Newspaper Page Text
"PAGE EIGHT. TKE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, Thursday. October 23, 1919. 4 . 4 : OFEICIflLRECOSDS PLACE MAYNARD AS SECOND IN FLIGHT New York, Oct. 23. Lieutenant Official calculation of the flying time of Lieutenant B. W. Maynard in the transcontlnetat aerial derby, re ceived from the air sen-ice department at Washington by the American Flying club today, eliminated him from first place. His official time in the air was 69 hours, three minutes, 40 seconds. This includes 18 hours lost because of an accident on the east bound trip, The unofficial time of Captain J. O. Donaldson, second to complete the race was 49 hours, 66 minutes and 11 seconds. He is also 'credited with es tubllshing two world's records on the flight, one for covering the G400 miles at an average speed of 108 miles an hour and the other for making a sin gle day's flight of 823 miles last Sat urday when he flew from Rock Island, 111., to Ulnghamton, N. T. WAR DEPARTMENT HALTS DELIVERY OF HAND BOMBS Grenades Were to Be Given Away at Souvenirs to Stamp Buyer Delivery of 15,000,000 baud grenades to the Treasury Department to be con certed Into saving!) banks tor the stim ulation of thrift and sales of War Saw fugs Stamps bat been held up by tb itvar Department and contracts "which he War Department bad with the Treasury Department fqr applying oa grenades were cancelled, sceort- Ing to a telegram received from Wash nglon by C. A. Farnsworth, associate fllreclor of the War Loan Organization Ju the Twelfth Federal Reserve Dis trict No reason was given for can rellntloa of contract beyond the fact Eat the War Department has "deter-, lacd that the distribution of bans kreoades as souvenirs ehouM be flit- ' ! The grenades tn question, known as Wills bombs No, 1 1, were ready for (shipment to tbe American forces In Prance when the itrmlsHce was signed. At the request of the Treasury Depart ment the War Department agreed to turn these banks over to the Treaaory Department for conversion into savings banks, and immediately upon as pniinrpmenjt that they would be dl . fri billed to Hit purchasers of War Sav ings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates, millions of orders flooded In. In the Twelfth Federal Reserve Matrict alone banks and trust com panies through which the grenades '- jsrere to be awarded had ordered nearly 109,000 of the souvenirs. These and all other ciders throughout the nation (-ill have to be cancelled. In Us telegram to Farnsworth the Treasury Department stated that Cer lOcales of Achievement signed by 1 Secretary Glass will bs awarded In stead of the grenades to an school Children who worked during tb vaca tion to obtain a bank and who bnnuht ' enoiiRh War Havings Stamps to entitle them to grenades. You Can't Brush Or K Wash Out Dandruff The only sure way to eet rid of dun iliiiff la t.i dissolve it, then you doBtroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordimuy liquid nivon; apply it nut night when retiring; use enough to moisten the sculp unci rub it in gently with the finger tins. Do this tonight, and by morning, most it noto iilll, of your duiidruif will bo fiono, ond three or four more applicu turns will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no mutter how much dun dniff you mny have. You will find, too, that all lleliing ana digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffjr, lus trous, glossy, sillky and soft, and look ami feci a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvou nt any drug store. .It is Inexpensive and never fails to do the work. TAKE NO CHANCES WITH TJAPCOLD! Relieve It quickly with Dr. - Bell' Pine-Tar-Honey DR. BELL'S Pine-Tar-Honey Is a remedy that has for years stood by thousands of cold and cough suffering men, women, and children in helping to promptly and effectively re lieve these dangerous attacks. Severs colds or colds newly contracted are benefitted by its pleasant balsamic and liealing antiseptics. Phlegm is soon Kiosened, Irritation eased, inflamma tion allayed, breathing mads less difficult. : You can give the children Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-lloney. too. Safe and econ nomlcnl. Get a bottle today from any druggist. 30c., 60c, $1.20. x i a i a a 1 a Japanese Liner Grounds Buf Is Later Floated Again Ban Francisco, Oct. 23. (United Press.) The Nippon Maru, a 11,000 ton passenger steamer of the T. K. K. line, which grounded on a rocky beach off Point Pedro at 7:20 Wednesday,, was floated shortly before. 9 o'clock, according to reports received by the company. The Nippon Maru is a 11,000 ton twin screw steamer. It carries 283 passengers, 1 1 4 of which are first cab in. It is expected to anchor in the bay at 10:4fiv TIP. iC6 m mm - Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine" that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair, 1 also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and see! United States Tires, are Good Tires, I ' -ssss-m kfetf "" N WATER PERMITS ASKED A Real Non Skid Nobby does just everything you expect. That's why it is known every where as a good tire. Its great nobs dig into the road and hang on for keeps. A sure road gripper and certain non-skid. A strong, husky, sturdy tiregives more wearmore mileage more service more safety.; We recommend Nobby' for our' roads. We have a full line of United States Tires, all good.. ? RoyatCord' 'Nobby' 'Chain ' 'Vno' ' Plain' A r9 , '1 A A .41 i A Good Family Friend. Po-Do-Lftst acta Dromulv. tmoothlv. com INrtably ou the mot tuhbora bowel-., elimin. Ung the wute, poieionous accumulaiiotu We know United States fires Are GOOD Tires-THAfS WI1YWESEUTHEI. ' Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co. G. G. Quackenbush Salem Vulcanizing Works, (W. M. Hughes) -Edward N. Warmoth - Lilly Hardware Company, Stayton. A. L. Bones, Turner, Oregon. . C. G. Miller, Jefferson, Oregon. YV. J. Pierson & Son, Marion, Oregon. 4. Rickreall Trading Co., A. R. Cftt kreail, Ore. Applications for permission to ap propriate water have been filed with State Engineer Percy A. Cupper by O. C. Turner. Freewater, who Mteeks to Irrigate a small tract from springs. James Martin, Rogue River, who de sires to use water from a spring for irrigation of a small , acreage and for domestic purposes, and by E. H. Pratt, Haines, for the construction of a small reservoir, on Dutch Flat creek to Irri gate a small tract C. H. McKendree, Lakeview, has filed application for a permit to appropriate water anij for the construction of a reservoir for the storage of 15,000 acre feet from Fish Hole oreek. He plans to irrigate tract near Bly. After belnar riven un am lnst. n vta. tim ofthe Lusitania, LeRoy O.Steinke a resident or Catlow vallrv Vi ra. turned to his home In Hn'rnev flnnntv jarter serving two years In the heavy aniuery in France and Germany. Better than Fills YOU WILL NEVER wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Chamberlain's Tab lets. They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action' and more reli able. They leave the bowels in a natural condition, while the use of pills is often followed by severe constipation, requiring a constant increase in the dose. Every bottle guaranteed by your druggist. Chamberlain's Oongi Bemedy This is not only one of (he best and most efficient medicines for soughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, bnt is also pleasant to take, whioh is im portant when a medicine must be giv en to young ehildren. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been in use for many years and has met with much favor wherever-ito ood qualities have become known. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement Wm. bcruby, Chillicothe, Mo., writes, THIN AWC Will ha rasa. shoes, grata, bags. ete. Can be oml ts sew np wire cats on stack. 8perlal wltfe needle and spool of waxed thread, SS cental By mall, 75 cents. Full directions wills same. The Brown Mercantile Co,, 171 Fins; Street, Portland. Oregon. I Good for Biliousness) , "Two years ago I suffered from fre quent attacks of stomach trouble and biliousness. Seeing Chamberlain's Tab lets advertised I concluded te try then I impioved rapidly." Miss Emma Verbryke, Lima, Ohio. UCKMECHT ARMY -SHOE The Shoe that . gives you "ex tra Service every step Comfort every minute." Sold in Black Gunmetal or Mahogany Calf or In dianTan Cal( For practical, everyday wear for lasting comfort for the sort of service yoa have a right to expect look to the Buckhecht Army Shoe. It will give you a new sense of shoe-comfort a new understanding of shoe-economy. Made on the famous Munson 'Lastfrom top-grade materials by top-notch workmen. Worn by thousands of men in all walks of life. Get a pair today! Exclusiv e Agent PARIS B20THEE3 357 State Street, Salem, Oregon Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM ft HEOHT San Prancisco ClARK, KENDALL & CO, INC. COVERHMOfT, MUNICIPAl AW CORPORATION BONDS mm FIFTH AND STARK STREETS - PORTLAND OREGON We Own and Offer Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price $200,000 Serial 6: Gold Bonds WARM SPRINGS IRRIGATION DISTRICT Malheur County (ASSa,) Oregon CHARACTER These Bonds are an obligation of an Oregon municipality; are entirely exempt from Federal Income Taxa tion; are certified by the Secretary of State, upon examina tion by the State Irrigation Securities Commission, as eligible as legal investment for Savings and Commercial Banks, Trust Companies and Funds, Insurance Companies and State School Funds; and aa LEGAL SECURITY for deposits of State, County and City funds in Oregon Banks. TERMS Dated July 1st; denominations. $1000; Principal and semi-annual interest Jan. 1st and July 1st; payable in gold at the office of the Treasurer of Malheur County, Vale,, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City at the option of the holder, redeemable in whole or part in numerical order on any interest payment date upon four weeks' notice at one hundred and three and accrued interest. YIELD ALMOST 6 PER CENT Maturities Range From 1938 to 1947 frice lOl and Accrued Interest A Municipal Obligation Certified Tax Exempt '4 H r pWWIIT.rty .Iff AjT- 4f ConcrcU Dam 100 Feel High Warm Springs Irriga tion District, Riverside, Or, DESCRIPTIVE SYNOPSIS. Iniffable area acre Area exported to b Irrigated and "ulHvutfd during lfzo acret..... Ajttm NOW Irritated and cultivated (acres) Estimated average gronn value of crops for yean 1917, 1918, and 1919 from only about 40 per cent of the (total area) Total authorixed, and outfttamling bonded IndebtedneHn Estimated market value of laad alone voes nu include value of system ' practically completed nitb the pro- ' ceeds from the sale of bonds or the Increased land values which should. follow this development. . Average bonded debt per acre. . . . . , Katlmated average market value of lapd per acre F-at "mated average rross valtta of crops for years 1917, 1U1S and 1919, per acre Average tax levy per acre required V to pay one year's Interest on 91,- 850,000 bonds En tl mated tax levy per acre required for operation and maintenance.... Kstlinaled population. Including that of cities (cities are, by law, ex ; eluded from the dUtrlct) . , . . - 20,000 , , u, i mi i , 24,000 & soo.oot 1,350,000 2,30,000 & i 1 46.00 LwiiSSPSwMfi?; .7J 4.000 Dam Warm Springs Irrigation District, Riverside Or., Nov Completed. History and Development of Warm Springs Irrigation District will complete Ihe supply to 12,000 acres of The Warm Springs Irrigation District, organized In 1916, Is located In Malheur County, Central Eastern Oregon, and Is comprised of 29.000 Arlguble acres. It Is about 600 miles east or Portland, Oregon, 100 miles east of Pendleton, Oregon, and CO mites west of Boise, Idaho. The popula tion of the District Is estimated at 4000, which Includes that of the cities vf Vale and Ontario within and adjacent to the District, though excluded therefrom. Vale Is the county seat of Malheur County, and the headquar ters of the District are located there. Vale and Ontario, which were In corporated In 188 and 1S99, respectively, KACH have two banks with an aggregate capital of $23MOO and total resources on January l 1919, of Sii.930,'950, The 1913 assessed valuation of said two cities Is 4l.lM.78i. Ontario Is on the main line of the Oregon Short Line Division of the Union Pacific System from Omaha to Portland, and the entire District Is traversed by a liU-uiUe branch line running from Ontario to Crane In Harney County. The $1,350,000 t bonds have been sold by the above District to enable ft to acquire a reservoir site and to construct a dam to Impound about 170,000 acre feet of. the flood waters of the Malheur Kiver and also to enlarge and extend the existing canal system. The construction of the dam six miles from Riverside Station has been completed and it la estimated that the distribution system will be prac tically complete by December 1, 1919. The storage of 170,000 acre feet of flood waters of the above river land that have heen in th.'.t !Srov PMi!!.5 r"truc"on ?. uam and works has been done by the ,hmpa!,; of 1.onlana' San Francisco and Los Angel, tpced, the completion of the dam is unparalleled for s similar it Shattuck s. and. for The oractlce of ir,l.ri , .k,! '-.7" I" ::".. Thus, the susceptibility of the ."oil to Irrltlon Its fertllftv 'MZ productive value of the. land are uiatteri if hZiornT.iJt. w iuvvi j rsf , expectancy. OT A Lf TO fin rra tinnnr...... . " rv .-r.'Vf.'.'IS""? uwatis, such as wheat, barlev and alfalfa. ". "t'"w.V' ?' 800,000. The winter ' feed! ,7- inihr.ri.'iiVLZ nues which S?pS?&?l?nSTlS!iV?. m"". tbe" farming Vader the IrrtgaOea District Law ef Oretroa the beaded ladebiedaem el tkote dl.trlrl. which have.beea rertlflrd .k... I. iiw.j . ... . I She lands nltbla a district, aad the water, wates rictus. canaU. reMrvoin. men sir silea and elnerl IrrlTalto. .rl H . il "?' tbt swsate The nriaeiMl and Inter! ef the hoada are. b law. -nald bT tbe revenue derived from th. .nn,.i . . . acquired er eeastracted. triet shah be aad remala liable te th assessed fee such payaeaU as herela vrevlded. aad under aad subject te the brmIsiI. If .hu "Vk V, d lands la the Die. .that oi all tint asertances. F lou t( Ihe Ilea ef the tax ranks l'h. laar nmrldM that the Bnnrd nf DlreeftAra af the Dtiltrtet shall Mrtifv th mibmI ln .mm.m.1 . . , ... Asseam eaten same uimhi the lol'NTs- aisesanieat roll la the same manner that municipal asaesgnieoti an UV.rJi VI Li COUJiTT ASSESSOR, whereai accounted lor is lUhbXMt MAK.MJt AS MlMtUlL lAXtS. and the coUeetlea thereof enferced la the saais awnaec as Ueectuen if thi cennty Legality of the Issuance and Sale of These Bonds Has Been 'Abbroved ... . i , MKzzis. vui, iwnur.w ntnjree,rortland,yr. For entering subscriptions or for further information . forth in descriptive circular, call upon or addreu presenting only 40 of the entira ! Tket ipsa the Ceaar is collected a4 CLARK, KENDALL & CO., INC., PORTLAND, OREGON tm mm