A :,
Daily average for November 60S0.
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Umber Associated Press Full leased
wire service. "
OREGON: Tonight and Saturday gen
erally fair, contlned cold; moderate
winds, mostly easterly.
-. Local: Snow 5 Inches; max. 26; min.
20; cloudy; north wind; river . feet.
1 Ti vo
1 Jkp SIV '
FORTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 298 TT gtTwt ;': " ; " - ' ' : - ' v .-
n ff rSSSL n f1 ' PSSa fS p : I ' : nu iWU LINIS stands five cents
m nnTT nftH li ,i i " : : - .
Governors Are Warned
Growth of Organization
Means Destruction 0
Present Government.
White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
Pec. 15. Characterizing the Ku
Klui Klan as "one of the greatest
menaces ever confronting our na
tional or civic life," Governor 01
eott of Oregon, speaking before
the governors of the United States
Jn annual copference here last
night, uttered a warning to other
states of the union against the
encroachment of this organ Iza
tlon which, he declared, has al
ready made its presence so strong
ly felt in his own state.
"Whither are we drifting?"
Governor Olcott demanded. "Is
the nation to be drawn with the
tide into the troublous whirl
pools of discontent, buffeted from
one rock to another, swirled in
the eddies of fate? Or can It bach
water and face about up stream,
to regain that solid and firm an
ehorage which will keep it secure
igalnst the stress and storms of
time and eternity?
Oregon Good Example
"In Oregon we have had an ex
ample or what may become a na
tional crisis. We have seen the In
junctions of our forefathers dis
obeyed; we have seen class array-
id against class; neighbor against
neighbor; we have seen families
divided; communities split; we
have seen cities where for years
nothing but peace and amity had
Misted between neighbor and
neighbor torn into contending fa.;
tlona, where men went armed
with guns where deeds of violence
were perpetrated under the guise
of law enforcement, and where all
had once been peace, harmony and
(Continued on Page Ten.)
White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.,
Dec. 15. State executives nttnA-
jlng the fourteenth annual confer
pace of governors here turned
I from their conference discussions
today to an inspection of coal
pines near Beckley after engaging
.ft midnight in the first flurry of
4UC18 which has marked the
1 sessions.
J Prohibition and the Ku Klu
J were tbe two questions
phich brought a clash of views
j"en the meeting was thrown
Hea 10 debate shortly before mid
slight after an addrs hv p.Ar.
for Olcott of Oregon in which he
,ieQ the klan as a national
4 n
I "uvernor Morrison of North
j ne opposed .Introduction in
inference of either the klan
Prohibition questions, which
?M previously been brought up
y Governor Parker of Louisiana
VrM, , , ess in whicn he declared
Inhibition was a farce and that
7? Rl should be
federal legislation.
Ularly did he obJect. Mr.
prison said, to Governor Park-
- i ine comerence
$l,000 Forfeit
qtnfi8-61"3 ite.The, CaPital Journal that the
5pJ hTrhorf fT? t0 tae,aya.y advertising now car
ried by Ihe Capital Journal claiming the largest circula
tion m the field.
The Capital Journal has no quarrel with the States
man and does not believe in newspaper squabbles. It
believes m a live and let live policy. It does not seek
statesman business. It believes in newspaper competi
tion in all fields and believes that a morning newspaper
is a community asset for Salem.
. The Capital Journal however, has no intention of
losing any of its business on false pretenses. It has now
and has had for years by far the largest paid circulation
in balem and vicinity, an authenticated audited and
proven paid in advance circulation.
. The Capital Journal has deposited $1,000 in Ladd &
Bush bank to be forfeited to the new Salem hospital if
an audit of the circulations of both The Capital Journal
and the; daily Statesman, conducted by the Audit Bureau
of Circ? ... is. whose auditor is now in Slfm
show t,' .? le Capital Journal has at least. 1.000 mr,
ion than the Statesman, the Statesman to
0 to the hospital if it does not have within
Subscribers of The Journal's circulation,
is made for immediate acceptance.
sers should not buy a pig in a poke, but
w what they are buying in the number of.
a paper has. The Journal's circulation is
Audited and its books are open to all. To place
flman in the same Diane. The Journal will nv
the entire cost of the above audit and of its membership
in the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
paid ci
forfeit -5
A' s
shou "
Salem, Dec. 14.
George Putnam, Publisher.
(From the Statesman December 15)
The Statesman will not, under any pretext, be drawn
into brawls or controversies with its competitors. Thii
has been its policy under the present management, and1 ,
this policy will continue. We believe in the Golden j
Rule, in the - newspaper business, as in other callings.
We have no quarrel with competitors. The Statesman
has the number of actual subscribers published at the
head of the paper from day to day, or from time to time. !
They are not all "paid" subscribers, or paid in advance,
according to the rules of any auditing concern ; because,
for nearly 72 years, The Statesman has given credit to
reliable patrons, and it does not wish or expect to depart
from this custom. The subscription books of The States
man are open to any interested party, to show the truth
of its circulation statements. We do not seek to tear .
down any legitimate business. We work and hope for,
the good and prosperity of all in every line of honorable
endeavor, and we expect to adhere to this course and to
conduct our business, as in the past, with every regard
for the highest good of the country, the state, and the
city of Salem and its ever widening patronizing territory.
Jesse Webb, Prison
Editor, GrantedFidl
PardonBy Governor
Public Service Commis
sum Wants Access To
Records of Parent Com
pany In Probe.
In an attempt to force
down on the part of the American
Telegraph & Telephone company
as the real power behind the
throne which guides the destinies
ana garners the profits of the tele
yuoue ousiness In Oregon, the
puonc service commission today
called upon Attorney General Van
Winnie tor an opinion as to
wnether the American company is
a "public utility" subject to the
jurisdiction of the Oregon regula
tory Body.
Heretofore, the commission
points out, efforts at rate regula
tion in this state, as in all other
states, have been based upon the
records of the subsidiary company
which, it is intimated, are bled
white of any profit by the parent
company, the American Telephone
& Telegraph company, which
through the assessment of rental
fees, the sale of equipment and
other sources is waxing fat safely
beyond the reach of the state regu
latory bodies.
Control la Sought.
It is in an effort to compel the
American company to disgorge its
records that the actual facts with
respect to its profits, the reason
ableness of its tolls upon its sub
sidiary companies and other facts
pertinent to the problem of rate
making, may be learned, that the
commission desires to bring the
parent company upon the carpet
as a public utility ' within the
meaning ot the law of this state.
The Oregon utility act, the com
mission points out, describes a
weather Man Sees No
Hope of Thaw; Storm
General Throughout
Country Today.
(Continued on Page Seven.)
curbed by
not be legislated out of ex
!v r . coula 08 met effective
resolutions on. these ques-
JIM n (1 I 'i A u -1 - j
lth n """,tu uisagreea
in th . 8 Parker and Olcott
Wrtti . Poseu methods for
k,.M Slne klan- which, he said
f'u not I
?3tence but
V? by areument.
'n ,Z . . 8 01(1 nt mean to de-
S'bl. a a and deplored its pos-
Nerl 8 th 8plrit of religious in-
nwr m '? racIal feelin Got
tJL Wl8on sal1 he euld re
iribU(ea.Dy. act" ot benevolence at
t!oii the secret organiza-
irnnr I'Iti . ...
itorf i. -'iuy oi Alabama
,Ked how i .
ith a yoesiDie to argue
?nn!i ma3ked man. Mr. Morrison
kukM u h,ehwaymen were
,d but tht the states knew
t0 areue with them.
Jesse P. Webb who on August
5, 1911 more than 11 years ago
entered the stale prison here
under sentence to hang for the
murder of .William Johnson in a
drunken brawl ln a Portland
hotel, today passed out of the
prison gates , to freedom, a free
man and a full fledged citizen
once more.
Webb, who was snatched from
the gallows through the extension
of executive clemency by Gov
ernor West who commuted the
sentence of death to one of life
imprisonment, was granted a fun
pardon by Governor Roy W. Rit
ner Thursday afternoon.
Scene Dramatic One
The scene attending the pre
sentation of the pardon to Webb
wan a most dramatic one. Called
into the presence of the governor,
the parole board and officials of
the prison In the office of Warden
Lewis, Webb was confronted by
the governor, a total Btranger to
the prisoner.
"I have here a little document
which might be of interest iu
you," Governor Hitner told Webb
as he handed him the pardon.
Opening the document ana re
ceiving therefrom the first inti
mation of its import, Webb was,
for a moment unable to speak.
Then. "I don't know how to ex
press my appreciation for this,'
he atammercd. his face twitching
and tears forcing their way into
his eyes.
To live Gratitude
I hope gentlemen," he con
tinued when he could control nis
voice, "that my life iereaftee will
prove a vindication of your con
fidence in me and that through
m ut. I Rhall express the ap
preciation for .this chance which
I cannot expresn m
Webb who is declared by prison
officials to have been a
People Asked to Feed
Birds During Storm
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 15. An
appeal to feed the birds while
the snow Is on the ground baa
been Issued here by the Audo
bon society. Unable to feed in
their usual places, pheasants,
bluejays and woodpeckers visit
the grounds of city homes for
crackers, grain and cheese.
Few robins are seen their de
parture for warmer regions be
ing taken as a sign of a hard
prisoner in every respect and an
influence for good among his fel
low prisoners, was the oldest man
in point of continuous service In
the Denltentiary, although there
are several men In the prison with
terms aggregating a greater num
ber of years than his.
Before his crime Webb was a
printer and since his incarceration
has published the prison mommy,
Lend A Hand." He has also
written and published a book on
The American Prison system
while serving in the penitentiary.
Expects To Go East
When he left here today Webb
expected to spend a few days in
Seattle before going east where he
hnnes to engage In magazine
In a statement to the press
nnr.rnnr Ritner explained that
his pardon was based upon a com
plete knowledge of the facts in
the case and declared that Webb
had paid- the penalty for his
crime had evidently effected a
complete reform and was entitled
to a chance to make good as a free
Charles O. Knpper, for the past
four years manager of the Oregon
theatre in this city, died at the
Deaconess hospital this morning at
2 o'clock. Death was duo to heart
Mr. Kupper was taken ill early in
the fall but was able after a short
time to return to work. He soon be
came ill again and about three days
ago was taken to the hospital.
There survive, a widow, Mrs.
Francis Kupper, and three children,
Oliver, Francis end Parnoll, and two
brothers, Frank Kupper, Portland,
and Ernest Kupper of St. Louis,
Mo., and a step-brother, Geo. Gaun
of St. Paul, Minn.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day, Dec. 18, t 9 o'clock in the
morning from the Catholic church.
Interment will be made in the
Catholic cemetery. Eigdon and Son,
funeral directors, are in charge of
"Fair and continued cold" Is iho
weumer prediction for Salem ur,A
vicinity tonight and tomorrow.
Although the snowfall, which
ceaaed yesterday evening, had not
rebumen at z o'clook this after
noon, there was no indication
that that which lay on the'tround
might leave.
Street car tracks were cleared ot
snow yesterday afternoon and cars
wera running on schedule today.
To steam plant of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power comoanv.
an auxiliary of the hydro-electric
plants, was yet operating.
ino accidents of conBeauence. re.
suiting from the storm, occurred
here. :
Tbi minimum temnerature last
nigbtVas 20 degrees and the max
imum was 26.
; - All Traffic Impaired.
Portland, Or., Dec. 15.- Rail
road and street car traffic in Port
land and the state generally waB
kept going today by means of snow
plows which were brought Into
commission following a general
snowstorm over the state yestor-
day.The Columbia river highway
was practically blocked by the
drifts and Ice was running ln the
Columbia river.
Ashland was the only city to re
port Ideal sunny weather, while
the eastern part of the state re
ported below zero weather. Busi
ness at Hood River was paralyzed
while The Dalles is having a water
shortage, due to a slide in the
watershed of the cwek which sup
plies the city.
Who Will Help
Santa Claus
Reach Him
Is old St. Nick going to miss
this little boy ln the stress of
his Christmas Eve rush? Or
will someone ln Salem volun
teer to make sure be finds him
and answers the following
"Dear Santa Claus
"I am writing you to let you
know what I would like for
Xmas. Anything would be nice,
but best ot all, I would like a
pair of Bhoes for Sunday so I
can go to Sunday school. I am
10 years old."
A pair of nice Sunday shoes
for a 10-year-old boy left at
the Elks temple will find their
way to this little boy on Christ
mas Eve. .
; No Belief in Sight.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 15. No
relief from the zero temperatures
prevailing over eastern Washing
ton was seen today by E. M. Key-
ser, local weather bureau man. He
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Word was received hore today of
the death on Dec 4 at his home at
Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, of Theo
dore Hcrrling, a veteran of the civil
war who has Visited several times
in Salem during the past years with
lister, Mrs. Louise Stage, and a
brother. Franklin Hcrrling, and
while here became acquainted with
a number of the Civil war veterans
in Marian and Linn counties.
Death came after an illness of
only a weeki His old age wag a
contributing factor in his death. As
a member of the army he saw active
service throughout the civil war and
returned in very poor health. It was
not thought at the time that he
would live. He recovered gradual
ly however and has been one of
the most prominent citizens oi the
community since. Town clerk, trcas
urer of the school district, end
member of the county board of the
Republican party, were among the
offices he held. I
Bozeman, Mont., Dec. 13 One
member of tlie firo department was
killed early this morning and two
others overcome with smoke fight
ing a Maze in t'ie downtown dis
trict which started about two a. m.
today and wa9 still spreading at
noon. .
Fire started in the Club cafe. II.
N. Bobcrlson, the fireman killed,
was overcome while fighting the
flames in the basement of the res
taurant. At noon today the cafe
wa total loss; two other stores
had burned and at least three others
are threatened.
ROBBED OF $20,000
Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15. Six
men In an automobile today held
up a bank messenger ln Darby, a
suburb, and robbed him of about
$20,000 after shooting him In the
check. The messenger was taking
cash for payroll from the First
National bank of Darby to several
industrial plants In Philadelphia.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Deo. 15 Police
authorities of this city have vis
ions before them today of the escape
from the Los Angeles county jail
ten days ago of Mrs. Clara Phillips
convicted "hammer murdoress" fol
lowing the finding of an abandon
ed, mud splattered, touring auto
mobile in which was a pool of blood
near Lincoln park last night. There
were no license tngi on the. car but
in the pocket of the machine was
found a certificate of registration
under tho California regulations is
sued to "Walter ThilUps, 1155 Wall
street, Los Angeles.
There also was a motor vehicle
operator's license number 720,033,
issued September 21, 1921 to Wal
ter Phillips, 648 south Kohlor street
Los Angeles.
Tho car bore every evidence of
having traveled far and hard. Un
der the rear seat was a towel, hat
chet and hammer, on which were
drops of blood.
Another Phillips
Los Angeles, Cal., Dee. 15 Wraltor
Phillips, bricklayer, left horo sev
eral months ago with his wife, plan
ning to travel by automobile to New
Vork, working at his trado en route,
lie was the owner of the automobile
found in Cincinnati last night, ac
cording to records here and neigh
bors to the Wall street bungalow
whore the Phillips formercly Jived.
"If the present drive for Willam
ette is successful, and I think It
will bo if the peoplo realize what
the future of the college is, I ean
see 100O students on the university
iimpus," said Dr. B. D. Stcevcs to
day at the luncheon of the Lions
club of Salem and tho captains of
tho team captains. "Salem people
will also be advertising Salem by
saying, 'Salem is the seat of Wil
lamntte university.' "
Dr. W. T. Millikin, pastor of the
First Baptist church hero said, "The
smaller school imparts a personal
touch that It is impossible for the
larger school to give. Some of our
greatest men came from the small
This noon the total amount that
has been pledged was announced at
$1,074,988. Of this amount balem
raised a little more than $3,000 dar-
ng the past 24 hours.
Elks Get Response From
Goodfellows But More
Christmas Gifts Must
Be Had For Poor.
baiem has begun to open its
heart to Jim and Johnny and Mary
and Betty the several hundred
local youngsters whose parents
will have no influence with Santa
Claus this year. At the Elka club,
on North Liberty street, packages
containing clothes and toys are be
ginning to arrivebut a great deal
more must be had if the Elks end
the Salvation Army, working Jn
conjunction with The Capital
Journal, are to make Christmas
for the poor all that it should be.
Salem' is beginning to wake.
Money Is being given along with
other donations. But, as yet, the
supply of gift Is not nearly large
enough to cope with the scores of
simple requests made by Salem
youngsters whose parents are in
poor circumstances. There will be
no less than five hundred cases
warranting the distribution of
clothes and food.
Information Given.
Clothes, candy and toys should
be left at the Elks club, while food
should be deposited with the Sal
vation Army at its headquarters
on State streets, at the rear of the
United States National bank. It
Is the Salvation Army which will
take care of the Christmas din
ners, while the Elks will endeavor
to see that no little boys and girls
are completely forgotten by Santa
Packages should be wrapped
and, on the outside, should bo
marked as to contents so that they
may be handled as expendltlously
as possible. Persons making do
nations are requested to make de
liveries if at all possible. When
necesBary the Elks will, call for
parcels. Addresses may be tele
phoned to the Elks lodge.
Women to Investigate
Tomorrow morning a trained
Inveetlga'tor a woman will be
furnished Information concerning
those needy families which hate-
come- to the attention of workers
and each of the ensos will be In
vestigated. AH information is to
be treated in the strictest confi
dence. Persons acquainted with
conditions at home in need of at
tentlon should write to the Christ
mas Relief, In care of The Capi
tal Journal. Thee letters will be
seen by none except those official
ly connected with tho movement
"Salem Is Just beginning to see
Its responsibility, but I am sure
there are enough good fellows in
the city to take car of the Christ
mas needs ot all the youngsters
who would be forgotten," one of
the workers declared today.
Candy. Nuts, Needed.
A large quantity ot candy and
nuts is needed by the Salvation
Army for its Christmas tree at the
Salem armory on the Saturday
night before Christmas. Between
200 and 300 children are expected
to be present.
Refusal To Participate
In Impeachment O f
Daugherty Further In
dicated By Action.
Washington, Dec. 15. Repre
sentative Keller, republican, of
Minnesota, tailed to appear today
before the bouse Judiciary com
mittee ln response to & formal
Bummons. At his office it was
stated that be had decided defi
nitely not tcr respond to the sub
poena served on him late yesterday
after he had dramatically ' an
nounced hi withdrawal from fur
ther participation before this
committee in the presentation ot
his impeachment charges agalnet
Attorney General Daugherty.
Whether the committee will un
dertake to compel his appearance
or to hail htm before the bar ot
the house for contempt will not
be decided before tomorrow, post
ponement 'of further proceedings
until that time having been taken
at the request of Attorney Jack
son H. Kaleton, who stated ln a
letter to Chairman Vols'tead that
he was representing the Minne
sota member.
Immediately there was Inquiry
as to whether Mr. Keller would
appear tomorrow. James H. Vabey,
an attorney of Boston who pre
sented Mr. Ralston'a letter, said
he was unable to answer that
question, that Mr. Keller would
act on advice of counsel.
This coupon and five cents
will admit any child of 12 years or under to the Special
Capital Journal Matinee
Roy Stewart in The Radio King at the
Bligh Theatre, Saturday
December 16 at 10 a. m.
Chemcketa Chapter, ordifr of Do
Molay, held its first meeting last
evening at the Masonic TenipU., with
the installation of officers.
Sixty members of the chapter, who
wnre initiated last Saturday eve
ning at tho Sunnyside chapter in
Portland, attended the session and
took part in the evening's program.
Officers instulled last evening are
as follows: Herbert Socolofsky, mas
ter councilor; Merle Petram, senior
councilor; Frederick Arpke, junior
councilor; Harold Socolufsky, sen
ior deacon; Lpwis West, junior dea
con; Desmond Daue, senior steward
Francis Fletcher, junior steward;
Keith Brown, scribe; Alvia Lennon,
treasurer; David Adolph, sentinal;
Dwight Mulkcy, chaplain; Verne
Mathis, marshal; John Katon, stand
ard bearer; Christopher Busch, al
moner; Harold Mero, orator and Boy
Okerberg, organist.
Although one school boy, Jack
Barker, six years old died of dyph-
theria this morning, and there are
approximately seven other cases of
dyphtheria affecting Balem school
children, school officials, at a con
ference held this afternoon, reach
ed the conclusion that it would be
best not to close any of the local
Every precaution will be taken
to curb the spread of the disease
and another nurse, to assist Mise
Grace Taylor, will be employed if
one is available, City Superintend
ent George Hug stated.
According to Dr. J. O. Matthis,
school physician, the state board
of health advises that the schools
be kept open. The theory is that
the-chlldren, If In school, will be
In better care than if they were
allowed to go where they choose.
Children, it they wish, may be
Immunized by their physicians.
Dr. Matthis said. That, he said, is
the only guarantee against the
The lad who died this morning
Is the son of John Barker, Jr.,
who Is employed by a local florist.
Nogales, Ariz., Dec. 15. Vir
tually all hope of finding Colonel
Francis C. Marshall and Lieuten
ant C. h. Webber, missing avia
tors, or their bodies has been
abandoned, It was stated today by
officers at Camp Stephen D. Lit
tle, from which place the search
for more than a week has been
Arrangements were mnde today
to have two planes re-enter Mexi
co to Investigate a report that the
lost aviators had been seen several
days ago flying over Point Li-
Speeder Is Arrested.
Stanley Handford of 'Sllverton
was arrested here this, morning
and charged with speeding. He
will be arraigned In the police
court before Judge Earl Race.