Newspaper Page Text
LORILLARD ON SOCIALISM. Not Afraid of the Friends and Advo cates of Labor, the Social 1st. The following extracts from un art icle by l'icrri) Lorilliml, tins tobacco ninnufactiirer, in thu IuhI Anrtii Amcrtmn Jtevkw, will no doubt be read with intercut by our readers: "V1i..ti nnv (im lit tilt' nrestfllt il;iy inliw li nidi- nf lnlmr in its HtnmL'lt! for VIA" 1-1 m existence he in culled a Sormliht. 1 u the Hiqierfieial oWrver. to the untrained thinker, thin word ronvfys tlm impres sion of arson, riot nnd the unlmliinciiig ,f nil ulil idi-fw of uuiet and safety of uronerty. It wenw incredible, in thin age of reason, that the friends and udvo ,.tuu t hilmr Kliiiuld be claused with Ni hilintH, AnurchiNts and dynamiters, and that murder and destruction of property should W COtlSHlereil a pari 01 uieir mis sion. The rishts of labor at this time engag? the attetition ot ail iiiu lutein persons, and the future of capital and lahor makes old women and miserly capitalists shud der, for fear of parting with their dollars in acknowledging me rignis 01 uieir co laborers. They forget that they are mnrelv flic eiistudialiH of the COIllfeiS'(l lal)or of poor workers and cannot justly hold it except for the ltenelit of other workers who follow them. The rights of lahor have been written about in many ways, none 01 wnirn suihe me iu iiu-etinir Iiiu oueMtioll. I have a plan, which 1 believe is original, fur m-cnnnir in their Itehulf licrfect ius- riee. mid oolitical eoualitv. so that they cannot say justice is all on the side of I'Miiifnl. Thin 11I101 1 will briellv describe.: In each Congressional district I would have the trades send delegates to a meet inir for tlie miriiose of choosillL' repre sentatives to a labor congress for one year. These chosen representatives should nominate two senators to reprc unnt their Hlnte in u national labor senate one senator elected for two years, the other for live years. 1 ins noiiy 01 lanor senators and representatives should hold an annual labor congress one month in tm'lt VMiir. TIlM ih'leLriites from the Con gressional districts would relied the wishes of their constituents; i. c, the various trades of their districts. The senate chosen by these representatives, hut. elected for 11 lonirer term, would, by its greater experience, control the more extreme radicals coming annually fresh from the people. For legislation, 1 believe in limited political socialism: that oceans, rivers. onl.nL llll.l'llird lw.Ljt..l ft, 111 i t,l,lirfl, I ill systems should he owned by the National Uovemment, tor the use 01 an, at as low a toll oh will provide for their proper .1 ii il l. maintenance; mat is, lormeusu 01 iaoor In liiith iIh fnniiH. indiistrv mid canital. Rights of private property should be respected. A man s earning, w neincr ny ability, luck or wit. should he his entirely and without restraint durinif his mo w POLITICAL NOTES. "If vott can't elect votircandidates, get as near to it as you can." llrnry (leorijc. Whvdo noor men starve? He cuuso tliey vote in the interest of tlie rich. Tliero is no oilier reason. All honest workmen should vote for an honest Registrar of Voters. Such a man is .lames 1". luekey. Workingmen who vote either the "retnibliciin or "dcmoeniue tiek- ets vote directly against their own niterosts. Woi'kingmen, vote early. Mon't let tlie olil iioluical tnekstcrs mini- enee von. Assert your rights at the ballot-box. Wage-workers, vote on principle! On Tui'sduv next l'o to the noils nod ----- r ti , elect the ticket nominated on prin ciple tlie Labor ticket. When a man votes the Labor Ticket he is lie ttitisr to emanciimie - ' 1 ( himself and his children from the industrial slavery Ktaring them in tlie face. The neirro slave has Lis yearly emancii)ation day. Yet the work ingmen of New Haven make next Tuesday and every election day here after their emancipation day. And so the so-called ''democratic" party the party which claims a mortgage on all workingmen - has renominated .loi n W. Lake for the office of City Auditor. John will feel the effect of organized workmen nn cleetion dav. T'lev will not fur- get his remarks abcut union print ers and the rat concerns to v Inch he is accustomed to send the city print ing. Town Agent Reynolds is in the same boat. Sunday School Kuiterintenilent "Now children, tell ine what heathens are." Small lloy "Heathens is fnlk. who don't fight over religion." Omaha World. Little girl, looking at a picture of Eve "Ma. did Eve li ve at the seaside ?" "Why, no, Bessie ! what make you think so '?" "She always has a bathing suit on." LABOR TICKETS. CITY. Fur Mayor, peter lynch. For ('Hi Vhrl.; JOHN FRANCIS HAKEU. For City Treasurer, ANDREW HOlXiE. For Auditor, t 'HAREEW E. LAN'ILKY. WAUO NOMINATION'S. Second Ward. -Vor Alderman John nil, mil. I t ouni'iimen i,aw reiu-e .1. .iiunnrwn, .. T I If. .1,1. ....... .lohn C. O'Connor, William 11. Ihomj sou. Third Ward. Alderman-Denis Her ,,1,1 Coiineilmen -Thomas 1'. blanroru, l'hilip Hauer, Louis Schrader. Fourth Ward. Alderman John Pe- Coimeihnen - (ieortre . Dockum, Morris E. Ruther, Patrick, Kane. Fifth Ward Alderman Bartholo mew Wllhs. Coiineilmen Horatio H. Lane, l'hilip lleyl, Julius Kutscher. Ninth Ward Alderman Oeorge (ioer ? ( 'niiiicilmeii Thomas Steel, DeWitt C. Day, Edward A. iegand. Tenth Want. -Alderman - Henry F. Keyes. ( 'nunc ilmeii-IIenrv H. Hurlburt, Al fred V. Smith, Oscar a. Jewell TOWN. For Totcn Aijcnt Albert L. llollister. ll,rt I, llitllister. (icurL'e Manslield, Carl (1. Engel und Frank Martin. Town Clerk TliouiaH II. Iienton. Tux r'i ('( ( John St. Clair. 'I'm t Hit rer A u I r : w Undue . Auditor Win. W. Chaniiell. .... , 1, ,n . I ICajistrar oj torcm Jiunes r. mcKey. (iiiiml .In i-ftrji TlifiimiM V. Mulcahv. Willi, ,1,1 ldinev. Jiilm lloler. David O'Keofe, Morris E. Kutlier and William Vry- ., : ,ir,lhl,n I'lll 111 t(f V. V HI LIU 11. Hums, Joseph Hoettcher, Patrick Coyle, Tlioiiuis Mnney, rraiiK r.. vv inie, ner mann (ilass. iv nf Hilicf Fret erick W. hlls. lingo Scheeloch, William Woodcock. Fence 1 leicerx 1 rancis martin, .lonn Dni'iil (liirtiii. I'ntrick Downev. Patrick Crowley, Doininick Collins, Jo' n L. Ilrenruui. (7(ii(i'r.i(;ii7(i)ii)('i'toiH"(eorgeKnoth. Oscar F. Jewell, Charleb 1'itsing, Henry II. Hurlburt, l'eter Stanford. SurreyorH of Ilujhway Carl it. kngei, AllM'it L. llollister, Ueorge Manslield, Francis Martin, HVi(it,r.s Edward A. W iegand, Al bert F". Butler. Oscar H. Stower, Harry A via .I,lm Hniiil. Hiiniiuiiin F. Hrockett. I'atrick J. Flanagan, John St. Clair, John T. Mead, l'hilip lleyl, W Uliaiu liiaeK wood, Henry l.eiinbacher, Thomas M. Stanford. I'tiiindkeenerH Lueiw Canallo. Herman LaulTer, ThoinaH Bishop, Henry Fink. ,,, unit; I .lolm Stiins. 1'hilin Bauer. Richard Fisher, l'eter Conway, Michael Costollo. 1'ackerH Hiram L. Jones, Andrew J. Burke. Thomas P. Stanford. John L. I v,,,w .hmiiw 11. lliind. Edward Mul- I ciiliy, Henry E. Allen, Louis Kien.y, Michael t 'osteilo, Herman wanner. ...T ... iiri.i. LABOR LITERATURE. A Knuiht op l.Aiioa-The Dawn of Heal KreiMliilll Capital on Trial. I 11 u-,'i 4vi 1 .1,1'M Uiul 'I'OM NTHANO K 1 1,1, K It ili.hiii., Ai'in sT (Social Dcniocrnlli' llcputy III lllll Ivl'll lli aK, ' 01 11 til 1 ill lilt: 1 l,..a.,t.t titiil Ktitiire .:ni III ass, .Ions --The Man with the Hod Flag. ( Aiii'Kvmi, F.nw - Itcslrai'le Mansions Social croKiess ami 111 dividual F.ITort Itoi u, On. A Hotter Tiint'it. piitfes .or. FitKK Tiuiik in Iiiiisk- An artfiuni'iit for I'lirlinc National lirunkeliness Iv ahnl- IshliiK (' llivuMnic system .10 GnoHtiK. lltNin Fruitless and Poverty, l lotli, line , paper . . Soelal 1'rotilcnis, C1..M.V. paper The l.aml OUestlun, ( l .'JO .XI) e., aper Pt..k,.irt v III t Hill) llituNicNii, I.At iiksi k The Cooperative Comnionwealtu; an t.xposniou 01 .nou hi. ...I..IEu.., I't..ll. T'u, (ttlli.,! Ivr.s, (h oi' - Knu'llsh and French Morality, In MNS OK I'UOIiaKSS -A COilet llllll Ol soiikh dealing solely wit h tlie lawsi aim simplest aiiects of liunmn life, human love, human Hope, t nil 11, iw., paper .10 .'-II .10 IhsovAN, II M Sociallsiu and Slavery Socialism and Smlthlsm, KmlKralioii t raud. Soelal llectinst met Ions of Kurland ... , Tlii'l'oiniui! ltevollitions In Knirlitnd HysnVAJi AMiM ninis Prlnclplesof Social ism ,Inx. A Heporteraml Socialist. (SOjiilifes, an inti rt lew explalnliiif the aims and ohiects of Soi'ialisin ,Iihni. .1. I. . - Socialist Catechism, SI paces , Socialist Khyiiii's.ltipaucs, KiioeoTMN, Pktkk - u Apieal to the VoUlltf . . I.tsAi.i.K, Fkiioinwo The W orkliitfineii's 1 n. 111,,!,, .M iuil.i'H .1.' .10 .itt .a-. M vi!!CMiv. the Future of -H r,'spectHWi' ' .:- , .. I . -M . . U t I'lll.-ill. I. ll.l,, .W .rtfc,:.. " M.uiv Kim Wacelatior and capital, crown, HI 1110 , -is pare, KN'racts from "Kapital " M mix F.ut us Communistic Manifesto ... Mr Path int,, Fat t.Tiioi mr - A Partial Au toPiocrapliy of a Freetliinher Xiti'.ToN, .!! The AiilrUn l ahor Mar. Wet; staitlimr disclosures SriM t R. on Socialism Sim m i-tic Thmt. per P Sihuiism Miik Pi i .Mst thousand, per Put, $ I ii ... Smiai.ism Mt Anrhis!I -Antaitonistie Olipoitls Soa .K SiH'lalisni and the Workers Tiik I.KAI.L- Address to the Trade Villon l onitress isss. l,tmdon Tint Facts Aboctthi! i NKHi'iJiYiiti An i:p- peal and a Warning, by One of the Middle l lass Any of the above works can be had at the otfic of the Wohkis' AuvotiTK. WORKMEN'S SPECIAL AGENTS FORTIUS WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE. Homtos.-II. W. Ilniwn, "Klrkliinil street. Hhiisikpobt. H. Stiller, fW8 Main struct. hoNiH.s, Kmk1hih1.-1I. W. Leo. 1H1 Queen Vic toria street, Hlarkfrtiir'ii Hrldce, K. 0. S. L. P. DIKKCTOItV OK AM KKICAN 8KCTIONS. Aiiahh, Ma. Meeting Ht Turner Hull, Summer Mtreet J. Summer. HiuiMiKi-eitt. I'iinn. Meeting Ht KxcuNlor liar iiiniilu Hall, organizer, rt. Heller, MS Main IIihwonTmamm., 11. W. Iirown,7 Kirk- n.'y. Meeting every Monday at IIS3 Mlehliran street. oruanl7.iT, i ll. rurui, tt II IlAKTpnitii. Conn. Organizer, Hubert l'yne, SJKI 1 ....1..... ut.,.t Nkw YitiiK. Muetliiif uvery (Irst anil third Mnn. day, at, KrM) SiirlallMt l.lljrary ami Mwtlnit Kitiini, 1 43 Kliflith Ktri-Ht. Nrw Havkn, Conn. Meetlntr at TrailuH Ciiutirll Hall. OriianlztT, H. II. hane, P. O. Urawur 103. P1111.Ai1Ki.HiiA, I' .1. de Uruyn, ti t'umlui. wtrLt't Hvaithp., N. Y.- OrtranlziT, Win. t.lppi'lt, 21 W. Kayutte Hi rei-t . i-tri' iiriiiiil' ftrn rfinlll'Htl'd to I'.irni.leti" ttiln list, and tu n-port regularly mi lmnifi-1 ni'imt iiiaui'. OPPICIAl-OnilANIlP Tim HirlAUHTIe. I.ABon I'ahty, In tlie (Jerniain 1hiikuuKu I'ulilIcatlDii offli'e, First avc. NKW VOKK ITV. I'ublUlieil Weekly, 8'-'. pit year. PoHtace Free. Hend all Milliwrrlptlons direct to PulU'a. Hon OHIro. cctin0s. 1 uiiiiU'iv uki'TIOV S I. P Ui'MiIrt Meet- A Initnim tlie Heennil and Fourth Sumlujr evenltiKH in eaen nuinin. i.i,,''1IL'IMIihiii up l A IIPKVTKRH AMI) 15 JOINBK8 of Amerlea. Keitular meeting every Weilnemlay evenliut at To'elock, in Wond's hulldliiK, eiir. iiureii ami ueorxe m. lid lU A W WIM 1MT living Nil. 7 Itetfll. j lar meeting the Heeoiid Wednesday In caeti niimth, 7 p. m., at Trades Cnuneil Hall. lOl'UNKYMKN TAII.OHH' rXION'.-Keirular .1 ..t 'iVnilt.u Hull 1111 tlie See. unit and Fourth Monday In eaeh month, at 8 o'clock p. in. VKOKUDKI'TSCIIK PKOI'AU A N I) A. OLUH i uieetti First and Third Thursdays In each month al su i rown hi. - lUfiwlHli 1VM HIVVH II A VfJRDS' l'VION t.ti. ir.ii.1 ...... V,. 1 l..trKl ,MM,tlMlfU KtfHt. Iltlll 'rllil'll ulfUtiidU ,.f MUl'll TllullTtlnr. 1 I.Mf O CiOCK. over Turn Hall, cor. Orange and Court xts. CIKOTION NKVV I1AVKN, H. T. P. Tlie reifti O lar meetings of this Section are held at Trades Council Hall on the (Irst Monday In each intuitu at w o eiocK p. in. 'PIIAOF.S C'OI'NCII,. Itt-Kiilar meetiiiKS on the I First and 1 niril Hiinuays in eaun iiioiuu. iu 7 o'eloek in the evening. All unlonn should he represented. IW MEETING THIS EVENING. t7ii INPA'HUII, t. A.-Kegular meetlni? Ilcu every Tuesday uvenlnit. at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. P. O. aildress, box km duevttscmcnts. RALLY ! RALLY ! FRIENDS Of HONEST POLITICS ATTKNIl TIIK GRAND RALLY TO-MORROW, MONDAY EVENING, AT (' ARIL'S OPERA HOUSE. SPKAKF.KS: JOHN McMACKIN, I'liairman of tlie New York Labor Party: Hon. DAVD HEALEY, of New York, Ami Other Able Speaker. ADMISSION FKKE. -U.D, r.c u DrMT7 CHARLELr,; RENTZ' Native ami KorelRit Krtilt. Itlrda. lllrtl-Ca Ken, Itlril-Sced of all kind. KOOl) forMOCKINO ltlHDS. !Ie:ttliiinrter for A. IV Hi'mlrvx ,t Co. I'uire. KIKE WORKS always In Mock. NO. 867 CHAPEL STREET. BREAD, BREAD. pi .10 40 (V' ,A" V1 . . tu No Corn I'lour or other adulteration used in our Bread. Auk yotir Orooer for our Oouda. S. S. THOMPSON & CO. tf Oldest Ilakery In the (it y. 1 NEW YORK BAKERY All OooiU Manufartured Kiprrtoly for Kantlly Trade. t Herman Trust, 732 Je 134 Grand ADVOCATE, fJlucrtUcmtnU. SUCHER &MULLIN 488 Statu Stkkkt. I.atuHt ti)ViOtli In flnu Ham illrwt from fao tnry, Bavliiktretall prutlts. IHtrliy-l.M. l.7. 1.0, J.OO, 'J.50 Silk HatM - .. See Our New Gossamer Ores- Hat, Trunk HaifH and Oent's Kurnlslilnit at ex tremely low prliit-n. Cull and he ciinvlui'ud. SUCHER & MULLIN, Nil. 4S8 HTATK STKKKT, HATS ! HATS I 81.041. $1.50, $2.00, $-'..10, 88.00 I'nloii ImUv In Kvry Hut. E S.0SIMM 91 CHURCH ST. S. GANGBL, K. OF L. MERCHANT TAILOR, ! UK AND AVKNl K. Full stock of Fall and Winter (loods on hand. Fine Overcoats mailo al low ences. CHARLES COXETER, TAILOR, 15 Clark Street. F. WM. SCHNEIDER, Merchant Tailor 407 STATK STKKKT. Fine (fooils anil od work. Satisfac tion unarantccil. I. MAILHOUSE, Printer, Designer, Stationer, 73B Clnipol St., Now Haven. OFFICE OPEN EVEKINUS. $5 TO $1 0 SAVED IF VOIJ IIAVK VOIK Soil of Overcoat Made by Us, SL ITS TO, 30 to 4."). OVK.KCOATS TO OHDl'.K, I'M, PA, 'J5 to 4'J. TltOl'SKKS TO OKPF.K. G, T, 8 to The I.firji'Ht Assortment, Finest Quality and LATEST STY1.R OF FAiSKK'S. lie Sure to Exiimine Our Immense Variety Be fore ion I'lin nase. I. KLEINER & SON, TAILORS, 707 AND 709 CHAPEL STREET. Established IBM. ttiviTt 1 'lUIMIWIOV iriiiin tn rpsnon- VT siltlf Canvassers. Apply at 7l!i Chapel t., top floor, lor particulars. I With All Modern ImiiroveinentH. JOHN SALERNO, 890 Grand Ave. THOS. M. KKNNA. Frow'r. Most Central House in the City. Horto Car Lines pass the Hoiie to all parts of I III lily. TKRMH. fc-'.OO PER DAY. 4II Stat Street, New Haven, Conn. YOUNOS niiAH mum, 5C.MARGUERITA CIGAR 5C YOUNG'S t'UiAK STORK. ANn MANY riTHKR CHOICE HKAN lit. IjArRent Stock of any Tobacco Store In me ni). 51 5 State St., Cor. Grand Ave. trcvi t in.j C. P. BUTLER, Wholesale nml Retail Denier In Fish, Oysters and Clams Sea Food of All Kind. TERM CASH. COMMUTED FT TELEPHONE 93 Broadway. oyspbe. kipp, PEALER I! ALL KINP OP Groceries and Provisions, St. I Cor. Dlxwell Av. and Henry St. 3itlwcvtUcmcnt8. S. H. BARNES, DEALER rS Choice Beef, Mutton, Lamb, ETC.. etc. GAMK IS TIIK1K SKASON. STALL NO. I, CITY MARKET. Come and Bee me and we will do you good. H. H. BAKNKS. The Fluent Oyntern III tlie City, III the Shell ami Open,'!! 10 urn it. XATIVKS, SIMXDLE K0CKS, KOCKAWAYS & STONY t'HEEKS, at A. K. BROWN'S, 1H Grand Avenue, New Haven, THE Wl FOUNTAIN PEN ! The Simplest and Kest and Cheaiient. H. H. LANE, Agent. ELM CITY CASH GROCERY, 74 & 76 Congress Ave., (Cor. Hill street.) -A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY . AND MEAT MARKET, BOTTOM PRICES. Early Vecet ahles, llerrles and Fruits, reeelved fresh every day. Partluuiar attention 10 TEA AM.) t'OKKKK. FLOUR and BUTTER A SPECIALTY Don't Forget the People's Store, J. H. KEARNEY, 74 anil 70 CONGRESS AVENUE. FLORENCE HOUSE Regular Meals 25C. TAHI.E HOARD 4.00 PER WEEK. KOHN' BROTHERS, Props. Opposite City Market. GILHULY & BOHEN MANCFACTt'llEKS nf Soda, Mineral Waters, Etc., 57 St. John Street. The Quinnipiac Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. PHILIP FRESENIUS, LAGER BEER BREWERY 488 Congress Ave., Kstalillxhed 18S. NEW HAVKN. WEIDEMANN'S LION BREWERY, t:CKI.S10K LAGER BEER, ALLINGTOWN, P. O. Addreta, Box US. NEW HATES. CT. tlmcttiscmcnts. MclNTYREi MAGUIRE & CO, Special Inducements to the People, In Col tons, Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, Prints, Ladies' ami Gents' Wrappers, We have no competitors. All should take advantage ot tho many bargains we offer. No Dry Goods Store in this city has shown the same disposition to wards the public at large. Remember all are Courteously Treated And we trust all receive part of the Attractions we offer. McIntyre, Maguire & Co., 837 Chapel St., New Haven. Good Wages for the Workman means Prosperity for the Merchant. M. KLEINER, 4 8 OKAND AVENUE. A new stock of Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Hats and Caps, and Cent's Furnishing (loods. Also in Pry and Fancy Goods he is with the market prices at all times. (iivo us a call, wo will use you well. One price, and money re funded when .goods not sat isfactory, at M. KLEINER'S. MEIGS & CO. CLOTHIBRS, 107 & 109 Church St. NEW HAVEN. P.J. KELLY &CQ PARLOR SUITS, BEDROOM SUITS, BEDDING, WINDOWSHADES, ETC, EVEHYTI 1 ING COMPLETE For Housekeeping, on the most Reason able Terms. One Price Only. 821 & 823 Grand Avenue Frank A. Hutter, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 42 (Seoroe Strekt. Watches and Clocks cleaned biiiI repaired. A ,i;..,,.iiit ,,f si our funt, rivi'ii on all work for membera of the K. of L. ,SM. 3rl. KIRBY, American and Swiss Watches AT THE LOWEBT PRICM. A Fine AsHortmeitt of Kolled Gold Chains una jBweiry. 834 CHAPEL STREET- M. SCHWBD, All kinds of Jewelry, Ameriean & Swiss Watehes, Clocks, Opera Masses, &c. LOAN OFFICE. Highest price advanced on Pledtren. Specla ULIUHLIOU Ktvou 10 Helton iuk. No. 5 Cltarcli Street, New Uaven, Conn We always endeavor to Bell reliable gotHls, ana anyone purcnaHing 01 us will lie cunvinced that our prices are as low as any on all grades of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, k AT B. E. LYNCH'S One Price Boot and Shoe Store, 37 CONGRESS AVENUE AKD 153 COMMERCE STREET. THE UNION PRINTER. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 6. ASD Great Defender of the Labor Canse. TERMS: One Year. vy. flii Mmithn. jbc Three Mnnth, 15,.. AddreRK. The Trios Pbwthii, 8M Pearl Street, New York. BOYCOTT thkN.Y. TRIBUTE! ii