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EN'S Second Wtwv, so. 7 iUtu Haven, Connecticut, JsmuuI.ui. iUmcmhcv 14. 18815. "Xxict 3 Cent wcmKivr ADVOCATE, L0XI)0"S STAHVKI) SOCIALISTS' SUCCESS IN THE OLD WORLD. I. Hid Major's Ihi.v It ri nus I right to lilt' l'osM'ssiny: Class - Ih'iiintuls l.i-1cti'l In hj till I . ril MiiMir Noble Hi I L'iilll Wollll'll. LuS UiiN, n , Tin1 socialists li;ul a triumph to daw The Social i s t s lirlil their meeting in Trafalgar sipiare despite I lie largest force of police ever colleen! rated there In prevent a meeting, 'i'lle inliee pre cautions assu incd an t t ( 1 1 1 1 that was really redieuloiis, for the Socialist leaders have always lieell opposed to viiileliee, and I lie call fill' t he deHloll- sl rat iuii of the unemployed was ilalllleil Solely I'ol' the purpuric I if forc ing on the addition of I lie wealthy ainl careless pusses-si 114 class the suf fering ami poverty of their fellow beings. That this was accomplished ami that g I will funic out of t he demonstration is shown by the re ports u I' the success t hat Socialists are meeting with in ntlrai-ling atten tion to t heir demands. , Hundreds of simp fronts were covered with boards, ol her shops and hotels hail their shutters down and similar safeguards against looting. At Trafalgar square hard I a shop or lnilcl front remained unguarded by cither hoards or shutters, and 110 opportunity was a Horded to the criminal (dement, which is always on hand in large gatherings, to take ad vantage of the excitement. Thus the honest determined wnrkingmen were spared reproach. In general I he crowd remained ab solutely silent as the cavalry and escort and various city guilds passed. Several otlicials in carriages coming next, were hooted. A model steam launch with a crew aboard, a lifeboat and two elephants were the only parts of the procession that were cheered. "Last of all came the Lord Mayor in his gihled state coach, looking like the K nave of ( 'lubs on cards. He passed amid storms of hisses and 'linos!'" says the cable to the New York llrrahl. After the procession the unem ployed were addressed by various speakers. Anions others. Williams, a prominent Socialist, addressed them from the foot of the Nelson monument, lie declared t hat the populace would show I hey could hold an orderly meeting o let the public know the amount of distress which at present existed among the wnrkingmen of Fnglaiul. Another speaker said : "All the power of the country was invoked to prevent us from assembling in Trafalgar sipiare. Our reply l all this is that we are here. I do not desire to use rash language, but I mean all I say. We want food, work and dwelling places for all. and all will have them. The Socialists pledged the unem ployed of London that they would make this demonstration to-day to contrast before the world the ex treme poverty of London's unem ployed with the extreme wealth and plenty of the city's upper ( lasses, and tin- Socialists hae kept their word. We have given this answer to Sir Charles Warren. Resolutions of a proper kind will he adopted and they will be sent to the Manpiis of Salisbury and l Lord Randolph :.,;iv!it,i Wt and Mu v ; 1 1 I .... , .., . 11 1 to listen to them. "The Socialists will coiiiintic their work until every vestige of tyranny shall be swept away. ur orai lig ation is the only one which dares to take the proper position on behalf of the poor and oppressed. care not lore to break the peace. We are here to agitate in a peaceful manner for work for all and overwork for none." I it-solutions ak in ir the government to provide Work for the unemployed and to reduce to eight the number of hours const it ul i nu a day's work were carried amid loud cheering, and the ".'roup which adopted 1 1 1 -1 1 1 and vv Inch had by tins time absorbed nearly all the multitude remaining in the scpiare dispersed cheering fur the promised social revolution. The Lord Mavor has promised to impure immediately into the extent of the exceptional distress and to endeavor to discocr the best remedy for ils relief. AT I'.III I I "-. I'i:i 1:1.-. Nov. '.. The session of ihe liclgian chambers was opened to-day. Kin"; Leopold recommended in his speech that the government submit lo Ihe chambers for approval bills fuv oring t he free format 1011 of professional bodies lo establish bc t ween I hotheads of man ti fact u ri 11 linns and workmen fresh bonds of union in the form of arbitration and eoiici I iat ion councils : to regulate labor performed by women and children ; to repress ihe abuses con nected with Ihe payment of wa ires : lu facilitate the const met ion of dwellings for work i ngineii ; tu develop sick and provident institutions, pen sions and life assurance ; tn eoinbal Ihe ravages of inebriety and iniinor ulily, and check t he adiiltcrat ion of food. The speech also held out the promise of extensive amnesty for the persons convicted of participating in I he riots of last spring, ami expressed a trust that there would he a palri oiie accord atunng'all liclgian politi cal parties to solue the recruiting ipiestion in the manner which in terests of the highest order demanded One thousand women dressed in black arrived here to-day in a body from Charleroi to petition for am nesty to the men convicted of par ticipation in the labor riots of last March. The women had arranged lo walk in procession from the rail way stal ion to the legislative cham bers. The liurgomaster, however, re fused to permit this, hut allowed the delegation lo present. I heir petition at the city hall. The women were greeted at the railway station by a great crowd, who cheered them heari ily. It will lie remembered t hat the riot in"; there has a parallel in this country in the Chicago atl'air. Men wi re killed in the coiillict between Ihe police and the people who were holding out-door demonstrations. Yet they are now about, to he released by a government which does not pretend to allow the freedom that We have so loudly boasted of. BOYCOTTING BREWERS. Will die I am Treat Tan plover ami I'liiployeA like .' If the conspiracy laws, which from lime to time have been directed against work Hitmen and caused Ihcir imprisonment, are to be en forced impartially, Jersey justice w ill have a chance to direct its ener gies upon its capitalists in the brew ing trade. It is reported that a combination of all the lead ine; brew ers in New York, llrooklyn, Newark and vicinity has been effected by which each brewer is required to de posit sl.i. Odd in a fund as a guaran tee of good faith to be forfeited if the agreement is broken. 'I'heagree is said to include a plan for raising the price of beer and to resist the elTorts of organized workmen to bet ter their condition. The fund w ill amount to over I.immi.imiii. It is a conspiracy against consumers ;ind work men. and means boycott against boycott. Hut organized labor can hardly sulTcr in the long run. Hut W e look to see tile cull "'e t lie lawyers will pursue in the case. WORSE THAN BLUE LAWS. News has reached us that the Olleen's CuUliei! has seiiieliced IL nrv Shedd, of London, tn one month's hard Labor and twelve strokes with I eat-o'-nitie-tails for refusing to i work at three shillings per day. he having gone to the workhouse in I preference. 77 r L'iidr (A. ) .) SKIT- i:.M I'LOYM KNT GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE. 4 u V e I'll ill ull 1 l'lllil" lurllt Xiatlls ( ie tiperal ion - The I'diple 'I' In-i l (h 11 laiidiiiTs VII l list Have YYItal They I arn Tacts. The Toledo Ac'".-, says, and says I ruly, that as lung as one man can exact of anuthcr a lax for using the means of existence, the hitler w ill be I he slav e of I he former. Hul how can t he slave help himself is t he ipiestiuii. W e see so many w rongs cnlninil led t hat we get excited aiid spread ourselves over too many poli cies to help him in 1 1 1 -! 1 . We must first have some point, suiuelhing delinite. Some I'll nda men I a I princi ple to Marl nn, and I hen pull lu ge! her. We have not accomplished 111 tiili so far. because we have not consolidated ; some arc pulling one way and some another. Now this will never do. I'mled we stand, di vided we fall. Let iis make up our niiiids what we wan! and then work until We gel. it. "( luvernmcn! employment" is a good principle, because it will let. the people be their own employers and do away with corporations and monopolies by letting the govern ment compete with t In-ill. Nearly all the wrongs would right them selves by this means. It is simply co-operation. And the co-operation of the government wiih I he people is Ihe only plan of co-operation thai will not. turn info a hurtful monop oly. We have got to co-operate so each shall live and not be a burden or an injury to ol hers. This is a principle we must, not overlook, for this is freedom, and we desire that above all things. Daniel Webster said that "no country could long en dure where the Icndeney of Ihe law was to cause a rapid accumulation of property in the hands of the few." II has proven a fact. And those who cannot sec it fo-day will in a ft w years, unless a change is sooner made. Kach one must. have what he earns, and no more. That is. we must have a. principle I hat will iml allow one man to live on I he exert inns of others. What, ol her plan will bring this about but govern ment, employment? J. I lirav says ''we must abubsh class dependence and es! a bl ish an industrial republic, where labor shall have its whole creations, and capital co-operate wit Ii it." (lovcrn inent employment is the only means of iloing this, because capital will always lake advantage of labor un less the law is as binding on I be ul her. We 111 list therefore take mumv 1I4 now'i'l' rind then wc crin en- ;..,.. ,! 1;,,. ;,, lei r , it,- taking away its power I mean ilsj Printers are tall .eg loudly abniil power to hurl labor. It is the only tdit- viulaf inn uf lh" Internal lonal way we can "; secure lo Ihe workers rj(l1 Hr;inl )(i ..,,.llis" ., the lull enjoyment nl the wealth 1 ., ,. 1 j ... 11 , ,, . .. , . 1 ion Ihe mini, whelehv, it isalleL'.'d. they create, etc.. contained in uiir I second plank. No other plan will be; cnmpusilnrs arc thrown ton of so far-reaching or so liable not to 1 work. It is probable thai .-nine de injure or burden others. Then a eided act ion will betaken m the protective larilT, perhaps, wotiel : mailer at tin- tmxl meeting of lie help us ; to-day we want free trade : 1 Lnimi. The instructions from the then iinigratioii lo this country president of I he 1 nlernal ional body Wolllit Ire liclilllciai, Willie We llovv want them to stay at home: and 1a- bni-saing maehiiiery would be a I blessing to tin- wui'kingiuen. in-tead j nfn.'tsm, a?-ii i. iif.v, xvTiii.- f.-.i- trolled by capital. That iswhv I say gnvernment cmplov n,ei,t would right nearly all the wrongs we b.ive. JnlmStnart NLIU.ys be ""docs not recogni-e its either just or .-amtarv .1 state of society in which there is an" class." I Jilt he does not tell us bow tnge! rid uf It. Tliereare hundred- , Who tell U-U f llUI" ills', bill dot! I ted lis the remedy. It H lb" seat of the liM-.-tsi- that we want to get .it. I'ii- , . . 111 11 1 nfving the blond whi crauM- the system. W hat is the tome If 1 1 ltave any better than a bottie of "I niVerillllent 1 1 1 1 1 x 11 u 1 " v.hv I i" 1 1 1 U il a ong. and we w .i: ,-1 na : -,e it and m e if il coiiiam-i anv ingredi ents that ill e-o.i-o ;i 1 1 1 r. ii. ',; .y 1 end il ion if all", 1 1 1 I ha 1 1 the ubuv ; or if you ! link the above is hot t be right llieil leilie. t lii'il tcil us w l . . I '','" mi III . ,?'. ' ,'.', THE TRADES. At the last regular Scs-ioU of I he Trades council Uin-I of I he deicale-' liaO I iul Ii . 11 g o s j la I 1 'i ti r. - 1 1 1 iv purl from I le ir respect ic unions. The following I'eporls of I he Male of 1 rade were made : 'la ho -s, biiM ; Iron rmd Mecl W orker-i. dull : t 'igan uiakcrs. lair ; PiaiiomaMT-. fair ; linkers, fair : oodcarvers. ail iiiium men at work. The baker.- complain I ha! I be boss-bakers. Wu...oi"d. of Ix miberlv avenue, and Schaefcr ,.( ( 'oligTCSs a V ell II", e"e Hot I'll II! , Hi" uii loll --hops : I he lal ! cr ,1 w .1 - re porl cd . had I v ice before broken hi agree nielli Willi I lie I n loll, a 'id 1 imw einplov ing si-ilw. As a iw iieiicc t here will be a "si Vd lie.; of business relations" between Scli.icf.-r all'i Sullle of III- 1 !-!ollerS. A plopo si! lull lo hold Weekiv sessions of he Trades t ' o u 1 1 ' 1 1 was labled unlil the next regular mecl ner w hieh takes place oil .the ".' 1st ill-!. Compli mentary I it-ket s for 1 he I ia keig" bail were presented lo I he delegates. A PLEASANT EVENT. Nutipai'eil Assembly, lie. ! of L. . gave ils lirsl c4'icerl and sociable al old 1'nion Artnury. Tuesday even ing, and eiiterlained many friends. There was a concert by Thomas' or chestra early in I he evening, followed by dancing. The grand march was made up by about mi euiinles, who fvvith additional friends, eonlinm d I he pleasii re of he dance I i II ! a. in. All Voted it .'I great success. The management deserve great credit for their endeavors. MRS. PARSONS AGAIN. The friends of Mrs. Lucy L. Parsons, wife of Ihe condemned anarchist of Chicago, and others who wci'" unable In hear her h-cf ure at Ihe Lincoln Link recently, will have allot her npporl 11 11 il v to hi a 1 her. She led 11 res here next Tues day evening at s o'clock al Turn Hall, comer of ( h ange and ( 'on i t streets. CITY LABOR POLITICS. The wnrk uf organizing Independ ent W il I'd el 11 bs for I he colli illg oil V election is progressing w il h good re sults. Tin- reports ihal are bruiigh! in shuw a large increase of svmpal by for the moycineiii for holies! polii ic- Sunday aft cr noon a not lei' meet 1 ng of the I lldepelldclil voters will take place, ami arrangemciii s made for a town con v- ut ion. THE UNION S PLATES. ' el'e .y exp,ie,l ainl le;ie htlic excu-e f,',r I he v inial mu of T-lau m I hi- par! ieuiar. i ; -' BH AN FORD' VICTIMS!' T, 1 1 ..l, Wo.l.s lee a,-. , , : ., , , . , ti. ;i ,,,,,, , , , , ,.,, ,,- ..,. ,.!,,., );,!,, tlia1 'tin-i- ,1 .oie t ,ai e. u-eniuinr.' very oint.i--!i in: - l.iel urei - in lin- Vi.,,,i .hi- I I- : -I I-. ii.U" "i1-"11'- '! hv a l.ii je ii.iii'.wacc 1 1 ei 1 1 n f a et 1 1 1 1 ci ll:i-iilv. I I i J 1 1 I ,.,.,,;,,.,.. .,.. 'ii in I" ill" ex , ( ;.i 1, maliv lm-v ., ; ! I.--U- U ri II I lf o 1 oluiolt IN ' lU'lolC ,iItM(hit. ,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,,, ..,..,- Unu, ,,, u ,, i,,. uite' illir:-i lull. W A I! IN (11 !(' Alio. MONOPOLY AND THE STATE VS. WORKINGMEN. Miili liers sl l ike lor a rriin inb-. ; l irlil lluiir- laitniirli Ini 11 llavs' W "i l. 1 nilr.l tn a Mini. j Mililia iimiI (inaliv ii! I lie llilvi.. 'I he ( I.11 -ago sioi k vard- ale aga.n 1 he M-i'in- uf a g igani ic s ri kc The rceeiil I r. ut I lies there which were supposed to have lieell scitled !, I he lit--Il H i line,,- o Wo k nil t he tell hour basis, have I, Token out afresh, w i! h e el c idem c of a lone. .-I rug-:.',- oil I he pari of ! !n- w. irk men in 'hi- t 1 lie- - elite once i, ii' a II I heir de moid for an eight hour standard w oi k 1 la v . Tu en 1 v Ii v e 1 11011 -and men are invnived in lie- light, and i heir bi'o! her-: 111 ! In- pack ing and -!a llgli !e' Incises in Si . 1 ,011 is a III ol her pa ri s of ! he cm ul rv a re in .-V inpal h w il h I belli. Tip- men ha v c calculated all ihe forces a r- laiiged ag'Uii.-l t In-ill and have goiie into t be M niggle as one man. as is how n bv t In- following sl.lleiucul I11 rii 1 r-1 i 1 1 1 bv Thomas Ik Harry of Un ix nig 11 t s of I .:bor exeell I i V e huai'il. 'I i 1 lli 1 ! II 'I VS 1 '1 ii h;n : 1 11 ju, lice In 01 ii'v hi mi 1 11 1 I lie '.'.'i.Uilli men vv lii mi We leple: elll. We ilesju- o make II II A .lalcmiuils anil col lect -juiu- elToiieoiis iiiii essioii-.. 1 In- ci mi 1 nil lee 1 1 a v ing t he la. t r.ll'tke III charge mail'- all ellnrts eou sisleiit w it Ii . iii;;hhood lo ii nn iioin i .e I lie lliliiclllty. The iaen'ls w ell- nlVered the lollop ill:; uoiosl! inn. wliicli llley I I i-aieil w ilh cnnteiiil : first A lech ii'n ..I reeiij nil inn o' the ouj hi -In hi i- ilav, I he 1 aniilov ees ioliii .ing In wnrk over time as 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 a-, ihe lackei . deeiueil nec es.arv . 1 1 11 11 1 A reduction in pay siif lii ieul to halance anv loss which tuiidit he incidenlai In sii' li ,111 arraiigeineiil. Thi--e negot ial inn . I liliug, certain iac! els assiii'i-il. I he coinin il lee 1 1 lit t it t he I I let I w i ii I Ii I n T 1 1 ill 1i I lie ten .hour il;,n for a few w neks I heV 1 1 lie ucl;eisl w nil Id w i!h,r,uv triuii Hie Packers' Association ,l,'l lililln In Ihe eiglll llnlll' Mslelll. I he aul hori:.ei representatives of Ihe ,acker, have since tu l 1 1 ( t u. Ihal no lili'llll 'i r ol I he a .si 11 lal ion liail ihe li:;hl to lake such action. We haw io ilue prool lhat Mr. P. 1 1. I II 10 1 1 r de-ili". II, 1 -el I Ii riiclil oil : 1 1 1 lia i- w hali v er. I h- i- ii glit in;.: I .a am l li.-r ohi-et. I'lie agieeniciil w Inch he re nin res all Hi" null 1 1 1 ig II u hu ri ( II II is In he. en,, I, I lirnw . a lighl iiion lii-. laolue-;. Thai a- ci inciil is as follow :; : "I do laiHiliillv iroini-,e that I vv ill re in hi nee a llegia nee lo all labor orgaiii. al mils, and I lint I u ill deposit from my s ages be -111111 of g unlil Ihe lolal ha- reached snll. and Ihal I vv ill iml leave I In- linn except on two weeks' notice on my pail, under penally ol' lor feil ing all iii'Hiey so dcpi isil i d." W e are eeiisiireil I. u mil pill I ing I he hoil -i . in order, a pi ei ei lent w inch w as e-tahh-hed al Hie la-l slrike. A I III il I itne Mr. i I ranv ille .S.-i v cr. a uii-inher of the executive luial'd of I I --. I C It ' 1 Nil. ni, was .v-ked hy Mr. M. 'inlahy lo dean iii ic hoil -e. Mr. Saw v 'T i aised v oh i n lees : i t 1 1 . 1 1 ". the i i o -i i and did Hie work to Mr. ( 'iidahy' --al islacl ion. The ne.xl da) an injunction Wiii placed upnii Mr. Sawyer i e ,l rain ing him I loin entering I lie y a id. That i-one and an all -iilhcieiil reason lol ileellliill,; In.l-sKI Ihe packers in Illi- I peel. No aglet unlil vv a- i'i il ma le liclvveen I he packer- and I lie CXeilllise hoiinl of the '.it I Ii- hlll'iiel- --, .cell loll. The packers ollere l a schedule ha.ed on Ha- lell illllll -leill illld Milled II, hill II.C hill' lifls' I olllllilll ,e u-jecleil l! .- ploio , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Til' - in ie ' In -I I ike Wa I he w III k I 'I III! one man or anv h-w men. It was in re. - poi i-e I o I he una hi nunc demand ol' .'.". Ullll mell "A lio w I'll' pi l lecllv repe-.elited III I he deliliel al lolls ol tile commit lee w Inch i 1 u -i thai order. i lec Illg I hat I hi i -I. i leu i ei, t will ci e t lie pul ill,' a liel I, a i u,,e i 1. 1 1 id i u- ol -nine ol I he com plaal ions ol tin- piol.hiii, we lliei I C ii . lei j.i el full . I:i-' uiie- ' oeii'iiiili-e 1 - 1 1 i'g'i 1 1 - ii ' l.ahor. M. . M v;s! vi. I.. S'cri larv . Tin- lift v deputies- :o;T four c,:n-pann- of militia about the .-luck Mild- haVe lu-eli a ug men I id bv lie- arrival of a hodv of cavalry, and regular camp life ha-' been adopted lo protect die frightened corpor al mus and their -cab hirelings. Ad vert iscne nts have been widely cin-ii-In'cil t hiicighoul the country, and tin-other iiioimpol ies the press ami I he I'll loa-L are their willing tools in oppic-siiig organi.i-d workmen. The pi-'-.-., does its Utmost to circu late false reports, and Ihe railroads olTer free passes to all who will vol nntcer to go lo Chicago and take the places of the strikers. In New York it is reported that oiiu half-starvei li'leigiiers were shipped recently lii I he yards. To the credit of Irish men 1 1 ;s said I hat t here were none ul I liei r na! niii.i lit y among I hem. I lie lesson of I he ( 'hicago elect inlts has iml been taken tu heart bv the bosses, hut the liuwer n tlioiujiiolv w hu h I In U'eselil system uf prod t mn and d i-l I'ibul ion fosler, will do I he must elTect i ve agilat inn in mak ing I be present wage-slaves and wealth prudin-ers realize lhat little can In- gained unlil they can control tin- means of pioduetion. And this limy can uiily do by acting together independently at t in- pulls, breaking aw a) from the busses who control t he old corrupt par! ics. HENRY GEORGE COMING i n lairmira-go The I nilepi'iiiicnt Voters I ur lloiiisl Politics. Henry (ieorge has promised to come lu New Haven before election dav to talk t n I In- Independent Labor v oler-g A committee will be appointed In arrange for his reception, and v ill announce t he dale as early as possible. Independent voters who an-working lo complete the ward organizations should double the'r elTnrts and show Mr. (leorge that the workmen of New Haven are alive to the necessity for leaving Ihe corrupt old parties, and that a good begin ning has been made here. QUAKER CITY IN LINE. A Henry (ieorge club has been or ganized in Philadelphia, with the oh- pi i, o pi, n in ti iuimii i an iii i' cue y ti niiivor in I In-Held. Fred. A.Tler wig.ii hiirher, who was the labor candidate for Congress in the lifth district, is spoken of At the recent eleel ion he palled I, Km votes and is a very popular man with the labor ing men. The Philadelphians are prolil ing by Ihe noble example set by New Vol k. ,,,.. o a, ii 1 1, .,u r.. RESULTS IN NEW JERSEY. The result of the local elections in Pallet-son, N. .1., on Tuesday, was a genuine surprise lo till (hose who have been accustomed to the cut and d'-ied me! hods of the political par lies. Not in years has there been so much cutting and scratching ami independent voting by workiiigtnen,' and business men. lu (lie First Ihslrict Mr. Paul Preen, the labor candidate, who received the demo cratic endorsement, polled SI7 votes lu l.bll fur Mr. (leorge Law, his re 1 1 1 1 til i -i ii opponent,. In the Second District Mr. John Donahue, the labor candidate, received the demo cratic endorsement. Mr. Donahue was elected hy i I plmtl'ity. He is pronounced in favor of .labor meas tres and has pledged them is sup port. In the third District there is ii lie between Mr. Kugene Linloy, I he republican candidate, and Mr. Hubert Carroll. Ihe labor candidate, who was endorsed byjtho democrats. Pitch received, according to the fig ures no far furnished, I.SjKi votes. In the Fourth District ex-Alderman James Keys has been elected on the dcinoeral ic tickcl by Flo plurality. Mr. Keys has pledged himself to support the labor measures. Mr. Fred l.'llby received "ili.'i votes on the republican ticket, and Mr. Smith l.olis on the Independent Labor ticket. Mr! Smith showed more strength than anv if the other labor candidates, as he was indorsed bv neither party. 'the Supreme ( 'uni t of Pennsylvania, ittingat I'ltlshiii'ch. lemlereil a decision recently uliinniiig a judgment in tin- case ol' the miners convicted ol' conspiracy mid si nielli ed (o iiupi isoiimeiit ill the WoikhcUse. The law 111 Ihe ca-e i an old l'jelish i me. long .-ince ;iliu!i -Iteil there, and nee which American legislators have not pl'ov ided a statute in lis place. A pel il inn lor their pardon will tie presented.