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THE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL. SaleM, OREGON. Thursday, October 23, 1919. RUMORS OF SALE OF , rf-x AM ' O I A Extra $15 All Wool Skirts $11.75. Jersey Dresses $19.75. Satin Petticoats $1.19. Good Quality Voile Waists $1.58 PAGE SIX. BOS UN K US I r n mm mm mm mmwm mnmatm r RISE TO NEW GOSSIP London, Oct. 23. Fred Kulton. American heavyweight, is to meet Ooi don Gocrlilll, Australian giant, in a 20 round battle here tonisht for a purse of $6000. . , By Henry L. I'lirrell New York. Oct. 23. Boston's Ked Sox are I elng sold again. Montreal, Ort. 23. -'rankle Fleming the Canadian featherweight, returning to the ring here last night after vear'a hiv riff nnrl nlitnnfnteri Difk The baseball not which had seuiea Loadmlln of Lockport, N. Y., in a 10 down to a simmer after the world ser- round bout. ies is boiling over with the report that Congressman James A. fialiivan had offered Harry Krazee close to $1,000, 000 for the hub American leaguers. frazee denies it, though Gallivan an nounced the offer. All of which makes Portland, Or., Oct. 23. Alex Tram- , liitas won a popular decision over Joe Rivers at the end of their fast ten round engagement here last night. iTrambitos landed a right hand punch excellent fuel for the hot stove league, to the Jaw which caused Mexican Joe nuns oi pontics in me move nave to hear the Tinul gong with his gloves resting on the carpet. Joe Gorman finished Joe Harrahan of Seattle In two rounds. Neal Zim merman and Kdrtie Quinn of Tacomn drew. r Zimmerman's second was his father, formerly a minister of the gos pel. been thrown out by the faction war ring for the toga of the alleged czar boss of the league, Ban Johnson. ' The persistency of Frazee in vot ing most of Ban's moves since he took over the Ked Box has aroused the Ire of the league head. Last year Johnson was reported to have been behind sev- I eral moves to get a set of owners in J Oakland, Cal., Oct. 23. A foul gave the Boston offices. Since that time, Gene Delmont the bout over Battling r razee nas joined tne open enemies or ( vierra in the main event here last ne jonnson regime oy ennsiuig in me niKht. Al Gruman won from Jerry Comiskey-Suppcrt-Huston army. The ( o'Keefe. Bobby Ertle took the decis roajor engagement of the offensive dl- on ver Frankie McCann and Danm' rected against the Johnson fortifioa-; Nunes and Eddie Landon fought a tlons since the middle of the summer draw. will be fought league meeting. in December at the .f 0ATRAI I Stanford University, Cal., Oct. 23. The lineup of Stanord-ln Its Saturday frame with Oregon Agricultural college announced today is: Curtis and Flowers, tackles; Cau fjhey and Bihlman, guards; Righter, center; Pelouze and Schlamleman, ends: Bonney and Campbell, half backs; Templeton, full, and Holt, quar ter, Wurk will be used In purt of the frame to replace Templeton who is not in the best of condition. Seattle, JVash., Oct. 23. Carl Mor ris, Oklahoma heavyweight, lost a de cision to Ole Anderson, the Tacoma miller, in a six round session last night. Morris kissed the floor once In the first round and three times in the slifth canto. Morris claimed he was fouled In the final session but the county coroner examined him after the bout and said there was no sign of a blow below the belt. Madison, Wis., Oct. 23. Coach Rich 'arils put the Xtndgcra through a long afternoon of forward passing Wed nesday. The squad claims greater pro ficiency with the flips wpuld have re sulted .'ti a bigger score over North western Saturday. BASEBALL ( San Francisco, Oct. 23. Errors plus arly hitting by St. Paul gave the 'American Association team the game -here yesterday, 0 to 2. .Vancouver, B. 0,( Oct. 2 3.VAiUhor Ized by ii group of local business men i .to go after a franchise In the Pacific Coast leacrue. Bob Brown, president of the Vancouver baseball club, is on his way to Sun Francisco today, where he will make a, bid for a berth at the an nual meeting of the Coast league di rectors this week. It is claimed here that Vancouver's record in bnseball Justifies favorable consideration by the iCoast' league moguls and that this city would undoubtedly prove one of the trongost in the circuit. Washington, Oct. 23. An offer or more than $1,000,000 has been made for the Boston Red Sox In the Amer ican league by a combination of bu Bess mon, Representative James A ralllvan, Massachusetts, stated here to 4:y. . TO ATI Members of Sedgwick Post, O. A. R., are asked in a notice issued Thursday by Commander T, A. Thompson, ,to meet at the undertaking chapel "of Wei & Clough Company Friday at 2 p. m. to attend the funeral of Com rade William Spayed. Comrade Spay ed, who has been a resident of this city for 25 years, and was at one time a property owner on North Winter stret, died at the home of his niece in Seattle several days ago. The body is expected to arrive here this evening. Comrade Spayed leaves no children or widow. He left Salem about four months ago to visit his niece, when the Great Com mander in Chief summoned him. At the time of his residence here lie lived on North State street. GOLFF.ltS TO TIE . Portland, Or., Oct. 23. A team of from 20 to 25 golfers of the Seattle fiolf and Country club will .come to I'ortland Saturday to meet representa tives of the Waverly Country club ere. , W. M. Hamilton, district manager for the P. R. L, & P. company, left this city Wednesday morning for Portland, where he will make a re Tort to head company officials of the acceptance by the city council of the ew lighting contract. Mr, Hamilton Will return to this city tonight. Rescue Of Consular Agent v Is Promised By Carranza Washington, Oct. 23. The state de partment was awaiting word today from the embassy at Mexico City as to the fate of VVr. O. Jonklns, American consular agent at Puebla, Mexico, who Is held by bandits fur $150,000 ransom. Although the Mexican government has promised to make every effort to rescue Jenkins there was no word us to what measures have been taken. It was understood that Mexican troops have been sent to rescue him. VESSKL IS ASTIOUE Washington, Oct. 23. The shipping board vessel Mayport is ashore off Shovelful shoals near Nantucket, the navy department was advised today. The IT. S. S. San Srancisco is proceed ing to her assistance. " Pearson Finishes. New York, Oct. 23. Lieutenant Alexander Pearson Jr., and Lieutenant E. M. Munzelman completed their flight from Mineola to Sun Francisco and return this afternoon. Pearson arrived at Roosevelt Field at 1.65 p. m., and Muir.elmun at 2:12 p. m. John Callvsky, an aged foreigner, is under arrest at Eugene charged with stealing the lunches of children while I at school. Coming to Ye Liberty it in i ;4 i c u V 1 m arTickfoi-d in Tlu? Hoodlum lenuiHratiiiR that poor people are Moire susceptible to the efforts of Dan fc:upld than the wealthy, Msry Piukford m-i AfnV Burke 111 "The Hoodlum." lilch will be seen Blurting Sunday at Liberty theatre, rinds her husband he tenements instead of the society rl cle of Riverside Drive where she Bud been living. i In th tenements garbed in the rath r striking: manner of the neighbor hood gtrlr, Amy finds that lif with its 'tli f'un. hi'.rdshlpa, emotions and sentl m'ent is far more developed among the iHVir thi n among her wealthy set. '"Wllitum Turner," Amy says to hir ' trneiiient-sweethourt. "three mom.iv ago 1 dl ln't love anyone but Cleopatif, t ref-' i It k. to the cat, but now I love you. 1 suoss it's be"use love win1 c.'i;iier to poor people. Maybe it's be cause love is the only luxury that Ood 1 rovide for people who don't know a fir.ger bowl Irom a cuspidor." Women's New Fall Coats $16.59 Another lot of new CoHts in Kerseys, Homespun and Mix tures, some with pleated back effects, large collars trimmed with fur or other material. Special Friday and Saturday $16.50 1 ) ' vJflkJ -(The Old White Corner) Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Beautiful New Waists : $3.98 Mort winsome new Georgette waists in a good assortment of sizes, round and square neck models, a rare oppor tunity to buy dainty waists at a saving. Special $3.98 ortiasid Cloak & Suit Co., Women's Apparel Store! Will offer some extraordinary values beginning Friday in newest apparel modes secured through the activity of our New York buyers fresh from the hands of expert coat and suit makers and millinery artists away below their regular values, because of their ability to purchase in j large quantities, and because of our policy of selling strictly for cash and our low overhead expenses we can sell for lower prices than others j ask for similar merchandise. RememberIt's not the price you pay but what you get for the price that constitutes a bargain. j U T Phenomenal Values in Wo men's New Suits Friday and Saturday Women's $52,50 to $65 Suits Now $47.50 This group of suits is made up of lines selected from our regular stock. Beautiful new Fall and Winter models made up in Broad cloth, Silvertone, Velour, Camels hair Cloth, Velvet, and Novelty Mixtures. Smart new belted styles trimmed with buttons raodela that have slightly fitted backs; others In the more dresay styles trimmed with cross-stitching or bands of self material. Also many braid trimmed suits. $42.50 to $47.50 Suits $37.50 Fall and Winter Suits direct from America's foremost makers come an express shipment of smart styles for street and dress occa sions, plain tailored and novelty styles. Many with large collars, others are trimmed with braid and buttons. Materials are serges, broad cloth, gabardines, trlcotlnes wool velours and mixtures, brown, grey, navy, taupe, green and plum color tn a good assortment of sizes. Suits Worth $42.50, $45, $47.50, SPECIAL $37.50 And another group of plain tail ored and novelty suits for young ladies and women. Every new and worthy design. Smart styles for street and dress occasions. Nov elty and plain tailored models. Prevailing materials are serges, isabardines, broadcloths, wool ve lours, tricotines, etc. All colors and sizes. Suits Worth $35, $37.60, $40, SPECIAL. $29.50 Stout Women's Apparel Women who wear the larse sizes will be interested in knowing we specialize on garments ot this kind . and are now ready with becoming models In new Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses in the new and most wanted materials. of Autumn's Newest Creations in High Tirade Trimme Beginning Friday, October 24th at 10 a. m. , Snleni'a Greatest and Only Exclusive- Women's Apparel Store will in- : augurate the most phenomenal sale of young Ladies' and Women's trimmed hats ever known in Salem. Clever shapes of Velvets, Velours, ,. Plush, Beaver, etc., frequently combined with Satin Crepe and other .fine materials. French Felts, Tailored Effects, Turbans and large Velvet 'Hats are included, many are neatly trimmed with wings. .Ostrich, f euth" ers, ribbons and.newj distinctive orrame'nts. The assortment includes small,' medium and large 'shapes, : b'n'ck and all the leading colors are represented. And again we are prepared to make this phenomenal offer so early in the season because of an enormeus purchase made by our New York buyers. The Tortland Cloak & Suit company, Salem's greatest apparel store, will include for this great event one hundred hats selected from regular stock, similar to some we sold up to 7.50, but I which we have marked down to $3.75. as an additional inducement' to have you visit our store and become a regulai customer of' our hat shop. I To make selections easy we will arrange all hats tin to $15.00 in! tnree lots on our tables and showcases, but none ot the hats disDlay- I ed in our show windows will be removed or sold until after the sale begins at 10 a. m. Friday morning. Come early tor first and best choice. Trimmed Hats,, worth regular $5.00 " Trimmed Hats, worth .regular. ...'. .$5.75 I Trimmed .Hats, worth regular. .... .$6.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .... .$7.50 J Trimmed Hats, worth regular $8.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .. . . .$9.00 Trimmed Hats, worth regular. .... .$9.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular. ... .$10.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular $11.00 Trimmed Hats, worth regular .$12.50 Trimmed Hats, worth regular .$13.50. Trimmed Hats worth regular $15.00 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE $9.75 EE WINDOW DISPLAY Salem Little Women Particularly misses and juniors will find here a splendid showing of the new Suits, Coats and Dresses in greater variety and at prices less than else.where.. " New Dresses New Kail Dresses of Georgette, Tricotine Navy Serges, Satin and Wool Jersey Materials in Vrev.vling colors. .Made with new" loose panels nr ;! wide girdle effects some. silk embroidered r.v'l triniftictl with soutache braid. Others with rewif Triple and sash trimmings specially 1-r't 1 Jtfliom . $19.75 to $75 October 1919 Showing and SPECIALSALL OP Including beautiful ftir sets, capes, umffs and neckpieces, at prices that will save you money. Selections can be made from the following va riety. Red Fox, Muck Fox. Whitepox, Taupe, Fox, Pcaver, Hudson Seal, Grey Squirrel, Opos sum, Tanpe, Wolf and others! Prices' cannot be duplicated. ' . - $27.50 and $30 Misses' and Women's New Winter Coats At this price we've an excellent range ot coats, all designed not only for service but also for looks. Smart coats with wide belts, large collars nd pockets; some trimmed with fur or plush. Coats with pleats at back or with gathers. Dozens of new styles, MeltonJ.' kerseys, cheviots, burellas and veN vets. Extra good value. New Fall and WinterXoats, Special $29.50 Smart new belted models. Some with large convertible collars, jound or square effects. New plaited styles and military models. Cheviots, velours, meltons, burrel las, broadcloth and- velvets, in all the leading colors. Sale price 29.50 $42.50 To $50 Women's Coats $37.50 Look where you will, you'll not find another such stock of hand some new coats in all Salem. Coats for all occasions and of every de sirable material direct from Amer ica's foremost coatmakers includ ing wool velours, plushes, burellas, velvets, broadcloth, Kerseys, Sil vertone and kindred materials. Belted or semi-fitting models. Browns, greens, taupe, navy, black, burgundy, plum and other leading colors, specially priced $37.50 i