Newspaper Page Text
K WORKMEN ADVOCATE, few Second lcu iUi. 6 iUtu ilaucn, Connecticut, Sunday. iXoocmbcv 7, ISStf. v!ce 3 (Tent (1001) U I' l I 1 ( ! ' V I V V 7 1 IHjVI I 1 1 : I ' j THE LABOR PARTY HAS COME TO STAY. .700 Voles for l'rincih' Tin' l.almr Vuli' in I In- Male Ne Ihnen l,M's Well ritl!M'nrt Hoes r.eller New V in k's niee. Tin- result of tin- Sialo olootion last Tuesday, was the usual olio a colli illllo'l tenure of ullio.' lor tho i ; 1 1 1 i I a I i s I s . uhioh moans that tho uni kinmon w ill e. intuitu' lo pay rent ami lahor umlor I ho 1 i t a t i.ui of thoir I Hisses. lint, there was .moth er n.; ..It u healthy, imloioinlonf I Alitor party was horn, ami fr pre- si'iil. imlioatioiis, v,o jude if has nunc to stay until its "run. I olijoet -the I'liiani'i jKit.i. n nf tho imu-.-os from wac shnci v, is a.oooinplisho.1. Our hrothors in Now 'ork hao spoken with no uncertain soutnl ami their vu'torv is I'uil of cn coiirairomciit for I ho working people of I 'onncotioiit. As far as ran ho learne.1 I ho total vote for the Lahor for Governor, Ihu'hert, t'. I'.akor, was '.',iiii;. Tho vofo in this oily was as fol lows, ami shows tho spaniel-like li delity of tin- w;i;'c workers to llieir liossses: State Ti.K.-l. I a-1 nv ,en laloes. li I .' ss I ll i i I :il Kin!) -.'s inns ss lis; !C! Ul 1 1 :i I mi :a ii.v.i i- I ."..' ;tn ;nii :;'.) Jsii ',:' ll 1M1I III T-V) tl Hali -."a i:;i;ii :,u la.l I'.i la.l tin; is mi r siiii s li in .i t:!!i ::c l::i la llll :; i ai '.'I li:i.". '.'a lo'.M IS in.' Id o to ;ss in ; am m :;uu a i; ;.vs ; -jus '.".IT ait '.".hi 1 1 la I l lii" Toliils. ? I'NOl 111 I'J.ii-i 'I'.V! I'.'li'-'l Tin- following tahle shows tin- vote for (lovernor, hy counties, ami ounht to make the exploiters feel that tlu-V have an eternal nmrtve oil t he people: tin-: I'll'. ! "K i.iivi.kmh;. roi N'li i:m. New I hivell, Fiiirlielil, ll.'irlf'or.l, lalehlielil. New lam. Ion. WiNilliam, Mi.lill.'si'X, Tollaml, i, a-'ini. ' vi-i ' -i.l t i i .n an;.' ! allV lll.'i'J'l am; -Jaaiis Hi'.' II IS ma !!! tuina l'.'na; C1M (iaaS ' I I I v I us; i vr..o lli'.iru ! Total., , , I"'l"'r ""' Hut, rcmenihcr. only represents the nucleus of a : movement that will spr. -ad as last as ;t a1 (..n,v (1;lt(i w(.n ; p,.,.,,,,,,.,,, , ,,ini, ,,,, have accomplished truth anil li-ltt will open the eyes ol j )i,i.(v wi' u, Nii, (f th(, , wh;i, h(, , ,,.,-,,,,1 ,,, pun'v. thf people ol the State. j di-trict cluhs have hoen hroko'i up. 111- that oil v. and In- would have , Then' were Lahor candidates or I ( (hi, 1(,.l(l,,.s slalt, lh.,t 1rV wj 1 mu,, nii morons enemies i t. ai Conrcss 111 t hrce ( 'on.UMVssi,,iia Ihs-, k)) p , . a it;.! i.,n until the next tempt. lo is- ,,w a lix,- man ami iMacts, and their vote was as lollows : , (,, ,.,;,, i ,VpIVSl.n unuciulc. I just l.-l.-- District. I lenrv L. Super. :i;i J " (ic.nxe Miinsiield. I -.''" " Si-tl, l. Hin-htini. ti.'s A WJW expected, Natiatuck sus- tailiorl ' her reputation hy elect ini; the (.land idiite of the Lahor I'artv for Ilepresi.ntiitive, l-'rciierick II. Kin. to tho legislature, and cast a ntajori- ty votcJ lor the Lalmr State ticket, Tin1 election of Cornelius l. M it n- soil, of Heacoti Kalis, to the le'isla- tu re, ail ils one more independent La-j hor represfntiitivc to the llcacoii l"'alls is next itoor in-iviiTior to N.'Hijjatur'k. and has well cniulal - ; e 1 In-r nohlo- example. There were no tloiiht several hop resentativi'8 (deetiMl on the old par-i tv licki'tn who are nicnihers of the (Inler of Knights of Lahor, as was the ease in this citv. hut if 1 1 1 v do not improve udon tln-ir predecossois of last vear the workinineii need no; eonsjriitulaU' themselves upon their election. Of the ','1 lleprc- seiihitives two, Kin and Mutison, arc elected UJMII1 the Lihor I ick.-t - ""' lvst "Ui' rll'rl""1 1,1 : 1 1 ' ; 1 1 ! ;s, parly nominations. The twenty- , four Stall' Senators :ri' ail f iln capitalist variety. 1 Uriil'ii'jiort i-:isl. almiit I'.'.'i straight Lahor otis. thus Icailin Now llav- j I'll on t In' Mali' ticket, hile on the . Note lr ( 'olli;i''SSIIi.lli, New llaU'llj rasl lil for Mansfield, j Car! ti. KmlH. our candidalc for Si'iiator, received over Iimi yolo. It ; does hot speak well for tin- woi I, iiil'- iii'-n of Now Haven to I, no elected j a man lor Senator who went I.. Now '-k lo stump for the r.oo.ilo" H"will, a-am.-l Lalmr "s Can- j delate. Henry Co,. r.-e. I ',,r ,,u r I i-H, j f.'lh.w rili.riis a is an espivial lis- ura.-o, oii.-ulorm- ll-nn li.-oi-rs j -in -at seru.-es for hvlaml ami t ho Irish. To their honor ho it said , j how.-wr. the M niioiiij. nl inn - men olei with the Lahor I'arlv I the way. t lie eleo! inn of a I ii i - eriior w ill fall to I ho I'-L' lai arc mi ller tin- law. This will the Kuij;hls nf Lahor w ho happen to ho oleet oi I a, eliaiiee to oho- .se hot W'eell Iwo c.'ipiialists. duo a seeoml .rate : iwvi-r ami politician, ami t ho ot her a hanker. Now , thou, feilnw work im-n, ei r.-.'iily for another ih'inon-t i.n 1 1 1 t inoiil h. e lun o made n .roml he.inninu', ami if it is to ho t urnoil to account, we inut colli iiiue in the! same line. L. t us iloulilo our o. at I ho Town ami I 'ityVhvl ion ..n t hi i I ll of I leeem her. Lvii;k' 'Al'il'""iil ''""I .'mv!- oil returns iiiereasp t ho Liilmr I'arl v's vole hv Inn or more. NEW YORK'S VOICE. Siti I'ilit I'liiiiisiinil Citizens De clare lor tlie l.iilmr I'arl). The vote cast for I lonry ( ieoi'o;.' was a splomliil hoixinnino; for t he now parly in New York, ami not a olo of tin- Us. mm will have hoen "thrown away." Organized Liilmr through out the laiiil was eueon I'iicil hv the nohlo showing of Now York's toil ers, ami tin- example is sure to he oniiilu.te.l. To ho sure, wo haven'l all o'of I l"ii r lonro'os to vol.- for, hut there is har.lly a oily in I he country that lia-s not. aiimm; its workers ooil ami tru.- men worthy the Votes of I ho people. ( her fifty cases of hriherv, inliini iliition .-uni assault hy "repuhlieaii" illl.l "ilollloorat ie" heelers w ill he hrouo'ht hcl'oi'c the courts hv the La hor I 'arty through a corps of twenty-oi-ht volantcor lawyers. The a ll i . i a -viis Inn.- hoen taken ,aml counsel as- siu'lieil to every case. The Central Lahor I'nioii cant tiai-'ii cominittee hold a meeting i 1. '' l'liursdav nii.'ht .and considered tin nucstiou ,f formin.a pcrniauent r- L' mn. It was an-cil to i.-sin- ;i ; i-'ill . i, the districts I.,', scud del US ,() ,( t Vt-t i i a i . which w ill hdiold i j ('hairuciu dohn M-Ma--k in sai'1 : ! "This is m,(. the end of this niovc- ' ,ni.ut-all,i V(lll VV1 s,,,. that hy tin- I time tin- n-t olo.-t ion ta k.- plao.- w o : j will have an ortrani.i'il Liilmr partv j , ciptal lo enpo with the ol her political iir;iiii..itiniis." ! ! Ih-ports w.-r.- haudod m hy Ihe district leaders, and complaints were ! I received from iln- watchers who, worked ;it tin- polls on i-l.-.d ,011 d:tv. Thi s.- complaints w;il In- handed ; over to tin- law 'omm .t (.. A coin- ,'niitti-e was appointed to make ar- ratiemcnts for a mass tn4-t i utr 'he lu-vt i-vi-ninc;. At the meetim; of tin- Contra! ; ooiniuit! th- same eveiiiiiL'. the or- Lrauii-r of tin- Twentieth Asseinlily district turm-d in ti haiam-e of not ep.-itded iti the campa::!. The district oave Mr. (icor-io d,:;i I votes, as against ''.' for Mr. Hewitt, and ;ill tin- mom-v expended hy 1 he 'en- comniittoi- in tin- disLriot was t . The district ori'aiiiers w dl meet Tuesday mulii In amnui' for 1 In-' convention'. This ru-nim: I In- share- ! holder-; of th ..... will as-a-mMe. j To morrow Mr. i r will In- dnn-l l I h 1 N r s ia jut Men's lli'iirv Coorire ':i nt paiiru Clu!i. M i'. I ionise deli led I In- it that ; hi'llail recently called oil dailies (I. I lilaim'. "I wouldn't know I'daine j from Ailam if I saw tlmm walking stilt- liv ilf dow n I'.roadwav. The j rt n i r I i - i 1 1 u 1 1 I'oinulal ion, " '('j,, in.,U ,. ,;,,,,,, ,,' ,. j tlll,.,l,s and nmrdcvrs" was .-looted I (,v ,1Ur;,in;t,,, methods), tin' w,'.rkiiiL' ( pi,, ,. ,,,h,, ,, ,1:ltl ; m p v ,!,,.,,., ., candidate ile-v ,;,Vl. . nllI ,,f , ,,.s as ,j.v j ,,,' ; MU:I) f ,.m.v (,,,..,,.; ...xhortai ',. Ami , , ,..', lt s t r. 1 1 1 ! , I . at tin- onion as llrVl ,, ,,,,,( ,,.. Vol :iw lull- must Lalmr permit itself I.. he eplo;. il; Vet awhile llllisl th.'V pav rent lor lain I; hut only vet awhile. Tin- il,i .lawn- lor hoiiol L nlior, ami from t In- Allan! 10 to l ho I'aiille w i rk ; i ij i m 1 1 are ;ul- min,lL,K u i,oii ! hoi r la', .i hers in X.-w ork , ami t hey are 'jam i ul' eou r.a;j t ! i 1 Iniiio as i hoy look. o semi our heart v i: reel ins. IT ECHOES AFAR. I.n -iin-ii n A ri-lorraN Ti-iir the llisr ol the I.,iImii- I'.irti. I r.-at consteriiiit ion pio:iils ainonj; t In- capital ists in Liilainl over t he I,,,-,!, of the now L:,!,,',,- ';ltlv. ho -feat (h'elopiiii'iil of its st rciml h in N.-w 'York ami Chicago causes in tense alarm anions the exploiters. The SI. Jiimrs (;,i;rf says it is an "tiiiplciisiint fad." that so many wmk i no iin-ii arc reaily to vote for "coiiliscittioll." The Shlu'iif' fc.'ir. a I'l petil loll of I he l-'relich roxolulioll in America, ami I ho Tiuns howls like a thief that has hoen c:im.rht s.ealmu'. The ', .)! i;,r.,H, Stcinl's p.'ipcr, lakes the niosl scusi lilc view of t In- matter, though it is nat ui'idly opposeil to the Lalmr Par ty's principles; hui it, roanls tin vote for (icoro'e as a inoss;ic of hope from the New World lo the Old. The e;id lidlllLTS h;l0 encoll rilled I In- workers of I ho whole on il i.od world, ami the result cannot fail of ureal, hem Til to I In- toilers. DAVITT AND GEORGE, iliela-i'iil lrili l.i ml I ...i u u o r Cm- U' I'.llll lilies the llli'licin. ( 'll n A.m. Nov. I - l ii liaol I la it t ex pre. -.-ed u'l'cal ploa-ui'o yeslerdnv over t ho result of t In- N ow ork election. Ilonr icor-;o, ho said, i lunch stroma-!- now t hau if Im had hoen elected M;n..r of New ork. only loiin-d In- would ho elect. - , ,' , , h.V(, kiri,., , . ,. . ,, ,, , , lm" l'l'l"'l"- novo,' have hc-u hoard of aft.-r that, for -rraph'-l M r. ieor-e to t lie cil.-ct ! hat ; I u hit ed him on esi-apiiiLr ' 'penal serxitmle' in tin- city lc.ll of ( N--w York. Mi'. !o-o-;v 1- an mi p .rtant. fx-'lnr in tliiseounlry to-day, 1 ami In- is a Lrreat.-r nnin in Ivirope than here 1 1 1 nam.- is a i-oiniuoii i term with us in Lnulainl and Irekiml. ; ami his .hook is on in-arly excry shell. ll.-isu man of luains. ami .ui will, h.-ar from Inm m the futuro." Mr. I'aviu that soin.- of 1 In- : p;t..r.s .f the dav r- hmw Jtad iih ivon-sented h;n, in that llioy said In had pi'.i.-Iaiiin'il a.tili! rj;c at '.!c-u stupp.'d. "I ln! sav Ilia!. Mn I .-.aid inoi'o that tin- n ipois d; lu't see tit to make plain. I added why I didn't . s ie '0 s, ,. him .-hi t. d. as it would destroy him for fnt in.- u-. . 1 was rcipio.-a-.'d to come at puhli. lv for (ieore. hut I refrained, as I am not here to assist iti polities, hu' am In-re only for tin- cans.- of Ir.-lau I. and il would haw h.-eii indelicate for nn-to have .loin- any thin-rinthat direction. " TLHUIliLY IMPORTANT ' lM-iiall.t In the ( niolnlal.v of the K O, I'. I ii ki ts. out t ho ,lav I I'oiV ele. lain N , n II V 1 S. ' I ! -a. -.i,. W '!. 'i .Ill Ml I.. II,.- V in 1 ' ! '- ! i i.l i.. I i'...: o... -1 '"' '' ''" ''" ",' '"-''!" r ! I.. . ,. Hi.- -I ..l , .mil in III. .Ii'.n ... i il - t In.,- ...i,i''.-.'' i":.!-1,. e ! , ,','".',"!,'!' ',' ''',,,'1 1 i tin !. 1 1 ul- ,n ..l h' r a ir . ..ii ... i i .a i v i. a . .i ; :., i i. a. i i i', -.Ii,.,l I 1..- rV.'l. a, a- In lri .. Ii , ll''. I i . I In- I1. I'l... I a' ill t ll;l I'' ! '' .11 .,. IL I'M ,.,.!.-. m 1 I'll' ' ill i: !.-! I -. I l.r . .a a . i . ii i v . i .' ' ! ' , ...I I I' . i. I ,.' ; .a ! ' i . , ' 1 1 I n'n . . i i.l... :i l.ll. 1 ii ki I . ,1- M Ii .1- I iii i il.-jn'ii.t "ii Hi. a . a . . i.r :. .iii- ! , - ' i . I ' I,, a . i .Ci.i.i - I I.n ;,v.,. I I m I. Hi" !, II M.'l I" . I I. S....I.I ll ioi' .'hi- .! W , . ii .! am t. I. ii. .oi I'.iii. - I.' li.'i -..a s.aiuii I I. I'.i.'ie., M in i i, mi, r, ' ,n, i Ian.. - I'. Id,.. , I ,.,.(K x . I I-"'" S.ll.. X.'ll. ..i'"U'i' M 1. 1. mi i; i l..i. i:.'a..ii.l i: la ii. k, . ii ni. s -I,, a, .,1. 1 W in- ,v M 'l;. ina..i, X,,,.,,,, ,., ii . , No lea.-olial.le ie r.-o coil hi I U . I . . . , . . . . '..'in "llll I I It I I I 1 1 lil I II I 1 1 1 Oi . I ".leiiioi'i'al "and ' ' . 1 1 1 1 1 . .' a . i T io", used in U really iimaM w hat the dielioi). a V s;ls ii does. I'.nt there's the I'll 1 1. Let the Work ino jn opto eare- lu hy l oad I ho naui.-s signed to i and ,-'ee if any were-worker is .inioliL' I hem who has iillii .vcd hiiiisell to he used ,is a cat's-paw hy outer fellows Ihiiu 1 dm. self. At any rale il will ho well to rciii. those wrv iiuxioiis cxllolteis V, ho shout for the hosses JUS! In-fore oleet loll, .'yid dcote t he 1 he re-1 of t ho year lo Wol'llllliv. I lionise! yen into t ho coulidouee of t ho innocent workin-jinen. Yes. it's a very important circular, RAILROAD MOLOCHS. The I'ol low iiiL1'. from I ho A'A W- . !;', the toio";i-;thiors' journal, slums lo w hat oi i'eines r.iili oail eorpora I ions will :.'i i to i i ti ii -ii ,i the d i i .1. iid.s: "Tin- h'aih'o a -1 Siiiei'in(eaieiil , ill 1 Iii a r i l i i'l Ul;; ill I hi -oil y i W 1 1 w i e,s il'.a i i.oitei I a I i lie . I j . j '. i 1 1 ill lie t o all i :i. , I ejii esenleil , lhal 'It' illl 1 1 .1, e -hold. I he ,l',ihle. h .ieloiess or oar i'.iiki , I tie I'k'.ht lo 1. 1 1 ii i i in iisal i.ui w ol ii. .I I '. r.iii- ni.i-il," The itiihei.'.iil word h the l..i hoi" I hroii.h whi.'h the i ,i ; Ir. .a. I -. .1 u p.i I lies Hi ilil In liill I to I ,iM ie I I- . . illsi liinly. l'ii,!.lo e, u lm an- ai;ii.,.le. I ) llle e,U'- : I i'l lo he io..ei lit ill) the .,i l'..l, I he lllolllelll ihi'X illl dlsiihled. Our I'-" i. lor- in.- into run d I hat I nil arhil iii i liiiM.'iia;-.- hiis no leeal l;ilus, :nn it i v. it tun t he H'o nice ol any enin I to d.-iix Ih.-riuhl 1 1 1 sii hi ml . IP I'-i 1 1 s 'o i i'.iir ;i I'llle so llluelieloii', all'l Ulllllalll ." Who and w hat an- I he-o "siipoi im lends I"'" Let t I ' 1 1 1 In- I'eilieiii hel'ed the days lo conic: ami iiioauw hilo Id. us licnd oxerv energy lo make I ho 1 :i: I ro. ids pu hi ii- propcri . 'SCARED CHICAGOANS. A Hi?' Sni-ialisl nle lilccliii" lln-ir Men "Our , ml-c." The follow in;-, despalell l'r M 1 1 il capitalist .source -Inm s how t in- cap italists r. I' I 1 ho New I'arlv: "Cm p yon. Nov. I. The .jreat lllallifcslat K'll of strength hv Ihe Socialist Lahor pallx is 1 In-senal ton In re. and althoii-h. alter mn- of the 1 wwi'inest lights known for years, tin- I'e.illlilieail enmity ticket has pull.-d 1 inrc.-l, hv a li.uma rat n ,-U siiiiill 1 .iiajorin, th- victory ,s lost h-.I,! of; in 'liiisitu-ss and ooiimi.-reia! ciivi I ii 1 -niiton: plat mil of t ho r.-x i-htt ion of tin- stl'eti-tll of the "reds," t,s Wi I'e fl'eelV olfel'cl Tui-s.lay that the o. lillistlc Mile Would liot exceed I - '"w hot. Cm.' I;nair. turns t;l,-. the t-i'.il in-ar.-r lo 11 .0. . i 1 1 1 1 l: ' I'icn 'c-";:i-t, whom les ici.'llo'l "our ju-lu'i . " ami ".1 . a w In nil ' In- - r.-at - ! a -am .ij .1 d In. 111 prison. It will Im est !i li- iva- made hy the repuhil j 1 einciiil.. r.-d 1 11.1t In- ua arrested in a ':... i-e. .!i . Ie, tic largest o!' j n,iri:i iiiioiil lline mouth- iii;n. h.niii", L'lxcii !o aliv . iind i-lii'i- on any tieki-t , i,.r ui-ioly Hire.- yeiirs i -,-nl.-il tin- eccit .llld .'e Knieki I'lioeker. who I elii l'l s ' 'I ill.' I .' ' I ,sia n police lolirr.-st hii 'no opp.i-itioii. Lawi.-ri '"r ''"' :'-""" ; ''"'' ""I"' .' , , , 1 .'ii't .oln -, I oh Soi.. ikm. 111 lleceiu- ;s ic-e.. -. (. .I to ( on-'i-.-.-s l.y a v r. , lH.K uv ,,irlili 1)(. t,,,lt narrow n,ijor,l, in.-' vote slalnl ill 1 I la-aieil w ill k.-i-p out i.l Iln-.-Int. in-s of I" 1 "1 to 1 d I fof i i.'ilsiiU . t he social- j his el 1. 11 lies, s! eaiidnhi'.-. Tie- socialists elect I .... . . . , 1 ll.-ll il mail hll , il iol'iills pliister, six nii-lll'ii l's- ol III.' --tale assellll. IV . i,!,,., j, ;. ,,,, ,e -,-lieinlly and im luh. r of t he slate senate." .,tii I,, to In-, h.ariini. SOME VICTORIES. l.uhnr Knoeks mil " llciii.M-ral ie" and j "lii'iMililii-iiii" ( a!ilalM-. j 1 la i ei a i 1 1 Iheir . ollijov-ai -Hal oali.ll I 'lale. ( ilea- on. aii'l hmle.l Hie "il.-uio j oral ." I aw or, in i lie 'J 1 1 i i I h.i i i.l. .-Ii.ieal-u li-il a Male N nalol 'all. I ' -' Winl'h Mien ;ill slraiulil -ml I a I mi' : oan.ll.lalo. The lailieal w .0 Lllioiu -ll l a''1' i aa.a w it Ii I'.e "I. or j l.e.-i-iif," liu-e men 1 1., i ,a,., n , 1 1 el. I ..UII.-.. I. "I l-V II. 1. 1', Ks.. N,. a. t'.iile,les seal li.e, lieen m h ,'iliilu.r ! I 1 1 . 1 1 . . I' 1 1 i 1 1 . . . I T I . , ,1 l i , ,. K I ia ii . .1 I li'inia ii i;u - ail ii -. I 'rnh-.-l imiisl ' "I l - III. Iii -.ids " h.-lj.eil ho i I. i III. II lo In-ill i ' : 1 1 1 1 1 1 u In. is :i lav r, liter. I VI I I.'. I'll.- Sole lion,;; ;i .'lose one, I'll III. ...!ll 1. liill-, M' 1 1 1 1 . ! i eer-.i .oer the 'tn-iii;tli .li, 1 1 the work 111 .- nieli, I tier.' I . U: iw . I all, of in I in..; I ill ii-l. m Ii) an ollhaal i" I'l"' "Hi' iat, are tool-, of ll ileinoeral I'-" e;i-iliilHs. S" M v., N.o . :;. i hir l.iilioi allililiit. , I l..-l,ui-. w il eleeleil to I 'oil ! . ' I'i'alm; ln"il.'iiioei:itie oiiioiieii , i , , , a , , j . ,, i ,, , , , , ,M j ' o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , who i.i ;i rank c;ipi a !- . Mn.w i io I , Nov . a. The l.nhor l'arly hiixe elect e. 1 lu-ir eiiinliiliiie I'm t 'micros, 1 1 -'1 1 1 Nil nth, he, ides I In 1 1 w hole t 'oil lily ticket. The u oi -kinsmen hae lel'l the oi '-li'-.'iii ' an. I "il.-iii. ie" earl n s, i ,'' I""!"'-1'" run llieir ow n maehine in ii ;n o r . e lei el Jo lopnrl t In- re- ' Ii ' i ii I our ,'ireli eiienix , t io . h'n -k; lull the lll..'ieniet Lahor Mile Was e.'iiliae.l lo 1,'in'uie, I an I liiiro, I 1 1 ', Mai llielle, iiinl ,is eit ;ui. ieinitv. DISSOLVING UlkSINESS HE.LATIONS. Ilie hoyeotl ,s hecoiuin; llliixel'sal, tlioii;;i uni know ll iM-ry w here hy thai llilllll or .iinilu.'led l-Xili-tly in thesililll- way. I n ( ieriiiiinv, w here an Amerii-aii li.iyeotl Would lll!ilohe,y he a vio; l ion ol i he kiw , Ilie la I mi- oriiiii.atioiis -iliiil "I'i'iiiilM' lo dissohe liu-iiief,s 1 1 l.i -t ion-.' w it Ii a linn ami all w ho deal w it Ii or a .- it.-, i.imih, Tin- linns and corpora tions there do this thenisehes very often ai;ainsl ol l.ei w ln do not comply strictly Mlh t i'.i. lo lobulations; :,o they c;in have no ,nii ui in or eoniiiiinl when the work nieli liMihi' t o . lo I he sii ' i h - with llieiu. ean't dow n lioM oll : HmuUiii l.uhn, r,rs,:. THE EXTRADITION TREATY. A io ni 1 1 is all.'inpl is to In- illll'lll;,' the next se.s.sioii nf ( 'oni-css lo secure I In- rat ilieal mil of I he !ay ard I 'In ! p;, ox I I'iid it ion I real v. The Kmji'sh ;iL,. iil ;il iishiuefoii is workiii'.' .-I I'l'iiiinusly to a.-hiexo this re ;u It . ami seems to think I hat his ellol Is Will ho successful. The ( 'illl- a i i i . 1 1 1 Miiiister of Justice declares I if I he l.i w of exl riul il mn is im perfect I ho lilatue rests "cul in ly on i the ui. ricans." and claims that, on several oei-a.-niiis he has tried, hut. willlolll sneeess, "lo arratiL'e with I he rnitod Stales a ul Imril i.-s so as md lo make Canada a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p i 1 1 o 'ji'oiiuil for N.-w ork hoodie alder men and I he like. " There IS no ohjeet Ion here Iii the adopt ion of a t real y for the extradi tion of ordinary criminals. The Hi ll i.-h 1 1 i-i i i iiii-i 1 ! and its ( 'amidi.-in Sll lull'. 1 1 tin I cs have never evinced a ' sincere dosir.- to make any sn.-h ai 1.1 mjeiii. -lit. The I r.-at y w hioh I he I' luted Mates refused to ratify was aimed iiriueiiiallv at I hose who mi'dit ,(,k ,hl., ()V(1., h ;,lW (- 1 j t i l , ni,. m Ireland or chew here ami was ealou- laid to diyrade this h'epilhiio to the '' "'dil ion of 1. eolonv of L-lan,. No sind, arra-uenii'iit u id or on-hl to l',','rU'' 1 '"' ",,d. someiil o the A in.-i lean people, and am till nr.- at-t.-mpls in t direct ion w ill meet, v. 1' 1 1 us little sieci".s as has at tended I h.'in in t In1 pa ,. Irish II nrhl. AN ESCAPE. 1 1.1;;. noli, the lam. ai, Nihilol, has City and Town Convention ! THE LABOR PARTY TO THE FRONT. IO Tl Ii A (J A IN. According to a vole passed tit the meet 1110 of t he I iidopendeiit Lahor X . 'lei's at he meet III",' held ( k'tuher '-'Illl, there will he a tueetino at Trades Council Hall, this (Sunday) afternoon at .' o'clock, for Ihe pur pose of taking practical steps for part i i 1 ni I ii n in the City ami Town Kleel ion as a Party. Therefore, t he independent Lalmr Miters arc invited lo he present and assist in the work hefore us. Lrateriially, Tin: Tows Committi'.i-:. THE CAMPAIGN LIST6. There an- still a niimhei of the cauipaie'ii suhscripl ion list, issued hy I ho Trades 'o unci I, out, w hich should he returned as soon as possihle to Mr. Charles Stodek chairman of the committee, in order that a full re port may he puhlished next, week. The expense of the last COtnpilill ill this city, it isexpecled. will Hot reach more than and there were a sullicieiil nuinhcrof tickets printed to supply Ihe voters of a city throe I iiiu-s t he size of New Haven. Thin was Ihoue'hf to he necessary in order lo ,'ioooiniuodale tii ket thieves. K. OF L. SOCIABLE. Next Tuesday evening, Nonpa reil Assemhly, K. of L., will iveti socialile at KnihlH of Lahor hall. Thomas will furnish music, tind lliirus will prompt. The hall is one of Ihe lines! in Ihe cilv for cnjoviiio a pl.-iisaiif ewnini;' with music, and daiicine', ami the prospect are t hat I here w ill he a jroml time for the Kni''hls and their .oii-sfs. THE HORSESHOERS' FIRST. Thanksgiving iiiht will he celc hriilcd hy the .loiiriieymeii llursc shoers' I' nioii with a soiree at Ihe National Armory. The 1 lorscshncrs are a n.-w union, and this pleasant occasion will alTord tin opportunity for union men of other era I'l s In he come aouiiaihted vvifh them. DOWN SOUTH.. At .. I st y, li;i., Nov. I. - 'i I'd. Wright, a inemh.-r of the national executive committee of Ilie Kuihls of Lahor hits Hiiliinilli-d to the mill presidents these propositions as a hasis for the settlement of the tronhle with the operatives: That the deiiia'nd fur an increase of ! per ceiil. in the pay of the men he waived, providing the mill presidents iiLtree to incrciise waes hefore pay iiiLr atioter diviileml to stockholilers: t hat effievanecs like Ihe pass or line system he ahnlishcd; that no dis crimination he made against ineiti hers of the order euujn'd in the slriki : that rents he n mittcd until next .lannary; that dilliciilties in fu ture he settled hv arhil ration, and that I he hours of lalmr he reduced from ii to nil hours per week and piece hand he paid H per cent, ad vance to make up I he d i iTerence it) lime. The mill presidents accepted I lm lirst I hree propositions, ;tnd the fourth w ith v, ti!i!!i!i',-:tiii!t r. wi ' remitted up to the present time. The others will he considered. A BIG DUCK. The Hartford Timrs (rahid capi talistic "democrat") says the Lahor I'arlv isa " 'repuhlican'ilei'i.yilnek." New York Cily has developed ipiite a hi;j duck. then, ami it is still a 'rowiit.L'. The Lahor I'arlv in Con necticut is hut ti diickliii":, compar ed with New York, hut it's a heathy hird. and will improve.