Newspaper Page Text
WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE, CARPENTERS' RULES. The Brotherhood of Carpenters d Joiners in this city have pro- ulgated the following resolutions: 1. Tha,t nine hours shall conxtitute a y's work on and after the lirst day of iy, 137, to April 1, 1W8. i. That from ami after Raid date no nilier of this union will Ik allowed to nk with non-union workmen. t. That the wages for average men shall ;i per day. I. That the minimum wagt-s shall Ix- per day. i. That all overtime for workdays shall at the rate of time and one half, and Sunday it shall ho double time. The bosses' organization was fur died with a copy immediately upon adoption, so that they cannot nplain of not receiving three nths' notice. The Reijislvr pub lies the ravings of a boss who njtlains that lie lost by lust ir s controversy with the JJrothor d. It would be well, therefore!, i to get into a controversy, but to i union wages to union men. iEY LEAVE THE KNIGHTS. he Journeymen Ileer Brewers' Union liwt Sunday at Wendel'n Assembly iiih. The meeting was largely at led, and it was decided to leave Dis !. Assembly, 4!J. A statement was vn uj which was present later in the to the Central Labor Union. It was llows: Nkw York, I'VIi. 1:1, ISKT. IK WoUTIir OPKH KHH OK THK I'l'.NTHAt, I. AMOK ion or Nkw York: ill Khotiikkh -In consideration (if the last. ft of tilt! Journeymen Brewers I'nlon of York with District Assembly, , Knltflil" lior, In reirnrd in llio Ntrlke of the ooul Hers, mill bavin also been ordered to we make this ex iluniit li 111 I Htich action been taken It. would have certain ruin to the Journeymen brewers' 1 of New York We have done our lu st II ally for the strikers. thermore, 11s our I'nlon hud 11 contract ihe boss brewer which expires April I ft, vu would only have punished ourselves if id broken It. I hcrmore, we have derived no benefit from nights of Labor, nor eau we see uny In the n. thermore, the majority of the members of idtfhtsof Labor are constantly protesting st mr products, iiih! ive uh to understand e art allowed to be represented In mild only by suflornnee. We are only good h to pay them our fundi), ihurmorii, that danger might- befall us by tig out. of theCentral Labor I'nlon through impulsion of District Assembly, 111. VVu een asked t wice to withdraw our dcle and wo owe alone to the Central' l.ubor the laurels and benefits- which we. now unci we always Intend to remain good ers; therefore, be It dved, That the Journeymen Brewers' of New York to day never all connection be Order of Knights of Labor, and request ntral Labor I'nlon In the future uh in the i) aland by us In our duties 11111I conflict n. K. KKarzKNKNAiiK, Secretary. a Heer Drivers' Union met later and ised the action of the brewers, it live thousand men are employed i8 industry, and they will at once in their charters to 1. A., ID. 3BER SYSTEM MUST GO. I10 great striko in New York and Jersey has led to an inquiry as s causes. There is more than a 'er of wages 111 the present strug- The strike was an outgrowth .wakening intelligence on the of tho industrial masses, who loconiing more and more dissat 1 with the present system which 08 tho many toil that a few may in idleness. A'o matter how trike may end it will not be a re if it has the effect of arous ho working people to the in ios under which they labor. Creator did not store up the uid minerals in the bowels of arth that a few men might gain ol of them and tax others for use. .No IStato or nation has uoral right to grant a franchise y body of men to speculate in which was intended for the ion good of all. And one of reat questions which this pres riko brings to the front is as it right these coal barons have ntrol the coal fields of the ry and to make other men toil pittance that they may amass ns. Workingmen are loarn ' think and they are asking ions which must be answered, tresent robber system will have Labor is demanding its in .nce of which for centuries it 'en despoiled. Aimed l'inker hugs and the bowlings of in dgot8 like Cowles and White eid will not prevent strikes. will continue so long as the 1 of which they are born. 1 ml AjtjH al. A HOLY SOCIALIST. 3 10 has canonized Thomas . the Socialist xet. Jn his via," Moore depicted the hay i ol communal life, t. Now he's il all the mutations of time it has yet been discovered why a lawyer legal document a brief. - l'laladel-UL "FIGHT IN THE DARK." Henry George in last week's Slinithtnl ably takes the Herald to task for its apparent ignorance of tho conditions environing tho labor movement. Referring to tho uso of force, Mr. (ieorge says very point edly: "As for the morality of strikes it is precisely that of any other appli cation of coercive force. They who really hold that 'whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also;' and 'if any man will take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also;' they who hold that the command, 'Thou shalt not kill,' applies as well to the man in uniform as to the man in plain clothes, might with some consistency condemn strikes; but they alone. If tiiere are any such people, they are not to be found in the editorial rooms of our great dailies or tho pul pits of our fashionable churches." In closing his article Mr. fleorge asserts that "competition, instead of crushing the laborer, will secure to him the fair reward of his toil." It is now in order for Mr. (ieorge to tell his fellow workmen what ''corn petition" and what "the fair re ward" means. MALTHUSIAN MOONSHINE. Two old hens and u young chicken were living in a one-acre field adjoining a farm house. After a while another young chicken came to live with them. The two old hens said the young ones must nay them three parta of wSat tbev picked up, as they had a right to every thing found in the field, and should have claimed the whole were they not so kind hearted and charitable. The two young chickens pulled out their handkerchiefs to wipe away Ihe tears of gratitude and cheerfully acceded to the proposal. They adopted the system and it, worked excel lently, but after a while the chickens I a 1 1 1j 1 iounu iney nan 100 nam a scrape tor a living. So they asked the old hens why (hey were so poor when they worked so hard, and the old hens themselves so rich, although they did nothing. "Ob," said the old hens, "theee's not room in this Held for evervhodv. and we slmll always stiller while we are so overcrowd- 1 it mi 1 ... eu. ineivvonuie chickens thereupon took the hint, and drowned themselves in a farm house spout; and tho two old hens passed a law to prohibit suicide. Melbourne Liberator, AGES OF WORKERS. Recent statistical reports lix the aver age duration of life for the different vo cations as follows, viz.: M years for la borers and job workingmen; 41 years for stone-cutters, sculptors, compositors and lithographers; 44 years for shoemakers and tailors; 47 years for locksmiths, blacksmiths and joiners; 49 years carpen ters, masons and house painters; 54 years for bakers, beer brewers and butchers; .IS years for irardeners. sailors and tUlior. men. The occunnt hal evidently tho advantage on their side. Tho average for professional men hhows on the whole a somewhat moro encouraging result, namely: 41) years for physicians; 57 years for teachers; 07 years ior Clergymen. LETTER BOX. Oswald Ivkkn. We have no means of knowing; but do not believe ho is a rich man. He shows no evidence of it in his mode of living. M. D. S. There is no reason why such a man as .iteison should not lie publicly branded as a nettv tvnmt nml fmn.i nn.f if proper evidence is furnished to the I . A . MUKK.MKX s avihvate, you may rely liOon it. his Norwich inrer vi lli lui n,,l, lished AtlidiivitH Lv tb.wu ..-I,,.,, 1,.. .....,v ,. .it. )M has injured by his dishonesty would lie in oroer. jui our mends must not ex pect us to jeopardize the interests of many woiKtueii oy puhlislnng unsup ported statements. Better call and see us. make out a clear case, 1h sure of the availability of your evidence, and with that on our side, we shall feel urged by dtlt v to exoose the rusciil Vu t. luK.,- organizations !eing ruled by improer persons, mar u mm, is the tault of those who elect them. Let the Kniirhi their meetings and elect those to otliee who will do their duty. The masses should not trust to leaders, but should by their votes im' their representatives, and when they disoley, Inmnee them .' iy me way, wuen you write tor publica tion, use only one side of the pajier. INFORMATION. Workingmen and women who desire to lietter their condition and are willing to join hands with Organized Lakir. can obtain all information in regard to the various organizations and the manner of joining them, by addressing a letter to the TRADES COUNCIL, T. O. Box 150'J, New Haven. Or, if it is preferred, they may call lersonally at Trades Council Hall. 7tl'J Chapel street, day or evening. Com munications ami interviews are regarded as strictly confidential. Lawyer Now, you say you've known this couple for years. Witness -Yes, sir. Ever seen them quarrel? Never. They've always lived together in unity, eh? No, sir; in Swanijisville: that's about four miles from Unity. -Jmlj: WORKMEN'S MEETING ROOM. Trades Council Hall is open to Trades Unions, Assemblies ami other labor or ganizations for regular meetings on the following evenings: MoNtMT Tlilnl In ea'li month. Ti:khi)AV First nml Third. Wkdnksiiav fourth. Tihthniiay First and Third. Far da if Every. Sati huat First. Second and Fourth. Also the First, Seoond and Third Sunday af ternoons In I'Ki'li month. Apply to Ciiaiu.ks Sronix, Trustee, 1070 Chapel street, any evening between tl and 7 o clock. Hoelal-Keouoinlc A nihil Inn. Lectures and addresses on Labor and cognate questions will be delivered on application, by Richard J. Hinton. Ad dress, care of the huder, 184 William street, or 78 East 11th street, New York. Terms reasonable. SPECIAL AGENTS roa Tii k WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE. Boston. II. W. Drown, 7 Klrklund street. HiuiHiKPoier. 8. Stiller, rWH Main street. C111CAU0.-M I.. Morris, a,-W South IliilsUd street. Hoi.yokk, Mass. Adam Katnatfo, 130 Oak Bt London, England. II. W. Lee. 1S1 Queen Vic torla street, niackfrlar's Iirldfe, E. 0. New Yoiik City F. Decker, :UH East Tilth st I'iiovidknce. John llraml, 48 Oliver street. San Fhani.iikio, Cal. J Hushler, VOi Montgom ery street. J. 0. Dlass, Till Natorna street, Stonkhouo, I'knn. A. C. (Iruul. S. L. P. HIKKCTOKY OK AMKitlCAN SKCTIONS. UiiiDOKi-oiiT, Conn. Meeting at Excelsior Har monic Hull., 8. Seller, MS Main street, Boston, Mass. Organizer, 11. W. Drown, 7 Klrk land street. Bukpai.o. N. Y. Meeting every Monday at 0H3 Michigan street. Oiicimlzer, eh. Forth, S75 Front avenue. Cincinnati, Ohio Organizer, Charles Fritz, 7 Oak street, IIahtpoicd, Conn. Organizer, ltobert Pyne, 2SI asyium sireei. Kansas City. -Meeting every Friday evenlm at Toliener's Hull, eor. l.Mh street and Orand avenue. Secretary, Dr. I.orri tta Hammond, Ittft Walnut street. I.a Sai.i.f. Ii.i.. Organizer, James Towel, Secre tary Miners' rrolectlve Association. MiNNKAi-oi.iH. Minn. Organizer, A. L. Gardner, 8,009 iJllth street, South. Nkw Yokk. Meeting every first and third Mon day, at Free Socialist Library and Meeting Kooin, 113 Eighth street. Nkw Haven, Conn. Meeting at Trades Council Hall. Organizer, 11. II. Lane, I. 0. Drawer 108. Fiin.ADKU'itiA, Pa. Organizer, J. do Bruyn, 1859 1 ammo sireei. Flemish Section meets First Sunday morning In each month at, Comrade G. Fontyn's, 418 b. oin sireei, j . waaiers, ss,ia i.awreuee st., organizer. FnoviriKNoK, R. 1. Meetings every first and t nira suimny, socialist nail, cor. Dell and Eiswald streets. 8i'hinokiei.i), Ohio. Organizer, A. Eiehelmann, ail East Main street. Yonkkhs, N. Y Organizer, E. II. Williams, 8 Main street. The Directory of sixty Gorman-American Sec tions will lie found In Dkh Siiiai it t fT The several organizers are requested to comiileto this list and to report regularly on cluuiifcM biilnip mutln. DCCtlW0S. AMERICAN SRfTTOV S 1. P !(.,. n,1 Vu,. il Ingson the Second and Fourth Sunday evenings in eacn montn. nitOTHEIillOOl) OP CARPKNTEUS AMI) If JOINERS of America. Regular meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, la Elk's nan, Kti i impel stt. IMGARMAKERS' PROG. INT. l-NION, No. 67.- j tieguiar meeting the second Wednesday In vny il, I ,. in., ni I riillUH l OUI1CU 11(111. EDERDEl'TSCIIK PROPA(4ANIU GLI B i meets Second Thursday lu each month at no vteorge si. (JECTION NEW HAVEN, S. L. P. -The regu O lur meetings of this Section are held at. Trades Council Hall en the tirst Monday In each mom a ai s o ciock p. m. 'PKADKS COI'NCIL.-Regular meetings on the x rirsi ami i inrd Sundays In each month, at 7:.'X o'clock In the evening. All unions should oe represented. JW- MEETING T0-M0HKW..3 .Vi NON'PAHKir. I. A W.i,rnlr ,.w..,H.. CVITV ll.wiltiv iH-t,lmr ut li ,.'.,l,.l , ' , J ... uvea, Masonic Temple. P. o. address. Box tMK. (Atlucttlscmcnts. KVOXOUV IS WEALTH! You can save money liy Imvlng MEATS AND PROVISIONS F. S. ANDREW & CO.'S, Stalls City Market, (Near the Center of the Market.) K. L. MNH AIMMi, lltM'onirress Av., NKW HAVEN. CONN. Agent for llanos. Organs. l!ug. Hanging Lamps, Sewing Machines, clocks, Karren Roll up ami Adjustable Soring Heds. Mirrors. Bench and Tuli Wrlncers. Mattresses. Carpet Sweepers Washing Machines. Oil Stoves. Itililes. Allmtns oil Paintings, Stoves. Silverware, Furniture' Lace Curtains, Ac. Cash. Weekly and Monthly Payments. (lock Spring and Wringer Re pjilroijr "JUSTICE:" OrrlclAL t)ltAN Of T1IK SodAl, DkOCRACT. 1.0MHIN, KMll.AMI. $l.W Per Year. Postage free Subscriptions reelved at this office. THE COMMONWEAL, OrmtAL Organ or tiik Sixiaiistic Lkaoii, IOMIOX, KNGLANI. Published Weekly, Sl.Wpvr year. l.stae Pree. Subscriptions received at this office. .Adxicvtlscmcnts. SAM. H. KIRBY, American and Swiss Watches AT THK 1.0WKST THICKS. A Fine Assortment of Kolled Gold Cliaiug and Jewelry. 834 CHAPEL STREET. Frank A. Hutter, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 42 (lEORGE STREET. Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired. A discount of per cent, given on all work for members of the K. of L. EDMUND ZERNITZ, JEWELER, Hl)! GUAM); AVK.Nl K. Watches, Clocks, anil Jewelry carefully re paired, and all work warranted. All kinds of Society lladges. WELLS & GUNDE, Watchmakers and Jewelers, 7ss ('Impel Sheet. Dealer! In all kinds of American Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. K. of I lladges, all ntyles. HATS ! HATS 1 81.00, 81...0, 2.00, $-.j0, 83.00 I'nlon Label In Every Hat. E S, OSMIN, 91 CHURCH ST, We always endeavor to sell reliable goods, and anyone purchasing of us will be convinced that our prices are as low us any on all grades of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, k B. E. LYNCH'S One Price Boot and Shoe Store, 37 CONGRESS AVENUE AND 158 COMMERCE STREET. -TIIK- CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO BUY YOUR Groceries and Provisions IS AT D. DORE'S, 573, 575, 577 & 575) Grand Ave., NEW HAVEN, CONN. You can get 23 lbs. of White Suar for 1.00, And lots of other bargains there. NEAV YORRBAKERY All (loods Manufactured Expressly for Family Trade. Herman Trust, 52 & 54 (3 rand st. NEW FISH AMI OYSTER MARKET. GEORGE W. AT WATER, IlKALKB IN ALL KINDS Ol" SIDxV FOOD. 200 St. ,loh ii Street, Near State, next to Bridge. Telephone Connect 'n landrigan's Band & Orchestra J. JJIAXDKHiAX, Leader. Fi rat-el ass music for Parades, Halls, Pic nics, Parties, Fairs, Excursions, etc. New Uniforms, New Music always on hand. None but lirst-class inu Bicians employed. Any numlier of pieces furnished and jH-rfect satisfaction guaranteed. All orders addresed to J. J. Landrigan, headquarters 1(1 Church Street, New Haven, Conn., will receive promp at tention. DR. W. H. MINOR, DENTIST, ROOM 4, T3G CHAPEL STREE OVER BUNNELL A Sl'RANTON, Office nours-8 to IS a. m, 1 to S p. m. 1 ) KNTIS T 1 Y . DR. F. HALL, DENTIST, lias removed his office from Meadow stnt't to !Mi ORAMJE STREET, (.three door above Chanel) Where he is ready to perform all operations upon the natural teeth or insert artificial ones upon Gold. Silver. 1'latlna or Kublivr He has also had nearly forty years constant practice and experience In the use and adminis tration of Ether, which is the only safe and re lialileanaslhetic yet discovered- Absolute free dom from pain belli assured in evcrv instance, whether from the extraction of one tooth or twenty Also, there is not one ease on record of a pa tient din in the dentist's chair from the effects of ether, w hile from everv o heranasthetic used from one to many have died. Even the latest bromide of Ethyl has had its victim a few weeks sine In Brooklyn, New York. Furthermore, ether Is usetl almost bxchsivsit In ireneral nursery with th exception in rare cam chloro form U nonietiines sulstituted. UK. K. UALL, ws Orange Street. Jixlwcvtlsemcttts. ANDREW BODGE PICTURES FOR SALE AND TJVTUJiES FRAMED TO ORDER, New Seleleetlon of Steel Engraving! Just Kecelved. 960 GUAM) STKEET. ART MATERIALS, Blank Books and Stationery, HCTUKES AND FItAMES, Toys and Fancy Goods, at I'oiuilar I'rlees, at 097 Chapel Street. NORTHROP, THF ART DEALER. F. WM. SCHNEIDER, MERCHANTTAILOR 407 STATE STKEET. Fine Goods and good work. Satinfac tion guaranteed. Ihe New York Labor News Co, Owned and Controlled by Organized lAibor, 172 First Avenue, New York. CATALOGUE sent free on Application. : john j. kiernan, : Steam Job Printer, : !M5S (Jnind Ave., : NEW HAVEN, - CONN. GATES ORCHESTRA Music Furnished for Parties, Balls, Etc. Apply to F. E.WHITE, 112 Howe St. Orders may be left with John Heegel, with Stahl & Hegel, 36 Church St. GILHULY & BOHEN MANUFACTURE IIS OF i n p r I lAMoro In VJUUU MIIIIUIUI IIUlUIOl LIUll t I 57 St. John Street. The Quinnipiac Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER. ABSOLUTELY PURE. PHILIP FRESENIUS, LAGER BEER BREWERY 488 Congress Ave., Established 1853. NEW HAVEN. WEIDEMANN'S LION BREWERY, EXCKLSIOK LAGER BEER, ALLINGTOWN, P. O. AddrCM Box 11V. NEW HAVEN. CT. SELDEN HOUSE, THOS. M. KENNA. Prop'r. Most Central House in the City. Horse Car Lines pa the Hnnse to all farts of tbe city. TERMS, $2 00 PKR DAT. 440 State Street, New HaTen, Conn. MclNTYRE, MAGUIRE & CO In accordance with our usual custom in January, our entire (stock of REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS OK SIIvKIS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERWEAR, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. ALSO Linens, Towels and Cottons, Will he sacrificed at prices foreign to New Haven. Do not forget if you need any of these goods to be on hand, as the prices will he interesting and low. MclNTYRE, MAGUIREcSo CO., 837 Chanel St.. New Haven. K. OF L. MERCHANT TAILOR, 60!) GUAM) AVENI E. Full stock of Full and Winter Unmix on hand. Fine Overcoats nmde at Low I'rlees. kMO? CHUIftj sT. NEW HAVEN. CAPITAL!" Only authorized translation of BY KARL MARX. Two. Vols., 8vo., Price, $7.00 Orders may be sent to the office of the Nat. Executive Committee, W. L. ROSENBERG, SeCy, 17'-! First Avenue, New York City. New Haven orders may be left at the office of the Wokkmek's Advocate, 781 Chapel Street. THE STANDARD (12.50 per year), Henry George's Kew Weekly. AND THK WORKMEN'S ADVOCATE ($1.00), The Paper You're looking at, Will BOTH he mailed to your uddress for One Year, on receipt of $3.00 from you, at the ottice of the Workmen's Advocate, 781 Chapel St., )'. 0. Address, Drawer 103. NEW UAVKN, CT. 5cr &oiaUstf OFFirlALOlIOAN OF THE SOCUMHTIC LABOR PaIITY, In the Gernmm lan'iiae. Pub lcation Office, 17a First ave.. EW YOKK CITY. Published Weekly, $3. per year. Pontatce Free. " send all subseriptioiis direct to I'iiliea tion Office. THE UNION PRINTER, TII E OFFICIAL OHGAN OF TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 6. AND (treat Defender of (he Lahor Cause. TERMS: One Year. ea- Six Months. Three Months. Address. The I'mox Phinter 356 Pearl Street, New York BOYCOTT THE TRIBUNE, OVERLAND FOR ONE DOLLAR. NOW IN ENGLISH, Will be pi bushkd IN ALL LAMll'AliK AS SOON AS -aHeBll-TS PfeKMITT. Shows at l w,t or less' p,r ton per mile for freight aiol 3 1 2 eents jn-r passemr,- per 1 Z miles (n Fran.-we,. to New York for 7T.J)- th goveniment ean enipl,,y threk t. kine million men at 3 for hoursand upwards a ShS to ability; pay for ,11 railwaythe first ply 'I the national debt the second, and atlisrall national taxes the third vear. ""Mi Price In advance, S3 cent, per annum.