Newspaper Page Text
-. , 'I TT r JAKOBY AND DEMOCRACY. Comparison or I)r, .Inkoliv's Views Willi Cu1oiiiorary Opinion. We take an opportunity presented us to place before our remlers an ad ditional paper by Florence Kelley Wischnewetzky, which will form, with a former paper presented to our readers, the preface to Jacoby's celebrated speech to his constituents in 1870: WORKMEN'S Tlie spot'cb herewith jilitecd ln-fore the workers of America i,s the noteworthy utterance of the KouiUcr )i vi-iitti aminohle friend of Uu.. working eluss, Dr. Joliann Jukoby, a democrat in Un bent sense of tin- word, a warm advocate ( of tlie enlightenment, of the people and of the improvement of their condition. JoliiiiinJakohy, following (he democratic thought to its logical condii-dori, .r. o-ived that the lMarer of the democratic idea in our day is the modern social de mocracy, and the most eminent of hm Varty was lirnt to join the yonn-; Soeial . ist Ldhor Party. In America the old .lell'erson lcnioc raey jierihed lon ago, and w ith it a t with the democracy of Jakoby the "ileni ocratie" party of to-day lias its name uiona m comiiion. us may host he ccen from the phases of ",e elopnicnf through which (be "democrat i," j ,it t lias jMiswil, the last stage included. The "democratic" party aHer heing tin- pro slavery party, pa-wed through a staf-c in which it differed from its '-repuhlican" rival only in re .resenting Free Trade as opposed to Protection. Then, ( ho Tariff question ceasing to serve as an issue, and the old parties surviving only to divide the spoils (to the shame not alone of the "democratic" party, he it said), a presi-I ifimui election heeame possible which turned not upon party platforms hut up on the relative decency of two eandi dates. The rise of tho United Labor Party lit the November election of, which has been rightly characterized as be beginning of u new "era in American -olitics, hut the "democrats" a passing '"'"' ''' ''''' h "saviours of society," epresenting neither platforms nor de eney, but the great "prineiple" of "IV riotism." And the fusion of the two 'Id parties for the furtherance of (his principle" is only a question of time. lready during the campaign of the past utunui, naively upright "democrats" vbo Jake "Society Saving' seriously, howered bitter reproaches upon the "re--ubliearm" for their "unpatriotic" action n nominating separate candidates. Vnd the complete fusion r ). -,(lll(l. rats" with tneir kindred si.irits 1 1 ublicans," will U, delayed so long only s each of the old parties may still hop,. ' "save" something for ilseir. Mean while the genera) saving of society is not knight of, and lulls are p,.ding in ongress to provide for the more dlVe ve establishment of the militia, a point bich we shall touch upon later. One prominently democratic nualiiy r arty with this glorious record unmis ikably possesses, to wit, justice, far l.e ou.l all true democracv. named ssal respect for popular ma jorit'ies. A -ajorityit must have at ail costs, and ace it would have hard work to con nee one, it buys its majority wherever cnn. Accordingly, bribes pnn ix ,,. Hilingamong the masses of workers w awakening to a consciousness of -ir class interests, we behold the spec ie of these worthy 'democrats' and itriots" buying among the tenement so populations of our great cities that anar majority which they so greatly wt. For the purchase ,'f a majority sacrifice of money is too gicat, and ry fair-minded person must admit t this is the heaviest sa-iili-e w hid, a T can make that represents only the rests of that clas whose domination tate and society rests solely upon its H8kms. Thusdoour ".patriots" sac e that which in their eves is n.,.M ed. It is, however, a sacritice that igs its own reward, i spite of all tlii decay and ,.,,,,. within the old parties, the spirit and utionsof the Jellersoniati Ih-mo, rac y 'live in a considerable part of the oring Class; and we see here among J l the person of Henry ( ieorge a man w lollowmg m the path of Jakob) as an upright Democrat, ha i,a, , ,1 elf upon the side of the Laboring n. If he follows to the end the path is entered, as we do not doubt he lo, he is, we believe.deMined to play norable part in the development of abor Movement in America. IJjs sive demand for the nationalization le land is totally insufficient for any ?ty which rests ujKin the capitalist iod of production, least of all for the i of the industriid proletariat jmu Iknce. If Henry George extends his demand to cover tin- demand for the socialization of till the menus of produc tion, the demand which, after all, forum Ibe kernel of t. .;t,r Movement, that is to say, if he places himself upon the stand)ointof modern Scientilic Socialism, then only r an he became ;t true repre sentative of the workers; fur then he will express the actual interests of the Laboring Clans. Otherwise Ik will he eondemned to l. a more leader of a sect. instead of representing a mighty ;it(1 ,,.. cisive Labor .Movement whi-h, nun awakened to -oii,;, is being driven by tho logic of events to modern Socialism, and camml possibly stop with '"ei.oiu question. We say sfo,. with 'be hold question because the modern l.nbor Movement embraces the land ques tion as a matter (,f course. The noble hearted John Jakoi.y arrived at bis Socialist position, thanks to his high' intelligent'.- ami. one niiiihl alums! say, to his healthy l n ( . when we take into consideration the backward economic condition of (lermany in his i) .-nit tne consequent far from con spicuous class antagonisms. Wholly (bllen-nl, is the position of "'' "'".ge. Huh can be clear and well oons.dered ils utmost conse quences. He has the good fortune to live mid work in a country which is ,.. lilh-;ill.V perhaps the most advanced; in n'" aitlaonism of the classes is faring, blurred by n medio-val social ira-litionssueh as arcs,, frequent oven m the most advanced Slates of tbefii.t World where the .so-called middle i i . 1 " ' nicir existence upon them. Here, no one w u, has eyes fur dl( ''amy can lad to recognize (lf. ,.,... ;i lively small class of capitalists mighty by "'" " possessions; and face to ':'' with it, separated by din.oelii, opposed interests, by gf ,,at can ne I oer o. i.,. .i..,i , " -h' " o-r nor tilled up "!' s plnases of harmony, the baboring ( 'lass. Another factor must he especially em phasized which is of eminent in. portance, 't'unely, the possibility of clear insight, '"'"thoec. mic process goingo.i about us ami u true . omprehension-d' it, Hcientitict-nligbieiiinenl ma-h as exists to a considerable extent in the more pro letarian movements or Ivurope and in an especially high degreeainong oWr ( ,Vmian brothers who can nlready point to a bril liant political Past. (ur young Labor Party is now on the way towards becoming a great political party, and its next task, as it ,Uh itself n'''Ogni.ed, is Ibe work of consolidation 'u national Party. With its growth and the simultaneous increase in p jjiti eal influence, the need of that enlighten '" " liich is now nalurally wanting. "in oeeonie more urgent in order that, be Labor Party may press with full in tclligenee towards the attainment of its "'"'"object, the political and economic emancipation f t. Laboring biss. I lie labor question bs left t. ,,1,.,., of ulooi all lil.llia f'n' I ... I .... 1 :. i. . ' " ""in ii . ii nas ."Mm.e a science, thanks o Ibe efforts Karl 'Miirx "1 1'is lil'elong frie.ul and coworla-r I .'n.l. 1 i " " nge-.s, u no are rightly considered Ibe founders of Mod-ernScientili,-Socialism. And we have ""'Pleasure of bidding uelconie the ebief works of these authors which have within ,i very short time been translated into Lnclisb. W ny 11k Saw sxakks is a well ff,tten iipsenesol ht hograihic illustration that ought; to attract the attention of temper ance folks, prior, a cents, tt.pyrijrlitwl by . II. I'.iearley, (jr. Shelby street, I 'etroit. Mich. MUTUAL RECOGNITION. -"('''.--Aha! prisoner, I believe 1 re oogm.e)i)u. You've been here on nu inerous occasions !,(,r.--Vhy, certainly, your hon or; I recognized you iimnediab-ly -grown jt little stouter. 1 see. How is your honor's health this morning"? WORKMEN'S MEETING ROOM. Trades ( 'ouneil i (all is open to Trades Unions, Assemblies and other labor or. gunizations for regular meetings on tin following evenings: Monhav - Tlilnl in ci,ci month. I i kmiiav J'irst ami Third N'kknkihav" Koiirt Ii. 'I'liuitsiiAv i-'irnt Und Tldrd I-'kiiiav- Hvi'i-y. s.ti hiiav l-'ii'si. Sci oiiil ami I'ourtli. Also the Klrst Kccoo.l imd Third Suiid iv nf. t'Tiinoiis liicadi nioinii. ' Apply to Cii.m:i.i:s Stoii;i Trustee Chapel street, any evening betw ooii u ami i o dock. LABOR LITERATURE. awn of liiial NEW PUBLICATIONS. Ti'K Tin '. S,.i,i-ri..x 1 1 K tiik I.vhou Kstion.- - V hWiew of il. i .,i '''""''I"'" and ,.f the Solutions Hitherto I'roposed with A Lucid Lxplanat ..... ,d" o i , "I accordance with Modern Science." !y ,'1;ls. II. . t ook. New York: t'onconl Co operative Printing 0. ,;s ,,,,,, .,.,.,,. and clearly-written little hook that wih commend it.lf !',. ....o...: , , ' -'s".miuii an. i educa tion m the labor movement. Tbeauthor m nn appendix criticizes in;, kindly spirit the lorn, o organization of t ho Knights of Labor and other Umt organizations, ami makes certain recommendation that are worthy ..! consul. . ration bv workitc "H'n. , .sJ,o.l have a Luge sale, ami we cordially recommend it. Tm: Son-! ,K Tni: Mississi, Messrs, Iv.son. lilakeinan. Taylor Co., "..m x.rK.nav,. republished from ', " "!''' HirmUr 'Jt. 1SS(;, ., (liMrj. ailed -ral.s to publishers H,e result of ""'M'lonug evpediiiou to the head alers of ,,e Mississippi, establishing he correctness of Nicollet',, survey i , ileiiouncioi. th.. . a. ... i ci.,..; . . , ' aptam '!. I-i a. tbcbscov, ierof it ,.vv,, ''.'I'-il akeCla.ieri. and showing ,hJ Ln,l".V ,lr,,',Ih:l"l'lt"l'""lngtoour know edge k..b.s t,,at Hili,.h w f m..hcd by t- labors of NicdVt s,-h..-. craft and others. A Kskuit or I.aiioh-TIk. l-'r.-t-iloiii . ... l'aiiUI mi Trial. I ii anti and Tom Iliac I., Ai ia T iSocliil Democratic Dciint'y ill ( lie liclclistair. i U' ( till ii n In I I,.. i.... Present ami h ut ore " ' ' llcnH. .Ioiin-TIh; Mm, with Dm- 1,'pd j.'aif' Ain-LNTEK. Knw. Iiesiralilii Mansions...,' SiKdnl l'nuri-i-Hs Had in' dividual liiTorl O'M'ai, Hit. A - I'li'ttcrTiiiieii. ;m imiics.. " vntK Ti.Aim in lniNK-An itrtruiiittu. fur curing Nailmml )ninknimcsn hyjil,,:,. IiIiIiik' the llcciisliitt system 'KoiiiiK, MrNHY-T'roicreNs ami I'ovtiriy,' 'lot I,, :U; , piiicr. . ' Social I'rolili'ius. ci.. :.. puix-r .' Tin- Land Question, 'j.', v!.e , papi.,. I'roiieri y In hand (HONI.CNO, I.ACKKNl K-Tll(! (.'o-olicmth ( 'i minion wi-allh: an J-:x posit ion id' .Mod era Soclullsiii, (.'loth, a.mi, mi,.r Ivks, Ui vor -Kinflisli and Ki-cnch Morality iHMNsob'I (,ia;ss -A cdletdlou of songs' (bntlliiK K.ilisly with ih.i lai'K'OHt nml simidcst aH.('ls of human HtV, liiiman IIV'J. Illllll'lll In, I.. ('I..O. . .... nn II, I.H, li;i,icr. , HvNi.iiAN, II. M .- Socia'lsin and Slavery,, socialism aiiiisiiiilliism, Kmli;ral ion Fraud Social Kceoiixl ructions of Kncland Tliet'oinint; Kcvolnt Ions ..'....(.....I .. '.' r.MKliom.. II v nomas ANiiMouius J'lliiei jt!s of Social ism iIunan. A -Heporter ami SociuliVl, lid paKt-s. ... i uu, -i , n:w i:.iiouniiiK ui ainiH and OO (!CtH of Siu'iullmii Iovnkh, J. L.- Socialist ' V'iiUichiHm'''i paires Hiu.liiUui l.'l,,.i,,.,0 u: ..' IvnoeoTKis, Pktku-Ah Appeal" lo' tlie. HI HI 11- I.AHAU.K, i-'KUIIINAM) -'I'tle" VVor k 1 it'iitn ( iT's i "ki n iinmr, i. , lilies .... iMauiuaok. tlu, future of - th 'a resiieeValiU) W.illlHII. Llllll nil .'fc! tmiri.u Ki.,.1. 11- illiil I'.ii.l..,! crown, ill inn , is paces' l'vl,.,intw C "I. ....:..! . .in o.'iiuiiii. V AIIX-KN.iKI.'x -Ciiliilini.,!-t I.. l., .. If..... .. . iii.uiiiim .iii.mih:!SI(, ., MY I .vim into KiiKKTiiocoiic- A Partial u tolii(iBriipliy of a l-'reelhluker... Nhiu'on. John -The Australian M ir. kel lnrltlii ,UU,.I...., Nl-KNcMt. on Si -in 11 v i Sl.e.VI.ISTI(- TllACTK, per PHI , . 'i. sik i vi.tsii iiAin; I'i ain -."ilsl tlmusand. t,er PHI S.'I.IK . . " StlilM.lHj, AMI A.NAlii 'IIIMM Antn'ir.i.ilLt!.'. HlllOsltCN Sniiiii, Socialism and I In. W,iri.,.VJ i inu.i.KAi i. - AUiiress lo I he Trm c I iiiirrcss 1SS.1 I .una, m Tin: Kacts Aiku t rni- Ckih-u,., peal and a Waminif, by One of ihc n.vif th,. hI.ovc vy.aks can l, had at the olllcc ol the Nail , mil Kxecntlvn Hoard. W I. teNHKUo, Sccretaiy, IT-' First avonue, New: S. L. P. OIHWTOItl Ol AMKKK AN SKCTIONH. So.irt ADYOQATB, Vctucvttscmcnts. AN M'.U, ""WERT iXI S()II!K.; - OF TMK KNIGHTS OF LABOR. AT SECOND REGIMENT ARMORY, FEB. 14, '87. .MFSIC iV Thomas' Orchestra of 18 Pieces. il,o.i.lin(l1.v 1'iof. Ilunm. ' .V 'KKT AT S::lu Sll All!' i"'KhT, :m. . to .'JO .'-'0 .10 .15 . 10 .'JO .10 80YC0TT ! BOUT ! all. Hiln, i' C. in m 1 1 . i, nlu AM KRICAX T.U'KCO. OF FAIItllUr.V, MASS.. Are notified that this company liasSC U lie ii jil u-iii-L- 1., ii. .i ., . 1 I'tace oi union oien now on .strike, Tbis notice is ordered by tlm CENTRAL LA HOI! UNIOX, OF JiST, .l.l.w. HATS 1 HATS ! Il-oo, s i. .-,0, $2.00, $'.;(0, jjjij.oo I "Ion in Kvi-ry Hal. US. 0SB0N,!)icmOT ST, (Tumiscmatts. EDMUND ZERNITZ, ii:vki,i:i, il!.VM AVKM K. U','l.:i!v,i',,!'l;','nS' ''w,'1,' '"fNlly re IMiii'd. aii.J all work warranted All kln.N of Society Jtndcs. WELLS & GUNDE. Watchmakers and Jewelers 7ss CIiiijm'1 street. Di -uleri In all kinds ,d A merlcan U atches. ( lock, '""'''"-elry. K.of I.. Ha,lm.H. all Ktvl..M &ctucvtlscmcnts. ART MATERIALS, Blank Books and Stationery, I'H-riMiKS AND KliAMKS, itii.l -',.y UomU, at Popular I'llc-s, nl 9T Cliapel Street. NORTHROP, THF ART DEALER. F. WM. SCHNFIDFR Merchanttailor 407 stati: siiii:i.r. Fine (Jood.s . -md (i.,i , i. ... T II 11 1 ir .........I ".lliniai iji.ui ,111 n -VI I. Ilifi New York Labor News Co, ,t,i ( l,ln ,,-, I hi (hyuniznl j, mil r. i2 Firs( vmi, .Ncn.Vnik. CATAMMil'K Kent free on Application. MclNTYRE, MAGUIRE & CO In accordance with our usual custom in January, our entire stock of It KM N AM'S AND ODD LOTS OF SILKS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERWEAR, CLOAKS AM) SHAWLS. -AI.SO- Linens, Towels and Cottons, Will be sacriliced at prices foreign to New Haven. Ho not fore-el. if go;cIs to be on band, as the prices will be interesting and low. MclNTYRE, MAGUIRE& CO., S3 7 I'll ape I SI., New Haven. K. OF L. MERCHANT TAILOR, Ki! (ilt tM) AV1-1M K. Full slock .f Kail mi.l Winter OowIh on bund Klne Ovt-reoiUM nmd.) at Low J'rU-es. .10 AM .or .10 .10 .10 10 .40 .'JO f '.llllll All up. ." We always enilcavor to sell relialde ii - nnyone piuvliasiiur f us .. ... 1 uiivinceii in.-tt, our ipi-iccu aie as tow ns any on all L'rudes of Shoes, Robbers, k ; JOHN J, KIERNAN, .: Steam Job Printer, B. E. LYNCH'S One Price Boot and Shoo Store, -i7 CONdKliSS AV15NUK AND 153 COMMEHCK STHRET. : s (;r;.i,,i Ave.',': NKW II A V K N , - CONN. GATES ORCHESTRA .Music Fiirnislicd for I'iirlics, Hulls, Ktv. M riTV CASH lilMHTC 74 &l 76 Congress Ave., ('"or. Hill street.) a riu.sT-ci.Ass family-- j Apply to F. E. WHITE, 1 12 Howe St. GROCERY Orders may I. b-ft witli John Heegel, witn Nahl Jfoyel, ( 'liun-h St. AN'D llnu...f eon.-, rNN. Mcctititr ;il KxccNIcr ll.,r MK.tilc (lull. Oixmiizcr, s. Seller, Ms Mniii '''TSS;1111- - W.IWn.TKU-k-Urrr-M.o N. Y.-Moetbie .-verv Moml .v 1,1 im MichiKiui sired, orirniib.i-r, ( Ii, f',,hi, v;-, I- runt HVeiiuu,, Cunn - Oiyanler, ..l.,.,-( .v,. -.-si Asvlnm sli-fi't. K'N.r.k? Cn ever l v cwinn , t loln-m-rs Hull, our. l.Mli mivo t ,;,., j .ivcimc Scci-clm-v, hr l.onvllii I -Ml.. W nlnii vlii.,.1 Nkw Y.viih.- M..(. K every 1v nui Ihlr.l M,,n , , , i.""'1" 1111,1 H-tin. Nrw M uks r,,NVMcctiiiKal Tra.lcs ( Cuicil Mulu Owuiizci-, 11. 11 l.aiic, I', o. Drawer I'm. Ai.Kl.enu I'.v ,!. ,ie Univ. isvi i 'Hiliiuc street. Mi-niisl, Soctimi meets first Sllll.liiv m,.riit,.- In each month ui cniiru.le (, Kcnnu's lis S. .'til street. Sia. ok. . Y.- OrttHiiicr, H'ni, Llpcelt " w l-acttt- street. ' Tie several crtranlcrs ,,,e ivmieMe.l t,. roiiiplete tlns ,s alu ,,, ,.,,,., rlHr, , ehariifes bviug nwule. . ' i1(A,;1, VN11 (;v,u,n,.Milllll, ntten :;11 ,,..blis!:,.J by fruit ur..w.-rs e Insiv. l) , ,- 'i,,,,.,;,.,,, tnre; nniiai-nal and truibful iii tet and and .,;1ilv so i ,ts illustrations -an in novation almost m horticultural liteni Hiiv. fitly cuts a year, ten cents for Ibree niontbs. Address (, .V (far. i. Little Silver. N. ,1. IXcctint)s. M KKICAN SKlTION.S. V, INxnlar Meet - mits..i, the Seeoiul an,l Fciirlh s, ,y 'M'mnfs In each m.mth. y lII,hHvr!s" ,0K 1v1'Kti;i;s Am, I'lOAWMAKKUS'l'IMu. IN r. l NION ,r VKIKI!1K! TS.HK 1 li( l'.i , i , iM!;i;:"''""'ITI""- '-MHont'ha? CKiTldN NKW II 'N s 7 e ti j '"with Ht ."'Vup m. ' !- I.. ' ' rei,-e,,te,i; ",M"- "mens ,oi,l, n:i:rit; to-.mdkrow.. vAT II AHKET, BOTTOM PRICES. Karly Wetal.les. Herri,. ami I'm it , received nvshevery ,l.aV. I'aHleular attetnient,! ti:. ami coi. i'i:i;. FLOUR and BUTTER A SPECIALTY IWt Vorgfl (lie Peopled Store, J. H. KEARNEY, " " ? i'0.(,;i;ss AVKMl). TIIK CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO HI V Yol K Groceries and ProWsions is t D. DORE'S, J.'I. .7.". ." 7 7 A y,U (,'iuimI Aw., m:w iiwkn. conn Von can gtt '-"' hh. .r mi.ii, ,SllKlir f(ir wl 00 Vinl l..t of ,,tl,er har-ain there. GILHULY & BOHEN MANI'f'ACTI'UKns llj- Ml Minpral Ulpro Cln ,mj miuuiui II U 101 01 LIUll 57 St. John Street. Tlie Quiiwipiac Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. I07-10? CHUiKfj sr. NEW HAVEN. "CAPITAL!" Only authorized translation of "Pas Ifctpitay HY KARL MARX. Two. Vols.. Svo., Price, $7.00 Orders may be sent to tlie office of tlie Nat. Executive Committee, W. L. ROSENBERG, Sec'y, 1 T'i rirst Ave Nt-u York City. New raven orders may be left at the ollicc ot the Wokkme.v's Advocatk, 7 81 Chapel Street. NKW US II AM VST Fit MA I! KKT. GEORGE W. AT WATER, OHI KB IS 11 1 KIMl "F iOO St. ., siref, N-..rMale.m-xt toltrUU,.. Telel.e . -,,., ('l )YU(ftV t,r (tC )Yi)rk wnn tmtu Prcyxritjfor Ike Mercujtd. PHILIP FRESENIUS, LAGER BEER BREWERY 488 Congress Ave., Kstal.lislied 185-J. NKW IIAVKN. T'" n"-"' J"f" in th til.. Ilr Mi-lt nn. I 0-iifil t ir,r. -VATIVKS. SPI.NDLK KOCKs If. VKAAVAYS & STONY CKKEKS, X(I A. K. BROWN'S, WEIDEMANN'S LION BREWERY, KXt'KI.MOK I' A (i I- BJiER, ALLINGTOWN, P. O. AddreM Box 1155. NEW HA VEX, CT. HE STANDARD (12.50 per year), Henry fienrtfe's New Woekly. WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE (11.00), The faper You're Idnl-tnu.,.! '""""' 1Kt" " receipt of 3.U0 li'oi.i you, at the oflice of the Workmen's Advocate, 8J I'll 11 pel .St., '' Allll'", iMtnver ll. N KV HAVEN, CT. "KPiriAi.OnoAM.r th r S,H.,.,Uf,Tu. Ulll,H pARTy In the (lenuam hmnnngu. Tub li-Mtinn om.e, 17a Kirst ave NKW YOltK CITY. "UINWMlr.fAlwlw. f,,,aKBFr,e. send all suhseriiitioris direct to fullea. linn uffiee. "JUSTICE:" Orrnu,. Or,,, op TI1R Soi,Ia, nEM(,H4fV l-ONIION. K(;l.AM. f 1 .W Per Yeiir. . t ohUkd fre(J s'""'Hl.lio.w reeived at this ffl,.e. THE COMMONWEAL OFF..,., 0KN ,iP ,B Soeuumc I.K4wt K I.OMION. KMil.ANO. I'nMW.ed Weekly. Sl.oOperyear. Vli,u MHi-. ripli.,.is received at this uftiee. THE UNIONliiT t.,J"K KF,( 'I 'RAN OF TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No 6 .reu Il. re.Ml.r ofthe Labor one Year. T E H M S : Six M.inths. . " SOc. Three Months, . ' - c. Address Thi y,, RHVYITT Mreet' Sew York 1 s 'f 4 t