Newspaper Page Text
W O K K M 10 N ' vS xV ) V ( ) ( AT K . LABOR NOTES. Hoss Newman, of ';i 1 11 1 n i street, New YolU, re'lueotl tlie wane's i if lii- cluplo cs ".Ml -1- cent. 'I'lic result w as.lliat lln-v went mi strike. Tliev ;ire all nieiuliois nf tlie International Ve-.iiniil.ei-' I'nion. Four Inunlrril miners at Koliertsoii s mines, Kxrrlsior, I'a.. aie mi strike fur a. raise of waives. It is eper... tliat I In miners cmplo) e.l li) the I " 1 1 i . 1 1 'al ami Mineral Mining Company vv ill j' in Hie st rikers. The strike (if the i n . 1 1 . ! . r-. at the nr ner Ml'-. 'd's shup is not vet over. 'I lu men only a-k that t ut unmMei -. U away from the shop. They are not afrail of the class ol penple vv ho aie al present seaiil.iu,-, it t lu-re. The hos-e-i ot tin- Hi-o.-nlu.iN . N. Y.. Iior-e railroa.l are h:i in,: ieeii.:e upon t he ill Iv els ami ei n a I il i ,r , vv hoeompla in that they are lia.llv lirali , . 1 1 1 . 1 oiilia-e oilslj lilie.l for every -.hoi h o.niii;:. I 'n slilrs mail) i them have lieell V II I II I ll.e. I lor I al. i ml; pari m 1 1 ( --( i ike last spilii:;. The a-selllhla-e of o. ellipl.,) r. al I he hoii-es of Svul'l ami Moiri,. ( Tlilllsila) morniliL'. Ii-'l man) people !o think that the strike hail emleil. Then w a-, a line of J.lMMt al Sw ill's. Ii.-ele. I he sil 1 1 : 1 1 n hi u a , 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! i : 1 1 1 - I . lour ol l .'.'i Hil'li :i .loll., none iif ll Ill employ i". heiiiL' amour, I In in. It ... ev . i The L'al hei in:' ol I lie I'm i employ is u as line 1 1 1 I he I ai I that I he pa) 1 1 ill w a hi'illi,' ealleil The -.aliie ei n n h I loll p l e vaik-.l al Mm r,-'. 'I 'heir, t...,. a small duel' u a al work I 1 1 no IhIIiii:; wa- ilolie. 'file pai'I.el -. have inaile rolilplrlr arraiii-iiieiils lor a si nl.r. The I'lnia-r lolls h ue heen oolrle.1 In pill illM al lneil I lm-.; - Ill I he In m e-, ami I lie e veil i n si i-iiis nf a I or i ni" h; a'i i u ill he i i i .1 POLITICAL NOTES. "Von ran I vvraiia rail whileil l.rrp, - llekili' al Ihr oM row." The si railil I ,ahor nli- ;i. n plea -a nl surprise i 1 1 he arl ie inilepeiii lenls. Now lor I he ion of ihe u a i ils. a in I make preparal ioli lor the eily ami tow n elerl ji in I H s I m ml h. Maiisliehl ran iniiih alu-ail of 1 1 i . I irl.el . The nominal Mill of Mr. Maiislirlil is lliic jnsl ilieil, ami' Ihe reason of his inn elect ion is no! thai he would nol have inaile a giH represent al i ve in ( 'onress, lull lierausr the worl.iiir-mcu were not weaneil from "party," A person u ho will allow his expressed political opinions In he hoiihl for money is; low down in the seale of civilization. HeMs dislioiiesl. The ilislioiiosl man may reform, lull il is hesl lhal In- hr not t rusted aain; and if he hastrulyie foriued, lie will lint ask cotilidemv. There seems In he a ureal hue and cry over the shrievalty hiisiness in this rily . The olliee has Ho political -a.;iieunee, and we are furred to the conclusion thai it is a mere matter of spoils lhal agitates tin ntendinn fact ions. And il is sta ted upon omul authority that certain "democratic" heelers received i in nicy from one of I he candidates to help defeat t he candidate of their own party. The heelers are known, and will he known to their disadvantage in Ihe t ut lire. Tlie election of Messrs. Iliiiiie and ( 'on tiers on I he "ilemocral ic" t ieket vv ill not necessarily prevent them from voting I'iedit as representatives prov iile.l tlirv. arc not "democrats" of Ihe same stripe as the general run of that denomination. Still, il would he slram..e if capitalists would permit men vv ho are in I ,iv or of I he nal mil , if laud, t he al mill ion of nat ional banks, the eov eriuneutal ei ml ri of telegraphs and railroads, etc., to oeeu py a place on their ticket. father the capitalists -ii the Kuihls of l.alnir vv ill lie disappniuled. If slow-eoiiiini1 reports arc eorreel.a few polilical heelers have siieereded in thoroughly hainhoohn;; a niajoiilv of Knights in I . ., Il takes lime , r,rt at the truth, hut il w ill out. Tin reports printed in capitali .! ic panel throughout the Stair that the Knight were not in favor ol' .h Iioii. is said to have come from interested "lieni erratic" politician-, who are UMii;tlie h der for t hell ow n en. U. I'-v thew.iv. why were no Krition and I. c maid elreli-d as dr legates to I hr Norvv irli ei .n X rill ioli '. Is It possible I hat 1 lai I lm .1 Knights diseov el nl sniiiet Inn- ': I roilliled Kniidu 111 'in I hr roiiiil r. vvanl-. know w hat Tommy iiirant whenhrnu plored eerlain Kni-hl.-: "I'oii't to n h I he board !" VSARLIXE B0YC.0I 1 ING. I do 11. it t hltl'l. I I llll V I e.tll.e.l vv hal hovrollim. iiiraul. -avs a ..,ii.oii ',,.., s eol ri'spoiideiil . I ill I mi l a lar.;e tai iin-i at Nevvrastle.limi tioii.ini .uinii inna i; !;. a. !,;,,, !' .! . .,;!.! r- :. j thrrr. "on ni iv ui I i iir O...VH ., Iilal form." u Ihr aa-vvn. 1 .1 1 1 , h, . wouldn't sell tile oil" "' When il , .,ir . tn Irt'itio; imablr to hi, v a i-";-. i-apn. t hr s s, ni i, prilrel nelrrd. ejoin.u into I amri ,e, 1,1 iniv - 1 1 .) i . - 1 . .r the vveiU. belli,' llll alile to i;rt anything lie.irer, and vv as taking 111 part of a hav rake to ifpaired. vv hirh anv bhnk smith eould have ni in half an Innu. I lis butter merchant in Cork vvt o'.-t,. say that if lie coiitiuurd to .1.. ,i,Mti,. foi him all his olhrr riis..iiiris vv.m leave, and h. lias to sell his hiitirrl.v i "-a ! a . o htrategy. lie a prole, t son p. .-I 111 I s ,t.., , 1 . n-v his yard, and his dati-hler cannot uo out without a revolver and police. His hay wa. nialii-ioiislv biirnl. and lh'- i ndeav ored to priivc thai she had set lire to it. If he had not happened to be away Iroiu home himself at the time it wa. burnt, all I he water in Ihe Shannon, he said, would not have i Irarr.l him of it. His : ilfeliee w as the ii.ual one . a farm from vvhn h aiiolhrr had Im-cii ev icteil SOCIALIST VICTORIES. 'I'he 1'ieiieh Snrialisls have gained auot her virtni) at the Municipal l'".lcc t i. i i s. This time il i, al Saint Muni. 'I hr rill lie Sin-iali -t list Was ret III him I. The votes weir; .Irnisrl. I, .'I, I; Itassl-lt, ',l.":i: l.'orhrtlr.s;;;; r,i,ua-tle. S.lll; Ni.piel, s.'i. 'I'he highest numher of Voles ob tained i v I he K.i'ln al . w a.- .Vi.'. A STREET TALK. "Sav, liiil, wliat i to Vnll suppose llio.-r Vorkllolirli ale "oilito do How?" "I bllillo." "Well, he '-e mull- to llotuiliale a I'nli rii ami town t ieket. t 'an't VVI- sir Milur of I In-Ill ami I Hf 1 1 1 1 il?" lull i-- all old jiolil inaii, ami is Used lo I lie Was of polil tenths, bill. In- h.i- a liol v liiii ror of oraiii.ei Work MIL' lm II, especially I lln-r union im-n in the 'I'l'ade.s ('mim-il. "I uanl oii lo understand," In- replied i 1 1 h is coin pa ti ion's an imts ipn-ry, "I I .1111 Hot ..oilier ,, -sk -i ll Idjr m tailor in -1 1 1 1 1 by soiiie laborer's slioriiial.ri'. 1 1 yon wan I lo see any of I fellows. Mill had buffer mi oil rsel I. " ,1 usl then I lay II u-li I v ca me .iIoiil' and erected llis oslrlHlblr pollt leal 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -s wit li : " li, iJu'iv! ji iriink a-aiu?" All eypressioii of wounded pride nvi-rspri-ail hill's leal In-ry 1'ime as lie replleil with all the ilionily of ,i uau'ef of liitiors: "No, llu-lilv. We're Hot illllllk. bill We're d d llll- certaiti about some Ihines." The approach of an aristocratic jiulee was a signal lor llii-hly In m l iitii of the ctmi hi 1 1 v of tlie (wo rather shady individuals, ami a sue-imsl inn lo "have .soiuet h'ni";" from a "deiiio cratic" heeler look Ihe parly to a sa loon nil llrer-soll street, where tlie rcporler was loo modest lo enter, and I he coiil iiiual ion of v. hal proni iseil to bean interest illjj; coll yi-fsat ion was lost. WHERE THE SPLIT IS. William IJirhnaii. in his ileparl- nient of the l,'nii.rr. Willi ilsnsn il I disreeard ul' I'aet. says there seems In j be a splil in tin1 Lyceum Club, ami makes personal allusion tosome of its llieinbe1 s. 1 hal I he expulsion nl' an iiiicoiie'eiiial iiu-iiiiicr s 1 1 1 1 1 i t consti tute a split ni an nr-atn.alinn is an idea that is worthy of a crack-brat n i il eily editor. I le iiimht as well have advertised a split in the "dcino catic" party w hen one of its ninn bers was deprived of his vote bv reason of his brine hnne t r murder. INFOIMATION. Work iii-iucu and women who desire to belter their eondilion and arc vviihn lo join hand . vv it h I r;; Labor, ran obtain all 111101-111. 11 ion in i. ,: ii, to ihr v arii ins i uii.'. ii ions and t he manner ot I0111111-, them, by addressin- .1 letter to the ti; ii:s rut Ni'ii., 1'. O. l'.o fie.', Nkvv 11 MIA. ( r, if II is pre In red. the) may call personallv al Trade, t'oiimil Mall. ','. ( hapri street, dav 01 eveiini-. I'liin 111 11111, -al I, a is ami intei v lew s are re.;arded j as si 1 let I v 11 inlidrnl ial. I I int.-1 .. 1-11 1 ' I loir 1 i-a 1 Mi ll s w 1 1 H ' mr 11 no shu I s and draw n s r; al .' ic.. vv 1 a t h h'r. Men's .rai let h wear al '.IS., vvnitli si. Caul ! ,e lot at ', ir. and u .vv ai .Is. at M. I.vmiui: hapri si n-rt SPLCIAL AULNTS l 00 WOKK MEN'S ADVOCATE. l...-l.. It W ta-. vv 11 . Kill,! in. I s 1,., 1 I '. 1 . 1 ... 1 r .1:1 s s, I!, 1 ".- M i;n -li,-, 1 I .Ms S I l.! III,! II VV I . , 1S (O j l.'111-l...l f. I. Uli.ll s I'.li.l-, I' I "JUSTICE:" Hi-i-i 1.1 Oi:,..v 00- s,,. 1.1 ll. w.i, 1: . I IIMIIIN. I St. I Ml. I'.-sl.-e ti I .it Has ,,tV., ,- ilXtctinqs. Mi:i;h il ular MI-:i;h'N SKl'TION. S. I,. I'. -.Re-;- llieelin.;, ,,n the Seroud and mil 1 1 1 Sun, iv ev enin-s m each month. ) l 'TI I I'd; 1 11 l ' r Ab'I'KNTl'.K.s ) AMI .(iNI".l:S of Ameliea. 1,'e-r- ular meet in- every Wednesday ev enin al 7 o'clock, al Wood s buildin-, col ner t 'hureh ami (Jeoi-e streets, i;ai:maki-:i:s' int. i'mun no. h;. w Ue-ular meet in-; the V'ud Wednes day in each month, 7 r. M., at Trades' ( ' hi iit-i I 1 all. .1 Ot'KNf.VMKN TUI.oliS' I'NIu.N, Keiriilar Meetings at Trades I 'nuiieil Hall on the sreond and fourth Mondays in each mouth, al s o'clock p. in. YKI'Kh'UKI'Tsrilf; I'h't l' A( i A NT i A . 1,1 I i ts lirst and third Tliurs- day in each month at si lown street. ) N ri;i;s AND I'AITd.' II ANlif.Ks' I :Ni IN. No. 1. Ii'i-lmiI.-ii- meetin-s. I ll'st and Third I'lidav evrnin-s of each month, al r. !u o'rlnrk. o-.rr Turn Hall, cor. ( rau-r and ( 'ourl --t reels. o i-'.t "i n in ni-'.w ii t:n. s. I,. I1. The O rei.mlar inert in-s of this Sntioii are held al Trades ('oiun il Hall on Ihr lirst Monday in rach month al s o'eloek p. in. rPUAIl-:S I 'l H 'Ni II,. b'e-ular meet I i 1 1 s i ai the I i est and third Sundays ill each lil '111 h . a I 7 o'rlork ill the eve llill-:. A II unions .hollld be represelllnl. ; l I.I. IT Nt. I Ills l IAIk. .;.f! NdM'AIM'.II, ASSKMI'.LY.--- " ' b'r'.'iilar .re in-s every Tuesday rvrliill-r. al N o'rlork. Ma-.oliir Temple. I'. O. address. H"V lai'-'. Aducvti&cnxcnts. I IIOS. l. I i; , I'l e'l . Most Central House in the City. II-. i -i l ar l.iiir- i.l-s Hi, ll'.il-, I- .ill 1. il l- "I t In- rii v I'KIIMs, ji.1 imi I'l l! . . I III s ale SI i i-cl. New llavi-ll. Cullll. yoi'nh's ( H;ai; si' i;k. 5C.MARGUERITA CIGAR 5C. . n 1 1 vi v s v in h n; i an. i i.i; M... I,;l lt;i-.l Sliirt. ol anv i'nliaerii Mine ill tlx- ( ll V. r) 1 5 SrATL St., Cor. Grand Ave. ;v i l l I s . t ' SUCHER & MULLIN iss S i' 1 1 : S 1 1: i-;i-;t. Lilies) ii.ivi'I'h's in lini- Hals ilirn-l1 1'r, mi far. try, s:iv im: ivl.iil ir,,ies. Ii-rls ,, 1,7.-1, l .'.Ml. i.Oll. :..-.o Sill. II. it :t.'MI, I. SO. Soo Our Now Gossaiiior DreSo H,n. I'i auk- ll.ius mii.I i. nil's l-'ii i iii-liin-s at e lo-ini-lv lew pri'i s. ( all ami In-ei.iiviiii'i'il SUCHER & MULLIN, ii. ISS s I I. s i Ki l l . THE YALE FOMIN PEN ! .,.,. :ll, M,, ,,....,. " LANE Agent. HATS ! HATS ! Si.oo, Sl.oO. S-.oo. x-.V.o. s:!.oo I niiui I, ;!' I i ii l. ri ) II .il . i' s.osi;oii. MiciiriiriisT. O. 15ITTL1CK, W Ii. ii,- ,e,. I ; 1 -1 lit Healer in Fish, Oysters and Clams Si m I noil ol II l lulls. ri hms , .sii ham '.11, 1,1 1 i.i 1 :-ii,.v 1 93 Broadway. GILHULY & BOHEN viam r v, 1 1 1.1. 1:-. "I-- Soda, Mineral Waters. Etc., 57 Sr. John S r ree t. I'1 VI I l: 1 V 1 I MMi- "I Groceries and Provisions, 1 Cor. Dixwo! i Av. ami Honrv St. BREAD. BREAD. Notion Mom or .ilur a.I-e. ration ii-nl ni la, ..i, I sk -.our l.lori-l our (himiU, S. S. THOMPSON & CO. i f 1 i,l, -I llaki-i V 111 t he t i! v . t:v voimv r..Ki:i!v lt liimiU 1 inn fact nr.l I ! ii i-ssl v tor l'.iiol l'i-iiil-. i Herman Trust. 7.VJ .v ;:H.rnii.l st. rtucvtlscmcnts. K. OF L. MERCHANT TAILOR, 1. mi (.uM 1 i i-:, l 1 1 : 1 stork -I l';,il ami Winter I Is oh lialnl I'aie 1 iv 1 n-o.ii - in.-t'li- al h- ivv ITi'-e- CHARLES COXETER, TAILOR, 1b Clark Street. F. WM. SCHNEIDER, MERCHANTTAILOR nil -1 in: 1 it 1 1:1. I'iiir I ii 11 11 Is a ml 1 11 1 v.orU. Satislae I ion - uaraiileed. I. MAILHOUSE, Printer, Designer, Stationer, ( Impel St.. New llawn. nl rn (.; nl'lA A I.MMiS. $5 to $10 Saved I I V o II I (M I! Suit or Overcoat Made by Us, s I I s iii "'..".. X-.' ; , ; I,,, .s,-,. n I la n Is in i;in;i;, x'.' I. -s In !. liaii i:i:s n h;ih:i;, sii. -SI, s' tn -si".'. Till l.aU'isI .V--i.ll III. lilli'sl Quality ;in. hvi'iM' si v. 1.1: i-'.i:i;it . I '.1 -'ill 1 . 1 I'! , 1 1, 1 i fir I III r niaiill.e V.ll'ielv til- Inn- ). 1 I'uri ha-e. I. KLEINER & SON, TA1Loi;s, 707 and 709 CHAPEL STREET. KstllliMiril lsVi I 1(M)I COMMISSION eivril to respon. 'l sitile Canvassers. Apply al Mil Chapel si., lop Mm ir, for part ieulars. DO NOT IH'V AN IIYKIHUAT. . SI'ITOK CLOTIIKS, Nt ib' A I'A 11: !' 'n;tirsi-:i;s mi Ihiiy r mint iir mir emit Men's& Boys' Winter Clothin I'riees are 111 keepum with he iv- diieeil w.i.'es in' I in- prop,, NORTON & CO., AI. IIAI.I.. I 85 CHURCH STREET. Adocvtiscmcnts. S. H. BARNES, iii'.vi.r.i: in Choice Beef, Mutton, Lamb, K't'C. K'l'c. iAn: in 'i n 11 1; m:amn. STALL NO. I, CITY MARKET. Come anil m-c tin- anil we will 1I0 ymi Kooil. S. II. IIAItNKS. a-: d)sfi:i;s (i-i-:.xi:i to ti;ii-:i: llill 1llhlHllt til I I ' 1 1 illltl Silll I ish at A. K. BROWN'S, 1 .ii iinl Am inn-. i u ll;irn. rrrv cash uijockiiv. 74 & 76 Congress Avo il or. llill street.) A I-'II.'ST CLASS f'MII,Y GROCERY A N M I -: A T MAIIKUT. BOTTOM PRICES. Kai-lv e.'i talili-s . 1 1, ei irs mill I'mii s. reeeiv 1 il I os ev il i;n . fall ielilar ilttelll i' I to I I AMI Ol I I I . FLOUR ami BUTTER A SPECIALTY I oii't h'ore-el 1 1 1 f People's Store. J. H. KEARNEY, 71 .noi 7i ( iiN(.iii:ss ai:nii:. FLORENCE HOUSE Ifemilnr Meals 25c. I Alii 1: ltn lil l i t; i 1:1:1,. khiin' i!iiirriii:i(s. itoj.s. lliiosit)- ( ity Mark ft. CHARLES KLEINER, -: LAWYKi; : Nolai .v I'll lil ii. .Ill-tin- of Hie IVa -. l.'mM ','., Will i I. S lit IhlUMI, (',) rimnh St., New lliivfit, (on 11. OH-l-'ll K ol'CN I V I I '.s TAYLOR BROTHERS, '!( I 'iJ St., W KISS m lUIKWKliS, .((-. I III i:. 1 AVI.IIK, I'i i. Also. Itottlin-; nun-iil for .lanu-s Hei-i-iinl's 1'n inoiis ,..v York I .airei heir, (inters hy Mail or Tele liuiie 1 )- iiii 1 1 1 Iv al lemlr.) to. The Quitinipiac Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. PHILIP FRESENIUS, LAGER BEER BREWERY 488 Congress Ave., I si;1iiii,ii,.,i is; NKAV II.W i;n. WEIDEMANN'S LION BFtEWERY, I KI.Moi; L A (i i: i! II K K I!. ALLINGTOWN, V n A.,,'Vli::.. NKW II.IVKX. CT. rtuevtiscmcnts. MclMTYRE. MAGUIRE CO, GRAND OPENING OF ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS ! ifeat i'ei;iratiniis for the hill Tnule I'lareain.s for t he People Constantly Arriving ! Values that cannot, he aiproaiheil outside of Our Store. rrotiiitieiil on Our ( 'nimicrs the priecs we name an, hevotul ihutlit, l'leasiii"; to Our ' Patrons. I!e sun ami visit, our ' tlimils, llusi, i i and HIaiil,, t 'mi nlt rs; it will he a Saviiiu- ,,' M , t,, von, ami a Source of I'lrasin-e lo' us. All are eonlially inviled. MdNTYRE, MAGUIRE & CO., ''5 ( In I SI.. N. iv Haven. frW W'oir.s fr Ihr Wmiimiii main I'msjivrihi fur Ihv Mrrcltiutl. M. KLKINi)K, i '- i: A x ii a i; n i i;. A new stock of ( 'arpel ino-s. Oil Cloths, Hats ami Caps, ami Cent's Piiriiisliitie; (iomls. Also in I I'Y atlil Fancy (Iomls he is with the market prices at all times. Cive lis a. cull, we will use yon well. ( lm- prim, ami money re funded when e-oods tint, sat isfactory, at M. KLEINER'S. MEIGS & CO. O I ( ) T i l I 0 R vS , 107 & 109 Church St. NKW JFAVKN. P.J. KELLY & CO. I -AHUM SUITS. mmm suits, i;i:dihx(!, win innvsn adis. mr. FVKI.'VTIIIXC COMPFFTF l-'ol I loiisekeepin, on tlie most 1,'easoii alile Terms. ( )ne I 'rice ( inlv . 321 & 323 Grand Avenue Frank A. Hutter, Ni.AUTHWL WMTIIAUKKIi, I'i (iKOIWIK STIIKKT. Will i-lies ill. I ( Ini-ks eleaneil anil repairi'il. A iliseounl ol ,'ll ier eent uivell mi all Work for lllellilii-l-s o t lit- K. of I.. vSAM. II. .KIK1.5Y, American and Swiss Watches AT Till-. l.ciWK-T l-iai l. A I'i ih- Assii-tni-iil of Kolli-d (oilil l liaiiis anil .li-vveliy. 834 CHAPEL STREET. 1IKAI.KI! IN All k i nils ol'.I imvcI rj. niericnn S h iss Watclies. ( lucks, 0iiTa (ilnsscs, ic. i.o a x o i i i r i:. lliirliesl irice ailvaiieeil 011 IMnl'on. SpeelH altetilioti ..'lu-n to Uepairiint. No. 5 liiirrli Sti-t-ct, N.-w Haven, Conn We always enileinor to sell reliable Homls. ami an) one iiircliasine; of ns w ill he convineeil tliat our prices are as low as any on all KHIiles of Shoes, Rubbers, k B. E. LYNCH'S One Price Boot and Shoe Storo, :!7 ONlilJKSS AVKNL'K AMI TVs COMMKUCK STRKI7T. THE B0YC0TTER. TI1K I'l'Hi 1 A I. Hid. AN (if TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 6. - Mi Ill-eat Helcinlcr f Hie I.ulior Cause. T K KM s : i m- Year. r, siv M, mills. Thr. e M..till,s, Aii.lri-ss Tar Cot Kirrm, Vj, i-, -,n sirvt t. New v,,rk IJIlVlOTTn.K.N.v.THIIIIINE!