Newspaper Page Text
' W O R. K M IC JN ' aV B V O C YT JO . W0BKMEK'SAOVOCAT. Tim orrictAL jih-hnai. dt tiik oiilanukii WIIKKXtN Of NKW IIAVtN AND VI CINITY HKl'KKsKSTItt) IN Til TRADES COUNCIL OF NEW HAVEN. New JIavkn, Kki.iuauy 18ST. FREEDOM. They aiv slaves who four to speak Fur the fallen uiul the weak; They are slaves who will not choose llatreil, seotl'mg, and abuse, ltather than in silence shrink From the truths they needs must think; They are slaves who dure not he In the right with two or three. Is true freedom but to break Fetters for our own dear sake, .And, with leathern hearts, forget That we owe mankind a'debt ? No ! true freedom is to share All the chains our brothers wear, And with heart and hand to be Earnest to make otheie free, - Loircll. The Register says it is impossible to even suppose that the syndicate anxious to buy the Herby road could have any other motive than(to pro mote the welfare and prosperity of the city. This is a fair sample of some of the inane editorials that appear in the l!egi4er. On June 17 New Haven dedicates a monument in the memory of its dead soldiers, and emblematic of the abolition of black slavery. The day has not yet been fixed for the dedication of the monument pro claiming the abolition of industrial slavery, but we expect to be on hand to witness the grand demonstration, and we shan't be bent with age, either. The "Tailors' Progressive Union nf America" values the power of printers' ink, and sends out the first number of Progress, their olhcial organ. Progress is printed both in Kurdish and (ionium, and over the title is the printer union label. Fred. Fellennan, the secretary, the paper, and if th manages Tailors' Progressive Union don't take a boom it won t bo his tault. c) . . . . He's a worker, and is well known in New Haven. Success to Progress and the Progressives . THE RIGHT WAY. The ('Imiriuakei's International Union to go into Iliisiuess. For six years each member of the IntprnHt.innal Ciminnukt'i's Union M. . has been paying into the genera treasury live cents per month as his share of the co-operative dues. May 1 this sum will have reached $07,000. nf this r0.000 is to be used this year to buy a large factory (which will be located in .New 1 ork city and procure raw material. They expect to buy the entire plantation crop, just as wholesalers now uu, To run the factory fifty, of the bes men in the country are to be se lected, and their support and extra capital to be used in the case o umerirellC.V W l be the remaining iciTnoilof the (7.K0. The' men to be employed are the best cigar makers in the country, and their t. ir to turn out the very bust 'j - ------ civtirs. This is co-operation of the right sort, and is the forerunner of State rn-oneration. Not only a few union cijrarmakers will own this enter urise. but an International Union I .rvnlr nn t. for the Ulue Libel of the (Serai-makers' International Union IMMUNITY FOR RICH RASCALS A Chicago dealer put a quart o water into a gallon of milk and sol it. for five ouarts of milk. He was w - - arrested and lined $10. A jeweler alloyed his gold one half, then sold his goods for pure. and was gent to prison. A half dozen railroad men issued stock to the amount of double the cost of their road and equipments; then taxed the public to make the water milk and the pinchbeck gold, and every one of them were sent to the United States senate. Pirates who cruise with but one small craft, when caught, are hung to the yard arm, but those who maraud with fleets of iron clads are crowned with honors, and receive hotnagJ from the craven populace. Chicago Esjtress. PLATE MATTER. Vhilo under tlio present system of private ownership of newspapers we uphold the printers in their en deavor to prolong their existence: wo must mini it that plate matter in many of our eon temporaries is nuieh tetter written, edited and more cor rect typographically than the rot we find in such capitalistic papers as tl Olean, (N. V.), Democrat, the New Haven Union and scores of the boiler plate" sheets. SPIRIT OF THE S. D. F. Inudishineii Denounce the English (overniuont, and Demand Home It ale for Ireland. The following resolutions were unanimously passed at the General Council of the Social Democratic Federation, held on Monday, Jan uary : "Unit tins meeting oi the General Council of the Social 1 emoeratic Federation expresses its deepest sympathy with their com rades of the Norwich Branch of the Socialist League, who have been so harshly dealt with by Mr. Justice Grantham, in connection with the disturbances in the city, and strongly condemns the ferocious partisanship and indecent distortion of facts shown by a judge who gained his seat on the bench by doing the dirty work ot the J cry Partv. "That this meeting of the Gen ral Council of the S. T. F. as rep resentative of a body which for years stood alone among English organiza tions in opposing Liberal Coercion, and in helping to withstand the in famous evictions of which the horri ble scenes at Glenbeigh form but the most recent example, vehemently condemns the systematic oppression of the people which is supported by the English Army and enforced by an armed constabulary, once more leclares that Home Rule for Ire land, meaning the full control of all Irish business by the inhabitants of Ireland, is the only solution of the question, and strongly advocates a close combination of the democracy on both sides of St. George s chan nel to that end. II. W. Lee, Secretary. COMMUNICATIONS. Notice to Ooiirespon hunts. Write plain "boll down" your letters: make them short Write only oitonesideof t he paper. Huasfrood natured as yon can under the circumstances. COMPLAINT FROM SARGENT'S. To the Workmen's Advocate: Seeing in your last issue that there was no trouble with the New Haven trades, only the Typographical Union's light with the Journal and Conner, I would like to state that there is a greater evil existing in the city of New Haven to-day than the above mentioned, and that is in the lock department of J. H Sarirent & Co. Last September the heli were reduced to four days a week, and from that to three. A good many left through those short hours, anil such as did not are getting kicked out daily. At the commencement of those short hours they were cut down to a low ligure, so that to-day there are only a few of the old hands there, the places of the others lie. im' taken no by scabs. 1 wonder what Organized Labor is coming to in New 1 Liven, as New York gentleman remarked a few days ago, that if the labor organi zations in New Haven are ruled by the men such as are ruling, it will be not to the interest of the working class. J. IS. Sargent says he is a friend of la bor, if so it's curious that he employs such mean tools as Stetson to tyrannize over labor. 1 he above statement all re fers to the lock department which is true in every particular. At present leisure jiermits me to say no more; in my next I will le able to give you more infornia turn, honing that you will give this a space in your fearless columns. Yours, Sl'LUVAN To the Workmen's Advocate: I had the fortune of listening to a part of an address delivered by Attorney litis sell last Sunday, and was surprised to hear him assert that "poverty is neces sary for the maintenance and progress of civilization, as without jioverty or fear of iMjverty the human race would not labor." I have manv times heard such state ments from the ignorat, but was aston ished to hear such an expression from the learned attorney. He must hold a very low estimate of the human family if he thinks there is no higher incentive to industry than starvation or the fear thereof. I believe every intelligent, un prejudiced man will admit that the best paid, fed and clothed workmen who are far removed from the fear of immediate want, are the most industrious, faithful and efheitut; such do not need the con stant watclif ulness of their employers or agents to see that they do their duty. is the underpaid, underfed and poorly clothed workmen who need constant oversight in order to get a fair day's work for an inadequate compensation. I 8uppojmployer8 believe in this theory when they establish nieeo-work and cut down the price ho that thu average worn man can barely maintain an existence by doing his utmost, thus getting the great est amount of work U'cmise the workman annot lose a day without feeling the jinch of poverty. Does Mr. Russell, for instance, follow his profession so indus triously because he is so poor or fears onnng to poverty : I think not; 1 have a higher estimate of the man thanh. seems to have of his fellow men; 1 be lieve he is actuated by a higher motive. Does the learned attorney lelieve that the poverty which compels twenty thou sand women annually in New York I'ity to prostitute themselves to keep from starvation, and the other unknown thou sands forced to suicide by hunger; and the thousands who die from overwork and ujsutlicient food combined, does lie th'uk this poverty is necessary for the maintenance of civilization V If this theory is sound, then 1 say away with the civilization which requires, such stu pendous sacrifices for its maintenance and back to a savuge htate, if necessary, where female virtue wiJl be respected and the children not allowed to be wasted in factories for the support of a few in aftt Every instinct of Christianity cries vloud for a better social, industrial and economic condition; let us have it, and we may rest assured if there should prove to be a class who will not labor without starvation or the fear thereof, the com munity will lind a better remedy than starvation to compel them to produce enough at least for their own mainten- uice. Houack. NEW PUBLICATIONS. AruusT Spies' Alto-Biouiupuy. His Speech in Court and (ieneral Notes. With a preface by Nina Van Zandt, the young lady who with true chivalry and a discerning mind has championed the cause of the victims of capitalistic hatred, and has since Income the aflianced and wife of August Spies. This interesting book contains ninety-one large octavo pages, beautifully printed, and the por traits of Mr. and Mrs. Spies. In cloth, oT cents; paper cover, &1) cents. May le had at the olhce of the WOKiCMEX s AD- VOCATK. justness Department. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. New advertisements or changes must bo handed in by V ednesday noon to secure insertion m next number: Office, 781 Chapel street, id floor. P.O. Address, Drawer 103. LOCAL NOTICES. nf Sltiiutlniia WnntAil published in Hie Keclster tor let, a word The best 50c White Shirt in the City, made reinforced back and front, a Linen ltoHom ami a nice heavy cotton; a bar gain; at Linens, yn.s l hapel street. For all kinds of Job Irintinj, go to the fitajjord trauma Co. A -ply Linen Cuffs, lic a pair, at Loch's, 80:5 Chapel street. Now That The feet will le shedding and casting off their winter coating of heavy, burden some, drawing, annoying, andyetaneces sary protection from the inclemency of this, at certain seasons, frigid weather, the young will lie delighted and skip like young lambs, the middle-aged and old will feel light-footed, and step oil' with the airs of dancing masters, for now they can throw aside their rublers. Ladies, gents', misses , boys , children s, and in fants' shoes of every conceivable but prac tical common sense styles that genuine art anil skilled mechanism has introduced and manufactured with a view to style, fit and durability, are selling at prices that dial lenge and defy competition at M. Dillon & Co.'s, 8(1 Church St. Extraordinary Bargain Offered by the "Hub" Clothier, 113 Cliurrh Street, At their great mark-down and closing- out sale of their entire stock of clothing. Boys' Overcoats for ft each, and good substantial well-made garments! Noth ing like this ever offered to any trade Men's pantaloons, $1 a pair. Men's pant aloons, $1. 50 and $i a pair (lieing less than the cost of the cloth). Men s un laundered white shirts for 40c pjmIi; sold everywhere for 75c. We are to make extensive alterations in our store and make the ultove price (which are a sam ple of the mark-down of our entire stock) !.. .-.I..- a. , 1 - r ..ii in oroer in mane a i lean ct i oi an goods on our counters. In the hoys' and children s department we have mad even greater reductions than in the men's department, as some of the follow ing prices will show: Brown worsted suits, marked down from $11 to $4 a suit; eassiinere suits, marked down from $0, $7 and fS, to $4 and f 4.50 a suit the entire stock of boys' clothing in pro jutrtion. Job Lot Suspenders for Men and Boys to lie sold at Lie a pair. Loehs. 15c or 2 for 25c buys 4-ply Linen Col lars in all the latest styles, at Loebs, 8011 Chapel street. I'nrierwear ! t'nilerw ear I Men's white merino shirts and drawers at 25c worth 40c. Men's scarlet under wear at 9Hc., worth 1.2-1. Cardigan jackets at idc. and upwards, at M. Lambert's, b29 Chapel street. rtucvtlscmcnts. O A. T xV L, of NEW YORK LABOR NEWS CO., 1TJ FIRST A VEM'E, NEW YOltk. OWNED AND CONTROLLED Any book on this Catalogue mailed on added for postage on paper editions, and than 50 cents, are bound in cloth unless obtained on special order. TO Al'TlIOH: We undertake the publication and circulation of works on the "labor tpiesl ion," issuing them in paper editions in the A'cic York Labor Library, our own publication, which will appear periodically in the future. We shall be pleased to correspond with all who contemplate publishing works of this character. "THE NEW YORK Devoted to the interests of Organized otitain Economical and Scientific works will he issued in paper editions, handsomely printed and attractively bound, at prices ranging from 5 cents to cents, and will contain only works of advanced thought. The A'i'ic 1'oWi Labor Library has now THE OIUKCT OF THE LABOR MOVEUFXT-Kv Dr. .Ioiiann ; Jakoiiy. A practical work on Co-operation and THE COMUTIO.X OF THE LABOR1XG Kngki.s, Fifty years' history of the English statistical work. Price, '' cents. THE OU1STESSESCF OF SOCIALlSMy Professor Schacllle. The Principles of Socialism in brief. Price . (In preparation.) SPECIAL WORKS. Ailil int sixth nf price fur jiustiiKv nn puper I'tlltloiiH, anil uiie ti'iilli for I'lotli SOCIALISM. COM.MIMSM, NIHILISM A Vital Oih'nIIiiii. or, What I To lie none? A Novel. Hy NIUIul i. Teller- nitcliewsky What t lie Hu-lun Kovennnenl repinls us revolutionary literal ure. The iiutlior whs liii(ii'iniiiiecl iiii'liifterwarils liimisheil. He Is now livliiK under strlet pollee Miievislin. The book is seeret Iv clreiihiteil In JHukkIh. In this volume the labor iUestion Is tioitteil With a muster's liaml. Woman In the 1'asl. Prenent and Eu-tui-i -Hy August Uelit'l, Soeiiil-Oeiuo-crutle Deputy In the Herman lielehstait Cloth, $Ul; paper W Social Studies (just out). Hy Ileber New tn Moth.. 1.00 Pertinent essavs on various suhjeots per taining to Labor." Kverybiuly should rend It. l iilled Stale Internal Kevriuie and Tariff Law. Hy Horace, h, Dresser. ('loth, $1.00 Paper.. The Internal HeveniiH and Tariff Laws, with amenilnieiUs, complete, full alpha betical tables of tho Tariff and Internal Kevenue. An invaluable work. POLITICO-ECONOMIC WOKKS. Fiiom tiik Standpoint of Oiuianikd La mm. Hooks liliihcr In price than ri0 cents are cloth bound. Add one-sixth of price for postage, on paper editions and one tenth for cloth.- SOCIALIST AS l SOCIALISTIC WOKKS. Australian Labor Market. Startling disclosures $ ,,: Ketter Times. Dr. Doual ... 1 1 v n I 'ii.iiiiifin eall b. Lull!'- enee (iroiilunii cloth, $1 .no. . Paper, Capitalism on Trial. A Knitfht of Labor. 'two parts, cacii Declaration ol liidei dence. Ilcvlscd and adapted to existing lit inns The DawnliiK. A Socialistic Novel Democratic Socialism. Osborne Ward. Klllit-Ilour Workday. Thus. .Mann.... Klltlit-lloiir Workday. Alexander .loiuis, KngliHli and Prelieli Morality, (iuyot. French anil tierniaii Socialism In Modern Times. I'rof. Mellaril T. Kly Foiirler'wKoelal Selence. ( has. Koiu icr. .05 .OS l.ft) .-5 .05 .0-2 .iill .75 1.110 1.50 .05 .15 .'JO .10 .15 .10 Fourier's Social Organization, (')iiis. Fourier Facts About the I neinplojed. An appeal and warning ll ymnsol ProurcHS. A collect ion of Solis for Labor Soc ialism ami Slavery. II M. Ilyudiiiaii. Socialism and Smitbisin. II. M llynd mail Principles of Socialism, llyndiumi uml Morris ' Heporler and Socialist. Alexander Jonas. An InterestiiiK interview Keport oT International Trailes Cnlwii CoiiKreHH, held at Paris, Auk. ! i. m Socialist ( alei blsm CM puircsj. J. L. .loynes Socialist Itliyinesdlipiiifcs). .1. 1,.. loynes. Socialism ami Anarchism. Antagonist ic opposite Socialism Maile Plain. Manifesto Social Democratic Federation Socialism ami the Workers. Kortfe s.,. lalil Tracts. 10 Numbers. I'crioo.. .05 .05 .05 ,05 .05 .05 .'Jil WorkiiiKiiian' Proccaniiiie. Ferdinand Lassalle WOKKS OF KAICL M AKX. Capital -In two Volumes, cloth (postage paidl '' Kxt raft from Capital Paper 10 Wajfe-I.abor and Capital Paper.. 10 Mist FXl.ANF.Ors. Lalxir and Capital, ((ireenback stand point ) KdIIoric IJiiiitati f Wealth. Kcyer Social Studies. HetsT Newton The 1 alior tju.'sti Wendell Phillip.. Kational oiiimiiiiisni. liy a Capitalist IIKMtV til.OKt.K. ProKreKoand Poverty . .Cloth. $1 Oil .Paper Social Problems I'loth. $1 .!.. .Paper The Lain! Ouestion Paper.. Property in I. ami Paper.. Protection or Free Traiie . Cloth, $1 The (ieorge-ilewitl t aiiipHif;n. Paper.. THOMAS PA INF. Fife of Paine Cloth, .11).... Paper.. Com moii Sense Paper . The C risis Cloth. 75 ... Paper. . Klglitnuf Mau (lot h. 75. . . .Par. . The A ge of Iteason ( lot h, .50 Puper . . ft 1.00 '.25 1..MI .,11 .1 .10 15 .40 .13 ) .) 5 ArtucvtUcmcnts. O G U IS tiik MY ORGANIZED LABOR. receipt of price, with one sixth of price one - tenth for cloth. Books higher in price otherwise stated. Any book or publication LABOR LIBRARY," Labor will appear periodically and wi relative to the great Labor Problem. It in press the follow ing: Profit-Sharing; price, 10 cents. CLASS IS EXi! LASD -IW Phkdkuk k , working people. A valuable historical and CunIiIiikh' .Mum ii ill Cloth. $ Klsb's American Manual ( loth.. ..Ml Uules of parliaiiienlai-y usiiifii. Kvery woikliutinan shoiilil have one of these books to Kiilile t belli In labor meet liitfs. an he carried in t he pocket. Hills' Ithelorlc Cloth. . .SO Instruction In the art of oratory anil pub lic speaking. Invaluable to labor orators. The Labor Movement In America Hy Richard T. 101 y. I'll. D Cloth.. I.N) Compiled after years ot research, lie serves careful si inly. The llawniiiK. A Social Novel cloth . I W A slnciiroiiuil courageous book; contains a ifi'uphlc plcl ure of the siilTerinirs of the poor uiul the social luequiillt ies of the day. Capital liy Karl Marx. Two volumes, cloth (postpaid)....: 7.00 An exhaustive. iIIsh. Hiilion on political economy from thu most advanced stand point, by the eminent (lennan socialist. Cooperative t'oin iiioiih enlt Ii Hy l,m. rence (ironlunil, cloth, 1.00; paper An exposition of modern Socialism; It aims and objects. POLITIC O-MCONOM IC. From tiik Staniu'oint up tiik ('aimtaust. Hooks lilkdier In price Hunt 50 cents are cloth bound. Ailil one-sixth ot price lor posing ou paper edit Ions uniloiiu-tciitli for clot Ii. American Political I ileus. .Inn. l-'lske. . $1.00 A True Kcpiibllc. Albert Sllckney 1.00 A Federal I nlon -Not a Nation. Hum ilton iw Class Interests and their Kcliilions 1.00 Currency anil Hunklng. Iloimiiiy Price,. 1,50 Civil Service ill (Ircat Kritain. Dorniuii II. Hat on s5 Put lire Civil Policy of America Ino, W. Draper '. i,00 Labor ami Capital. Kdward Atkinson . .'.'u Property and Labor. Friinels Llcbcr 75 I'olil leal Kconouiy. .1. K. I 'uirnes 1.50 Paper Money. MchiirdMiii 15 SoclallMii and I' llai-iaiilsm. John S ium I Mill Similes in Modern Socialism. T, F.ilwln Hrown Study ol Political Lcoiioniy. .1. I.aill' ence Lauclilln .' The National Itanks. II. W. Mchardsoii l.oo 1.00 .-.'5 What Social Classes One to Fncli Other. I'rof. W. (. Sumner m OF AND I OI! WOM FN. Hooks hlifhcr In price than Ml cents are cloth boiiiul. Add omi-sixlli of price for posture ou paper eilillonsaiid one -tenth for chilli. Tales of Woman's Trials. Mrs S. ( '. Hall .50 The Female Minister. (A Novel.) ',5 The Woman Oncstinii. Kdwanl, and Klcanor Marx, Avellni; Woman in the Past, Present mid Fu ture. Auk. llcbel., t th, $1 on. Paper Woman. Her liljflits mid Wroiufs. 1'iider wood ( Woman Sndraife llelcnili il. l. P. i.lvcr mori! .1(1 Woman's Place To-Day... Woman's Kl;bts. Ilcv. .lohnTodil. ( loth. ' Paper.. .15 Women's Topie. .lelinie .luiie Cloth. . I.i" Womanhood, lis Sanctities mid Fidelities. Isabella 11. Hooker, cloth, .U, . Paper. , .40 I NSTKI CTI XV., Hisiks higher in price than 50 cents are cloth hound. Add one sixth of price for posture on paper editions and one-tenth for ''loth. Hook of Decorum $1 00 Hook of Health iki Hook of the Household i .(mi I'ood anil FeediiiK. Sir Henry 'I'lioiupsoii ,-0 Hill's Khetoric Manual of I'Hiilanientary Law (Cu-di- Iiik'si. Pocket edition. .' cloth.. .75 Manual of Parliaiiientary il'ih's Aiuerlcaio. I'm ket edition Cloth.. ..Ml Social Ctiquctte and Home Cult lire 551 SCIENTIFIC. Hooks hitrher In price than .Ml cents are cloth bound. Add one slxtb of price for postage on paper edit ions anil one tenth for cloth. Advancement ol Science. Prof. Tyndall .41 Doctrine of Fvolut ion. Alexander Mitch ell, I.I. D 1 Uu Iarwiiiisiii, as stated by Darwin hlin-elf 150 Evolution. It. ('. Adams .45 Fvolution Theory. Huxley. 10 Education, lb rls rt Siencer 15 Fducat ion - Its Kelatioii to Manual Indus try 1..MI Lhw of Progr . Herbert SM.-ncer 15 Light Kelence. 1(. A. Proctor 15 Mu' Place In Nature. Huxley 15 ductilscmcnts. THOMAS TEAS, COFFEE & SPICES S.VJ CltAl'KU NKAK CHURCH lies! Tea in the City, - ftOc In Coffees we Defy Competition. Koasted and (1 round Fresh Daily. NEW ENGLAND TEA COMPANY 3ft Congress Avenue. S. 1. DIBBLB, Dealer in Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware. Sanitary Pliimbinand Oas Fitting, Johiiinu A Specialty. 039 Grand St. HENRY HENDRICKS, Manufacturer of and Dealer In Stoves, Hot-Air Furnaces and Range: ri.UMMNQ AND OAS FITTING. No. 20 CHUKCII STREET. 116 OEOUUE STREET, COU. CONURESS AVE W. F. FRENCH. YALE CIGAR STORE. Choicest Itrands of CIGARS & TOBACCO CHAS. J. 8TODEL, Prop., 1 070 CHAPKL STHKKT. J. WIRTZ, M ANtJPACTUHKB Of CHOICE CIGARS, 001 East Street, l; Smoke M. BERNSTEInIs Best 5c, Cigar All ClKarspIanufactured 011 the Premises. 665 Grand Avenue, ANDREW STODEL, Munuf r of ami Deuler in FINE CIGARS, tall for Fl ItST LOVK, 6c. An dhew Stodkl, 28 Church St. CALL AT THE JJEW BARBER SHOP, Albert E. Iti-iiikiiinnn, 54 GREENE STREET. Cold Weather Is predicted for the Month of October, ' Heavy Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, (iLOVF.S, SOCKS, AT MORRIS It KEN NEK'S, 347 State St. Wholesale and Itetall Dealer In ' FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, I OI1STEHS, &c. II. W. Smith, Manager. Connected by Teludioiie 5) Church St., oim. Vml Olllce. C. P. BUTLBK, Wholesale and Hetall Dealer In Fish, Oysters and Cla Sea Food of All Kinds. , TKIIMSCASII. CO N.N KIT Ell BY TEI.KPHON 93 Broadway. Good Wages for the Workman means Prosperity for the Merchant The Finest Oysters in the City, In the Shell and Opened to Order. NATIVES, SPINDLE KOCKS, KOCKAWAYS & STONY CREEKS, - A. K. BROWN'S, 744 Grand Avenue, Haven. CASPER K.IPP, DKAt.KR IH ALL KINDS Of Groceries and Provisions, Cor. Dixwell Av. and Henry St. BREAD. BREAD. No Corn Flour or other adulteration used In our Bread. S. S. THOMPSON & CO. IfT Oldest Bakery in the City. .33 711 1 k