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Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 17, 1920, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90066132/1920-04-17/ed-1/seq-8/

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Hew Aggie Coach
Has Long Record
As Football Man
Oregon Aprricuuurji lonege, tor-, .. ,... wilgon w p Wilson. W
vaHis. April 17. R. B. Rutherford; I p. Browning. Holand B. Reinhart.
director of phvs.cal education and Eldon 8hpard. W. C. Bohrnstedt, A.
head athletic coach at Washington 1 C. Bohrnstedt. Charles A. Clase.
university, St. Louishas been elected!
present time are as follows: F.ickreall
and Willamlna, Hear: Santiam. ri-1
iing; Will crek. running high; Thom-'
as Creek Is running strong, being
augmented by snow wter coming
down from the moumalns.
Anglers licenses were Issued recent
ly to W. C. James, Aumsviile; Chas.
Meir. Jr.. Jefferson: William Nelson,
! Claud Palmer, Fred EL Mang.s, H. A.
I Nlchety. Fred K. Vance, Lloyd Miteh-
8hort stop KtVy Orr
Outfielders "Brick" Eldred,
; election: Curt Hate, fu rcit y
P.oxy er: Clyde O. Rice city treasurer
Middieton. Pete Compton and "Red'.T. Welsh, city marshal: A. Lee Jlroe-j
Hedges. j lock, city marshal; George M. Pat-i
Catchers Forrest Cady, Lester ; terson. city marsliall and Otto J. Wil-,
Cook and Robert Schang.
to the position of director of physical
education and Intercollegiate athlet
ics at the Oregon Mate agricultural;
college. At Washington university Mr.
Rutherford has had charge of all j
work in physical education for both i
men and women and has been head
coach of all majod sports. At O. A. C.
he will b in general charge of all
physical education and athletic work
for men and will personally coach
football and basketball
Mr. Rutherford Is a graduate of the
1'nlversity of Nebraska having major
ed in physical education, earning the
bachelor of arts degree and normal
training certificate. As an undergrad
uute at Nebrarka ty was a member of
all varsity athletic tenuis and Is re
garded at Nebraska In the words of;
R. O. Clapp,
Attorney Attempts
To Invoke Law On
i son, mayor.
j Petitions bearing the requried
amount of signatures have been filed
ITt Potatoes Scarce
On Market Here
...!.. ..f las aiil. anil luu.iv filed with ' ablv one nf ih. .
I City rtecoraer rtace n: tamuuaij m ic coast and
District Attorney Max Gehlhar has
received a letter front Roscoe P.
Hurst, Portland attorney. In which
attention Is called to the situation at
j the state hospital, where a number of
employes have protested at the em
ployment of a former Inmate of the
late penitentiary. As attorney for the ' for location on a timber claim and
councilman front ward No. 1. Mr. ; student at VVellesley.
Simeral declined when first asked to
. ... .k. i
, - t-i 'enter me race iur wir vvuma, c.i&
ydent r riCe that the rush of private business
. nouki not permit nim 10 give nine 10
Contrarj' to reports that there were ,
wit hthe city recorder. Mr. Race said no potatoes to b-i had In the city, local ; Mr simerars slogan is: "serve the
today. Other candidates are expected ; merchants Friday said that the situa-' interests of all of the people of Sa
to file their nominating petitions soon.jtjont whi!e serious, was far from being lent to the best of my ability, without
as desperate as had been reported. respect to class or. creed, with a view
The potato market, they said, was 'of making a bigger and better Sa
suppliea with a meager amount of the'lem."
homely vejetables. and housewives! Mr. Simeral is well known here, is
may procure them in small quantities j prominent in lodge circles, and is a
at 9 cents a pound. Dealers could ; member ol several civic orgnmzauous
i give no definite information as to when
the conditions would change, but the
Declaring lhat he did net enter opinion was expressed generally that
Into a contract with Carlos L. Byron j they would not ease up noticeably until
Hospital "Strike" Baker Denies
He Was Victim
Of Carlos Byron
Sacramento, Cat.. April The Sac
ramento club of the Pacific Coast
League faces the senson changed In
ownership, altered in personal but
still under management of William K.
("Wild Bill") Rogers.
Many familiar faces are gone from
the line-up. Of last year's pitching
staff Bill Piercy is with the New York
Club of the American league: "Daiie
Vance was sold to the New Orleans
.Southern League team and Ralph
professor and head of (Babe) Pinelli Is with the Detroit
the physical training department, obi team of the American league.
"one of the best if not the very bestl This leaves Walter Malls, a south-
all around athlete ever turned out by paw, as the club's chief reliance, back
the University of Nebraska.
Mr. Rutherd was on the mythical
all-Missouri valley football team for
three years, was placed on the ail
ed by Ken Penner and Bill Prough.
Rogers hns accumulated, however, a
stable of youngsters and Intends to
procure through purchase from the
western football team by several writ i majors a couple of men for the pitch
ers and In his senior year on some of l"g staff.
the all-American football teams. Hej Tele Compton, outfielder for the
was a member of the varsity basket-! Seattle team last season has come to
bull team three year and the wrest-' senators tn traue ror Jiarry wo
ling team two seurs. both times win- wno Played right
field for the
during the last two sea
ting the western Intercolleglute gym
nasium association championship In
competition with such institutions as
Minnesota Chicago, Illinois and WIs-
..iiiM AflA irrA,liifiti,M In 1QIS tia
served at Nebraska one year as all !"ke "JT '"? f '
local team
Rogers Is hoping for great things
from Frail Mnllwlti who was purchas
ed from the Bt. Louis Nationals and
around assistant athletic roach. Since
thiit time he has been at Washington
university as above stated.
Marion Fishermen .
Plan Good Trips
As Sol Re-appears
Ite contlnuptl rnlnu ami uiiliHtt
tuent rising streams. Marlon county 0.ut 0"r1"" training this yeur
sportsmen are reporting some very
ond catches. One lucky angler re- i
porta a ml eh nf 18 tine trout taken j
from Mill creek waters last Monday. I
These fish were taken with a fly, us 1
whs a 20 Inch, two and a quarter!
pound "red sides" lhat was brought
to Salem Tliuro.l.iy by Tom Smith,
who cnuMht the beauty In Mill creek
above Htayton,
While salmon fitting Is poor at
Oregon City, because of the hltjh wa
ter, steelhetuls are coming tip the
Hnlliim slid several gi'od catches are
reported, ""
Htrenm Indications received to the
first buse. Griggs has gone to Los An
geles Club. Mollwltx in practice has
shown a superior brand of baseball
and Rodgers Is confident this will
hold out In actual play.
Willis Rutler formerly of the Port
liiml club and Hill Stumpf, who play
ed last season with Oakland are of
fering" spirited competition for the
vacant position at third base left open
by the departure of Plnelll.
Of the young pitchers given a try
Kuuti of Sacramento and Jack K 11-
leen of San Diego have displayed
much promise, "lied" Hedges, a
young outfielder from Southern Cal
ifornia showed fine form In camp and
probably will be held throughout the
The training sipiad roster .contained
these names:
Pitchers Walter Malls. "."Gunner"
Lnt-kin. Hill Prough, Karl McNally,
Karl Kuiits, Jack Kllleen, Kenneth
First lmxe Fred Mollwlls.
Second base Marty Mcflafflffan.
Third base Dill Stumpf and Wil
lis Butler.
Are ideal Non-Skld as well as unequalled driving Tires.
Tires adjusted here.
819 North Commerciul Street
Sualem, Ore.
Mfc iR4 Pari nit WrtX
During the past season, every long distance race in
America was won by the
because ComUttncy started 'way back in the factory
and continues all along the line.
Some Harley-Davtdson Championship
800 Mils World Championship, Marion, Indiana
200 Mil National Championship, Loa Angles. California
100 MiU National Championship, Shcepshsad Bay, New York
50 MiU National Championship, Shscpsiiead Bay, Naw York
100 MiU Ascot Championship, Los Angel, California
SO MU Ascot Championship, Lot Anr.l, California
S00 Kilomstor South American Tourist Trophy (Solo) Argentina
500 KilomH South American Tourist Trophy (Sidiar Ar(ntina
World Record Ftl Tim in Competition
Winnar of National Hill Climb, CapUtrano, California
OnU rnaka to acora pwfect In both aolo and id., cl.,
. National Enduranca Contest.
Ride the Bt and LtaJ th Rttt
Come and see the ne:v models today
147 Sou ih Com m crcial St.
Prisoners' Aid Society of Oregon. Mr.
Hurst asks to Marlon county prose
cutor to Investigate the situation in
relation to an alleged violation of
chapter 100. General Laws of Oregon
for 1S1T.
The chapter makes It unlawful for
anyone to expose or to threaten to ex
pose, any person who has been par
doned, paroled or discharged from
the state penitentiary. He points out
that the statute states clearly that a
violation occurs when such exposure'
Is resorted to in order to debrloe
such ex-Inmate from employment or
to prevent him from obtaining same.
Prsecuor Gehlhar, although engag
ed at present In work connected with
Marlon county grand Jury Investiga
tions, has taken the matter under con
sideration and is expected to confer
with Mr. Hurst In the near future.
that he knew nothing of Byron's act
ivities in Salem until 10 days ago, Ed
Baker, credit manager for the Miller
Mercantile company, today asked the
Capital Journal to withdraw his name
from the list oT people with whom
Byron made contracts here as print
ed In the Journal of Wednesday.
the new crop was in.
Candidate's File
Full Petitions
Investigation by the city recorder's
office showing that the names on their
petitions are bonafide, the names of
the following candidates will be In- reported "his bicycle taken from the
serted on the ballot In the primary Dreamland skating rink.
Five Bicycles
Are Stolen Here
Five bicycles were stolen in Salem
Thursday and Thursday night, accord
ingto police reports today. j
Eldon Scott, 345 South 14th street.!
had his bicycle taken from the high ,
school. , i
Arthur Nicholson, 2409 Cherry ave-1
nue, missed his from the high school
H. F. Hulsey. 241 South ISth street, j
lost a bicycle he left standing at the j
corner of State and 23rd streets.
Gordon Greemstret, 1330 South;
Commercial street, lost his bicycle
from the Y. M. C. A.
Frank Hoover, 404 South 17th street.
Simeral Enters
Race For Council
Job From Ward 1
L. J. Simeral. 980 North Cottage
street, acceded to the wishes of num-
Portland Woman
Who Served In
France Is Called
Portland, Or., Apr. 15. Miss Mary
Frances Isom. county librarian here
for many years, who saw service In
France with the American Library as
sociation, died at her home here today
after an illness of many months, al
though she had attenedd to her duties
erous neighbors and friends even out-until recently. Miss Isom was prob-
Salvation Army
prepares To Put I
un Lampaign Hen
Plans for the conduct of j,
fund campaign this county
ning May 1, will be laid at , '
in the Commercial club next aT
eveninjr of the M-ion Count IT
tion Army advisor? board, Z J?
Wheeler of Chicago, leader of .k1
vatlon Army service campaign ''
present and explain the neeVfeT
funds and the nature or the Y
be done. ' ,he t
Other countiea n the stit. k
ben alloted quotas. Mario Z. .
of tlOoa m
In the state. At th. J? .
of the board Monday evening
men and committees t0 handlT
campaign will be named, and al?
tionment of thetotal quota to the
ous towns and cities in the count, !
be made. wl
ii ii ri
A Satonical Comedy Playet
The HENNINGS Freeman & Lewis
Marvelous Juggling Songsters of
. Novelties ' frhe Hour
Clyde Fitch's Famous Play
From the Sensational Stage, Success.
V1 ,;'t7
"" " 1 ! " " rTlifcigJssK
Quality Wins Again"
1 1-2 to
7 tons
Rear and
r it. it.
'o, .
'f ."to.:"',:'
tf. t,.'A owc,"'q,.
o,. 'o J
- Qualty
Farnham Motor Car Co.
TheStartingand Lighting Battery
That Goes Into Your Car to Work
THERE is n. "perhaps" alwut the "E.XC." .
"1'liirh-two yeara of hattiTv-luiilding exjicrieiict! .
guarantees tlic enduring rightness of its cvory detail.
It U built to perform smoothly, powerfully, dependably.'
"tXlftC" Service is etiualty practiial.
The next titnt ytui require battery servicevisit our
"EXttC" Sor-ice Station or, better still, call for a Free
Rattery Test regularly. .
In a little while tm will come to appreciate that "Ext5C"
Seria' is really an important step toward more efficient
and economical operation of the battery in your car.
We are over stocked on used Car'srBank
says we must unload.
These cars are all in good condition.'
If you want a bargain at our expense,
J. JlU K
341 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon
i WO
Xftcqcc VVA-A .

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