sii.-riiillv. '". i Sl'Vli: SH;l:i T. S. K. )!)) !LK, Dealer in Stoves, Ranees & Furnaces, I in. ; .it ah. I -sin . I lo.ti V ,ii-r ii.lliirv I'tiiinliiiit; un. I l.iis I illing. l.tltlllMi A Sr I 1 1 1 1 v. li ft I'.lllll S HENRY HENDRICKS, M.iimf ii lurt'i pf alnl I 'th-r in Stoves, Hot-Air Furnaces and Riinges 11 1 .Miiisi; ash ;as ki n imi. No. Jit (II ( I! ( il S I' II V. Y. T. A I 1 U.'tl-lV 11 f IpmSaJ It. clerkin & Mcdonald, M.iinif p tim r- .in. I 1 1. "ilt r- in STOVES, RANGES, Kil. Id 11 Vmr of I veil Hi m 1 i t Ion. s u.itaty I'lmiil-iiis' hii'I Mi am ll.tiiik' All ..ii. vvanaiiti.i- I ir.lrr-n i-eiv nl liv t-ii-iliinir. T:l I.II IVII HIK1.KT. Artucvttscmcnts. YALE CIGAR STORE. ll.ili rst It i i oil s nl CIIIAIIS TOr.ACCll 'I! Vs -I s foliKI.. ',.,. i o : ii r ii p i i i i: i: i r. II. C r,( ) J.Li Ms, VV lli.lrsilr llllil 1,'rl lil Driller III UNION made CIGARS T in i ii i ri i. sua n, GALLAGHER'S CIGARS Art-un, I s II i: III I N hy I VI I I! I ION I. UNION MEN r.ilii..lir Wurkini n will (.alhiirlirr's 1. 1'.. lis. Hill,. ( n,, full, I ,, , tl V lii' IMONM AIM: (KlAliS, Wholesale and Retail at the Factory, IS Church SI . MAX DANZIGER. SPECIAL NOTICE ! M i ll : 50 Boarders at $4.00 Per Week, SAM'S, ;n 01: nw-: si i!i:i:r. i.1 i'i 1 1 Il IHMM! nM)MS. I (Hi I. Villi's l ilKNTS, Is" fc Si n' Sr.. Ni w II wi n. . (.. (.1 N N I Mi, l r...'r. I 'iist class 7'nii- Hmllil ill hut' I'l icis. FLORENCE HOUSE - nl- I III..II.V VV mister SI v I Hi I lie liliruirilll ,lal Tiihli' Itnanl In the la or Heck. I'il-I .'I.I-.S Ifi.iiinsliv tin- nrUrrk. I'rirrH I(i-ii-i.iiiiIii-. ,,r fai iirs at Islim ( Nlltii'l- M s,. .,ty. kuiin linn 1 111 its, i'i-,,,,,. I. MAILHOUSE, Printer, Designer, Stationer, T.'lli ( Impel St., New Haven. Hill Hi-mis, l.i Iter ami Nelr llrails, 'fat's, t'ir.'iiliirs, IhiiUfrrs, sialrinciils, llie-iiii-ss Ciirits, Ktc. I'l-i'tri-aiiis, VV i il.lln Inv lliillntii. The Stafford Printing Company BOOK and JOB PRINTING, Nos. 86 to 90 Crown Stru t, M II W I S, I ON N. Door Plates, Bell ! fails Ami NA.MI-; I'FATFS. the .-iiy;et ;, I IIH-Iil ill t he l it V . WEDDI NG'INVITAT IONS, in iil.v cue r.-i v eil ur pi itit.-il. Society Seals. i. ti r .1..1. i:m. i;i - ill;', ell'. J. A. DUNCAN, Act., II. ihiii in, X-'H III l' I Nl li I : If. DR. W. H. MINOR, )10NTIST, i;xM i. ;:;t; cum' 1:1, S Tit ::"' IU 1,11 III NNKI.I. . N IHM'.I, Oltier II. .INS S 1,1 I1,' a. M. I I,, fi ) M. nl'l li K UI'IIS KVKMMIK. CHARLES H. RENT2, in win is N ii I in- 11111I r.irriijii It.iil., Itii.U, llii-.l la I'.h.l s.-ril ol all I'uiili Ier vim KISi; :I,-is ll, ail.iiailrrs fur A I'. Ilrmlryx A (.... (.iit'i's. CIHK UnllKs aluays In Mm k. No. 867 CHAPEL STREET. CASPER LOTTERER, BARBER AND TONSORIAL ARTIST, 78 Wallace St. orliiiii-ii's A.lii.i-alr l oi Siilr. AT J.OKKS. While Shirts. - .l"e. , T il', llllil $1 .IMI Fl l-e.iie Shilt ,. - - ".'m ., T it', ami II.Ihi 1 Liniit I Shiits, - - 7.. tu f.MMi I inli-rvi ear, - - '.Tie., ".He. ami tl.lHI The I.arj'est SiM-k in the eily ;it LOR'S.803 Chapel Street. NOTICE" t ".HANICS! Niiii'i'isii ( 1 i:i:h .mi uum i:i:v- MF.N, 1.1V. VVf liavi- now in -t.u k a full lint- of tin- Empire Overalls and CoaL to Match Warrantril nl rip n..r tear. I'riecs rielil all at .Morri- llri'imerV, .'H. State St. rtucttlscmcnt. ! af $ $ i ; i '' M liUi'W'N. D. S 1 1 A M HI E V. .M. BROWN & CO. W ill iiller illllilie; KASTKI,' WKKK GREAT INDUCEMENTS : N: I'lNI-: MILI.INKItV. STRAW iOOliS. FLOW Ki;s, I'KATIIKI.'S, Mll.IJN Kltv NAMKNTS & li'H'.l'iONS. VV r shall iai r lirl'urr mir pntruiiH tlurini; aslrr VVrrk, at -; IHAilhlUNAItV I.UVV I'l.'lcl'.s. ilir lunrrsl, ,rsl ami niusl vnrli'il u s.illnirlil nl Ihe vrry lalrsl Nov rll Irs ill I-'lllf Vlilhiirri straw (iumls, l-l.,,.rs, -'rullirrs. Kill. I". 11s ami Millinrry 'l'riiiiiiiinj.'. Kvn-y lailv sln.iilil make II an nlijert In inspect ,,ur sturk I'llrrliliif lier liri'hll-i'H Th'l MM I'.l ) Mllil.lNKKY. 1 hir ...l.ii l, uf 'I'l-iniinrit lliinnrls and Hats, nil ilillrrrnl ,;i.i rir Ii rrn-rsriil Inu Ilir vrry l.utrst Ni'M-lly In lirnilriir, rxrrls lieth In Its irt'iirral alll-arlluns ami arlisllr rvi-rllriirr anyllilnif 1 vrr sIiuh 11 in this Mali-, al irirrs i Imt w ill -iliiiw 11 rrrul sin Inj;. ST If AW OOODS. liin-liiir tin' past wrrk vvr liuvr rrrrlvnl a law liiviiii r ini lniliiitf all Ilir lalrst slylrs uf Hals anil lliitinrts in all I lir pre v it i II nt; rulurs In l.mip iiml Nrrillr lliulil llaisiiiul H.innrlsln lllnt-k ami Colors. t.nilirs' MiiKlisli, Milan ll.A m unit llniinrtrt III lllaek ami olurs, Aim-rieaii Miliins In all Hit' must ilrslratile sliaprs fur l.ailirs ami Missrs at very ntlrai'llve lirlrrs. tiiir illsplay nf ' Fl.dWFh'S, FFATHFIW Al 1'ON I'ONS, Cinlirai-rs Hir largest assort in. -lit wti have ever liovv 11. anil m m an fall hi Iiml just wliat llie.v vv anl. ami at mir pupnlai- Low I'rii-ru. Mil I.INFFV Th'FMMIN'ii'S AND 1 1 AT AM) l!( i.NNFT KKAMI-X V 1 - Im e a I. Irtl I lie past w rrk oV'rr Wl ill)., Hal ami lloimrt 1-ralni-Mif nil Ilir IraillmrstylrN. I..,"i I In r w il li a Inive iissiirlmriit uf I rlniiiiliiif itiiilei ialK at 11 Ki-ral savintr. l.'imSDNS. KIliUONH. I'lHlil )NS. Il:n inir mad.- a larr pnrrliiisr lirluir thr Ir 11 nl ml .111. r in silk t hiiIs r m-i-ii..vv prrpart-il In oiler Ilir lai't't'sl itssi uf ini-iil in lln- Slalt- nl ili - ilefv Illl i-ulllpl'tlull. "' s'i:c AI. 'J.'. rai-huis all Silk (Ims (Iriiin milium. No. li at llr; -.'.i rail 1 iis all silk Urns i.iain llil.liuii. No. I'.' al I.V; :: rarluils all silk 1. re- 1. mill llililiun. So. Hi al IHr. I'AKASOLS. 'AKASOI.S. VV r air now :iliowini; mir Sprimr Slylrs. rin Inarlic a rliulrr srlri-lion uf Arlisllr Novelties, -nilalilr for hihI rarrlaifr wrar. I hoirr a--orl llirlll of CiiFoh' SIFK AMI SATIN t'OACH I N iS In all thr l.aiesi Styles, with vrry nullity stlrks. Iiuiilileil 1'iiee sailn Cuaeliliis III alltlieiirw 'liuilrs. see ,,nr sturk uf si N I MIIKIOI.I.AS, the larit-r-l in I lie Slate, at very at I rarl I vr prirrs. SI-KCIAI. IDilCuarliinir 1'iirasols. all thr Iratl inn -hiiilrs, t en rililu-il. I'araifoii I'i ainr, at fill': lit.sithi'ly worth $1 Till. IIAIM.AINS UK INTIIIXT wltl lit-ullrrnl this Wrrk ill I II t-ss hoi ills anil silks, I 'leaks. Stilt s ami W raps l.ailirs' ami M iss. s' Muslin l inlrrurar. I.iin iis ami VV hiir I, ..oils, hrrs 'I'rliiiiiilnits ami I-linu'i-, Nuliun-, lliilliiiis ami l.ralhrr l.ooils. Ilu-irry ami I. Ion s, i.rnl's Kurnislilinrs. I-. M. I'.IIOWiY k CO. Leaders of Low Prices Ghapelf Gregson & Center Sts. NEW HAVEN', CONX. 1 'ffl in ... - s