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Second 1cav, 3 tw Jtuucn, (Connecticut, inntUui. (October Hi. Sfvlcc 3 (Cent a CI,KANAXIIO,NKST THE LABOR PARTY MAKES MORE NOMINATIONS. Labor ILilly in New llincn Wire puller KolMikfil Reneiradcs Nut Wan Inl Hartford in Line Mcridrii All Kiirlit - Forward! 'l'lic rainstorm last Tuesday even ing did not prevent ;i hall full of straight-out Labor voters from i;; 1 1 h -eringat Lnoinis' Temple of Music to heir ami lunt the speeches of l:ilor's cliosi'ii standard hearers on the live questions which are up for discussion ami action this fall. The resident mem her of the State Central Coin mittee of the Lihor Party presided, and after a few introductory remarks presented liobert Pyne, of Hartford, eaiulidate for Secretary of State, who spoke for nearly an hour, and re ceived the closest attention. Then the veteran lahor reformer, (ieorge Mansfield, the mention of whose name elicited hearty applause, held the audience spell-hound with one of his fervid speeches, in which 1 14 arraigned the monstrous system which consigns so many lives to poverty in order that a few may live in wasteful luxury. Succeeding Mr. Manstield, our nominee for (Ioveruor, llerhert C. Baker, stepped to the front amid a storm of applause which lasted for a in inn to or more. The chairman intro duced himasa workman, and theonly gubernatorial candidate before the people worthy of the votes of the work ingtueii of Connecticut. Mr. Baker spoke deliberately, and assured his hearers that he wanted none, to vote for him who were not thoroughly in harmony with the principles of the Labor Party, lie used the Inures of the last census to show what a miser able pittance was doled out to Labor while capital appropriated to itself the lion's share of the wealt h created by the working people of the I'nited States, and showed that, even in Con necticut the average wages were but a trillc compared with the wealth that Labor was robbed of through rent olid profit., which was nothing mare than usury. Henry C. Baldwin was the last speaker, and his eloquence fairly electrilicd his hearers. What with caustic denunciation of the robber class, with stories, earnest exhorta tion and careful warning. Mr. Bald win nroved himself a veritable "war horse." When he was asked about Knights capturing democratic cau cuses, he said it was very much like a pig walking into the jaws of a crocodile in order to take possession very good for the crocodile. While he was speaking some one in the audience sent up a card to the chair man containing these words: "(Jive us Independent Lahor candi dates for Senator and Representatives." Mr. Baldwin (dosed his remarks by announcing the nomination of William A. Countryman and Alex. II. (ireenefor representatives by the Hartford boys. The example was contagious, and when the chairman asked the assem bly whether they intended to vote for a man who went to New York to siti nt for "Boodle" Hewitt and at tack Henry (Ieorge. there was a unanimous cry of "No! No! Let us nominate!"' It was then moved and seconded, amid cheers, to nominate straight Labor candidates for State Senator and IJepresentatives, and unani mously carried. Nor did it take Ion: to do the work. The best of good-fellowship prevailed, and the following nominations were made by acclamation: For Senator ( 'ail (i. Kneel. For Representatives Albert L. Ilollistcr. Luke Mi Kiernan. Thus the honest workinginen of New Haven w ill have an opjioi tuiiity to vote as they shout, and have the comfortable fading which is the re sult of doing (die's duty as a citi.eii on election day. Ml-UIMF.N. On Sunday afternoon there was a Labor Baikal K. of I, Hall, at which Hubert l'yne of Hartford spoke. In the evening a meeting of Herman eiti; ens was held at Turn Hall. at which Mr. Paul .iininermann of New 1 1 a veil addressed an enthusias tic audience upon the duties of the hour. Mr. Ziiumermann invited any of his hearers to a discussion, which was not taken advantage of. as there was general unanimity of opinion with I he views of the speaker. II AKTI 01! I. The Hartford independent work inginen have nominated William A. Countryman and Alexander N. (Ireone for L'cpresentatives. Both are well-known newspaper men, Mr. ( 'oiintrvman being the literary editor of the' Hartford' W, while Mr. (Jrecne earns his living as a press man. Mr. Countryman has many friends in this city, where he form erly resided. bimimiltokt. It rained in Bridgeport, but the Independent I'arty had an out-door meet ing nevertheless. The Bridge port Xi'trx remarked upon the sub ject as follows: Tlie Independent Lulior I'arty must have genuine devotion to principle. They stood on the wot. urass on the court house green over two hours last night with the rain falling on them, listening to speakers holding forth from the hastily erected platform by the lig;ht of Marine, smoking torches, partly protected by iimlirellas. If "JiHI uiillinehiiigdy faced such weather what inighl. have been expected on a line luglit:' The speakers were Daniel Smith, Labor candidate, for State Senator, and Fred. II. King, of Naugatuck. Mr. Smith made a short speech and pledged himself, if elected, to work for the reforms asked for by the Labor I'arty. Mr. King made an eloquent appeal to workinginen to cut loose frmn the corrupt parties, and called attention to the Indepen dent Labor ticket, on which every man was a workingman, sympathiz ing with workinginen, understanding their needs and to be trusted. "If is not true," said he, "that the Knights of Labor endorsed t he "dem ocratic," State ticket. 1 1 has been said that F. A. King of Naugatuck en dorsed Spieer Cleveland and the rest of that (iod-forsakeii ticket. It is a lie." n : w a n k. JThere is no doubt, about Nauga uVk in this campaign, for the ban ner Titibor town has already told the corrupt parties in language not to be mistaken that they are not wanted. In fact, as far as Naugatuck is con cerned, the contest if contest it may be called- lies between the capitalists and the workinginen. This niueh-to-be-desired condition of things was brought about by straight-out, inde pendent political action on the part of Organized Labor. The Knights in Naugatuck did not try to capture the "democratic" party they ousted it, clean out of existence in their happy burg. Naugatuck is solid for Herbert ('. Baker for (ioveruor, and for (Ieorge Manslicld for Congress, as well as for tin; rest, of t he nominees of I'nited Labor. IlIKMINdll M. The rally on Friday night which was announced in last week's paper was a rouser. (ieorge Manslicld and Henry C. Baldwin made the speeches. Birmingham voters have seen the folly of expecting aid and comfort from the cnemv whether ho hvbfb. himself "democrat" or "republican:'' tberefore tln- Jabo, men have i termiiieil to go it straight hereafter. MIMH.F.IOWN. Through some misunderstanding, Henry 0. Baldwin went to Middle town on Wednesday night, and found the Town Hall in lios.session of a "denuM-ratic" caucus. The Labor men rallied on an hour's notice, however, and just before the re doubtable "democrats" closed their meeting tlmv were invited to stay and hear Labor's side of the ques tion. The consequence was that Baldwin captured the "democratic" caucus in a manner most surprising, and the Middletoun boys are highly elated over the generalship displayed, and the immense success oT their impromptu rally. w ah km ni. The Lahor rally here on Wednes day night was a complete success, though it rained and stormed inces santly. Other political meetings Were llat and tan.e besides this. (Ieorge Manslicld spoke for an hour and a half to the great audience which was enthusiastic for indepen dent, Labor politics. Herbert ('. Baker, and (ieorge W. Hewitt, of L'ocky Hill, also made speeches Waferbury will give a good account of itself next Tuesday. Oh. no! the Labor nominees are not genuine- of course not. Only the "democratic" and "republican" are genuine-- impositions. "DEMOCRATIC" METHODS. An (Mil liiiuii Man .Murdered l a "Ui'iiioeratir" Scab. John .MeKegiiey, an old carpenter of Irish birth, with a wife and two grown-up sons, has for seventeen years past owned and occupied a cozy cottage, surrounded by a neat fence, at No. Flit Last Flighty-eighth street, New York. Mr. McKegney, who was a staunch union man, had been working for the piisl two weeks on a job in Nine teenth street, and returned home on Monday evening at the usual hour, sober and cheerful. Looking over his tools after supper, he found if would be necessary to get a saw of peculiar pattern for his work h" next day. He went, out to buy it. and on his way home stopped to get a glass of beer. After drinking it. he engaged in coiiversal ion with oth ers who were in the place, and the subject was the all-absorbing (Ieorge campaign, and the old carpenter proudly proclaimed himself a (ieorge j man. 1 his was overheard by a "democratic" political heeler named Meliralh, who witlj a curse demand ed of Me Kegney whet her he intended to vote for Henry (ieorge. McKeg ney quiet ly answered in the nllirma tive. whereupon I he enraged "demo crat." st ruck t he union man a mur derous blow on tlx1 forehead with a pair of ''brass knuckles." The old man sank to the Hour, bleeding and dying, lie was taken to the hospital, but was past surgical aid. and soon his lifeless body was taken home to his weeping family. The miscreant. Mclirath. three years ago was appointed on the police force through the inllueneeof "dem ocratic" politicians, but on the same day he was arrested in a beastly state of intoxication, and the police com missioners Were forced to refuse him the job. Since then he has faith fully served his party as a heeler and his kith as a bartender. ( If such is ! the constituency of Hewitt! i Mciinw bile the Carpenters I'nioii loses an old and respected member. and the cause of Labor a devoted supporter. Compare Carl 0. Fngcl's letter of acceptance with Jim (iallagher's course in opposing Henry (ieorge. WORTHY OF ITS CAUSE. The iV . seeniS to sink lower and lower towards the level of the blatherskite num. Even the demi- College hlecdnlg oj us euitol' ser'lir- t0 . ni) hindrance n, u down wan f.i.r.'e, en it i'.t ct i i I'll iiini upon tin- independent workingun n i and makes personal attacks upon in : dividual among them. The ,'. ji.t r. like the 1'itinii. is what is called a "democratic" sheet, and judging : from the character of the New oi k ' rowdies of that denomination, it is ! worthy of the unholy cause it es ! pouses. ! l.'eniember S. (. M. A. and vote I the Labor ticket. LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE, Maj. Carl ti. I'.imrl, Labor ainlhlate far Slate Senator, to the I'cnplc. The follow ing lei ler fi'oiii Ma jor Lngcl, accepting the nomination vv Inch was -o unepeoiei tendered him at Loomis" Temple la -1 Tues day, w :!! show p! mil v I ha! I Ic I ,ahor I 'art has w iclv selected its i audi date for State Senator: N t;w II w i , ei. . I .v;. Believing wiih oii that, only I h rough clean, independent, polii io,-il aet ion can I lie people lie n lieved t' roii i t he inisen w hn h is I he result of I lie com pel 11 i v e s stein, I accept the nomination as candidate for Stale Senator And 1 ask all mv fellow citizens W ho belle e ill universal eo Opel', it o and ! lie a bold ion of vv age slavery : who led icv c t hat 1 he land and I he means of labor should belong' to and he collt l olled by t he people for I he people, to Vote the I'll 1 1 I llilependelll Labor ticket. I lirinlv believe that no private, irresponsible individual should be permit ted I he power w hich enormous wealth mi the one hand, and cring ing poverty on the other, confers upon 1 he ruling class, and w hich is subversive of the tiioralsaiid liberties of our peoplv The condition of I Ic workers in the industrial centers, where t heir wives and children are in many cases sacriliced tot he greed of I he few t hroiigh the operal lull of the competitive .system, is a disgrace to a civil i.ed nat ion, and demands s dv remedy. Iii accepting the nominal ion so unexpectedly tendered. I wish if to lie understood t hat 1 stand squarely upon t he plat form of I he K nights of I , ibor w Inch has been adopted by the Labor I'arty. C.i;t, (i. Fm.i:i,. The capitalist papers are howling a new how l. They say t he lulcpoli- lent. Labor I'arlv is a. bogus parly, This is er reliable coining from ,;n bosses. A NEW DODGE. The polil iciatis have a new dodge in mind loook out for it. They propose I o send circulars around to the organizations asking the mem bers to vote again! themselves - that is. Vote the "democratic." ticket; and I hey want, to have il appear as coming from a "labor club." Look out for I he fraud, and remember I he fellows u ho handle the art ieie. (Ti: AS YF SIKM'T. A TERRIBLE POWER. Fxtract from a I'rhate Letter from a New irU Journal The (ieorge boom is iiniiieil.-'e. I'liless you ha v e watched New York politics you have no idea of I w hat Ic must struggle against. The "machines" are wonderful itistitu lions. We have M .' election districts in this city. In each of these there is a captain, who is generally a liquor dealer, or some similar person whose business brings him in contact with a great many people. This captain lias from three to b n persons who depend iiiiieh on him for favors, and who know every resident of the dis trict. There are three "machines" - the Tainmanv. County "Deiuocra- - "' and " 1,'epubiicaii." L-t una! ing U::er "be eF Ti" a' yiv. to a di. .trie!, each machine has about .".' hi Mibor- dgioito .fl,das Add " 'W' the elect ioll ilispoe'ors, foil V t o a d 1,-t I'ii t , the horde of olliee-hohlers, the Work men under eitv eoiit liielol's, all1 ! the gamblers, thieves and dive-k'eepers who are under the thumbs of the police, and Mill will see what il ter ribl power Mr. (ieorge has to over come, to sav nut ii ing of the danger of Hot getting his otes collided. Still, we Wol give a good aeoouiitof ourselves, and have. I think, a light ing chance to vv in. ONCE MORE 1 AT TRADES COUNCIL HALL, Sun. I. IV vl'li'i noon at '.' o'clock. For I he ; i -1 I line before elect ion the 1 1 1 1 '1 M -1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 1 I ,ahor V elers will meet at Trades t 'olllleil Hail. I Ills (Sunduv ) afternoon at o'clock, to make linal arrangements for election day. Let the ward commit lees all attend. Fraternally, 'I'll i ' Com vi 1 1 i i i:. The Labor I'arty is the only part; that has adopted the Knights of I ,abor plat form. But "democrat ic" sheets sav il is "bogus." THE BANNER WARD. l oiirtli Uanl Slrauln Out Lalun Men Speak I'lainlv. The workinginen of tin- Fourth Ward have organized t he tirst I inle peiiilent Labor ward club in this cit y, a ml t hey ev pressed I hei r sen I i uieiil s at a recent meet ing by t he adoption of the following: 1 1 cTn.s, ic necessily ol i i!'j.';a II i,a t loll for I he purpose of concent r;it ing and y U iug a del'miie direction lo the eneleje-i of the I. ibor element is mil v ers.illv fell : and II In rcu.s, our political system lias been eoio ei ted inl ii a inoiisi i iiiih in.icIhiic i i- ol v inn periodically for t lie bench! of sellish individuals lio are enemies, not onlv ol I lie laboring classes, Inn of nil re specl.ible people in the Commiinilv ; and II 7e n ils, t lie pi ip jo.i I ; i 1 " i i 1 r of I he ei ly ha e been conl rolled by nmisellers and corrupt politicians v ho iae iiecjeeleil i I it ere a : of its cil i.ciis, and bav e Used t lie povil ions hit rusted to llicui to advance I heir in II ends, .' sii'c, that in older loell'ect lol'oiiu united action is absolutely necessary. o snrr,l, t hat we form an association lor I he purpo.e of advancing the interests of honest Labor by cast ing our ballots for I he eleel ion of men who will faithfully represent t he I oilers , in I be place of pol it ieal wire pullers and bribe lakers, and hv inducing; all hoiie-a voters in the w ard who ha e I he welfare of I lie Working;! lie 1 1 at heart to cast t licit- influence and ballots with ours. A ud w c hereby pledge ourselves nol lo vote for any candidate wlm is iioiniiriled in I he interest of corporal ion-,, or who get I heir living by selling nun. The Foiirlh Ward should furnish an example lo sister wards, which, if followed, Would soon place Labor whel'e ll belongs ill the lead. I loii'l. vote for ( iallaglcr for Sena tor, but cast, Miiir vole for ( 'ai l ( i. Fngel, t he Labor ca ml idate. A. A. OF I. AND S. W. Flm ( it y I lodge, of t he Amalga mated Association of Iron ami Steel Workers, gave a grand soiree at the Huinnipiac h'ink last Monday night, which proved both a, social and financial su ss, '',t. ,ovs know how to enjoy themselves as well as to stand up bravely for I heir rights. Now, wouldn't you he ;t fool to lake advice from your enemy!'' The capitalistic papers evidently think thiil, von will vote for Miiir cin-mics just to please them. THE WOOD CARVERS. The National Wood Carvers' Asso ciation have chartered a new Carvers Association at Pittsburg. Pa. This association goes steadly forward regard! i s-of ddl'ienlties and obsta cles. By quietly attending to their j ow n business every year niius ticm ! in r.t.oiigt ; an 1 more prosp r:,us j condition, (ileal credit, is due to i ,iu.;r rOVeut. 1 v.v.tral ' 'nmmitt , which isocat"din New York city. Communications in reference to t be establishment of new locals xhoiihi be addressed !o the Secretary, John ( '. Holt, No. do Pitt street.' James (iallagher went to New York to sp, nk against Henry (Ieorge. (Iallagher calls himself a "demo crat." and is running against Carl (I. Fngel for Senator. Boycott (Ial lagher at the polls. WARNING TO VOTERS! I'.xamiiie Your Tickets ( andiilly. I f the party pol it iciatis and wire pullers arc true to tradition, they will make every ell'ort possible to cheat the people out of their Voles. Therefore we warn our friends to ex amine every name upon their tickets, and see that each corresponds with the ticket published ollicially ill the W i u; k t v. s s A 1 1 x hi , 1 1;. See that t he spelling and iii it ials are I he same. Vote Lnrly in the Morniiur. W hen you go to I he polls sec that your I icket is deposited in the ballot box before you leave. See t hat your friends who are in favor of our nominal ions are sup plied with the correct tickets. Don't take advice from strangers on the streets or in the assembly rooms; the heelers will be out, in force. Keep your eyes open for "artful dodgers." and warn your friends against the enemy and bis methods. Let t he boss take can' of t he shop next Tuesday, and devote the day to your interests. Don't, trust (he capitalistic daily papers for any information regarding your interests. Kvery newspaper in New Haven except the WmiK mks's Anvoi Air is on the side of the bosses and lujd 'nisl iou. Iicmember these things, act upon our advice, and rely upon it. wheth er our candidates are elected or not. you will have gained by so much. y STRAIGHT ' LABOR JACKETS. Below ate the Straight Labor Tickets. Stale and b'epresentati vc. The li'epresentiit ive ticket is voted separately, and deposited in a special ballot boy. Sic that vour tickets compare with these, or, if you are not supplied with tickets, cut, t hese out and use ticm for ballots. LABOR STATE TICKET. for Ioveruor, HFI.'BFb'T C. BAKFi;, of ii vicri' ii.'H. I i r Lieut . I J ov ernor, WALTFII F. IIINCIxLFY, OI-' 1 I i I K. I'or Secretary of Slate, KOBFLT PYNF, i K u vin l i h;i. I'or Treasurer. SAMFFL M. CAMP, or- Mi:i:ii'i v I'or ( 'ompl roller. SIFCFBIFD SFILFi:. or iu:iiidi-;i'iiitT. I 'or ( 'engross f', I list i iet i, ;foi;;f. mansfifld. or i;vv ii a v en. For Sheiilf, I'or Senator I list rid i, CAI.'L (I. FN I FL, 1 or .iiidge ol 1'robatc, CI I Oil- nil' SII oil -tl'AIUIKH. LABOR NOMINATIONS. For Representatives, ALBFIIT L. II0LL1STKIJ. LUKK Mi K I KILN AN.