Newspaper Page Text
"V( )KIvMKNS r 1 ) V OlliVl'J HENRY GEORGE. liV Ml.'s, I. A. M.Mi'lAM. "ll.'lli.M I V;.-r n.l.M'tl. ' Hold dreamer ,,' .mod dreams Winch v w mil ! .lit" to i,a ! Mi' lead-- I Id' u i n Id's l:il u schemes I 1 1 1 .1 1 V 1 1 li'lls llliil'i' 1 1 1 tll;m ;;;:-.; i li' lirea-ls I In- Mi Kited mass I H ii' fill ami pride, t' liiul r,v anil Nivi'r; l crav criiw ils l t - IVIole tin' tii'sl small shower. A In a t 1 a nal ii hi va-l llr stands a tower ol lihl: I I i- j.'.iainl i fill'' ( inns ca-l Su re! 1 1 1 al hwart tlx nLdil. I lia en's mi Iii-. si !c, a i ii I Ha nlil i an foil, This chaiupii hi ill a l nir, I'rt sml. I lr dream-, ami till- In-, dreani- I H' u 1 1 : 1 1 lnilsl .short I he; M I lu'oncs ca-t ilt n n, I lial re-t Ml I M I 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ae,oiiv, A wclterinc', moanine, sea; If ll'Cilv. "J llldluc, sclli'lllrs I ' V I'lilli'uils t llii' -lippfc oil; If ail the world at n'a''i'. A Mil I' iv i ' oil i v erv crest ; I III money Ho "iiicre asc" And every vv rum; redies-ed. I lark In I In' dreamer, heirs of toil ' 1 1 1' d trains lo mi lu ll iiis t In- soil. I I is dreams I lie vv oral vv mi It I hush, Ami i;il-y Id-' si n me, j m i , l.'t'd hands Ids in'arl w ould i-riisli, W'lio love- ids l.'llow iiii-ii. II ci iicilirs ; o.i i H 1 1 mi wlio t lio hoi I ruth 1 u ii is I ' pi hi this vv antoii ace; This a-f Iliat hliiidh spurns lis lies! of st'i'i' am! s,cj,e, W lull I'liiiidn sit. fry l in ns lis lion i.-ci l l - par',e. I If wi mid lim a el coil ley coil Till' HI'll lliat lohs lis of (he .-oil. Soon may I In' dreams mine I rue. Whose ji y is on 1 1 iv lirovv, 1 1 ct : it i' i if 1 idins unv The sun and niooii In mid In w I 'nto ,-iich men as ihoii ! I ,ct aill 'llllll splendors vv ,Hr, And llarc t lieir tiir'-hcs lad For him lio dares to crave lis harvest rea'fd for i'' .' And cower each -oullcss knave In the hi-h festival, hen our lirave cldeliaiii takes t he s A lid il.ll es I lie pirates ol I he soil, F.riiniiitr RELIGION AND SCIENCE. Frhurl fnnii ( inmliiihl's '( 'o apt riilirr 'nimntiilin'itltli ." ! . iiM i.i in- n I llllt vv hntev IT may lie the fate of (lie imiiiorlalily-t henry , we can he piotty sure (lial our race will a.'.'.ain lie praclic ally unanimous on sonie religion, as I hey u ill he on all important mailers. They il'ohalily will never i.iiovv vvlieihei ihev lia e found flic ohjeclivc Iruih or not, lull lhal is not ol lir-l miptirlaiice, I'or oltserv e dial religion is slllijec! iv e. is t he human view ol die mystery and our re la I ion I o il ; if I lie mystery is ever revealed il w ill cea-e I o It an ohjecl of religion. I'.ilt -nine '.la ol'y of life is lieeded lo ;ive liarinoli.v. purpose and ior In active life, and tliev will cerlaiulv a;-, tee on such a I henry as w ill explain die mystery 10 Ihem and satisfy their hihe-l intelh V'C.lce. This is Hill llie place toslalethe thoughts w hich the v riler ol (his ha.- on that suhjocf. I,ef us only say th'd this future reli-don will malic this w orld n '' mir. I he existing reli',i"iis i I to satisfy mankind especially liec.nise ihey inculcate thai I his present existence is v ain and thai all I he all'airs ol this world are petty and worthless; lhal some til lie:- w odd is t he real one. The religion of die future, lie. -ides, will lav special stress on our uilrnli y.'au'i nc. ; 11 will leach men lhal lli ily way in which they can enter into v ilal relations with t he "real mystery Is tlii'oiiiji lln i:m ,'; Socialism, in other words, will elevate religion from Iwinj; a narrow personal concern Let ween the individual and his make:' into a snritl rmin ni lir tirmi I litiiKini!; im.l Ihstiin. Humanity will not .lifetime a od. as I 'otnle would have it, hut the iiietliali ir between man and t.hi' Mystery. , When at some time you are lv insleep less in hed in the solemn hours of the ni-ht, do what 1 ofli'ii have done: pro ject, yourself into space and fancy the in siiiilicalil little planet which is our tlvv elliiifi place rolling swiftly you, swarinin, vv it Ii its an! colonies of kin;.',s ami heuKars, capilalisis and workers, all in the hollow til the hand of thatdreat Mystery! Is not that a t rain of thought that should make manifest to us the "solidarity," the interdept n.lence of man kimli" What is more natural t hail t hat each of us should desire ami try to help our species aim i.l; on t he road to its des tiny, since the anility has mercifully heen granted lo us to co operate with that JI 7til the l iiiverse which nurovvn na- tu)l'f snests to us. Who can then deny that .Socialists are religious ill the highest sense of the word.' 'hir creed can he expressed in thesta words ot the pieadier of l'iii;i' "Tlitt niotlern t 'hi ist w ould he a poii t,vi..!l. Mli- itUti -':,:!! ; to t..i-t die whole plat form of modern society. He would hii, try to mike liie poor content -ed wit li a 'i it in w hicli they ealmot milch l'tttVr than sava-es .; hrutes. He would woi lv at the tlesti iiction of caste, which is tin.' vice at the root of all tmr creeds and institutions. He would Hot content hmi-'lf with tleiinuncin-sin a merely spiritual evil; lie would into its economic cai-'s. and destroy the llower huy cutting at the roots mverty and ignorance. J would accept I he truths of science, and he would leach that a mail saves hi "ll l""-t h.V helping his lieililmr." PITHY PARAGRAPHS. . S. (iriOin l uiisiiler'" the ( Itiniun iiinl ami Siijs Siinnlliinu:. !-'.i.','llt llolile lllell h;ic jirel'cl'l'i'il to ilit'l'oi'a mioil pnncipc rat lici' I lian live hv a !i;td one. Il:le f.lMcil t'ei' I'eacht'il a higher limiacle than Tlie gi'i-at siicei'lies ot' tin- aiiai'cli-l.-lsin answer to llie jllilire's iics tioii of what tlit v had In .-a u 1 1 v sentence nf ileal h should not he passt'il lljioll thelil, have aftnin d ih eil two tilings: I' irst. To evci'V h'isimi u ho I'eails llit'lll tllt'V h:t f slloW II ;i n'lTi'i't ile l'eiise Imi h in law and ju.-t ice, al.-o in I'liiullimi Sense. Secondly. They haw shown the wiii'thlessiiess id' aru'inm'iit tlclivercil to a capitalist or his tools, I'm' t he jiidcf, all capitalists ami the whole capitalistic press treatc! t hose ei'eat am! cnticltisive nruiinii'iits as of no value vv hatever. The fad i-', against t Im oppression of capitalism, one pound of foi'i'c is wort h Imi tons of ai'iiiiii nt. u lien ilit'ei'ted to the capitalist-'. A few years liefniv the war the wife of a sntithern planter, mi hear ing of some sIi'oiil;' talk male hv William Mi iv I iarri.-oii aains siav crv, said s t if shoitltl think son. e one Would liUV t he niisel'illilf, colli j 1 .-1. ! n- inc iii.'U''!' ainl set, him I'i'ce and slop his noise; ami when she was iiil'onn cil that he was neither a iner imr a slave her answer was; "Well, I should like to know what he is "low 1 ini; ahoiiL t hen T In tlw same spirit of this old wom an, the capilalisl.ii'. papers are asking why Spies, Parsons ami T'i i t f 1 1 and their ci - 'onspiiMlors tlidn't lth nil' ami form themselves into a co-opcra-tiv colony instead of meililline; with t lie all'airs of honest people 'i hen a man cares not hin' ;i 1 ttt who starves as lout; as he is well fed, he is cither incapable of uiiilei'slaml ine' the noble inutives of threat re formers, or too llliprilici pled b) re spect, I hem when he does. I'ivcr since t he jury rcmlcred t heir verdict in the Anarchists' case in ( 'hicami the hypocrisy of capitalism has been tryine' to disarm the a niter of the working people. The ca,pi talists arc cunning eiiniie-h to walk those men to the iril 1 1 iws tl tnler t he Hiiiseof pity, well knowing as they do that pitv is a hard thine' to raise an arm against. This pitying I rick needs a food deal id' watcnim.;. V here pity is eelillilie it, will mani fest itself by demand inn. just ice and niercv. Walkinit those men to the gallows under a veil of pity is sheer hypocrisy, and the emiuini;' of cow ards. 1 1 was not ciioiiiidt I hat t hey should e uniiiniily send a report t.o the jury tlntt a purse was beinn' made up of xlti.tiiMi for each juryman if a ver diel was iiroiiuht in to han;: the An archists, and then after the verdict, as an excuse for withdrawing the money, dcnotinc inj; the move as a bad precedent, thus luiyinii the ver dict and saving their ineiiey at the same time. This is I he science of capitalism, pure and simple, and their pitv, like their money, is in vested in the same manner for the same purpose. Let lio one be de ceived, hi'iirrr l.iilmr -'tiHirrr. TRADE DISTRICTS. I'llll.Ai'l.l.i'ili . Oct. -(ieiieral Mas ter Woi kinan I'ow derly , of the knights of l.ahoi, who returned from 1,'ichiuoii'' last nilil. left today for I, aw rem Massachussetls. w here he will lo-niorrow evening attend a iiieelin ot district a--einblv No. i . The purpose of the visit to Lawrence, il is said, is to pre vent, if possible, the I hrc'ilcned with drawal from the order nf a number of the l.ical assemblies which comprise tli-l rift assembly No. an. The cause of the threatened with drawal of the locals mentioned lies in the 1'act that the (ieneral Assem bly refuse. 1 to legalize llie formation of national trades districts. The bitterness aroused towards the Heii enil Assembly lies not so much in its refusal to "rant the wish of the shoe workers of the New Knitland states, as in the t,i t that Hie (tciier al Assembly passed a law authorizing the formation of trade districts, at (he rciptest of tv presi'iit'd ives of dis trict o. while that district's repre sentatives were iii the (ieneral As- Setllblv. As Sooll as those delegates had left for their homes, th" oppo sition to the trade district idea took advantage of their absence ami tiu! lilicd the fiinncr legislation t reating the trade districts. Hence the mur mur from I'. A. do. An J'mjuirf. LONDON'S MISERABLES. Half Mai veil Men tu l'.ii'ailc mi land .Mayor's It.iy. I.iiM'on, Nov, 1. At a confer ence of the Socialist leaders to dav it was decided to parade on November "th. Lord Mayor's I ,iy. Piibii" no tice of their intention has been nivcii. and the announcement has occa sioned no iittle excitement, as riot- iu,: is certain to accompany the pro- i cession of the lean and hunitry So j eialists. The ai.t horil ies are L't'cat i v ; evereisi'ii. As a precautionary meas ure special eolistaliles tinned to tin teet h w ill be sworn in to do t he bid dine' of their masters, whether it In In foment a riot, in order that t In police and military may have a, pre text for niassacreiiiu' the poor un armed pie, or lo fr'.;;hteti t hem out ol their project id inarchiiiL,'. SOME COMMENTS. - 1 1 w s y.roi n i k. The labor Vote of Massachusetts will show itself ill the support re ceived by Mr. 1'. K Lester. There is no reason win Pepulilican and I ecocrat ie Klii;:hts of Labor alike should not vile solidly for him. I'.y his support, will be measured the power of the labor vote in politics, ami eoiiscipieiilh' upon it will de pend t he colisiilerat ion accorded to labor measures Iii llie iucoinliitr Leg islature Throw ;iu;iv parly diiTer cuces and vote for a K. of I ,. I .leu -tenant t iovenioc. Ittr fliil! I.iilmr i '. Posi t w is I lie candidate of the 'democrats" for Lieutenant I lovcr nor of Ma-sachiiscJls. lie wax tie leated bv " rcpulilieaii " Knie'hls, probably. .'. I ' s l i t: i S i vi i:s statistics, compil ed bv eoverninenl emploves, show that, the working people of this eoiiiitrv receive, on an avei'.-iu'e. but, a, Irille over three huiiilred dolhirs per vear. yet the mouthpieces of the liourm'oisie say openly that, even this amount is liberal pay: as witness this from Prank Leslie's: "Compar ed with all other countries and with all ot her lilies of I he world, t he labor ing classes of t he I ' nited Slate are now overpaid, or at least most liber ally paid, all the lilatherinir deina miues to I he coiit rarv not wit list a in I -inir." It is not necessary to slab1 thai Leslie's is. doi li": its utmost lo defeat Henry (ieoree for mayor of New York. '.. "It behooves all caioil cilielis toll-e w hatever cilluencc I hey have to secure n't ii hI nominations lesl tlu-v be compelled I o choose bet vv ecu t vv o ev ils at I Im polls." -Muruiiii .Vi'irs. Common sense, to lie sure. As there will soon he a City and Town elect urn, it would seem I hat the 1 n- depcndeiit Labor Party, consisting. as it docs, of 1 cit ieiis. should iioniinati' trood men in order I lial they need not have to choose between two evils or withhold their vole. PARADOXICAL. 'lo von know, my dear," he said to his wife, "that there is souiet hill!.' paradoxical ahoiit a mule!''" She replied he ouirhl to know if anybody did, and asked him w hy. "Ileeatisc, although he is by na ture somewhat belliirerelil. yet lie is always backward in deeds of vio lence. " CONSIDERATE. I 'ilniit i n optician i - Well, il my ncili b. .r I hillks I he-e spectacles w ill suit me, and my neighbor don't charge too line h f ir t hem. I'h take t hem. Ojilii-imi- Why do ymi always say "my neighbor".' My name is plainly painted upon my -in board at l he door ! l-'ttrimr I don't wish to u-e t he uainc: I iniuhl po.-sibly in-iili my neighbor. ' lllil i'UI - I low -o '1 h'tirimr - liecau-e we have an ox al home bv tic -anie name ! INNOCENT. 'liiitiiillirnjiitJ - What broiielil n here, my Iri' iid ': I'listiiicr Siiecin. I'ltiliiiilhriisiisl Siieciuu . I'rtsniii f is, sir; it woke up 1 1 1 owner ol ! lie lioii-e, ail. 1 i w.i- 'ii'i;lil before I could .'-t away with the sini;'. SYMPATHETIC. f It titli mmi h. mv dear in.idaiii. mi'it I have die honor to to M-I,lll,l Well. W.dl. Ill help you. Ymi wish to a-k nit' to Ucoiiie your inol lier-in law. (li nll, in In Oh. I should lie jierfectlv satisfied to inurry your d. nimbler. The "d. inner. it ic" and "repuhii- ' an" pa per never tell lie- alum'. 1 work.ii-incii ii'-- against I in ir prni-j clplcs, uill'l it j Tin1 m in vv Im vv ails , ,r - .cc! h'lf In 1'ini ii;. i- apt !n Invuiin' a beat. I ii i u $ i n c s s tl c p . t v t m c n t . Nttl l( I! III AhVI KTIM i s. New advertisements .ir ehanijes must be handed in hv Thursday iiooii to secure insertion in next number: ( Mlice, iti'd Chapel -I reel, top tloor. P,0. Address, ili'awer In:'., I , I1C I. VO I'U I S. .1 v i'i i ii-iin -til - nl Wo. Oat .ii liii-lH-il i n I Iti' lii-ui-lir ft. i' lil. a hi. nl. ll t inli-.iil t'.l I-ai l. Til l l'...liaii the Tailor make- tin' best tilling and eio-l le-i i a I tt i niieut-for liicii'.i-.l money ol auv Men-haul Tailor ill I '( Stale. ' I', t . linll v. Merchant Tailor, s ( 'enter t. I . let I i Mil s i, -I.i-1 -. i ii: 1:1 1.1 -ri. ix rn ki i;- ( ... to The S;,l'o', I'rilitlli- I 'olnpany . .ii-.ii v 1 1 r oi inn- iii riii- "linii." im cut ire Hour . lev ote.l to Men - and oaths' I Iv ei'eo us. f are 'filing a :;ood Inokhi:; all I Weil made ('vei'i oat. id! aI- I.- -! . II. al r.cjil llnllar-, I 'on t miss si-eim; our Men's Soil a' ss. v I o and s I 'J a --ini ; v are In., bar vc: We In v e a ! .iv; a . k ..I ' , 1 1 1 1 -' and I'm - ' l ivereoats and l.'eel'ei s. ill all i;radi-- and p'icfs. Last of all. don't I'. .I've! nil l hildlfli's (Icj'arl iiiciil . We make a pccially ol' 'iiildif n's Mm - and 1'ver i -i lls, W'e hav e all the new and imbj-.v -1 v Ic- ai I- .v prices. I 'm in and ! n., ' 'a. ,(.''' I'ri. r In Mi. Al "Hi .,'' i 'i.n'i iiixo i lot si:, 1 1 J ( liiir. h -I. To - r 1 1 Icllli'll vv tin iippreeiale si V Ic, i Ici.'.aiicc nl lii , and 1 1 ii rat ii lily nl nialcrial ill ! heir I 'lol hies; il I- only iieci' V i.i iciiund I li. iii dial by eiil riislin' their n icr to I m .lian. t In Tail, .r. I s ( enler -! reel . I hey i'ii il ha v e all of the above uiiahiies comliiiii'd and al a very Hinder ale cost. I'. I'', doll v, IS I 'enter si reel. A l'ti.iilar Tailtir. (if ail die lailnrs iii the city l here are i. one m.ii t' cntcrpri-iii I h.m II. M Vi il"l., ,' I.i I 'ha pi 'I s reel , opposite he ( 'il y Mar l.ct. Notwithstanding the coiil imiaiice of the warm weather this bill he has purchased an unusually laiy slock of Vmm Is. I bus taking ad v aul 'iv nf I he low e ,i in-si hie price-, enabling him tn make i vouienls at prices as Invv as are i liarje.l I'nr i 1 1 1 f i ii a' v ii I, I -., As Mai hoi'.-. icpiil at imi for superior style ami lil ol fjarinenls is -o well e-labli lied none need hesitate a hi ml Icav iiil; I heir order for he licv el allow s any "al'incnt to leave his cstablislimeiil unless the lil is perfect. Workmen especially - lit mill inspect Ibis si oi k of V ioi Is. for their own b.-nelil. be fore order. ii:; their fall and w mli r clot liiiiL'.. Il you waul an ovi renal dim't f lit in v' lo II. M.Vi llol. , opposite the ( 'ily Market. If ymi wai.l .a sly li.h and siih-l ant ial Winter Overcoat and not hav e it co-l your vv liote iiioiil ii's salary, have il made by I'. I '. Mohan, s ( 'niter si n et. I .iiic.l mid I n I aneil ( !lov es is our Specially. Noll are invited to inspect our line, fine I'.uck doves. iii"d with vvoni. at -rt.1111. b'oia id T.'oN, '.ins I 'hapcl ft, ,! Lambcn's. s'-.i;i i ',ap I street, e ..Ira- t rdiil.U V'lills for I he liexl tell day s. I lui J."iU nieii's black si 111' hat s ill all the la ac-.l shapes ilt !fv!.Hl; mir .Vie. Hoys' cloth hats at '.".Ic, our i"ic. lioys' blue cloth iiat-at I'.lc.; Hoys' blue polo caps at 'J"ic, worth ."iUc; line scarlet under wearal s'.ic., worth tl.'.'a; our 7"ic line men's meriiio shirts and draw ers al -l!lc; imr i."ii'. w hile dress shirt at; all cur ."llie. silk seal I s rediiceil to 'J.'ic. ; ami don't ft. !;;( that wi. arc selling si in vv knil hose at I'.' I -c I lou t mi s I his reat sale. M. I,vvii'.i:i;r, S'.'tl 'hapcl street. The be-1 '!. all' Slioe will be I. mud 111 I tisiiKi i i:'s. !" I lull i ll st reel . All style- of Men's Wolkill- Shoes at lowest prices, I 'i isi .Ki IV l: ,V t o. . ( hu.'cli st reel . .t'.'.'i'l w ill buy a pair of Men's 'all Tap Sole lioots. W'ai laiiled to w ear. I 'iiHilitivi- iX. 'o., i 'hiirch street. I'.uy the "l',-.'ile-s "Il ly ear Well ( 'all Shoe. Solid coiiifnl l. I'or sale only liy ( 'i i-i. la iv I-: tV ( o. Our line of Men's f.'.nn Shoes are not epl.ti'i for serv ice. t ist ,ia iv i. ,V o . 'hiirch st reel. liny-' ami Voiitii-' School Shoes in a larv v ariety at t '. istilaiV r.V 'ii. 's, t 'hllich -licet. I'.uy oil! I toys' and oi l-' lnde-1 1 in t ible They have llo eijllal for wear. i . vV . t i isi.ia iv i; tV i o. We hav e dilicieiil lines of I. adit -' f .'..'til Shot -. and caimol tail lo please all vv bo buy Ihalradi ol -hoes. 1 1. W. ( 'tisoiaiv I. ,v ( 'o. We an- selling liildrt n'-J Kid Sprin- lee Sh.n s, sizes I to S, for .Vi cents. 1. W. t .s..l:oV i; cN. ( 'o. oim nu n w ho de-ire lo make a suc cessful impre- inn mi their U-t irl dioilld have their fall Suit and Ivercoat made by I'. ('. Itohaii. Men haul Tailor. s 'enier st reel; by so lining Ihey will In- sure to have M r('ect lilting garments. Uicvtiscmcnts. SM0KI1KS HOME, SO'! tt:iH-l, Neill' Ornili;t' Sli'rrt, M: II.W I N. CONN. co im'i i; 1 1 i-: nut i-. IV. .Ill I ..illi-l il Ir, IvV . Vi-" a ml! line i.i' Tiikli'ii" nf ullliT lll:il.cs Iv, el I, i is, u - Innn.-n-i' I ... I. i.f 1'ipc- l'i'.. ,ll:n I'l ':r. YALE CIGAR STORE. ('hoii'1'ht liininU of CKIAKS ' Tlll'.ACCO i has, ,i. situn-'.:., i'i-,,. m;i n x i' i i. s i n i. i r. -J. WIKTZ, m m r i n ui i: up CHOICE CIGARS, tiiU Pvsr Sn; i i-T'. ANDREW BODGE rirnuM:s run s a l k AMI icrri;i:s fka u.i r i;iki;. Scli'trrl ion ol s( ri' I i ;nm ,n Jut Ki t t l I'll. iM.t; i.i; m si i;i i i. DR. W. H. MINOR, DJCNTIST, i:on ! i, ;:;; CUM' I'L STh' :: n (.I NNLl I. A H r.Ti', UlMT Hi. Ill's M In 1: K M ! Ill ' I'. M. THOMAS TF,S, roiTKIwVSNl'KS. .V.i CIIAI'KI., M'.AK CIIUWCII. STA rroiill IHMMI WHIMS. I'nl; h Vlill-'.S AMI ill'.N'I'S, :'s;i :;i statk Sr., Ni'.w IIavkn. v. a. i.i mii, rnii'i'. First -rliis Tiitilc llnnnl itt Loir Frirrs. M. BERNSTEIN, Manufacturer of Fine Ciffars, in,:, t.i; mi vv i si i , I tel. Ilamilloii and I'rankliii Sts. CALL AT Till', NKW BARBER SHOP, A I Imi t I', r.riiikiiiiiiin, 54 GREENE STREET. Ii.lil VV ;il i- ,liili. Ii.l Inr llie H. in III tl OcImIm i. H.'i.'ivy Undorwnar, Cardigan Jackets, til.O IN, SOCKS, I' IOi; It IS ItlM'.NM.K'S. I! 1 7 Slate SI. SPECIAL SALE, 10 DAYS ONLY! N. iH.-l VV l'.l!i,rl- I'l M.' . VV.-l'lll f t INI. i '.ml mii l''l:an..'l Hi'iiwei'- ;il -"'"i- . win-Hi ;.V. lin. I.-Inn Mil- al vvmiiIi -ic. Ml VVmmI Can ii::, im .l.-e-ki l- ;.l l...l. v. , o l Ii f'.' VI, ll. iiw W'ih.I Millv mnl (iliivt's nl :!".(. wmi'IIi Hi.-, Il.' I iic-c u'ie.- lire fill' I" 1 1 : i y - 1 1 ) 1 1 v . so:! t Mi I 1 1 1; IV' i tlni.r t'liii tit-1 si. .1 I li" ' L I i I i miii Oi'iuiKt S. 3C. )IiHIJ, Doalor in Stoves, Ratis &l Furnacos, 'I'm. i...i.i-i' iihil Sh'-i't Iimii Wart'. San il ii ry Tin mill ni; mill (n i il I iiiic . I 1 '. 1 '. I N . A Sl'l.. I VII V, '(! (illlllll St. HENRY HENDRICKS, 1 an it T nl lio r nf iiiiiI lli'iilir In Stovos, Hot-Air Furnaces and Ranges I'l.CMIIINIi AMI liAS KI'l'TINti. No. '! (' II I l!C II ST it i: V. T . COAL 1: I I fj t;i;i 1 1, '(IK STIIKLT, ('OK'. CtlNtilv'LSS AVM. W. F. FRENCH. READ THIS ! .Viet L'M Im III,' I'.l.'ANf II TKA CO. s'I'dIM: .Viiti liiiv 1 '-' ( ..( Tea an, I I .,.iiinl t.f their 1 1. Ti'-Imu- CmHi-i-. aii'l t-'ft a r--t -nf vv i.rlli 'VM . ,iii. I s "I vv ill I.i' ,-Min in, ,-,l I li,,! il iii, n't pitv I.i Iniv ii t..ii "i'Mi I. rami A iiiir t-'riink lin S. I!. -I la in I In it , - - r.llt . In Ciitl'i'i' u iK'fv I'liniiM'titioii. l;i,a-l-il himI .ri,iiiiil r rf-h lliiily. NEW ENGLAND TEA COMPANY, 35 (.'ongrfM Avenue, Artucvttscmcnt. K. M. llitiivvN. n. s. OiKin.K F. 51. IU10WN vV CO. Invite t heir iat runs and ot hers I NTKKF.STlU in i.;ii ais Toexaiiiineandtiverliaul the !NKljr.LU-:i (IFrKRIMlS 't ins vv iv r: k in EACH DEPARTMENT ThroughouttheirEstablishment I or want of space here we are unalile to make iii. ii al inns, I, ul accord all a heart) welcome to examine tliee;ieal Lai'Maills oll'ered ill the follow ilie, deiarl -Illi'llts. i;i;dis in Silks, clvets'. Plushes, ,'ltl'l I )'CKS ( 1(11 Ills. P. A I, '(JAINS IN ( 'leaks, Suits, Wraps, iiinl Pine Millinery. P.AI.'tiAINS IN Lmlies' ( 'nit, mi 1'iulc rweur, Ciirscts, I nl'itiits' ( iiinils, iiinl Wuol Knit (iiinils. l!A It'll AINS IN I linens, I liiusc!icciiiie- (loods, l''hiniiels, lilmikcls Mini t '(iiiil'ortalilcs. P.AI.'liAINS IN Ladies' ;iinl Misses' Hosiery I'tiilerwearmiil (J loves. llAL'liAINS IN ( ieiil.s' 1 1 lulerwcar, I losiery, ilovcs, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders mid Neckwear. i;ai;;ains in Laces, Made up Luces, AM'--llillldkercliiefs. p.aiiuains in I Mess Trimmings and Piuttons, Not ions. Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, ,lcclry and Leather (iixids. I ) N'T KAIL TO KXAMINK Tin; (ii:i:.T v.nn:s ov i'i:i:i:i) this w i:i:k in tiik A I SOY K lK- pa i:t m i:nts. F. M. BROWN & CO. Leaders of Low Prices, Chapel, Gregson & Center Sts, NEW HAVEN, CONN. i