Newspaper Page Text
.PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Thursday, October 23. 1919. Ue Could FlaJIn Any Flat If He On Had The Key v. J .. i "''TT-V I 5 Chinese Are Decorated By British For Erayery In War Vancouver, B. C.. Oct. 23. Cor poral Lu Tun Fu. Private Lee To. Unheralded, this pair of Oriental warriors, wearing BrltlsH decora - for their bravery In action, are In Van couver today on their return journey to China. Corporal Lu, who last served with the Russian allied naval brigade, was awarded the military medal for gallan try In leading a patrol, under machine gun fire. Lee served with the British Slovack legion and was given the med al for fighting his machine gun des perately against great odds. The awards were made by Major General Ironside, commander in chief of the northern Russian forces. , 'UE clavichord la Charle Kay latest hobby. He haa graduated from 11 chop-sticks as In tlio above picture to Chopin j und dully devotes fcanself to practice, wandering from bar to bar, drinking In measure after taeasure meaning music, of course. At present he has been trying his tiand at some thematic melodies for his latest Parampunt-Artcraft flic iure, "The Egg ras Wallop" t !. J; Stajtoa. : (CaplUl Journal Special Bcrviee.) , ' Stayton. Oct. 23. Mrs. Ouy Ayde : loU of Forest Drove, la visiting her ' paranta, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. S. Rus i anU. Hra. Roasell has reaently return : d from Boio, where she underwent mm operation In the hospital, i - Mrs. Gladys Kelly of Bcio, spent ' -etanday at the home of her father, F. , X. Jones. I . . The Ladles Aid society of tha M. E. church, served the dinner at the E. " XL Smith sale east of town Monday, and eepurod a neat sum -for their ef , . Jforta. M. A. Hendershott came near hav ing a conflagration in his place of Iraatnesa Monday, his alectrlo fan Mewing tha flame from a gasoline stove against a wall covered with oil cloth and setting it on fire. He soon .Qoelched the blase and has arranged affairs so that It will not occur again. Oeo. Keech and wife spent Sunday la Eugene, visiting their son Edwin, . who Is a student at U. of O. Ben Gehlen left the first of the ''week for eastern Washington, where ' ka aspects to locate on a large farm. He will move his family there later. ' Vra. Oehlen went with him as far as Portland, where she will visit for a time with relatives, W. A. Weddle, of the Rlngo under- , taking establishment, went to Mill CRy Wednesday, where he buried a f brother of Geo. Koeneke, a former tratoher of this place. The man died 3a Portland. i lira. Churchill, who died the first I ot the week In Mill City, was burled f la the Stayton cemetery Wednesday. U John Fehlen la home from Condon ' for a visit with relatives. Mlaa Gladys Hamman, who is em ployed as a stenographer at Dallas, I . M Cl., An,, ..tU Henry Geymer of Mllwaukle visit ed the first of the week with Stayton friends, Mrs. M. M. Decker, who has been visiting at W. G. Cleveland's and with other friends, has returned to her home in Ashland. Everet McRea and family have re turned to Stayton to reside. ' Mrs. Kate Herren of Salem, Is here assisting in caring for the sick at the Munkers home. ' - " Mrs. E. Roy has gone for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Watson at Vancouver, B. C. She stopped en route In Portland for a short visit. Coming Sunday f 'sn-.-- m Hazel Green Notes, (Capital Journal Special Service.) 41 Hi I Hasel Green, Oct. 23. B. C. Zel--linski la having his house treated to a new coat of paint. Allen McCain has been operating his wood stw in this sestton lately. I George Dunigan came up from Portland, Saturday and autoed to Mill City Sunday. F. Fisher was on tha sick list last week, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landers are the proud parents of a son.- Dan Rogers and wife spent Sunday in Silverton. ' - Emma Fisher went to Philomath, Thursday on business, and returned Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 12. A. Dunigan and 'son. Will, visited relatives at Mill City and Gooch, Saturday and Sun day. '- A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Landers Sunday, Oct 12th. G. G. Looney wont to Salem, Thurs day to have his tonsils removed by Dr. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. Savage have moved to Salem. C. J. Latham Is planning a trip to Idaho soon. The parent-teacher meeting, Fri day eve was quite well attended, and Mra Fulkeraon held the closest at tention of her audience. E. A. Dunigan is painting the house where his son, Maurice, resides. Miss Emma Flshor, branch secre tary for the Otterbeln Guild, organ ized the Hazel Green chapter, Sun day afternoon at the parsonage. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wolf and Mrs. Martha Wolf spent Sunday, Oot. 13, with relatives near Shaw. - ' ! Mrs.'W. Huntley is recovering from a recent operation at Salem hospital. JSi v. ' o 'JUL Lieutenant Chester Allen, brother Of Eric W. Allen of the school of Jour nalism at the University ot Oregon, has been cited for exceptional devotion to duty, energy and seal. MaryPickford At mVKQ Hoodlum' fcteerlng a high-powered sporty au'o . mnlille down Rlversldtf Drive Is vast j iiffcrerit and not near as much fun as sfhml.M a push cart down a tenement sAreet, ao Mary Ptckford, discovers In ' "The Hoodlum." the second production produced In her own Btudlos which will be seen commencing Sunday at tha Llterty theatre. Landli.g on sordid Crelghen street as -f m snob Amy Burke is converted Into a ' wtaur crnp-shooter, a nimble-fingered ' potato p-iler, the official style setter for ; th tc-ul' girls and the most kindly tad humanitarian person in the tene - ncmU. From his Fifth avenue estate Amy's ' ajrrandfather watches his favorite with ' auntie curiosity. He is mora surprised ta discover one night that Amy and a tenement friend are in the act of crack ' Ing his safe. Replete with novel comedy situa tions, and softened by the romance of ' A ray and a tenement "towel thief," " "The Hoodlum" la one of the most in- tarsaHnf and funniest of attraction, Originality! JMPEMALES CICAIaETTfiS define it. There is no blend of tobacco so imperial in quality, 80 distinguished from all others. It chal lenges imitation. & 10orl3c r The John BolIman.Co. Branch WATER PEEIUTS Tha following applications for per mission to appropriate water for tha irrigation of small tracts have been filed with State Engineer Percy A. Cupper by the following: Mra Annie G. Black, for water from Vanoy creek near Grants Paaa and Ida E. Stephenson, for water fromJBobert- son creek near Grants Pass. Otto F. Turnes of Wyeth haa filed application for water from Wonder creek for fish culture purposes. The assessed valuation of all prop erty in Lane county this. year is $30, 663,265; 3106,351 less than last year. "No More Sleepless Nights" Bathes Internally Mr. J. B. Borrows, 271 West North St, Decatur. Ill, writes TyrrilTs Hy gleino Institute, ot Hew York, as fol- "I am still using the 'J. B. L. Cas cade' once a week, and find it most efficient for keeping me in fine con dition. It acts aaa sedative for tired nerves and haa been a great help for sleeplessness. I have frequently aris- en from bed and used it in the mid dle of the night with satisfactory re sults." - The reason for this remarkable re sult la becaase the functions cannot work, property' when there is accumu lation of waste In the lower intestine. The "J. B. L. Cascade," by the sim ple process of properly applyng warm water, eliminates all this waste and causes the functions to work smooth ly and properly. Over half a million Intelligent Am erlcana are sow using the Cascade wth similar results. It is the invention of Charles 'A. Tyrrell, M. D., of New Tork, a noted specialist on internal bathing for 26 years. It will ba shown and explained to yon by Daniel J. Fry who will be glad to give you an Interesting booklet by Dr. Tyrrell called "Why Man of To day Is Only 60 percent Efficient." This booklet Is free upon request. Ask for it today while you think of it. . (Adv) Diarrhoea in Children. iPor diarrhoea in children one year old or older you will find nothing bet ter than Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea (Remedy, followed toy a dose of eastor oil. It should be kept at hand and given as soon as the first unnatur al looseness of the bowels appears. Pies-Like Mothers You can get Pies Here Good Pies ; from Oregon Fruits Their ; flavor, ? quality and Crisp Crusts make them in great demand at many homes ; Peerless Bakery Philip Winters, Prop. 170 N. Com! Street Minerva yarns. Best made. Beautiful shades, 'silk mixed, zephyr, knitting worsted, Span ish and Saxony yarns. Shetland floss. The new knitting books are here. Nice Blankets .... ( Pretty plaid blankets, 66x80 first quality, pair $6.25 Extra large plaid blankets, 74x84, all firsts, pr $7.25 Nice fluffy cotton blankets, 66x80, pair i......$3.50 Black Cat Hosiery The kind for good wear and satisfaction.- ' Children's silk lisle hose, 50c to 65c, according to size. Boys' heavy cotton hose 50c to 65c, according to size. Ladies silk lisle hose 70c and 90c very iine grade. Ladies' silk hose at ..-.$1.50, $1.75 and $2.50 pair .Millinery at Reduced Prices Nice new fall hats, feathers and flowers at 20 per cent less than our former low prices. Come early and get the first selection. - , 240-246 N COMMERCIAL STREET ,1tM! "'IMIimMllHHMMMMimm FOP, FALL DAYS i Here, for these days of cozy clothes, are garments whose comfort hi warmth and freedom, of fitness to the figure, gives the wearer attire of at tractiveness with correctness of style perfection in making and beauty in ma terial. AH in keeping with thexolors of these beautiful October days. ...' Dresses In styles as varied as the falling leaves and in colors of equal beauty Cut and trimmed in the! most becoming models. Coats Some with fur trim, some with self-trim, All tf them offering an op portunity for making a gratifying selection of the model most attract ive to individual taste. Suits A complete array of the' distinctive models expressing the season's best and most wanted styles. Materials - and dolors all that can be desired. enable ALL PRICED Remarkably Reas . ..." ' . ; ; ...-.W 1- '& tjl Quality Merchandise "Where Shopping Is a Pleasure" . 'j n'asfr' 1 m Prices 1 Eyes Can Be Imiured In many ways, sometimes inno ' eeatly, when the patient i not aware that anything is wrong with them. But a, person is to blame when he or she KNOWS that the area need attention, and does not have them attended .to,, And there are many each. Are yon one, dear reader f If so, your duty is plain. We invite you. HARTMANBR0S. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS SAT.KM OEEQON ; Good Buys In Houses 6 room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, located at 2039 N. Commercial street., Price $2500, $1000 cash, balance to suit at 9 per cent interest. 5 room cottage, located at 1005 Shipping St., corner lot 60x125 ft Price $950. room house with basement, located at 1344 Lee St Price $1250. 7 room house with basement, located at 910 S. 13 th street. Price 6 room modern house with furniture, located at 1370 State St. Price $5000. . . 5 room house, located at 691 S. 17th St. Price $900. " 8 room modern house with 8-4 of an acre, located at 480 North 24th St., good garage. Price $5250. 7 room modern house with large lot located at 1800 North Swat- mer St. Price $4200. S room plastered house with bath, toilet and wood shed, locat ed at 1125 South 16th St Price $950 if sold soon..- , - 6 room modern- bungalow at 1040 S. Liberty St. Price $3600. , 8 room house at 1010 Oak St. Price $2650. 5 room house In fine condition with barn, lot 50x133 ft. locat ed at 216? Elm St. Price $1700. 9 room house, fine corner lot, saved streets, located at 1395 a High St Price $3500. 8 roonv.modern house located at 465 N. Commercial St. Price $4. 600 6 room modern bungalow at 610 S. 18th St Price $1650. t room house at 735 Ferry" St. Price $2000. 8 room modern house at 1760 8. Liberty St Price $3800. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. . ' 275 State street ex -v - if - s r-nm. nrr lurua!S- -7:;. ANNOUNECMENT To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. We are opening a produce market and will be prepared te pnrohase all kinds of produce. - " This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for Bell ing and buying, ear plaee will be in operation at enee. ' "We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Potk, Hides, Pelts, Woo!, Potatoes, Onione, Beans, Hay, ete. ' r We are onneeted with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay the highest prices. Give us a trial and yoa will be eeaviaeed K . - ' . market price will be published la the Daily Capital Joaraal a you way know every day the latest quotations. Our place u located at 255 Perry street ia rear of the American. Automobile Oarage, ?eutperary Phone 399. BEN. MORRIS, Manager. BEAUTIFUL FURS Early buying is wholly res ponsible for the low prices at . which these furs are mark . ed. Each fur is a perfect match, - combined with best work manship and. of a quality -which insures long wear and perfect satisfaction. You cannot make a mistake in selecting any of these: FUR SCARFS FUR COLLARS FUR MUFFLERS FUR CHOKERS $10.00 to $75.00 Ladies' Store - fj? 466474 State St. rJ-y" " 1 7J -P ' saayaaJf Men's Store 416 State St.