Newspaper Page Text
WORKMAN'S ADVOCATB. A THEATRICAL TREAT. Kpsolute Axsciiihlv, I7li, on tlie llounls-"U111o Sunshine." Tho members of Uesolute Assem bly have been fur somo time reliears ing, under the direction of tin ex perienced manager, Ihrtley Camp bell's popular drama, in five acts, entitled "Little Sunshine." The rehearsals have proved that 1'eso lute Assembly had much latent tal ent, and the public will have an op portunity, next Thursday, the 17th hist., of witnessing the captivating play by local talent. Miss Lillie I!. Stanford, one of the best amateur actresses, will take the leading part of "Little Sunshine." The cast of characters is as follows : Ulllt' llavls, familiarly called Little Siinslillif. Miss Ulllr It Stanford Kriicst Hartley. W. F Meiiairy Ctiiiiil (iiii'iiwsKIt'. alias l.y clincher, alias Itiiy tnonil, ' T II. Mill I hews Luke llavls, alius Sir I'.dwurd llusllinrs. .1 ll KvitIiiiii (lulirlol Mini. km.ii as "i (Id skin Film," ('. .1. ClllcV l.uii Mortimer, W. .1. iiKli 'l'tni'y Tucker. .1 l'. Ki 1 1'iin .laspcr .Moreliiiid, ! I' Wrinn .Mr. are, a lawyer. F- S miry Imi, - II I'. West Sum Iti'uwn. K F Tlitirn .llltltfe, - .limit's ll II Yollllif J'lukcy, it policeman, T F Kt iitu i I v Milltimn, II. 'leaves MIkh J t'linU; lirnwii, Mis Mary M I nn mtrli " Mrs Moreliitid, Miss Miiiru'i'r T i inutlu in Mrs. (ialu'lcl Flint. Miss Nellie Mrliuioiii.;li Mrs. Sutton, u w ldow. Miss Julia It. Morrlssv ltuth Mcrrlaml, Miss Mlnnir F. I.rai v Miss liirr, Miss Marv K lliillev Miss Fiiiklt). . Miss Nellie T. Kcclly I hiring the performance, Miss .Mary Mel lonoiigli and Mr. .lohn l Keegan will sing the popular duct. "When Poverty's Tears Khb and Flow." Also, choice selections by Miss Lillie 11. Stanford. Reserved seats, "i0 cents; pai'iuette, 35 cents; gallery, ','5 cents. Tickets can be procured from the members of the Assembly; or, ( 'arc's News store, (irand avenue; or, tit (leorge Somer's, 101 Church street. Ue Herved seat tickets can he exchanged for coupons on and after l-'cbruary IMth, at the Huston Hranch Shoe Store, 8 b") (Jhajtel street. OUR WEST. Five Hundred Pioneers Whose l.itlmrs Will Tell in the Future. St. 1'ail, Minv., Feb. (i, lss.. What arc the prospect s of Social ism in the far Northwest, its standing, progress, and the doings of Social ists? For the State of Minnesota, the following account is as near right as circumstances and my in formation permit it to be. The population is one-third Scandina vian, somewhat less than one third (ierman. and the remainder natives, Irish, Canadian, and members of other national! ies. Minneapolis and St. I'aul, the twin ritica of the State, center within their limits :o per cent, of the aggreirtite popula tion, and here Socialism has a linn footing. The following figures, giv ing the number of subscribers to Socialist papers in the two cities, convey syhic idea of the strength of Socialism : si I'.ml ... I.-. Minn, i I Yolks.eltuni.', (N Y i. Her Sd.iitlist . WoitK t's . n ih ri Other journals . . . Total. '.'I Mil l:tl Making an aggregate of W sub scribers to outspoken party jour nals, to which might be added about 1,000 subscribers to papers with strong Socialistic proclivities, mak ing the number of subscribers to our party press in other large cities in the. State to be about twenty live, (which would be far below its natural circulation). We have a contingent of over .ri00 pioneers, whose, labors will tell in the future. The fact that many (if not all) of these papers are being read by from three to ten per sons, adds greatly to the spread of sound principles. Further, it should be Liken into consideration that the short time since the Woukmks's Ai- VOCATK is the otlieial journal, has afforded us no opportunity to give it a show; one year hence its circula tion in this State may outnumber the rest of our journals. Our orators, capable of taking the stand against our so-called educa ted adversaries ami have the best of them are, three Knglish. four Ger man, and two Scandinavian. More work will be devo'ed to swell and complete our organizations, about which I shall furnish information, at Borne future occasion. Orcunizek St. Fai l Sk tiok. THE OBJECT OF THE LABOR MOVEMENT. IIY .H'UN .1 A K i UtY. A Sirrrll Oclivrl'fd llrfule His I 'olist it lli'IK'y, .Ian. 101 li. "Protection." Advancement, in these two words tlie ol eject of the jjieat co operative hotly which vc call tin- Slate is sharply ami clearly formulated. Put how arc I'rolectioii ley the State ami A 1 1 v ;i iict-mt 'lit hy the Slate to he under stood':' The i it's h t calls hiinscir shield ami protector ol' the people, ami war is praised as a means of prninotin civili sation, lent trriim I'ticiilitiltt (tnii.'isiiniiH, the ri;;ht names of things are lost to ns. The more liocil then to specify the sense ill w Lich t he terms al e here llsei, "I'roteetioii hy the Stale" means the duty of tlio w hole hoily of persons as seinlileil and 1 1 1 1 i I 1 into a Slate to pro tect each individual in the free develop ment an employ incut of his power so fa i as t he like frecdoin of others is not therehy interfered with. Hut with mere Protect inn Ihethityof thcSlatc isiiol exhausted, how ev er much the politician may prefer to limit it thereto. The reciprocal advancement of I he llli'liiliers of the Slate must he added. I'ndcr promotion hy the Slate we un derstand the duty of 1 1 whole comiim nity to slep in with its means wherever Hie welfare of the individual does not siillice to ohtaiu him a life worthy of a human hein. As I'roteetioli hy I lie Slal c corresponds to the principle of Liherly, and Ad vancement hy the Shite to I he principle of Fraternity, si the assurance of pro tection and advancement toall, "to eat h according to his i d." meets the tie maud of Kipialil v. This doctrine of thcohject of the Slate istpiile the same as that which I ex pressed on a former occasion in the formula Kiu h for all is human liilil ; All for t'lu-li is 1 1 1 1 1 i : 1 1 1 hill y ! "Ihit," someone may object, "if protec tion and advancement by the State are to he alforced to all equally, why is the working class especially emphasized in the article of the Zurich constitution;' Is the working class to he especially fa vored hy the Slale, advanced at the cost of others?" Justifiable as this objection at first sounds, it docs not hear scrutiny. It must he remembered that the eipia! ily of all consists solely in every man's heinn protected and helped "accordinj; to bis need;" and who can deny that at this time it is precisely the wae-workcr w ho most needs protect ion and help? lint wholly apart from bis greater need, there is another circumstance which, for the Present and the immedi ate future, makes an especial considera tion ol I he working class by the State a demand of expiatory just ice. It is only necessary to call to mind the genesis of w hat is commonly called cap ital to make this perfectly clear. How ever thetlelinitioiisof ( apilal may ditfer, in this they all aj;-ree, that it is accumu lated Labor, applicable to fart her pro duct ive cmls. Hut who has performed this labor? They, perhaps, who now control ( "apital ! Hoes (lie manufactur er, the merchant, the landlord, owe his w call h of accumulated Labor to his own act i it y and I he industry of his ancestors? ll is the want of capital, the poverty of the toiling proletarians solely due to their ow n and their fat hers' fault ? Hut if the present ilietpiality of fortune is not solely due to the economically cor rect action of the properly holding class and I he shil I lessiiess of the iton-possess-in class, to what other cause can it be attributed ? Whence comes it that Cap ital ever concent rates more and more in the hands of the small minority w hile the mass of w ac-l.ihorcrs, despite their industry, can scarcely satisfy t heir barest needs? The reason for t h is ca u evident ly be toil nil now here else t ball in a dis Intuition ot the product of labor which tloes not correspond with the labor per formed, which is, therefore, unjust. j '( I'i- coiam'i. A YOUTHFUL G. M. W. "I !old you this morning that I would whip you if you were not a y'ond boy to day, did I not. Johnnie?" "Yes. sir." " And have ymi been a .od boy ?" " N t s, sir." "Was it because you wished to please me?" "No. sir." "What ihcii. Johnnie?" "Heeause I loli"t U'liex e in encourainr, si rikes." Ik lnit Mi car. l.oe is tlie business of the idle ni;in, the recreation of the warrior, :nnl tlie ruin of the sovereign. A lljMIII IIII. LABOR LITERATURE. A Kshuit tie I..muiii -Tim Dawn of Itesil Kiveilnljl ... apital mi Trial. I II A nti Svi.i.aiii'n mill Tim Sriusti Kn.i.Mt $"1.0:1 in.iifa.. Ai -in st iSorlal Di iiitirralic I eut y In tin: Ut'lrluliii;, -Wiiiiiiinliitlii:l'us, I'ri'sriil and Km are :)0 lit iins. .Inns -Tlir Man with the IteU I'Iiik. t'Aiti-KKmt, Kiw. Ih!trtl! Miinsions Suiial I'mtrrt'ss ami he tllvidual KITort Iioi'ai. On, A - Hrttrr Tlint . 'dl puces Ofi Kukk 'I'uaiik in Hiiisk -An uru'Uiuciit for riirliitf Nat loiial llriiiiki'inifss hy ulnil- tslilnix tlir llrtaisliiK 10 (ii:iuu.K, IIknio I'rotcrtss mid 1'ovtrty, Clotli, .Tie , iuirr. , . ,a0 Social I'rolilrins. ( ..:i.Fic, iaprr ','() Till! I.ainl (illrstlun, CI., sKic, iairr II) I'ronrrt y In Land l.'i (illilSl.lMl, I.AI ItKM'K-'l'lir Co iipi.'ralivc ( 'oliniiiiiiwrull li: all Kxiosl1 ion of Mud- crn Socialism, clotli, fl.un. pain'r 'J." Ivkm, lit vor -Knttllsli anil Krrnrh Morality, ,:ni II 1 ii ns m I'lini.isKss - A rollrrt ion of suncs drallnt' soltdy with tlie lai'i;t's, and slinidrst asa'rts of human lilr. Iiiiiiiau 1 . e , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 Iiopc. Clotli, l.'ir. , palrrr. . .Ill IIvmohn, II. M. Socialism and Slavery.. .ijil SorlallHin and Sinit lilsin, ,10 Kmlirrat ion Fraud Soi'lal Iteroiisl ructions of Knilaiid TlirCoinini; ItrVolutlons III Knirlanil II v mim as ami Mi nans - 1'riliriplcsof Social Ism .13 .lows, A. d(riortrritllil Social isl, tin pilars, an iulrrvirw rxpl.aliilinf l In- alms and ohjrcls of Socialism 10 JoVm:s, J. 1,. -Socialist atrt liism, paucs (l.'i Socialist Kliymi'H.liipaifi'.s, ,u.'i KrtoroiMN, I'Kriat -An Appral to llm VtniiiK 0." I.ASAI.I.K, l-'MUUNAMl Tilt.' W ok illUIIII'll 'S l'rot.'nuniiic. .M paifrs -jo .Mmiiiiai.i,. I lie Flit me of Ily a rrsiii-laldt! VVomaii, l.oliilon, :W pliers, S vols ... .10 Maiix, Ivaiu. Wai:(! I.alior and Capital, crown, Hi inn.. IS paijcs, .10 Fxtracls from 'Kapital ". . .10 .Maiix KsiU.i.'s -C'oiiiiiiiuilslli; .Maiiilrslo. .. 10 Mr Path in to Fw-.ktiioi uiit- A Partial Ail tol.lotcrapliy of a l-'reel lilnkrr 10 Nokion, .Luis -'I'lir Australian I.alior Mur- kct ; startllnif ilisrlosurcH .or Si'KN'ci ii, on Soi-lalisin .... 05 Soi l a lis 1'ic Thacth. per PNI ,'J0 SlIel AI.ISM M Mil: I'l.AI.S .Mitt t lit iiisinut. fief im, S' or. Siiciai isti ami Anaih iiism Antagonistic t)iioslcs Of. SoiicK Socialism and I lie Workers 05 Tiiiiki. km. I. Address to till! Trillin I llloll Contirrss ISS5, London 05 Thk I'w rs A iioi r in k I : nkvi'i.ov iaiAn ap pral and a Warnini;, liy one of tlie .Middle-Class 05 Any of tlir aliovc works r.m lie laid at t lit; oilier of tlir National Kxrcutlvr Hoard, W. I.. posKNitKini, Srcrnt.ary, li'J First avennr, New Vork l 'Ily. S. L. P. Ill KKCTOKV 0V AMKKIC AN SI-H'TIONS. Iliiinuia'oui', Cons. -Mrt'tiii!; at Kxcrlslor ilar iiionii' Hall, i ii'ifanlrr, S. Mrllcr, .V.'S Main nl rta-t . IliiKTos, M ass. Oixanl.rr, II. W, I'.rown, 7 Kirk land st rret. Hi ki'ai.o, N. V.-Mcnllnif every Monday at. liSM .M k liliruti street. ( iriranizrr, Cli. Fort li, 5i'5 I'riint avtiiiuo. IIaiiti'iiiid, Conn. - (raulzt'r, Knliert I'yne, 'Mi Asylum strct't.. Kanss Citv. - Mretinic every Friday evt'iiiim at. 'I'olieiier's Hall, t!or. 15tli stroel and (inuid avenue. Sein'ctary, lr. I.orrttla llaniniond, 1:105 Walnut streot. .MiNM Ai', MiNN.--(ri,,iuiii'.or, A. 1.. (lardner, a.iHHi' street, South, Nkw Vhiik. Mertlntr every 11 rut and tlilrd Mon day, at Free .Socialist. Library ami .Meetinir Kooiu. 1 l;l Kiiflitli strict. Nkw IIavkn, Conn. Mi'etliit' al Truiles I'muiell Hal!., II. II. Laiie, P. o. Drawrr I iv. Pini.AiiKi.t'iiK, Pa., .1, de Driiyn, IS.'!) t 'alulae street. Fliunlsli Section meets First Sunday niornliii; In each inoiil li at Comrade (J. Feiilyn's, IIS S. 5th street, .1. w'autcrs. -J.I.1S Lawrence st., oi''ani,cr Svai i sk, N. V. nriranl.t'i', Win. hlppcll. s!l W. Favt'lle street. 'I'lir several ori;anlers ai'e reiUesleil to t'liinplete tills list and to report reifiilarly mi rliaiiu'i's lieiin; made. JXcctlngs. M Ulill AN SFC'I'ION. S. 1.. P. - Keifular Meet i'l nx on the Second mid Fourth Sunday cveiiinifs in rarh nionl h Z?r MKKTINU TO MOKi;0V.3 niCi'lllF.ltlllliill OK CAUl'K NTKKS AND It .llINi:iS of America. Kcirular Intetini; every Wednesdav evening at 1 o'eloek, In F.Ik's Hall, S.VJ t 'Impel sit. 'Hi 1!M AKKItS' Plan;. IN'I'. I'NKiN. No. liV. -i lingular nieetini; the second Wednesdav In each montli, T p. m., at. Trades Council Hall! YIIDF.UDKITSCHH I'KOPACANHA ( M il t meets Sec croud Tliui'sday in cai h nionl li at HIT (leoixe st. OF.CTION NKW IIAVFN, S. I.. P. Tlie rcirn k' lar iiiei't Itiifn of litis Seetion are held hi Trades Council Hall on the lirst Monday in each month at s o'clock p. in. 'piiAHFS Cot'Nl II.. -Urirnlitr mei lines on the I First and Third Sundays in each month, al V::m o'clock In the I'venim:. All unions should he represented. Nti I'AliKll, 1.. A. -lJeirular lutvtimj I I . . every I'uesday evening, at S o'clock. Masonic 'I'emple. P. O. address. Itox 1.M-,'. .Artucvtiscmcnts. Landfigan's Band & Orchestra .1 .1 I.ANHKI(, V I eader first tlass inusie for Parades. Halls. Pic nics, Parties. Lairs, Kciirsions, etc. New I'liiforms, New Music always on hand. None but first -class mil sicians employed. Any nttmlier of pieces furnisheil and l'ifect "atisfactitui eiiiiranteed. All orders add reset! to.l. ,1. Lsiiitlriaii, headquarters Hi t'hurcli Street, New Haven, Conn , w ill receive plump at tention. "JUSTICE:" OrVlrlU. Ol.ll.W ill' TIIK So, Ml. 1 K M. li r. Ai V IONIMIN. CMII AMI, $1 W Per Year. Post ace f l et salisei ipii.iii.s reciveii 't this otlice. THE COMMONWEAL, orn. hi. tiiins ,( thk Siviuin, la ai.i r, IllMnlN, KXiLAMi. l'ahlishetl eeklv. f I 5tiprr year. Postaifr Free. Sul-scripti.uis rcteived at this oftice. (Unvtiscmcnts. SKCOMI ANM'AI. COXI'EIIT A XI) SWliEK OF TIIK OF L SECOND REGIMENT. ARMORY, FEB. 14, '87. Ml SIC M V Thomas' Orchestra of 18 Pieces. I'l l. Ill lt i MU I. V I'l'ol. Itlll lls, ri'tnr iviu Mv'l.'TsI Ailmillini.' 7- f'lV JXIilO, (ienl with Ladies, ) I ; I O, CUNCFKT AT s-m SII.MH'. HATS ! HATS ! 8I.00, si.50, $'2.m, 8--"o, 8:5.00 l li it. 11 l.alicl in Kverv Mat. Iv 8. OSIiOllX, OlClllHICIIST. We idways endeavor to sell reliable e;oods, and aiiynie purchasing of us will be convinced that our prices are as low as any on all grades of Shoes, Rubbers, k 1 1 1 AT B. E. LYNCH'S One Price Boot and Shoe Store, :5T CON'liUKSS AVKNIJK -ash l.W (OMMKIICK STliKKT. m mx m mmiw 74 & 76 Congress Ave., (Cor. Hill street.) A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY AMI MEAT MAliKKT, BOTTOM PRICES. Karly Veifelulilcs, Merries and Fruits, received fresh every day. Particular attention to Tli.V AMI IT KK. FLOUR and BUTTER A SPECIALTY Don't. Forget Hit' People's Siore, J. H. KEARNEY, 74 mitt 70 CONtiKKSS AVKM'K. THK- CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO III' Y Vtll K Groceriss and Provisions IS AT D. DORE'S, ."7:5. "", 577 ."71 ( tut Ah1., NKW IIAVKN. CONN. You can j;et ii His. r Wliile SiiKiir lor l.0(l, And lots of other harnains Hiere. M.W I ISII AMI 0YSTKK MAKKI.T. GEORGE V. AT WATER, IlKAl III IN M l. KIMis ok -SrV FOOD, J00 St. .loll 11 Street, Near M ate. nel to llriiluv. Ti li'ihoiie t 'onneel 'n DR. W. H. MINOR, )ENTIST, ROOM 4, Tot! V HAVEL STUEHi OVEU Bt'NNKI I, ,V Si IHNTUN, OflU-e llours-8 to 1J a. m. 1 to S r. w. i n rr i s rr k v . DR. F. HALL, DENTIST, ll.i-reiiioM il his etli.-t' from Mi-adow street to sK oi!.vn;i: m hi: ii, illiree tloois above Chain b Where he is ready to ierfonn all ojiemiioiis upon the litt in al teet h or in-eit artllieial ones tipoii t.old. silvt r. Plat ina or KuMu r lie has also had ni arh foit v ears constant I.nactiee and exifrienee ill the use tnd aduiiiiis nation of Kther. which i the only s.ife and re lialileaiiastln lie yet discovered. Absolute f)vt. doiii from ciiii lielinr assure.', in i cr i ut whether from the vtiai!ioii ,.f one tooth, ,r twent . .t... there is not one ease on record of a ia tit at tl villi; in the tic nl isl's chair from t he eft pet of etht r. w hi'e from c erv o her alias! het ie us,,l from one to many hate died. Fven the l.itt -t Hroiiiide of Fthyi has had its victim a few weeks since in Brooklyn. New York. Fuitht niiore. etber 1 used alinesi fXii.inuv in general suwry it!i the etit (itioti in rare eases hloro form is soiiift lines suhstituteil- I'H K II AI.1. 1. tirance strut jKlucvtlscmcnts. ANDREW BODGE NCTURES FOR SALE AStl IWTURES FRAMED TO ORDER, New Selelet tlon of Steel i:ii(;ravliii;s J tml Keeeivetl. 110(1 ili.M .STHKKT. ART MATERIALS. Blank Books and Stationery, NOTTl.'KS AND KUA.MKS. Toys anil I ancy (o.ods, at Popular Pilees, at i!)T (Miaiicl Street. NORTHROP, THF ART DEALER. F. WM. SCHNEIDER, Merchanttailor 407 statk sti:i.i-:t. Fine ( looils ami e-ootl work. Satisfac tion miaranteeil. The New York Labor News Co, Otriii il anil Conlrolli'il hyimlzril J a i bar. "'ljvs A veil lie, Netv.Voik. CAT V I , M I ' V. sent free on Application. : john j. kiernan, : Steam Job Printer, JMJS (iranil Ave, SV.W IIAVKN, - CON N , GATES ORCHESTRA Music I'n ni Isliotl for rurlics, Halls, i:t. Apply to F. E. WHITE, 112 Howe St. Onlers may he left with John lleegol, with Ktahl & Hegel, oil Church St. GILHULY & BOHEN MAN I'FACTl'll KKN op 5nHa Minpral Waloro fin UUUU ITIIIIUIUI IIUIUIOI Llbll 57 St. John Street. The Quinnipiac Brewing Co's LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. PHILIP FRESENIUS, LAGER BEER BREWERY 488 Congress Ave., i:sti,l.ll)i-il IK.Vi. NKW IIAVKN. WEIDEMANN'S LION BREWERY, t:rtvi.Hioit LAGER BEER, ALLINGTOWN, 1 O. Athlress BoxllW. NKW HAVEN. CT. THUS. M. KK.NNA. Vrop'r. Most Central House in the City. I1ito Car Mile h the !loue tt all iart of tlie 1ty. TERMS. Si'rtt l'EK DAY. 410 State Street, New Havea, Conn. Uucvttscmcnts. MclNTYRE, MAGUIRE & CO In accoi'tliince with our usual custom in January, our entire stock of 111! M.N A NTS AND ODD LOTS ni' vSITvIvS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERWEAR, CLOAKS AM) SHAWLS. ALSO Linens, Towels and Cottons, Will he saeriliceil at irit:es foreign to New Haven. Do not fofeet if jam need any of the;) poiU to he on hand, its the prices will he iiiterestii)"- and low. MclNTYRE, MAGUIRE& CO., H.'li Cliajn'l St., New Haven. K. OF L. MERCHANT TAILOR, (ilUMl AVKM'K. Ki. II stock of Full and Winter Oomls mi haiitl. I'lnc ovcri'init iiiiule nt f.nw l'rlccs. I07-10? CHU sT. NEW HAVEN, CAPITAL!" inly aiitlmrizt'il tratishttlon of KARL MARX. Two. Vols., Svo., Trice, T.(0 Orders may he scut to tlie otliee of the Nat. Executive Committee, W. L. ROSENBERG, SeCy, 1 VI I list A ciihi;, New Vork City. New Haven orders may be left at tlie otliee of the Workmen's A dvocatk, 7 81 Chapel Street. THE STANDARD (.aOper year), Henry (Ifiirifc's New Weekly. AM) TIIK WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE (f l.W), 'I'lic I'lipcr You're looking at, Will I'OTII he mailed to your athlress for One Year, on receijit of $rt.0 front yon, tit the ollice of the Workmen's Advocate, ?HI C'liiip l St., I'. (I. Atl.lress, Urawcr lltt. NKW IIAVKN, (T. HTIc I Al ( lllllAN OF TIIK Sill IAI.1HTIC I.AItoK 1'AIITY, III tlie (Icrmam liinifiiiwe. Pub iciuloii (Mlicc, 17-J I' ne.. KIV YOKK HIV, l'ullihcil Weekly, $1. icryear. l'ostHe l'rec. Sent) nil siiliM'rlitlniK ilirect to I'ulica i ion iiflico. OVERLAND FOR ONE DOLLAR. N(" IN KNOI.ISII, Wil l, hi: ithi.ixh kii IS Al l. I.ANta AUKS AS SOON AS liKI Kll'I'M I'KimilT. shows at 1 - a cent or It ss per toil per mile for freight uiul 1 'i cents per imsciiL't r ji-r ItHi miles iSkii Krmicisco to New Vork f..r T.Vm: the itoverumeiit can eiiii'lcy tiiiikk to nink million men lit w:lfrK liours. ami upw arils Hcoortliiiir to :iliilit ; pay fur all railways 1 1 1. - li;st, i.av off the national ilrl't the seeonil. aiul iiliollsli all nutioiial taxes the tliirtl year. l'rier in mlvance, '." cents per aiinuiii. lulls ami eanva-sers wanteil In every town. lUher papers can copy. Aililress: Wii.i. 1). Sm th'a oimi, i'iX Moiitjfuinery, Konin 5, San Kianeisco. ( alifornia. IHE UNION PRINTER TIIK official oh;an of TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 6. AXIl limit Defeiitlor oftlip Labor ( ane. TEIOIS: One Year. Six Months. '.g' Three Months. Address.. Thk Vxum Printer, l'earl stnt-t Nw v,.rW BOYC THK TRIEUNE ! it c 1 ii p 1